The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, April 26, 1849, Image 3

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    Lackawanna Coaload
&, Weirs, Gap Rail-
The N. Y. Tribune Rtys: Among tho manyliran
dies running into the New York and Eric Railroad,.
„ me are lik e ly to be more important ~than, that
known as the Legett's "P Railroad, eitendint.t
of the Lack - .^: •,,..ana tn,
friltn the c rest Coal Basin
the New 3"ort. and Erie Railroad, at Preat tend.
a distance of about forty . miles. The Charter for
this R „,f was obtimed from the State of Pamosyl
mita. about the time that the Wawa*. nod 1-lud
soulaW Company obtained theirs ; but could not
lx. made available until the Erie Road was comple
ted to Binghamton, as in reaching that place the
Road passes into Pennsylvania at the Great Bend,
and apprptches nearer-the c ad field than ,at any
other,pamt on the route. i
The route is, beyond doubt, the 'best that .can be
obtained. The grilles are remarkably hiforable
for the transportation of Coal, the sumthit being
reached in five to six Oles from the, valley 'of 'the
Lackawanna, at about 45 feet to the mile. Fn a
thence to the Great Bend there • ito no ascendi e•
grade over 18 feet, while '2O tp '3O m il es ii,in b e
scolding about 25 feet to the mile. . _,
This enterprise has been taken hold of by son e
of uur most cealthy and enterprising citizens, wi
a view a supplying the, great dermald for. coal 1 '
the interior of our State. The salt-works itiSalii 1
alone : will require at least 50,000 tons ayeali.
The .Company have secured 1,000 acren iof tl t'
fmrst,Caxtl bawls in the Lackawanna 4 - alley, t t
which the Coal is now -handsomely open 4 rein
for a commencement r and those at all, acqriainte
a ith the different Anthracite:To:ll deposits of Petui
sylvania, are well aware that Oat. e,u be mine
and dOivered into cars
. in the Lackawanna Valle
at a-less cast Hari in any other Coat itepOsis. ,
It is understood that the proprietors pf the Lack
awanoa iron Works have offered to furnish the iron
aid chains for the entire'reind, and receive a large
portion of the stock in payment thereof.: awl otlwr
parties have offered to famish all the ears roptiri*,l
fur transporting coal and take one-half pay iirst,tek„
Every one at all et myemit, with, the wants awl
requirements of the State of New York, the gn at
1.4A:e ,, 301 the Caeadas, f. it this itslispoisable itrti
ely of fuel, cannot fail to ,e 0 at a g.lancethe impor
tance of at once opening this avenue fur the outlet
of Anthracite 'Coal.
With thia,road made and corrected with the NCNI-
York and Erik' Railroad, can be ili.4ributed
OVVT the whole of \V 'tart Now l rk and the C'a:t
ridas ; the road would be without a rival. becap.o
it i- the MO:A feasible, and forms the most. Airect
and natural connecCion - w ith the railroad , :mil Ca
nals in New York ; a market at. fair 'Klee.
would be found for all the coal that can be tquls
ported ou the. road.
Kentucky—Slavery—Mr. Clay
On the appeantnce of Mr. Ctav's letter on Sli
very in Kentucky. recommending. that measures he
taken to provide fur its extinction by the dougltu
tional Convention to he elk - Tted Angu,t avid
ar.t.crok.le in October next, there were not wanting
ji - ouniaL4 w u-r.,st from a sii.4te luxrrerraph near it,
elose an - acquiescence in the fooor tra.tuo,rt,tirtetl
be very many of the promi
Jam:. Kentucky.
Those Whigi. it Rill benvollected. whlle they de
the extilittion of Slavery, are yet towed and
Oeuced by the attitude of their Liwo-Yoo. opp,,--
ntinci, who him: jumped upon the pro-slavery
hobby and re.ob ed to ride it into power. iTakim,
early - and ultra ground in favor of eternal Slavery.
in view the probability that a large,poition of
the whigs would favor Rmancipation. they
t,, w i n o v e r to their side enough alarmed and
w hiz sravehnlders,t., give th, , !21 the control cif, the
state. Thereupon the ship mciab.-rs of 'the Legi—
hiture, hurdle leir, selfish and not murn less un
principled, held a catica and re'oleed that the
question of teraunattnt :darer: ought jnot fO be
agitateil at this time and even Mr. Clay, wati cited
acquie.cire; in this po!iev et ma- , teigy inactiv
ity. The f,.ilowiug ree,or,l of a public tneedrtg
Lerimrd.n., however, effectually refutes that calum
ny. We eepy front the legin.Zl , h Atlas:
In pursuance (f notice, a meeting of those of the
ritizelei of Lexington, and Fayette County. oppw.e.
to the perpetuation of slavers , in this Conning*
wealth was held in the City Hall, on Saturday. the
14th of ApriL whtht; em motion, Mr. &mutt) Oust'
iIASI was railed to the Chair, and W. A. Pla.n.o
appointed Seaetaiy.
The object of the meeting has inn been end :tined
in a G w chrrent renuarka by Ho. H.EVIY CLAY
and R. R. S. Baccm-rNanmE, on motion of the lat
ter gentleman. the following resolutions were %man ,
imously adopted':
L This meecting, composed of the citizen° of the
County of Fayette. met, / 13 Pnr'uanCe o f p ~bhe ' n° ";
tire, to Onngider the question of the perpetnition
Slavery in this Commonwealth, con,ideti.,g that
hereditary Doniestic Slavery, as' it exists ammg us.
1. Ia contrary to the rights of ma nkind \ ,
Is opposed to the fimtlAmental princilles of
free government ;
ineomistent with a state of sutra nt molt lets
4. Is lay:tile to the prosperity of the Colunt.m
wealth, are therefor of opinion, that it ought nit to
I,e made perpetual. and that the'Convieution a )(tut
to meet to amend the Constitution of this Stat. af
fords a proper occasion on pinch steps ghoul, be
taken to ameliorate the condition of Slavery in . Ich
•tc-ay a 6 el e di be -found practicable in itself.
regards the maters of slaves, and beneficial Lo the.
slaves themselves: ' • t
IL In order to cuncert with those will agreettr"h
us, throughout the State, a plan of action silitat , e
to be adopted on occasion, And to agree will
them upon Ta common platform of, principles,lh.4
meeting appoints the following citizen, and rectin,
maids to as many others as are (If simi ar cent
meat., and can cmveniently attend, to meet it
Frankfort tin the f.'sth inst. delegates froin °thin
parts of the State, similarly appointed, for the pur
?Pe bereimexpresseiL
[Here follows a list of names,rorhich we demaim.
important in our locality.)
UL Upon their return from Frankfort, the, Del-4
estates now appointed, shall have power to etll a.
pale meeting. and make report of their proceed-'
lap;at which meeting the quetetionT(4 Uotnittatht
suitatile per%on3loropresent the county
,in the Cot -
vention shall be taken into eonsithirati.M.
On Moticrd, Os? meeting adjourned. / •
• trwARD OLDHAM., Chairtnu.n.
W. A. Debut, Stzreterj. ,
Tire Nest. - ScßooL Lacr.-- 7 The collo-11 = in;
alas a suinauuy of the prineirr4l alteration-9 in Ow
Sehbol Law, as eetibliahed .1w the bill recently
The Directors are eMpowered to levy a tax suf•
Beene to keep the School,. open, not more than ten
months in each year. The Eiehools are required tri
be kept opett, at least four months in each year:,
The Treasurer of the school fund iy made thci
collector ofiiihool taxes.. The Collector is to fix 4
Unwind place, when and where he will reeeivethei
School taxes and is to receive two pe r ' cent
collecting. If not paid at the time desigiosieN
the Constable is to s3olleet it.•
Sub-Distric . ts are not interferred with—where-the
Committee of a sub-district, and the Dirmtors. disa
gree to the employment of a teacher,the people of
thesubili;i t i e t have the right to. elect la teacher,
who must. however, have hem first =rained' 41 . Y
the Directors.
The special s law. for West Chester, Shut' frill
township, and other-places is not nbolhthed.-
All moneys subject to taxation for State,.:l2nd
County purpas es , are made subject t0....5e15,01 tai
The State appropriation 0f...tw0 hundred *ll
.1 1 dollars iS continued ; but is not made the
oasts of bantam.
The people do not vote on the question of -14;2-
The Superintendent is require& furniAt to each
SchuAl a y oCthe new map of the State of Penn
byivania—large size. •
- .• 4 -1.21V4 , 0,, •
'resident Judges in:Pennsylvania.
, • I .• —. • ek '
. Th i f f° ll oo ll g iii lifatelins*Of ilia.rtimai dis
trictsin Peialsylranis; tiniPthe 'ise;vind
. presiding
311 3, as they now stand tufler the ..neeent ap 7
pl . t nti Aiy . Gov,:rilohnaton. I, There . Way ); how
- an
ever, k itome _ inaccuracy or two instances,
but e table' in the ninin jai:orient. ~•The tnrci,•-ap
point enta hy 9or. JiAnstoti are highly witninen
ded, 116 d the. , gentlenein *Atirik , tri)ointiad hie id': dis
tingni?hed for their leg.aPability : . , -
1. Philadtdphia—Edward King.*
2. Lancaster—Ellis LeWis.t . • .
3. it and Lehigh. - -J.,. Pringle Jones.*
4. dentre, Clinton and Clearfield--Geo. W.
. Alleglieny--itenjamin Patton+ -. ' . ';
6. Erie and Crawford--Gaylord Church* -
7. Bucks and Montgomery--David Krause.} ;.,...-
7. Northumberland , Lycoining and poluinbia—
Joe, B. Atit..Vony.f
8. dumberiand, Perry and Juniata—Frederick :
Watt. .4 .
10. Westmoreland, Indiana -and iirm..ctrong----ino.
C: Knrn.*
11. Luzerne, Susquehanna and Wyoming—Wil
liam Jossup4
1.2. Dauphin and Lebanon—John J. Pierson.t
18. Sradftird, Tiogu,' Potter and McKean—Hor
ace NV
14. Washingtin, Fayette and Greene--Samuel
15. Chester and behiware -Henry Chapman.*
16. Friutiiii, Bedford and Sotnemet Jdtbwiah
A.. Blairltt
17. Beaver, Butler and Mercer--jnia. Bredin.*
18. Venting°, Jefferson, Warren and Stk.—Jo
sephirkitTmigton.t. •
. Iy. York and 'Admris , =;:tbiniel Drirkee.t
!O. and Union- -Abm. S. Wilson.{
21. -Luther Ridder4
Ilimme. Pike, Wayne and CarbEM- -N•trhart
iel 13.Eldred4
23. Pierk*---David F. Gordon.t.
3 S. liunting,ilon. Blair and Cambria- -Gk'o. Tay
lor.; . .
*A.opointed by Gov. Shenk; tby .Ga. Porter;
1. by (Wt. JOhnston.
New Binks.
We, recommend the following article from the'
Lanctizt.e.t. L'ulott. to the perusal of tlarte who are
f nd .of denouncing the whigs for Passing new
I tartk trill; The Locmfoco papers are finding faith
with the Legildatuic ter . iignittering the Danville
Bank, and grautipg banking privileges to the York
Savintr.: fir:titutiou, although the bills creating these
new institutions were twice defeated by whig votes
lh the Ifouse of Representatives, and were 'subse
iluently passed by the 'aid of locofoce votes, and at
the nu t:t unzent solieitation of hicofooo politicians
from the , coutttitn.ia. which they are located. The
Danville Bank was warmly urged by the locofuco
!I.entitor from the district, hacked by a number of
tiog If Woroou 4 ; and when the York bill had been
is ico rejecte I be whig votes, the hall was. literally
o, with lucofoctr editora and locofoco
from that county, who begged and itupl, red
reevu,4itl,ratiimi and passage. But for their im
portunities neither.of these bills' 'would now en
eituther 'our statute books. Netwithstnetliegull
thiA, we expect to hear of the very inch who pro
cured the passage of these bills denouncing the
wititrtt who voted for them. Such is the consisten
cy and liOnesty of locofocoism."
important Newspaper Case.
The 1 . 444vitt6• case, doeisieti . iii the Supreme
Court of Rhode Mand, is_reported in the 'Bristol,
Jagper Hardin, 1%. Henry De Wolf. notion of ac
.nn,,,-,t f 4 the recovery (.1f nine years millseriptinn
. to ;he l'el,n , vicunin Inqn;rern new.s.paper pub
liFilied in thiladelphia. .
,It was 'proved on the part of the plaintiff 4lit
the name 6f thi defendant was on his subscription
books .fro in 1834 to 16114; that the paper wasreg
ukwly enelos in a wrapper, difeeted to thede
fendant. :lad deposited in the post office in that
cite. for the paper hatfalso been forwarded.
The tdefeudaut denied ever having ordered .the
The Cmirt ruled that the regular mailing of a
newspaper fur a length of time wag at least prima
facia evidiMee of its reception,-and that receiving a
paper for 'certain time, and not ordering the same
- discontinued. was sufrieient to hold a, person liable
for the subneription prim ; notwithstanding - he may
never have ordered the paper sent. Verdict for
, TjfE SPVTLIERN ADDY:S.BS.-+M. Calhoun's
famous effort to array - the South against the
NorOt 1. becoming- more and more ridicu
lous., b y the' nun-emus failurnuMerous
its the attempts—in the South to get up
symphataic responses— , Some of the meet
ini.s called have coincided in the declaration
of geievances, bu - t oppose warmly the sug.,
;restions in the
# 4,4ess ; while others both
deny the gricfan6es and prot e st against the
ilecently a publiepeeting,ju Siontomery
(Ala.) refused toiiiiiprove of Mr. Colhoun's
recommendation ; and a similar result took
Hay:• at another assemblage at. Athens, in
North Alabama.
A wry t. ' TRAGEDY.- 7*;.. H. D. Pe arson
and her thin doughters, four year; .of age,
‘vere found murdered, at their reshknce, in
WilmingtOn, Mass., on Wednesday morning
last. The children were in bed with their
throats cut, ilLtil the mother. was lying on the
floor beside it, having many stabs and cuts
in the neck and on different parts of the bo
dy. la - ooe hand was a quantity of hair tom
from the a r ssassia's head, and in the other
Was grasped the bk*dy knife with which the'
tragedy as perpetirated; On unclasping
the finge, which 1:Iclosed the knife, the
r c
palm of th ' hand was found cut, and man
gled in a s locking manner.
On'Tiidny, Daniel Pierson, the husband
'lnd fat.h.ei of, the deceased,. was examined
4.1 charge Of perpetrating the triple murder.
711 a prisoner was noticed. about Wilmington,
01 Tuesday', afternoon, haring,* arrited in the
, 1-§ from iloston and and.lredneSday morn
ill; he was seen hurrying tOwardS the rail
rip4,statio+ A footprint Iron:L.l4e house
1ike4 . &41 precisely with the skate alas boot
an( the -tuff of hair found inthe hand of the
wbuan elacitly reseMbled that of the prisoner.
Tt Litter Made no defence; and 'was (Kull ;
taite d for :,trial. ••• -- •
difficulty has existed for some- time be
. tv - . n Mr. Pearson and his wife,.#d negoti
al is werekoing onfor a diToree} He 4.4,
11 9 .tre4 Nvithiber of. Lite, 1)4'4,10E4 em-
pit , ' ki. ass *ervant in aveutlemati 4 s *flintily
in - stop. 1 I Mts,f. is said:to -hwe *n a
* 0 of ::_iniachable chaete4 and to
haleleen ' "la* kind . 44f 'heri Ogcken•
Halm 0141. Maas
_Gazette.... _ ,l '
* . 11:411Fmort, a •grandion [Of rreSi
dent • ' tqemtwell known iit•ancinnati
as rd it , ily iromisin.'g Young Man, who !ae
(*nip . .N1 Col.lYebbte Califotnik,party to
the go reium; was of the 'ziuniber who
died of the (*okra on theitio Cytaude. -.
Twol**ys LAter Fr Europe.
The Europea reached New "ork, on Thurs
day evenin last; dates .to the
6th of
The piMcipal_ matter; of- interest, is the
news of, tom! defeat: ofPiiirleS Albert; king
of 'Sardinia, by the AuStrians, and the al di
cation of (jharles in favior of his oldest son,
Victor Emmanuel. Duke of Savoy, and his
flight to France. A battle 'o
-as fought •in
the rieighbOrhood of Vercelli, the 21st of
March,- and after an obstinate struggle on
both sides, the Fied.moutese were completely
routed, and forced to retreat precipitately
towards TOrin. On the 234, the armies
came again, in collision, and-'the Austrians
trained a second and. more complete victory
than the.first.
Both conflicts. were sanguinary, and Un
doubtedly Were atteuded with, great slaugh
ter. The second battle lasted from ten in
the morning, until a Late hourin the night,
and tha respective armies were composed of
not less than 50,000 troops each. The
Austrians report 13,000 to 4.000 of the eat.--
my killed and wonrided. Charles Albert
fought desperately, and finding the fortunes
of the day turning against hini, soughtAhe
most exposed situations in the hope of - mee
ting death otr the field:
On the abdication of Charles, Albert, an
armistice was immediately concluded bct
tweentheneW King and the Austrian com
mander, upon
, terms that would' undoubtedly
eventuate in peace.
- The war between Austria and Hungary
is still rife, but no very &Ablate. information
is received respecting it.
The of Prussia has been elected
Eniperor of Germany.
The English have had anothr fi,rht with
the Sikh army in India, which resulted in
the complete rotate of the latter,
Ettgiand.—No particular change • in the
market is reported. Money continued abun
dant, and The bank orEngland had a large
amount of specie in its vaults. It was ru
mored in the political circles, that a change
was about to take place in the British Min
istry. Lord Stanley was assign4d the Pre
miership, Irhiraiili the Foreign Office, and
Broughath the post of Lord Chancellor.
Ireland.- , -Letters from the south of Ire=
land are very alarming its to the spread of
star\ ation. The cholera is also daily adding
to the number of, deaths.
r- -
be held on the 25th tn Fruit - W., a gen:
eral convention of the opponents, of porpet
ual slavery. The citizens of Fayette s. ‘ -ounty
met at Lexington on - Saturday week, and
appointed sow thirty delegatw. Tim mee
ting was a4slrest4ea by llon. H. Clay and
Rev,R. J. Ilreekinridge. The latter gentle :
Man offered resolutions, which were. unank
mouslv -adopted, to the . ellect that as hered
itary domestic shivery as it exits, is con
trary to the 6 . 06 of mankindpposed to ,
the fUndamential principles of free govern
ment- - inconsistent with a state of sound
morality--hostile to the prosperity of the
Commonwealth, it ought not to be made,
perpetual ; and that the Convention about: .
to meet to autend the Constitution of the
State afford.; a Proper occasion on whii•ls
steps should be taken to aTneliurate the condi
tion of s'avery in such way as shall be found
practicable in itself, just as regards the mus-'
ter of slaves, and beneficial to the slaves
AOTITER BODY FOCNn.--The' body of
Chester 3finicr,' of 1 7Bradt . t.trd county, drowned
at the Nanticoke dam, on the 31st ult, was
found in Ilutilopkii Eddy, a short distance
below the dam,,oni Monday last. After in
quest the reniailis of the unfortunate man
\vere deptitetl. in the burying ground at
that place. The dam, Inan ouie catt , e, or
t Vier, it becoming njterfect slaw doer lion-to.
WC tkll9peet 11104 A of the. 11CC14411t2: arise
from carelessms.s.-- 11 7 7//..egharre Farmer.
that Mrs. Knapp, wife of Ur. Lyman K.,
of Springville, whose late mental aberation
has cast a gloom over the cOmmunity in
which she resides, lhtrly in a fit of insanity,
threw her child (a babe) from the chaMber
window to the ground—a distance of nearly
thirty feet, and then jumped out herself. it
was at first supposed that both- escaped un
hurt ; but:it is nhw 'stated that Mrs: K. was
considerably injured.— Wyoming _Democrat.
- - -
1 0 1EUT GOFF ' 4 DEREB.—It has been
decided by the atto - rney General. of the Uni
ted States, that - there is no authority by
which Capt. 'FoirrEu, who murdered Lieut
Goff, of Wilks V3aqe, can be tried for the
cowardly- act. Wu do not envy him ,his
feelings, though a legal quibble saves his
neck from a mefitedihalter. The still small
voice of conscience, eN . P . T.gnadipg him, Will
imbitter his life, and, make his existence mis
The Simese tWins, who have been living
some years with wiv:.s and children, on their
own plantations in,YOrth Carolina, are said
to be on their way to New York to embark
.for-Europe with µ viqw to consult the most
eminent strgeort OtiMie practability of m
operation to deviile the ligament that binds
them together. It isjurther said that , one
of their sisters, had been adopted into the
family of the.EmperOr of Siam.
TUE PRINTER ' S Fbauvra.--The lorirney
men 'hinters of PolUmbus, Ohio, a few days
since, presented ;MIA. G. Dtstmocx,
Senator from Rolmes county, with a gold
"CoptP-Osing Rule," .3.% ! ft, tesitimoniiil" of res
pect tor ids exertitond In, behalf of 'the craft
la. Ohio. Senatbr D. !, edits the • Holmes
county Farmer, a radical orthodox Demo
cratic .sheet. lie is also the author of the
Homestead Exerription Bill presented in. the
Ohio 'Legislature during the present, session.
AT O.4LERIBITUriGH,re I 1 th inst., John
Kneeply, senior, noo an d esteemed citizen,
was murdered in his wn hiouse. by his own
son, who,was insane.
*lt. II Exvori.—Grent effort will be made in
Mimomii to prevent the reelection of Cid.
Benton i to , the'United Stares Senate,' chiefly
on the ground of his Anti-Slavery action.
The Co oriel, it is understood,•°will visit 'the
princip points in the State previous to the
next election, - and address the people in re
gard to this and other important matters.—
In relation to this subject the St. Lola* Re
rine retharks
Our political papers aro deeply interested
in what may Oossibly be. the fate of Colonel
Bentob:An this State.. The i &pa,blican
lest the', recent slavery extension resolutions
in the.Leg,iiilature may prov 4 too txoublesotne
to the :_ienittor, Col. 13eutpn has started a
railroad extension movement ; wltiCh will be
apt to silence all objections to his course this
Aide the, Roelty Mountain.
o,t'Eflt Irishmen, dis
charged by the Lawrence and Mamchester
Railroad Company:Mass. last week, sought
revenge ,1y ,exploding a magazine of forty
six kegs of powder, which blew the build
ings to atoms,- and one of the incendiaries
with it. The other was-sadly scorched.
regret to
learn that Jobn7Foi, Eq., died at hiA resi
dence in I)oylestown, on Sunday mOrning
last. He was for runny years a leading
member of the Bar, and for' several !'years
was the President Judge of that Judicial
District. His-age was about seventy.
Dystrersigii. , ---- This distressing complaint is a
weakness of the digestive owns, caused byy impu
rities of the blood. The gastric juice, a fluid pe
culiar, to the stomach, when secreted from- bail
blood, is dillicieut in those solvent properties which
are of such importance to digestion. Consequently
the food, instead of being beim die olv 1, often become.;
spoiled or 'vitrified - in the stomach; hence had
breath, soirr belching., costhiene a, pains in flit
stomach, colid. dysentery, and other dreadful com
pl rots.
The gremlin° for sale by ABEL TURRELL and
F. B. CHANDLER & Montriige.
On the 19th inst, by Eld. linirnork, Mr. JAgEZ
OsBUILN to SUSS AMAtDA Slettt, both of Bridg
In ~pringstille, Mr. ALONZO WOLIDIIOLIISE to la.
ELEANon.l3t.Artrstre—Mr. -- LEWIS of Brain-'
trim, to Miss HANNAH LEE.
In S1)6111;1-Ile, on Monday morning, the 23L1
by Rev. 4lr. l Mulky. Mr. /tads Besseta. nf,...Tuuk
In Gibson. hy l the Rev. J. Todd, H.T. VirnrrNET, IM.
D., of Jiiekson, to Miss E. E. T/I , V VI. of for
In this Vinn-,7% on the 20th Mrs. 3.f.ittr A-VN
_ WARNER, wife of Gen. D. D. liVarnei,tuat daugh
ter of J. W., Ilaynsford, asti., aged 38 years and
6 ruoindtg.
The illaes ¶1 him Warner was short--less than
a week beforether death she was actively employed
in her domestic ptirsuits- -no fears were entertained
for her life tell three-days previous to her decease.
Possessed Oti an uncommonly . vigorous constitution
her friends lr %elf it might triumph over her disease,
and she yet hee spared lon=er to her family. But
a mysterious Provideneti had otherwise ordered--
her * bounds were set- -and on the sixth day of her
sickness her Spitit left its clayey tenement to join,
as we humbly ;fruit, the redeemeti,and loved ones
who had go*. fr:fore her. Dining her illness she
exhibited great Patience and fortitude,.and that
constant regard for the comfort of those around her,
for which she had ever been characterized. In the
various relations of Wife, ,Mother, Daughter, and
Friend, she me; ever faithful, kind and affectionate.
Her death leaves an aching void in the hearts of
her family, a 4 they will mourn her loss without
the hope of reparation. In her thd poor and the
issick.have noti only lust a true and generous friend
but the wl4o' community have been ealle4 to
mourn. One. who loved her and Who had often
f been the recipient of her kindness, offers this trib
' ate of gratefulmffection to her memory and heart
felt symysithy to her afflicted relatives on this, sad
bereavement. .
On Sunday oVenirq, the Bth inst., at t the residence
of C. L. Wird, Esq., in Towanda, Thomas WELLS,
E. q., aged about '7O years. ,
We know hni Ttle of the earlier history of the
' deceasehl, but hav casually learned that he was a
native of firlastirib iry. in Connecticut ; -that he grad
' tinted at Yale C.ol ege with credit, atl entered up
on the active
. heatre of life with ritliant pro-e
-pects. Early i,n the present centuiv, he went to
i reside at Wilkisbarre--was admittFd to the bar,
and f , expa after appointed Prothnnotav of Lnzerne
:, county. EndutO by nature with hi4e sensibilities,
smite, early mt4fintune or disappointment clouded his
visions, of the future, and finally paralysed the more
i energetic and titnbitious faculties of li i ig mind. -11 0
continued for iminy years, and to hif last hour, to
• indulge in a partite' but morbid melancholy, which
i 1 A
.1 h imrenueree, ' careless of the ordinary n A pna•i nni
41f IL: pan life-scithout in the slietht est degree af
i fectin; the_lynyert. of his fine hit,•llest, in other re.
1 Teets. His taste for literary - pursmts, which his
early schuhirship had created, he continued to in
dale but without . method, or any other practical
'result except to stordbis own mind with a vest
amount of rare:Ms information. During the last ten
years he hall been an inmate of the family where
he died : and there, for the satisfaction of his
distant friends t'ticl connections, we take the liberty
{if sayi'e he his teen nniformly treated with all
Phut unqualifithl kiulqess nut attention. which his
purity and walla so amply deserved. Every at.
I.:leak:in and rye were toniered •to him up to the
latest mernent. 4 lie cFed in the fullest possession
of the Christianis hope ; respected by all who knew
bili many virtues 'end blameless life.- , {Bradford
.ctrgns. .. 1
. .11re*r ( Foods Agalut
ITUST receir 1 iig, another *large and splendid stock
of Dry Get4s, Oreccii - kis, Hardware, Saddlery,
ron, '3,w:4, emu kerb Bonnet-r Ribbons, Flowers,
elover ck, Timothy seed. Codfish & Mackerel, Book
A:. Shoes, Palm, Light - nu S. Straw Hats, Fur 41:. Silk
Hats, spdn; aid summer styles, . Glass, Window
Sash Lamp, I. 4 .4seetl . ik. Tanuers Oil, White & lied
Lead ite.'"ce, clinaper than the cheapest at Mont
rose 4k. Springville.
.• • -, If'LATHROP tts SALISI3I7EY.!I
April 25, 180.. nlltf
WO HORSE lumber waggon for sale at
' ; Notice
IS hereby of the Dissolution of Dayton,
Clark 4.1 's,,Partnerthip in the Railroad,
Freight C..'u businesi, by the retirement
of William Day • from the said Company . ' "
Gnat .11ead, 101 25, 180. ;
4 N. ,NE I VTO, AT, • '
Attorney at lANV-01Bee a rods south ot
,court llowe.
Dek son Caukir 3iakers- 7 -Mcuatroso, Pa
Yr:6;:iirrn • P. STMIENeI,
jA SiLinioJr4; P. Avitas.
:Etitablislunent, the Ittrgest .Yritd
cer 'organized, comprising the btist
vranamtic Troupe ever collected,
bitBEs and POYIES supe:o9lr
country, will exhibit in -
TlNtrierclay, Miry 7th, 1849..' 3
has In 'itet ' l *o:ogre:as- through The
irecedecl by the great triumphan4
Golden Vitariot /
This: batmen.
me,st complete
Equestrian card
with a Stud of
any other in flu_
The 11. S. 01
aumtry 'will he
. _ . r
Crew* Cuured llorsci, and dove.-
nce of a celebrated New-York
e tnagnitude and splendor of this
btiffies description. It. is
thq . pa - 4Y
nes which approaches the celli':
rt described nt ancient‘histhiy.l:•'
~ i. taro, rove, and its elahorate
'ig'srlets, anything of the I,did ..
The fatuous' . ' .
Drawii by 20
ie•l to the cone •
Brass Band. TI
ituniense vehicle
ciim of ttiodern ti
achievements of
Its weight ex..i
caning and gild
ever witnessed.
iveNalliray4 the best Clown in . tke
st• of this Company:
,r. Rich'Ord t
World, is a mem
ipak Rider living ;: together vich
, 1,1, the herculean 2 and 4 FiOr*
ot FAxo. the tionderful Chine e ,
; Mr. ( - 3 W. - Stmcn.vcr, the gr,e4t ;
t , a
o ; MONA. licansr.t., the eelebrt
rforrnor; Mr. Cols, the utuivi .
; las:, ,JoniisoN, aed .51-ida.tuci.s
-' Fent{le Eciuesttialis of cdlePri
rre, the pritlee of comic-slug
Liss, K.EviiEtrY, TA.*.kr.t
, Jo
int ohrsit Gymnasts, and nth*
The best Priop
Mr. B. It. Russel
rider ; Qn..NG
Bottle Performer
Dramatic &melt
ted Cannon Ball
led Contor,punes!
Cm.s, and Jottso
tr; Mr. IL W. S.l
Dfesara I'TAGLY-i;
•SQN . and, !
The greatest WWI
11 nt ill liar various ilep
cr of au) a l e,
Vi‘ Little 1 inger,
, _
The s4nallest
eabibeted in tL
uman 13ain; in existence will lie
I 'ring, together with his Pairty
Ithout extra charge... NV - i { !
25 cents . Pit 2,1 centa; Chihl
i! rice. PoPrs•vpen at ,2 and ,7,-r
`lnence"at '2l 'am! 11- P..M. " , -',•
• • Exhibited 'at Giliion, Ntly' thb
. .- , 11'4
r under 9 half
erforrnanee.4 col
The game will
Aretot Books
.lust. received akt t, t 0
Book S7crrrt.•
ou of iglapd, Web7fer's'Di6-
Teketc. Anthon's Latin Leslal,
.lifers, Burns' , 'Poems, Thin eft
tioo fur the piano forte, Hei*
P.tale, gearing . from .I.3mitT - 44,
or, Decision Makes the Man, bit
plain Cap, white Letter-:.Enfel
nary; it new supply EichnitsKe
ttos, ate.
31'Civilay's Hi
tionary school an.
t, e honographic H.
lebrated Ins
Ltette and There
I‘Dutr ver Will
)• • -
; I. ? etrer Paper and
apes, Bible Die;
Cards, satiated
a 23 •
Ir-n and Parley's PlaYinate,
lid this hi4bly popular and lin-.
; 1 for the yountt: Just "received,
:-criptions will he receive
pue dollar per annum
tterrV's MuR,
X few immber?l
strnetive periodi,
and for which ,;ti I
Book ;tune. Priv
. New Sto
rPHE utuientu
ship in the a
turned from New
gncab, eomprisins 1
ed for in &min
first rate quality,
approved credit;
of Now Yeit
e and 3114.1 w Good,
d have entered.. into cOpartngr,"
we tit , iness, and hare just te. :
ork with an entire nt.,nr, stoeit. 7 4
early every article ngailly - olk
store. All of which ate-of:a
will be sold for reailqiy.oi.
low as can be boughtAhts
DAVID summl4sx
Ploughs. 7 •
meat of Mout ;h of the most Ni t
t. of liontrm.e . Bingiiimtrot
astings, just 'velvet! end Ifor
es by ji. BURIUTr4
tiritf r
Nur Goods. . . :
A FULL awn
.1 - 1.-proveti polka
maatneetnre, anti
sale ut reduce:4li
New Milford, A,
MILE subscribers'
sortznent of S
we will sell at a ve'
customers for their
to cull and examine
of goals. We ca
be sold a 3 cheap'
Montrose, April
` havejast.received a ,good• *-
in A: Sumner, goods -whiC,ll'
S small profit. We thank oitr:
iberal patrunage and bnite you'
a new and . well selected stock,
sure Sou that nor gout's' •wili
hey van be'found in thii'cotir
I.• L. POST & CO.,
1 Orders No. 4th.' l
ent of Volunteers of the 'third',
Division niwhereby ordered!
. • of N. W.- :Waldron, iu the
on Wednesday, the lilth d# ~
lock, A. 3L. fur thepurppOpf' ;
! , nerordin? to the Militiirlyd
1 wealth of PennsylvupiaL .- , 1 ti
.A.S.I:. SPICER, Col i'
,I • s ufltle Volun'e_ir (limn paiii F it I;
r.V4 - i cc , ' are invited_to titteUtl
in in tile for review and Ire!
9"HE third ite - Rin
Brigade eight]
to meet :It the Ho.
Toni flip of Harfor,
of Mity next. at 9' o'i
Drill and Inspeeti.
Laws of the Com,
N. B. The mead ,
i:n ler the a . ;e of Fin
on intid day and fa
speetiop. • •
Those Of J
HA v rNG
and having em
the subscriber would 1
to do all kinds of ht
hanging, graining, 1
qildini; arid orna:ilaeu
wilt be done on 411
Jobs from the Cou
Shop over c f: T. Bire
doors of Warne
'Montrose, April,2,
ildpueut, Readi
abed h;raself in this NM:l5li,
lloyedvapetiended worinnia,
give notice tilithd is prepared
anal sign PuilltiutTO ,P4P 6 r
ltviog,and carria4e', pmntmgP,
al - pantings, etc., all of, whieh
notice; anti' in the tie4' style
I try promptly attended to.—i•
cud's Carpenter shop, it fey(
s liotnl. 'fry us.
• ! Fire!
IX; N. Y.
' .d /u/fti.
having, been luty te4
above Company, vouhrie;
ttentinn , of othe . publie ;tit thei
this- Clonlmny have *vet
he Ithd. They ,Msure, untie?
property, (being. a Famer'zil
no naka .over $2OOO.
fair and equitable prineiples;i
equal chance with the•
the to il.tement4 (W*o4l
ant ixl.sureci ? withentAgdvb/ ;
"mini with so'ni t ootherrenin,.
by,•their 1,2r-tiaelOn!
plutd , ol Wiagelo4
Itay kind Of • . • •el - „LT:.
_or .0fc,014,0,44% •
urveY4 made bytheif 410iiti I
inatteni'ef chtterikkeelithe'
h_appear - aid give •theinink•
thlhiVre ft-any;olo,4 , *
..thaLlosa while his PelicY
/44taine/1,,y its membein,
' . /kitlifintio to 0;044 , 14d
Am; 04 the mpia.
—t evident:6 to prove that
this,#. l 4l.,havi
oil • . = ,
to raa tie pion
ar Btisqua6nvi coant.y.i.
Over Tea ifillionv In
THE iritlersignel,
an 'Agent Of the
spectfully.celi, the i
WillaierouA advantage
oilier institutions of
but the West kinds t
Make =
N1T1T.411.0 find
policies - are mule{ ott
giving the insured an
not . t,: . fli i nktfiF : 19
One air 4., as. is
. eu.
'pries: 'They* -
suringiri blocks: or
frotn.takin_ g risks tt
that are cintildereilliii
the goirn - :es et 'all's
--agido to siiiiitnae a
county -where..the lasi
zed taw, pritilega of, a
Win *! 4",, PoFtim ,
1.3 in for* . .c.very le
has beenicetaed tO Wu
and paid, before' it VW
_ . . . .
of business is the et
the Directors to.
been fully 4.1 4 Preea •
All busio,e' entnis
attencled to.
Alirti - i)701W,10 7 0,*: - ~
t o llt disiOnguishallyity*****,ipi
. other countrie , sk!efUreirliom iiiik-
luorbeen 1i id lui*tiatriwefl 'tiPit4lti _ 1 -
praiße as an articT Of iii4striellenealttiftitif 'it
calculated to cup all foimard Affinoutter
than an.,Y'atiler * . ~Timolirtin , '„itt - 4 ,l‘iyt , 24T4
• - Raid the full si%--41fi/i/PPY-4140#441f»,
iiilly from it-Lit' from Win 'otv -
I d
bilityi novtotrrii: ' ise fi ii of Vlsigi lei& Id 4 '
b e f ore h ear id, ~; ,• - N ••• - • , :kilF,..f . .I,lti. ix
_ pr,,f,.,V;001/4kiusgen , telthi'4,*l4,
i Sayo--“ At. yea, u P/"441 tCs:Bl44=
, bation of-such a , siting ai MI yokeY' ,:„
:public. If Mir ' trite' itnit'gdo l la f inr •
v t ed
'• the hings, Cherry eahraTaierdciltr l'; ',4.' `-;-',
The Editor of t elondontlankeitaliivirtiNlii
, speak Idth s ellifili we ot. it. 0 0 .44 morktivi •
ID!. Per4ns, ti ,reiorgbil.:erigiet4Y.W74"lll
llfeilital Cotte - r ' 'del i it ' it ciii"Oomon ' _rids
!oic,ellehee for the 'root Ittrittuts''' - ilik tyk - -'ilrilf***
fiatme cliriutte , tturniitica oirtzft:.!'ilti:l,,
Prof. oglerela of A0w4,00k4004411Fi t . 1 .102,1‘2"! 1
I have witni e elftxte t ofzciar,l.l-11tairr"
rat in my c:ivn ili, and tliir-41kijelleOfkit
ra t
it has givenigreat tusestl i b 4
and e bio re •. • 1 - ; . -• r., , :;,..,., rhyi r . ;',l. nile.ti,
Valentine , Not ..M. A' Pro AvpiiimpricAta
York qifY,.says: itgive§134.0,1090) ..44. 4 4.10 1 11 1 1
ia.fayor of this - , utiful ,a.E.L4.,....v,F,iirt.,,,74,,
Ay :in. diseases of: Auriga. , ~. .>: .
~v,., ;
Andrew Oisitt r ;i,ol - . 1 / 4 , r/t s 44Witreiibegi
ord/miry to the Owen - of illiApedf , ifriteti 4l 4ll 6 '
,new Meklickelierr4ortladdsancitherp#;ll
sciences an arts iire fai5,i (1 4, 4 54, 0 , 11 . _•'
The Rt. ~ Lek4l Ali Skip '0;4 1 1 4 ' orug' 1 1 ,01 • 1 *. -
.iviiteß,in ti' citer*liiilriend;•; . wliciN4ii list At.
t st
ing under" he ailed - min .ior , thelAtniitt-4Fillia,
Cherry Pectoral a4tl if any niediciaimatir 'ittYsta ,
.relief with Lie bilsiwo4:o o 4.4 lll -1 1 % ;!--. 4 12 , -
" :TO QugadiAt Joura4 ,of . 1 14*tiii_ A
states that ' thOileVailinWAVitnitrot t _ttict• . On-
'ent Climate lies 'y: lilaiiirth'intrtiestv --
- 'to -
t/ger's.Cheriry I" toral;iisaliisi caiinotigio
_sil - Feculamend thi's" , 14-10PirigaktOhe ~ : •
.lion and Putklie 4 . 9" 134 4r- ''' s•Artti: ,, ,r, - ; :nit fell
The (*thquistieltrrof.
,age, of ":„the .A.merjam
toll* - ef'Medicreke, says; iiVilislecttire"%lbreils ,
'Class*: " Thii -ele ' 'olinp'tiiiitd* 14 , IsliCiiiiiiiiitt
.chemist of New ' land affords:*.turiasiksabis
. e
wetly in treatin the . vstriontiof„,th,,Pagg.
,py its skillful use, nu can rely tfibp,l3, purizigii . i4 l
-ottan with surprisiki ripiiliti,*'mceitirieterdikie
dangerou attacks' f pnlihonitrje'disiiii_vPli'l•!) - '
' if there is any uoiri3l4juclignint, orthicille,
Mere is a tenic4 ' whickthalnkilic-..-Cisi *V*
f d
. repared hy J . ,:,,C. AVER, tide pf.,:a114
Fold liv ABEL tiqt.liELL; DitigOst` ' liiiiit
iwe, 1 3 a. . I i 'i• -,, 1 , . , 1:•,: ~,,*, . 1u, - 1
I April, 26,15#91 - - •°' ~ -•-. • .:4bning.
• ,„
;' R:pring a l: nd i , ~,ni ," I. 'iLet •Gau l ' la p* i: 1849.~•:-:i i LI, vrhOrhie - .1,..1' • uslof ilinaluisinede'wo4l‘
.1. 1. are invited . call aull--lefAmine , Alialirger#4
Iplendid lot of pli' • etuneliod* *Ate
sgp t apais, and p • , • ,
,and • 'Oesurf dale; •
ilirietx of Oigha' - and law ins of * . idro r , •• • ,
4411.4.a r l
4 larp, stock of ' " 'ery, lirte4' &hit : ... ' . , =IS
Shoes, -diaper' s, e "terpOns, h USW aidf, • -
white goi - As,, blue; cl.tgreew•taiire vamp
~ fL_ne muslit4nud 1r _ lipeps,,F4tigemitiO,y4
e9 6 1 31 4 1 ' funaturtPrltst• - 4.Pfkfs , co ' ~
't, warp and j fable - • • '• _ slime' •'-. ~. ,
fi- tailtes' *.4* ixin' t' •r*irlitkilislote
black kid gloved, 'i kid gloNesklinixilomtairk
pocket kin. 'fa d eravatK,Annfinkel filnatit - S.
, sfeel Rens.' . 1 4eri d Tif: o ;rs 1 .k4, EstA9 ~, •
at ,
iileres, tw •• . an d-
.. tine*, saiin,, •
Velvet re." •,'•' ' Ift lead, 'etnit t'tkipt‘d 'ltiotite
.iind shoeo,' • ' • wn ""&lens ? cheek?, Minds ailitiili
ed -moßtio. i:A . _ •
_ s ip*, o f A i nutor .i vi s s.
j Mgt satins ? Oa& ' ',': t 4!..P l iarlefus li flltOSCk
dies knapts,se 4 . ..!
,ePlvitmg,n9,: ~ -
I ni of every stvr
. t'innkihny hiwrgoeC
for'''gs po n m - ,6, - . - s'if•jiiiWfolig I,'All
River nails rfer sc: • clone antilim,oth'ksegas,
good shoe, .. foe% egnt;c41 , 040,47)°,
1 4 It'd''' . springs', , ba 4 4 . # 1) 1 4 3 .l4 e , irti-Orir K i
and Square b4rs e el;,eape,lfluirtsit - wt.
' tlown: more o`f that' e'ail to •:•'•/,; s;44olinilits'ik
*tient flour, exipdfudt ' • deolreeiVtihiteengiers,'spegm
- sad tallow ..ati:s; witaliir eashindrOmiliOA
steel shovels and; di fork?,
,ejr.,.. etc . •-.;,.% t i
All,of w.hiclt r );e: i•pl'il A t a,prutlf, l 4 y),Fltie . .Yor
'.,.. , ,b, pnilueo crap - ioved,cietlit;,ii Sp ?vale 'or
Montrose. - '• .'
I., , ,l'EfßOP'ili smog E .T 1
BEG le4ie
'of ..MOntrnses
ken moms ovek• Mut
ate pared'"
all. e variousisty
of color...and pat.the
`theselil:enes es
nave by age, t
ted' to call attbeir r
`,.lltoonn; 'open from
dirt and elnaLly_w
days longer. I' .
''TheyArnst; tliaf lin
tli/Zart, to receive a
Yitif reccive, 'a 1:
- TIRrNTS : , Pruned
r ginghauri;
"-" show)
ionnet ribboOt
w'l i 6,14. with owl 'entw
'Wm: s able:tern:li *.
' • we offerla •
Viz: prints, ging,
less thati evst
~, . , . , ~, n ,
~..4 1 , ..;,41...1..? -ti )0 1ttei...,. , .5e-a •
I"ia's'r retlye4: d
. 1 74 " ;& 4 ' . s:Orlrelnkiiiii i iets,
}PP 1 - tinb^-,.....,..H - g Tie , - -
'ellM 141111 543011016 1 114 r
lind Fr nch /144;.. ,:" 4,4:7„L‘1 , 11-1 14, at itt4:o
Bon t Ri hbonAtig-1 k,.'kl - viryth
A beautiful . 11,•100111.9 1C d11111 7' 5aPsIt' ' ; 4 ' •
taltyt. 'Vika g , -ral , ' a . dtt. .1* pir . -- ,'
04„,t,,,,0uid ',' .-,. ,itottit *arid*
t , :qaßerNir ' ,r. lialikgrat
~ ,
1 :
towifugut sun t, , '-, *-,-1, I:L!',f [th 2
.C.,F / *X
~. ..,, , PME4,1 04 ,( A , .). 1 ., :q ATOPY,A uw !tI -
,t, f, - --- R. L. si4mmaiinik AKA 014
, A•va qustzireoeit*Ohli f ik ' tat AIM
Li lo 9 4.• tlanigthiWk
sire .* ili '''
trit , er , ~,,0,.,
nil the laclieA-afidiintleOlett
d .rigiiiity; thittllfer lisiii."l.l
- it: *tee item; ather.4lthy
.. .
nup7g4-APPErleufAlt.." ;Tri!Mer•
e liieti:iibt r tittsaii i m .
'eiiiiidg&tiiiniter iiriaities
1 . t B h 2 :. ;: i1f : 114 .p..I til
fr ) - , 4 4 : f .t )"."th li I- ,E,a_
• ::0 1 7,!'? i 1.,,,.11: 8 77,... ars
ofliatoiow. iv: o*.
. Ts, ft,:4TV3
'l7/WBl . ll ;1.1.441111*0.#0101K
• '.
anl, 4p 114443440 e s
, I:rL5
t4ei o l e an ofa , t
luw001 4 .14: 1.3 vrtmat