The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, May 24, 1849, Image 3

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    Arrival of the Steamship CaMida.'l
Defeat of the A u strians—Sing of Prtgisia
declines the imperial Crown-= War. l i n
Dentnark--The French at .
m i ss i on o Sicily to ftrapleti,
The steamship Canada arrived at Halifax
on Monday evening, and is expected to reach
ti e
New York to-morrow. Her news was le
graphed from St.-John's; and is one w k
later. The Canada sailer] from Liverpoollon '
the sth inst. - The news is considered, com
mercially,,very favorable.
Ca 'mil= affairs had been alluded to in
Parliament, 'but the ministry has• earefudly
avoided giving any information of the views
or intentions of the Government ,relative to
the pending quarrel. , 1
HtIIGARV.--Official notice of , the -filter
vention of Russia in Hungary, has been 're
ceived at Paris. - The men placed at the dis
posal of the Austrians is 80,000. 1 ,
The war in Hungary is as
is a serious
aspect. The Austrians have heo), signally
DiNmAnar-4--The war in SehlesOg contin
,s far dis-
ues,.and the promised peace seel
IT ALT.—The news of the of the
Freneh created great sensation; at Rome,
Wheteit was said :Avezzana had kot 20,000
under arms. to resist them: Another report
states the Romans did not await the arrival
of the French troops to rise ag,ahist the Tri
umvirate, and 'pronounce for Pius LX.
The French commander proclailms thattis';,
mission is rather friendly than othirwise. .
is understood_ that the Pope will be, expelledll
or compelled, to grant not only 4 amnesty,
but desirable' reforms. •
Similar conditions will probablr be impo4
sed on the Grand Duke- of Tuscaiy.
It was reported at Paris on the 3d inst..
at the Bourse, and generally credited, that
the Government had received a telegraphic
despatch announcing the eat-Wipe of the
French itito - Rome, and the flight of the Re
publican Government : also that the Tuscan
troops had'.'entered Leghorn. • -
The funds. were favorably affeetid by these
Sicit.r.---The Sicilians beaten at all points
have virtually submitted tO•the King of Na
pl•: and the French Admiral haviiig negoti
ated successfully for favorable conditions.
INnIA: ad vices by ithe overland
mall confirm to the fullest extent The previ
ous accounts of the entire termination of ..the
war in Punjab.
Arrest of a Steam Do An
A Dr. Cross has been - rrested Stroud , - •
burg, Pa- fOr manslaughter, ch4.,ed with ;
causing the death of a patient ivy, improper
treatment The Democrat s.ays : •
:An ' Indian,' named Cross, undrtook for
the consideration of $5, paid in advance, to
cure Mr. Daniel Quin of a rheuinaeoj
He commenced by steaming him, by seating I
limover a.pot of boiling water, and. covering ,
him with a blanket. Into the water he arop
red at short intrevals, hot bricks, to k ee p up I
a requisite temperature. After Continuing ,
this operation for about three houri s - he put
the patient to bed, with half a-dozep. hot
bricks close to different parts of his l i bod v and
and With a great numbet' of ',blankets,
comfortables and ceverlids o'n'toh . of him,
covering up his fa; - . well- a , Ins - whi.ilo
pa•i;•tit or victim b• ,, ,gg4d - for
but it was almost wholly detiied Thi
dottor staried off on a visit to our town,
giving strict orders that the covering should
not be removed until his - return. Its he're
rnained away some three or four do iis, Mrs.
twin found it absolutely necessary to rembve
a portion of the coveting. - On Cro..4.'s return
he poured into a spoon a few drips' of a
medicine which he cAlled"•lndian red. drop,"
and admini4ered a portion of it to; Quin.—,
He had no sooner taken it than he clasped
his hands to his head and exclairded " who .
struck me l " and in a short time he:expired
of apoplexy. Cross has attempted' ;the cure
of-rheumatism upon other subjects froquently,
and sometimes with success.
THE NEXT CONORESS.--T wen ty-otte States
with the exception of three vacancies •one '
in -each of the States of • Massailmsetts,
Rhode Wand and Ohio-have chnsen all
their representatives in the next Congress. I
and the result is- as follows : vihigs,.B3; lo
cog 70; wing free soil 8; loco free Oil 4.
In the last Congress, in the , same States?the
whip had 96, the locos 77,-and the inde
pen-dents 3. •
Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina, Ala-
Mississppi, Louisiana, Kenttieky, Ten
nessee. and Texas are yet to choose. These,
including the three vacancies, the Tribune
classifies as follows :—whigs,i33.; .locos; whig
free soil 1. In the last Congress the whip
had'3o; the IGeos 36.; and the independents
1: This clarification would make the next
House stand—whigs, 118; locos, 103 • whig
free 'soil, 9 ; loco free soil 4. In this ekim-
Putation, Willson and Tuck of 'New 11, rnp
shier, both whigs, are classed innone.the
Whig free soilers. This table, however,
shows that if the whigs have a majority in
the next Congress, it will be very
In the last Congress, the whigs numbered
116, -the locos 113, and the iaidependents 4.
The Onondaga Standard argue that Con
gress, under that 'clause of the Cousttution
Nv Aci; guarantees-to • every State a Rebli
form of .Government, ought to r equire
Sou Carolina forthwith to, pt a Consti=.
tution more in accordance wi , Republican
principles, as a pre-requisite,. :her longer
continuance „in. the;Unim Ni r ilatever, may ;
be the duty of Congress in late -promises,.
there can be no doubt that thWerntheiti
of the Palmetto State is as fat'
.. oireafroin
Republicanism in its niain featites as that of
Russia or Austria. +. I
. ' B ' rcs i I
A Hog was IN:bendy huteheiled in , me ,
'County, which weighed 2,00.0; likss.';', 4 ,theo
Skin was preserr e d, and is to be sent to NTe.W.-'
York City to . be stitlfedlor eihibitiou,
r as a
rare curiosity. 1 : ,
Opinions ot,the Press. -
Upon . * late iltprovfment of the '.Register
and the.duty-V the Whips:of this county
to sustain it. '
From..t4 Montrose Denicerat,
q..firittreED Register last -week
made its appearance in a bran-new dress, in i
which it looked spruce enough. * * * If
the Whigs of Susquehanna do not respond .
heartily 'to his enterprise - and give his new
paper a liberal support, the fault will be their
own..._ ".1;
From the Carbondale Journal.
GLAD TO SEE ti.—The Susquehanna Be;-
.inter. has put on a, neW dress, and comes tans
in an enlarged f0rm.....' With this change tilo,
the editor seems to have brushed off the rust,
(seemingly engendered by his long qmitact
with these "same old type',) and jUdging
from the last number, his paper hereafter
will be creditable to the party, and we trust
profitable to himielf. The Register is asso
ciated with our earliest recollections: it was
the first newspaper we ever read, and it
seems as if but yesterday we were watching
the mail-boy on. the Wyalusing, to get a
I I glimpse at it : for , it we set our first type,
when a school-boy, and whether in the
'swamps of Louisiana or nearer, home, has
been cherished as a friend. We • heartily
congratulate friend Chapman. upon his im
Froni the Wyoming Whig.
The Susquehanna Register, 11.4.:: been en
larged and improved. The first number of
the improved sheet came to hand Yesterday,
and it presents, indeed, a beautiful appear
-1 ante. We have always prized the Register
highly, but now we can truly say that it is
I not surpassed by any paper of its size in the
1! State.
Friend Chapman, we wish you the en
larged success. which your increased efforts.
to t 'do good in our sister county, so rid :1y
'From the Binghamton Democrat.
10 - The Susquehanna Rd,g,ister comes to
us dressed in New type throughout, and
somewhat enlarged. It now looks as neat
as a new pin. CHAPIIAN has every reason
to crow."
• From the Mauch Chunk )azette.
The Susquehaltna has been very
niuch improved by a 'dress ! of new type,
throughout. If the citizens 0f,_daa.t...,....unt.tza...i
dip not eneourago that. "Chap." by payMg
up and sendingjn the, _names and cash of_
titar - subscribers, they deserve the visitation of
a short crop of Maple Sugar, the :Thatatoe- rot,
and free trade-principles for Products; '
From the' Philadelphia - Daily News.,
The Susquehanna R-gister, one of the best
Whig papers in - No/Them .Pennsylvania,
e.D.ines to us enlarged and printed on new
and beautiful type. We congratulate friend
Chapman upon. this evidence of his increas
ing pi•ospen'ty. •
From the Bradford Reporter._
" Sl:SQl3,Elikli NA REGISTER" comes to
us decked with new materials throughout.
It is now one of the neatest of our exchanges.
Our friend CHA haii published it IGivr.
enough to be entitled to the hearty support
of the Whigs of Susquehanna.
From the Bquiford Argos.
TETE ,1. - ScioI:EIIAICNA RE.otsTt.a.--This ex
cellent paper conies to us much enlarged, and
in an entire new and beautiful 'dress. it is
now on& of the neatest appearing pap4rs we
know of.i, The Whigs of Susquehanna Coun
ty owe it to thethselves, as: well as to Mr.
UIikPMAIC, the enterprising editor of the Reg
ister, to give their, organ a good sup
Frem the Sus...‘exp-'. J.) Registo:.
The Susquehanna (Pa.) Register, en
larged in its dimensions, and beautified by
type completely new, made its appearance on
our Wife a few _days ago. We hardly rec- .
o,,crnized our ancient friend in his reju Vinated
habiliments, but stp found the old "'Chap"
was still there ; with the same' kindly nature
—the same vigor and intelligence which
have ever characterized, him. Suceess to
him. May lots of subscribers rally round
him, and his purse , , grow plethoric upon the
pviceeds of cash .adKertisements.
From the- Miltonion.
The Susquehanna Register, published at
Montrose,. Pa., comes to us_ this week in an
enlarged and improved. appearance. The
Register is a well: conducted 'Whig paper,
"and we hope the efforts of friend CaApm,vki
. —not Chapman of: crowing notoriety—Will ,
rbe sustained by a corresponding increase of
' patronage
prom The 0•W•ego Advertiser.
ling Whig paper, published in 'Montrose, Pa.,
and edited by J. W. CHAPMAN Esq. comes
to us this week in an enlarged form, and
printed on pew type, presenting a clear and
beautiful'appearande.. We, rejoice to learn
that the public spirit of the editor has been
so promptly.secondei by the Whigs of Sui
.quehanna,*7—that his valuable services 4e
so well appreciatedi`>Long may .Chapruau's
paper be thus sustained ; and long may he
live to crow over the dispersed hosts of Lo
!This and remarks exPrM rather what
ht to be than what is
- Similar 'amplimenti might be quoted from sev
era! crther-rohpers if.we had
_prevails extensively at the West.
In the Western papers received by mail yes
terday we .have. note of the' following: At
Versailles, Ky., iwO. deaths'; at Oeorgetown,
Ky., one death; on the ;Steamer St. Paul on
the Missouis fiver, eleven -deaths; on the Al
goma, four ; at MaysvillC, Ky., 21 deaths in
the city and surrounds country duriti,g '2B
hour; ending the afternoon. Of. the 10th.;, on
the steamer Bell Ky froin New Orleans, frye
deaths on the Ivanhoe, four.- ' Olrble Amerids,
18; olf. the Nominee„ severs' ; at' ShePara
yap, Ky., 38 ; on the • 1 4entneliy"river,,,4 ;,at
XAanew :iy, 2 ; in W hingtou, NY, a; at
Yazoo'City, fieveia; le ison county, Ky.,
twelve as and six d ths; ise Charleston
Aottom, '
:several.; at Wok Island,' one. At
Louisville ; the disease airan to' be preVall -
log, but the papers of the place talk Fa z , ely
and from their,st4eMents there artior deaths
althorigh -cases oceurrin:
•We have...344411'41d- statements by ale
graphlof the ravages of the aikaso L .s, 'St.
Louis audCineinnatti. At St.. Louis it had
* carried into the Orphans' Houie in
fection, `and four .deaths had occurred:. At
Fort Suiith it was prevailing, and five de , ti`
.from it had occurred in one emigrant . .on
pang. The ravages of the disease at 3 yr. ,
as will be seen above, have Mere sed
alarm ingly.
Stcx HrsuAen.—WVright's Indian Vegetable 1111
are a certain cure for every description of her. ciu
because they cleanse the body from those m
humors, which. if confined in the stomach, arc ths
cause of nausea and sickness, want of appetite dis
aie„ able taste in the month, bad breath, . •ting
of e gums,,dccayed teeth, and many other dLs
and when taken _into the cir
culation, and thrown upon the various parts o
body, give rise to every malady incident to .an.
Four or five of Wright's Indian Vegetable rills,
taken oncetwenty-four hours, will in a short • e
put a complete stop to Sick Headache ; at the 4me
time the digestive organs will be restored o a
healthy tone.
Mr Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. Re
member that the original and only genuine Ye , eta
ble Pills have the written signature, Wit can
Wright on the top label of each box.
The genuine for. sale by ABEL TURREk.I. am
F. B. CHANDLER d CO., Montrose.
Ed. Tiffany, BroOklyn.
L H. Woodruff, Dimeek Corners.
Wells 6: Chittenden, Dundaff.
Smiley it Curtis, East Gibson. •
Charles L. Brown, Friendsville.
E. 11.,,pe5, Farniersville. •
Joseph Dußois, Great Bend.
N. 11 Kennedy, Gibson Centre.
LT. 'Burrows sff. Co., do.
0. G. Pride h Co., Harford.
Henry &mitt, New Milford.
A. Pickett A. Granger, Rushville.
Ira Scott, Springville.
It L Sutphin sCCoI. , Summerswille.
D. A. Lyons As Lanesboro.
J. P. Lambert, Auburn. ••''
J. A. Pierce & Co., Priendsville. •
F. B. Chandler As Cp., Montrose.
Alid at the principalollier, 169 Race street,
Beware oftralieling impostors.
i (AN Tuesday the twelfth day of June next, by 1
‘,.../ order of the Orphan's Court of Susquehanna 1
Nunt,y, will be sold .on, the pretnif.e> in Ilarford i.
Village, the following diser'ibcd Rea Estate to wit: 1
All that certain lot of Erna situate in . said village I
coulaining about. one acre, and a ' welling house
thereon and the out hou'e4, which s id,lut is bound
iL 1 ed on the north by the lot lon which the Islettibtlist
meeting house is erec.ted, on the eas by the Turt•
I pike Road, on the south by the' stor lot belongmg
Or'Arau'a.Cuuant Pwroaar.," for &seas- of I to'the Est tte of the latei.Anron Ore itwoOd idecetts
the Lungs, is an article of great merit ; and is h gli? I ed, and On the west by Ladd ofThot a§ *v et, be
ly recommendettby men of e minence in the tu -di , ing the same house'and lot owned A Id' i OCCU ied by
cal profession. There is uo quaekery about it. 'ee , Payson Kingsbury late of Harford to tip de
advertisement in another column. ceased, at the time of his death. ' ~ . ,
A. TITILKELL, Agent. Mon ... , 1 Sale to commence at one o'clock lit the afternoon
.and the terms thereof then to be mile. imown.
IRA NICHOLS, 'Guardian Qf
_ ri_r T-0...z.L.T..- 2,-..,...43,0..r0.-i-: ---
Al.Ssur., 11ax1vm.....L-1-,t4L-Maixi , m.c 4
f -- tl:e Rev. Joseph`. Coppe. Iti• ii.tisu .TE.
' lltu.roun, Es.q., of this Borough, to Miss M
- Ift,-yriyo, eldest daughter of Luther D, Cool
the former. place.
. •
1 -
Gibson, on the Wilt inst., by Rev. J. Toad,
SILAS M.EUIL LIIAN W arrxrr and Miss_ III: CALP c
i In Gibson, on the Ist inst., by Bey. A1x...•-alom 3
go, Mr. Rums DErirt and Miss PAULINA EMS.
In Bridgewater,-onltlay the Dith Mr S.
a EISA Eirzto ru CAILIN, wife of Martin L. a:
lin, and daughter df the late Almon H. al
deceased. in the 27tit year of her age.
In Bridgewater, on the sante evening, Mr. rst.t ,
PEClif NS, one of the earliest settlers of this "ri in
ity, aged S 4 years.
• Just Received by Rail Road,
M. S. Wilson's.
NEW stock of Goods,Turchased at the . p
.1 - 1. sent reduced prices, and for gale accord'.
Dry Goods in all variety, Crockery, Groceries, H rc
ware and Cutlery, Hamm= and earring-0 Trim '
Shoe Kit and Findings, Iron,Steel, NaiLs,Se., —
Scow, Bonnets, d-.c..‘tc.
Montrose, May 23, 1849
A. Shingle Machine For Sale.
For particulars inquire at the office of the S
q uehanna'lle 7 ,o - ister. [May 23.1849
Hats ai;itO . Caps.
A LARGE and superior a. sortment of Drab;
Ili Far Napped atia California Wool
Leghorn an Pa2nt Leaf do., and Santinfr Caps o f
New Styles. Also, Comte and Fine Boots and 8/4.
for Ladies, Ckatlemen, Youths and children in
assortment, just receeeived and will be sold to -e.
than ' H. BURR ri
New Milford, Mac 14th, 18.19.
AAT B. DEANS desirc,s; to state, that he has
V c
• ken roolas over the Store of S. S. Mulf.rd
cCt Son, where he is prepared to furnish Daguerr•q
typeS to those who-will favor him with a call.
Having availed himself of the latest and to si
important improvements in the art, he trusts I
his Pictures will not fail to please. He will rem it
but a ihort time, therefore call at your earli•s'
convenience. [n2o:
1101.1 IT TTElL—F . atnilies•tv ishing Fresh Butter eV .
..1-) week for table use,* can be .supplied an np
cation to [May 151 J. LYONS
A t ACii.P.RE., in hail Barrels, for .four do':
.1.V.L. , just received and for sale by J. LI'ON'S
May 15, 1849.
T HE partnership heretofore existin g betw
the sub- - tail:ens under the firm of Ma ek & I
crs in the Carriage Making business, was dissols
-by mutual consent on the 12th inst. The book:
the firm are in the hands of li H. Rogers, and .
having unsettled accounts are requested to call
settle the same without delay.
Montroe, May 1-6, 1849. E. H. ROGERS
E. H. ROGERS continue the bu'inese o
Carriage Making in all Its branches, at the old z
lately occupied by Mack d Rogers.
Andnoel; Notice.
HE . undersigned, having been appointet 01 1
Auditor by the Orphan's Court 0r5,541,,,,
na county to distribute the proceeds arising
the sale of the Real Estate of William Hohnea;
of said county, deceaQed, will attend to that,d'i
on Thurs .- day the 14tli day of June next, At' I
o'clock in the forenoon, where all interested eau!
tend if they ;see proper. J. H. D1M.00134
May 17; 1849. ' . .
Dissolution. -
T.IIE . Parinership under the firm of F. B. CI
tiler 4; 00., has been dissolved by mutual
sent. The Boole and accounts are in the haruls.!
W. Rose fend R.C.Simpson, either of whorrr
settle all dui business of the Into firm. ThOsO
debted will Oe the propriety of settling their •
counts' assi:4l as-possible. F.B. CHANDLER,
Montrose, 18 , 0: E. W. ROSE. , -
New Arratutieineni •
ITA.YING ptirehased the interest of RE:Chan
1.1. lei in the business lately curled on by R
Chinadler . Co. the Subieribers would invitek
attention of ;purchasers to their .stock of IS_ ,toY
Tin-ware, Dry Goods, Groceries , lard islu; J 390 9 0
and= Shoes dx, &e., feeling: assured' that they,.
wad will sell - any , part of their stock; at 10'4.14 ;
is - the Same quartpty -of 431 oods can be Ixt
of Hew York; • Calf tusi kW us 'before pur
if you want to save-ntonery, zR- W., rosE. , •
May 4. • 1849. rZ Cl. GMT ~'Re).
1 72 EilON - TIOS . C . BUSINPg ' )IPCTCO
nA..lOll)W — ' - EV=—S,ll.lcile, ,e 9,„ Carp . 4*
Bag aslTrunklianufiteturer;arai Carr Trati,
tr. Shop, 'on Tuaryilie Street, oppoitte t.
Pali et Ws.
C. IM.SIIVIIIIONS----F.nshionable Boot and Shoe
maker, over A. Balclain's Harness shop, Turn
pike street •
HOSE & SIIIIPSONL-LDealers in' Stov 4,
Stove trinminp, Sheet tiOn 'and Coppt
Ware, Dry Goods, Grocerle.% dre,, Ayenu
ELDRED de 11fEWCOTIIR--Deoers uT
• Hats, Caps, and Furs; opposite he " Democrat,"
Printing *Ace. foot of Public Avee. "
LINES ar. BlSSELL—Fasitnable rfailont;
id first door above J. Ethridge's St re, where, they.
te may be found ready toexeeute ordera Tor cut
tit g and making ga.Fments in a s tilfitetortinan
tier. -
I JOEIN GBOVES--Fashionally3 Taikw ;. over
i Geo. Fuller's Book Store, where he tioegiNvOrl: Yn
te 1 a style altogether uaßnrpassed.
S& A ERY--Calie
inet and Chair Makers ; foot of P bile Avenue.
L'Y'ONS--Dealer in Dry Goode, Hardware
Crockery and Tinware, Grocerica, Book, etc.;
-Public Avenue. t
N. NEWTON—Attorney ,at Cifice :1
few doors South of the Court Hduse.
BENTLEY "dk READ—Peolers Pin Pry
, d j Goods, Drag 4, ;I.ledicines, Pctintg, lil Gioceries,
I Hardware, Crockery,lron,
ciocl F ,,l Watches, Jet7,-
&Ty Silver Spoons, Perfumery, Ac. kc.
ABEL TURRELLr—DeaIee in Drugs, Med
icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stet lA, Gro
ceries, Dry 0,00d5,. Ilardware, gtOneware, Glass
c..are, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silyer Spoons,
Spectacles, Musical 'lnstruments,Triisses, Surgi
cal Instruments, Liquors., Perfnmerv, Mirror} ;
Stationary, Brushes; Shoes, Yankee
.I%fotiOils, &c,
' f,m _Lit-19-
:',; ENV ATt II . 1 ':: GEM E NZ.
d Fretv„in and Contivisia l n 'Line.,
- Via. Nile York:avd Fria Kati P.ota.
Lirt APT: L. O. Tiffany :„ .. and Walter Fellnt have
7 x k..) formed a pairship fur the, trMtsportntion of
U freight and produce of all kinds, I etweeti Great
Bqind and New York by 'the flailroal, by the regu
ny XT. Freight line, which leaves Gre i t Bend every
TV morning at 8+ o'cif)elt. .
, paptain Ti laity. who has been for a number of,
years engaged in, the purchase and sale of produce
t -Vin the New York markets, will remain in New
i t- York and give his personal attentic to the dispo
sal e sal orall property wmmitted to ourre, and make
'. .return= as soon as the property is di Tared- of.
alr. Follet will be at Montrose a d Great Bend
alternately. Orders for - the t -portmion of
Freight, may be sent to him at ei ter - place, and
willseceive prompt attention. chargls over
the regular fa...iglit will be a small cnrands.96n. ,
.1 1 .. 0. TIFFANY.
t'S lontroi - e, May 9, '-itr . "ArALTFALFOLI,FT.
. _ _
Great 'Bargain.; !
G'vy./4 .sdiing at . Cost al .76rrelts.
Desirable variety of Goods, now on hand at
Torrents., will be sold at cur, -for Ca.q4, to
make room for a new stock—among which will be
4 found Dry-Goods, Hard Ware, TM, Ware, Roots
and Shoes, Room Paper, Mirrors, Vewelry, Yan
' kee Notions, and nearly etery dung
all~,kepe in a country store. Fri 4s and the pub
lic generally, are invited to call • and aeail. the in
selves of the opportunity of purehing GOods at
wh o le sal e p r i ces . [Montrose, ably 10, 11849.
1 4 Laroe lot of fliaiharna, Prints
fI 1 Ca%irners. Boots and Shoal,
.. cost for Cash if offered 'soon, by
May 4, 1849. • ROSI
r The large f4tock of. Mercl,Goods of
Isaac L. Post & Co.)
,t RE selling as usual, as low as can be bought
I~iw this country. and consist of as good, an as
sortment as can he found.
Goo( '
. A laige stock of Cloths,
,CassitWere.q, Tireeds,
Cords, Kentucky Jeans. Summer Cloths, Serges,
Black and Fancy Silk Delaines, Barriges, Linens;
Drills, Organdies, Cambrics, Lawns, 3 1 uslins Table
Linens, D' is Birds-Eye Twilling, Caslinaerets,
it Plaid, and Plain Gingham and Silk Cravats, Print
ed - 31oleskins, Plaids, Prints a large assortment,
Gingliams,- Plain Turky Red Calico, I%.Tankins,, Drug-
I get Ripkin Jeans,. Sattinetti La c Wored
1- Collars, do. Cap.. Linen Edging Cashme r e Shawls„
_ i Delaine and bilk
Bounrts. :
Rutland, Florence, Pearl, but:en:Gip:lp, Lime it
Modena, a large and beautiful .1-TSctinent-ralso,
Ilibbona,, Crai)e and Tis Site Liniugs, 'Flowets and
Rashes. - . ,
'W'e have added to our stock this spring, large,
stock of Hate, Fur, Silk, Brush, California, Leghorn : ,
Chip and 'Palm I:eaf, of any variety, and price, of
the spring fashions. ,
Boots and Shqs. '
Genes - Fine French Boots, Gaiters 0.; Brogans,
Children's and Ifisz.e.s . ; Ladies' Pulkaßoots, Color
f . ed and Black Gaiters: , and tscelsiors i in fine, the
d 1 best stock of nice Shoes that can be und. ,
Parasols—a beautiful assortmen , some very
i nice._ ,
White Goods of every variety. large , ,stock
n ;of Ladie4Lnd Gent's Kid, Sall and Lisle thread'
I- ! Globe. Hosiery of all kinds. I
n.; - Buffalo horn Back amt . Diessing Combs, rich pat.,
c 1 Shell and Horn Side do., Gimps
,and Fringes, Lin-;
v en Haell's, Cotton, Silk ,aud Gingliu , do.: is fine,
a as Choice a stock 9 r Faniy Goods its In be hum& ,1
t- , Our stock of Staple Goods is large lso. Crock- i,
-cry and Glass' avare—China, as usual to goodlsto4,
equal if not sepeirei to any in town. 1 I '
Groeffies and Fish.-»a large stockl Teas hl par
ticular; also,-COffies, Rice, Tapioca and every thing
I " needed. !
. , .
Iron, Nails, Steel, Nail Rods, Spnng Steal, itoluid
, 1 and Square Iron, Crowbars and, log lin.%
Hanbrare, a large stock: SteeiSho els & Forks,
- ,
&c., and almost every article in- tlic 1i4e..,, ,
Hadd/e ancillarpas Tare Olc, t and Rub
ber Cloth triursairrislit• variety;llyls is an Tray
ellMg toga' li
Wood , Ware; Heeler's and coMayo atth, Pails
tind Tin, ware,. DruV, 0 1 ,14 ' itg- ' : ' . ,
Thankful. for patronage' here taare, - e :Coin
ly. hope that we arc in a coaditioia to - offer '
meats for'anincreased bas#Jest i; 2..__i i:'
May, 1840. ... -,.,.
,!, : 'I. L. FIRST 4..
11171nTE wid rellowl.l3eat Seel),
F..d or otherwiii,M the - , g
0 11A11114...—Cat i t g e and fans'y:-seat airs,
for sale by 01:1Aali...F.E- - END
Over A. L. IVsh.q.ties tin chop,-tiro ( doors , bpve
Ifeelefs,Acol. • • 'B---daa
. . .
:144r•-•Pnre, the -
MerlYi*Upied , Ige.,%idAdetr.ill Case it
.Ihtt, Store, 946door i aboreSeitrle'S Hotel,7iiihere•
just been received a - variety ognew Bosute, tuA! .1. •
which are ' :
Layard'el Remains of Nineveh, •
• The Women of the.•Revoltifte . ri, • - ••,, •
The•FaMily Book, by .Anderson, _
Life, Of Cromwell, by Heathy, • -
The Happy nonce, by, Bei - . J,lfaiingteri; . •
• small Close - 13ibl .E4-•-a valuable article. • •
`Large Family Bibles, from tl• to VS.? .•
Water Drcips i .by,Mrs.Sigeurney,.. ; „ :.„ .
• Mefry's ltlusente, - - „
The American Earraßook,
Leibig's Agricultural Chemistry. • ' • •
Buist'sFlunily Kitchen. Gardner, ..I ' 1 • -
Colt's American Fruit Book, - • • • -is
Thomas' Pinit Calturist, • ••- !
Complete gardener and Florist; . •
• Sequel tO the Mysteries and•Miieries of N. Y k
•• Common School Speaker, . ' •
Piriney'at,French Grammar andl i Reader,i
Bullion's Greek Grammar, • : •
Gemmeres Surveying..
• .
Macauley's, History of England, 2,0 Cent. editi
Knowlson's Complete Farrier and Horse Doct r
Dunglison <frit New Remediefii ' i
Ready Reekoner;l •
Sear's .Pictorial Description of the United Stat
do • • Wonders of the Wrirld. • •
do ' Treasur y of Knowledge,': •
• - history ofthe Amer. Re v olution
do 4' , Sunday Book, :
A Lange assortment of Br..v.sur Boom of alMost ev
cry description as to size and shape. •
Writing; .tifrappag, Post °Rice, and,Letterpe
per, by, the quire or.•yeath.- • - I
Quills, Ink, Plain atviFitncy EurelOpes,FirAxistri
Papers, &c.,:fte.
A good assortment of Fashionable Fur, Silk,
horn and Palraleaf, HATS, just fron, the city.
Likelviie,, CAPS of a variety.
T.crots,--Small profits, and ready' pay
_Montrose, Islay 9, I B-19. . •
ColitoliCs FisiNeminni '
• On an entirely New Plan
f MIIS Hi;Ve is, decided to be thebestilife in e.,
JL by these. who share used it, and-by the t
experienced bee-ke .9pers„ _ •
It has three protections against the bee inoth,:-I:t,.
the bottom is iron ; se that the - egg will 'not hat h
under it, 2tl, it is so constructed that the w., m
cannot - craWl tdxive. the bottom Box. - if 'the •
should hatch: • 311, the roam 'cants hideased7of ti ,
minishett by i'omoving• the drawers arrangedn
the Sides,,nridlurning the bees. in upenlhe cent
sufficient..too( keep the comb covered, ` with The
all through .the season„and the bees • t
the comb fipm the Miller. I,
This Hive can be-used fur a swarming or a non
swarming Hive.
-tm-coirstrriCrion,- arts i
gives the bees ample room for all towork - at e
same time,'so that they will never 1a out on e •
outside 'of the hive.
The beef . increase one third more in is
than in the 't.l-ter kinds, and make twice theamo t
of honey. • , _
The old comb can be removed at any time w_tli
safety, by raking Out the separate - dMwerS or box
es in-which it is contained', without disturbing the
work of the bees below:- - •
The subscribers baring purchased the right for
this valuable improv,ement for Susquehanna County ;
offer for sale individual and township rights. " . A
model of thistruly ingenious ContiiVance ;may to
seen at the store of, Ji Ethridge in ,Montrix_se,,wita
will ex - plain its adtintages, and is authOriteille
make contracts for the sale of rights. • 1
Great Bend, Slay 9; 1849. • - ! '
New INat, arid Cap Stoie. _
THE citizens ofMontrose and vicinity ire re
spectfully infeqried that,the subscribe - 1-310e
commenced Lithe manufacture of Hats and Caps, two
doors - below, the Twister's Store, Where - they keep .
comriontly on hand' l and for sale ',st general assort-
Merit of MN' and Cops of every variety aild':priee:
All whciwi4h to. puthastra..firstrato.articie m our
in e, are partieularlynivited to give us a ailiberore
purchasing elsewhere.. Our Stock coMists,of Bea
ver, Natio, i Brush, 'Moleskin, Silk; _Musicrat: - and
Coney Hats; srlso,, California, Sporting, WOO, Leg
horn, Strawmad Poltrileaf Hats, fie. drei Vesicles' a
great varietyof Men and Boys' Cloth rind Glazed
Caps, children fancyl do., Sm. short,la:large
assortment of ahnost every article .
By a siriet attention to - business'aricl a.. desire to
please, -ire hive to Merit and-receive a:libiaLimp
port„enna assure those in want of Hats add Caps
that every effort will be Made to,get up the neat
est and besekind of au article.
• Broadcloth=,
c., for sale at
' ' NOtiee "-''' ' - ' - 't ''-'
herebyigiven of the Dissolution of- ,, ltiyt
Chili dO Ce's 1 1 ,artn.r. - E.4kip in ilia :f..14i1r0 l
FreightConunission business, by the re h :
of William Dayton from the said :timpani.. 1
i . WM. DA Y'T' ON
.. .
pril 25, 1849. ' ' : ' ', nlin
Gient Bend, Ap
Whose of:Tlirdirment; _Read t;
T_TAVING established himself in . this `Villa
and lasing cutplayed experienced wiirktteti,
thrrsubscribet would give notice that he is prep
to do ail kinds of house and sign, painting, ye r
himging,-' , r,raining, glazing and carriage.
gildinz mid dynamental pantings, etc., all of ,whi h
will be clonti,tm shore nonce, and.ln the best.. styl
Job tom the Country promptly attencte.d
Shop over J.,l`. Bircigtrd's Carvnter.,shop, a le.
doors east of Warner's HoteL. Try mi... ,
Montrose, April 1841, DANIEL CLARK
New Goods Agate 2 v.
JUST. receiving anothq huge and tiplendhlstec
of Dry (boas, -Grpwries, Hardware, ; Sacldle
iron,l\ails, Crockery; Bonnets, Bibbons,•.Flirirb
Clover ,t Timothy seed, Codfish Az Mackerel, 800 -
it Shoes, Leghorn Straw, Hats, Fuii&Sil
Etats, spring and summer styles t ..Glar.,3„ . -- Wind. - •
Sash, Lamp,lLinseedh. Tanners Oil, White lc Re,
Lead &c. dc. eheqper. than the cheapest at.MEM
rose & Springville.
April 25, 1849. , . • .% dl7.
New Store autl - NeW Voeids: ,
rilliE undersigned have entered into ' - coiktrtrie
1~ ship In the :dove business, and 110,e
,Inst.r , .
turned from flew York with, an 'entirefneyr: stock o
goods:comprising nearly ei•errariele ustagy,6l
ed for in a country store: I, All 4 whiclistEe,"of
first rate q,*ity, mil i will be soldifor:reailY;Fit o ,
ei ;..
approved credit, as low as can li botight tlns , s4,
of New Tory. DAVI ,SIIMMERk.
Summenivolle;'462' - : TRAC - ixArptsr. :
. Impprtunit,from Cpriadaie:
' QuEuE4'4l4,Y-244-A848.::
To till icit9ll4 atllicialvitla Asthma
I live, at different- tiinti•.s,,bcea. aftlicted wAtiree
vere colds, tr?iich. prodiiecii,iti, tux ago; the:Asa'
ma. I hitveskori these OCCItfIOII.9 used Dr,- Wistae_
Balsani of , Cherry. 2 1 Tn.,° 7 °8 ? 8 : 4441) !IN"
quite sick, ap muCh,,ko that 4 could mot—rat: A i
weds:, piticurCd 'it the agent in this' ,
tie of this Balsam of, 3vihl Pharry:.,:fteforo
taken the whore of it I felt reliarod.,:l.contin
it;,Uutil 'ma - la)iok-OlVers ) - or;„'four hoar::
coraidetax, eared Tha„ro a aa. s o asot ij
toolsanother Oeverecahl:attdturiadiately. tea*. •
t o this 8a444N and a part ofL one- bottle :hirt the
( l ea k e d &fedi , 'tharafrire:chierftly ,*(antitaXi
my friends ankalt . othara - who Aearl , ,Alt9,-t0 • this
meclicinejor : :thair, cough:4;od' tiddlottik istirtiou:
ladyy the .
,_Notta genuine utdess signed I . Batts arc wrappers
Fir Sale 6y. Abbl-Tturell, Druggist; Altaltrtata.
J l i i i i ii
0 0
rIMMOTHt and Myer ief.l, kr safe,* f
Plq I
..-•:-:,-... .oksale --.ii.:l--•!. .-•• ' l 7-Noilee
Ta , .. ..):?eiiler 4 aid *
~:tlisr.;4lk4'irici#iriaci t iiilifil
iln-pursuancerdVarictif ,
inonwealth, o....thei i 4th da,t<
titled an act An a Pr,cifide.reli
th i ll'ifeasiity rind
and:sn AO ,of ' Apralistb„lk. •
act to increaSe ibe'reveniteAinu
lathe e iet ibe Ccilinc4r
act ' 'the' ,2d dat ii :A
iled man set la provide\ ,fer
Public Debt," tho ut►der sigt
times for Sanputhannkl
red lt listtot 411, MerebOtalsi
nese „within wa il co unt, - nand
said lilercluints in that 'dli.4 ir
right and -jirit- according tO•f
acts 'of, assembly as fellow* vialli , - `;',' :',-` q . ) . ; 1'.4-
Residence, .. liliranw-qt" 41sychseig*, _ '. • v,,,,,k
Arlin% , .. ,N. IditChell*Vo.. -‘. . i
Brooklyn,; i .Edwinlifforyjcvac .. it) '3 1 . ,
do. ' 1 o.4:Eldoidee,` -,... , ' iii,../ . IA
do. - • ! E. R : Santy 1 ;- f ! ' - : %'• , :r: l : 44
Clifford. -, E. Idipes, i , - , i i,i A 4
Durglatr, -, , ~ Wells* Lartykra,' ' ), AI
,do. i C.E.l4"elliii 'Oki' .01
do. ' • ' Cow it 4:t.yii*.'Sls4aor) ''l. ; ii
-do. •'•I T. P. ''_'rer4Q ll l 2lll l i : ' t ./ 1
Dirnock, I Hirini 4.600a,i . -,, , , il i -14
do. IX. ht. Tingley,l,4 . , I. H.:Woodrult, : .
.. ~,-„li•.i. - 14
Priendsville. 1 Wickham**int... " , lii 1 "11
do. ' . J. V. Pierce' *Do;',;" `- '', 1 1
dim,.- ; ' Bud *Green, .. '
. l4 .44
Gibson ', I r
ue.zumm a oa.; .. ~, • f t 1 Ai
&to u . lit rt:Reanedi, - ' • .:, i}- .-I
dO. 1 Syna_ef.l4-quirtliN., ' ' --_-",4,,... 4
do. ;'D - ').rMapft; (beite*,) , .. : -" '2 'l'
, do. ' I Rathild **alkeri i ''' - : i l_ -. L'i i ';lA
thirford, -' ii , liktiti liilernattr • iiii; ; ::: ii,;- 4 ,j- 14
, do. I , -t , 649..• .Pnaei -i,, ; •,.. - ' -,- ---.' ! l i r• -211
great Bend,. -• Win; DaytOni i (/alluorl - i i ,'' " . lli
do. l 4: Dultole F.:: ..,-- 14
i do. t. , -; l4..ldiltiricie_y;' --: „Is - ' '' 'i . 1
i d o ,: • ; . 3 , li Gffiiiin illa Yonnig= ' • ''' r'' • ' i'. --
Dannoiy, i D. C. Lyolasit:CAL . .:,.„,,,, ; r.j,
4 do. -.-• REk 14 0 tii* Ow z ".•,[...1;:,
do. - { 'l: r; lkagil,_," . ~, 1
i do. I Whiteomb iir. 174iiiiljiti t ' zr! . " '1"
Herrick; .T. Arnold, : • --, i' '' .4 , 4 14
Jackson, -; D. Sill d ; Base '..; ', ;iii ;. 1 1
Jessup, ' • . P.sliL.Datbetro;.- i.-, i i •, 17 ., ; ,-,: , ,..,- , ,1
Lenor e :, • :..E. X, Oro. w,d4 , 8r41-:,'..1.,,, , ,
..,,,, 1
'Monisose. , • Mi 11 5: 1 , 36 40i ' .-. , ,i i '. 1 I ;•ii. '. 1 /
do. — i B. Sit*, '- , ~.. - 4 '-', l
do. i' ' - ' . L'lleorge Littl4P l -- ')...- 1 4 4 ` . - :14
do. ' . - i Abel TarrnU;7 - -,----- r,:_gi 14
do , , J•Rthefidgilkiori) .1 i', ' 1
_, j..ll. , Sparbs*9oth :.t.,1 /
da. _ ~ , Eldred.4l.Navicimpb (amense 14
' do. ' , ' - F Mriiinini*liiicioit;- -75-1 N; rj 1,4
' do, - , • • I ikr.'l33fillferd 411,4r 7 41,P.:1 ;fll
. dn. - -' ' • I L L/Paistitietti ;i , -it.tii, r , t --:,1,4
do. „; ;; J. ll. , Salialinyeill . ‘;' , 41. ,iiP, 1 14
4 „„ , :,.i 4, .14
dd. '.,1 1 P.,l3.Dhardier.* Cch, '`, 14
- : - Ho. - ; KS, Wilson, •• i-- -4 '•:1, 7- 41
do , '-' Mt C. Tyler, -- • -.4 - 0,-j•-;' , l' - ' ' --;14
-do .; , , i Bentley& Readlliquar) :1 r • , .11.14
du. . i' II j. Webb . •:,1 ,i i t i'; i l
do. , Georgiii Filer (dome4io .t. 14 ,
NeNV Milford, R. L Snyili!n,' -" .-, , 4 , ::4:,"'1
dd. ..1 ' a mitht (liquor) •' i.. '' , ,i'it'l
dci: .A: ldirse th'Sm,„.„. (.1 .11.11 .4'
dn. s• i Wrigt*. eneettol4l ; „ -4 '
Rush, , Alumarickett, ~,
Springville, . A. rathrop * - Co. ':. •i.'z '''; . All
do: ! 1 1 1 2 Jackson, '' - :: `r- Q`
do. ! i Ira Scott; :i- . - •i.= ' -i;.1;‘" 14
And the Judges of the Court of. Doing= Iles i l
said County,. Will held a Court Of ' L
'APPOIa at. 1 h 1 , 1 !
CoUit Hou s e in Aiofitr - ose in end for the'nnernt rii.
Susquehanna:, on i r ldonday the 4th day af ittine;:irt.
at two . - o'cloqk v.*, at winch tune arid. plow' *kir
of the lierchanni defined, deacribiid'ind elainikat
aforesaid, or- theiriagent or attorneyona .
and appeal ronl'OsEdd as sent itthil
per. t SAMUM -
'• Apprs'iner - of 146,rcantile - Ta*ferl34;ootoi l
'Thomson, 1840. r - - ' ,:- :: ---, R-
Latest-IYo , .iDer
A NEW and le:Autiful stOdia
mer gooda,lbOnht entirely for
ry lowest rites and selling
of - . - LYONS
.• •
11)101tINTS at 3i mate per rue ; s bin&
12} cents ; lawn dress patteritll4l
soon. .•
COTTOIT; yarn and tarts ,
ware just *add and; for
riROCEgIESL—o. frWit'appply,':itit the'
IJI eft: teas for Bile by•- , -• 4.lorozpko
4- 1 , •
BOI4NETS, riikans,
Ike. going dieap at th
fl LOVER, sap of the large; ;upilci#
ILJ and ti hoa% seed. for !) . y r
NeQ Milford: ' mirthtaft-
fIARDEIsi SEEDS—laige Attar - jaCeforned
iwsl-for gal. by,
TIiOIIIY SEED fo , i. sale by . t
. virors.
New' )11oOkf twit icCOved: sit '.
.111tatilay'oi irrstory rif-:Englimit-Webititi'sDid
tiotharY , 011001,11'4 pocket ; , Authon'ii. Lain iieliPON
Phonographle Readers, • Bums' poems,
celebrated Instructions foi\ thep . iatinforte,llleit a
Little and There a Littleiltobringliku Thwiriellk
Nay versus Willi or, Decision makes the :s)t
Letter t'aper, and; plain Cap, white Leiter; 'Dona
opes, 'Bible, 'Dictionary, a new supply NEM*.
Cards, painted inOttos, (t.c. •
FULLER -. ."ii -
a 23 OW
litlerrfallittseuni arid Parliy'slArlto, - 1 2 ,'''-
i r eri
A few -number of-this highly pop ,'llrici in
structive periodi 1 for the .young o jaist : rikisiyed.
and for 'Whiclisu :ptions will be ,toei*iiklbe
Bonk Store: -Ai one iliillai.PtirsOiklarii'lil;
N ance, .- • 1 t • r' - - • -'•'-' r•A'.P.''
. .. . .
Just received; larp 4ply of 0.04 ktri
RrS) P rint , 40 0 %,
limn pingmohLur histeve t 'dr,r.."
aid Bon :411 , ' 1 ":1 - ::-
toragribtkes, titherristit.mialk 40.
whi dur entire .4ocklrei yithrttia:
favofable teriu& ' '
we prer
-Baliietint t;"
Vic Prink !' Oen'
lea Oinvost..l vi - Buttao:lll3'4o.lti-r,
Int:0 ; -
j- ‘ T ir ec #7,P4 4 lll l*`Fit Ifevilt
''ltrabiacing ': aunt; Nadi Entior
- 'l -. Boiancißiblvna-" , —l' - 1 ~p• 4
a )' al iiililiticaotai:sind.iiiiiiii46 4 '4iiimrp -- ? 1
1 9_ 1 7- ' 'AC'greiVirririatic:Aretyler #lliiiiii:.;
mMsera,i44"dieliitirlioakinsttreit'jiii* iiistbeilitl
tr,,s6l ufFceir.
wohlek: . :'!belald,'''aiid artiient.#l
6 knr6Orge#46t" - ' -. 0- - , l St -”; 2 , k' ' 'a`i':As' l _,f — ' .- V,;l
42 ii
; -y- --- 7 77 ~i . ~.t-,-,i46-,-*.- ~,.
ITAV ' lot - mayea
,n - ,
.._ . .._ .6..3 it.t., _
Plintii'PligkilliF 7- 7 7'g'fr'
lti:''' 1 '.'s• ..`,. 2 :41,117:vbs':icimtv44144111146 4 ' ''-- -?..-. f
jibbonp. killratr' stlii tibiatAl-411".1'iit
da 1 18 ;) 1 1..1 ''"x, ' in •:a...,,gLit
-"- '' i',_, i i i *elf lfri e na asoll l_l* 'w7-W We_
which they aer ' e itt-priew'W7g,' -W.,
liege-, for : dhorr - ... 7_,,,,,,, Eftwairouili74,•_
, thr.p4t I;. , ,
1: LYON"