-_, I 11 i lij 1 \'l I t MONTROSE, PA., JULY 18, 1871. Arrangement of Nail.s. VIA RAILIWADr Arrives. Dillard, Santhanuock,s 00pm 11 15am SiAGES Montrose Depot.(Daily,),.... 600 p m 620 a ,n New 7,llilforu,(Daily„)..,, ............1000 am 130pra wyalusing. 945 a m-10 00p m Friendaville , (tri weekly,) • 000 pm 800 am o o nklin Statiou,(tri week:)J .. 7.00 am 700 am, Brag,hainton,via S. Lake,(tri weekly).. 000 p m 700 p ti oppen ,(tri 1000 a'na 800 pm The New York, (via: Montrose Depot,) New Milford, Funkhannock,and W3ralusing, are daily. TheCoukli n Station mail runs Tuesdays, Thnrsdays and Saturdays. 1 The-Binghamton mail, (via' Silver Lake,)inns Tao' a _jays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Friendsvillcmail runs Tuesdays.Thitrsdays i and Sat ardaYs• The kishoppezimailrun 8 Mondays,Wednosdays, and Fridays. nnzrtoxa Astageleavesc ally for MontF9s.e Depot atl,tti. and returns at 6 p. rd A stage leaves! daily for,NeW 1111 ford at7Boa.m. and returns at. 3 3,0 p.m. • , E. FORDHAD.T. P. ' hiontros - , Railway Time• Table. Trains sill run as follows : Leave - Tunkbannock at 8:45 a. In. and &12 wm., arriving here at 10:45 a. M. and 5: 10 p. m, Returning, leave- Montrose at 12 and 5:40 p. m.. arriving at Tankbannock at 1:45 and 7:80 p. m. Trains will.= on; Lehigh 'Valley time as kept m the 'olDco of B. N. Y. R.R.' at Tunkhannock. ti All trains connect at Tunkhannoek with P..& N. Y. `ll. R. going north and south. • JA3lf.'S I . BLAXESLEE, Pres't. .blanch Chunk. Jai. 31.18772 • New Advertisements• Ve,getine. Speritf's sales. gegistes Notices. Notice of inCeirporation. 3liscellaneous'Advert i.sements; . - Statemen! of Apo!aeon School Bbard. Statement of iFranklin School District. „_ Statement of iUhap man -School District.. Assignee's Sale—Est. of 11. 31'. Webster.' Administrator's- Notice—Est- of •John BUSINES LOCALS. Countrinstilute. Dr. Van Dykc's Sulphutsoap. Neighbotinr, 'Coulittes. A Scranton girl has two breach of • piomise cases before the courts. The M. E. Church at Mt. Pleasant cleared $75 by Ahe celebration 'on the 4th of July. : Col. V. E. Piolette has beenengaged to deliver Cie address at the Fa; of the Berks county Agricultural Soe ty next September. County treasurer Ai'Neish and City treasurer Durkin have both been enjoined from collecting mercantile tax in Scran ton on a test case. The Nortbeaster Convocatiou of .the. Episcopal church was held at 'Wilkes- Barre last week, Rev. E. A. Warriner of Montrose - preached , the .Corivocation ser mon. The Scranton Journal says the steel works in that city are successfully manu-' facturing railroad rails 6Q feet long. They are rolled that length and then cut into two rail' The Bradford delegates' to tbeiDeino eratie State Convention :are as follows : Senatorial, Colonel J. P. Means; Repre sentative, W. S. Dobbins, James S. Murry and S. W. Back., = • • - - It iareported that two youni ladies are about to start, ,a, weekly, :paper at Can. nonsville, Delaware county; N.Y. They will, undoubtedly, be ,welcomed to the y ranks of journalism. , Thursday next, the . 26th -inst., is the third .abniversary. of . the organization of the St. Patrick Total :Abstinence Society, and the members .will celebrate — them:lN', by a festival in Leonard's Groye.--ning-, hamton Times. The Board of Pardonarefused enter ! . min the Beamish -- ciiie at' tbeit Meeting last week. The next meeting , of the i Board will be on the first week n. Sept., and will -be - the earlieit tin that appti cation can now be made for pardon. Judge Harding, on ',Saturday, June* 30th, delivered his decision in the. Bar ber-Triminer contested. • elegion case, awarding the office to the present in-. .cumbent, Col. A. N.= :Barber, by dismisg ing the complaint of Dr. Trimmer 4 Judge Hafding, Ltizeole, county, recettly sentenced a man -, who had been . found "mot guilty"' to - eighteen months' imprisonment. He `promptly revoked the sentence when informed by the the court that Ihe had incorrectly pounced the verdict of the jury.: The Honesdale Citizen ,says that Rich ard litakenty, who was concerned in a stabbing case at Wilymart, over, three ago, has returned to his both - 6 in Clinton, having served the term for whiali he was, sentenced to the penitentiary,: three years and' ten mouths. Doe' Sweeney, the Carbondale batik. robber, died in the eastern penitentiary a few days ago. Two other convicts: from Luzerne count y have died in that institu tion the. letw 4nonths---one of them, lien Deitrick, 'burglar and would-be assassin, 'who had been ,senteneed to a term of seventeen years. . The Scranton Repub/ican says Tues day, the 26th' ult., WU the most fatal day of the month in the mines of this dis trict, no fewer than three men baying been killed in this locality, from the. ac tiye agent of dkath, the falling roof. Scranton has a man whoic child died two years ago.in great atfony...,:by hydro 7 Phobia.. Re-then siore . to poison every dog be could. The Reinibtfmn Abmks from the manner in which :the canines `bate been . - suddenly expiring hie Vi cinity of late, he means to keep his oath. . Attornado;) the track of which :Wail only ten :'ods in extent, passed over Ali,- ingtor, Luzerne county, on Tuesday night,. 28th - ult.,' and did considerable damage,uprootinglreek unroofing houses, leveling fences and prostratiag grain in its course. • • We 'learn-. trona,' the ,'Pittston . Gazelle that .a . mysterio . us . .murder was committed , below Wyothing . Village,: Saturday night, the 24th ult. 4 special - 'train on the . 848.. It: ran ,:over a man. named Patrick It: head was upon . the track; 3ornp:etely decapitating him,' :Upon investigation-4:wasdiseciveredt hat he had been , .shot : and.... Stabbed„. and itiis StiPpOsed-hs had; been placed on the track by Ilia pistol was - .found 'near the dead - min.. ' It is reported that he attended a party in the neighborhood . that night and liad some -trouble,.while - •. ;.. -•.- V The- Sus Medical SOciety held •:. - asession at.:FactOryVille on the 27th ult 4 Which Dr.. Richardson, of Montrose; presided ; Dr; Pennypac'ker'delivered the address, and short "speeches were made. by -of Tiinkhan 7 dock, - 'ACademY and.• Elder of -Factoryvilte, after which, the clinic and Other business was brought before. the Society, the . tnembers .adjourned to..the residence of :Dr. l3rua= . dage and enjoyed a , Seasoik or social re-, union. The next meeting wlll.l* held .at - Montrose the second' week fin October. A Severe thunder, storm- passed over', MilfOrd,,Pike county, July' sth, During .the progress of the s'storm a sad and fatal accident occurred within the borough limits. A young man named Joseph . ..Meekins, a' resident of Delewitre town E.. ship, aged 24 years, and a near neighbor of his named A. J. Doty, came, .to lord With a load .of bark.' having sold and unloaded. it ,at.'the tannery of A. D. Brown, they started- for a store down town to do, some. trading. Meekina4as driving =his team - being a valuable span of mules which,only: a short time previ ouSly cost him $5OO---While, Mr. Doty sat on the sane seat to the left. Therwere ascending a: small hill leading from- the. tannery to Broad Street . ,.'whe.n 'Aleekins and bOth muleS Was .struck by lightning and. all. instantly ..Doty euffered brit little from the effects of the shock. Meekins never moved afterhe was struck. Stale Items. EE A Norristown man; after being idle for pion ths, broke his. collar bone the .first day day he gok work. - • Twelve persont luiye been . hung in Datiphin county .since its organization. Six pf these ,we•re "colored: • • With the exception•of wheat, the - crops in Berke county are reported 'unusually good. The crop of hay is veay heavy. A man named Joseph Gillett fell from the roof of the Catholic church it 'Pitts burg and *as instantly killed. While a Reading man was hauling hay from a. meadow his horse sank in a quick= sand, and it took four men and two horses several hours to drag it out. • Mayor Evans, of Reading, has just-re "ceived notice of the death of a relative in Wales who, eives half a million dol lars in the ,diyision of which the MaYor will. participate. Steinsville, Lehigh county, seems to be a great cabbage producing locality. One man sold this:- spring - 384,000 -plants at from $ 2 t 0 .52.50 pe r.' Ahorisand, , realizing the - neat sum of $l,OOO out of his pro duct:: - • • • • 'The' Washington County l'aarrairs' have /3(q 'several- . hundred thousand dollars worth of - wool..ll.ttring the' -Past three Green county grangers, too ' have made big ..sales.. - Forty-five ,cents' per polind is the ruling.price; On Thursday evening .of last' week,, .4.45. Susan Hugue,the oldest inhabitant, of - .Philadelphia, died at thelesidence of her daughter,: Mrs. Mary Edwards, No. 1025 Hatiolver street, in the'one hundred -and. sixth year.of her age. . • • In breaking eggs for use, Mre. John Bobler, of Jalapa, Schuylkill county, found a - mall but perfect .egg,., with speckled shell, inside of a hen's egg. tin - breaking fhis little, egg it was found to Contain a partially developed but' perfect - Iyformed-snake. 0 heof the biggest blists everrmade-in this Stateo6eurred On Thirs4ay at ,the Lumberton quarriei, Titicks county. The ledge, was :sixty-three feet long, -twenty-seven feet .high_' and thirty-nine feet wide.. The whole mass thrown out, weighing 5;478 ,tons,. was the result of," a 'dozen kegs of powder. - - ' _The dust that - accumulates in the . Philadelphia mint is all carefully gather ed and sold to smelters. Recently, that which gathered on the "asphalt root was taken., off and. submitted to the usual process, and the result shows that 42 ounces of standard gold 'and 96 Ounces , of standard silver=a total„ valuation of abbut sBso—had been conveyed in' the upward flight of the smoker of the 'oh im- - ney, to the place where it became located fora season. • Mr. George Crane, AA wmatuer bee culturist, of Columbia, hits been recently rewarded with the most gratifying success. Uppn removing -the caps, . _ six in -number, from One of the hives of the usual size, they, wero found to contain no less than one hundred and sixteen pounds of comb, 'not including-that containedin the body of the.. hive, estimated,. at about fifty pounds, btit which was not removed, The caps were: replaced.. with.l new ones,. and the bees are once more at work in their new storehouse. This is an extraordinary • 'l-IVelits Jottnio. 'John -Babbleton, author of "Helen's Babits," haS lett the editorial , staff of the - New York Herald and will devote him self to book-naking. "Did anybody ever See Soldene eat corn off- . the Cobb ?"--New - York .11erald. Certainly. We've seen, her with an ear at each end of her mouth.—Pittsburg Post. One of Henry C. Bo w en'a ,SOlll3 let the cat out of the bag at Noodstock on the Fourth by, calling for three cheers for Mr. Blaine, the: next President of the United States. - The Bank of Pike - County, at Louisi ana, Mo., hai stopped business. Its lia bilities, Are 14160,000. ,was considered , one of ,the soundest institutions in that part of the state. Bishop Lynch, of Charleston, S. C., has denied a report that has gained circulation to the effect that he is to be transferred to ,tire Archepiscopal See of New York as' coadjutor - to,,eardinal .Mc- Closkey. ' When ai Loudon World reporter went to interview Grant, the, General gave a long sigh' and ejaculated : "This seems like. hoine. I. leel-as .Iwere in the States ouce,more. Jesse, ortkr up ajulep for the young' man." Nicholas Smith, formerly 'Miss Ida Greeley; has a son two 'months old. He,is nanied Ilarace'Greeley, his. parents saying: "We --have :no, right to. make Smith a tender .for lioruce Greeley to drag througlOhe- world."_ - Only three= persons. have life-passes on the Jiudion, River Railroad... l One is John 13. J,ervis, the first engineer.of the road ; another is his wife; and the third is , Gov. Kimball, Of West Point. The poises are made of POlld silver,on which engraved the name of- the holder, date when giyen andl;, occupation.- - A Springfield (Mass.) man made a will and a misoalculopon at the; sometime. In devising his estate, he left, one-third to his wile, one-third :to his child, and the other third 'to a child unborn. The party unborn proved :to =be twins; and the ex ecutor is in sorrowful fix as to the dig poSition Of the_ property, begging the Probate Court in vain for help. V E" 'TINE AN MELT. NT MEDICINE. SYR - OFTELD, 0., Feb. 18,!1877. This is , to certify that I have used Vegetir,e, mann facturedlby H. R. Stevens Boston, - Mass., for Rheuma tism andi _General Prostration of the Nervous System, with good success. .1 recommend Vegetine as an ex cellent utdicine for such complaints. Yours very truly. C. W. VANDEGRIFT. Mr. Vandergrift, of the firm of Vanuergrift a Buff? man, is a well-known bueiness man in this place, hav ing one of the largest stores in Springfield 0. LOUISVILLE, By., Feb. 16, 4377. Mn. H. R. STETsms. Dear Sir:—Three years ago I wss ecfferingterriblY with Inflsmatory Rheumatism. Our minister's wife advised me to take Veg Allie. After taking one bottle, I was entirely relieved. This year, feeling a return of the disc./se.' again cemmenced taking it, and am be.. ing being benefitted greatly. It also , greatly improved my digestion. .- Respectfully, Irs„ A. BALLARD. 1011 West Jefferson sireet. . 1 .. SAFE AND SORE. Mr, H. R. STBVE2O3. c. In 1872 your Vegetine waS recommended to me; and, yielding to the perguasions of a friend I consented to try it. At the time I was ;suf fering from general debility and nervous pros tuition, superinduced by overwork and irregul lar habits. Its. wonderful strengthening and curative proPerties seemed .to, affect my debilia ted system from the, first dose; and under its persistent use I apidly recovered, gaining more tban - .usual health and good feeling. Since. then I have not hesitated to give Vege tine my most unqualified indorsement as being a safe, sure, and powerful agent in promoting health and re3toring,the wasted system to new life and energy. Vegetine is the only medicine L use, and as long as 1 live I never eitpec.t to find a better. . Yours truly, •7 W. 11, - CLARtc• , 120 'Monterey Street, Allekhany, Pa. VEGETINE: The following letter from •Rev. G. W, Mani field, formerly .paitor of the Methodist Episco pal Church, Hyde, Park, and at present settled in Dowell, must convince - every one who reads his letters of the Wonderful curative, qualities of Vegetine as a thorough cleanser and purifier of 'the blood. , • • • HYDE PAltx, Mass.; Feb. Feb. 15,1876. MB. H. R. STEVEIii. ::Dear Sir:—Abont , ten years ago my,bealth failed through the depleting effects of dysPep- Sill; nearly a year later I was attacked by, ty phoid fever in its worst folm. It settled in my back, and took the form of a large deep - seated abscess, which was fifteen months in gathering. I had two surgical operations by the best skill, in the State, .but received no permanent cure. I suffered great pain at tittles, and was con stantly weakened by a profuse discharge.. I also lost small pieces of bone at different, times. Matters,ran on, thus about seven years, till May, 1874, when a friend recommended .me to go to your office, ' , and -talk with you of the virtue of Vegetine. I did , so, and by your .kindness passed through your, manutactory, noting the ingredients, &c., by which your remedy is produced: . By what I saw and heard I gained i some con fldence in Vegetine. I commenced taking it soon after, but felt . worse from its effects; still I persevered, and • soon felt it wai benefiting me in other respects. Yet I did not see the results Idesired till I had taken it faithfully for a little more than a year when - the difficulty in the back was cured; and for nine months I have enjoyed the best of health. ' I have in that time gained twenty-five Rounds of flesh, being , heavier than ever before in my life, and ; 'I was never more able to perform labor than now. During the past few weeks I had a Scrofulous swelling as large as my tat gather on another part of my_ body. I tools.Vegetine faithfully, and it removed it level with the surface , in a k month . I think I should have been. cured of my, main trouble sooner it I had taken larger dons, 'after having becotne accustomed to its cfrecb3. • Let your Ostrom trouble with scrofula Jr kidney disease understand that tt takes time to cure chronic diseases; and, if they will patient ly take Vegetine, it will in myjudiment, cure them.- With great obligations lam Tours verttrOly, „, - •s MANerriCLD, , ' _ - ,Pastor M E. Church: VZORTINE Prepared ty . H. R. STEVENS, Bolton. MN= LS /TOLD st DXIIGGISTO. Corr ItisTyruTE.—The Annual Teachers' Itistitute will, be held it Montrose during the , week commencing .Monday, Addgust 27,• 1877. July 18.---29. =-W..0. TILDE:Z . 4, CO. Supt. DR. VAN DYKE'S' StiLl'Eftrit Soar • Makes the sKirt Soft, .Clear, Pure, -White and healthy is Cleansing, Deoderising, Disinfect ing,'Soothing, Healing and Purifying;.removes Dandruff, 'Chafing,- Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Roughness and redness of the Skin ;' relieves itching, burning and , litinging of the Skin, and irritation of biting and stinging insects ; will relieve'ltohing Piles: Where nothing else will have any effect ; =is FREE FROM ALL OF FENSIVE ODOR, and prevents Contageous Diseases, and as-an extOrnal Medical, and Toi let= Preparation it has n o equal. Price, 25 cts. by mail, 25; box, 3 Cakes 60 ct.s., by - mail 74. Sold by-Druggists. R WEBSTER, ProTitle-' tor. Office, 50 N. sth st.; Plkiladla, Pa. Whole sale Depot, 400 N. Third stiFhila; Pa. • July 18,1897.-i year. ~ e. o. w. . , EVERYT.IiING fa 'the line of Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Varnishes, Potket books, Pocket knives, Tooth bruihes, Flesh brushes, Clothes and Hair brushes, Toilet, soaps, Fine toilet articles, 'Fancy goods and a full line of all the new find • 'Popular Remedies can be found* ALA A. Lyon's Drug Store. Physicians will find our stock ;complete, and composed of the best articles that can be found in the market. Montrose, Pa..4an. I.7th, 1877.—tf , A, not of Glenre.s , Sulphur 'Soap, which con laina three cakes and costs,onffsixty cents, is sufficient to supply material for at least twenty gulping:Baths which would eradicate a 'whole catalogue of rheumatic arid cutaneous maladies Sold, by all Druggists. Hill's Hair t 57 Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cts.—July. .NNY tIAIINESS SHOP. . i l . take this method of - inforialing . the Public of Montrose and 'vicinity - that 1 have opened a -new harness shop,,under Searle's express office, Publie Avenue. .-•- - .. --.- rwill build new work of the best qiality, and repair with neatness and dispatch and-at lowest- rates. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. , Montrose, Oct. 18, 1876tf. • Invni CHAYstax. MARBLE WORKS. ' • j • The Turikhannoek Marble Works of Burns & White are doing a good business ind are getting out some very tasty jobs o Head Stones -and Monuments. .4. B. Burris, of the Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized agent for Montrpse and vicinity. He has designs ,of Head Stones and , Monuments. Any ordersilOft 'with him will be promptly filled by Burns & White. " Tunkhannock, Feb. 181,6tf. As many through the country have been un able for a time back to obtain any of Taylors Family Medicines on account of the merchants and druggists being out. This is tomotity the public-that all merchants and drhggists through Suscea and adjoining counties have been fur nished with a new supply and all of said medi cines are still warranted to give satisfaction OR NO PAY. Try, Taylors cough Syrup or Expec torant for that cough. L N.rßullard, A. B. Brims and M. A. Lyons Agents for Montrose H. Browning Tayl9r Prop. . • WE 'TAKE PLEASURE in „recommending to our reader* • the old and pdpular Dry Qoods House of c. :f. Sisson & 0.3., of Binghaniton. For the sptitif trade, they are:prepared to offer as comtte n assortment of Dry Goods, as can be 1 und in any market. Those beautiful Black atid Summer silks, to which they call particular attention, we are satisfied are just the thing to please the ,peopie of this section. fancy Dress Goods they lake the lead. In Parasols, Kid Gloves, Corsets,. Hosiery, etc:, they have'all the populat goods at popular prices. • April 24,1877 . ' 17—tf• CLAIRVOYANT r, NATIONS FREE. , There is no , subject' that requires so much study and experience as the treatment of chron ic diseases. The. astonishing success and - re markable cures performed by . Dr. Butterfield, are due to the gift of clairvoyance, to the life long*study of the constitution' of man, and the curing of diseases from natural remedies. Cures the worst forms of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe male Weakness, Diseases of the Heart, Lungs or Kidneyti. Will , be ;at the Spaulding House, Binghamton, Friday, and Saturday, 26th,, and 27th. . - Dr. Butterfield will be at the Mineral Springs Pa., gaturday, July. 28th. 8--w. 'Sun. 10, '1877. KEYSTONE ACCADEMY.--The , 'exerciser con. meted with the close of the eighth Academic 'Yeaf. will' take place on Wednesday. Thursday and'Friday, Jime 20; :21 and '22, as follows On: Wednesday . and 'Thursday, examinatitts, 'interspersed with declamations, essays and-mu sic. Wednesday:evening, 8 p. m., address by ReV. H. J. lillard, ,Btisq'a co.; Thursday ,ev.e., exhilotion of 'advanced classes in Composition, consisting of orations • and essays' on 'subjects assigned to the class. `Vriday, 10.30 a. nual_ exercises, consisting of gnidtiating• ad dresses,' prize oration, prize essay, conferring of diplomas, 'and bestowal of 'prizes. After the exercises,,the usual Anniversary dinner will' 'be served. In the evening Rev. John Peddie p. D.; of Phira, will deliver Abe annual address; .* • FARErnA's CONTEMTAL }Miasma'. The great Diarrhoea Antidote. A. few of , the many rea sons why every person should keep a bottle of the Continental 'Balsam in their house : First, It will cure alinost' inianty all cases of pain, cramps, colic, dyspeps a, .or -loseness of the bowels. Second. It wilt cure the chronic diar rhcea ot long standing. )Third,,lt is one of the best remedies in the wokld for children while teething, as it gives instant relief withnut sub jucting them to any injurious effect. Fourth and last, The price being so 10w,,25 and 50c per bottle, that the poorest can atTord to buy it. Sold by John Pereira, bole Proprietor, 22,4 North Ninth 'Street, Philadelphia,' and drug gists generally. - - June 6,1877.—W _ _ TAKE NOTICE. LOOK OUT FOR TOUR \ 6WII 18T1 9T. • The result of Spring -trade _has - shown the amount of goods that,had to be; slaughtered to pay debts; yet, whila'the masses go down be fore the sweep of the panic, live men, who hive the money to buy,Aire able to quote prices that !ought to derision the bare whisper of compe tition, and whilst , the credit houses . . are totter ing on the verge 'of Bankruptcy 'or ruin; the cash mail marches over the road the unques tioned master of the situation. • From the sheriff to the assignee sale and bankrupt, and from every , sale the want of the Mighty Dollar ii - qcnown, and them are unan swerable "arguments. The sledge hammer drives to show the difference between ilashand credit-.-between the right. and - wrong. Winters of ,Friendsville,f3usquehauna 00., Pa.' after coming . trozu 15ew 'York city and paying cash for his-goods at the lowest ; price;- ; defies coraPetition, and botight a geierat stock of goods to numerous to invention - -such as Dry Goods, groceries, lliotss and. Shoes, Ready. made Ulething, eniCkeo,°Bateind Caps i" etc. and everything the hones4tounty wants. tarßemeznber the pla close to the Post - - [ R. Wafricas. Prindiville,. July 11,117?. 2 A.,10t of Sheet Music, slightly soiled, at one , bait retail price, at Bronson's Music and Jewel ry store. 28-31 • "MEW' YORK *(jITY MARKET comae crrn livEzia.r sr HAYDEN & DUCK WORT_ , Commiiitton Merchants, _ No. 3 4 .1.0 WAsarmiToxiiiraßzT, Haw Twat. NE7 Yong, Saturday, July 14,1877. 'BUTTER. Pails, choicest fresh 21 .0 22 " good to fine ...... 17: ek, 20 .: 0 common 12: • l5 `Firkins, .... . 'l9 '0 20 " good to .. ... 16 Ca 3 18 " common to good _ Tubs, selectionsl9 o'2o " good to fine •15 17 " common to g00d.......: 'l2 ej) . " 14 \` CHEESE. - • • Factory, fancy 93;1, good, to fine . 81(0 8 Farm Dairy, prime 8 340 itY3. " " fair to good . - 7 7 3 4. MISCELLANEOUS. Eggi, fresh 17%0 18 Apples (green) fine • 3 000., ; 50 dried per lb qrs "- . 4%0 49 „" sliced 4%0 500 Potatoes, pei'bbi - 150 200 Lard 9 31 / 3 9 ,g Tallow 0 Turkeys dressed..... I - Chickens, " . - Ducks, " ' Bees Wag. . ' 29%0 80 County Business DirectorV. Two lines in this ThreetOTT, one year, $1.50; each a 0 ditional line, 50 cents. W tI G 13W OUT, Stater. Wholesali. Retail dealer in all kinds of slate roofing, slate paint, etc., Roofs repaired with slate paint to order. Also. elate paint for sale by the gallon of barrel. Montrose. BILLINGS STROUD, General, Fire and Life Insur ance Agents, also, sell Railroad and Accidental Tickets,to New York and' Philadelphia. Officeone door east of Wm. H Cooper a Co's bank. W3I: H. BOYD a CO, Dealers in Stoves, hardware, and Marini camera of Tin and Sheet-Lion ware, c or - net' of Main and Turnpike street. WU. H . COOPER a CO., Bankers. Sell Foreign Pas sage Tickets and Drafts• on England, Ireland and Scotland. WM. L. COX, Harness maker and dealer Lm all art!. cies- tisually kept by the trade. opposite the bank. JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney -at-Law. Office one door below Tarbell House, Public Avenue. NEW MILFORD. SAVINGS. BANK, NEW MILFORD. Six per sent. interest on all Deposits: Doets a •general Banking business. S. B. CHASE & CO. 11. GARRET & SON, Dealer -in Flour. Feed, Meal, Salt, Lime, Cement,. Groceries and Proylsions, os , Main Street, opposite the Depot: N. F. KIMBER, Carriage' Maker, Picture Fratner,and Undertaker, a few rods from Phinnoy's Hotel, near M. E. Church GREAT BEND. H. P, DORAN, Meichant Tailor ind dealer in. Ready Madc Clothing, Dry Goods, Gro4pries add Provisions„ Main Street. ]• A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE.--James D. Goodwin of Montrose bom., having assigned' to me all his estate,. in trust; for the hate& of ekeditors ; all persons indebted to said estate, are re.qudil ted to make imme diate settlement, and all having claims against the same to present them to A.U. WARREN. • . Atsignee of James D. Goodwin. Montrose Jnne 27, 1E77. 26-81 A DMIN ISTRATOR'S { NOTICE In -CA. the' estate of Philip Mahn, late of Montrose. dec'd, Letters of administration in the said estate hair ingbeen grantee to the undersigned, all persons ow ing said estate are requested to make immadlate.pay ment, and all persons hsving Calms against said estate are requested to present them without delay. • June 18,18T1. 24-27 M. B.DESSAVIC.R, Adm'r. • ADMINISTRATILIX'S NOTICE:* In .the estate of. Frauds Sherridan lido orLeriox twp. Letters of Administration an the said• estate et having been granted to the undersigned.all person ir - ing said estate are requested to make immediate y meet; and all parsons having claims against said e tip are rJquesied to present . them withoutdels.Y. " ' - • ' MARY C. tifiRRIDAI4,,, . f , Administratrix. • U-.2fit , may 3.0, . 18r. , A . DMINISTRATOR'S: NOTICE4-41f , the estate", of Henry ITon late or Herrick twp, Susquehanna. County, Pennsylvania, deC'd. Letters 'of Adminiitration in the said estate, having been - tgranted to the undersigned, ell portion - B'6,ring said est.tite are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against 'said estate are requested to present thentmithont delay. . • ••: . H. H. LEWIS , Hay 16,1877. • 20w6 - AdMinistrator. . _ ITDITOR'S NOTICE.- - -The, iigned an Auditor appointed by the4Vourt of - Commpn Pleas of, Stisquehanna Coun, to distribute the finds in the hands of Sit. B. :Eldred administrator of Miles W. Beath, deceased, will attend to,thc,dutles of hie apPointnitnt'at his °eke in Itiontrobe.on•Saturday July 14 1877, at 1. o'clock p. m., at which time , and place 'all - persons interested are required to appear and .present their claims -or be forever debartd.frOm coming in on said fund. FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor .June, 18T7: - • 25-28. PROCLAMATION,. •• , J SUSQIIENAVNA couNTY, • jamei R. Truesdell rs.Cyntha Ann Truesdell. In the Court of Common Pleas of Sampa/tun County, N 0.232, Nov. Term, /OTT. . • - To Cyntha Ann Truesdell,4, Whereas a Subpcena in Divorce wan lOsued to AprH Term, 18TT, which , was duly retarned non est Inventuo, and thereon an allas tub- Tcena was issued in said case , returnable to August erm. 1877, upon the'return of,which proof :was made that the said Cyntha Ann Truesdell could not - be • found in my bailiwick. This notice therefore lito require yon to appear 'be• fore the Judges of the said Court, on the second Mon day of August next, to answer said complaint, &c. WM. WRITE, Sheriff. Montrose, Stine 27,187 T, 28-29 p.ROOLAMATION: SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY SS. D.D. Hart 18 -vs. Ciimena - Harris: In , the Court of. Common Pleas of Susquehanna County,. No, SS, Jan. Term. 1877. To CbmennL.Harris: iThereas a Subpcena iiz Divorce was issued to Apr. T., 11377,0 n motion of-Warren &Son which was duly returned non est intentua. and thereon ,SUI alias oubpcenit was issued , in said case, returnable to August Term, 1877, u,pon the returnoi which, proof was made that .the said Clbnina Harris could 'hot In found in my bailwick. , This notice is therefore to' require you to appear be fore the Judges of the said Court, on the second Mon day of August next, to answer said compluint, ac. WM. WHITE. Oherir. Montrose, June 27,1817. ' ' ;AUCTION. The undersigned, assignee of A. N. Bullard, will soil at auction, on the premises, to Montrose, sn - • Thuradoy. July: 26th, 1877, -; • .-/ at one o'clocicp.m. the -; ;,, sae.O°Tr al -41 L 11r Mll formerlysexupled N.T.ltullard, situate, On-Maple street, This Is a desirable property,' about the - best Jecation Xpntrottey, good /5 0 to good Wise, borni;ws. ler fruit UM. ac. - t ISERms :—ssoo down on dapsNlo in three months and the balance zmonths with Interest, :i- 4 -•. /14 1/ (7o C 4 A4Zi cria. Aloo f two houses, deshibly incited, at private saki. you SALE.—A 'good two psi old .a." Devon. bull—very kind and orderinr. - - - HBNft C. TIMM MONTROSE'. Legal.