Frorit the Broome itelinblican. 1 ' • The G m overnment 'De. B. T. Cooke, F:44- our newli a :tprante • • d Post master, this m orning, served oil , ar k , his pie decessor, a Mandamus, signed by the lion. Jacob Collarner, the Post Master Gene id, and - liming, the seal of his D e partment— , infornin • g him t,4t he, the Postmaster General, had duly appointed Mr. Coolie: Postmmter at Binghamton, andrequired iittr, Pork,i to deliver, forthwith to Mr. Cooke all the Post of.; fice property and to aceountto the Department up to' the time of delivery. This post office slit wasserr ed on, and its requirements peremptorily disobeyed, by, Mr. Park in the presence of three witnesser "By St. Paul—the 'work goes bravely on r Wel l ! have long thought that Binghamton wai an aml4- thinsplace very. Bat the hector which it derives from being the residence of a tr. B.Sen ator, of an es-Member of Congress, and other portant n pales into a most, sickly in- signiffcance beneath the shadoWs of its valiant and: notatious postmaster. This " bearding the lion in his den," is bold and unique performance. The authority mid-dignity of the General Post office Department, in the pers,on of Mr. Collamer, selected by Gen. Toyloins a mem-, bet; of his Cabinet, are deliberately set defiance and the Post office of the village of Binghamton,l under the official and officious counsels, o high dig nitaries," learned in the law,"has erected itself info! an inde pen dent establishment—does buimess its own ho ok," and pokes contemptuously batoon of a brief authority" into 'the fgce and:eyes I of the Postmaster' General ! Wo mast borrow the phrase of the Jeremiah of the Union-,- 0 4tVour rer rani The Montreal Riot. Advices from Montreal state that the dis orders in that city continued without abate: went, and indicate very serious r&sults. In consequence of the announcement that the Governor had given orders to Put wider arms fire hundred French constables, and the fact that these men actually appeared in the streets, the mob became still more exaspe rated. A party, composed of twenty En glish gentlemen, funned thcmselees into a body, and encountered these armed police or constables in the streets, when quite fierce engagement ensued. Shots werel es 'changed, and in :.the conflict two men Were badly wounded and others slightly. The Government authorities, preceivingiliat they had adopted rather an unpopular ineaSure. and in order to preserve peace, counterman ded the order in regard to the constabulary force, and had them disarmed: A public meeting was .held on ,Friday, and largely attended. Petitions which bad been gotten up were presented to thisi numerously gimlet% asking the Queen toi lord 1:101, and disavow the rebellion idemnity ace. All the hotels of the city was guarded by armed forces. The garrison had been fully equipped for action,- the soldiery put uncler strict discipline, and cannon planted in the streets, at different points, for the purpose .of overawin!r the disa&cted. There are reports of riot havinxi broken out at Kingston and Toronto, but !nothing authentic. It appears that the burning of, thecParlia ruent House by the incl. involved. the des truction of all the archives and records of the Colonies tbr several hundred years back ! FlRE—About the middle of last week, the dwelling house of Peter Hutalen, of Sandy-, ston, one Mile east Ilainesville, was burnt to the ground. The fences in the vicinity took tire and the flames extended into the contiguous forest doing much damage before they could be checked. The burning of the house, singular may seem, was design edly donebr the daughter of. Mr.. Hotalen. She'deliberately moved the furniture out of the building (being left there alone and hav ing opportunity to gratify her desire.) and then set the building on fire. -Sheis thought to be of sound mind, and is in years a young woman. Her reason for the deed is that she considered the dwelling in a spot too re tired, and wished to compel her father to re move out upon the 'turnpike !—Stesse,r Rig. --- • ANNEX.kTIOIC Ix C4NADA.—A Montreal -correspondent ofthe N. York Express; ays : " I havespent considerable time as a spec tator in hearing the debates'in Parliamoit. I have mingled - freely with, the- tnembers. l — am surprised to find the prevailing senti ment., not only among the leading members of the ]louse` but a1..0 among the influential 'inhapitants, is decidedly in favor of annex ation to the United States. Nor it made a party question of both sides, butpartieular ly the Conservatives are most clamorous for it.. The general impression is, that if 'they should be annexed they would cofue into the - Union as three States, viz : Upper, Middle and Lower Canada," NOTICE,—There will be prearlibig at' the Uni versalist Church in this village next Sunda Ma 20. re THAT BUTTER--which certain customers e ..;••7 • • •:. • •• •, • • • RHEUMATISM AND Got7r.—Wlight'S Indian Veg etable Pills are a most extraordinary Medicine fur the cure of Rheumatism and Gout, 'biennium they not only cleanse thtAstomach and bowels of those morbid which if taken into the circulation and thrown upon the membrane and muscle, are the -cause of the above painful malatlies ; but they. excite the absu 'sent vessels-to take tip that 'which is already deposited, and therefore are. absolutely certain to make a perfect cure of Rheaunatiern and Gout. A single 25 cent box of saidlindian Vega- . able Pills wilt often give, the most astonishing re lief ; and perseverance according to directions will be body be certain to drive pain id every !desetiption from , /seware of Counter jells anol/orit4ions,—Re member that the original and only gentian Vegeta lie Pills h e ave the written eighatime, William Wri,ghi on the top label of eaPh bcpx. • The germine•fer sale by ABEIJ TURRELL and F. B. CHANDLER& CO., lidontrOse- Ed. 'Tiffany, Brooklyn. _ L. IL Woodruff Diinock o.orners. Wells é Chitteriden, Duadal Smiley & Curtis, East Gibson. Charles L Bniwn, l ot n i lies, Farniersville. J Dußois, Great Bond. N. Kennedy; Gibson Centre. IT: - Burrovis & Co., db. • G. G. ?ride & Co., Rexford. Easy Burritt, New bfilfoid. L Pickett 4 Granger, Enshvale. Ira Scott, Springville: R. L. Sutphui4 Co., Summers*. D. A., Lyons & Bro.,,Laneirboro. J. P. Lambert, Auburn. J. A. Pierce & Co., Friends-vine. • F. B. Chandler dm Co., Montrose. And at the principal7lE6m, 169iiact sliest, Phil tr. Beware of traveling incipostoAl. • Important from Canada. 'Quist°, July 24,1848. To all who am eked intk Asthma r I have at different times been afflicted with se vere colds, which produces in my case, the Asth , ma. I have, on these oemsions used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild. Cherry. Two years ago Twas quite sick, so. much , so that I could not -rest at nights. I procured of the, agent in this city, a bat tle of this Balsam of Wild Cherry. Before I had taken the whole of it I felt relieved. I continued taking it, until I .had. taken three or four bottles, which completely cured me. The present, season I took another severe cold, and immediately resorted 'to this, Balsam, and a part of one bottle had the desired offeet. I therefore cheerfully. recommend my friends and all others who need it, to try this medicine for their coughs and colds, and particu larly the Asthma. Wm...llleGuArn. None genuine unless signed L Butts on wrapper. For Sale by Abel Turrell, Druggist, Montrose. MAIMED, By Rev. Henry A. Riley, on Wednesday, May 16, Mr. DASIEL BILEWSTIOI to Miss ABIGAIL Penn, both•of Bridgewater. • Hats and -Caw. LARGE and superior assortment of Drab Fur, .1 I_ Fur Napped and California IVool Hats, Leghorn and-Palm Leaf .do., and Summer. Caps of Neu Styles. Also, Coarse and Fine Boots and Vocs, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Youths and Children iii full a..ortraent, just reoeeeived and will bo sold lower than evei by BURRITT. New Milford, a4ay 14th, 1849, Daguerrean Miniature-v.' IXT B. DEANS desires to state that lie !" I • ken rooms over the Store of S. S. MulfOrd Son, where he is prepared to furnish Daguerreo types to these who will favor him with a call. Having availed him:self of the hitest-and most important improvements in the art, lie trusts that his Pictures will not fail to please. He will retriaiu but a short time, Therefore call at your eittlielt convenience. 1121ttf - BlTTTElL—Familieswisbing`Fre , h Butter every week for table u , e, cu be supplied - nu appli-. cation toI May 15. j 1.. J. - YON : 7 1 _ . . ._ xf ACKEREL lop half Barrels, for four dollars .l.Vl ju-t received and for sale by J. LONS. May 15. 1849. DUN°lutiou. THEpartnership heretofore existing between the subsail•ers wider the firm ofMackst Rog ers in the Carriage Making business, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 12th imst The books of 'the firm are in the hands of R IL Rogers, upd all haying unsettled accounts are requested and settle the same without delay Montrose, May IG, IS-111 K a ROGERS will continue the bu,iness of Carriage Making in all its brandies, at dilttltl stand 1; lately occupied by Mack ,tt. Rogers. • - • Auditor's No.itic..o. _ TIIE hosing' been appointed-an Auditor by the Orptuui's Court of Suvluetutn tia to distribute the Tyreeda nristng front the We of the Real Estate ur William fiohnot, Late of county, deceased, will attend to that duty on Thursday the 14th day of Jyme next, at ten o'cldck in the forenoon, where all interested can at tend, if they see proper. J. IL DIMOCK. May 11, 1849. • Dissolution. HE Partnership under the firm of F. B. Chan ' dler 'wen di. :solved by mutual con sent. The books and aunts are in die of W. Rase aril R. C. Si•np,m. either of whom will eettle-ail the bu.,ine,s of the late thin. Those 'in debted will see the propriety of settling their ac counts as soon 'possible. B. CILINDLEIL 11 C. SIMPSON Montroze, Ma: 4. 1849. E. W. ROSE. New Arrangement. ! 1 LAVING purchased the interest of F. B. Chand -1 ler in the business lately carried on - by F. B. Chandler k. Co., the subscribers would invite the attention of purchasers- tO, their stock of Stores. 'in ware, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Boots i and Shoes &c., ke., feeling, assured. that they can and will' sell any part of their stock, at least as low as the same quantity of -Gthods can be bought out of New York. Call and see us before purchasing, if you want to save monej. E. W. ROSE. .:Sfay 4, 1849. . - R. C. SIMPSON. Large lot of Gingham., Print" Bmaricloth4, .Caswimers, Boots and Shoes, etc., for sale at cost for Cash if otThred 4001, by • Mao 4, 1819: ROSE &!SIiIPSON. Great Bargains; Goods selling at Cost at TurretPs. pesirable variety of Goods, now on hand at Turrell's, will be sold at cosy, for Cash, to make room f 4. a new stoek..—among which will be found Drys Goods, Hard- Ware, 'lin Ware, Boots and Shoes, Room Paper, Mirrors, Jewelry, Yan kee Notions, d:c., tkc., and nearly every ding usu ally kept, in a country store. Friends and the pub lic generally, are invited to. call and avail them selves of the opportunity of purchasing Goods at whole sale prices. , [Montrose, May lu, 18-19. Gnarditauts•Sale. /IN Tuesday the twelfth day of June next, by N..f order of thelOrpharts Court of Si' quebanna 09unty, will be told on the premises in Harford Tillage, the following discribed 4%1 Estate to wit : All that certain it of Lind sitriate' in 'said village ountaining about one acre, and a dwelling house thereon and the out houscm„ which said lot is bound ed on the north by the lot on which the Methodist meeting house is erected, on the east by the Turn pike Road, on the south by the store lot belonging to the Estate of the late Aaron Greenwood deceas ed, and on the west by land of Thomas Sweet, be ing-the same house andiot owned and occupied by Payeon Kingsbury late of Harford township` de ceased,,at the time of his death. Sale to commence at One o'clock in the afternoon and the terms thereof then tobe made known. - IRA 2 NICHOLS, Guaidian of. ELLEN KDIGSBIJIt Y. May 9, 1849 MONTROSE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. C.lll. SllllMONS—Fa.shionable Boot and Shoe maker, over A. Baldwin's Harness shop, Turn pike street, ROSE & SSMPSON—Dealers in Stoves; Stove. trimmhxgv,;,Tio, Sheet hen. and Copper; Ware, Dry Goods, Groceries, dc., Public Avenue. ELDRED Oc NEWCOAIHEIDeare in Hate, Cam and Furs; opposite the dpeni . oerael Printing °flee, foot of Public Avenue. ' LL ES dic• BISSELL-Fashionable Tailors ; first door abore J.,E*hridge's Store, where they may be fotaxl,ready r `toeuvute 401 orders for cut ting and making garnlents in a satisfactory man- JOHN fMLOVIM--I'ashiomilole Taileri,bver Grxt.-Faller's Book Store, wherethe does ,work in a style altogether umwingmL SMITUSA'rEVENS&AV • WV—Cat) - inets►nd Chairalakern; foot of NAie Avenue. LYONS--.Denier in E l Clinod2, IlardiVare Crockery nnd• Tinware,l2lroceri!s, Books, 'etc.; Pu•bli - e Avenue.' • ' • • • • y at Law ; Office a few doors South the eatui House. BENTLEY' tt READ—Dealeri' in 'Dry Gem,* Drugs; Medicines, -Paints: Oiler Groceries, HatOrme, Crockery, Iron, Crocks, Watches; Jew= Wry Saver Spoons, Perfumery, 4ic. tic.' • The LaTte Stock of New : ,Gpods of 1 i Isaac L. Post if Co. in OARR sealing. a.s'nstuktii lottli,l 1m bought 4 country,; and4o4gt of as 00 : d ati as-, sortment as can be found. • - . - . . Dry' G or da. A Istria stock of Cloths Cassimeresi, Tiieeds, Cords, Kentucky Jams; Sumnier Cloths, Serges, Black and Fancy Silk Delaines, Barriges, Linens, Drills, Organdies, Cambrics, Lawns, Maslins, Table Linens, Diapers, Birds-Eye Twilling, Cashmerets, Plaid and Plain Gingham and Silk Cra+ats, Print ed Moleskins, Plaids, Prints a large assortment, Ginghams, Plain Turky Red Calico, Nankins, Drug get Ripldn Jeans, Mixed Sattinets, Lace Worked Collar., do, Caps, Linen Edging, Cashmere Shawls, Delaine and Silk do. Rutland, Florence, Pearl, Luton, Gimp. Lace & Modena, a large and beautiful assortment--also, Ribbons, Crape and Tis.ue Linings, Flowers and Rushee. ' We have added to our stock this spring, a large stock of Hat's, F r iar, Sillt s ßnisb, California, Leghorn, Chip and Palm Leaf, of any variety and price, of the piing fashionA. Boots and Shock Gent's Fine French Bodts, Gaiters ti:c.; Brog,ans, Children's ,and Misses' ; Ladies Polka Boots, Color ed -and Black•Galiers and Excelsiors ; in line, the best stock of nice Shoes that can be found. Parasols ---a beautiful assortment, some very nice. • ' Whip Goock of every variety. A large stock of 'Ladies i :and Gent's Kid, Silk and Lisle thread Glows: 'Hosiery of air kinds. Buffalo horn Back and Dressing Coniih3, rich pat. Shell and Morn Side do., Gimps and.Ffinges:Lin en HadVs, Cotton,.Silk and Gingham "do:: in fine, as choice a stock of Fancy Goods as can befound. Our stock of Staple (k Ls is large also. Crock ery and Glass ware—China, as usual a good stock, equal if ncit superior to any in town. roccrics cad Fish—a large stock, Teas in par ticular ; also, Coffies, Rice, Tipi=i. and every thing needed. Iron, Nails,Steel, Nail Rods, Spring Steel, Round and Square ron, Crowbars and Log-chain:. Hardware, a large stock: Steel Shovels & Fork., &c., anti almost every article in the line. AuOr and 'Harness Warr, Oil Carpt4 and Rub ber Cloth trimmings in variety, Fly Nets and Trav elling bags. Wood Ware, ICeeler's and Canutyo Matte, rails and Tin ware, Drugs, OiLs &e: Thankful for patronage heretofore, we confident ly hope that we are hi a co:idition to offer induce ments for an increased business. May, 1t49. 1.3.. POST 4.t. COl Ar i po rT im E l u , ,, , d r o l t ' l e ie ll n ow vi,e ße n e t t t S h eed., e A for Fnle by the "1:A JONAS MACK illAlßS.—Cottage and fancy fla c , , -seat chairs, for F•ale by CHAS. H. FESSENDV. - Over A. L Webster's tin shop, two doors above Keeler's hotel. 6-4Sua K a ROGERS rf NUE " . _a li Store-is removed to the Store for- ; Merl uecupiro try - mr..tirroraxerrirm-tv-soc,o-n.... Hat Store, one door above Se.arle's Hotel, where has I just been received a variety anew Books, among , which are . Layard's Remains of Nineveh, ' - The Women of the Revolution, The Family Book, by Anderson, Life of Cromwell, by Headly, The Happy Home, by Rey. J, Hamilton, . Small (ash Bible,i—a valuable article:- I, Large Faintly Bibles, from *: lto 56.. • Water Drops, by-',..31rA. Sigoumey, f Meet's Museum, The AmericanFarmßook. I! Leibig's Agricultural Chemistry. 1 Buist's Family Kitchen Gardner, Coles American Fruit Rook, Thomas' F'euit Gulturi.t,. . . I Complete Gardener and Florist, Sequel 'to the Mysteries and Miseries of N. York. 1 ronllnun School Speaker, Pinnev's French Grammar and Reader, Bullion's Greek Grammar,- , Gammere's Survevin. . . Davies' do. Maeauley's History of F 11,71, and. 25 cent edition, I Knowlson's Complete Furrier and Horse Doctor, Dunglison on New Remedies, I Ready Reckoner, !,, Sear's Pictorial De , Tription of the United S.lntds. do . Wonders of the World. dO Treasury of Knowledge, - ' do History of the Amer. Revolution. do Sunday Book, A large assortment ot'lkixa BOOKS; of almost ev ery description as to size and shape. 'Writing, Wrapping. Post (Ace, and Letter Pa, per, by the quire or ream Quills, Ink. Plain and Fancy Envelopes,Firehoard Papers, &e, A good as.qortment of Fa , llionable Fur, Silk, Leg horn and Pa'mica( HATS, just from the city.— Likevri ie; CAPS of a variety. TEams--Small - profits, and readypar or slice erodfts. • G Ed. FULLER. Montrrse, May fIAPT. L O. Tiffany and Walter l ollet have formed a partnership for.the transportation of freight {aid produce of all lincl„ between Great Bend and New York by the Railroad, by the regu lar Freight line, which leaves Great Boni every morning at 134. o'clock. _ Captain Tiffany, who has been .for a number -of Tears engaged iu the purchase and fade of produce ur the New York'markets, will remain m New York and give his personal attention to the dispo sal of all, property etunmitted to our care, and make returns as soon as the property is disposed of. Mr. Follet will be at lionttose and Great Bend alternately. Orders for the transportation of Freight, may by sent to him at either place, and will receive prompt, attention. Our urges over the regular freight will be a small commission. L 0. TIFFANY. Miintrose, May 9, '49. WALTER FOLLET. Colton 9 ll Preininm Bee Wye. •On an'eviftlrely Neitf/Vim: • " Ims Hire is decided to be the beat Hire in by those who hare - used it, and-by the most experienced bee-keeyers. • • It has three protfclzons again.t the bee Moth -the bottom is iron, so that the egg not hatch. under it. 2d, it is sit coristrtictid that the worm, cannot" crawl above the, bottom boX, if the egg; should hatch. 3d, the room can be increased or di-' minished, by removing the drawers arranged upon the sides, and turning the bees in upon the centre, sufficient to keep the comb covered with• the bees! all through the season, and the bees will protect the comb from the miller. This (live can be used for a swarming or a non swarming Wave. It is perfectly simple in its construction, iuttl gives the bees ample room for all to work at the same time,.so that they wir'riever jay out on the outside of the Idle. The ,bees Will increase one third more in this than -in tiro otter kinds; and make twice the antount of honey. The old comb can be removed at any tithe with, safety, by taking out the separate drawers or boa.' es in which it 17 cootained,'WithOut disturbing the work of 'the bees The imbserjbersluiving , purelta.sed the Fight for thiii valuable i mprovement for SuSquehanna entinty, offer for solo individual and ttorashiii rights. A: model 07 thbf truly ingenious contrivatim may 'be seen-at the store .of, <Ntkridge in Montrcee, who itsluivantitges, and is authorized to make contracts for the sale of rights. • ' - . WM. F. BRADLEY it CO. Great Bend, May 9, 1849. Bonnet. BOOK STORE—Removal. ligyr A RRA OEME NT. Freight and Comissiton Line, Via. Nero York awl Erie Rail Road, New lint and Cap ,:tare. HE citizens of lifontrase and vicinity are red sped:NlT informed that the subscribers have .the manufacture of Hats] and Caps, twe dc,Ors beiowlhe Farmer's Store, where they keep constantly on 'nand and for sale agtueral assort ment of Rata and Caps of every variety and price. All mho wish to purchase a first rate article in our line, are particularly invitM to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists of Bea ver,, Natio.; Brush, Moleskin, Silk; Muslaat and Coney Rats also, California, Sporting, Wool, Leg horn, Straw mid Palmleaf - Hats, &a: fie, besides a great variety of Men and Boys' Cloth and Glazed Caps, children fancy do., dc. da=in short, a large assortment of almost every article in our line. By a siriet attention to basines-r and a desire to please, we hope to merit and receive a liberal sup port, and assure those in want of Hats and Caps that every effort will be made to got up the neat t.•t and best kind of au article. Mv 1, 1819. ELDRED 4t. NEWCOMB. New Goods and New-Prices. • TT BURRITT has just received his general silk plies ot Spring and Summer Goods, compri sing a large and rich assortment of prints, printed lawns, ginghams, changeable linen lustres, and oth er ladies dress goods. Rich printed Cachentere and other summer shawls Men's summer wear, broad cloths, fancy cassimeres, Rentucky jeans, tweeds, listens, &c., and also, his usual large variety of goods for almost every branch .of trade in the country, to which he would invite the attention lof puichasers in particular, and will be sold as cheap or less than the cheapest str cash, produce or approved credit. New Milford, ni2 BQNNETS—A new assortment of spring styles . of bonnets, includins , a full stock of plain and kitty straw, Florence, French late, lawn rich bonnet ribbons, flowers, ruches etc. &c. Also, a splendid lot of rich and common parasols, which will, be sold at very low prices by New Milford, tu 4 2 „ If. 13URRI Cl' Ti) Farmers and Dairymen. rpAE subscriber having purchased- the right. of numuracturing and vending Crowell's Patent Thermometer Churn, would cordially recomructur them to every farmer and dairyman as the best thorn ever introduced to the public. The princi rral advantages this churn has over all others, are these: Ist, it is constructed in such a manner that the top can be taken off so as to giVe free accessio the interior, which makes it perfectly convenient to put in the cream and take out the butter—thepad dies can be taken out, making it more conve nient to clean. 2nd, a thennumetss is attached, to the churn so as to show the exact tempe niture. of the creaun, which experience shows should be from MO to 62 eaTees. :;d, a chamber or space is nr rtuiged around the bottom of the churn for the purpose of admitting cold or warts water so as to bring the cream to the right temperature without : Mixing the . water with the cream. It is well known 1.4 all butter makers that cream tbo . cold when thinned, takes much longer time churning than When at the proper temperature(—besides, a por lion of the butter is left In the, buttermilk. it is 4.150 well lmown that warm water mixed with v.avip_Afiton sq) ,..a.zotho fattier. The thermometer churn effectually mime= dies all these evils. It churns equally well in warm or cold weather. There is no such thing us having the cream too cold or too warm in this churn if it 1114 properly managed. An examination land trial of this churn is alone.deemed Sufficient to re commend it to public favor. It has been fairlytes- I kid in this and in other places, 4and wherever it has been Used it has never failed of giving, the most entire satisfaction. Montrose, nis WM. K. I.lATelf. Gold this side ot California: _ TO TIE SAVED BY TRADING. CHEAP. GrOrerj/. Concretionary anti Oyster Salo* rrHE railroad being completed, I now haveoand _L keep a general asssortment (K groceries cheap —.such as stalrs, rutilas, rice, coffee and teas, of prices and qtEtlitv such as will please. Also, nuts,: raisins, candy and all kinds of fruit the market can furnish my barer , to suit. Also, fresh clams and oysters, received in the shell, fresh fish too, this weather—they keep very well—l shall get byl the railroad a weekly supply—to please all my cttsto niers' tastes I shall try. Oood oysters on haul ,by the keg or the dish—served up either raw or (*cok ed, as yolowisb. All needed refreshments prepa red at a wink—call in, all ye hungry, and plank down the chink. W3L F. BRADLEY. Great Rend, Feb. 13. Railroad Freight and contmis.don LINE FII.0.11• DINGLWITUN. .111)- , CilbCr4 having completed their arraftie n6 afe now ready to receive all kind's of 1: H .E . - produce at the railroad depot in Binghamton and forward it to New York and make , sale of. the SalllC. • , Capt. William Clark (who has had'a nmnber of Years experience in the sale of produce in the wren York market) will attend to the, sale of all prop erty entrusted to our care, which will enable per sons forwarding by this company always to recover the highest markei, price for their produce. Our charges over the regular freight will lea a small commissirm for sale The returns will be paid at the store of LTA. JL stowers in Binghamton, or in New York it requi red. U. M. STOWEW WM. CLARK, Y. JUDSON. $-41m Bini'v,..l.lnruton, Jan. 1, 3 Al 9 Adutinistrntor's Ntotice. LL 'perAonsinteirsttid in -the' estttte of .16:tepli Matte:wit ; Itite of Jackson, ideeeased, are re quftkted to make immediate pavinent, and all those itaiing demands against estati:' to present them duly attested for settlement. PELATIMI GUNNISON, Adair. Jackson, all . • , . ' . , Farm for SalO,, , • • Situated near the forks of Snake Creek etintaining: 104 acres, 30" of which is improved land, tog Other with a *lied house ? framed, barn and saw mill, excellent water power. For tardier eatfiicu larstpply to_ WILLIAM WI NN. 11ntidie, al 2. 00D Wayne County PLOWS for 0.1! $4 25, C ' ' TITRItLIAL''S . First ArriyaL ' Spr;iag and &walk? (Mail for 1849. A,LI. who are deSirotni of purchasing new goods - are invited to' calland•espimine the large and splendid lot of plain, camelion had stripe silks, alpaccas, and plain .and figured de hares, ae variety of girighanis and laams of all deserip 'ens,. a large stock of hosiery loners, handkerchiefs and, show, diapers, eininterpains; laces' and edging* . white goak blue and green genie veils, barieges; fine muslins and Irish onus; a large variety of cal icoe: dui furniture prints, battings, cotton yarns, airpt warps and table spread,;, some beautiful ,goods for' adies' swim, cambric, white, colored and black - lid - gloves, gents kid loves, linen and silk pocket handk'fs and cravats, summer cloths ink, steel pens, holders and wafers, 75 pa. cloths, , si.. rneres, tweeds and satinetts, satin, silkwarst and velvet vesting's, Napoleon cord, 'suspenders, a' e r o and ihOe4, brown linens, checks; flannels and bleach: ed - miuslin.' s' . .A large supply desummer 'geode, bonnet-satins, anckatfata ribbons, a beautiful 'took ladieS and misses bonnets, spring and stramerfash hins cif every style_unustally *low good molassea for 'f4 pdr galliin,'lnigars 10 paten& for $l, 'Fall Riven nails for 5 cents, clover and timothy seeds; good Jimmy . : sheeting,s• fur Of cents: Sweeds limn, nail reds, , spring steel, band,,iron, ; tiro imp ' rnunii 1 4 4 *lgoe . bats, the )cheapest and';_timt teas it toils; More 'of 'that cheap tobacco, whesitand,lick'. 4 :t whipsttflour i codfistiandcoffens,'whitisugars,, na and tallow candles, window' sash and gbnia,.' es, steel-shovels and dung-forks, eke; etc„, All of :Which will - he sold at th,, ad rig 4van inr . casb,:*auce or afipra'Oed:ciedi'4 3 t" Pri . a Or. Montrose LATI11101" di' SALISBUR Notice, , TC7toinali /harks and ReallerS'of Mesehen dise, Oirunty. of Susgerekaisnis. Jo pursuanceof the act of-Assembirof this Co mmonwealth, of the 4th day of May, A. D..ol4l,,frr titled an Act ' l to provide revenue to. meet; the rum& upon the treasu and for' other and an 'act of. Apritl6.ll, ry, D:21846; entatt " act to increase the revenue and diminish the le lative expenses of the Common Wealth;". also, act passed the 22d day of April, A.D. 1844 e tied "an act to pitivide fur the reduction of Public Debt," the undersiped, Appraiser •of M cantile taxes for SusqueluirmatCounty,liati pie red a list of all Merchants trading or doing Ix tie% within said county, and placed each of said Merchants in that class which to him apt right and just according to the provisions of acts of assembly adlightlows, viz; Residence. Nanteinf Merchants. Auburn, N. Mitchell & Co. Brooklyn, , Edwin TiEfimy (liquor,) do. O. A. Eldridge, do. ' 4 E. S. Kent, Clifford, ' E. Mapes, • Dundatf, . Wells & Langdon, (liquor) do. - , C. H. Wells& Chittendon (liq. do. Cone d. Ayres. (liquor) T. P. Phiney, (liquor) Dimo,ck • 'Hiram Blakeslee, , do. C. M. Tingley, do. , L. IL Woodruff, • Friendsvillo. Wickham Jr Stone, do. J. V. Pierce & Co., Duel & Green, • U. Burrows it N. E. Kennedy, Smiley & Curtis, D. MMapes, (liquor) , • }toward & Walker, Saxa Seymour (G. G. Pride, Wm. Dayton, (liquor) J. Dußois .1. McKinnei, Gilman & I oung,; I). E. Lyons A' Co. •• - -B. R. Lyons d Co. T. P. Badger, Whitcomb & NewnituN, T. Arnold, J. D. Hill A: Son, P. M. Barber, • . . K R. Grow d: Bro. & Knapp , 13... Sayre, George Little, , Abel Turrell, • • J. Etheridge (liquor,) R. Serule & Co. Eldred A: Newcomb (domesti, Merriman & Bacon, S. S. Mulford & Son, - I. L. Post & Co. . J. B. Salisbury &Co. J. Lyons, • -, F. B. Chandler. & Co. • M. S. Wilson, M. C. Tyler, do Bentley & Read (liquor) - • do. 11. d. Webb k -- do. George Fuller (domestic) New Milford, R. LSutphin, do. H. Burrß (liquor) ' do, A. Morse & Son, • do. Wright& Bennett (liquor) Rudy Almond Pickett, . - Springville, A. Lathrop & Co. do. T. Jackson, do. , • Ira Scott, And the l ,Xuilg,es of the Court of Conunini Ph said County will hold a Court of .Appeal a Court House in .Moutrose in and, for the•com Susquehanna, on Monday the 4th day of June at two o'clock P. NI., at which time and place of the Merchants defined, described. and class aforesaid; or their agent or attorney', may a and appeal from said assessment if they_ • per. SAMUEL WIJX , TAMS Appraiser of Mercantile., axes for Susqa: Thornton, 1849, (la Gitkon, do. do. do. do. Harford, do. Gre*i. Bcud; do. do. • do. Harmony, do. do. ' do. Herrick, Jackson,. Je9l.lp, Lenox, Mon: rose, do. do. dn. do. • do. 11{eii Store and New Goads, undersigned have entered' into: copa ship in the above business, tmd lutve . turned from New York with an entire new - good; eomprising nearly every artiele.tisuall' i ed - for iq a- country store. All of .which ar, - first rate,' quality, and will be sold - fik•reatly Approved credit, as low a, can be botight th of New'.York. DA.VITY gt.TAIME I Summersyslle, sl2'6. TRACY HAYRE • Notice S hereby git - en of the Dissolution of I) I Clark 4, Partnership; in ' the 'Rs. Freight* Commissiun business, by theE,retir of Dayton from the said Oomisany. ~.WAL. D AY4 I . I , . Greattend, April :15, 1849. - Ploughs. FULL assortment of Floughsortbe I..‘_ • proved patterns of Montrose manufacture, and castings, just received stile at reduced prieCs by .A:I 3I :TRA: New Milford, April-10, 1849. ' ' n ThOse of Judgatent,.Read TTAVING establiihed . himself, in. 1.1114 V .I.X and having employed experienced wor, the snbl . .riber would give notice that heris to do , hinds of house and sign. painting,. hatvulgi , grainiog, glazing And . carriage ,p gilding and ornamental pitintings e etc., all of will be done on short notice, and in Jobs from the Country promptly attended Shop over. J. T. Birchard's Carpenter. shop, doors .east, of Warner's EloteL 'rry NOntrose, April 28,. 184,9. i)ANIEL. 4 1 1 w .Goods . JUST recetring' another large and Vidal of Pry Gciods, Groceries, Hardiiitre,"JSa. Iron, Nails, Crockery,. Bonnets; Ribbui% .171. CloVer do Timothy seed, Codfish 4-Mackerel, Shoes,. Palm, Leghorn ci Straw Hat% Fur- Ilats,* . iiprini, end mummer Styles, Glas; W 1 Sash, Lamp, Linseed-& - Tanners.Oil, White Lead dc. Sc, cheapei than the Cheapest at rose &Springville April ,!40, 1840. LATHROI' AS: SALISBU Fired • FiNi WASIII: F ON c o . MUTUAL imserisisee pew , • GRANVTLLE, Over-M.lEl4ons Ipsured,anda Iftra acituiz . • Cartk 'Fan& 1. • • T"i undersigned, having beet! j my ap ,aniAgert of the above Compruky,,,w,o sliectfully pall the attention ofAupub,lie; numerousadyaatages this COmpany'hnie:o - other iiiititutioni of the kind. 'They:hist': but the safest kinds of property (being st,F Comptiny,) and take ,no : risks over 320,00. policie.siare made on, lair and equitable prin • givirri the iii ured'Lei equal chanCe - -with Elie pang, beineentitled MA° faltiimount not exceeding the. amount insured, Without si ing was Mint as is customarywithsomisothe panics. ; They arc prohibited; by itttPir 8y.14 blocks, or exposed, parts of . v 44,1 front taking risks'upon any kind of .. ' Milk Whops, or MaehiNery, 7 . tinAnre considered hazardous; suer relpona . thsicorrectneseof all surveys imukby.their -- r ogre; to arbitrate all matters of"dilfoes 'county' where the lose ; bappet . audgive OIL -red The privilege of'Witlidrawing' at r .payasgisisfptoportioif rf the; kial'irbile ! I 3 in forces, &say lossittistaittottAiY;it94l h a s hCal l adithi4it th ePatifirgOt* of :the. • and paiii,,!*,ferrOt was due ~and the:rata'', of b"!.l°". l :is_tite"stritOt — eviderinelsit, " ! thept&totilion thiti a raidnal - lieriert , l l beets fidly,appretititedL , ' "' .ii , 1" , 1, 1 .r . .1 All-basinstirs' vatrusted: to ; attended r-ATR • • Agent. for Suiquiltanrs.i co .N., -ff. - , ----:.. el cou,:c i st,s,,cozos ..,,;..,,, it o4..asturEssionAint:.„ cinzirraf 0 0 lira ~ ".05,2 1 101." 1 *LA P *olo,o*lll*-401ter* ;.• AND MiN4trilitii i riolit: ,- ` . 91.1 XE 'most distm, mrished.Physicii I. *her cauetries before wian has been laid beim bestowed, Er praise as an article or rare excel' calculated td mire all farina' of than any other 'remedy ]mown. Read. the , folldwing time: it. fully from it— 'is from men r bility, not from Persons f. wht ft before heard. , i t, f Zo r.',l: V. &nit , Surgeon of to Says -= It gives.sue pleasure to batioi of such a Inealeine as 13,11 public. If any preparation can the lungs, Cherry l'ectokl can'. The Editor off,ini Lan ton Lam. , wetdr'with confidence o its inttinsi4 Dr,Perkins,tie reser fife Pr Medical College goaside it a execlfpi t ice for thh mosl =Adel in our elirnate•--consurn tion. , Frit/. Cleveland, of oadon ) I have witnessed the effects of nil in imy own amity, and itluit it basigiven gre4t, satisfaegoni and cluldreM I , Valentine Matt 'V. 17., Pr , Yorkleity, says It &es au in laVer of this beautitaand edy in diseases of the Dings. itadreis Combs",.M..D 1 P. 1i.... ) ordinary to 'the frineen I t ,5,,,, , new : 0 01edicoi Chtimithl a' adds tine, beienees and art,* are rapidly adi 2'he•Rt. Rer, Rishop: , writes in a letter to iia friend, ..„.. -,...,.., in o• under . the Leff 60 of the„Liings:—Try , pal Cherry Peet 'rti and if anyinellicinecan.gir ye relief with t e leasing htllod thltijsonV- " The Ca ion lo4rettal cif ifediear. Seinsis stateu that " thliwevailin,g Xstluna of this • foe* iit, eat climate I leldedwiiirs "urprisinOtpidity ' AYer's - Che ectoinli' and:we amnbt tnos, recommend ' skillful toeparationtcr this sion and publiCigeneraß • y7 . 1 , • ',..•c., The dis - tmguuthed ,Prid. Hate, of the Amid* College. of Medicine, stlis in ;he lecsure, ; be* 1• class : " This e)egantfieta.nipcanur bY Juteminel chethist of Melt England tem:U.4ou atfintaluab' remedy in treating thelvariousdismotainf theluni i By ' skillful 4., you c•iin . rely updn clring, tu ' 'of surprising rdlndltYcthe taostlrldent at ousattaiks ofp °nary, &tease '• If there is any value in the Ju. •.. entoftheil % . here is a remedy on wine the pii.lic c.iedeper L Prepared by; J. C. AVER, Lowellr Mass, w sold by A$ETk TIIRBELL; Druggist-4e., Mc l• rose, .Pa. 4 i' .% . Apill, 26, i , (.1. 1 Lateo Ipet,lpek Rtithtin#,•• AA NEW an 0 teatdifid stock of - sprint s mer goo, bought entirely for cash* the, ry)?west . rate4 and sellimkacconlingly4itthest of IItINTS at Of ceatsireriatil;. - 12* centa4 lawn tiress•pit ` - TriONS. 0. 07 TION! - YOu auk - bitta,: - IPAnd ware iustOPenai and- fOrq*.bi ' : RLYO GROCERI4S--a' esli app, est teas in town, for . Sale b y j, L'YO ' bier t re of 0 24 1- of a y Or aide ilgIVINNETS,tribto3.5 artificial flowerlorizahes, goingicheap at the aigfe'pf 'tQ vg OkEIS the - lat,e.apdi .1 and timp*y see 4 fi.y sale New Milfora HLISUARI AR DEN , OEED4- .ainel for 'siklei ! IRI9I4II,'"AL7ED or ATMZ:TEI; 'rgarand Deacon, 8104 : which a liber4priee ailbepaifftv 1113 1 'LA r - ROP i tSA - 11,1"513tri: . ,otok t _ just received, g at_ .qpo,;:-,store. , . ttreaulay's:tlistell of "F, neand,Nirebster'}i" °nary echool and_poeliet; AnthotfiLitiir Leo 11 ° 0 )^rftphie t Readers, ',Blind ,Poeins; Irina 4eCnaeo Iristrintionpfor the .piano forth, Ilin Attie; and There,a . Little, Iletuuti,treirilAiisir 4 hoi.vei-hu Will or, ecnaon =lkea, th - 01612; ietter Paper" l*id p . . Cali,' white. Letter T pea, !bible Ilicti ,-'a new stipplytyat arcs, paintetmottos, hc.. i -- -4 -;• : • nt1:1 -• , Op. i:iliip] Why's 3 osehm and- Trarley'a Parente; A .few limn •re of this- liikhl TOpnWoi truetive .. 't .". -fer the !_yotmgojust/ire 11 4:for r.i . _isubs( zieiti,ls..Yrill*?reiT:, 4 4_ , tack Store . : •FrOe Pne uoltaT,PCT:;iguluila:-uE rice. ":, ' 1 " - `.._G. tog, hich yleq. to.— few . r i . 1 4prilig.-.041)0411,1... , ....:),-, ,•., Just rect ev4l%a Ilszippl.iof Ness' Rood* 4lNTS,.iritinfell. was die. lama, ..din, Oa Oa .liaen giottbanis, (*)hai;.lui,ts'ol'l.t,i,ll.o. A '' , AkincteciadßOinkrii, .;."--. - ' _ . .i. 1 . ,*riet'6l3ll kid' Other riiillbleryik :eh; 'with oui:eatirei - istfiek; 'v i e Oft'? 4*: the' l vocable term}.. Many articles. off9ai, , :.,oll4 e offer , at _ , .f l ~ 11, 1.: , ' 1:1 : ::::. V itlH 124.'ivint !,.. Cr I Eargt,44a! , - . , .s, emboli; tc.. di4 - ti,...., than cost, i--IT: BATREPWS*c7,I G 144 ° 1 4 m2 ( k, , I. • ', A i - ,:- ; .i.: , 1';',:,: .?„,i; ' ' ' ' . 1 • ST' re It g inarkepii: , ;• ',...-r : ' ,. .1 7 ;•,:i I I em' ivill, -a e. . 'orltew i litin I embraciagiTuiesui, Cain, P 4 44 l e;traw i l - an 4 Frenellsoi3 f 4e; du ; , ,,,T ' eo .0)7 - , - . ,tii ~.:. 1 1 - Boluto • - ~..] . .., beautiful assoirkaleataild ' " rir'goo& fig , I y' ' Al A icy a peat — viiiiiii:il latgii: a int hatekand tisca* iif gi • i varieW.arict ,-: all of ' t aint belufkl+ , aad taw : o ffer ro. T t. e / o 'ive4t , " Vim. :4 , ltr' - ; 1,.1'.%:.,1 Gibaon, itl6 '', •1 tr:flitli t itt)t*i‘O -.. ...., ' k" "',; J. 02, e l, • 1i., ,, -....., • ,I, 1: ted d th e • t all none oes Their iplwc, oin ,digos net corn- -11;' - 'AVE g latt.rititv of 8p Q"dstant' , iinekiErr , ighltetit iOgth . her dress q. . • lfprina tee Bonnet:, %- • t 7, ••, • flower, Rlitl Is, 'Kentuekr fete .41 cotton i rlaidiand draie ‘ hi 4 !4" Oiepti!kr l .4l**) Ty ! for edih' 6 F.procCio;rkt Prlicco*'ol4VOV peat ' "Stitt*lo4;- !le-for = 1. . p t ; ',41 P 11- .0 by inbir l er . , ___ •,_ It ' , , I , •BreYar, , , t Ofifff. : .•l 4 .. :A ~ , t.,, ~.14. F !, , stpve,Just, reF4)l,lreitt ~.k, " 3 " ca t tem, 86. 0i1i 4r sivni*"# 7 s4.iimpt ro, e . '4611 t a -very small rtgyi:;s . elk kel:r).oeilibisial "pakvimiCs iiiirlittib • * widv -'•oinct . illow awl wdl.i***ti 1 5 g6,„.. i bip., mOrPjau.ilukt*r , ~ t • a d*a di aio aiyiey,FAF,.l:lo foUncl u t „ 7. 417:, , 44 , ._. Define; April '24,11 8411,1 - : •ff ' q.' ,- ;'" i • _ '1 ! .-: - I . „ _ . .‘PtIY tY• 'fit°sPd c •oi ZION
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers