The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, July 18, 1877, Image 4

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.1V . .1, ONTROSE; PA:, .4 - TTLY i6',1877.
Town, CotintY; - and Variety.
—A fine rain. I
The latest is buttoned stockings.:
---ir r 'rhezmonaeter 85 deg. in• the shade;Mon-.
-Sheriff sales advertised in to-day's pa.
—Cabbage leav-es:in yOur hat will prevent
aunt robe.. a
—The tnosqnitoes. are beginning to pre
sent, their bills. •
—Orange blossom drops are the newest in
the catnip line. • , : _
-- . ---Potatoes,are selling at Scranton for fifty
coats per-bushel.
The roof on Deans' book-Store building
has been, changed from tar 6 tin. •
—There is.unimmense crop of huckleber
ries reported, on tbnniountains this year.
—There is not an Unmarried 'woman Who
can, remembbr the, last, seventeen year locusts.
,--The truly good man will go to sleep in
church rather than let his .mind waUder on,the
price of potatoes.
rI •J.. Harrington, of the Exchange Hotel
purchased the farm of Rodney Kexit, la 13ridge
water, last week.
—The Northern COnvopation of the,-Epis
copal Church will be held at Montrose, Serf
teniber seventeenth.
*----Pashicruabie young men mill soon carry
leather canes. Some of them 'have been ca-rry
ing leather heads for some timer,
----The ladies' Aid Society of the M. E.
Church will meet at the house of ]NTri. E. L 4.
Weeks, on Friday, at 2p. m.: The gentlemen
are invited, to come to tea.
-Up to the present date' no postmasterS
are known to have resigned in consequence of
the circular of 31 . r. Hayes forbidding them tried
in election campaigns.
celebration at 'Uniondale on the
Fourth was a splendid success. The receipts
were nearly $2OO, and the net proceids for the
benefit of the church there about $1.23.
—The humblest`can do something toward
making the local papers interesting. If you
cannot be a defaulting bank clerk, you can, at
kaet„ step on an orange peel and sprtiin your
—Fifty-tour thunder storms are predicted
by the,St. Louis weather prophet for this sea
so; and we've only had about a dozen thus'
far. 1%10 doubt we are to have lively times dur
ing July and August. •
-=--We hope our town council are not dead
but sleeping, for there are a few sidewalks that
have become dangerous to pedestriafis, and
have been , for some time.. It this serves to
wake them we won't shoot again.
--The ladies of the Woman's Temperance
ion will hold their anniversay meeting on
Fri , y 20th, at 7:45 p. .m:, l in the Baptist
church. Miss Jane Petty, of Luzerne Co', is
expected deliver the address. •1,
--,--Mr.therles Roos, of Monigomery °lin
ty, Pa., has 'been engaged as Principal of the
'Montrose Graded Schiwl. The assistants re
main the same, except that 'Miss Anna C. Searle
has been appointed to the second intermediate,
and Miss Lillian , Carlisle takes the other va
cancy. •
—The Glenwood Sunday School , madi au
excursion Scranton ; last ,week under, the
Initivnageof Hon', G. .A:i"GioW. The exciir
sioninistadined at the Wyoming Rouse, - visited
the steel weilfs, rolling mills ) and collieries,
having a most enjoyable time, and'returning to
Nicholson by an early
--It is women. making their homes uncom
fortable for their t husbands ; which causes half
the divorces. -After working at some black
smith shop; or other place,' all the afternoon
pitchingAuoits,to break heats. between drinks,
and then having "t'o' hig a bamboo" cane hOme,
a'swell don't like his
,wife to pester him about
getting wood for supper..,
. ,
Binghamton " Times ',repoted first
(and our. contemporaries in the county seem to
echo it) that youtigHowell of New Milford had
,leg-bloWn ofF. on tie FoArth and has
another amputated since.; If that were true it
would prove that he had three legs in.the first
place, for hihas one sound one rattail:tin - stilt
11 thOy had tekentfie.iacts as published in, trrnn
D.II2;I9CIaT they, would not have got them
eeives into such a perplexing problem. He had
only one leg injured - which has sinceheen am
putated as we published list week.
t a meeting oftbe Board of ! Directors
of the Odd-Fellowsi Mutual Life Insurance
%inpany of Montrose, Penrea; held at theof
ficeof the Company last Monday night, the app
plication Oi Eliza B. *thow
and executrix of Ifenry`A. ;dec'd, for
the insurance on the _life of her deceased hits
bind, according to the;policy, of the Compitny,
177; Nils ' , considered: an 4 grinted. The
present membership of the CompanY Is fifteeni
lunitired and sixtplive.• -There ; is no more
prompt retii4qci insurance coMpany of any
kind thskihisone. — ' .
, -
7-11tr:f. Horace Deans, of this . borough,
Met with I, tatal - aceident- on 'Wednesday last;
ihieh;eaused his death - , .Saturday, about 3
O'clock. • Wlutd,beert engaged canvassing
for-the Soldiers' Monument, and started- out
AhakdAY-Aigeli-0,6-borsabselc, -for the same pur
potie.,,, Aeforelib :had got but lot' the 'borough
his :horse riered and fel loTer ,baeltwabis ipou
Ali '`
lih4e*ei lolflpfefatigth4Fnel inju!lea•
one of the veteran Soldiers or the
old Vii :
.. 4 4 7 the
pligiittOan -- 'biidriliititilteibille : *kit4 . 4
Week before last witnessed the closing of Won.
sands of sekocls and the dismissal of litindreds
of thousan - students of - all 1 ages, for the
summer vacation- This vaeation•ineludes the
hot. sultry Months, of July and Augdsc during
wuieh the school room would be a prison, and
study the hardest of labor, itigcholars were re
quired to continue at their books. As it is, the
work is dropped at the, most opportune time,
and resumed, in'the beautiful days of early tall.
These scholars have been,given ten months in
the school room, haYe had tw,o short vacations
ff two weeks each, and now return to their
home's to rest.
'But there are thousands of''children who are
poring over their hooks under a heated roof
and - walking to and fro from school under. the
hot rays of the burning sun, who will:not have
the anxiously looked for vacation until late in
the summer. These are generally found in the
district schools. At the school meetings in
July the number of months school is establish
ed for the' coming, year, and usually divided
rote) what is called the whiter and summer
-ter&s, and the time so divided' that the schol
ars attend. school in the extreme cold of 'Winter
and the heat of summer. The . winter term
can be tolerated,' bat the summer term .is a
weary one, in which' no great progress is made.
The latter term is generally attended- by the ,
small children while the larger ones .remain at
horne. The
. custom is a bad one'. -Ten months
study - is 'not too much for the average scholar
and is the time usually adopted by the graded
schools; Eight or nine months are generally,
taken in the district schools. Having decided
upon this question, it then becomes a nice
point and one that deserves more attention
than is generally given fo it, to determine how
these _months shall ditided into terms:
School boards should see that the terms include
as much cool° weather as possible.
For eight months the hest division is .as fot ,
lows: First terns three .'modth.§; -commencing
first-Monday in October and continuing through
October; November and. December. . •
Vacationpf two weeks, through the holi
days.- - •
Second , term, three monthi; January,' Feb
ruary and March. • -
Vacation of two weelcs during wet, , disa
greeable weather in 'sprine.
Third term, two months; Aprikand 31
_Vacation three months and mth, conti uing
through the hot season.
Ten months should be divided into . hree
terms. First, term, four months; Septe iber,
October, November and December. VaNiOLI
of two weeks.
Second and third'term, three months each,
closing before first of July.
School boUrds, who have the matter in
charge, should take pains to have the time al
lotted for school arranged in the most benefi
cial manner. Iteep . the school going when the
children will learn the most, and When the
teachet feels the most like educational work.
No teacher or child should he in 'school dur
ing July or August.
The friends:of the late Trpman L. Case . Esq.,
who waa j a native of Gibson, ~this county, will
regret to learn of his death which took place
at Albany N. Y., on . Saturday morning Zilly
seventh. We copy the following notice from
the Albany Sunday Press : "T. Le Roy Case, a
prominent member of the. Albany Bar; died .at
his.residence on Willett - st., in this city, at an
early hour yesterday. morning. Deceased was
born at Gibson, Susquehanna county Pa„
April,lB36. He i; studied , law at Montrose; Pa.,'
where he afterwards commenced practice. - At
the outbreak of, the late. war,, he was commis
sioned as lieutenant of , the Isf Pa., Artillery.
He came to this city in February, 1875, to
form a partnership with Edward Savage, Esq.,
filling s .the place made vacant by the, death
Cot Jobn Gould. During , Ms brief residenctin
thie city be had by fais 'genial matmer, acanol
edged ability, and legal` - proficiency, won the
universal respeet and confidence of his fellow
members of the bar and our citizens generally.
Happy in the posseesiod Of a manner the most
engaging, and a temper that never ruffled, and
guided by, the most . generous impulses , a chris
tiai gentleman and - an able *lawyer, the friends
of his. earlier -years, cap Well belieye - ,*at ,the
dity'of his'adoption.sincerely sympathizes with
them over Ids dimise. .His- death, resulting
from a stroke of appoplexy.. - wde sudden even
to his most intimate friends,. He'leaves a wid
ow. ,
During his residence ,berahe was a constant
member of tit l e Rev. Dr.. Darling's - church arid
took a deep interest; in. religious matters.
There are too many of our citizens who
'seem disregard the law.for cutting canadn
thistles as we notice that every year large
matches are =Allowed to mature and seed the
whole country around: There is a fine for this
negligence, but it ought , not to be =emery to
impose this upon any one, for a sense of justice
tOpur neighbors, should cause a'full compliance
with the law. It is no more wrong or illegal
to,negligently set a fire and allow it to destroy
a neighbor's woodland than it is to allow
thistl(: to seed his meadow and plow lands t .
when a few bones work at meat will'prevent
it. The law should be enforced and the fine
The latest ,thing. in dolls tie young
- of tinted wax; who, w f hen wound tip,And given
a high chair at the tahle, reaches out her arms,
seizes a piece of bread andAMOY . 1 . ) 1 141 it . in' her
moitth; .when'!he has done :this 'a certain num.;
ber of times, it is necessary. oPen her
remove the food,.- and wind her up , again;
,Dyspeptics will probably yeartt for : so simple a
method or escapb2lithe liforrois
p mill doubta , thectieopkr ,
,;•:.-,., = 1..-;Fi' ;1 - 0:; , ...;,, , :
.........; , .-Z,' , .; -, ; - •.:1 , ...-::-. - .-:'
.1.-.. -...tritalercisoln.moralvAnaParison.--40tvit'
About five years ago there Hired with a
wealthy . fanner 'at Pleasant Valley, Monroe
county, a Poling girl, of about eighteen sum
merS, who, not able to withstand the tempta
tions to pilfer from her'master articles thatwere
thrown in her way, 'was ftetillY
_detected in
taking that which did note belong to her, ay.
rested, and tried and senteneed to Six months'
imprisonment in the county jail. - *o one. in.
terposed in, her behalf and she, served the
term of confinement 'out and was released;
when she immediately disappeared frota the
community,- and no one knew ; whither she
went. Recently, the property,•conSisting of a
valuable mill and farm, situated at Pleasant
Valley, the estate of her old emPloyer, a man
by the name i of rankle, was advertised at
public sale byradministrators. 'On the. day of
sale A; lady appeared on the scene, arrayed in
very stylish and costly ' garments, ,indidating
wealth, and whellthe property was ptit up for
sale she commenced to hid, and after a few
bids, the property was knocked down to her at
quite a sFrifice, her being a woman andoubt,
edly keeping others from bidding. pAt the clot°
of the sale she stepped forward paid - flown
the purchase money, as required, 0 the condi
tions of sale, and informed thoin making the
sale that the balance would be paid as .soon :as
the deeds were delivered. These •papers were
executed in about two week's time - andllanded
over., when the balance -bf the money Was paid
by the fair purchaser; and she bedame owner
of the valuable property. It now turned but
that this wealthy lady was the same girl, who,
only five years before, bad: left 'so unceremoni
ously after being imprisoned for theft. Tile
natural query now arises, ".1107.v did she be
come possessed of such an amount of money r
The singular transactioir thus far is shrouded;
in mystery, and undoubtedly will ever remain
so, unless she elionSes to reveal the secret ,or
some unforseen events transpire in the future
to Shed the desired light. Without thesk, it
.must ever remain an unfathomable mysterz.—
_Statinoton Nom '
The Allentown Dentocrat says: While wa
ges are being ',lowered every day, and work
den are:obliged to accept what is offered, pro
visions continuo nearly as, high es t tufty were
four years ago, when wages were treble what
they are now, It is ',about time things . . were a
little more equalized: Especially are the pri
ces of meat too high. Beef, in all fairness,
ought not to be over 12 cents per pound. The
best. cuts ought to be sold at' that, arid as fair a
profit made is now secured in' any .other
branch of merchandizmg or manufacturing.
As a rule, there are more cash sales made in
the selling of meat than any other retail'
trade. The butcher can turn his money
oftener than a blacksmith, a: shoemaker,
a grocery-man, or 1' n . dry goods man,
and yet the first has, not fallen in
price in proportion to all or any of these. 5
r iThe
reason for this, the butcher says, is the scarcity
ot beef - cattle, and there may be, something in
it. happened into the Eagle hotel the oth.,
er day and there met a man from North White
b all who declared tilt if our fanners would go,
on for the next, ten years aft 'they have the past
ten years people Who did not possess fortunes
Would be obliged to' 4 with one' meal of meat
per day. The farmers Of Lehigh, as in other
counties, he said, with but few exceptions, have
almost ceased to raise cattle, save for their own'
use. The producers, said he, seem seized with
a desire to sell every pound of hay, cptitfodcier,
etc., that they can extract from their land, and
to consider stock raisMg a secondary matter„
• ,
We are 'told that never since the lumber busi
ness of the West Branch Valley became a recog
nized industy has the production been sosmnli as
it will be this year And the'shipmenta are dispro
mtionately Jarge.,,, On, - the first of January
therevere at Williernaport one hrindre,d and
.sixty-one millions of Pine 'lumber and,at - Lock
Haven twenty:millions more. is .estimated
'by thOse in the best position to knoW that 'the
production at both ['hints this year will not ex
ceed a,hundred and:fifty . millions, and this .es=
timate,is.based oh the possibility of work ing i up
all the logOvhich is not probable will b e done.
Therein now •leS pine lumber in' the Yards of
the West Branch-than there was. at the opening
of the year. It is a further notable fact that
not all the. - mills ale ‘runuing, and: very iew
limber men ere, making such extensive preps
arations as in fbrmet years for - ifiPerations in
the woods. • • . •
' - Professor Sr...heibner, of. Carversville, in his
fare Well address to his graduating Class at, the
late commencement, laid doin these six rules
as excellent precepts to follow : First have
plan laid beforehand - every day ; second, acquire
the habit of untiring industry ; third, cultivate
perseverence, steadfastness in pursuing the suite
study , and carryik out the , same Plans from
week to week ; fourth, 'cultiiate the habit of
punctuality ; fifth, Itry .. to learn something from
everyman with' whom you meet.; sixth, form
fixed principles on- which you think :and act.
A cigar infiis mouth, a swagger in his walk,
impudence in - his face; a care for nothingness in
his manner: Judging from his dimeanor he is
older than his
,fathr, more honored than the
Burgess,higher than the President: ,§top hid ;
,ere tobacdo shatters his nerves, ere pride. ruins
character, ere the loafer masters the man,,
}ere_ good ambition., and manly strength give
way to low pursuits and brutish aims. atop
all such bOys I They are legion, the shame of
their families, the disgrace of the town, the sad
and solemn reproaches of themselves.
—lnspector Drexler, 01 Pittsburg, has no
tifled people of that city that new potatoes
should not be washed and allowed'to stand, ;as
:water 'chill absorb the starch from them and
Aimtse a foreign Matter ofgreenish color to form
Under the skin, which is - very unhealthy_
UtUseacholera morints. .
Shoe maker's Mills. are being repaired.
Two of our young men are stud2ing law.
David Angie, our new school director, sliSws
an interest in school affair's. -
All who , attended the picknic atihe Catholic
churcb, in . Auburn, proneunced It a success.
Now may be heard the lament of the penni
less young man who was. . bound to take his
"gall" to the,Fourth of July "if cost every
cent he had:" ' • -
The Rush Centre school, taught by Nelson
Barnes, cloaed June flOth. 'The following
bcholars spelled perfect leisons during the
whole term: Frank Cobb, Asti Kunkle,Budera
Bunnell, Minnie Larne. Miss Jennie
ni i3Obh,
received the silver edal, lot good conduct and
• lessons. ' • Lowtiorr,
Plenty of rain.
'Oats very fine.
Crops generally good.
Corn looks promising. •
Haying has coMineneed. .
The quail is seldom heard to. erg "wet my'
toot", in Aln,.this season.
We were more highly favored on the 3d inst.
than our more 'northern: I:U . 64am—receiving
just a nice shower of rain. It required quite a
stretch of our imagination tosee piles of hail
stones five or six feet high.
Our public schools are doing better, I think
than could reasonably be expected under the
circtirgiatarrees. ,
Our people, like the_ pedple of other sections,
ftel-the "hard limes;" and, 'I hope differently
from the people of other. sections, 'begin to
retrench by cutting doiru the salaries' of their •
teachers. I know, however, that my hopes in
respect to this are groundless; for I read in our
worthy Superintendent's 'annual report for 1877,
that "The general depressio in business has.
caused a downward tenden9l in wages paid to
teachers" While we are la favor of retrenp
mentove hate to see it coming in just this way.
People should recollect, while pledging their
-436h001-direetors to "use their influence to re
duce ;the wages of teachers, that a free pe9ple
must be an , intellectual people. :This being: an
established fact, there are . three things which
people should take into consideration. 1. •
Whoever reduces the general intelligene of the
people, strikes a telling blow at the life of his
country. 2. There is no way to, do this so ef
fectually and so-rapidly, as by employine poor
teachers: 3. eanough good teachers to fill the
schools cannot be hired at ; the low, rate
Hopbottom, Out principal town, also the
chief business place along the line of the D. L.
43; W., between Scranton. and Great Bend.; has
been improving considerably, in some respects,
during the season. Several dwelling hopes
have received extensive repairs, and N. M.
Finn has erected a fine new store. -
.people of this section turned out en
mane on Wednesday and Thursday evening to
attend the Murphy temperani!e lecture, deliver
ed by Mr. Jordon. Large numbers signed the
Lathrop, July 14 } 1877.
Not having seen. any 'e,ominuniestion in your
'paper from Hoptiottonifor some time past, I
take the , liberty of saying a few words to your
'numerous Parka. We have a very flourishing
town on the D. L. a W. :Railroad, which will
almost-compare, in growth with western towns.
Let-me give you a slight descriPtion. We have
six flourishing stores on Main' street ;‘ a large
and well conducted Hotel opposite the D. L. &
W. Depot, kept by Mr.. Wilmarth. AIM), Mr
O. D. Roberts has hia j. large patent pail estab
lishment on Railroad street... Mr. L. Quick has
his jewelry store on this street. Mr. O. Roberts
has also An extra building where he keepsz and
vendaeciali brick, lime;plasier and alrbost every
thing required for building - purposes. Mrs.
Tingley and Miss May Baker 'have their mil
linery stores on Main Atreet. On High street
are sottie'* . lioeresideriees; Be]], D. Rob
erts, Dr. Green and others. On Mill street are
seine;very fine houseS,‘ owned and occupied b'y
Mr. Carpenter,_Mterandal and others; also the
Good Templars Hall 'is on thiaiitreet,and a flour
ishing grist=mill. On. Pleasant 'street we find
the tin shop of Mr. X. Wright, blacksmith shop
of Mr. Davis, wagon shop of H. Wright, bar
ness shop-of Mr. Tiffani, - all'doing - a nice busi
ness. Also on Main -street we have a black
smith shop'ran Mfr Taliinan, *aid doing a
first-class business.;: ; -g..44.; has his
office on this Street, near the railroad. • We
have on Riirer Street, nearly a mile in length,
niceAWelling islUses._, - ,The Universalist thurek
is'on this street; also.tbree saw mills - -and one
feed mill, all doing a fine business; some run
.7%‘ Bell, B:Pell , and
Mills are, die owners. The 'Messrs. Bells have
each a lath factory on this street; the shoe shop.
of A. T.. Packard ; residence -;and office' of 'Dr.
Thayer; the regulator of morals and debts, Mr.
Merril, (look out for him if you are in debt—he
is shaip,) livesion thia street. The .residence
of Mr. VOone, Mr. litinne, Mr. 'Carpenter,
Mr. Tiffany i
_Ekftwley, Mrs.' Corey - and
Others, on this street.
- on , Lathrop street we find the Methodist
Church, Public ,Schdol i reildence of Mr. Et..
Q,ulek, Mr. Wright, Mr, Merril, and Mrs; Baker.'
On Brooklyn street' the residence of S. Bell,
Dr. S. Wright and-Irwin.Wright: ::
On Railroad street wehave Mr. Reynolds,
• „
(master mason,) who hand the- trowel and
brick skillfully. On Glenwoed - street are
residences:of Mr. A. Titus and Mr..4datas: .
We have .taiineyedthe , ' Belli,' Blakev
lea( and others, but their credit let ..'me .say
they seem rather to Usti their money .I.l* - baying
-farms and building up their town than loaning
at twentyver ceat.
Our merchants all seem to be doing a flour!.
ighing business, honest and-upright; there can't
be too much'said 'All Demo
crats*. this town-,-,,excepf,what ;are , 42Pith.ll- J ,
itiethcicotinty pitPor's and.' dailies °lire
taken here.
_Our .little'iottitii twig. iit:riiicess t ,,,nl4o..
Benger trams ,
Hopbottomi July L., %PM,
BERTCII- WAGNER-4f . the Presbyterian
Parsonage, Brooklyn, Pa., July 4th, by He r ,
Best, Mr. George 1. Bertch, of Brooklyn, to Miss
Mary - (3: Wagner, ot Lenox.
Miumn—ROtr. - -In Harrold, July sth, at the
Presbyterian Church, ( by Rev. A. Miller, A t
Andrew Miller, of ; Evart, Michigan, and Ax
Emma M. Roe, of Hartord.
X) cat ii-;:ella:ss—..
TEWSsnuitY---la Itopbottom, JulY sth 111•1
rlett Tewksbury, aged 81 years. r
Thus early in life, she has passed to that het.
ter lan the lasi one of her father's family. She
was le an orphan some . years; ago, with a
young r brother, who was subsqueutly killed
on the railroad.
PnEwrox—ltt Brookdale, Sept. 12, 1874,
Freddie, aced' 11 months and 27 days,
May 28d, 1875, Eddie, age] 1 year, 8 months
amil days, twin children of George and Dur
leseaP,reston. . , 1
Beautiful and gentle angels,
Watch and guard our babies there.
. PRESTON--In Brookdale, Ally Ist, 1877, Ah.
bie S.,,aged 2 years, 2 motithaand 15 days, only
daughter ot ‘george and Dorlesea Preston.-\ \
Fold her little shroud about her,
' SOftest folds of snowy white;
'Yearning hearts 'must live withouol - er, --
She is in the land of light.
• Clasp the tiny waxen fingers
On her peaceful slumbering breast,
Close the baby eye-lids gently, •
'Little Abbie gone to rest.
The mortal rem ains. of Mr. Henry A.'"ltitchell
were consigned to their final rest, in .Nr'arose
Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon,' July 1011 1,18'4'7
The soul of the deceased to9k leave of , eiTr
and earthly pains and sorrows, at'his late rii:
deuce iu Montrose, at 4 o'clock - Suuc.ay ath
'noon, July 8,1877. ,
Upwards of two years ago Mr. .Mitchell ft
Into a decline, suffering from pharyngitis, hroi
chitis, dyspepsia, and recurring attacks of pie
risy ; and about' a year ago his lungs, havh
sympathized with those ailments, becagne at
tively diseased, and he died of that •relent' ,
foe to human life, pulmonary consumptie,
Born in New Milford, Sus.qht Co., Pa., Nov.
1824. he was in his fifty-third year at the tim,
Of his death. At the age of tivelve.years
came to this place to attend school, and reside
here, or in this vicinity, from that time as le)
as he lived, exCepting the time intervening b
tween the years 1849 and 1847.,during which '
was engaged in mercantile business in 6uit
boro,Tioga Co., Isl. Y., where he was marrit
to Miss Eliza A. Brooks. Before removing
Smithboro he was fora six years, in eompai
with his brother Norman, engaged In the dri
brisiness in a store upon the site'upon which ti
drugstore of M. A. Lyon now stands. He was
son of Esquire Seth Mitchell, an early anti
venerated citizen of Montrose, who, at the age
of ninety-two years, survives him, and a broth
er of Dr. Ellen E. Mitchell, a skillful and highly
respected physician practicing in our Village,
Gnd also of Lemuel Mitchell, Esq.,`Mrs. Alum
rover, and Mrs. Ophelia Lathrop.
The departed enjoyed the respect and civil,-
donee of all who knew him. He was a man of
integrity,possessed of mote than ordinary intel
tellectnal endowrnents,of superior literary tastes,
and of studious rather than business proclivi
ties. Unassuming in his intercourse with oth
ers, his bearing was always courteous, gentle
manly, and Belt-respectfuL As a neighbor and
friend he was - kind and sympathizing, cordial,
generous and saeriflemg. Ai a husband and
father he was preminently affectionate and de
voted. The home circle was the joy and glory
of his life, lie died a christian. In his last
hOtirs no shade of doubt obscured his vision, as
he serenely locked through 'the dark
vista of the grave into the light and
bliss of the eternal 'world, upon
which he •was about to enter. There was no
dread of death, no vain clinging to earth.
There was no struggle at dissolution. ! Be
went as.a perfume floats off upon a summer
zephyr. With'ene calm, recovered breath his
Spirit was gently exhaled from earth to heaven.
The funeral from the late residence of the
departed was largely attended by, sympathiz
ing neighbors and friends. The floral tributes
were beautituttand profuse. The Presbyterian
and Baptist eAoirs united in sweetly chanting
hymns of praise and songs of hope and triumph.
Eld. A. L. Post, assisted,by Revs. Or. J. E. Chesshire arid Ir. Cole prformed the solemn
amides. , , •
:The widoWed and childless heart of Dirs. E.
A. B. Mitchell mourns, nbun can tell how deep
ly., her oi'erwhelming loss, but not without
hope. llenry and A nnaare both garnered for
her in' Heaven, and awaleber
The new history' of Pennsylvania. This en
tire work has been edited by . Dr. William H.
Egle, of na rriaburg, editor, of the State Ar
chives, and one - of the Oldest living members
of „the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. It
is, complete, in one. large imperial octavo val
uing, containing 1186 pages, and embellished
With over 325 elegant engraving, many of
them occupying a full page, and representing
natural scenes. -*that for picturesque beauty,
grandeur: and sublimity, are scarcely surpassed
by the much lauded views of foreign lands.
It is_ divided into tivo - distinct- departments,
The firstliart is devoted to a general history of
the Commonwealth; beginning' with a sketch
of the Indian tribes—and their origin as far as
can be traced. - that peopled our borders at the
time of the first white settlements by the Dutch
and Sweeds ; the earliest of which were made
halta.century before the English grant to Wm.
Penn. is pOrtrayed from the, best and latest au
thorities ; also that of subsequent events
while Pennsylvania `vas under the government
of the Penn family ; and since it has been an
Independent' state. The_ embellishments of
this part of tbei work eonsists of.-views at his•
torical buildings, portraits of all the Governors,
State and Volonial, maps, plans, antiquities,
battle scenes, etc: -
Following the genemlliiitory is given, In
alPhabeticalk, order,. historical • descriptions
and istatisticid aceount of Wl' of aqr sixty-six
CiOurities. in; order to ,liitiure' apcdracy, in an
the local details, the workia each county has
been entruste& to the historian, of each county.
kniong then historians will be fonaid many of
the most eminent, scholars andlaiented writers
of the - daY. Our own County history has been
Ably" written by Miss: - Emily',O. Blackman, of
]Montrose::` .We hope the citizens of , our county
will:availthemeet OfAlict.opportunity of ob
taining it from the agentanow.. canvassing our
county.',a V. oodrich, Publisher, wants a few More
active men desiring steady' and profitable cm-
Address, -
•14* Cami 4 Montrose, Ps.
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