The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, May 03, 1849, Image 2

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.„ 66 ,
EvetY Oiling connected with
tottlia -l eifyiif New York was
rind einaßmier:to alknr ,tis':
dantialti«iliut '4 j 'ihe fari;.
missiettabitgffl - ilevett
ioct of the exPediOoAhle- 1 ,
itAakeeturti to . vuri pfd
I wor,Ac jat..,ts*
, tn' incidents',
1 11 T 44* ,e - y 4 ttit.
, 4„.
eifigaii4f travel, on' the Wa
e -4 1 1 0,* LI iii engage l oite i ti
4...,lultitet, our purl
in reparation and decution
I - 4 *
et It4r*e*" .
a- Ir,hen.„-we - f _a#coj4 9 •
1141ttabil reking,:to:_uaaert,
wiltii."4bditteardinily, with
ik* * l*.§ o V = ". ...')
g i81,::1444 *4 , 1:W04
tiorty r "Tean
ago, whentijotut
Yiiilt*bertinictietit tothi&"
taittit'* ieVi'tinte,'llizi
-IhreeigiM!r9e:l3.l" stage; to
eititie ibotireenetrn 4and min Y.-
(1 0 11 0* / * ' a - t OP *Olt
'f1Y.4 41 .4.*-C* 11 4 "4 1-7ettr' - Ew,
ottbetutilytadventureta from(
vett) or " Yarmount,''who soi
tifeit4:toilitig thek way "I
4 *!4 , i44;4. iPain-*7 4 'avi
tb9imtn,ronds thiough the
:114 `th locations been
Ire a T . pepod 0 time , th ,
puiently nlmoet insunnoun
be so-speedily.-overcume by
ii4nUCrt, inookildiume , esti
the proje
patch flYingtnual
o I
ix nRiF I getting to be
40/ 41 ,7* . iiilien considered
"PO 664 who are not yet
ofAr*Te t l,Nr,etna,y , f,y,that
earliei rule from this place
to breakfast at Great Bend, •
look about a little previonA
gleam from Binghamton at
whey* shrill whistle, of, ti
cing "all ready," followed by,
Me 'tinily tinkle get scale.
iftgl)y,the;tehls, fences, fo
SLlirp.benda of the. river, at
thirty miles an hour.
4. ',lget)nit a rapid g ,
ny it(ptash3e.the Susque,
itiettaiiteci 'bridge, a utassi
tIlond. :: --the immensely
FL'li ; ufillfufthaer
encounterei in reaching
Stalgueharma 'and DeLvita
Ada: a instead of flittin
thqsa 4l ..
~ a,4""Vtg. Naa s of
hip idatirstion .. , and be enabl
skalfitittetil= il A•little more
eli+;'ta r tiosit, and
tw4 ; three time
stations, gives little time for
ticlr f d an d
,gmn p
the route,,..iecludiug the v
4istickthatre , naendously
iddinte;OVer-hangir* 'rock's.
maitiveleithfie enibattlmients
road a truly fearful aspect,
glitteialong"the,track, with
.. 1 4:;.51,!40ng notice shout
isCieftwhment at >I
JF;g:xtidy, on the Dat i
iirtinVidouse of entertain ~
bbat'pnike of ' tm load=,
>cipalGheiattiowdale, g;
.01 , litOdel Farmers in Su.-
4 POlitene r -s: - Dlh4 eel? 1
downs in the truest
4600:giiwalordi!--4?r Farm
;14'1 1 E1 tliai he is
, moments, in viewing :
art, to gratify a ..4uity.-
d to give an adequate
rapid dreent to :the::
ence down pat riiev.
-, before redehing Port:
. o...towns ; and depot
• any thing but a bird's- : '
1 eture,Qqe sqeuery along;
•.us . narrows passed
eeipitousanountains of
on otie side, and:the.
ori-the other, giVe the"
owevez safely the ears'
radiated 'speed.• .. ,
, • here be given to the'
.wsburg, otherwise
..ire;amost atindrabli
ent,kept by oar friend,!
j. E. FlFa.ptt, fornieriv
. ork,—lateof the priii
still ruorh reoiettlyon
. itelianna county. inr ,
lity, case and gine' r erif
es to Forectitut .a g4i-:
laiownot his superior.
ra either. Nor ~s.h.huld;
bld a e 'Whele-si?tded
. ..
it, a hat cup of Co i ffße
e of , bread:aad. butter,
. y di- the counter fin',
e , good lose of - the ten ;
. _
to mu st be a ilig ward
... ..
4 .ippebte, who is icae
switiful board.
," mting hawse is kept at port; 1
0ja . .,*...! arl "all97d,fer the:ncet-11
*the up an down passenger traio4l
iVisatip valley of the llVervi- I
`enitinit, into he 'far•Atniod'graking!
,o..?ge, ..;ilCrcoco and' stoneid
e Sul ; incur own -Eitts4lue-i i
1. - *initly_ • -. • * - 3' tcliere thee - leidi I
, nail in': Via' iiiiemtieladigerf
Irdem, 3, canwarmly, ty:mtlx4l
•— R t n n t wirri,,..T fr0ni,, 7 41 oolind.l,
7i'-:21F.:414i:.:_!:!..,..';.);y:;:,ii; 44.0*Clif-'
viL44--..!...-oporil*; *l:tr4ly4
Attall.4ll6 ' T.,ishows. tlrrairks' of!
. s ;. wiiiiii*ii ~.' i kw In -
4.0*4 -41100, 07:' !: ,3 # 4 : 4 7,... 5ti k e 44:T 1ve
44.4 1 P -f - !_.:*604 - :OP 1 4rfr6r*
proper ~. ~; . : St . titintillege,i
t ;:',..:. ,::: .te,rade in every. rem • . iiiiiiiile 'iii4frhii
6 . ----
'04714i and
.'":'-'''• ''- .11:1660: . :10 , 111c . 114 12 p , ....skirt sit: • ' ' ,'
. :•: 7 1 41 07". . 44'. ' 21 #1 ( #; 1 1
~ , '..4. V ." lit'it,')ai); - ''.i.nir .-- .. 'ii - i-.Bti.iiia iiiiti
ritmit ts i
;!:,,itie Taimikwafted4k4ll' 1. : 41, lie ro---704 1 . , ,f.
;444.404-4'-- i. , lit , , '-- -- :A6ivelo^o,; 'it •OllfifiJr
X , ?.aiiwit'iii*igi - ;44iitltiiitiiiidlii4.:4% . I*
111';:irt.,,n01:***°i"ii*?itir'1111q, rocky .. 4 .4 1 - 1 11
. .;I:ie*.f*iiieflit - .itii-it!ib - 40'.Y'4 i....,
*iiiaAgfilia!iik iii - iri''k4 t ,"4:l.l4' . soiln''l.) . *;' , .
.-.- ,, ,,,:,- , - , ) - ,.i.___.,.., ,- J ... ...t.,.,,, ? , : i, , _ -,,-...,
; ,-_. , -...FR,4„1.7:4',3rrit0u when are ream the - city with i ts,
;le.; are -re
. •
ler to ..
)di `an .
at big .
AtituvlaAlf4,witlihrtet . , craft, of eveririAncripf,
tifon:Nvg4 ts? 4;4;
nn g
Ike the 9 . 1u0y set . hemlockt4ps of_ u:
t a itd4;al. l en!iounter 04.
, IrdelVi cabAnen ?, , , d , porters , Wanera;.:
c, what-will tamniati upOn - yori or your
at? time, vith their lificiotts offers
,to ..
1 : take, you o!'—enough to distract aluiet traveller,
unused to the scene of bustle and:confusion of first
landing in that busy city.
should tie attempt any noticeour brief stay
I. s in N . eNV 10 C arhich all that,we saw in our hur l;
rh.4l:4usiatvia excursion couid not interest
our gen
erallllreader4 Vtry should have to
do it' him/o i lier chapter, when tirnd and. oom should
: permit Fliid not our limited tiine and business
arrangements imperatively demanded the Mast
• speedy . retqrn, we might not only hake seen enough
to,take note of for a week at knit; but might have
"yielded to the strong enticement of a few hours ex
tension bf our journey to the revered 'land of our
fathers n tl? e " laud of steady hes" farther "down
.)But,, that long cherished excursion must
awaitmoreitime for suiting rather than business,
!when not oilly-we but ours must Aare in the grat
thattion it jn ill afford. -
' '
our recent excursion
'nducted in too•hur-
l i -prepare any - eircurr. ,
.y of interest. to ourf
!; t.' - ' trith - the Iroleith-' 1
ty. at le, in the
! To - neither took nny
.riefil with ilie „,1 . ,l •
i the newly o ,
~iir the infinite N . 7
attention in the g ai
cv Was a hurried one
both:, Scarcely waS
the-po3tponement of
otii:lxtioer orAttil
rdike detOrruinat.loii
i o the journey foqli
a row hours prepari
1., t•.. 1 sonic twenty or,
Before ch&ing this hasty notice bf our hasty jour
ney lionieutard, wegyt bear testimony to the ad
niirably 'pronipt,' punctual and regular arrange
ments we found on the New Ye+ and Erie-Rail
road lined i Such is the order and; system to which
they`, have - attained, that not the least accident or
cdriled during either the down of up trip, and prob
ably not fifteen minittO variatiti9 of their arrival
and kleparthre at any One point frpm the time fixed
by their regulation... Whatever inconveniences
oth4rimayJ complain of, (and there are fault-finders
on every rtMte ‘ of travel,) we certainly met with
4xilita and nccomtnodating treatment front all with
whota we bad to do on the line, and we take pleas
uretp ack4wletit,inzitarticularly the politeness and
attention (.4' Capt. 31Aur.r., of the Stearner.Erie be
tweinv Piermont and New York, and of the Train
Conductor,*r. is.u.c Wool), with whom we came up.
Disastrcius Fire.
y from eastern. 4ovir
Icr , country" used to.
It (ccePting two or;
reach the- great tho-,
6 York could be over
' ir that in about a
lbc performed 'to ma
, . ill Hal any one
1 . , tecticut,Massachu
.o forty or fifty years ,
i i. .ugh the then wil
-1 i frequently to cut
. case forests to reach
told that at this day,
. distance and the ar
/Ale obstacles should
means then sr4cel,y
ed as profound !nue
t of reaching Ca:lifor
e: • In short, thejour
. reansylvaniaehich
la the middle of the
I, bout as fomAtlile an
I L Oregon or California
The valitablo and elegant dwelling and contigu
ous i
buildings belonging ' r the fur - finned country 1
seat--of 116 late Dr:Roimar. H. ROSE, at, Silver
Lake in fins county, were all de.4rived by fire on
Monday List, towards night - The , fire broke out
apparentlY f \ roni the chimney in the upper part of
the nutrisibn, and when discovered was breaking.
out thro4 the, roof - so furitmsly, as to afford no
hope of saving it.' Mrs. Rose and runny beingan- -
'Fent, the Work hands about the establishment di
rected their efforts to saving, as far as. possible, the
most valitable property within their reach. We
understand the most if not all of, the valuable pa
pers of the estate were saved, but a large portion
of the furniture was destroyed, and also the great
er portion l ief the very valuable and extensive Libra
-4 iy, which kvas probably the largest one in this part
1 of the Stine. -Taking together the mansion, the of
flee and 411 the adjacent build*, with their con
y tents, it Was altogether the most dire calamity that
ihas °courted in this region lately, and the loss is
. deeply to be regretted by the Ivbele community.
- - ;- • - . "
T.sortarn.—Though Montrcse -,
was stated
last week: to be among the places deriving no ben
efit from Ithe new Telegraph foe,. Want of aft, office
. here, thete has since been an office established in
the Fire-Proof building in this pl.4e. in the office
of the Register and Recorder, Mr. Charles L. Brown,
who it tfi superintend its operation here, for the
present. :: Talks were held with Btlghamton, New
York, and other places along the . l4o, and we shall
prof bly ihave important intellige+ from all these
places hit . eafter, with lightuMg spited; ar at least
after a few days, the arrangements beim, scarcely
completed yet, so us to be ready 1 f r butiness calls.
ilowEtt A; Coss Cmcus is to c tibit here next
' Monday iffernoon and evening, aswill be seen by
their advertisementin this paper . Judging from
'what thefr say the flaming barn -door handbills
with whitth the walls .of our publin houses are pa
• pored, it ;would seen that as each iticcesive circus
conipanyt that comes Along, promisiis to give an en
- tertairan*.iat a touch beyond any that preceded it,
' this is to jexcel any thing befOre seen here. lt l is of
cntm-e unnecessary to urge the yokag folks of all
ages andi, sexes to - Come out, as they will do that
spor4a4ously from all the adjacent towns, let who
wilhexfiatiate upon the demoralizing effect of_such
exhibitiOpt Those, who have the change to spend
for Leh tunusements, will come to sce.them when
they basic a chance.
', ;.• • r with the ionte .
• le two or threetOUTS.
l y stage sets us ova
here we have time to
. stepping on the train
shout half past Seven,
I(xx)rilotive anpoun-
its loud snorting,sive- . S
and AVe are off, It 2 hisli:
ests, abrupt hills, and
e rate of twenty or
ce at the stnpe..ntlOus,
na near Lanesboro'--+
stone structure a
vork3 ove r pas- 4 . e huge deep : cats,-
.stuarait between the
rivers. One should.
C, E. Tarnow', editor of the Wyoming Whig, at
' I Tunkhannock, bai been appointed Poitmaster at
• that pla4e. in room of N.C. Martin, who was late.y
„appal/o{l under the expiring Polk administration,
on the rst , mation of M. 13olton, Mr. Martin. wag:
1 a 'Whig, iwe believe, as well as. Mr. Lathrdp, but
knowing; lothing of the sentiment and wishes of
1 that coniihnnity ' relative to the.appointment of a
:1 - sueetosoCto Mr. ; Bolton, we Are on bk . to say any
sarAnAlso -roosost, for 11641 last,change.
The announcement of a change in the Pot-oftee
at Llarib i rd in this county, which ire madelait Week
on the ah r hority.of our neighbor of the Democrat,
is thought to be premature, as, we cannot learn
from E...tiforenhat any such change has been Made
there tifer. nl4 .
-B. T. 4: , '00k, Fig, whose appointment as Wiest
master at - Binghamton we also ,announced, seems
to have !leen refused pc. - 43gion; of the books: and
,<l...sthe office :by the former postmaster, who
.4,6 sal4ieceired his appaintmeAt tions the Piesi
dentinstead of the Postmaster General, and would
nittgiVet,thein IV= On 'an appointive it made by the
o o
.Latter.. , r *egratly,' l,6 Nrcier,it I,s teportbi tbdt
lit r.:: _,:4;4 F.qceiye4 the appointment fretn the
, •
Pre:it:lent' hiniself. ''.
u'ANi t .' • tt efOlior .of the -Demoent.t clorges us
with iiiiiropreselitatiou and` obOlalus . of illikiefal
i. Poii . O!' - 4
gCl i .i . O. Ail iIT.-fiotie4
. .taVn 'in
iii4.PikrOri=i s k•l44_ll4. 4 .a.714 ;4 t:e4 . 4 ;i( : 4
. it to /Ore been nia4e ;by_ that geOileinn-. in the,
, 1 1 (V , stkur, as: ;gi,. en ift , - Ihe - ghilaalphia Dollar.
4 1 1sii4it - tr';' , l 4 -!?c ~toiiii.- f Or:Akic'h*i#, o l?or.
Qte 1114,' was prepared and 04 Ili 4e-Alt 010 .- 6 ,t
theifi** hi thiti offiee Thirhuit our. recent jediriley ,
to the eifr, and irai . Utit see' o'by us 14itiplieare...1
* l 4 .4,L#,Usi',')- . dillF(* ens! ! fielltfog in it, oho
i t tb",1.1, - spar 1 litif' ' tjue
ove o r. ~ g ruere.y a spor v- , e,,j ) ,o ~ 1
of he hililesqt ,, le i oe biS . Apeedi tiakini , ,,-vrf.ruther,- • '
1 , 41,a , m!.lofil', , s,!.tip.s sgelre'- - rl3--didSuir;d:coriceive
121 tla" 11 9 n laqt i:i - ac. : ~11,1 Pi Ali i'ki l i 4 ' i15)14-
I lice. •'r t ~"-' • • 1
?1- ! ,
'''4loronv's Lior's Bocalt-Tint-Maystomber of this:
sAildhl periodical ii 4 j eadY befilit;us.' It iiiii
zt.#i ahead of its p : ids ad ViV,l: as of .4rditei
hitiie quantity of itsir" clin.g matter (this aiiiixiber,'
- ..,
eying, 24 extra pageta .anii llinnumlier spid rich;
stet of its magni &mit. engravings, ..beiniembeli..
. 11 44 witli.So l ll 3 ll..f.4!.l4 ll s l §c...v.gral,MPre -9.V.Y994.
cuts. We have had b •
:ly time to itnd
enlarge upon its ineritf l .
,The best idea our readers
can get of it is to take 4nd peruse it for themselves„
LADIES`' NATI.ONAL 2, a.tznsi ---- ..-Ihis charming
:menthly for May has'acisii.beeirreceived. - Its'mer-'
its, which we.have heretofore commended are still,
worthy of, commendation: The name of the lady
who had its editorial cirtrge, Mrs. A 1..; S. SiErtig.vs
is a recommend to thel,literary world. Publitled
by C. J. Peterson, Philadelphia. , .
select several artiacsl'or .our fourth page, is or
should be winning its ifay into public favor. Such
an agricultural _work to this, at the seat of govern
ment of mi State, hailing been wanted, and its
editor,. Dr. Ihnnins #ostzr of Harrisburg, scorns
determined to merit a liberal patronage, by the
manner in which it is Conducted. .
• •
`rgr The Wyoming pomorrat says that the re
ported marriage of DirV.Woodhouse (which we co
pied from that paper fast week) has proved to be
incorrect.. Such.inatilis should not be published
but upon reliable authpri - y, and tlie,.imposiiion by.
which,printers are sometimes led to publish mar
riages erroneously, is an act of Baseness that should
be most severely frowheti upon by conmmuity.
A most horrible and almost incredible account of
a•murder committed by a boy of only R years, on
his father, by cleng l?is head off with an axe, in
Lisle, N. Y., wine foimd in our paper.
A child about *years nld, a son of Joseph Wall,
in Clinton, 'Wyoming' county; wandered into the
woods last Sunday m4l was lost. Search has been
made in vain hitherto
Six persons are said to have been drowned by
ii r .ettin g of a sail! boat at Fall river, Mass., on
Sunday last.
A duel was fought iat Old Point Comfort near
Baltimore, last Thursday; beti-een 'Midshipman J:
P. Jones and Dr. Jtuuns Pope, in which both were
severely wounded in body to - heal their wounded
st , tried
tween Tunkbannock and Lutesboro, connecting
with the N. Y. fi 1 riu Railroad at the latter place,
Judge Coh . vngluun fts resumed the practice of
Law again in LuzernO.
Those justly celebrated vocalks tho Baker Fam
ily we see are giving Ooncerts at Washington late
ly. They entertained a party at the President's
house on Tuesday evening of list 'week; when their
performances were highly complimented. ,
Snow fal week before last on Lehigh moun
tains in the neighborhood of Mauch Chunk , to the
depth of from 16 toD inches.
ions.,,,lCersorer was drowned at Mauch Chunk
nn Monday- the 23d tilt-, by falling from the stern
of a boat he was repkdring, into the Lehigh river,
A man named Samuel Lines was severely in
jured by a railroad ear passing over him acciden
tally on - one.of the planes near Much Chunk, on
Wednesday sd the same week.
Couri Proceedings.
As many of our readers in this county take an
interest in these - matters, and a we were too much
engaged during Court week to take any note of the
proceedings, we eopi; the lapwing report from the
Com'th vs. Wasldngton Lowrey, for larceny of
oxen ; verdict, guilt. Sentence, 6 months impris
on'nienr in. the county jail, and a tine of $1 and
costs. Chamberlin d . ; Grow for Com'th, Bentley ik
Ilodgdon for prisoner.
Cotn'tit vs. De Witt C. Roberts, for assault a nd
battery on J. F. J3rundage ; verdict, guilty. Rule
to show cause why t new trial :should not be had.
was granted. Cliadtherlin it Bently for-lean - I'th,
Richards & Grow fot Deff 't.
Com'th VS. James! A Buchanan' for assault and
battery. ow Nathan Stewart; deff I plead guilty,
and was eentericed o one month imprisonment in
the county - jail, andav a fine of 1. Chamberlin
S Bentley for Col3l' i
1, ° Little ..1: Streeter for deff 't,
Cone& vs. Davil L. Meeker for keeping a tip
pling house in Sil4er Lake; deff 't plead guilty,
and was sentenced o e tad fine and costs. .
Com't vs. Henry sterhout ni surety of :the Peace
-:-Elizebeth Oaterh itt prosecutor :—:tielfq held to
. bail for good behavior for one year.
Isaac L TewktlbOry appointed' Constable of
Brooklyn, vice L W. Kellum, who is unable to serve
by reason of sickne l s.
Com' th vs. liiratrl C. Conklin 'for assault and bat
tery ; sentence, sso' fine, and Lusts. ..
i [This assault coesistt ' ul in personal abuse of his
own father and mother, in rudely putting them out
. ,
Of doors, &a - For this unnatural treatment, his .
Broriur, Judge . Jessup, in' pronouncing 'the sentence,
gave the delincitient a p.la3t, serious lecture on the
enorminy of sneh ilhotnan and unfilial treatment of
parents in remarks which the moral sense of the
cOmmtmity must al - Li - nand, while it reprobates the
conduct that called for it.]
' Henry Webster f‘'s. Elmira Webster on'. Habeas
Chrpus,t: for• child Court ordered that the child
be given -up to the l'ff, its father.,
Licenses gran to Gee. W. Dickinson, Apala
con i-Gen: - Browne Clifford ; George W. Lewis,
Dimock ;;Orreri D. King, Dundafr ; laisliii Griffis,
Forest Luke ; -.Jose i .H} de, Friendsville k . Almon!
,Sweei, Joel Steinb ela, and A. J. Chamberlin .(tili
..son;,David Chide, Great Bend ;-JOhn B. Scofield,
:Benj. Aylswortli, , al Lbrun Norton, limmeny ; N,
W. Waldron, gar( rd; Jas. J. Turner, Jackson ; D.
• /1. , Wade, ,Lenox ; 'Janes, Liberty ;: S. Y. lice
der, Montrose ;._ 1 ,er Mott, and Cal;in Summers,
.11. my
31i1f0r4,; , Geo ge R.; Taylor,.and.lfieWas,D.
!Snyder, ,hush;, Si noex.:Elickax, Springville, 'lob
ert MeGnuigh, Sib- r, Lake ;.. and,,Gete. P,l3lancli4„
I terused,ki , N.. • Wes.t) a 44 i)q.)/4c1,, 9 1 1 1 0 Y,
AP Ol 4c9O; Dix,„ v l 4 L. ~1 1P .A9r, Silva;.-Lake ; - and
lientl , P,b4nW VI , ..9E.WY.-.1:: , . t.,:...-", i ,- -- ~
; LAir I .AGAINSI._ 4 ....t.—:n i a: - L cf p...datu r e,iii #s,ip:
cent e €.ion p. . i a tivifoilliipuri* neit4o 6. .
.fr0p,,w1 , 40 1 prozill „ thatlwir-.14.4.0,4,144,FT41' in
.t 4 higtit , .-: ACW4 , l i*/ 1 1 ',l)..PFikr, any --°Altnir,
-pile , of,latriber . , . + . 4 orvq.*.;-t I T4-,, katme
, to be 4404;44 1 39 , 4ePiod I V
.1.,3 7 1,9f 1 `16*1`
!aballAp9n,..coniii r , .!; iv,
..,4194Aud, a 1
-I Prc -- a - ,-.4117 4 not '. 0414.-fi..%•3044'10,1
fOr.eiTr , •4 l 9re, 4 4t et ticicteeini2cril4q4 a l l ) .?t9iY l 4n
-eJ410 ,0 544 1 . 4 )r•Pr' 4r tliqs.l)., - °F.sto 0 01 0-PTx. 1 9..;0f
honor, 01.77 , t or pro t •," anti any pssiott„to4 . ,344;
40 ,set. co, Ari3T,!%,_, VIN T , tl4ll b 9 iTnenn.' 7 4 gudty:
'OtiVigdetao„nor pull
,upiltvoriviithiii : Wiiiilijett to
inipo4:4l - r ont • * tifilt Ittbin' 'or 'terra ildi'zoicesci
-(ng-tenyeart. ' 'l' ' ' '-
' ' ' ':" i '.
WittoTr',.. i a-- : r -qt•wer -litil?li..lhetl in,
Phileillpirgt, Owil!'iivOi4l Education dm: : :
t o
has c tleall for ii j r::lsT liiiiid 624viinklon 4f - the..,ti , i - en ..
o f o on .stbpd 4,,Thieli Ire *tended to'-'noti
inm article.;llm, t „follyvvin l gt•ont the r - oAs.v#
poriunY au pxj)lahifits a
comma ; 5C1,10,04 , --14 S. CQIIITCOOII. 1
A ninnber of gentlemen in different paits of th,l
United Stato, zelonS advocates of Popular Ede-
F „ t i on , g o ic o g 17 al IVeputicp the names-. of HAM.
j os ipi i R. Cliandl r, Iton. Thonuis II:Benton, Bish
-op Potter,,aika:o
. ns i of N.quid stag 11 1 T,. . Jura., in'i7
,in a call I, , a irtitional Convention oft e
Friezult of 'Cona n n geltoOls,-to meet in the City f
Phlidelphia; on N effne.nlav, the 22d day of A -
gust next, at Ip.oleloekA. M. ‘) for the promoti n
of this paramountl inter e st of our •Republieim In,.
. . - .
This is eirteinlY a noble andhighlv pmiseworthy
movement s one in which every well-wisher of Or
comeion country or ought to be deeply interest
ed, and we :sincerely hope it may be promptly re
sly-sided to from ill parts of the Union.
The Committee of 'Arrangement::, of which Hon.
Joseph R Chandl r, is President, and A. E. Wri g ht,
E.sq: Cor. Secretaiy, have issued a circular in which
they earnestly rdeciannend to the. friends of:The
measure in the seVeral States of the Union, .to as
semble in State; Convention, at their respedtive
capitols, or at senile kentral location; on or basin
the FOURTH' OP ATLI' next, for the purpose of
appointing Delegitteatn the said National Coniven
tip, and transacting such other business in refer ,
encc to the. interests' bf Common School: Education
within their borders, as may be deemed expedient.
They recommend that the number of Delegates
from ach State be at least equal to its representa
thm in Congress.
The Committed also respectfully request State or
Local Conventions of Teachers, or other assembln-:
ges Of the friends of &Impanel', to appoint Dele
gates to the proposed National Convention.
A very large portion of the citizens of Schuylkill
county, will, we feel assured, readily subscribe to,
and aid as far as in their power.- the proposed 11.1.1a
sure ; but being deeply involved in buSioess, re
(inking their personal supervision, it cannot be ex
pected that many of them could latleri the 'time
necessary to attend 4 State Convoition, at so great
a distance from home; as Harrisbargh. Nor indeed
can this be necessary under the alternative offered
by the Committee of 'Arrangement&
Shocking Event!' Horrible Murder in Lisle.
It is our unpl4sant duty to state that our conaitil
has been. reeentlY the seene,of an appalling • trai e
dy. On Friday last (April a son of Jan es
Houghtaling of' Yorkshire, in the town of Lise,
Broome whiny, a boy only eight veers old, cut
his father's. head, with an axe ! The circumstan
ces, as we have earned them, are as follows : The
father had been plinighing, his .field; and,'in a state
of intexiattion, Wft his team and lay • down in a
} ter kook the ,teLini - .to,ft v hazn.,
and while the a - 6 "witttftTs :tving, pro a n
sensible, under The Ofects of-liquiir,lliterally severed
his head from hL body. We hard' that an elder
brother witnessed the fatal act, The kov, with
'blood on his perimm; immediately informed othisrs
of the deed; and boasted that he had done it be
cause his father had choked him the night befoi.e.
We learn-that the deceased though addicted to in
temperance, had acciimulated con ,nierable property
1 which is thus suddenly left to his family. Bone
1 contradictory and suspicious rumors are afloat
which we now Thrberau• to mention, The, facts as
related are almast incredible, and we await with
much interest the development of the truth by the
Coroner's jury, Which was to have assembled the
• next day (Saturday,) The youthful and precocious
destmyer of huniem life is, probably too-yowl.' to
suffer the punishment awarded by the laws of the
; land to the murderer. He will, we presume, lhe
sent to some emTeetive institution where his early
but dangerous propensities will have a salutary
The mother aid son will be brought to our vil
lage to day.—Bro . mi.e. R.-pub/icon.
A man by the name of Robert More committed
suicide this forenoon [talth] by throwing himself
in the Susquthatmariver, at the head oi the Island
near the point in this village. The water was not
two feet deep, and though a man on seeing him go
in the river:butt a short distance off, hastened to
him, he was defel before he could be reached: and
the efforts of Dr. Burr for an hour to resuscitate
him proved unavailimg. He was very drunk •at
the time; and probably resorted to an unusual
quantity of liqtair, to accelerate his death. He
was the day befOre turned out of a house, and him
self and family consisting oft a wife and three
childrem„thrown on the streets. We understand
that in consequence of threatening injury to others
a warrant was issued against him and he was
bound over to keep the peace. He was an Amer
hem. 47 vbars old, and had followed for some
time past the business of sawing woad. His dis
graceful end is undoubtedly one of the legitimate
fruits of the low. gOggerie,s with which our village
is cursed. A coroYer s jury has been summaned in
the case,—.l.iro4te Pepub.
The Territory of Minnesota:
The new territory of Minnesota is destined to.l
beconie ene of the greatest and most flourishing
states of the West. Its chief towns are St. l'at.l,
situated on the; Mississippi river, :about six miles I
below'Fort Snelling, and iinirteen below the Falls 4 ,
St Anthony, and Stillwater, at the head - of Lake I
St. Croix, which- is the most northertf.m . - t of (Ter
btin stetimlxiat aavik*ation in the Mississpp . -.
St. Paul has a - paetion of -about 800 -souls, arid
Stillwater somel hing- more that'looo. ' We notice
I 'that - a newspar r has already been established at
St. Paid. It isl - called the .:If7n.Ursoh Register, fultl
the first number bears date 'April '7th. It is about
i one-fourth the size Of the Nc,ea, hut. it is filled with I
highly interesting matter concerning the now torn- 1
tory--itS bounthty, topography, clitnate, soil, - va- i
tern : thilber, qticultatraland manufacturing capaci- 1
ty; - kr.;anty, -settlements, and' healthfulness. These ;
Vpi i;
"varied tire. treated in a. most intelli e.nt. 1
spirit - end in itttarle so . clear and unambitious ato
impart a very fiivtx a'de idea of the ability" - id
good sense that hat direction of the editorial pan of
the• Register, Ise paper is published - by A. Ran-
&ill d! Co., and edileil by Mr. Randall, ;who, by the ;
' Way, has been or .o mc years exploring the Conn- ;
'try as 'it geolh st. ' The columns of the-paper live
well supplied -% ith 'advertisements of various kids
from St. null, ..till,lwatei-, Marine, &v.; and already
we findllidi," s .leridid steamers" Doctor/Franklin,
Capt. lit'W.f • ivick : Senator, Capt. Orrin Smith,
and Doctor 'F tilditi NO. - 2V Capt'AX. Montfort,.
ittivertissiFtia notyrunning as. regular packets"
between thoie':laceS and.Oalenti and St. Louil!- - -
With such fdci tie. of travel, and the inducements
held out by ill, meal 'Soil and-the healthful 'climate
• - of.Mhinesotar ; =emigration from the old - Staters ;and
firiid F:lurcipe;'t • e! settlement of that region will .be
:iiiheli'tikire - iii ,id kirk than was that of- the last
. Westerti'Stlit .7---P4tily'Neirs.l :
,__..!:....,;;_.'; • - - • ! t
ROBBERY .n . 0...-i-Lr.... MeriCAtt.- , —Wni. E.
• 'O,-;,o.rh, a,. hutch Aril - retttriiita - from" l'ei'-
, Yipt?,.,o4 ZiLl'i i.,,e4Oing, Ole lath it., was scied.
)410 ttli•hut - c! ; inil& fin i al the ; City, and Arago
:11;titivids i li4: ; III4 - ofig'partiallV arishn , &Om! the
Oiditit, it' ditt '''i• is Eilli:gelf:tf hiiii, whielti4ell
eti t t
Arouilhali§c ; tst d vest, but;:strikitifi..,"lii;• tch,
' 0 . 144jfir,i,1 4 4:11,4- , eiittiAg :his shiif.•- At • thiS-ano-.
metlEctietkct: ; - ; iri • leppeit npotturili 4,-fulF;fril.-„iii
...ea_a,',oo4oo7,' :d. ; I L k- Wallet,' fit the- - siukte? - rinie
.' 'P ; ;_ite4o l 4 a' ;'
; ' ..t., ; . illi. ; bead..""tr: G. 4'4o' tip his
; Y54 1 )01 1 4 t L i•Ohheri - Perdittetiliiiii-itkgo. - • thii ,- - ;
- Dig f „ ;- 'ai`ifititiiiileirse, fie-iilatitinedlielrfithdfrett' •4a
• - ti- thW‘geeliie -; :ia iliefollif,.blit'llte - -.roblaers '` Oil
1 •
tal,,,,hq,trar.,pd 4 „,, Thewallet was
.foulid,'"ili,i&ie I. of 11; 1 340 in - mon . .--;-. 3 '...keyin4a.pci.; ' -'-'`. .” - • -..
• •
-..W.Whe following ; y. k. ll ok-ti
Info i llicrineer,*rdply ' 7 "th , of a
cane°, pap9riitgainst Atetati , ,;•iif several Ju- ,
dical Diitiiits, will suit:'''' , ' , re.latttiitics than one
The. , New Ja; cial Districts.
--The ilarrisbitr , key- one continues to as- - '
sail the new JudiCial di` *et law.! _lt admits, how
-dyer, *Vie last unmbei that oneiof -thme new dis- - •
tricts—the Berks eon*, onr-was neceesary, - and
it admits that the bill t , create the new districts
was voted for, in part w 'ed, by some of the bocci ,
focos. However; it ad - : " They did wrong in
joining the Federalists i voting for this bill;' and .
predicts that "few of t 1 as mots 011, ever have. an..
opportmlity to mierTre :nt the Democracy aga 4a.*
Now, when - politici, -. , : despitelthe denunciations
of party leaders and ,t , d party press, will nnite
with their political oppo eats in ,supporting a wear
sure, it is good evidence that it possesses real mer
it. They feel stroll , . en, ugh in its merits to con
temn, and disregard p, y, and look to thepeople
at large to sustain them - •
The Keystone says o
act: " It is to all intent
ever; and never would
the purpose of providin !
Hear what the Bar. -
a paper high in the
ty, says about this act
" It was not a parts: ,
tabie 71nia view it in th,
or at Harrittnry. but m
as a matter of =renal.,
the oikly remedy agains,
the county.' "No oil
stronger language, "-d
against the bill on part
awn would place such . 1
sure, or vote of thiS kin,
color of porty upon it,.
Most' wito , attempt "
gator of Mt-party—the
stone—will put this :1
Pres . s, in his pipe, and
the new 'Judicial ' district
: and purposes a Federal .
yy any real necessity That-
N ve been adopted, but for
1 places for political friends!!
County Democratic Press
ti dente of the locnfoco par
rear. ure, nor didanyrespec
r fight, either in this county
of All, parties viewed it
and we looked.upon it as,
the immediate division of
1 ," says the Press, in still
amen of voting for Or
! grounds, and no reasonable
construction upon a men
', and fray attempt to put the
ill, end in the
,disgrace of
Ye hope the great expur
upiter Tonans of the Ker
I pinion of the. Democratic
smoke it."
A Nse for
kne,ral Taylor.,
It is now about two 1
•‘•i lil, Jarik:ng of Om
U. S. Mint:, yet, up to
coin, so far ai we alrl 1:
an , ,e. The officers of
Mints pretend to be g
they make a wretchedl
is notorious that they it
the act of Con„,, , rre , s an
Dolirr a:sort of coin "I
upon they are hanging
sibic, caleteating that
gold in frOm California
coining in ,the old Ally
coining as few Gold Do!
at the
tii mon - ent. not one such
• rn, has comic it.-.; appe2r
e chief, tour
td.inz the die.; reasiv ; but
s k, w bit:itie4s <ir it, and it
tlle:r wiMota have deckled
urrivi=e one, and the .Gold
of fit to be made." Where
back as stubbornly as pee
ere will eon be a flood of
Which will keep them busy
d afford a'.-id excuse for
tars as passiki.e.
Such, from all We mi..
which controls the amt
delphia; and we rove
-pnwe subistunfiiin ) m a a.
cry officer of the Mint
this.amtumaey. It wt
spotic President assum
laws of the land acenri
constitutionality and 1
job undertaken by this
passing the tolerable
It. is not many vea
prostrated iii this Stat
part becau - te of its ho
sing to let the people t
a. they should think
il..rtake a like operati
eiiin will be very libel
gory. ligtOttlitare'gbi
paper OM* and tel
mine wliieli shall be
each. We like thud t
are likely to becoine
dollars proVe a nu . '
and profusion of
ness, or from their re.
sixpences and half di
disuse them and let tl
recninage iota larger
such . bugbears. and it
to &fuse a belief in II
rience. Let us try the
gather, is the disposition
agars of the Mint at Phila
, -fully request the President
to the ,facts, and if 'they
i74-Statedi toremirve :kr
en.gei:l :in or. conniving nt
bid enough when n de
•d to execute or nullify the
ing to Ii judgment of their
leAs; but-to have such a
d rate subalterns is really]
undo of official impudence.
since a great:party was-
,;and perhaps others, in good 1
headed obitinitey itr , refu- '!
i s'e Small : bank bills or 'not,
r i pper. Whoever shall un-
itith regard to small gold
1 to fall into the Rune cite
? dollars, silver rlollars, end
, , ...
dpublic convenience deter
, ite i t l l lu o i r d N , l ; !f o t t g e r il op eN or e ttit t i he o r f
.0o abundant If the gold'
.e, either from the facility
rfelts, or from tlieir minute
. inblance at night to silver,
les, it - will be very easy to,
ern go back to the Mint for /
piece.‘. We believe in no
11 be labor lost to 'attempt
cm, unless by actual expe-,
Gold Dellar.—Tribuy.
I e journals of the late Ad
1e the li,-higs as federalists.
• which cannot, at least in
/. .4, and which bear with con
! outrage., The leaders.of lo
ans, Napes, Reeds,' Griers,
1 1, - tidera • ts. The foremost
1 party, i representative .in:
te, its C nal COmmissioner,'
Igive character to, the 'party,
1 , f the oh - en Democratic liar.:
'tautly giiltv of the discour
le ofFedeiralist to the whig
olly- acquit the Pennsylvani-
natant f4r as large a se.—
I litical history, there is neth-:
Ie press] there is othingin
slitteal World, that justifies
t, with tic same propriety,
) aill- the proprietor of the
1 ted political Fagan of tl e
ihareeteriie those whom he
. ttertug terms.ry haVh
.airs of t corrupt
lien awakened -from their
can indulge-in nothing but
ihe millions who have eon-
THE Punrat.tilsys.
There are pertain fact:'
Pennsylvania, be
elusive force upon
cofucoisrr; the Due
ttc., are all r -
members- of the Wilk
the United States Se
in short all those who
are of the truest sect
tv. The Union is con.
tesy of applying -the t
party; nor can we w
an, which " stands ace
There is' nothing in
ing in the courtesy of
the fair play of the
this wrong. We mig
(of course we do no
Union the superannu
Locofnco party, and
patronizes in less fl.!
gauped the ill-gotten
tration So long that,
dream Of security, tilt
objurgaious against
demneil them:
FoaciivE AND Fon Er.—An interesting circa - tit;
stance has just corn to our; knowledge, which'
speaks Well for the h.; norable Senators 'concerned:,
A diffeience of feeli was created it year or two '
ago, which broke • hie' dship between Mr. Webster
of Massachusetts, arni Mr. Dickinson of New:York,
in relation to a defici in the Public funds, in Mr..
Webster's Departinei t when ecretary of State; [
alleged by, C. J. Inge . 011, of the House and deciri,'
red in the Senate by Mr.' Dic k inson.' It id well!
!mown that Mr.' Web tar trinrupluintly vindicated;
himself ;front the ' . , e, much to the chagrin and
mortification ;of his . censers. ; The two Senators
have not spoken to ~.; eh other Is.ince. A few days
ago a. visiting card as
,received by Mr. W. Item
Mr. D. Mr. Wideliv retthe Card to air officeva
the ;Senate, With insir ; etions to Isee. Mr. D., and la .
him if the card was eat by .b is , order ; and if so,:
to return his own L. ~; and toy] to him that as, soon
as , hc, l(Mr. .W . ) sin vilthavturn frem-.Boston,lie
would 4 -tend his han in friendship; but if not, .
return tim.;card. T 1 `. messagr was ; - delivered.
.. 1
Mr. D.,-.lwhO said:dia.:the wird- was sent'by.hi4 l ,Or...
der; bdt at the'tinte. the . affniy„lic was socleiel
ly cornered by Mt. , :-he isavino other •iliy bnt , t4 tut." • The-d . culty is.therefore settled; nr4
Mr. W. n his retu , will meet -Mr. IX at - 41104
hand of friendship. onipelitt (1 7 0.atessen - ger. 4
rir, A.- -Wit ~z---, A -lettei trcl.
a had qui a - Singular histi:O '
erie; Cn ;SplisoKoir . rued
;I tilhe-cit, 'sr daY...: , Ori •.ttiect _ ...-
rit.l.Sialjni -and. when hi.... , -",
standing about 60.,leagite
whide cattle with . tranibrithia
1 ..
, earryhi ftwayli,land'zierer
arse;' the - Water -; -. .0 •
ty. ',The
,:aptain: tO r salki-l! s,
it' ; Cargo, lint rata rai pnipas ~ •
iitteinpt:Wsonar twei44,Ws
4 to 'abandon - lieri.',-.Corgo:atio.
'he-liad n
, i`
ti e tiiiyi 4
f r
ipaifyto t,id:n6 elnintsrefSan i,
ended ,wit.itali ' and, hill,
•whorl-she:was.own,l nd.l
sibi I lu at .nothig - MS 63r , _
- aliattlitleay 6Etis .
.VEloof.t. WftEcKErA -
Niearagua mvs :-11,
a'Mg 41lled lite' Fst
to• Mini; in - Mimi:a ' 1
of Jutii lie sailedj
made four {lays, Fiii
front ott this pookf •
force tt'lairist, the ke,
al plunk.; I f. l iod, of c
tie ve..;nl iintnediatt
liettlil 6, frilliAr, - 6 - 0
, itua lit*r* flititl4`.
!icor:A., ile . Wei . All
vessel a tonal loss. ' .
• 00e; belonging g r i n'
- Niguel. " :She' ~ NraZo;
- OM bifinutifot Lin
am wider 'the ltupre
1 ..4* to Ihe'faCt-ittutt.,
I . this eOltstil. N •" •
•, , ,i—Front the I!
t Fhb
Altkri4 66 if Bill;
prd**4l Nil. 7
nbt been r
*odd havt
at as early
tributed lit
riections, bts.
tif communi ,
trinceyely '
yas it
thelAss, si
, -
Bra* Canal.. . • .
of the. &nand
passed* the late seitiotrof the
I - to a naopletion of the North
importance of the • ism* de- •
in and efficient mann, eYal had
^gum of ai Icitiofoco
ainige;::' the' LegFtffiFe
'vision for a° vigorous
might be completed
The North has eeit
.Tgaieri* in other
4214 . edan participation
eeen~.."l" l .lmstageounMelug
raelpia markets. We
r thc *i''Aievieg tar-
O l d ams ;r o er.'never
loon . hafonenibe owd
ippeust a -Axflpetent.
.construct and super-
North Branch Penn-
*inner ant
;tottentl the
;Oylvilnia cans
Arh Thr
balanee of jnioney . remains
."‘9:kafter t h ePa..Peli
terest eeen.cur.
, kW -shall,
1 , ne and the
opi . :- 1 03 4 1 . 1 di Ole Ample ,
;ranch eannl i fst
-the duty Additor :Gene.
rarer, on , or, before _the fift eenth
very year, to report to the dor
f money - that can be applied to
aid canal that year, add he shall
rcnmissioners thereof; who se ,
e under contract a correspeird-
ifri the tree
Of the AU!
ant year
for so Ion;
islht .diay,,
tea of the. North.
§:se,. It shall &
avid State Tren
any ;of .4sugnst in
ernot• the amount
'the completion of
litotify the banatke
ity it shall be to pl
iltig amount of wor c.
1 ka337. That no engineer or superintendent 'shall
!he appointed on the said canal . until it'shalliha,ak
ieertained there wit be the stun of one hundredind
illfti thousand diallers in the treasury not otherwise
i appropriated. 1 ' •
I '
.. .
,i ~ t • Political Prosenptton.:
;i1 me Pennsgir'anidd invite* au iene, .and k ihy ,
p inaiils a reform, in relation to tliii)coursCwhich
litialtild be adopt:4 b:, a party in dispen
-11 fitc its.patronaz.rn. There are butltwa parties !he
i tore the cottry. l'hat which opposes and that
1 . ; v'hitzli sustains that pre-ent administration ; .i:, , "•.,.•.i
. ....`iothin.,- has been said, nothing has , been -Alone.
4. Flv e in reference-th this is , ,tie, 'which can --At - arrant : a
i' woad of objection I against art lAdzeiniStratitini :the
i• 'pier of which is tiny who his IpurOased the confi-
Idence of the countiry by'a long life of rare; -virtim - s•
lunited to brilliant i expl-sits. Of Gen., TaylorFtlie .
Prey iii the oppo. ition4arci ant utter -a doubt in
jregttrd to his: pro . ity or .his patriotism, • .
•j . The,Locofoco p rty, which• Oppose the *kW:es:A
Ilaulls,fexclaims w th etnphasia ag4inst the-appoutt
'•aiient,liy the- Ad .iiiistrationl ' of its friends.' 'The .
• i issuc is i simple net
o ta . :L ari d it nOtliteikktp..l,7.
!Or. its Opponelits,l, .:....4 ' - Invoiro - ui•e-'
I enemies or fife A• ministratino tothe Witness' sand.
• , rt,,il-4 recline" tiff . - their practice have •beiiii''OpOt
: and fair lupon this subject. They - hale apaitidr no
.on O. But it is ai1.,,,0d that General 'l'aylor resql
a decided sentgn List
. a,„naingt I political• proscription.
So'ttio we. So di the world. ' But it cannot and
`will met 'be firete ded that there is ixtlithitd. -- m, '
!scription in ihe. p, ference of'one - favbrable&tOthe
Imeasures Which . rry out the views I Under, hi&
i the President wa.• elected; to theAnaki wliO - iii , eit
.rio..Sed to him, to its principles; and o 'the polity
t which he conside : rfecesssxy for 'thei•gi,wernmelat.
!The opposition p oclaims the . doctrine. of proscrili
,; tioia. It has p . 'eeri, it etulirses„ it' exults and*
II rejoices in it. e party is eitherright, and - if so,
it has privilege o camphtint • against! us -for doh*
!- w iiat it has recta =ended by its diictrine "and its
practice, or it is ong both in reference to prinz.
caple and fact. fit be right, we nre, in- the ap
pointments, with the line of their piiliey. ' the
'wi . orig, we are si it in the 'right. There iiiiniit•-lt
wOrd - of the lette . -Which are rpg,arddtl. us' bindifq•
'Gen. Taylorthd reflect a censure upnn his • etnipti.` ,
in reference to y past rettioval. ,There is netlintio
thitt proves p ption--Inot n Wercl.' • There',
nathing• that Gen' Taylor uttered before his el
tiOn, inconsistectiith the boldest arid' freest ''tvei . --
cisetn f the powc which the constitittion," hrikraig
the President responsible for the adiniaus . tratdon 'tit
the government, dentands.4Dagy :Alm. - 'l' ',' 4 .
~ . 4--:--....-..--,—.____ I •-- •I• - ',' ' -
ONE OF TETE " k Aarrits."—A clerk has recently
bdcn removed ' the War Department, sanie'Aitt
after this wi_se: 6 e or more of his i creditors pes
tered the Secret. ry of War and Chef Clerk*ith
bills against the . borclinate. The SeCretary icioyl .
pmperir - refused to act this bailiff in theinsitttt
'and to.a one of the inexorable creditors , that lie
ought to look to ie man he' trusted !With hiAgotas
to judge for hi If of his'elthracter, and tiottir re
ir on the h&•id .f to department collect his - bill
for him. The cr. ditor theretipo .address ed ..Preii
dent Taylor;on t e subject, and elPresident =mit
(mowing whatd passed, turtle the letter over to
the" Secretary of INI:ar: Grew: Crawford; thinking it
new high tithe act in a Manner ;best i (*intk ted
to get rid of thd ,annoyance , instru c ted' Idif.4Thief
Clerk to intiniat, to the perhon coinlained* that
Viii resignation uld be acceptable. The clerk re
flised to resigri, . d addreised a note to the Seere
taly, claiming' hi right to held-the office Until he
shoud be ejoete. by such proceit as be might deem,
valid. Gov. era rd thereupon mid him a letter
of dismissal fro. office. ." 7 - • 1-. . ... 7 .
1 4." 4 1 ' ,
: No.—The Salve/1110a Georgia Of
.tides the;departure of the 7 lion.
2., from that port inl the :stc;anfer
S ' , ' Mr. ring goei to the Istlarthis
of the prepriefersi of the liiiiiif
:....mshipa, With a view perSonally
°ate across the- ISthiniis i '.thiOto
roughly acquainted.withihe:Oi
' thh great-thoroughfare, whichzhis
l Mainly- through his exertioria . as
I Naval COnifiliftee 14 - Chigreis r .—
4 ,filr as San Frairivsl, and ' twill.
resume his e s tit, at,the opening
. of
s, and we 7 doubt not We - country
advantage from the valuable
fail tericquirelconcertiing4ur
L olpossession on the Paoille: 7. 6llkiii,..
• • .1. , . - 2 IT:1F
Ho*. T. p. K
Monclav last n.
Thos. butler :
Falcon for Cha b
a% the invitation
Pacific Skean St
td examine the
niake.himSelfth i
efal condition or
hien established
Chhirfnan of the
Mr. King will
rgtuni in time
the Id, Congo
erive grea
new and extemil
RI4II. Daily Ne
.txn Onto; ItAnatbitn.—A =want
of this read was hald at Pittsburgh
!ling, last, tat • which Generia, K.
dell, Able speeche weteinadeb
ilmirts. Eq., - ofPhlindelphiaiam.
•.ttir Benton, of Missbuii, and other&
of stock •11:43 SUI*Fib 4 : 42l4** P itk l ir
. The e ti e a. pro bi e d2wat. , nlcat
riind3 of the road: - /V:ANlP•ijosie•
I 'l a • = f Onladel hitt 2 grittlintes
. ntlle *L I' -11:°. i to "r; a -c4 " 4111 0 4
1 h i tiorold. Q Thepresent abaft:keit' •
• rted at twen -fear Mildred.
of •hich lin nitp . etvilllklatt
_,,8 7
pli of li e.l is, rtlant'aitlina
. orate uml Ithe'nawilinririllttin
.rikiPgFifr,.thari s s ; o oolf4cier
What the'moral tlcteor**lit,'W
ttit;•.ifinanftin s ‘
''.' 4. COtiesr* ;.noP:thitalkitth '
/ the loliotvulk 1' Eie9o l )**l
I L r eracyv 08.. , kei., ilttilt,ll% W„ . 9 •
41 fur ppinitnargagiMkll4o:Mktg
• )44,1 at , gig e!,P 4 41 4 e i gr u is,_ -44
relOttentile4 VI: C q l/ri.
, 0 fatabto-thii4e..yl* attelaptetit,"
,-..7.,....., , , _t• . r ,,74 ,111„tvp,. f
Lap:4w. to. 49c rke.u.kag, „ . .tni n.--
L • ',"s.
i'; AbiboyDAAo4o:e' s drikidaita,
' o ol° ' ,1 . tXe , AV.4%*.,4, *0;
, F, -4 4 1 0 4 44a0191- ': 1 't;:.
i-' . rt 14.1ta1qt.44.1;,.),,,--
! PEN:I3I'I.I%M.
meeting in-too
oti-Mbhday, ,ev,
Moorehadvees ,
Snlomen VT; i K . ,
Moorehead, S ,
A large =mum
to-ti4j . ouinment,
cheemig-tg . thet,
- 1 -
. c The ne* lie
the-price of '
the !Lamont of ,
,10 0 ,eiiiiidefit,
' -- ktina*undred
cor: lily ihe' WO
tell:,' that '- the re
,$125,0004 in th
tik-iild iy,Ateiti.
not yet caculAt
Indeper.der t
Araeli9an, pk
Lthte 'romarki .
geatt.d . liag 4 4
11 , 00,4i113,wia
-4 1 4rolirkit, ittG,
~41040., Lei