iD . 4 ' ARTIKENT .I.r44 . l4lF,VeKalt_Tentie. 4NOW -OF-FARMING . • .:>sf ; illrizAriNW . Ai . fir. :jutxx. 'iPear S'ir: ,:f u ffiY, raft let ter e ment ion of .the great meadow of 4 , :ar*, _ .tial aouma v ot its formation, and its. 4, A l i‘l l .. - , 1-i .fr-• ,- --Thie m e ado w-muck ...,‘ , ...ffnm*eted. as 'Argus sic SW* in a a . , " pcai rj and, itiilaried in eoil Without Tr ! .Plichricial change, it w ith not . act' 1 3 . '' • der.' As Compared with well i ,, , pcisedstable-manure, it bears the same Alatioptinstscsarkrout does to cabbage. If :f : .be be ,buried'under the surface of 1 flthanuth, 'it will remain for many years un-: altered, while cabbage under .similar .treat- 1 70,nt - siould be iy decomposed. If the 1 ,iistinai l ,of said be first removed fromkrout ; it will ilinr - i deoompose as readily as cabbage, 4aint:i*lr ;the . earns causes. • The muck, as MiArtht'nrylast,is composed of the lighter 1 , -..Mate of suremoeliot . A . 'carried to its present tylsi the rains'; . after being satur4,M 4 1 .1 11 eutirwithsalt water, its decomposition a encirts4 and .under this new (minis*. a 11 . 41 *** 111 1 e : peculiar tO`nrarshes takes 4risriiiilon of its stifle* These grasses continually adding the carbon which they -receies:froni the atmoeph&e in the form 9f E :. , ,me acid gas to themuck as the PrinciPtil ~.-: ... ,at' their decay, and thug the muck rs . .. . to contain large amounts of carbon -46em matters. - When muck is exposed to l irtitt frosts, the ultimate fibres of the de icirrOosed roots it contains are torn asunder, .ruaLthe mass is thus rendered pulverulent.- 111114 state it is fit for easy decomposition. 'lllalluidity.of the grasses is much better on l ir),esin which have been ditched for the eisi; of stipplying muck and thus part of Akin/a Of procurement is paid by the im -165414 11 . 4 . mtn g s • ' MuckArlay be decomposed inVarions wires, **lll always produce beneficial results ilia* uiredidter decomposition as a manure. Anon' Mixed Intimately with wood-ashes, Abbe ionised orindeaehed, it forms, one Of the beat; manures for fruit-trees ; and while pre-, qtrantity;of common salt it contains is bent to injure the peach, it is sufficient lici iinve highly serviceable to thcqluni ; ilffile its large porportion of carbonaceous Mai* renders it capaye of receiving and titian' ing - the ammonia of the atmosphere . until 'required for the use of the roots.— Mu* is not it protection against the peach ' worm, hut, trees, the trunks of, which are. auSiled by it, are less liable to their 'Meeks. Muck, when .mixed with ashes, readily :receives moisture, and, if water be in grail excess, the mock will for a long time pretrtmt the land from souring or the water ! front beaconing fetid. 'When ihe urine of animals is mixed with : kaarnOpuck, it readily nndpgoes decomtio l'iiioo‘azia the msultusglasses are retained. Alne-tsmth part of stable manure, welllnixed ...vials , aim* will be fonnd sufficient to cause lihe*ies to beat niadilTand become as clear i" ,'" : ,in Anis use. If muck be placed E t t . ones, cows, horses &c., and covered by d* heading, so that their urine will pass - 2 the bedding and combine with the ,' Asia :WNW it contains the animal warrrith, ihiiiiiii, inch will be decomposed, and the -warinth, of, the body of 'the - animal while --, Asap* Will materially assist the &comp°. ' Man._ ,The solid manures remaining atop of Iles briddhig' should be removed each morn :An, . be .mixed with new portions -of mtrck .-in -the preparation before stated formutual shsciorgiosition If the liquid manures from ',' ,liss be led- bygntters to &Arens an& when J eoWpinnped upon muck, it will not aecoin .. poor one-half the quantity as when applied while containing the animal warmth. 1 Each el l , horse or cow, will supply the means of Cconiverting one cord of muck per week into name equal toordinaty barn-yard mane g; whII the readily pulvemlent; character of theLmass tenders Such compost much more pasgy ale during tillage: Large quan tal* of muck may be thrown with advari . tap into the hog-pen, and new quantities ihreildbe added as o ft en as any odor can be -_, pieneivnil' *Jibs from the surface of the pen. -11wiC need large quantities of muck n these notion's, and have found it advantageous to liaill*e sad renew the muck of the stables and hogisen.every ten days; always placing It under mantireeheds to prevent its expo , sera to useless is ost& of air, for evaporation, gild to ambit Ithe limn in maintaining 'en equable teniiserature, to assist its decompo. Man& When large quantities of manures ailed than can be formed from - these Aniairsk then new quantities of muck maybe deonsipoeed - by the process, given in qiie : lirOung Fanner.; page 4, under the head, of Uataa a Manus.' By the use of the lime and salt mixture as there described, any amount of manure „ fay readily be formed . '' '"niuti• " freih or salt muck mikes a goOd diva foi - nighttoil, absorbing all the more is4-pea4:and -A the same time rendering Acmes, ,with the Slight, addition of two bushels of plaster of Pans to the 4xodr•lni,- tirely,brodortaL 1 , peed inktlllll, if ,cut ,up,_ into small'iiiiees Anty itow 1 . to ).0 lbs.l etch) coating Ithektly z-e*Wailidlo ll a thea *Ming them in moths . w A , ,, or a la rt, the muck into a most powerful _al . 'The waters. of gluefactoiles, slim. gigerborsish: efiAloslAie 'go. trated , *Ma y• in*" irapdied pounds - of paimahnstter. 101 l `'‘eigivat i onicted Of izuktkint4i 'good inaa4e, The -spent ley of theAc*Prboikra , i f - thrcilin 401nsackncson:CO'rerta. it into, availah* .. , saiiiisineri clay ten -gallonaof e ails in ' at, 6 4/ f a i letri_ l o l: O il - i tV2 7 W ' AlliOli **NA; to one hew er ° era ---.9*lo,hanorapigeonAung , -bon l ----lallot.bliecolotwofiecl._! ,-46.6441444 , iii t 5. ,, ,p0w_ ---..iiiialiet,lbysdniatun.l4 .1 - bon i -iO4 ~ . lad.., „,,.. , L. .* - 110*..00M0- ' ' - ' h iiii . 11 010" '." .earth fr o m "Ad woods, pure luta iz.... hea eT d landsi arc may be similarly used, and if of a chancier-not, containing sufficient car bonaceous ',. tter, add charcoal-dust. Some have objec •• . to taking _the surface-earth from sr, .. , under the impression that they would im ' verieh the soil; .hut if they will replace the value in lime and salt mix ture in p ' of the surface taken, the woods wilt - genet+ , gain by the exchange. When rn i uck composts are. used on sandy soils they e rendered more tenacious, and when mix with clay soils, by overcoming the, tenaci4 properties of the c la y, this soil is also rend more valuable. In my next commani4 'on I will treat of my experience in the effet produced by deep and subsoil plowing. i e facts stated above in relation to inn& a 4 its compounds are in strict ac cordance jth the results obtained in my practice, and may be depended upon as cor rect. I Iremam, Sir, yours respectfully, 11 J. J. MAPS. Under Drains. The argunients in favor of the advantages arising from under drainina.,, have been me terialy added to since the publication of *big'sAgricultural Chemistry. Liebig has clearly shown that ammonia ex ists in the atimisphere, and that it is absorbed by rain. He - has also shown that water entering the soil parts with its ammonia by its being absorbed by many of the consti tuents of the soil and manures, as well as by the groing ,iplants. Heavylawns:and clayey soils are unable to absorb rains with great rapidity, and in i iss consequensuaface the.rains run over the of such soils, ing away,- to the rivers, with out partin 1 with their ammonia. When land is properly under-drained, it is free from excess of water, and readily receives rain water, which, passing down through the soil, is carried off by the under-drains, leav ing the ammonia and other matter in the surface soil,Svailable for the use of plants. Soils naturally wet, cannot be worked early in thespring, unless under-drained, and the close approiimation of the ultimate particles of soil, caused by being continually wetted, will prevent their disintegration by the plough. Whereas, when properly under drained, they are readily made pulvertilent and fertile. 1 The atmosphere supplies he soil with carbonic acid and ammonia, and therefore rho sail should htl in a state to receive these necessary ingredients for vegetable growth. In the :km of soils before named, this can only be done by underithining, which, in addition to ltdmfitting air, also encourages a circulation Or change of air, thus bringing new iquantities in contact with the soil, and with the molts of-plants. The most effectual method of under-draining is by dus use of tiles ' known , as draining-tiles, made of clay and burnt Without glazing. These tiles are shaped like the letter U reversed, and by being 'placed against each other, form a con tinuousle. 'a ' rbent tube for carrying off the water. AV ,understand that Mr. Rey Mee- - ker, of Ne 4, New Jersey; has established a factory for the manufacture of this article, and we cannot doubt but that he 'Will meet with a brisk demand for his wares. Ina future number we .shall give a full account of the methods for forming under drains` with the cost, &c. \The experiment is fairly in use on our own 'farm, and the compAnitive results before and fdter draining,, will be given, as soon as accurately ascer tained. We are fully convinced of its use fulness, but 'do not think it advisablej te•offer results as proofs, after a single year's (trial` [Bowes's Farmer. ' , - MAK*G 1 31 - arta Sroka.—The following is the prpcess of making maple sugar, as pur sued in l , : i vfacturing the premium sugar of the - Nest Y irk State Agricultural Society.-- First the pan and manner of tapping the th iserteci trees is Wi . a half inch or 5-eighth augur, and a spile ' -in the hole, and pine tub to catch the r sap from each tree- Much pains is taken in cleansing the buckets, and in having the apparatus perfectly clean. The sap is boiled in sheet-iron pans, placed on an arch; after $t becomes syrup, it is taken 'to the house and cleansed with milk and the white of • .._4. For 50 lbs. of sugar, the white of ff ee eggs, 1 quart of milk, and half an oun of saleratus, well beat up, should be nixed in the syrup. It is then boiled !n kliettle un . it will grain, and placed in pans to cool." hen cool, it is pi,t iu boxes to drain. Th: boxes converged to a point, so that the mo settles to the bottom. On the surface i f the sugar in the boxes, damp flannel do - are placed, and these cloths are washed err- day in clean cold water, to ex tract whate , er of coloring may be absorbed from the _ . This process is continued until the .;lorin,g matter is extracted and ate sugar ..ines white. NEW MODE OF GRASTIF6.-Mr. Down ing, of NeOurg, N. Y., has recently intro duced a new mode of grafting, the object., of which is t 'lust the quality of fruits raised from the seeds, in a much shorter period then is requisite ire the ordinary way. His Method is to put the top of a shoot from a seeding tree, when it is desirable to, procure specimen immediately, on the te - p,or shoots of .a thrifty fruit.beaimg tree of middle age process being simply , to take thrifty of about one-fourth inch diameter, aisof cut them ins standing direction so as to ifetacitabOut four incltiesof , the tap from the rest, making the line of and angle about one inch, the stoek - being cat intheasme manner. Tlie bixcloi are then ~ a llisOrately. United, and amfined bylarn, hr bass ;mattii?g, and the whole covered with mud or. graftmg- wax ;to exclude the air. It is confidently asserted that in this way fruit may' 'behbtained in a short.timo he of emticti hehig almost in , variably auccesful;-0/iae AO* 'VP • SHEEP DETVISO i ItiAIIIA' yirpot l . 7 -It bas bell/ 0130/04'1;y ;* 'most exPerieneediwol-growers, that the 441 the sheep. Ithe lees fine -the WOOI. , The wool is said to be the best quality when the sheep is from tvo to five: deteporates. Mr. 'Blanchard; ofl New York, states that he has known floalca that yielded wool that sorted number one when young, when older drop down to nuMber two or three. Those who wish ihe first grade of wool should keep young sheep. Some go so far as not to use a buck after he is four years old. Cure for Jealousy. The affair of 3ruce who was murdered and found by the aid of a clairvoyant, ac cording to the accounts, induced a young married man wiici was on - a visit to the city, to call on one of these' seers and ascertain in whit occupation his wife was engaged at her residence some ninety-five miles away. "She is sitting in the parlor," said the lady, "and every-Loace in a while she looks out of the window, as if she was expecting some one." "Strange" said the gentlemen," "who can she expect ^' "Some one entering the door she siezes him and caresses him fondly." "It can't be; it,isall a hoax; my wifehis true to me," interrupted the gentlenum, whck was nettled and Worried by the green eyed monster. {'Now he lays his; head in her tap, and lo4ks tenderly-intolier eyes." "I swear that is false ; and rll make you pay dear for this slander." "Now he, Wags his tail," continued the sleeper; and as this explained the. story, he vamoosed, and reSolved never nein to be inquisitive in regard 0 his wife's doings. . To Farinektukd Dairynient. ha rirHE subscriber purchased the right of , 1 manufacturing Ond vending Crbwell's Patent Thermometer Churn, would cordially recommend them to every farmer and dairyman as the best churn o'er introduced to the public. The princi pal advantages this chtirn has over all others, are these,: is cow tructed in such a manner that the tiip can be taken of -so as togive free access to the interior, which rtak6 it perfectly convenient to put in the cream and take oat the butter—;-the pad dles can be taken out, Utaking it still more conve nient to clean. 2r4 a thermometer is attached to the churn so as to ghoul the exact temperature of the cream, whiche ence shows should be from 60 to 62 degrees. sd, a chamber or space is lir ranged around the ho tom of the churn for the purpose of admitting ld or warm water so as to 341 bring the cream to the ight temperature without mixing the water with e cream. It is well known to all butter makers t cream too cold when i:pe a..... 1, btumiacii 1 r time in churnine than when at the proper te , perature—besides, a por tion of the butter is! left in the buttermilk. It is also well known that warm water mixed with cream is always injurto' ras and very often Toils the butter. The thermOmeter churn effectually reme dies all these evil 4. tit churns equally well in warm or cold weather. , There is no such thing as having the cream too cold'or too warm in this churn if it is properly managed. An examination and trial of this churn i 4 alone deemed sufficient to re commend it to public thvor. It has been fairly tes ted in this and in Ober plazas, and wherever it has been used it hasp never failed of giving the mast entire satisfactions Montrose, m 5 ' ' WM. K. MATCH. Gold this Midge of California! TO BE EA e ID HY TRADING CHEAP. Grocery, Ccnsf iostary and Oyster Arc:loot TRErtir°ad being completed. I now have, and keep a general asesortmentol groceries cheap —such as sugars, nioliessesi rice, coffee and teas, of prices and quality such as will please. Also, nuts, raisins, candy aria 16 kinds of fruit the market can furnish my buyers to suit Also, fresh clams and. oysters received in the shell, fresh fish ton, this weather—they keep very well—l shall get by the railroad a weekly supply—to please all mrcusto mere' tastes ',shalt try. .Good oysters on hand,by the keg or the ilish-erved up either raw or cook ed, as you wish. All needed refreshments prepa red at a wink—call in all ve hungry, and plank down the chink. ' inf. F. BRADLEY. Great Bend, Feb; 131 Railroad FrOight and Commission 10t011 BECGHANTON. rE subscribers havqng completed their-arr,ange ments are novi ready to receive all kinds of produce al\the mill depot in Binghamton and forward it th,,Ncuo York and make sale of the same. Capt. Willinm \ clark (who has had a number of years experience iii . ‘the sale - or produce in the New York market) will attend to the sale of all prop erty entrusted to - onr care, which will enable per sons forwarding by; this co`tnprany always to recover the highest marketi price for`their produce. , Our chargesover the, regular freight will be a small commission Air sales. The returns will' paid at the' store of U. 3L Stowers in Binghamton, or in New York if requi red. U. M. STWERS, • IThL CLARK, JUDSON,. Binghamton, Jail. 1 ,;1649. ': —e Admhzistator's Notice. A LL persons interested* the estate' of Joseph Matte.son, late of J> n, deceased, are re quested to tnake inut4liate pavtnent, and all those having demands against said estate to present them duly attested for,' settlement. PELATIAH GUNNISON, Adm'r. Jackson, all Far for Sale,. Situated near thelorka of Snake Creek containing, 104. acres, 80 of which is improved land, together with a framed house, framed barn and saw mill, with excellent water power. For further particu lars, apply to WILLIAM WYNN. Idcattrose, al2 Latest y e t, per Railroad. ANEW and d stock of spring and sum mer goods, entirely for cash at the ve ry lowest rates and se acconlingly, at the store of J. LYONS. PRINTS at 30kfiteire ss yard ; French ginghams 124 cents; brim patterns at $1,25--call MOIL'I J. LYONS. OOTTON . yarnl land Litt% groceries' and bard -Ik.) ware just oirepedland for sate by ' • 4XI3;f,S. - L CIROCIERMS-4a u, supply, with the cheap est teas in tot Or sale by J. LYONS. BoNNETs, dm.going p 1 ()LOVER S' loi V/ and , timothy New GARDEN ‘S)y . ' k..JI and for fy T IMOTH Y ETD or sale by . J. LYONS. C ' .1 ‘...l''for 'Hide by Oder f Napier's HoteL . of age ; afte,r .that it artificial flowers, rtusheaoic, t the store of J.-LYONS: the large aad awillumitinda far sale by H. BURRITT. 'e stock, jost opened LYONS. and fancifiag'fileat Th chaii* - ;HAS. H. PESSMEN. 'ts tin diop,- two doom above . 6 -sin ' b 1 g pacßeo — ger i o to reach New York the same eve: nit*: Returning, leave Great Bend. on the arrival the cars from New York. Careful and #ccommottating drivers and first rate teamss are employed on this route—and the propri=: etors pledge themselves to use every exertion to make their IMESpeasant and expeditious. for seats app y at Searle's Hotel, in. Montrose. jr29 A. MORGAN tt. CO. Wi'LEASE TO BEAD THIS..An Sears' Itelir Pictorial Works' for i • 4849. G.rOt chance for Book Agents to clear from $5OO to $lOOO a year. BOOKSOF UNIVERSAL UTILITY. Sear? Neir 'and Popular Pictorial Works, the most splendidli illustrated volumes for familiessev-, er issued on the. American Continent, Containing more than /oral thousand engravings, designed ana executed by the:snos-t eminent artists of England and America. 1, The extraordinary popularity of the above vol., tuno in everyi section of the Union, renders an agency desirable in each of one of our principal ;owns and villages. Justpublished, Scars' new and popular Eidorial Description of the • Visited States! Conttaining en rtceonnt of the Topography, Settle . - meet, History, IleYolutionary and other interesting events, Statistics, Pt-ogress in Agriculture, Mann , factitre; and Population, So. of each state in the Union illustrthed with two handredevranings of the principal cities, places,.buildings, scenery, curi osities, seals of the states, &c.,•&c, Complete in one octavo volume of 600 pages, elegantly bound, in gilt, pictorial muslin. Retail price, $‘4,50. The Pictorial Family A nnual • 400' pages octevrcand illustrated with 212 engin cles*ned as a cheap and valuable prestAit for parents arid teachers to place in thp hands of young people, ' t in attractive bindings. The Ilistory of Palatine, front the Patriarchal Age to the present time. By John lCittp, editor of the London Pfctoriol Bible, &C. New Editions of Bears'. Pictorial ELI of kthe Bible—Pictorial Sunday- Book—Desch 010 n of Great Britain and Ireland— Bible Biograp#ty---,Scenei and. Sketches in Conti nental Europe-Information for the People-=Pie torial Family Library—Pictorial .history of the American 'RevOlation. An entirely new. volume on the Wonders of the World. Pictorial Family Bibk. Each volume is illustrated with several hundred engravings, and the Bible with one thousand Bears' Pictorial Family Magazine, for 1849, pub lished monthly in parts of 48 large octavo lames, at we dollarper year to advance. Specimen copies of the Magazine, 'to procure sub scribers with, ;will be furnished to all who wish to engage_in its chtulation, If requested (post paid) at the rate of twelve numbers for ono dollar, or ten-cents for single copies. Agents tearded, in every town and county through out the Uhion to sell " Sears' .New aq Popular Pictorial Woas ;" universally acknowledged to be the best and dheapest ever published, as they cer tainly are the most saleable. An active agent may dear $5OO or $lOOO a year. A cash capital of at least t”5 or $5O will be necessary, Full par ticular's-of, the principles and profits of the agency wilFhe given on application, either personally or by letter. The postage must in all cases be paid. Please to address, "ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, 128 Nassau Street, New York. 9- 3m , • Dirtion Clark & Co., RagroadFrelght.and Commission Line from Great Bend. AE Tsu 'berg having completed their rir • rangcm nts; are now ready to teceive all kinds of pmd at the. railroad depot in Great Bend, and, forWarti it to New York =nutlike sale of the same.. Capt. Wm.. Clark (who has had a nprnbet of ye= experiehee in the sale of produce in the,New 'York market) will attend to the sale cif all prop erty' entrusted to our care, which wig enable per sons; forwarding by this company always to recetvp the highest market price for their produce. ' Our charge over theregulkr freight will be a small commi*tion for sale. The return: will be paid at the store. of Wm. Dayton in Great Bend or in New York if requited. • WIL DAYTON, WM. CLARK. • H.: F. JUDSON. Great Benkj`..,9 Village Lots for Sale. ' THE subscriber offers lots for sale in the town ship of Gfeat Bend in the village of Green ville, and directly opposite the village of Great Bend, located on' the Depot of 'the New York and Erie railroadi real the Great Bend and Coehecton Turnpike, in the valley of the Susquehanna river. The railroad Crksing the said turnpike, thence riin nin,g in a carted line nearly parallel with the same at the distance of a few hundred feet, with the grounds gradiuilly rising above railroad and turn pike, overlooking' the river and the beautiful val ley, compared with its healthy climate, renders it a mrAt desirable location for building,— The depot griaind of the railroad company being ocated m tbOtentre of a rich and eat nave agri cultural district, surrounding it on every side • with its many rocuis , centering in, and all other advanta gesl\ cord fined } afford every advantage to, a business poputatio . . • , n Extensive Water Power - can be biough from the Susquehanna', ad joining the depot _ • unds of the. said rail mad, Ind ficietst for the, erec ' • of all manufacturing estab lishments, or 'ny ~. .1 ry required. ' ' Cleat Bend,s2yl . L GREEN. . 1,110 'rose Select School. - SS A. 01. FRASER will open a' school,for young taklieS in the ,will on the 16th inst. w nmary id epartment will, be under , the direrpp tiptilot Miss C. S. Bowman, and competent teach etS provided 4 the ornamental branches. Teri* per quarter_ of 11 weeks. Primary stadlea, • . _ ql-togniphy, li z i r ammar and Arithmetic, Al bra, Geo try, Astronomy, Ph il osophy, any, Ott and French, Music on the o , (extra) Lessons in S' . ' , do Use of Pianoi- ; do Drawing and iFainting, do a 9 t ' . H i ' Notice. ~- ,i' ~:•:. ~, would respectfully Wolin I. -their . - ' , • and ii t i he public. that they have fonified a• , • rilliip the Tanning; Carrying mid Shoe-makug,f •.. .. They flatter themselves that t by strictlattention to business to merit a 'share of lublic patrnnage. I - • - 1 •INIL R HANDII, .. : • - . - ' KERWIN T. 4..A3MRICK. - Sininifvillel Village, a '. , , Laved myself tif this opportunity toisay to my irstt old F f ustomeri, 't .1 shall require an ircomedinte 1 ent yip the time of partnendiiii.Cl I hope . tia wil l will " - beyond the'VflfirCt: ''C'HAIiPf May I IL! ''''" . ..., d Clover Seed„ fortub3t,tliy? B. ,SAYRE. COLLEGF, 207 Math-- • C' Veget*le Lith rrHIS celebrated. A. tamely tbe Marry ea ALL OVER It has noW , beecede the Ina is pa/titularly • • 1 . DR all wages of thill complain xi' of how long standing, This disease is as:rightful; dreadful propene of tho degree which renders the Ammo °deaf ite mat dist -- HITHER? it now yields to this remi Hely and privately with pt has ever had a symptor keep this article by them *aural APPLICATIOI to peiferat4 tits systems es 4 essay, only to All up agai dead, let tbem lust use th covety is suL.4 Let them Mid a cure i. equity if and eltdieeases of the tell ing complaints it gam& e' You ; e' by the - wilt •übsidei 'W6. the - •a del these leave So an karma set aside. meta( other It is . tbousans stitution ptopertit nal ol Hunt fectll rare. inanal : Ton t _ than any ewe produced . 4 1 DEBILITY weak hack, weakness of tion of smile. is isusediat tkis wraiciaa, and a cure stanch! as - A CERT for n fram en coe* tsmplain, and male IRILEGULARITI painful menstruation'. except this which amid It may be relied own as did ire feelpermlftd to A THO' as proof of cures in this See pamphlet. Ali lird from the effect of metr„ir 1,1 this article to act immedi eradicated 'from the syste Tile 21 ilistiset pr manifest then:selves aunpoutgi. for tpedsix4 head this paragraph. taw north of Etre*, a CERTAIN BO which in nil diseases or ebstrsdioru, effected a cure. This Bound •in large quantiti stands without an equal in the preparation, whi ever given , to a debilita terra will be restored to ERUPT will And the alterative • : PURIFY ' and drive such diseases for testimony of turn in an advertisement will I devoteghie them gouty; cams of higteeharacter. IMEa of the pectdiar features to benefit in airy ease, build upon. Id tAltalu ''ll I and keep taking the me. provemeht. The propri , CAUTIO against a number of heed of SARSAPAR as cures for Dropsy, Ora. lag, and concocted to TOUC . Their invent= never . 1 this aeticle had done ft. OM is earnestly solicit Agents end all who se, GLAD T gratuitously. Put up 1111 at It each—the larger bottles. Lock ort dad a! Us has "Vaughn's V blown upon the , glass, Vaughn" on the di - eed. arnapat OP SAP wk. byl)r. G. C. Vagghni a . , Main Wed, Bufalo. at lion given-to letter, Intl • Uri/ antra:Wed Age verbal coannunientiatia tended to, wain. For the United ilatidell and t•H Also by ; (Wholesale and 127 Maiden lane, • Agents in this vi. Bentleyh R.. IL ihnritt. Wm. F.: B 431.• O. Pride it N. Y. de E. Rai Seephen4 and Thong Gteizt Bend—: QTEPERKS ft , tif from (Meat Ben every 4 00 5 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 Ttseacts by end regular fire'' ..! Itend evesymorning . 1 • George W. fltophe aria forward and toy this returns office.; Copt. J. 14 %, York tindAiSe hie .and Eriakeil 4 lt!nw- - ;ag sed of. ing a siaaanian hi'. frigghting businese f anne county, that • • tiOn as Any nn'the he nude. nalreiglat, red. , . • pzik.7., mint Bead; as W.: 1: ANDIAIat C- (19 F' 111 BALT Hp t i Buffalo, N. Y. VAIJGfili'S ntriptle ,Mitture, is eonstantl7 increasing its, it is making HE WORLD. outdid= for family use, and. Ibr • itomedlatelv relieved, no mat• Sec Pamphlet for testiotosy.--. as Cuoparte., and the, slow and tiady, Wonting the *tens to a patient ottorty nudge to Soot, using features. 0 INCURABLE, :y—and Physicians use It pub . t success. Let any one who of Dropsy, of any character, d if they would avoid be • OF THE KNIFE, let tke accifili.deted.o Eder foe and finally rad is a dreadful is remedy in season, and a re ry it atany stage of this disease, ey will' give it a fair trial. ANEL, Lary organs; tar these distress * ; no other article cap relieve niece the most ,tlaint. and fan are gravel , when calculi—and yet be stone in the Alt but the last ier does chief, eau.sed by it of years stand { away in fine to cured by thil is else Stale of illedichsc. See the Great West ts prevail Able iiztare, it cures , and does not ,nis disease, that remedies ate now 3n, safe; (far it tax basis of all daily curing its the entire eon istinct vegetable itself. ,urvED. 'thli article It itt ortbr any lood. Su pans- . the action of whether inter n few wetpel.- I have btmo per .ottles of this nits . grog' the action of this more likely to he pernMttent gm eiternal remedies. 'IP THE SYSTEM.' Ie Kiilneya, Ice., or inflainma , ly relieved by a fete days vas of I always a result of its use. it REMEDY so foridenwernents of the fe- AS, SUPPRESSIONS, ro article /Ms' seer been offelred Itch this Huth of dereogemerds. mure iuM dreetive remedy. sad so could giye AND NAM 8 I s ist d reg low ng , Z i btre:t f el tmn c pl ts i gt — ss , will End the bracing power of tely. and the poisonous mineral n. its which compose this ankle, ;calmly in the application a the lug claim of complaints which Here kw bee. used ii ANICAL AGENT, neements of the female frame, peisfia =outrun:titres. Ike. has is indigenous to our soil, and and as a medicinal property )t forms one of the compounds as a whole is the beet remedy female; it is sure, and the sys -• Ith by its use. fE EISEIiBEB . • operties of this article THE BLOOD, , m the system. Sea penapklet aU diseases, which the limits of et permit to he named Mi here.— Tcontain pages.andcertifi• and alcrspget OF PROOF ine, 'never appeared. ft is axe Istais article that it never fails , • if bag azel-much are /0 to imp#l,4agrnag eassahel, • P£ ON. icine as long as there is an int ter would 'I 4 IIE :PUBLIC ' cies which coins out under the AS, SUMPS. 6,1.4 - I ? i g ee e u . nw T a tt y yareguodifor mono THEM NOT. I .tight °tearing such diseases till 41 partieztar •audy er the I the ankle are ,t • t 1 - oz. lxittles, at IP/ 12 oz.' do. 'ding 6 9z. more than two small I.: get Imposed' spine. Every hot table Eithontriptic Mixture." e writtkli signature of "G. C. ; and "G. C. Vaughn. ItutTato,"' ',one odic!' hre genuine.. -Pre. -Pre . sold at the Principal :Office, •• bolesala and' retail. No at* i • post paid. Orders from re excepted. Pot paid letter', soliciting :Wilke.. promptly, e tiy all respeoabla-Draggists I ' ) Olcott, ligKesson it rar York city. • . troNa, , 1 11 4 Milford ii , Great Bend 1 0 2 , Hanford. road . Fright Li FormardinsiLinef pt. J. KThompson.. ohipSON will forward ' to New Tiirk ,by s and Thursday lit line which 'toffee . 't{B .o'clock end 30 mitein will romain_at (Ire Be kids C ,or' the Waite atitlO 341 , nm - isle t N i 'atteatlon I . therod* : die I t flatter tiwitiiielvog Yolk' 4414 this ' m the a iiernher'ef froinC* satisfae if desi, eari give g" rota' %wad .TVPEEF-Xt Ore Wow, y cents pet 010,a by IfixoNs; • Read Mortar in a , Sayre IlalledLold Dr. Juni maril.ed as Os 0 lidseadad. !Maki teiglit years a eh ar ThtiteAtatea and being enormous. l'his excited the e read alaoid man win trpahlieitiona fora J oD Townsend loc r a ployineat. wasesins Be jtsuiaf e had expeo to rk in the Ch es Warren! who mil such a I: forme 1 11. 000 of ''OINT ENT, :and Financier of 11 ti alle New Jersey THOMPSON node DEAN lk Co., LIMO as be I understand, for thi nee of his I Inirana lambing' us yy r • • OW Ige MIS ,0 • .1! Column carefully. 4, Staler sate it tlie.;llfropationt Towiwisl's Sarsaparilla. giazil; . Thit itetersititi , timid ' 'has expinded-esei, i n advertising ha SiriaparillaorSieh Iter and repetistlon greater pan, ortbelworliai• milidity bfeertaht IT:Zed ask . I has - beeti eagerid,ie -dbeeP l • iumberof years. Tit '; : atati'l - mule • He applied to a Umber of moue 'to aelfthe use of hh m a ma tope*!lP reapatiOa, stating: tbe latias! Salt E ded ia tallithim; as ad laaieliee' eat oubteai; Moue - UNA, be ingfifal- ' 4 Esq. Haut at ate Jaubiat Putesee,' " e ti t t itii)L priet t i l e 4. 4INDIREILPIA._ PH • P.031KR0t . i i i7. 1 4 1,1: e broken Blilallteue at s e w. JOHN SHILLNAIIti , g i b i , wm r the name or THONPOONAuI; mowed Oita old mad,, 101 l !vim , I o pay bleat "ever dolbtrit Oat !rift, ame. ' , The* aim bt pe tra :malt, In all possible Pinar If . t tie itotald •v ht' -' -li de, oedipal/ Medieisi in the World i up im it is itizlinif Cr; Amin aided reeseisete ' It osier tritium! soeutuss, sickerou se ativ Patititi.l4 t end•, superiority his lersepe medicines ice• ;that 'bile it era& TIT- most situ { TM; gstract is p E ' gager, pleas any sold. par/ Tim rest bens tilts over all $h very beat SPRING AkllD BUNN . Ayer known; it ot only 'puritan the whole argot, laded atiengtheas t e person, bat it create" new, per" fraud rich blood ; aOower posseued Go ether Medi. „rehire: Anil thi s ( lies the grand sferet of ite wonder ful rtier.ers: It h ' performed within the lent two yawn; Friore than 100,000 urea of severe ease: of disnatia: at Hleest Ii5„000 wean considered loenrahle. St has, inrysii the lire, of more ban 10,000 children the pest twit sem eons hi the City o Nair York alone: 1 ',1111,00 1 0 ria.e• of dlittasertall Debility 4- • • wine, ri It menu. ' 'Dr. Tow usewls : amnion ilia iiir !aerials. thn whaler's.. :tea painattentlyt Vo those who horn hut their.mut erlir en e rgy, by I e 'effects of medicine hr, ieglisereirais ' , .eoinniitted in yogi• or the anceuiverindligenea if thi passiona, and brou _hi on by physical priaration of the • r system, I . itnile. - wan oriulitic". (*tin' -- neneatidnia prams, ute • data*" anti 'dee fair biassing 3owsrer that Gaul disease Coneuneption.osin be elit_frely :teitnred by titslpte aaaaa tea.dy. 'This Sarearistila vu far superior to tiny ~ . . Ilia vilypotrititegg Cotiliall , . ! As Is renews esuliavigoratlis an system 'twat whit* to, the limbs, endd strength_ .to ,tawninelior ;"‘lii a . rrit,tiaseeiettnona., .. . 0" - . " •. . ---,- 1' , -criiluessauitirsai Caeca. P. fllsasiss mad Streigthru4,Cerumwria,ri can k it in .,, 44 • Bronchitis. Caiummptems, Liver aimplairat. 0444 ~,, . Clatarrhellwag fi ts. Arthnia, Spin*, hieetl, &Knew is the Chest, clic lOWA, Mit:he:Sweiete,. Dijiiiill'ey 's f Projaise Expeciorstiser, Asia ay as aids; itc4'hall , Ism sad cam Sul - torsi* - . '. il, , • Dpitt*, 11114.4. ' c: Nara r er, 4 11,i April 118,„Iflini, 1 Di. D Towson D.—l yerity - believe your, Beisapiw , Ali . f. rim, has been th means, throngh Providenee. of Saving , t my ilk, ' I have I r several years bad • bad Coves. 111 'i - beams worse ad worse. At lab I raised , lug" quantities of bloo , had film sweats, and srps greatly . i debilitated lad re aced, feud did lot gaped to lie,. l .1 l have only sued your ihareapasilla •a short woe, mod there has a wouderful "gauge heas wrought is we. , 1 lam nor mile to Or 'BY over the . city. I . 1%44 Re ' blend suit: toy e ash MO left me: Too. are lire° be. helm t that !I am auk 1 for rime salvia. Taut ahisk • ri ls ' disat imnialt„, , W . RUSBELI, 6,5 CetharleeeL I - • -- - - _, - . - s,-_-_- ‘..-.. !-...--,------- --.....,...-----*._. , , . howilwrillome. le or lOre than Coat thnusaint iiisiii`et r,e4c are oretorsß r era w sp e n e r k l y ta i h ra r%eer t ert . j .d y winder.' a. Emit one of the amistanta li ,the RlnchWelrs Wood, is the gentleireu how My letter. . Blackwell's Milord, filept.lll, Min, Dear Sir: I hare suffered -terribly the - tllionnetisto; ',eousiderible ofiAir t, steel tor walk. I had the merit di./ my limbs were larribilt: 'wallet .1 tleitoC ' our Bo rsa patina, and theY bort a that sand dollars Worth orgoinli I'linf "deed am entlrelysidiered; ,-. Tole hvii bis for he beeehtof the afflicted.: _._ re reviled - MO; JAMBS Cyll/1111P10,9 i . :—. ThlsTis oral rof, I !themdative i gat The t sere s • i t by its straoriline t Ja Cesunio I Lima 'Asylum, ispok of la the Dr. Townsend I for O sysers_ohl II Bate eoubt note i i t tress `pains„ au i hare need fourbo r. di,i)etne more the l' : so 'luck better=- , I at liberty to use 1 i - Too insitle filleiicitme. ' • - . • Sarseparilla is ri ~sorereig ned.rpcla oiaot !Constsinpoda, Barre. min, Pro" allies of the Wiiiiti, Cirativa els; files; .lies,Obstructed iv difficult Menistrup of Urine, or involentary dimbene he gedeml prostmition of thesyitem the result of inherent tunas, or mires lariti, Muni or , eceident. Nodded :sing thenitalirtrigerating effects imam gersiins of all wenknen and Intuited, ace become robust and fell of energy ce.. It immediately . couniereelti the the "Ililimala freme,erhic* is the peat less. ',' It ill not ,be expected, of mi, rate a.asture,,to exhibit certilliiiites nil , but ire can. assure the alrlieteiklhis. i hard bens- reported to 'us. Timis. there t unnies . hare been !lithium sii* i ferribottlea of toii invaluable . Vied& ti, essail.Seith.fine, health'? elfaiiiiiif. Ii 1 priMared fie reference to &MO OM if If 40 . lies reason to aappiare,..she is critidid period, k 7'hi Wu 410." take t, sr It is is" tertiiin"prehantive nitrinte cud horrible direaies, is stitch rt, - aqtlila time of life. .Thht. eternal • ' AT reerral L stars Ay Saint. this insiti . valn'able for these Who are akirnich it iiii ealeilated.i ioi• thilti.risiturii , by and itivitroratiog tliireystomi In= ine isftinvolualife foir all the ililfeate woinib are , sebieet. . lareel'ekfiellries; " • ' ' Deer Siv.-1 have the Memo is In rtin of t My children hoe beees . wed et the ohe oryeni excel et 'reedidue. 1 .1 d'req. shrerely with. hat* , 11410iir •11 41014 there Alegi, for eldlidkViedt lat obligation. • 4 -, . . 1'". r., respectfully,., . .. • . -, iSA iCW.' CB Otte; 104 le'eeetiiii-sa ifetee of elleyeielleiso.. , ;*: :,; , a..,: ; • 1 Weirdest dolly, ;seeirina.lodow"6.o rent ate of be flulalli. .:,,,-, 7Ln, lfy til:Oit irc the madeeekiiid, :Ma. l'uf Albiq, have- liceimeseitielieileii pop u ii,d's liistexPatiller.-41Cilefiginal ; RH * riduadde.prepitittioeCitkelpflege. F I.t i, 1.1.1t,': 3. W11.§011; 11.114 1 .1e ; -1% , E. 14.111ENIM)11.P.ALILV,,';. . , - .t -.-', -, ii.. ~ .. -...,4 1 ‘, 1 1,4440. 1 % 1 .c4,llprooln't itiiii 142•••••••ial•kiiii•i'itit,:iet 0•41,•,' • ariambeCitimiliteur nu l ie r. 10tve ‘ esivi - neemewed ; olol4llt Elilxit,'k., Hater., Extealtx ',ft, PIIIP Sa"i'llit. , Put it twiiiiiievetke,* Hite' tir.theat le.verltetlit' lilt tetWet/ Is, -thii, fire; Oil, - eferihilisit, ided:',None paulue nalesii nifeeso, by • i ' - - '• ' i. ,-- . ,' ... , 1 , `,l 4 sl3ll.Tait MINI, ::, 1 10 1 !.1V‘" Iles :ils' Co.,' Clititin' Xtelutc,".o•44 oll 4 ;,; N,,,rii, s.,e,,pd ..trs.ll,,:—.P.woilid* xtv,t, ifidomarks !,1!, IC 94 04 4 _. . t;q:, )47.1 Chhittes. gireeoN.ll).:‘ 'A 0 Albany ;:and bY nil the pfin..itef celainfr'eatinially IliioUghtifti. the ish l!s! 3, ft'„eP 4 0 ' t. lie ; , ;;Pi.: -.q , ;' 7 4p, ligen . tek .. - iii4''llliiii.o; } Dr. Townsend' . i y core for sue, ~ pals 'Uteri or I" I fmiscorrhtea. or !I i don, Incontinent! thereof, and for dl no matter whethe produced by. irt can be More sump theltiman limo '., from taking it It. 1; ander its =floe t elfurveterinelis of -I. cause .of arre n I ! is cares of so del c caret'', performed ;:, hundreds ofmmei sends of cases 4 dren, After Mang I I ! eine, have been It 1 kas beenexpresal ;plaints. No rem ;, approaching that ,`should neglect :t 1 for any of the fit I females are . 1,1;4 say be itelapd '1: rime Nor is it 1 lug wonosobood, I. quickening the b fi deed, tuns meth i 3' diseases to Ishii. II Dr. Townsend Iturir ypirt4ni th litho Scrofula by Miley Sierivelfliete hikes four bottles E myself under fre N • n ' -44 1 wt . • . rusq ryol4lsni in 4 rr 'his iI to • , '.eirtes - of' the C E: imperilled. U. to he Amu of t • n_;ll4sl: . . , -U: T. 4 , tlt.tri! t l IiBRIGIUS,U. •' Miley to the Irotoosood's idles! , ow t i o nlistly 011, AV Eitioote; r flook,,lte. They. foR• iv,. 'join advettistmool Famt should avi 1 , 8: roirusead. r:14661'A1 Qlll' - .1414, N." v.; ;tad Dyott k Sons I: . FAL IL films's, Ds j i lea; Wright Si . • south Pearl Stre I- 'o4oltilits and II 1 :LW. dudes, W 4!“ is BENTLEY county. eta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers