The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, May 03, 1849, Image 3

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    tit%Mto.; .
•?aired *
Ilia& 2
That on Wedna•durlastfill cousequet ot4he
Assent having been; give4'pif 0111
passed bv - a - very late !thli.):,lOuse
.fliAssett;bly of Canada,aud acateCir,t4 in the
Leisl,loe-Council, appropriating.tro,o6o
toward the payment of losses .and injuries
sustained by individuals diving the t . 01. 11 -40s
in I 837 and I§3B, a body o f tir
Orange party,.undeitits'eliiefs,Sown:Of ,WhOtn
arc said to have been. since: riested
Treason, appeared in front of theParlianient
Buildings;. which ..theY injured vOth,# lo nes
and set fire tO : dcsirtrring the whole of the,
Journals s od , Records of the LegiOature
s ince . I.lral f and one of the most vialuableli
braries-in America (a loss which is, in .many
respects. irrepairable); also, the! splendid
pictures, furniture, 47.,e.
years,..sinee., • one Ogle It
N 1 Ito, had' been. Conneet.ed With. called
in tht ,Oratige= . l*.t7ety, canie *Can
ad4id tiygTuz`: ed . .lopdt'edS”tif
,) a thOignsi'pass-wo*.degr
ciatiott calCalitte4l-2to . - perpttuate.t, rislirgions
strife, manwof whose proceedin were wan
mly insulting to the Roman , Catholics. and
wlilali vas likely :to be entered lily ;the: fac-
Ilona" and unprincipled in politi'es,land bent
•to .§epvtheir selfish purposes: .byttt th . 4 . 6b , i - -
ernor and his advisers encouragedbLmrc
i,m, and the 'Colonial
~.lifinister approved of
_his conduct in so doing.
The Orangemen, or Tories. did mucbto
provoke revolt, and much to put it down.
The Irish prot es tants are loyal to thelprown .
of England, but those of them who areka-o
ciated as Orangemen,' though Mtlividually
well meaning, are, by the very natUre of
their organization, a
t;',..w artful rolitician:, s r mo Ip , n - f! may
su ; rcla,t,, v. 1.2:;
r •:1(1:* to use thiqn a 4 machinery for thea.t
tioyauce of political 'adyersarie; , , Utterly . rt
gardless of public interests. It As by no
means improbable that men of the,
Posite. views as to porgies, including •perhas
traders and others of do..sperate fortunesi-mac
have been
movers - it.the
rages of last . Wednesday- night. 'low far
tAteveuson, MeNab,
;.th - erwOod, Padgle):7,,,atid the mi
nority who proposed when in powtr the
measure which sive, as a minor-'
ity. excited 'their, reckless and delude(' follow
eN violently to optic, are morallV're§ponsi
ble f, the swift destruction this clay record
ed; we cannot say ; but if it be true, we
are told it - is by those long- and intimately
acquainted with Conniuliali alfairs,) that civil
otlic,:rs guilty of the most violent atil'initra
.o". us conduct, haVe been upheld in otli:e
continued, is it, and proniott‘d ; that
tnany such are still so continued, what other
r&stiitg than such scenes as ricently:,,•occittred
at Toronto, and as now disgrace and disturb
looked. for
'Montreal. can be reasonaln .ed.for I
- .2llter the:ficeurrenees last month at Tpton
to, which were SO 11111C11 Mieltlatell to retard
Canaidimi pr4perity, by frightening, hWay
solx , r and steady emigrants, it might have
been "expected that some signal examples
N% nub l hare been made afteeprompt honiry,
anal this, as a, meansTuf shaking the matt, ca
rk,er .if faction for the future, and quickening
the officials to a sense of their dut.v Ntth
ing has been dour, however ; the Cligniti, of
the law is altogether lost sight of; and a thud
of 1,500 drunken ruffians, under .t-ery..appro
priate ringleaders., have insulted and itiinfed
a peaceful community, seemingly with entire
impunity:: .
The 'Montreal Tories SatV all thi4;' and
their unprincipled leaders saw, too, , 64 by -
Obstructing and defting the civil' authorities,
they would be briuging the , countiv nearer
toward the anarchy which they covet. ou the
rule or rain" firinciple yerthey are
ousted from 'nuportint Offices- . .Whieli tries
have ki.ldoM filled but tb tlikinjurYiof their
country and the at t oradafion 'of conniatmity,
whether in the old-colonies °rill the new.
A majority of the *citizens. of lkintreal are
of French-Canadian origin. dolorerer
ceieve that any of this class, or of - theDrilish,
Irish or ..AnglO-Canadian reformers, piA%lny
part in the riots, so insulting to the , C.A . ;ver
nor. Legishiture and people, and injttrions to
society. To the hest of , our recolteetion; all
the turnults, outrages and riots cOunected .
with politics in Canada, from 1819, to 113 : 19,
have been the work of one smad.faction, or
instipited by its worthless chiefs, Who'iyere
pamperld when they ought to havibeen
Alien will it be otherwise ? • .
FRoai DuExos AYR.Es.—=-The bark Tititirius
whieh dates from Buenos Aytesl.toTel47'
Arrived at . liosfon; 441 , 24, brniging-iPle.
melancholy intelligence of the &Atli-, I :6' 441 '
- vation of the passengers of the, brig
Jane while on her pnnage from:tiverpO(ilto
Bnenos Ayres. - - i--1
, The coinnnuider of the English `.ite'42er
Otogorm had 'been arrted, 'eh t.Elv(l . jv4h
abstracting the Mailwhile. on its way' ic;8 ,31-
paniisozi The mail iins :found sunk:by Can
non balk
-tal Apyropriatioi Bill ns.
ment, assignslowr tine Executive lls iu t t O n t,
1.313,85 00 ; , to :pay old , debtardue pri4e to
beccm* last otethe ptibli - C, irotl* 4250085
00; Oiklinarfrepairs of canals and railrob. s l,-,'
per current year;1iT 4 .41,406 00 0,9 A for.r,ejia , ra
to ))e: iiiidlxe;iernbeilippX/4/ 06
450 :.; P4Nic 'e cols; 00%099 'lPiriPotY
I'm to *Oa;
sing 'thirteen 'stalks:in'
Lead, hafa- , bei to iei4V
to the editor of the IGennatitown TIL) 114i
gt"Ph:will'ciri.'44.ilka!Pi I/W*4 fail :
prcsniiei of Kereir e ittuat
TelegriAross t0p1 ,1 14 the ' L ;b:r psi of
"eat (I.rire,eireiyiliet .
4314 . • -
Tha, ; Cauiliruk.itrwe at Boston
,s morn
ing. ti Wir t ,apron " j exartilnation of
t he,p4/, LON a Snd the following ira
l neran,4l')Cliangei4iieti4.4tiri tl l: ee`iri the
ministry of, the Sublinre ,forte, by which .
Suliman,l'acha; the great enemy of. RnSsia,
has 'beeorrie 'Minis-ter -6f War. - The • Turks
have seized teßuSSifin• iCuStom , House, and
are administering the — affairs themselves.—
It )5. alAn•atated; that the, gg),:ptian army- Op
cornin,gup,and everything ptwents the most
t warlike appearance. •
Mr. Brisbitne,jmited an nctive.S.ocilaist
and a 'resident of Niw ;York;) 'has beeritnoti
tied to quit Parris within:twenty-four hours
or he would be arrested. by the prefect, of
police for 4ist.urbing the 'peace .61 .the State.
He rcplied;tba he would, not, sunless 'com
pelled, change his quartets. .
• .
'Vu , N iws FROM EUTtO rn..—The troubles
which now afflict Ettiope ,seem to be in a. fair
way 'of settlement, if blood-letting will effect
a cureOnd that.appears o , b ,the prospriP . -
den for , national evils.:- AiisrmA, though
victo i 7 us over the kiedinontese, is' on 'the
rack of 'a terrific 'civil war in Ilungary s ; NA
PLES Is afilicted in
,the same way by Skily ;
SAnorstA by Genoa :,... ; tuid I).slsibtAii and
G.Eamix Y, irreconcilably hostile , are wasting
subjects and resources over Schleowig and
lo6tein. "Battles, :bonibardments, explo
siOns., and blockades are therefore the Order
of the day ; cities and valleys are dyed with
blood; misery and destitution
.stalk broad
cast orcir ... the. sunniest .p4tins; and disorder
and despair usurp the
,plate of industry and
quiet. 2nd the end IS not yet..
Swoun ..PuEss.wrivnom—+Tho . sword of inade under direction t)f the Virginia
12.1'. • rt-sentation. on behalf of the
cli -
; "'"OdOCk'd to 11W Presicif.qtt by
1 3 re6f,u11, Ur. .I)anicl,; on tilt it behalf,
ered an eloquent nddress, uli!*ch the Presl 7
dent rcplied as follows :
. . ,
! ; 5.,k7...i.rt.r.1ir.,.:: I 'receive witu emotions of i
profound respect and gratitude ' the sword
voted by the Legislature of the '
`Vir:finia, which you:have been deputed to
present in ]ter natne. . .
it nee . d'hardi-i. said' tli&.i `this token of.
of approliittiOO and Of confidence bears frith'
it 'imustial interest and value.' It is fforn
the State of my extraction and nativity— 1
a State distinguished 'throughout the Ameri- I
can annals for the abilities, the valor and the j
patriotism of her children, and which yields •
to none in devotion to . the cause of 'constitu
tional liberty., , This .! offering of'her repr, - '
sentatives will be cherished with jealous care I
aid' handed down as a precious inheritance 1
to my children.
. I
You allude kgid shivices which have lqd
the good fortune to elicit the a - pi - W . oml of tifft
countrymen. Thti recent cainpaigns in `ldle'- I
ico, so fir as military combinations and the I
actions of commanders are concerned, have I
now become ,matters.of history; but no his- l
tory can fitly record the sniferings, the pri- '
vations, the courage, and the constancy of
the common soldiers. • To the steadiness ,
and discipline of the rank and file, ably -led'
as they were by the platoon and regimental
officers, our successes ;must be mainly as
cribed, ~ .1 1"ithout such officers. and, sucii,in eii
no inSpiration, no good fortune,-could have
averted disgrace froutlour.artas. - . • ' .-•
..dbeg 'through yon. to conVey to the able .
and -distiuguislied GOvernor. of 'Virginia, to
the Legislature, and ' 'to the people ,of the
St a te over whjeli.he Worthily presides, my
' most sincere and heartfelt ncknowledgemeuts
fur the highlion'or I have this-6Y received,
and allow me to present to you, gentlemen,
nty thanks 'for the very handsome manner
i n which' you have discharged the trust couff
ded to you:: - - 'i. `, ' : , ' -
_:Theniapon is said. 'to be superb, and on
its blade is the'follouirin• inscription,: -,
"lirtzsented 'by, . Vni.oniLt to her 'distin
.•, ~
Li, snedson MajorGeneral"ZxonAnx TAYLOR,
fo his gallantry and good conduct at 'the
ly ttles of Palo Alto, :13esaca de la Palma,
nterer, Buena Vista.
An.unsnce4., - >srfut attempt - was made
is Albany on ; the evenin,. of, the 22d, to
tire the out-buildings on the the
rear, of Knapp's flour store,.:2s Quay-st.—
A . fire was kindled with shaiitisrs, yaper and
matches the inside is(a ducliotw. For
tunately the fire did not communicate rea
dily—doubtless on ,account of the moisture
from the previous rain ; and . i another ,des
tructive Conflagration %ills thus providentially
prevented.Th4 Mayor has offered. a 're
ward for the incendiaries.
The :- Albanians arei to have . "Ast . t r
House here; Philip Van Rentielaer - and
Isaac Newton intended to build aniaznifieent
Hotel on the sits of .. .the, old Eagle - Tavern y in
Beoadway. The 'Cost'ir;' :estimted at one
hundred and tOuty thonian4.: dollars; • .
CARD TO , card has b?en
published, signed by 3s3persons•at )linarna
representing Id Stats,i advising emigrants.
toValifotitii tof to ttilkj the istloins route
geire:rartminths:o` pant is
dated.; uia,;the litAreh igt
timettere were not' less than -1•340: Atniii
cans on the Jsthwus. The California, hk.l.
not, hen arrlVki,_ . ,'Uolve'astel;vriin
„poll, des
'Cill4l "i 3,6 bad.
u -s
• they P •
aas4rivac•4)thak,auy,sailiug,til lvas Coming
l i - thither, >ir ; .
ili;ntlurrla.,—itooe - t. _Din FOot Indict:id, ior
Ilk tniird§rofiliipktife fin Chenangd Co:; had. ...
IdOeknidAtfil" it 1 , ,T0-iiiith list Aiiiiel r nifd ----' ••
-'1 •,'
4491 1 /4 10•:-.- . , *Y;64l)TftwolAhr In esBuP'
•whei./1 0 4 0 ,4uri ietnineik a , ••verdiet ! ,ot: rt- !r d " - i t i l
liartfitkirp , 4 A new triaLwas:obtained. Artiell: in the same i
:. `Wits ll 4 l6 ` 4 ' 4 l :hl} 9 v e• 'l.:theireAkeotiiid- -. , Strzt.nuat , J
- 41.44 Oti4::oft #(-* *itiiioiii,- ' thi'.the ,--. 1 4, Years , -
1 ! 4 ec01i11.'4 , 4 1 4;;:49- - 24, 1 41:0 -iiiainst Lida. - 1` film fortV/
Foot was not.that of having, kilia , leis; ers — , ~YPutig- i r
outrigh hut having caused her death by a any others Too„tiitttiiiiietV &tilted , ill:- treattifit: '- ) ' iiii - I
-p , • ,,
, .
D. 'O. Mri ‘ liiithsl'of 23 llinqs;:ibai:addreised a
letter , V; tlret:YieAi..fx,Sentlnel. upon thus
subjeatk,' Wik. - 4ei..1, , 0:0004,..„04 . 0 - sartig.:-',the
belie, , it . I s' 4- - .4 l;!*.kiiiiii.lo44A ol o as
to th.k: - -, I . l' , intrit4tretroi,ifitiiiittnnfactOries
in MISSI riliiitt - he'lraS no doubt.:bnt the in
dividual now living to , ' see ' Mississippi
Lowells a (1 Linseys keep out, of the Market
all other"goods of the satne . descriPtion.; nor
the titne distant' when bagging made from
cotton will as effectually take the place of
Kentiekyl'and Missouri hemp bagging, aS the
writer hi elf
has seen the. Kentucky bag
ging driv, :entire from the market the Inver
ness and undee, the only kinds of bagging
used twentyLfive - or thirty years ago. : 'Slave
labor will be found cheaper and better adapt
ed to manufacturing purposes than free labor.
When capstal and labor are properly divided,
the SciUthi'mili - be843110 'the: most prosperous'
section of the linipriP
liosstA.l..AND Thatitv,—A new war seems
quite iminiuent between these powers.=-=
The fbrmer has>been concentrating most of
her arailaoi forces in• the Danubian Princi
palities, the ;sovereignty of which the CLII;
has usurp4d,. and ordered the clergy there to
include Ilia name itt. their regurar . public
prayers. Turkey has begun to prepare for
the strugoc, and from, present appearances,
Austria is likely to be involVed in the war,
as the Tutiish Ambassador has quitted Vi
enna, and ,he Austrian Envoy has.responde.
by leavirn., donstantinople. '
A TRUOM Dr.Arn—During the burning
of the steamer General Pike,, on the
near: New Orleaas, Cvl. Butler; a citi
zen of Texns, who was. lately appointed to
an otliee President Taylor, and was Well
known throughout the Union, endeavored to
save a lady who was traveling in his compa
ny. but in doing so lostliis own life, and was
bumt with the boat. The lady was saved.
The boatjtobl: fire i night, when all were
r..„,k : p.—_Totth - American.
j tEr 114e4se the New 'York Evening
POst . judgt General Taylor's. Administration
by its acts,l and gives it .credit for its gioder
ation, the Philadelphia Pennsylvanian be
cOmes exe4edingly angry. This is the way
with the UpeoFoco press., They see no merit
in the - Adjniviiaration and• will not allow
any other press to see any. ; This
- ifropram4 7 -
opposition. " •
or. iltirtium , t to he awarded by the Susque.
llama Comas- Agricultural t Society, at the annual
Fah- to be laeldfin October 1849,
Bet acre of winter wheat,
2nd best, doi Johnswn's Agriculturakthemisiry.
Best acre opting wheat 5 00
2nd best do.! Johnston's .Agricultural Chemistry.
Be. t acre of 'corn,
Be best Ido
... acre ofjrvC,
liej *efitiats;
. ~
'4 •
of= butter
Best of any 'quantity not loss than 15 pounds, 2 Ot)
2nd best ido do - •• do 106
Be 4 cheese,
thul 150.4 do
Best cow
°sic!, bg,st do
licAt stallion'
l'AAt do . !
= 5 PO
" Domestic Animals," by Allen.
5; 00
_ .foo
Best breedar; mare,
'ind best du
Best pair geldings itti.-ied in the 6).., "Yount 'I do.
Best pair 3eq:4 old colts, broke to harness, f
"Mniotis Farrier and Steed' book"
5 00
13eAt hill,
2.ntl - best ile i , I 3 00
Best pair oxen 1 500
Best pair 3 3 - ears old steers; •• ' 1
I ' " Yonatt's Cattle liarmaL"
Best fine web' Buck, ! 3 00
Best coarseo I 300
Best fine ofi I
eve, ,
' 300
Best coarse I do. l, - 300
Best lot of Virnbi not Ic3s than 5 in number, 3 00
Best boa}, 1 i • 2 Oto
:2n4 best do ! i 100
Be - . t,r, - i 200
2nd be,: do ' i 100
Di...--crOcatai l y . Premiums on all-toot moot, and on
Diteretionary premiums kill be awarded on do
mestic. manuhctures and lioClik }cork, aiul the Ex
czutive Committee respectfully ask the tteutionof
the ladies tolthis honorable branch of • duStry. '
' '---, - MURIA - ZS TING 'Y',
.. ' RODNEY YE . ,
From the fontreal Transcript„ July .122.'1848.
' We'think it but due to Dr. Wishar thitwe should
aid oar test.i..neety to uumerous other as 'to the
extraordinary merits of his medicine in certain
curv, particularly where the patient has,complain
c I of pain in the 'Side, or in eases of an astlmiaticid
; .
; character. . , ,
We are personally acquainted with many ..per
sons who hate experienced immensercilief from the
tic of this m ditine, when laboring ei'dle dis- 1
trws above entioned; iiuiwi.4. the 'changeable
climate of ada these -diseases more than
rt .
u.suarty corn oa, any medicine ' ' d to coun-
tenict diem
_ i 4t,be . of value.
.. ,
... _
.. .
W7c ; are aW4C. thai ite has a. Ituik aiia-, Bo in
creasing salci.and has been-very gencrilly and be
neficially uieh 'since itS'intretdaction iito Canada
three years , apL-and the
. v'ery tact of its having
stood the test orthree years, experiencli is proof of
its value.. I . • • • •
We tire no to the habit of recomm ' patent
ruedicine;i-im esi ' the benefits conic` : t . ,i , them
.., .• . ~...
have comelu der Our own observaett°l4i-TillitheS
'present in. • vei. ,
'BALSAM o WILD CHERRY, as itinadicirie
tt , -•
` worthy of thel confidence of Aei,,,p 4 l ? lic 4 diseases 4
ot tj) e Chest and Side, and in inany . casoilt in this
ety seiere cughis have yielded to its •inOuence.
To be genuineit tinitila‘ed L DU ;
1 -... : ,!:0rM I.ale , by;A*, X,urr.4 1 4.0i00 4 ..., :
~ -
, orwrwroV , :- , L - e. • .
eh 4, JOEL BAJIMER, ,srytE 111,1 3 11 j.
&Win* ;Arlie:, aged 21 3:reara
lace on thi234 alum,
aturga, aoarofllie sarna.ixtreala aged
iag - onotice of MO.theFdeativofT -
en lorthia , '/Phi bar s.
parent* bid as fair for long life ass
' as, handed in emu •weeks:olw, t
•J . .
l' - ' ll ltiviti t rk3e.asoiglitiiii:Mcg i igitaftitlittivi r e.Vti
abiePif/4 ore a most extraordinary medicine,, for
tiA, oof IlheoruatLan atid Gout, becituiete,y
riot"O tr cleanie the stnuricitUud boaJeli of flu*
Molt (I=o4 :which. if.iakeii into the cfreulatiott
and .. upon -the, membrane and muse, le, are,
the uselof the above painful inaladiel;' but they
exci, the abSorbent vessels, to take pp. ttiat whicii
is n .
dyilePo4teil, and therefiire`are absolutely
certai to realm a perfect ctire of Ithetrroatism and
Gout. .A singletwenty-five cent box:of Wright'.
d aSt :S w. : l6 : l : s tiO g n: c f X : eli : tt e e f t n :
Illaillq 'Vegetable Pills will often give the mi t
direc ons
,Will be certain to drive pain of ev ry
Ed. Tiff4y„Brooklyit. '• " '-'[.• -" ,
L. Wo,odruff, DittiOck corners. '
i s
' daft
.- Beware, of Counte;feils and Imitationate
mem r that ti e original and only genuine yligeta
ble 'h a ve the, written .. - signature, ..I illiaJa
lirrig /on the -top label of each box. . t
Smiley 4 Gurtis, s 'East Gibson. 1
Charles L Brown, Priendsville.
E.ll.ipes, Farmersville. ,A
Joseph Dußois, Greu l t Bend.
N. E Kehnedy, Gib* Centre.
'U. BurroWs it Co., do.. . .
G. 6: Pride & Co., Hu/ord.' i
Her Bihritt; New "Milford. I
A. Piekett it Granivt, Rh.hville..
Ira Scott; S.pring,ale. 1
R. L.kSutplini it Co., Suarmersville.
D. .A. Lyons it. Bro., Lanekbefo.
J. P.. Laimbert, Auburn. L i '
J. A. PieiCe it Co., Friend.
F. B. Chandler it; Co.;.3ldri,frose.
Mara the p ri ncipal offs i, 169 Baez street, Phil.
Beware of traveling inpoitors.
deau(eli,txdii,DPvtin‘er'severan" :according
. .
. Nonage . ,
To il'Aolesale Dealers. 4p Retailers of Mereitan
dise m tic.,teithin the Cyunt#, of Susquehanaa.
In pursuance of the agt of Assembly of this COm
monwealtli, 'Of the
.4tly day of May, A. D. i 841„en
titled an act to prop de revenue to meet the 'de
mands, upon, the treaiury and for. other purposes,
and ari l act Of „April / 04A. D. 1845, entitled •:an
act.tO Increase the revenue and diminish the legis
lativelerpenses of/ the Commonwealth 1 " also an
act pa •
A the 22A Jar of April, A: D. iIS46, enti
tled "an act,Eto provide;, .for the reduction of the
Pirblic i Debt t " the widerigned, Appraiser of . Mer
cantile tares r forSusquelumna County, hasprepa-
red a (ist of alb Merchants trading .ur doing bwo--
floss is)thin sahl county, and placed each of the
said Merchant ti in that-class i which to,lMu
right arid - I Mit licetirding to - the provisiOn. o f said
acts 14 asseMbly as follows,- viz;
Resicklecc. /. Nantes;of Merchants. Miss.
Auborp,. 7 N.Dlitausll A: Co. ' •14 ,
Brooklyn, 1 .F4l3viu Tiffany (liquor - ,) 14
do. / • 0. A. Eldridge, ; 14
• do. i : - R. Z. Kent, ' .14
Clifford,/ . E. Draper;Draper; l4
Dundalf - Wells ,& Langdon, (liquid) . 14
ii - o. I i e —C. H. wows ei. chitten4ol l (lig) 13
do. ' ' Cone & Ayres. (liquor), 13
:J.......( . ... , . .. - ..-....._11--P_ P1A.....,-(1«:"...1. --.-' 16
Pinrog • Hiram 131.11illett, . 4 . .14
do./ • C. M. Tingley, /4
doi..; ' 1 . L. H. Woodruff, 14
Friendkville. '. Wicitlgutt it Stone,
di), 1 . J. V. Pierce d: C 0.,. . ' 13
40, Buel 4 Green, - l4
Gil - A(44 ,t. .U. Borrower & Co. i
do. N. E. Kennedy, • •
i do. Smiley A: Curtis, '
i do. ,i '- . D. Iniapes, (liquor)
I do., • llowtOd4 Walker,
. 4 11arford, Sara Seymour
,‘ . do. G. G. Pride - ,
.)jlend, Wm. Dayton, (liquor)
do. 1 J. Dulkas . .
ao. ''' J. McKinney,
do: i , , Gilman it Young,
Harmony, D. E. Lyons& Co.
do. , • , B. R. Lyons 4: - Co.
do. I 1 T. P. Badger,
do. ' • Whitcomb it Newman,
Herri, , T. Arnold,.
, J. D. Hill it Son,
Jessup,' , - -P. .3L Barber,
Lenox,i . E. R, .Grow et.
llonue„ , Mills J: Knapp
do. - B. Sayre,
do. - George Little,
do. i .t- Abel Turrell,
du. I ' J. Etberidge (liquor = )' . ;14
do. , ' IL Searle it Co. . . ' ~' 14
do. 1 ' Eldred& Newcomb (domestic)-14
do. , Merritnank Bao3n, • 14
. do. . ' a S.:Mulford & Son, 13
do. I LL. Post it Co. 13
do. J. B. Salisbury & Co. , 13
do. , J. Lyons, 'l4
do. - , „F, - B. Chandler & Co.
do. I . ' "Id:a WilsOn, ,
do - . M. C. Tyler,
do - . I ' - Bentley & Read (liquor)!
do. H. J.'Webb , I
do. George Fuller (domestiel
New Milford, ' It. L. Sutpliiii, •
do. ' IL Btuiit (liquor) , il3
d'o. I A. Morse et Son, - . 14
do. , -, Wright & Bennett (liquor)' I - 1 . 2
It uF h, e ' . Almond Pickett, - - - 14
Springville, - A. Lathrop & Co. ' - 12
do. } ' ' T. Jackson, 1,, ; 13
do.. ' 1- Ira Sekett,• . I 14
And the Judges of the` Court of Common Pleas of
said Codnty *lll hold d'Court of , Appeal at 'the
CourtHOtise in Montrwe in and for the c mitt of -
Susquehanna; on Monday the 4th day of Jury} next,
at two °clock r. It, at which time and place any
of the -b &chants defined, described and cla.!ed as
aforesaied, or their-agent or attorney, intiv appear
and appeal from said assessment if they iiiink, pro
per. - 11 ~ -•1 - -IS AiMUEL - WILLTAMS,
' Apprixiser Of Merl:1010e Th...-esfor, Stescra:i Co:
Thor*rx . 1849.' l' .'
b 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
• •
° Youatt on the Eloise."
. . •
,ew Hat and Cap Store. ,
T'HEpi ed
ti*ens of Moutivse and vicinity are re
s tfully informedi that the subscriber hare
coalmen , the manufacture of Hats and Cups, tWo
doors be ow-the Fanner'i Store, where they leep
emenantlY on hand and for sale a general assort-
Meat of at and . Cap* of, everriariety Mai pr 4...
ti t
Al! who with to purchtiSe a first rate article lin ofir
line. are 'calmly invited to give as a call before
purchasit ,:, elsewhere. Our stock consists of Bea
ver, Nu , Brush, Mideskiti, Silk, Muskrat and
Coney 'ts'; alsci,!*Calififinia;Sporting, "WOO Leg
horn, S w. t Mal , Palndeat Hats, ike. 4ke., he,.s dell, a
' gm,* v ' ty of Men tind 13u Ys' Cloth,:tuid., la#d
Caps, cla drea laney do, 4... ‘c.—in short; a large
assortm t ofi *lost evet7 artlelein our HO. • ,
By a s 'et Attention tO hasine-ss..and,e. v detirekto.
please,.wo tope to merit and i receive a liberal _sup-•
port, andlassure those in want of Hats and Caps
`thatevc - eltort will liel made to get'up:thd feet
est and:l.
May I.
t ci
We <
sing a
and other
cad • el
Aim fancy eitiirlefes, NAllitukYlic4ns ,
- , ifie.T and,l*igs ttiuttl ik* Vtri4y,
or ithnost ereiy 't)iru..4t of d,o.?n the
which he woldd i 'lite the al bo llon 'of,
.'- Ai a ~.tiotAir3 l 6d/iall. Id l aA,
eiA thin the , ... aiiiiiffiWtiAti;` l oottee.
- d-iiredit. 1 ! - I s Tew. 3 o ll nl2!
of goods
country, -
cash p
J. estrot.
or 'spprov
0104,fk1l stock of
rei FrwOxicc;:a*hl labedwito '
t i;fiowerp,;n3olitgt he- At: 10 ,
a i M b c1. 41 M 11 flta 9 SA,
Wery 1 rice!
tr4rtil'intl - • cl 4- K P•tralt
P 14.141 5-7
FOlentli4 I
wing* ria
411 — iri}irek -,1
v: Ito
q41 . 1 - 9,445:4 , 411.,:nt, she.
kter otara cOmpii
.4.O I •APS mid:PAWS.
thP 63 1 1 4tr57
`i in 4 pregr,
Ibe preeed4icl by-the- Rea;
I .
Cr,eani.Poloreci, Hors(
kareyanee fir a celebrate+
I - Trio spl
country.L ill
DmArn by
feA to the •
Brass Band.
imoensi. re
osE of mid,.
ne4eventen .
Its weight,
earring end'
ever uitti
timel which approach?.
of Art 4 ,, ribe,cl,ill Wadi
, To o sA, nod
nldu surgave.3 auythin,,u
1 ti. The 'forntiu,r
.Tahta'Mfay °
uitivenally as t4e,best
nemix:r of tilts Company
.11r. Richard kirert,
• incipal Eider liiing;
ss-Ects, ih4 I3ereall:11.11 ‘2,
Wax- Fxso, the ,wouth
mar; Mr. G. W.. SF:AZ &I
ueitimn; NoNs. Ili: w
.all perihriair; blr..Com
ugsoy,fikniale Equestrhui
. Sutrn,tlle prinal of
,Dtias,..KEN.NEoy, TA
Eli, first ela•ss roannast4,
ge talcnt in tl - b r
woinlei . aranfuge, •• - ••••••
Major •Lilele Anger.
-t Human peing iii eistenec,willihn
the . ring,- to&ther with Ins
,"Without extra. charge..,,Sl
Ilor 25 cents • Pit 25 cents; ChM :
,• • If price. '':Doo'is open at 2 %find 1..--
annwnen at, 24 , and 7.1r.P..11,-,.
vill bti••,Edlibittt at Gib.ion...3lar,the
The beet
rider ; Met
Bottle Perfo
Drattiatic E
t ed 'Cannon
led - Contorti
Cotes: and J
ty Mr. IL
Messrs. NAG
sow and Mu
of aeknowle
The gr-eates
T1).6 small!
rex/ unde,r
Ttle same
New 80,
I .._..
1 I
ivi -„ lied received 41.,:fdie
Book Store.
, History of. England, Webster's:ilia
-11 and pocket„ Anthem's Lathilte..tlp4Pi t
AteadersJ 'Barns' Piiietne,'Pliitr'a
qtriletions Sur the-piano. fortei iteie -it
/ere a , ;Attie, Itairing;
WillAr, Decision makes - the *le, Olt ,
and plain tap, venite Le.fier:,-Eliyel
i ietionary';' a - new sup . iii3% Riehitnie
a.niottds, &e: • : -_,,'.-- .•:c 12::' •
1 ; - 'i :, GEO. FULLEP,.. :'
tionary sal)
Little and
Duty versal
,Letter "Pape
Card:;,, paint.
Museum nip; PArley's Playmate,- 1. ...=-
Ibers ofthis highly poeuhti midi in=
furl the L voung, juse.reeei+ed,
i n .qubgeriptious will be, reeerved.atitlie
Price emu, duller' per wituan -i.i.i:mar
, .
. .
A' few nut
structive pe
and for mid
Book .Store.
rrldE mid(
1 - thip in
tornmi. Cram'
goods, comp
ea -for in a'
fist rate qt,
approved ert
of New Yorj
Store W 3,111. - New Gciods::. , L: 7
; s.i„,nmed li.we entered. into copartner
lie above lithiness, pia haiej - dit re
alim- York: kritl4 an on arc; na t ty . cin;A:Of
ising liettrly every article usually
nutty stare. all of which ate of a
, lity, and mill be *Wafer ready liaje•er
dit, as low, ei can be liciught this. Ode.
die, 020, . TRACY FIArijEINt
riodgias. -
assortnieut of Plough% of the rubst'lap
patterns of Montrose and BinOtafißou
aud cactinp, just 'received' tor& for
prices by • H. BURRITT:
d, April 10, 1849. , .
New Goods.
sale at reclu
- Nesr
' 13
pe Wt.
to call t
of good.
be sole
to meet at .t 4
Township of /
of May next::
Drill and In
Law's of the of 'Volunteers of the third
ighth DiVision. are herebr ordered
House of N. W. Waldron, in::the
[afford, ou Wednesday, the:.l6thday•
Lt .9.o'elciek; A. )1, for 'the .p, -of
ipeetion,"_aceording to the '.:Mgitary
.ommonwealth-of Pennsylin;z4.
. • ASA SPICIL,. On],-:4
nerobers of the Volunteer
of Porty=five, are invited_ tr
un id Erie loireview'aiitthn
N.B. The, . 1
under the nil
on said'aiy.',,
spection. ".
of Judgment,
established hintielf in this
ng employed experienced otiorknien,
wouhl give notice that heis prepares
of house and sign painting, paper
.ing, , 'glarjnt, and carriage painting,
almental paintings, etc., all of
i short notice, and, in the best styles
e Conntry proiniatly attended
- Birchardrs Carpenter shop, a fiiic
Tamer's Hotel. i.Try Uis
2'4.1849. DANIEL
and h a ci
the subscriber
to do all 4 kinth
gil,tbus and orn
will be done o
. &dr; kohl t.ll
Shop over.l"."
doors east of
Montrose A
el of Dry, G I
Iron; Nails, Cr.
Clover &Tint
&Shoes, Pali !
liat.4, spring.
Sash, Lanip,
Lead, dot.
Tcat64 Sprits,
April 0 5 I
NVA,SIIING : IOS - 41' 1
Ol'eo Ten 'drab
.Auncley 2
spectfally ea
numeinus tii- ,
'other institati.
tout ithe safest
:Comp:kph) An
'pa liekes are n
P , iviiid. tbe'ith.... -4
pony. boil* eni
not eiperding I
li g q :, vI t fin
7-... t 1
pitnie.l, _They
•froniiikn - ri,
•thatare maid
In 'tee
iraprov Airom=t fq:mos,
s)Fr i etiLi*Pur-v$ ,
ble 1141344
ma l t. - 4 v s ,
.1113 - BB -
Gnat Bend, *ty 1, Iso. , li t r e' lAN
. ! I T
have justreceiyea a good ?ar,-
, -Ing StantAr
- sinall.profit. Wst thank our
)-al patronage and invite You
. new and well selected atoelc
issure you that ote•good..;.
they can be found in. this cdun--
L POST.* Qe.,
.1 orders -No.,- 4th. :;
w Golids Again!'
ing another large:rend splendid s,itOttk
adz, Groceries, Hardware ? Satl4lery,: :
kery, &inlets.; Ribbott4,
thy seed, Codfish &IttiekereLikkits
" Leghorn & Straw Hats,
Isnuuner styles; 01ass,,Yind l ew
in. timer?, Oil, Width eßer.d
I llteaper than the chettpeit:'sif. Not
• •
• •
id •
lir9 :,1 NiVC; ._ . ` _, 1: 1
~ minvir., ISsraAcr. .eoF.3, 37t
,'.i . o. ,
" anaysm.t.t,N. s.' • ' i ,
S fitnereil, cind a large qiciriiittledlo9,.
• ' Cask,Fitid. ~,
gned,•baving been duly appointed
if the ikliove Company, Arould,:ke.'
the attentiOn of the faibliC . :to "the ;
. .tageS thi3 COmpanihav9'ovit : 0,
of ilia - Aria& They% insure lioao
' is of *petty, (beinz :a Fanset!s'
taste. 339 risks, orerAltl3)4).-:. Their.
9, on fiiir and equitas.l4ritl4 '4
'lan 9Oftial &Inez ,nith Alia cacti-.
itled to-die falYananuit - ord.ates'..
a amount. insirieck riaithont:depda.t-;
ja,cultomary,witli wine other _ pc.43)-
,Fol4bh9d by, their 8.y,-suss
:,, or el,Fii!?.c.:(l, - ?nip" of :3,11:4•0,_ 9rl
-S urns nkY, kind of ' '•'•` -4 ,--. ,'• ~,- 1
' s; - :',,Slif.4iffini Atachiti;trii; 1 ' .1.,,'' qr,
rizt l
red I ''
0n.4; two- re:4oansiblOn',
3 , apt nu 43 hztMit.,4llo'
'1 attei4 Of allitgon,,.4l;TP,u,_l
- :pelt; Aincltiyo r the insu-:
i ritiving' at titig titnifi . lfy:
Ithe lots while,hiszrinbq
4stained Ivy its member?, `,
aati4tation o(Alwalttitilant
(14 ; :1 4 11 (kAt9PI,Pi-A-jutreaff
T4tcetict9id ttty,t6A . , 6 .t.ljiw
this'4'.nolidat toufit i toe .
0 , rfief wiltin;' , Fomptlyi
-t. - .-,4: - PATPCM"
Poe, ,
1 ThehditOr - of titeLoudonl 4totca'alyilt-Wir J..:
speak with I coufidence
,et , iti intriusiamoritpa v. j
Dr. Aerkens, th e tenelatek ElPti dgat ii -00 ,k)A_ r
keds - ce corkqeconsider4 ft' a nnaniiy*tait'of..iiqv :
i t
acene ce - f i ef 4,6 - ale,t finfigiiatild tyKetahNio
in o'nr rimate—consimptidli.-zi; '!,, • -- - 44. - , - 1,,,, r ..0,, :,
Pro Vlepoiant of - 00, *0 aellegoi-ritlart,-
Ihilye;l:ibiewdu. PllrOcht of `7* chit. l l geo4f- ,
nil in I y owUnilly, and Plig . t.p iny_triencK'iini
Lt ._
it has iv&, .th.,., eixitisfliiths Itraie3 a blideli P .
'dna thi aren.. - - ! . -,,e• • i ll , - t' I •),',',-:- - _•-S:
J'at fine' if" if; 1 ) , Frofl .1/ 811 ",11; - Jra '
York ity,snyry.---It givifis sne , ploatuvel _ , totmciftlfTl'
in favo of , this beautiful a..*.i.,tru1y . ,,i144.1t.
edv iii 'sullies of the Luni,s,' '' ' '-' i . ' " - -..1 1 :':;;;:,
j :And oc'eetnue:ll::P. 11." S: ,Pi*relair i'Mlifip.
xi l : :
anlina qta the' lific4ft , ciAtasiddivritist-4his
new 'co Ch addslitnother proof:64l4i •
-science anti nits, rapid4tadvanung-itiallannio*
,The s t. Rev. rd Bishop
Writp a letter to his frieK'Whil'Aino:ftaat - iitik.
lag -tut er • the a eetion '(3( the`-lanigil,j-Tsf the
Cheity Pectoral ' d - if any tnediciie ningelfitinp
;reliefwith the h -• of God ilitit will. •,--•-•• --,,,---'
"Th Candil dpi42wil.of-elrsdiciii.
states' di ";thap evid' ine: l Asmantlidie iliaoja, '-
eat n • •to has yi lded with'surPrisittiiiiPidity ii).
Aver's Cherry Peetotat'and we tdolUt . '
reZlin! end this skillful premation to the
.a i ppAic geoerallyrj.--, ' -,- •,. -, ,
: 11-41 4:ciiike-d ' A'd *i'e oi;t l4 •Aiiielkill ,
of tletlicute;says,,in thdleclide 'begin ' hie,
`This'elegant `tompoinut '-if di- itiliiiiit '
of.. New England affords :10u an invigno*
in treating the varioustliseaf t o AeNtainip.'-
~ yOu «Lai 17.17 - • •upol - 03itand
~smg.'rupiditt, tlie modi 'rl's4,llli - ad.
%Ote r o( pulmonary&inset- - --,f-e:i
value in the polgineuf,efiluiffiee, -,
on whiekithe it , ublre 4 , 4 14 1 4 11 4 • •
. C. A17,,R, Lowell, milk:and
'UMW:U.; Druggist lii.; Aiii
-1 i .. . .., . 1. ti. 4 1
leit - .4thrhilt • -'• " '''," 1 '...0 -iv. , ' '
tnd Siunnur Gitioris f 011114114 . 1.
desirous of parchaamt Per104 , .. 1
.e invited to call and wahine. the laimilid ',
splendid lot of plain, mutsh*ditripe -- 010,01k
alpacc4s, and plaiu and a delartamj,li large
variety! or g t illf,arns and I? - ' - '.OOOP.A ;
a largeistocA of hosiery,_lliens; nan. •.. , .*.aaci
- sli'Oes, .'i ''
..-- 7.c,Zuhfa'A., 4 0 0 41 &MIAOW/ .
irliite 1 ... ' blae hid' OvOi klttliair iride;bilileinc
fine m gnus and Irish linenie,A large: varis4.ol ad
jcoeS and furniture prints,! - :battings. - got,,k**.
.cat - Pet w arps and . table errds; r.9 111 f - -! ) . 1 . 1 4 1 W -,
- goods r ladies' sack - s,
black • & gloves. gent's Ifld:glmnSlirierclifritt 'ilik -
pocket handk'fs and cravats, Sirran*A*llk. •
steel is, holders and wafers, 78 diiini
moms; tlreedsand,satinetts, satin, silk,
,_ , _•'.
selvetie s stitga, , Napoleon 'nercky.attipenditta,. bilike"'.
and sh , brown linena,C.*kki,thumellOta.ileilik..•
- edam Tun. A largo s . ii. I,l_, iif Witmer 'lloallik' .
',beinnet @tins, and taffata n, . . , a bekt*il mask ~
ladies:-misses - bonn on et u lr $l4lOllllrlS, .
ions of, yery style, y -1(pr; .gcmarosi • -
"Air -3s r, gallon,
_sugars. 64ponada fi*i .
' River " ' tiii . s'ceMS,' clo•er 'iliditrixrtytieids, -:
good he - vy sheetingiL fin•- l fit 'cents - IllireeWirtsi. i
-nail roO, spring isteel;;. bend , i rcl oir, iron, l aid ._
: and spire bark.the: ' ' ;rind=' beitAti*li. , ,:in
Amin, labre of that' cheap tO , * Wlita**4l*- -
wheat flnur, codfish undeofTees,'idateingaoi;apar,4l
'and, tales& candles, window nigh 'int '6 lll ,is-Wil -
'tteetsh els and dulag' forks; ete.'etc. - ; 1-.; , ... r, ' '':
1! `rAll o which "will be sold at it.,;"Amallinividestior
cash, pr moor approved gredit,Jo . § .._rgla..,. or
*rams ' I. A.THR9j!:# :8 , 4 1 !5 r .
t i
, rniore,ai, another
inform thel ladies. andimpssinan
-and xiciaty.,thatASY
14ea'a dere; lotOrttrr
hike D.igiiarenthseilrenininit fek
styles' with'the'nsestbeintifullass
It ilienrupt in an Anidient,nnislier.
e.i , are warkanted pAjt
,f 941,
- 1 4flit 4
airk'inotni 7expfitim"spepoilar.
rom 8 at: r a:Pati
ekallemskit utsirpr
kil so; as •
haring a Ioi;g exPer!auce !`
a shire' Otpatringit.
, . ,
Gffids ,
'Pilaff, ,- - 2. 1 i•.-..- , '
a iar:9ariP It PrP-I...'_____ k _..-" ...,
ded latipaq, . abdite4' guVriwriN
am, nibbailestres*Ae.' V^
;ha a114.80*, stets,-., :z. 1 i
aid &bet aulline7; - gcolvan at
lutire otoc 3 we offer. on. Ft,*
any - ilhis of Queialr - itoSk ..,.
,p , 4:1.
Omit BarffittUP :!'s ' ''"' , l. ll { l 4 ,
71wEavi ifie- ite4.fnanym)t - thillFllt.
U. puitßows i uu - ,1
~ ..
r, ,r
' f N;_: - : • : i.; •
BilitiililViii• -4 - -.-, ,-(.., , 0 hr„r
, a EIV otock'a N'elr - P*o4 ,
-ai..9,LTascAn,.Chinla; .1,4 , 40 w a ii4:.
ranch lifee,"&k.A7.6. -0 '-' ' 4 --- Z ,ll- :
fl .
I as.‘tMe*Uhtt - • eM.V 1 0;gfeli , , '.
a.: gF e i t r kit 4,o of o.tarl-.i.unkmir •
' il kess g9o4i iarei‘t'xi titliiikk,
*l ll 6 rutia.., ~,.` be:g 0 ) ( 1 ; ) , 1111 at* ?4 M l6 l l
/liaik ! z Pilcieg-i. ', ',',: ri: - ...: 7,:,:-. - 40,1 1- - ..f9 :-
al 0‘; - ,' , - A.. 4 J 1 . , :AL BURROWS** , -
e Imes
•- - . LI - c .- - 3 -a -. ---,,,;,4
, 1 4 . , s i t ti kili &co., iii v i r ..,.,-.,
it. • . jot,y,o
- liieitibiiedv,ruit ; •1414; :,,,'
8,, prints,' gitgharfai,, ' • ..,„:„1,- . ?.. - -,,. 1:4-•,,,Pi ~. _
. ar.
Plias: - ';''' '- - ' i''''',ii i : P), - =•;:',• . ,;„1,',.4;•,- . '17- , ,1
SprOlfrttYit,:tmk," japiii.4)iitir .T,
wens llDAT'°.s'''''''—'ulind rokß.,,c;.-rf.ii
4 )6,
120tt IP t ril sB ' lit- "'''...7fit;....7,-i.--'-'j!i,
.. impt‘iiillitsc*\'''':se
ofrei'idi th- . . 451,01,t44
,4 orirodmKsit• 'rir tu l l atZ, 4l
• '. 'L. L, - ,,,, 1,'_ _.„ • - --:::.,tg,-
- , -
c if',_,-,••,._ -. , ,,,q.;,- Aus'pl f 7: ,, ,&•.i :
.'r'• e: Nett ,-:-- - -- - ittAtilk T-Y:
44 1 dhin
. -..„ 1 .... ,- • arthit
„.'... _s• - ~',..,,
- 11 1 • ,,, ..`','- - -•., - koior - .3.. .. .• t-:- . ..
;ftpir ~.., . • . -,
.. t.i., .
• ' . ..,,z -,..• -'- rL
- , i'' '._% . 1 -.. ,, ,- - ,;-7,.,--, - - . :4,-.,,,..„ d• , ~,-..,,,
ii)Axmj, - fli
- -Al
"i r . ttiat.itte
j 1