The Susquehanna register. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1854, April 26, 1849, Image 2
How' do you Ulm it? • 2. Friends and patrons of the Register, let us intro . ducelo you our new, enlarged, and improved sheet. ' The %bi - 'promi_ . ged improvement is at length tic compikliN **et 4ist ~tritinner I could afford it— thousiitresiblLTay. nott suit the y taste of ever one among various t astes to 'be consulted.— Some wished to see the Paper enlarged tolho,size !!9 . lls*!•"WmWrat". 9f thip,..phiev r or a little .hisger, with correspondingly huge type, forth° purpose: l °f ` . !lii*tegnitt Shirr in sire , itc.,WhiehiWould have Mad:Fold' ft necessity ti . purchiiie a new rreis; of 4 haw ititte;hl addition to the cost of 'type, and othermateriabytequiring . in all an •outlay of near ,s369oVitud-aretti . deal of time. and talk has been -••• i k dfithig thefitiat winter.alti;utiaising,',,,by .`tau 4 pthirktunting the Whigs of the county. eaten "linfilttiitcooniplisti all this; after the ,manner . 11tath i Ptins - ting eitablistinntr have Wei* Tit -u by iltel4:inlitY of publie spirited citizens seveial of,* 4141jacent counties. ()there at the same time tae counselled that so large a sheet for a there Attik , ,rwaa ithuroertluelus undert3dring---that it ire itliaM "s eft 'sheet, isriritat on ft wpipact l ;blt, gvd. • and clear-faced kind of type, was altogether .stitli4 tient in a place like this, Whereadvertising-pitron armlets not very exterrkirtre; lintlq=ince the attempt to robe so ,large; it sum . Crean The ,liberaliV of per sons in favor of Audi.= ejaterprise, was found tp ifitprietimblephere, where Whig:Presthag letL erto been kept up by the ,individual enterpri4e r itiellieter 'Without taking the lili;rality of eth.-. ers.rhg,?aY•*itch Cztfj&arth4flari...ilid hr their littionii.thii plat was at least worthy of c‘avidera-i AnzioT44`far as .possible to. Meet, the, wishis and. lcxpeotatiansof. all, and yt...4 reselvtal to du tom, sysigin thelvay.of. impetweisent without tier fur- Ilitirlielay*ither than waste' time in fruitleiis talp -1/9 abotft an 'intfirevement list' and m y In•es . I' determined to enlarge (for the balance of this year at least) only to such a size as would -co .tv *Milk the rapacity of the' Press :now in 121i0 1 .., the. gearing of which I have jiist•Ot i repaired for the PAlpoli; but *fuller to be enabled to furnish as ruidsveadingmatter as' any other country paper around us,iselecthl for the Main proportion a s kincl of . '44to a close and compact bogy (though with a comparatively large, clear, and plain face,) as you *se - tee:in the selected matter of thi and' the fa,t. page, the' difference between which and g tlIC 'generally" u ed in country papers (called font' prim ,r) will be seen by comparing it with the agricul tend matter on the fourth paqe, and some articles idso on the thirtl, haA hr . ; procured a small cpiantity 't;rtlial tn. the sake of variety. [For the itiform: - that of those readers who are not printers, it atupld No remarked that the type in this and other-original :aides is of the same size (called liveries.) as the ~ eyd matter on the first page, the llues being merely leaded apart with thin leads,ts is the generul cus tom in all papers, to distinguish original freak select ld It will be seen by this hew- kiri c a quantity of reading matter we are able to compress it type of. this body, which is a sort of medium Is.- vireenthe small type of some of the city papers, and that twist comilmely used in the country. • rrepeat, how tip pet like ill I sin not .that fawns of trozoim notorietA and will not presume to say it is the very handsomest t psi' i'ver published in - tlitr.c I leave it to the taste of the readers generally, to Say if this kind Of type which I have chosen does not makeorith this sized form,about as neat and prat y tvi4reet-ae , Ntitthern Pennsylvania ever - bf approve of this size, form, and va nety,4'..type irhic4 I liave.adopted, please to Mani fest it by railing the right band-4 from the pocket, if •yea please.'] thom who wjuld prefer that, .at. the close of the present volume, a netv:andlirg: erlYeliF44 l l more ;of di, L l r g e loud o f type lowd be Procured, so as to afford a larger and nitre shoo - 7 Nor thrift ever litifc!re.-printed here, pleahe to it' by- - -shelling' out 'a. suitable cent:rib' MIMI' of itpiaall4eAt!ner RualLl,b• Sustained? . .- i rhiitwfomited to the lailaribio - public fipiit t of ..:yeral friends in this county for their liberal 'nil- Ilincinackaiiti iii) the imp:wen:lent just accdartsll - bare with Out any loud ,and long . iiit xth ed, 4,,p:iiif.ii . sais of what they were going i . o ? .dri, .imianitly.ut:,quietly furnished. their aid.whenTac tpsiiiteitliiival loom' red,' the, materials :to. a great ritantimlU'rtrra rtuspotisibility, - wbich :in ray situ -44-i#inat 11 1 61 P / o* at6 o il/1 4: q 4}KittisiLefflr:l4o*t ' 4.ekr:ifd patronage 04 inmilabkr.taisintain some presses, itinetes .o.4, 'that, Moabd be trizitiddy patronised by the 6- **1,9f..#48 county 6 sPir44 l ,Y,l ; c l , , Ostala lac inthe 0.44*9 i. 41 , f 1 04 a - Ale - 40_42=Y - it throngh fix. tend ally. If *dairy, perseverance, and iuditing uffnetirtogiVe.tidlifaction can merit enecirmtget4.nt, Vilidui lijitiiiipiiii'lci'dOserve it, by iny.ilseiddis to print a neat a nciliandoine, as well as alefili t ipil it&reThltingl - paper.: But besides the ontlity , upon tibrelf Ilatve,trittirett in procuring thesl nutted , the 001' iSiohig, to cost •nearly half :Us Meelt in theadditiottalilabor, of, alarger sh . cei - and handler type w furnithing as much mom readingMat kt`nOt irilt'iiimbVeek.. , :,'Of course Fought to!ex 04* #74 0 :: ii o'4 ;l # ei k , oilir 44...e,' - gi. x ca . smin, live by -,it,, Shea, Wc for it in yairituttong 1 an able and intelligent community, such as:go:du 1 h up in this my nativetoudyf - . Mure. am iftitioil ways ,ttt, trltich sub ~ A ai iilOTlkihrgr‘no:Ant.-I..ittay.heititstidnUd, aia; 4 ntingatianiandlniableittnltiffecta remuneration of time Who de **ITS - 46+1v bf life riiiiikt - ' i l ei I 01,2 9 Ftgirr !t i.v. :‘Wit e ; te,Wi4kt .to f3pay in a satin manner manner tikit4 i lulenrnw, itiirrce any di*. caned -the purchases- I - 've ; 4.1 4iz;;;I:B. ,"7 , 4s:**Li: J. .r: ...:,' , 14 1•" T .', , A ,- i • . .1 - 4 1:0451,1(11::. 1 , 1 e:.2:. 1 .; '.-.:4-41A, j,i•f_o± i .1 - ‘t Air afmw..usy up; eap•Ce: gr, .900411094 4 168ing.WINI - Ae444 A#7llol:*.f4 i , • 4 1 ****Iftelq ; d e: ! liilaritbi:d whitl 4 hti arn)thte, and could'easily afford to contributn - thrk '46N4l 4 on4 Ki f*i.( 44 W .lo4e : o * -Aoll #iiiii4lo#iii r s4 - . 0.10: .Aiirtli 4.p:wig*. (1010. 04101141041411114, iri*-1100Ch 'flier skinaldi - re: (14e $-e34rsabOi#lii*Wei&iiii4ti fti;..Ofigigii; , 9.7,M00.0.4,04,04**1411-4:**4ltr.. 449, I.Oitii*.444lMtanunit4eit role utial . ttio L iroe !knii o,3ir4i. ifrailtplitig ibey.t4 .... _inchyjdunl eommtheing now, may also have _ gl i Pi:, ' .peirra,, ltiso, f 1 van '') • ~!i1 - . r 0 oillf ere • one ts , • 4 u 4aindi : . 1 nitf . ~.•']:..,*,':- . e ' ' 'raz e ; : ,v t it pay kw copl , -0 •,I , ,1 t. - P. a, 4- - .% , . .)..:.=.- rind'wo" .o • , iteipbers at . ~a or more 4041-1144iitthststhom-tot,the4taw*.ha sluiet. Will each este Ilyrthia plan. forthwith # W' We shall send this first number of our im proved sheet to several old subScribers who have . • I heretofore paid . uR .to discontinue, but of whom ;eriMiit.TYheltidticeitirtmlgain, 417,774 see ioat int, inipmvement ire-haielearle,'* Should we send still another number to any one Ilkho,iloes not wish to continue, they will .pleas® signify: LIT re turning both, by mail or-otherwise, to this 'office— We May also send this one number to some distant friends and acquaintances,inerely to let them Sec what we are doing in this age of improvement: - rff - Some:persons who have taken the:Register for a long time without tuay.thing for it, must not be surprised if this is the hilt number they re- : 'iir..:o &melt's. After expending so ;nth foe our iinprovemont, we cannot afford to ,print rt paper for 1..011t ;iv atty . longer. ' t I Vir‘Ve;are unavoidably delayed some two days be and date this week iu gating out The first mina -oic.Fteri,ister on The now type, dc. ; The terialS, anixed liixe late our Saturday might, when instead of having one side of our paper printed ' as ustial„ eti Monday moving ire bind to commence the whole' natter anew=--standing Antate4 even, all to be renewed, after unpacking and arranging in eiiyt. all the sorb of new type- -fitting all the new rules, rimaiture, Ito., and cierpleting repairs about the gearing of; the presS, bur - reers Alowever, doubtless be reconciled-to the delay, an The appearance of the impmved new sheet, which we hefewill liesout in better season again next week. Mr' Net only all our;raiding matter, brit all Vie adiertis(Mi,ents. (*excepting neatly two columns of sten• o t3Teti nx:dical advertiseinknts, furnished by the advertisers, whose contracts for their insertion have not 4pired,) are set up in fiirtire new type.— h throwirg out alt the advertisement not net.x.sstay be continued, we may possibly hark - omitted eon. e which should bu continued, and one or two' new ones intended for last 3veek, which were accidental ly%mislaid may have escaped attention hitherto. 1„27 - While commending the fair appearance of . orr new typo to our readers, it is but justice to the nuntufneturers, to say to our brother printers, that they wereproeured from the type foundry of Jens T. WitrrF., pt cuff' st, r. •We MUM whiittiel it superior article: can be found in any other I%tathrgii tu4ut, nor can there be fmind more gentlemanly, fair and accommodating dealers. I=l ThOugh we du not intend as a general thing to 'till our first or mikellaneous page with tales of ficli 7t, aria especially such, as arc ,continued on weekly, we have eonusenced quite an amusing one this week, which w ill be concluded in our nest. In our endeat;ors as far as consistent, to gratify the'va rious tastes of all our readers, We may occaiionally select matters of this kind Sur their amusement, while we aim to give a due share of such matter a s is more' substantially useful and Instructive.— Valtiahle agiieultau - al Eelectitats will be found on .our'fourth Page. - We intended to-have given a brief notice of our rtzentAurrieti trip over the Railroad to the ei-- tyi of 14othim anti of •the admirable mannerin which the arrangements appear to be now carried out by tVe'Pakrolid trains, the gentlemanly and attentive treatment ;We met with from the Railrolui Conduc tors and others entrusted with the management of the litie snifar as we saw (Er:, but we have been so hip - licitly engaged in aßtherequisiloArratigements fur our iniProve4 sheet, that we ,have had no time to Trepardiany iatic4etory -tioxamt. of' ,events ore netted Itits this frisk and pleasnnt journey this t, • ACtlCTlaCTl:.*LE6rrar..—According to an an miuncement .. .weeks ago, an address wa.s delivered On 4sit subject of agriculture ton respect able audisnte Convened at the Court House, on Thexd a y e*ebinit of Court, week, by Ifir. Abd Cos siedy, a very intelligent practical Farmer 'of Dimock township. r Though unable tolear it. for ourself as it 'was befdre our arrival home, we hear the address highly 9-Nlieh of by those did, and . We under stand it ww resolved to hare, it published. Coo DistecE..— -We understand the Locofoco cow) , meeeting held here on Monday evening of Court week, to appoint delegates to a State Convel.- fon, inftrniqed them in favor of the ncnniniticn of; Col. Aa P4moek i late of this qounty, as a eandidatit fur Canal:POD' ;Asian . er. i . •S. tier Our neighbor of -the Democrat in spell - in; of thh I3ili to change th&Judicixtry Districts week i..i.,. befor last, said that* whole ,indiad districts of the tats were changed ii thice dais. • This is a inis -e. 'The Bill had been before the House for some time. before, finally acted on, and instead of the Nihole; it did hot effect but aborit one quarter of the diitii*, iituf / those most inconveniently arrang ed. The - increase of -three new ones makes no Mere in proration to the population and amount of businesk than ssisted when the districts were List arrangisibe4tre. Aid as for Ole special Courts, which are.iinentioned as being necessary .by the re appointinent 'of At' resident Judge. tit' this district, they are tint nea.f so frequent a whet! Judge Jes sup was first appointed, and are antinaiky:becaming ,still kits flioqueni as the time grows. more. xemOte `Since ' he 1? aS~ acting '. as' an. Attorney at; the Bar here. 1 ~1 - . ~... : • , fiComter-lbaelevarePmzer BEwAirrzo—abe right Af*YriYo.:#4 el*P l , l ?tkrin', genious ale:I Gently perehas 'ed by Win: 4513redles; era ahurcleill,i of Great Bend; therefres foe male town slop right* in nit Overtisculo4 3 4 # 11 . 1 fill*Oy prepared fore nest ba ee4 96t tea in et* bust.lthiecilurry wit:too:We ibis week.-- " 0 1 thpienIaving token Minns eye view- al . the left. ivithl."Etitiidge;!ef - thi43! .14W1 14 40 4 du, 1 ,040c1ize44 0 ,n4fp1*,2f rig ' ieuriepektq-c74is+odscc nfi . PestikidsWe tket we*: i ,Wptive r ottloadfirlttAt.",rom.,) wealy , Afacrfry,. pub lizled coo. Nii , ltneloywho was seeriungly hnt Yogitirdikyja-seripling - piinter boy ill this jam& How they cuing up.. Post Office Changes. _ Though a most doleful t lis nriW litho'gr; ...4: press at the . > • es t hie beenmadthius ,in Pact Offices: ~ ghlMt Ai Iltrioni . 14111 - gave to be a greany miogilaefotie . I - I ' , _ hie :....a. 4. I -Ah equiliqrium alit' f4rmeg'm thedis ;utionlcf 1.1 .- i&e offices, liiifaii . kiiii been nearly4ll on one -ter-fearapost--- The Dermorst • • I I week, as awundorful outrage, the appointment of G. G. Pride as Postmaster at Haden', in this coun ty, in Mace, of S,a.a Saymotg ,Esq, r held. the office kt a great many yearn, hetthilg Arig ileadoge!.—No.anehdiarrible-entotions - wereinimi ,- tested, by the Locus, when Whig Postmasters have been removed by their party, with quite as little cause for the remoVabastl6, wherein both the ins and outs were worthy men as in the present in stannce. • - B. T. Cooke, Esq:, late editor of the Broolueße publiam, has been appointed Postmaster at Bing hamton, iii place of J. 13.-11. Park, to 'hake rooin for whom T. Robinson (Barnburner) was recently oust 4 by the Honkers, Mr. Cooke having been misted to give place to the latter in his tum some years ago. So . this is only a restoration bf - a Whig Postmaster, and a good one too. • Henry M. C t ollier, of Binghamton, had Ipeen.ap pointed Mail Agent on the Railroad, in place of Mr. Anderson, late Agent. ' The Mail Robbery. ! In the hiirry and bustle of getting out our . lat pa per,•we neglected to vecatiou the astopndiag ltajl Robbery which had just been detected in: the Great Bend Post Office on the eve of our leaving'for Neit- York the week previous. Letters enclosing money and drafts had limit repeatedly detained r lost en tirely, during the last few months between this place and New l'Ork, and Mr. -Bale a confidential agent 'of the Department was sent here toferret it .out, who with the aid of Mr. Webb, the postmaster at this place, succeeded in detecting George :Bald v. in, Esq., the Postmaster at Great. Bead, on the mortan,g of the I th inst, when several; purloined letters and packages were found upon hint, and the proof being so glaring he owned up and isubtnitted to an arrest, and was committed to jail in!this place. The affair created 6-eat excitement for a few days, ' but. he ha§ since been bailed under bonds of 43,000. Mr. Baldwin was a well educated Lawyer by profession, and . had- been chosen County Auditor by the Locos'of this county recently, besides! being pat in the Post Office by that party to the exclusion of a good Whig.. or Wonder if the cry of " Pro scription" will be raised at his being turned out.— Obr neighbor ought to have mentioned his case as the ".pirs!. For the Suniochanna. Ilegiiter .1. W. CHAPMAN, Esq.— Thar Sac: Will you have the goodness to give publicity to thaollOwing note, and oblige OW of the subscribers to the Register, which has ever battled boldly and fearlessly fur vin dicating those principle=l and measures calculated to .benefit the great mass, as well as adding to the common stock of Mformation that _must ever tend to elevate and sustain a repres&tative "govern meat I, We observe in the Montrose Democrat of April 19th, a peace headed " The Agony °err: quoted from the Luzern° Dethocrat, Which says, "Rumor tells us th 4 the Hon. William Jessup 14 appointed Judge of this district," and honorably adds, "we have nothing to say against the Judge. He 6 a learned lawyer and a man of good meals." But after saving this, it has no hesitation in saying that Judge Conyngliath was the choice of tltht county, by all parties, and would, had the matter been sub jected to a rote, have received the popular voice of the Aople ,of that county. We presume he • might, and can testify to the fact, in saying that Judge. Canyugbara is a gentleman in every respect ;, a learned lawyer, a popular Judge, and a gentle man of high moral worth ; an efficient public offi cer, and tel a private citizen he hai feiv superiors. But every leaf hath two sides : a ghmcq at the oth er side will not be out of place, friend pf the La zerne Democrat. We sincerely ask the question : Do the many noble traits of character in Judge C. detract from *the public and private' virtues of Judge Jessup, who is composed of the same un flinching material, and in fine possessed of every natural quality which adorns a gentlemen I And in return we have no hesitation in saying that hi' lives as sincerely in the hearts of the citizens of Susquehanna as does Judge C. in those of Luzerne. And we challenge any gentlemen for' the proof, that he is not equally consistent, and as free froth carrying polities on to the bench, or mingling with them in any way, which would derogate from the character of his office. Itirtme any branch of i'n l dustry, or public , improvement, calculated to aid the sulvancement •tif the interests of the citizens of Susquehanna, which has not received a marked encouragement froth the Silage. Equally prompt is he in adininistering justice to all early life he took an elevated stand at the baround has main tained it as a lawyer and Judge to a, considerably advanced age. 4 Thorough acquaintance is his better recommend. As to the political decapita tion-of Judge C., We have only to say, this is the naturalcxthsequenee, and fruit. of political chang es. In Judge J.'si appointment Goventhrintinstad has done credit to himself as well as to this judi cial district: Dimock, April .2s, -1849. ' ** Tasrmos.- -By the following order from. the Adjutant Gen6rars office to the Brigade haspecl tot of this Division, it will be seen that there wi,ll be no trainiogs this year. The ; Volunteers will probably be called out as usual! !I • kturturr Gmarra's OFFICE " 'Harrisburg; April VI, 'lB4l. General Order's Ka I.—You will Immediately colptorrnund tile hider !Moly imituc:(l . byi you toettli 'arid iiigpectiou A.' copy Ff the'r'evisedlffita!Laar will be fiirwurtled to ytsll early iU rheonsuirigwecic, • I You*at, ' AV. W. IRWIN, ' ri .„ . Gen. P&' •' ' I __, • -c! , I , i 'Tut Oar Car 111,0Sconnicm.;-Were .wry to judge, trait:the tioiwadd ceaseless Cry Of thei Union tind , Peuntrybanian, 4, might , be supposed that 'every hr. caeca head; , winkh never enjoyed the Shelter den office, hadleearhoppedaf, and heweito atana.—= , But the fact is, scarcely anything has been done sal yet: , Of the I'ooo liostniasteni in the country( bi less•tban 200 , ve been supereeded,i including A- Jafge tsiimber 4 po inted , to :fill vacate' ies. This ;, when Wig known tit:is at least tinee , fmwthS tit the whole numbeirleotrie. within:Oen. Taylor's role, is nothing at aIL, We infer, however, that simnel, thing handsome Will be done in due Season, in • • likely very soon. , ' I. 'l,4 e C #-. • 1 , .. , M an en4 3 ; $: fgri i rd.:lS:we-le : '../ ~.. • • - 44 • i , . 1 '4 ,, :I i t„ i, ; o e i xciteXto - ors 141. empty tr 4 a ~ _ fiz*im et . dMX iiripro ,fable_ il llinfi ~, 11We4i . teltiya:, .. - unquestionably t leading design of our so4t, lcirdifTsiifilipie iiialile'flEZTriffrieireelit' dilil theeocistY'shout be extended and visibly felt; tool,. and upon every acre of territory in the county; ithat every ,acre thereof„ should,* some Tray, be reprented at our coviity fairs., and should obtain lirraringr — at the sitine: Butitnmst be obvionsthat tionipetition far prerniumrt naturally intercepts, all the lower grades of our soil, whereby many Veci- Wens of cultivati n, excellent in the'- kind, dcr not become general y )mown, as they ought ;--that many metluxia o tillage, independent of the barn yard, a fact Whi the face of our country imp&qes, and which should not be overlooked in the, / a&r , kid tura' estimate, axle passed by. The crops; -on the slopes and inclined plains, of our county, where manures cannot profitably, as it respects laborl be introduexl, should obtain ahearing, as welt as those grou a upon our creek bottoms and tablie land:, Which are annuafiy wining fertility from the atlja dent hills 'and slopes ; but which have hitherto been intercepted by -the application of manures itudlati mulauti, to the sobs of more eligible and accessi ble.loo.tions. To obviate this, audgive the ,yuck-, um of reprmterrbttion to every shade of Iticality, a corresponding secretary has been vcryliudiciondy provided by your, ~society,, to hold corrtspondtmce Iwith you, on evnrY topic of the tigric+ural kind. That office having - been conferred on me, it was with much diffidence that I consented ti) serve you 1 , i l l :bat impoi tank and resposible elapse i'ty. . There fore, in pm-aunt/cc of the duties involved, allow im to invite you severally and colltztively,,ito a cotres : pandenee, at the same time toksering 3iou, that 1 on do nothing ,tv, ithout your iedividmil co-opera- ptopU:os to every member to keep a diary or 'registry of his system of management, noting doivn the kind and quality of soil, the inatniut of ptpti ring it for the seed s the quantity and dual of ma nure introduced, if any, and the result; and; also whatever may Cottle to his knowledge of agricuf- Sultural consequ,,ence, whether in, his own course of practice or that of others; together with such gen eral remarks as circumstances shall require do be Made, or as he may please ttl uffer; and deriosite the same a short time previous to out 'annual exhi liition,.at some place iu Montrose, wtlch I shall hereafter designate. Remember we tire all plain Men, engaged in a'. plain andlaborions pursuit; and flint we -are engaged, not to make a literary show. but on the other hand to obtain facts in a plain and practicable way, and to disseminate them in an form for the benefit of all. Hence it is hoped that no,une will be heard to make excuse When called upon to hand in his report, that the se tretary may hitve something entertaining, .instruc tive and profitrible to offer at your nett fair. S. A. NEWTON, Cur. Seey. • Brooklyn; pail 28. Agricultural. List of premiums to be awarded by the SuScine- Fuma County Agricultural Society; at the airmail Fair to be bell in October 1849. !B est acre of vr;nter wlPUtt, 65 00 2nd beet, do. Joluision's Aericilltural Chemistry. Wiest acre spring wheat 1-5 00 ;Ind best do. Joiiston's Agricultural Chemistry. Best acre 'of corn, 5 LW ff.nal best do 3 Of) Best ,acre of ryc, best acre of Oats, 'Pest firkin of hatter 21id best . ' do ,- - - - ;Best of any qiumtity not less than 15 pounds, '2 00 2nd bust do . do • du I 'oq 1 1 Bet cheese, ' 3 'OO 2nd best do • i 2 00 Best c0w..5 . 0Q . 2nd bast do • . . '5 00 Best heifer, '- " Don tic Animals," by Allen. Best stallion, 5 00 2ntlbo'st do i '3 on Best breed;ng mare, '3 00 ,2nd best do " Yountt on the Horse." Best pair geldings raised in the ;Co., "Youati''do. Best pair 3 years old cults, broke to luirnes, ' "lda.son's Farrier and ; Steed Book." Best bull, - ; • 1 .5 00 !that best do ' , i 3 00 Best pair ;me i' ; ; 5 00 'Best pair 5 ; yetus oh! steers, - ; - - " Youatt's Cattle Manual" test fine wool back, ~ 1 3 ; 00 'Best coarse do -,f: 3 00 Best, flue wool ewe, 3 Uo Best coarse do • 3 00 1304 lot of lambs not less than 5 in number, 3 00 Best bear, 2nd best do F - Best SOW, 2nd 'best' do • biseretionary premiums on all root-crops, and on Poultry - Diseretinnary . iirenlitnas will be awarded on do rrte is and needle work and the Ex ecutive Conurlittee !iv-pedtfully aok the attention of fhb ladies to ibi.4 honorable'braneh of industry.• • . CHARLES TINGLEY, • RODNE J EWETT, : , ABEL CASSEDY, ,319nttose, April 21; Exe&rave'Cortimittee. Mntacutocs tsc.tra.---On Monday Ate 2d inst., says'ihe Cathon Democrat, as Mr. Charles Packer, of Iresquelouing, in company withiur otherverson, was descendhxg the plain of Messrs. Packer & Dou glas, above this place, with a train of truck., they hem,de somewhat unmanageable, and commenced moving. with isasiderable rapidity: Mr. Packer's a.s.4stant becoming frightened, leaped off, leaving their entire nianngement to himself. .0f course, his powernuegtial te the task, and they came thundering &twit threatening destruction to evcrY• thing below. When near the bottom they ran off the track o runi striking a piece of wood at the very vete , of a preciPice; was throws from' lus pbstbott over 'ibe; wall, and 'simpler to relate, alighted, solue twenty-five feet below, erect on 1 4 .1 feet, On an upright s. inch plank.' With great pres eke of ;mink alaig: thei.truckl above = were a'bontrenta*,ddw him;mmther f botmd placed hiii4'bey harm's. The cars, however, renfaihed' °lithe iverge of • goiatp ovet. -Of coarse; the alttiki-afihir,iwaibut the work Of a, mortient. Fiera' i tieplace he descended, every. polled thathe must :literally be , • , 'treat .was • their:joy • And , eur, .11&44 unharmed,in ,the least ;particular. -is Me 4;ouratuast.eitima. ,dke.with, hisOl,W,Y ; friends Vex • t. ! • 1 OtQr4 1:7 .. fIAiI4WS , • j_llolll, DSIIIW, .97. O. 1 93 •• a 4 5, , - 24 4 Apnikeill4lf 40;44Prep +ioualAy volg liNgs." Senate, ;House, ~. * w-York• iiii. , itshifTei c e r ii line; lipho• _:O4 ' 4Ying .. ' ** --4 •Tor rite t . 4to rdimi .. L'. 1 / 4 an tifice- . ng we understand the coil here to furnish at „ dim stockholders heMtmders lished by the Company th e B-roemeßepubfican., er in operation from Ne This line is now wor tent of nearly 450 . miles nia—liut The company by the appointment of I definite arrangements tween the old and ne meanthne the old Corn' .share of the receipts of The Tine is very &dist- No. 9 cast iron and g the rode and costing the Hudson river about the -wires' ex l iending fres fastened to the rocks the Cwill .l l3.4:tis ;1 Peekskill; C4d_Sping; town, NarroWsburb H t, rose, Binghainton,' Dansvilte, Nunda, Pike, --22 m , an' • No °Effete 'litre yet' Leaf, PeekskilVeneSitig Sinri that every thing'veill a short time---and that.' proarpy . daily and irate York by good Tepotters Mr. Clay and A very considerable fe-ises w tepid the Qaramoutit of ject of N. ride{ into variouS sect. offensive 'action; moth! defensive and only `ol i powtr or jr , istlietion o Nyfirli the ove, stitution; a third sect tion, hut is even inure its hostility, insisting e l shall be d;ssolved in o the' guilt and shame 0 1 These thtee!sects, the in its dectun6ations of tnainteinfoti the preset alliance, all unite in di who do.not:wear thei and enitorse the wrist'. cations. In the Sttate of K more than half s cent history noted liamq 1 poor attorney; wit • in a narrow sphere, a fitly yearwitgo, Kent( State lt;,lons_titution a p...0p1e were nearly 'relight up amid Sla ders, and amorally it tion with favor. its oped and exposed as African Slave-Trade sanctioned by the pa participated in by stmiclino and piety. 4 tv, andliati•been no tion, except in St. D, result, as then rep well calculated to 11l liortw. Yet, in the Henry Clay did not People of Kentucky advocate of its extiu. to be formed. He • Short-sighted and to . interest and conse_qu considerations of Ha Slavery was recogn Constitution, aud no ation. The effects o pable. Kentucky gmts, while.' Ohio, hundred while fain' immigrants till sour is far inferior in ch Cages, has twenty-o ble the number of disparity is ! every y i Mr. Clay; perixiivi against hint and the see fit to persist in discernmo utility. 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 policy of the State, citizen and in the p Senator, which he which he served ma inence. Yet ;I 18 American Colonizati most emphatic man unwise and wrung, ;1 nutte extinction. —ln 1843-4, a fo L,ng been silently a dCrelopment. The mean that influence 1 Slavery as a signal.' perpetuated i/t all t r i gn ing for the Ant of Gen. Harrison an Cabinet had throw. contpletely into the I cidental President v its master spirit, • •• struments filled the Treaty of Annexatic cret conspiracy be official Instructions our agents. in Texas ening and perpetua of Annexation. '1 dealing , interest w. • , ricious madness by 1 and high prices for the South hardly a nefarious 'scheme. Yes, there wns Winter of-18,134 in nexatiou interest'. Union; idle there was at hand. •He to him by Patti put forth a calm, dt Annexation, in eit great influence we That it was barely contest was no_ faul profess such zealo the Extensitimiif tI than acted with an this prot enee; rectly:anckippenly, hounTyler, Welke liest and most .thor and Slave Extensi -of the last four ye in•blooilraud'lour . Seventy-,five ••to,s would now be out tel needful manta But, while- Power really pred &wirier' Of Antiex - Moat and persister as much nn Count tieveteo to the in wbn;4lcited this Tr* with Debt, are now nicx; l l i r.elelPgraP h • x . ~, oii it hie been in tt, q . ,••• • _ nce4iiand fro through I orffg itiffi .ostesil ...t ous he ,''for the wmit, & hccf4a-thii place, will& I inult . eskect, the : citizen! .1 own expense, • whil - e - 'Ne bbl that was to be 'e.4ab- Ry the following from t seems the line i 3 howev- I-York to Lake Erie. 'ng through i a r whole ex. from New-Yorli fo Fred& .not yet been organized esident and toirectors: No velet been lierfected be, Companies- -but in the I • any has its proportional ie bizainess. tinily built of heavy wire, I - poles to o a mile. The lino erosseu 7 miles below :Newburgh; 13reakneok to Butter Hill, staple. ` ~lis offices ort 'Parrytowm , Sing otOborgli, GoShen, I:nesdale, Cerbondale, Mont- Jefferson, Bath, 'Springville, Lodi, Fredonia. 1 1 ..tnbli4lied •at Springville,. 4 4 43 .; . .'," Itgespepteci and ho !.-'o.atisfaetorilSr arning lino of the results b c • eating veports from New-1 arkl•operntnk. • • e Mew of One Idea: lbolipea t y in our (viery pro / tion a SlAVery 11.. , the. . tiohal ' , solicitude. It 14 . 41i'- .. one insisting on positive, . r - preferring Ito stand on the pose any extension of the Slavery, trusting to natural throw of the dete,ted • in eprecates all Political ac weepingthan the others in en that the Federal Union E der to rid the Free States their, pnt rese connection. - I• - t vehement anitunsparing he two former, which two t a precarious and difficult ounciog as Pro-,Slavery:all badges, follow their ways, i ns of their respective incul- Lucky there hag lived for ry a man not unknown to CLAY. ho was eyoung and. Avpateirintrty , the time when, mere than, eky first undertook to form a d set pp for hemlf: Her all, like himself, Virginians, .ery, ninny of them Slaveliql r dined to regard 'the institu vils had not then been devel they 'have siOce been. The was in papipeotis activity, is law of Christendoni,lual eia eminent for mercantile Tll4O was no Abolition par nstances of extensive Aboli,- ningn, now Hayti, where the seated and utderstdod, was every mind with aversion anti 'ace -of all these influences, hesitate to Stand before 'the e enemy of Slavery and an don by thv Constitution then as overruled and voted down. taken -calculations of personal nce prevailed over abstract vanity and enduring ed and Shielded by the State; irovision made for its termin-! 'that vote are now very . ,pttl-1 s ten Representatives in 'Con hich had not at that time a es,. did, not begin to attract, years afterward, and whichl eand other natural advan-1 Members, or more than don i, • 'elder ' neighbor. And this' tar increasing.... g the question thus decided . opportunity gone by, did not agitation of which he could 1 1.. e , conformed to the settled, 1.1 th in his private capacity of i I bile one of Representative and successively , attained,, and . in iy years with unsurpassed em i 7',. in an Aildrem before thel it Society, he reiterated in the er his 'aversion to Slavery as, id his arifent hopes of its ulti-, t I • it:fable conspiracy, which had, reached the point of Slave .Power--by which we. In our Union which regards! blessing, to lie. extended and ' ra.zards- -had long been in-! exation of T 4 xas: The death. the hreakin .up of the Whig the Execu 're Government 'bi Iluthils.of thiqmier. The Ac-i it ~, as its biol., Olui' C. Calhoun, iti of St:ate; iti in of the InrnL A tell; tuuk the se t struggle. The •ts Secretory north I was north no an ope Depottment to cen the Stet ied the strength to be a chief mid pspym•-ly iirg of Slaver. •ing and 'negro ) ;.med to ava 'near markets le Throughout ed against the 4egro-gTo everywhere he prospect etigrtiat .. sta of was .sn.l Henry. Clay. spent 'the NeW-Orleaw s ; the 'focus of :An-, great Aare-mart of the; ed that .1s perilous crisis' , leid on die Course prescribed an 'the loci of Freedom. 114, I • forcible argaruentaonia4 shape: His .ntinie and to the 'Anti-Texas ca overborne in the succeetlin othis.r Halt -those who and all-absorbing hostilit .Slave 'POwer..l. in our..,n approach to consistency k iil(port 4 f . of_theni' • Tesidue,abiliquoly)withi. & Co. to elect one of tho; ugh.ellarivions - rof Arius • T ~ to :the. Presidency; . the , # rj , would votliave been wiz 1' ovelaunerik irtsteml o 4l2o'; ! !Hundred •Milliotim'or. - ,W 7 .7 f debt after drive*. .., . _ll HiverquodAbutot:Auip • , e. • V:ery_Slatiriamithit the , , ve ,ImatUe Netealfor -Polk , , .th.: i i ' _thin, liatei lark, 't Indial 1 2 4 11 eaj ' ied foi. him 14 MeanA a enu4 It assert{ons that Mr. (ibi wa. 7 tieidat,as . Polk. and •as i.O ! .. - . of Slavery 1 : And item, 11 ' 8111 4 and thus; breught. ukatt . ,a. Pi . i . 4 Fq_n e dgg Var"and.ltatis I,ver.iletrs. cur Free . Soli 1,1, d .4: '...bir. Claybas . eince retN_Metl in. retirement, hard liTi. cb . . aftrit'sreept once in tom elkflationlPf 'AV 6 r 40 , W*leo and in earnest . : e f , l '' lfr ` ":-.. /04 ,. . ucetYcithithis'PVO**4,*cit.,,ilndtoetdOilothwitour , a n t s v had t e ll : ti o c i Pe t P il e ter a...... l- f . 1 r?:. t on gthetr tato litution. That C onv • -,3 Kt i o-bi l chiLvri"lit of course' preserna a 'crisis in NV , an effortbrnay be made ti.,,minst the "65 i n g thin r ch6-161arm'e5r : 1, f an o l r d7 . 17 t h h t ,t, tre:44 1 : 1 ? f Th i r i b eri q tu zi l- O n fl an :i s s i t tiM e mti te te lY tion of it ca unavoidable. Mr. y s ai, ai th i 6 d ix re t!m o ta, ,,, re e insur st e l 7fLoW: l2itmoor tt h i: ttmivrance . 4 li f ixii"tak e r*S e L e •e 6 n lethisyneedft ' ude. .. ....- , Wi a s te let f t m er gL it h6 •cal 44 *-nioderabi titiar • in its bone; but no Om ion fail to See : 'Chile' ..... te d to exert it-greater intiukoceadverse,toln kv 4. s , ;not Mime ilf Keiitticky but Oreuglaiut, fie South, allthdt has been writte4i and said by Aboliticitur ft nod iliOnctive Tree Sellers since they were borii ' • :True, Mr. Clay dome not, view the subject' Pie. cutely us they nor we db ; but what of that I Does. . ady sober man..believeihat his letter, . if written to the. dittatied of William Lloyd Garrison,or Eitanit. Sinith, would itiVeliaill .1. better effect throw** theSlave•States i Is therti a well infornixitnr4 wiardesireS timextinction of Shivery more ,their -tit aehieve notoriety anti power by ,opposing Slavery, who would prefer thatiAr... Clay, had tahen,ultns ',o4iiiiid f We all do UMW' that be is,in the better sense of the term, a "Cii&eriative, hostile fo sicideis and violent changds in Oistituticets and ~ , public poll cy,and belleting tlini,'..#neipragriLls Mast resemble- ' timt of a tree or, , ,,othetlivnig .ormnism, which is• effected throtigh imper litibleOradationsof growth: cratherfhanliksirdtlen a' pito& arid . t. T r, I eeist if ydli Will that fl etel4 a de4iieephilotiOpliy, bid remember thail*Clar streaks to a•r.lasii of natids that y-otbetuniot-Iftch , nn wields an' it'll ' mice that yea should.prize, the more' because it is so different from yours. before inSistitgithat he 'shall -pronounce your Shibboleth de, eon sitior whetherlis'abiliq to serve the eauie of Free dom does not dope:rid edtirelY • 'or'mainly• Ott those vVry qualities which ydu fegardcwith sueli MicrSion. —l. he l moral of the' iipiettaele presented by the' attacks of the ,A.butitior(pre„sseo4 Mr. clay's letter I 14- -Be not the slave of tt hohby 7 ,-Ile. lAA men of one • I idea- If the idea Is a good one, embrace it; bA. do not ht it run away wi di you ; do not itilag,itic that nothing else cats be irmertant or righteou s but that. Opposition to Slavery right ; but the use made `of it t.) elect Polk, and t us involve us in Annexation nod War, was not right, and never can be made so. We made no "choice; kq' evils" in supporting Mr. Clay in 1844, but wenttfor the greatest attainable, good, which is the hestifure know how to do: f Anti- Slavery is right—so is free -Soil ; so is Lind . Re form; so is hostility tocWar i so are -a- great Many other things. But no rime of them is erhliutively right, nor exclusively iteportarit ; and whoeyersur renders hiniself utterly itti an yone is, id( W a ger of depriving hinvelf of op )In.banities to de good, hind' even of culpably negl o ling publie 0144 .;-4.,044.. °TverY truth,.a: a :,,giT4,4•! . ..o4cll.ittlik' ,44 ght ; 'and, 1 itl order to iltrio,,reanilain, &position .of just,itide -1 pendeneeiindscalm coasideration. To-Day,•has its Own round of canes ; do themi. but be': iu;it:scr en tangled in any one the you. Gannet 4'rsettaigp with perfect freedom gel iitiparthility all those of To- Morrow.- -N. Y. Trib'utie. • • . The Exe mption Law.. •. ~ • The folloaing is tl; act recently phased by the Legislature, to exertip threohundrod dollars' worth of personal property tpout sale on execution'or dis tris for rent; ' •?; ~• ~ . AN Acr to exempt pitperty to the value 'of three . inualred dollars from levy and sale on execution, and distress for rent SEC. 1. Be it exiaet,lby die Senile? .irnd MOW of Repreentatives of the Ponnanonealth of Pemaylva itia, in General Assembly met, and it is lierebyvnact t.dby tlor authority of i te Rams, That in lieu of the property tow mtemp bylaw from levy anti stile ou execution issued dpon any judgment Obtained' upon •contract, and distress for rent; property to the value of three•huddred• dollars; exclusive of all Wearing, apparel of t e defendant and, his family, and.oll)ihles and sel( - ks in use. in The 'l:un-' 1 ) ily, (which shall ren n 'mien:pled as heretofore,) and no more, owned by or in,possession pf imy debtor, shall be even t from levy mashie .on. ex . , ecution.or,by distress r rent.. SEC. 2. ?that the Sheriff, Constable, or other offf eer charged with tht execution of any Warrant issued by competent ti thority, for the levyin„:;:i4i en and selling the•property, either real or personal, of 'tiny debtor, slialLiif requested by the delittif, three disinterested awl competent personik who - shahbe sworn r affirmed, to appraise. the tiihpertir which the • d debtor mayelect to retain under the provisions f this act, for which service 1. The said Appraii , ers. si 111 be entitled to receive fifty 'setts etch, to beck as part, of the costs of the p*xieedins, and pro erty thns chrken .and'ap praised 4 to the value rf three hundred dollars, shall !be exeinpt from levy ,and mile on the said' execu- ' Ven oflwarrimt, excepting warrants for the collec t tiOn ofitaxes. 4 s• a. That in anylaise where the property ley ;led nas aforesail shall consist of renlestate 1 iof g ter value than !wee hundredtiollairsaindthet 'defendant in such slut. elect to retain real estate amoniniti,,,. in value t the whole sumer three -Mai -1 fired thillars, or any I s snin, the -ittopraisots:aktre ii kraid built determine hether, in•theif - opigio in • , - ithe said ival estate care divided without. inkrty to''ot spoiling the whole an' if the said appraises 'shall ideti line that the mill real estate niii befiliiided as . oresaid, then the shall proceed "to .set ' , ltKi : nt. 401 itch thereof its it their.optnion shall 'be 'iniffi id , to•afismcr the re uiretnent - of the' defendant A .ICII case, desil„Tati , . 1- the mine by proper metes al bounds, nil of Iwh i preeeed*shillt be ierti , ie in writing: by! the:plaid appraisem.l ot'ainajori , ;3 1f them, under! hnt :Proper' hands 'and - sealOn :h sheriff, under sheilf, :iir coroner, 'charged with : IA 'execution of the ' in'' such •cascr-Whoi. shall ke return of thh . , d' hi'thelliropet cortrtfrom ich•the writ WM in -i totineetiou. with' the : And ' 't: 'Provided, That US section shall not; be don= •_ . ued to effect 'or lin air the liens of the bonds; t' 3rt. , ,tageß, or °Oki; c4iiitactS, for the pufeliale ..: of the real 'stater' f insolvent debtor; ; •1- ''''T'''''- ' Sec. 4. That npon he fotfinaltiiarW4the - writ oresaid, with . the procilees theieer4- the * .intiff in the ' crOe Oludr -he entitled t.eharti - his • ' 't 'of - senditioni'exiiontEs, as in' othercaSes, to inn e 'residue of theltieal' , osMte included-in thelevi , iferesaid; if the app iserkaferftd&shalt have de; Ichniiiednpon a Ili • of the said reaVeitate, biit if --the said app . era sturH iletennine) ic 4 ilivishin of Saul r 1 , estate,•the plaintiff , hairdWiit of venditio 1' exponaslo sell - tbk , whole Of :the' real estate ' ' Mle& in7lneklevr.'tind it - ' Shill and may be. la . in 'the'latier ease,. for this werenahnt tit ;thostx nook:*i'recivb•lrbillibio Weriff 'or other,ofged iif tge Pares 411%0r such as much as he would /tare received at the lappiall bed value, iiadtheitualtrestestate'lAnt diva a. Sge t 5.; Thikt.ll* , tvlo.Wijxt4isCet.i 9 l l .l4-,',0 0 ;# eiwa rioos Waled,' " All aet .. -rehliwgi*P•Xeeuo 74Lpiillipil iixtee. nill.Jpop., rte 1611 - 41 4 P4lie-440.. '_passed llOrty,six,.aud ti NY 4;0 , glikhilli,',#,..„ 3 pf an act edited " An A t in iegaki ticer.f.ip-,;4#4,A. ..i t il ( *erg, in the city fYigebnirglN.:liiiit .0 1 0 1 * 10— tt ru l / 2 Milting of she if's sales, andler,ethktan . - " , passed lly,ent .lk•A•pril:,•.4.o**ni,4 lo4(l 44t.h1A4rP4 Iln4 fn y-4 takd ialiithiOPl!4#6,4l - Ni ,. '4it. 11 4..... .14P, and the* 6 l".A.9*-, . . py , xeraind,, 4, ~, ; r .i • ,0 r. . , 1 . , .;.... -.' :, - . i f•-• "Ili \ , ;!5 1.40 . 0 '.' Illat I tile- Yißic a37 o -11113 rK t !t i.11,4.'Rt 6ke.- - ,effect imllklies,fiTA"laY-4 41 Y0: 1° X -.40 '.hall apply to 61;tS tkitffiletCl,l"4l4;, • ',date . . ~, • the iaiti -- iir We ii,6oiitie . Ail old Indy corn. !.., - ing iohnbited, re . M with enarbasis that the !idea was -ini*dihl it...tke l sitad A% u l*-1 11 4 -be , :coma of tho peoille ' the offixiiioowli,*qelo,i ;pothingleftot.itlni a li,tpe,stroisk te :"" `.; • r.