Pur.GcsneD BrinT YFErair-IDA/% bionxitto, ItT 311;1taciez,, busia'a: Co„ PA.,.ur H ,6,w4g-y : .&,:ig..q];.:p..-.§_,E:R EDITORS PROPItIETORS, • At Two Dollars pAr Ter ;in Advance TO ADVBRTIsURS:—Trstr D itocittitt as an adver sisilw Atediern is,,unsurpassed this section. jt ni reaches the Farer.Neebanlcoind businestinian. Its eirealatiott is constantly increasing. audits advettisirg rates reasonable.. Ratea will be given at our office, or quarterly: JOBAdvertising contracts payablquarterly: JOB PRINTING.: --Our office , is supplied with four printing presses, together u•ith :c large variety of type, borders. fancy ink's, etc.. with which we are prepared to do work in the 46,4 i ely?-e And, At .pricla lower than . as s competitors in unit section. 'Sartip.ks 'shown and eet i ma tes cheerfully given at our office; Work-order ed by mail willrecelve promptattentio'n. . . E. B. HAWLEY. - - •SV.. C. dRUSER. 13-creammiegisi raB Oetatisis. ATTORNEIIS. 1 ITTLES AND .BLAKESLEE, AT ; torneys at Law, Montrose, Pa. Office opposite ti a t o e Tar t House. •0 1 Montrsse.Ps• L LOTT, ATTORNEY i 'AT . LA, • Montrose , Pa. 01'116 on ,ThiblinMe , second door above Antocnat.,Offteq„:. Montrose, March 28..1870. , . -•— - • QCOVILL AND.. DWATT i - „ATTOR Heys at Law and Solluitars inßankruptcy. Office. No. 49 Court Strcet, over City 'Rational Banki-Bing naroton, N. Y. - ' • Wat, 11.Scovna. Jane 18th, 1873 • JSROM E PENiVrt. E thriAß A. TURRELL. cothELLOP. AT LAW. No. 170 Broadway, New . Yorkeltk. May 12.'75.--(Feb ,11. 1874.-13)1 Ai. A. CROSSMWsi; ATTORNEY at Law. Office ovr the First Nation Bank. Montrose.Pa. ' W. A. Chosszor. Montrose, April 19;.1816.—tf. D, T, 5,, , A . end Conn %V. — l:ell — or' at — Lac -- S t f t ent r r l rsi . -Pa: Officeon Pnbiic Avenue. . ~ . 1 - . . -. :Montrose, Dec.l3, 18'10y1: ~ .. : ~. ... .....: . T.......__—_,..---- r „...4. - ;--.-- .B: .& A.': H. MOCOLLITM, AT... 0, • torneya at Law. '.office_ over' W. li. - .Cooper .1t Co's Bank, - Montrose, "4:!a.:..Atay 10, 1511.7. V., E 4 - O'NEI 14, .:. :AT,TO.UNEY ' .:AT 1 e Law. ' (Ake 'over 31:.-A. Lyou!l Ditig,Siore, Brick 'flock: - :Montrose, Pa. E Juae 9,•"1.7.:;—,•tf]... . IVARttEN. .80N, T at Law: Back Pay Claims n vpeciatty.:.: 011Ide . firldoor neloNi.Boyil i eStore.,lloptyois6:r4. Tl ' SEARLA - :ATTORNEY. 3J• Law, office. over,the- Stor,e in the Brick Block ,Moat s ,rpse Pa,, LAtig: P,HYSIOIANS. lIT J. M cOALTS,L A NIY, t Y • 4ICIAN AND ST.TRQEON,-24iMitiOSO Having located permaiiently ..11.144::ose, .1 offer. my prilfesslonal scrvlces to ail persoto stim :desire. skillful. vid - f.cientitletreatnietit . .;. Qillee, Dr: Tttayer't,oid.gtatid.:, Relthlanc6. Dan Orion's brown. bons'.6, J. Drinker's residenee. Calls by day' or nigat,'ln: town or ,i4antry, ntotnptly-attehded. trealnfe - nt ar d moierate ClTdrges. t monQ*e, Jnue 20,1617. ,- • ' :"S-=ti ' TVI. W. L. RICHARDSON, PHYSI. cian and Surgeon :tenders Fprofeftelonals er vicea tothecitlren‘ of Mouttosearnd vielnity,' Office at a rssiderce - , on the corner eastor the Point dry . • l'Aur , . 1, iff69. - L - 1 E. SA YDER . ,}lO.llEO a 7 patbic phybicilva nuesoleon i has - PZIOCA-4 SEN'TLI: L9CATtD in New 3111 ord, Pa. Ciflce at the Union Hotel Aug 23,1576 4 - DENIISTSL S'.POTTER DENTIST WISHES tO inform the people. of •ThintrotieditaViefirify; that he is permanently located, in thesecond story of E. P. Stamp's new bnildinnl opposite Cooper's Bank. AD, kinds of Dental Work done in. the besthianner.: , N. B.—tiitrons . Oxide, Lai:1,0111g Gass, given for the palnless extraction of teeth. , e troße Aril sth '1876 --tf •• , D".w W. SMITH, DENTIST.- Rooms at his next doer north of. Dr. Ealsey's, on Old Fotindri street, where 'he would be happy to see al I those in want of Dental Rork. He . , feel: confident i, that he can plesse 411, botb in grnaitYof work and in p ice. Offic - e hour's from 9 114 4 r.x. Montrove.Feb.ll,lBl4-tf, DRUGGISTS. M A. !LYON, SUCC.ESSOn'. TO . 0 44 Abel "farmll, dealer in 'bruge.• Medicine°, Chemicals, P ints, Oils, Dye-akuirs, .Teas, Spices; Fancy Goode Jetvelry,Periumery, ac. Montrose. ay 19,1875. - • ' . VAGLE . place t'. bacco,eipee done, Br Slontroee, • DRUG STORE, , IS . THE 'get Drugs an d _Meacinea, Cigars, To. 'ocket-Books, Specials s, ,Yanke e No ck Blor.k. . B.-BURNS. ' ~ May sth, 1875. •-• •• • HOTELS.' T 4 Pa. Sitt Is a large and c thorough repai Ingapartmenta lug a film class Sept.lool,l - XCHAIN GE' HOTEL M. 3'. HAR- E ringtonwi tree to inform the public thathaving entetl the. Exottauge.. Hotel itr,litoutrooe, be litn_. oll l reparef! to accommodate the traveling P l . l- bnc Erk t - classstyle. Montcose, Aug 28 1873- • • HOUSE ; ` = BEND r' GREAT - 1 . ated near the Erie Railway' Depot.— mmodious house: ' Has undergonea , . Newly furnished rooms and sleep splendid tables.andall things eompris hotel. HENRY ACKERT, ~73tf. Proprietor. _ _= - _.... AUCTIONEERS :O SUuTcTON%. 2i• A ~ Feb. 7, 1877. Tiaw'tEß,,,e-'l q-*' A 4:. 1- 4, , GEO t B. L BraszeLE JOHN GROVES. -. FASMONABLE . v./ Tailor, Montrose,; .Pa. -Shop. over- Chandler's Store. Ali orders filled In first-class style. Cutting done tonrder on short notice, and warranted to fit. Montrose, Juno 30,'75. T. PURDir,: .31ANTIFACTURER' . ;4 A. wagdus of all kinds. Also makes a specialty or wood work for sale. 2 Repairs promptly attended to. Uses only hest stock, and; aims to, make only first-class' Work.' ' ' Tamil 26,1876:1 • ' . - uoms •KNOLL SHAVING AND -LA hair Dressing. Shop in Searle's neW . building, 'below Express Office, where he will he found ready to attend all who may want anything en his line. • Montrose Pa 'Oct. 13, 156.9. N'EW MILFORD MACHINE SHOP. kinds of machinery made, or furnished to or; Itepairin g promptly attended to, 3-31.1 US SllttLlTZ;Nezc ! Milford a llay 17,1610.- 7 13 7 , EFFERSON GRIFFIS D'EALER Alardware, lyon, Nails, liontke4ctrulAiin g Goods, 'Grocerier and PrOlsions, ood, Stone, Jappaned and prersed Tin Ware.? &c.; &C. • ' march 15,170, ' • -• - AMPLE SAFES.-FAIIRELL &- (llerriards patent) constantly en hand. • • ___ . • BILLIAGS smorD. , Xontrose,Feh. 1.371.-1 y CABIN-ET AND 7 • Chair Mani:due:tit:era. if tat t$ • 1 treet' Montrose, Pa. • •jaa y 1..1369:] ?. BANKINGAIOUSE • ' • - 2,1„ 435011TR0SE !.PA. ' .t GENERAL 13h,NMNG.j BUSINESg- DONE, COl4 - LECTIONS-MADE ON ALL POINTS. AND PROSIPTLY ACCOUN TED FOR AS* TTFRETOFORE. • Dornestic and Foreign Exchange for sale United, States and other Bonds horight and sold. Coupons and City and County Bank Checks cashed. r OCEAN 'STEAMER PASSA • ETS TO AND FROM Pi( INTEREST n, speCial time • pe r ALLOWED o Deposit,ai agreement. - ' qn the future, as in the past, we shall endeav or'to transact all money business to the satisn faction' of our patrons and correspondents.' WM. H. COOPEit dc. c 4. '. .. Montrose; March 10, '77.-4f. ' Jppiqcers.; *ST" RATIO AL ,BANK -'. •' , . : Tt ;.:::!: 4.. ': ' '' ; ' '' '' : . ..n . ~ -:,. '.', '. : ' '...' . ..1- . , !: ', .. 1 1i .: : f ' ! " ..-: . : .... . 7 . l'Oiliel; 'new and cominadionv . Bank Building' on . _,-7,,,, i :i ::,, Public Avnone.,,.. —: ...-, --. .- MERCRANTS, - - , And . Otherk, • Wllt. J. Ttr#,lo3ll. V*Eaxpratr. 9! d.ifsursn• lfontrcie6;glitch 25'.1876;!. • - _;,Tins`! ,-".:::^ an T printed . to 'order.' un-s:5l 111 VOL. 34; MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. i t W.. COOLEY, BUILDER, • - 4 - 31 - STILL ON ',TILE TRACK I Every style of bbildings greeted, and everything furnished, at GREATLY - REDUCEIS PRICEBv Comtracts cheerfully furnished. Stair .building a speelalty. None but experienced W.O dad en tolerated. jari,2(i,'76, Montrose, March 2241876.-Byl RURRITT I - DEALER ,IN STA ple and :Taney, Dry Goode,,Crockery, Hard ware. Iron, Stoves, Drugs. Oils, and Palate, Boots and Shoes,, Hate and: Caps; FUrs, Buffalo Robes; Oro eeriea,Provisions, &c. New Miltord.ra.,Nov 6, '72—ti: UA. TAYLOR will _hereafter banish . to the peojile of Montrose and vicinity, !taw, Baked or Clam Soup. Also, Ice Cream on hand at alb times: Dining-rooms over E. C. Bacon's StOril, south Main Street. Jan.lo, MT. Air ONTRUSE . .111 EA T, MARKET, ltl Public Avenue, First-clatei meats alwa i e on band at reasonable ptices. Sausage, Poultry. c.. In season. The patronage of the public is respectfully so. Belted. WALLACE, HEWITT. Montrose, Jan.l, 1877. • " • I • W - 13, DEANS; DEA.LRR IN "v v • Books, stationery, Wall Paper, Newspa pers, Pocket Catlery, Stereoscopic Views, •Yankee Notions, etc. Next door to the Post Office, Montrose, ?a. W. B. DEANS. 'Sept. SO, 1874. PILLING& . STIPYIJD, FIRE AND Life Inscirance Agent. All bnainesa attended . to proniptly. on fair, terms. Office - first door eist - ot the bank of Wm. IL Cooper &Co., Montroie. Pa. • Jan. I, , . lirmaxas STROUD. )3 A NKING , . Of a~.tt~atr~oec~r: , , CASII CAPITAL.% . '.;-‘.$100,000; SEMI MEE :atiE.m.o.irEaD\'' .i.Li''. • f~ ~ - ~Traneactt-the btudnem 'of i:7i .PRINTING. NO'IT 4 T.BIS "Wilare doitg ail kinds of ..:_.jOO.LPRIINTING':: '„ ~/kan 000D . :1374.13;: and at - ' r, • !... ,...0 WAR '''PRIOES.'- . Tg0T .7,':..-.E.LSEWHgRE,: .. . r°~~i:"r ~,,:, .smAk.isTrißY ' CO. W. TkitOli: TICK ROPE. AT p . m; OFFICE;, I v•tj't MEE =SE gONTROSE;','PA., - 4'UlX . .i' i ':;lB.l7: 1 , R.6:,5.p - .o4' . .KERqrn..,.P' A : G . 4 .IA7; • The Patriot,yery, justly denounces the talk of an attempt 'of the administration , , , ,* . to elect a Republican speaker 'of the honSe, , of Representatives at - Wmhitigton. Spec , ulation concerning- ,the.,jinatt;ter -in ,the Washington correspondeteei4 some of the New York journals connects wit - h- - .4_, - as before, the Teiai and t!acific railroad interest. It is reported thit certain cn-, gresimen elected as .Democrats 'in the south-western states are*illitig to enter into:a 'conspiracy with -' the - Reptiblican minority to secure the ''election: of Mr: Hayie' can dilate., The :motive for the he; - trayal of ther party is alleged to be'the desire to promote legislation-calculated-to aid the construction of 'the . Texas'. and Pacific railroad. ' - ' - -- 1 : It is incredible that any : Demociatic Congressman -will be found' perfidous enough to cast his _vote f6r a - Republican candidate for ,the- speakership. We will nor, cannot credit the statement. - .The n restorati Of . the 'Democratic. party to •- , , . power in the ; federal government, in the. near futur =so certatn , and so apparent . that its .11? • resen,atives in, CongreSs wilt, be ticottra,, cz to stand4Y- the party flag rather. t4n to, heed, the :suggestion of a cc i ' cowardly)and ignominotts surrender: As for the Texas and . Pacific, in terests;cer, ta.inly the': astute minds' at thj'head,of its' management einrnt-- fail to under, stand tliftt if they are; caught , meddling' in the eMdion of a speaker their scheme will be raineds6,far as cpng.reSSional aid is, , • : concerned'. It seems.' `re. to , charge sensible and practical men_ with so, reckless an 'attempt .to eon trol leg.sla ( tioo, and the story that- the'itianagPtsbl . lhe_ Texas and, Pacific,, intend 'to,aSsiat M;.. Hayes in the ,electiOn - of a Itepubli-' ca:f2eatie.idate . for sp?aker.tiver the Demo= cratie nominee, oesiint 'carry :With 'it- a , n air of probability. •Wer'iire;; therefOrec, inclined to set down , tilis - lAtest tlile:oi. -f . tl‘ . ' k l'' '' absurd; intrigueor . .ie,spea eikiip,as an, invention .of , the Wash ingtorr quidnunces. But4e take this ocoaitor to give notice of tl : 1 that if any the = railroa d' roa d companies seeking legislation in Wass ington at tempt. in any way to defeatthe organiza tion;of the- Ei.ou.se':, by the' Democratic partyithey-can: look sfdrivaid to the . cer= tain . failure-of their projects' in Coigreis, The, first elections of the year will be held,on the _6th of August in: Kentucky and Alabama to chose legisTainie#. lornia and . Verniout will I,7ote‘on the sth of September; and Maine bn :the 10th;for members of the legislature . and state officers. 'Colorado will hold .an , election for members-of - the._ legislature' on the 2d `of October, and Ohio and loNiia' for state officers' and meinberh .of legislature, on the 9th of October :On _s the . 6th of Noyeinber • Massachusetts,: New York,' New Jersey, Pen nsylvanta r . Maryland, Virginia, South -Tennessee,' tionislana, Minnesota, :and!, Nevada will: hbld'eleCtions. In nine of these goiq- - `airs, will. be chosen, and, Members. in all: Of the, whole twenty-twastateti that pots this fall they York-'Heiatit - estimates thitt-the , reptthliegis are certain of otiV.. fiver Is there any *longer - a republican party::?, atS,:LYT.4.RES:TED.:VATUZ;.: 'I ' • The Builiiiktoii:Ltawkep 'is 'noted for its editorial witticisms, but, in. the, follow ing. it rather - (q011s A.ndersoiii and associates' stood the'rePublicnn partyland arilicineet cOtint at a time when it cost something of nerve of- ;:courage, the imperilling of :life and property. ,Threatened NitLafiassi ,nation-and.all .the:dire work-of ,ikwritheria kuklux, these men stood firm and iinyield-' ing; and'did their ;duty..- I J.ahrongh firmness; rage and Rtithford B.•Uayes : etepped into the chief. magis= tracy, , of-,the United States. If now,' at this junction,:'he deserts the Men - .Who . were - sci trueand' faithful' to him, the Ver dict of the whole equiltry, democrats as well ai republicani, will be that lie ought tb . Step'down and ouo' • • :r- tramb iti erlts' b calle Haye#, a"a ' a u s sitrper withciat a sbadow . ion Mega rlglAts,oT aeut.r bloc° Pat' that su pipe and . ,sta6ke its EL.ECTION,§. The. cause: in the 41lin the:6X. . portationO 'f . IE6III beef-from New , York to" England, is nOt'in*lfole or,ib art act cording to the tfrora,ascribed to the warm .weatberi _but - simply. stifely , :to the f lack of; 'aS Conduet . ed by : inexperiencedtexporters in Nei/ York, and bylneflicient agencies abroad. ,The wasteful, upon, our supplies:of fatrcattle 'and - a little PpeCtl... lative:forcing businees carriedf the prick of cattle iu New York'ahout two and one-half cc4its'per pound dreased Weight - . higher ~tbaii; the current Tates a year ago, while the , fuller-supplies of beef iu England and Scotland have preve4ted . any material advanee'in-the ialue of beef tibroad. . Thus the margin' for v profit. which made`ibeef exportatien a . success last year when ice was exceptionally has been,changed .to ' a certainty of loss this summer when ice', is comparatively cheap. The . great trouble has been in. retail agencies in England,. butiarrange ments are now making for the establieh went of retail shopain,all the cities and .. principal towns of Great Britian, throtigh. which Arne , rican' beef can be ' distributed , directly from the exporters to the con sumers at a nominal' adyance . : Upon - the: first cost.- 'The: old'British bucher have 'to ~take a hack Seat: , Alecent.decision`of the. Supreme Court. of_ Pennsylvania, in the case of 'Mick ! enste'n Heririaun,' is Pf ; interest to the - busitieSs', was brought upon a note, ; and the defence was' that, although - there:llnd been a wailer .of protest •befOre the maturity Of' the . pa - : per,' there - 'ha betn'io Waiver of demand and notice ;of ,non_ a ment which:later: requireinents the'had failldto • co inply.-w,ith.. Upon! the questioni there: fore, pf the actual('_.meaning of ."Wai4er, o f protests . • . the:'=ciise'''caMe" - befOre 'the, ',Supreme `Courts that -,_ti_ibunal, 'brief opinion .orlthej h ildl i ,hench' )104- that - a Wailirer ofi protest before -matuiitY' is a waiver-of all ;the`steps` jettaing to it, 'and ineliidee'deiniiiiif and notice of payment:nOn-- 4,9 the general _ under standing in the businessmorld. The de- : cisioa,goes.,on' to say; very pur'. pose of;.the 'Waiver to Supersede . the or 2, dinar. steps, and avoid both trouble and expense, and 'hence to Maiye the mere act; of thgnotary and - yet . tO.iinffer.thelduty of Maying demand 'and:giving no4ce of its Oita to , remain, mould , scarcely ,be thought,of= by businees Men."' ` l % . 'A• birbu t lar has been' ietned tothe differ- . en t assOciationi,T, hi the . .:State Treasurer - notifying them Abu a tax of one quarter of one per cant. Must 'be paid- on. the capital :stobk, , .under the law the Oti k te. twxitvCciippratfois. ‘Thq ; step is , advice pf4ttOrnei. 'General tear, who holdc that the tax:" shoald be collected,on' the:vntireatnount , df capital: nano 'in `the'charter of `incur- poration:, larger:4;lMS named in.:their, Charteri than the actual:. amount:of , p4pital owned by, them, and , they • thereforitfeel disposed to resist-the Tpayitien tof the ' ,T • , . • A praCtiao has _beCoMe .cUrrent , l* among ..tije money ienderf , our State to insert in the -. ‘ body ~ of proiiiittory note a•elkuie binding: : . niakei all fees for, collection in addition'kpin.! rj after.L a ' Oipal and - intereats maturity. ; , s week the. Supreme Court', atjlarrisburg,* in a Case •Vhich came ., upYfrom'lluntiig dOn county; deci, , letk that such a clause destrOYed thenegotfibiliti4 tie ~iietru 'men t, and, release 4. .the,..endorsera on ac.: count of uncertainty -of amount. The. opinion Avai 4ellveied bar Judge''SharA , ' wood. The Ness , York Mnis, above 'that the • Republican party 'it -'that 'city; `Spende TrY Yearflfty :tt:taus 0 4 4 1 . 1 arkla., r *bat it ells "legitimate election eipeuses,"!,, To raise .thin money the: Timei confesaes the cffice-holderE are 4:egularly assessed. Not : ‘ii'ithstanding: this itutlaYthO ' RepubliOntia ;area regularly beaten in New raftnY•Yote•g-se.t hey - ap`Oacl dollars Under `ate orcler. of Mr. atiyespleotionss .01 New York will' ,herOaftei be:0'41)0100' to'the 0:04i#:40: 4iiiiiiatefut • MUNI v%wt':,i~~ v 2N, . - „ , , THE ,:; 4. 9 Ty7, - ,. 0.i,q.E.?: : 017 ,:11:1:474J lAT 0 RTAN 7:,,D80L67.0.Y. =II I ; • A,new means of producingartificiaL lighba*S'bi`elii* discoVere4 ly iio'* . rt - nia;chan ts Lireat nainedi :Paul 1 474 0j 6 4kafflas - been...able not only' _ to.. I,,cure cOntinuous eleckr.ioity, !tut to divide an, electric ourrent,,and dis- I tributelights - all over:, a• building. t The eleciricity*is prodneed : by - means ~ i.ordinary eiectro-magnetic engins. - passes from theenginp.-,to a ; 1 14 1 01' 1 1 1,. of Ponta and'. t aga i n 4 4.. the *machine'. The electric candleCollB 4 t 8 of two. earbOn points ,unfOd:l)3 , a nos min dielortnamlY.eOm posed of kaolin., hen the,current reaches the ;bottom Of • crov• dloiti-is'broken,. and 15a - siting tip the top : of, one of the carbon points it eh nos , into light then deeends the other c rbok points and*proceeds onto the next.' can.: - One of these' So•ealled cant es is equal- to One hundred gas • gotta. new lightlas been tested witli'Ver isfactor,y .resnits at tie West 'lnds D Londoninnd, Vora ' the: way 'the `l3i. scientific journals: speak 'of it it to be the light of the 'future. NO, 29 C' USE. OP GREELEY'S DEA TIT ) The New York Sun devotes some space= io demonstrating that Mr. Greeleil.iu-.. softy and death' did not (‘result crom mortification at.' his defeat' in , the Piesi-' deutial content of 1872," bi 4 was attn.' butable to , his. dposition:froir the con trol of the, Tr4tine and that he're * - mained connected with, it mist be aia mere subordinato:". On' the 12th 'of. November he left: tile. editorial, rodms a broken-hearted marq,:never‘to.'reitten:' The Stinsays-r - almo'st his last coherent : words *ere, !‘The country is.. , goz\ne, the Tribnnejs gone, , and Itfiin 'gone:" True' of the paper he founded but Mr. Grepley died the dea r th - .3 0f a :hero - on - the 'bittlet . field for right and jntice, per has sunklo ; the lowest depths: the, organ ; and mouth.piece: of: Jay Gotild the king' of -American , stock gaMbler _ In :gambling parlance, , ,.the , 1"r ibune is nOw only a "capper."' , 1:: The gossips at: the 'political ''cltibs in -New York,: accordlDg to thirtOirespOn' 7 ::‘ dent of the Phila . aophia..tqager; to see.theLhiaden hand .of Tc, Tilden the itkaieftnent and ; arrest , ,of the Xouisi. an,a.Returning , loardyin'- proof of they recall the declaration: made by it the memorable .13 0 :1tuotiicti:dinuer;to the "effects -great wrong.(me4n ing the counting in - of 'gr. ~ Hayes)fnust be utia.oue no .niatter at: 'what "cost,of, tinie or, :; Some of:Ahem, are also . persuaded:that it is- owing i . ti) to aid-GoVertior Nicholls in the btisiness that he ha(' given. up. for the preieut hia con teal:4l4o journey to .itiropeo , ' These,. People go_ even further =than this, and "ast sert that: Mr. Ti rhai:no doubt the' Returning' Board will beionvieted, and that upon that basis a train of' event" ;. may arise which will enable him to - supet.:" cede, i lkfr.:llayeeln lheiP_residency.: Governor is a itiniet":niaii:,' 'they:say, !bpi he isa - ale6 a very defermined,ae well" is an ambitious one." . The manufacture' of , r , barrek-froM , paper is 11:' ,, growing industry,' One, fir* WiEco e usin is largely engaged • • • • new manufacture , and another firm at.;. , Syraptise„N, ',is following' , in: their. footsteps.- footstepS, !The bsrrels : are' composed StrUW. paper tsulp,,' which lE . 'inn mOuld;and iie ' pulp is aubjecte.dto; a : , powerful.,,hydraulic pressare.,... They :art . !, .conStructed.,eutirely •by machinery, and.' do not coat more='than ' ` otie.thi r d'of:'the price . 'of Wohdeiii barrels ;tl!ey : are light ? er, and fit' .SO Tin grovei,thit,','„: • 00 ' 4 j:Et uo,cli4Co for fhitir to.sift through,:T which loss - isquite- a: .- hemir per''centag,,l; an the ! Orditistry*ooden'hariels.' ^ A f l - !l4elpliq:aA.,Eidt t4ai, ter tie - ; ; 6upri,me court OL.thigli 4ate.Atime overruled- ilia?! no: • less Mei» , f~icr hundred an 4 forty Unto by `ac`tual account!' That 'is to "eay, after lAa`3iing Od . deli Wrately. interpreted, the- - law and its application the ,facW • given. , vase, -it . subsequently,: and with:" equal solemnity,, declared, the identiotel case - no-; longer apre c edentpre c edent and of :no. li .autbority.'l The Baltimore Sun of :the opinion: that "no - finding of the:Lonisiana - io`nitit .11 Jr..' • i Can disturb nayee (gm or .mage ,ar, • betteror, ose fill 1 CtOiy. • e that Uri Hayes Is In - the , White Rows fgrOshes no reason, legal or moral, why •-• wells & Co:should'not bnin, the per k iiii t .'„/ 7, a , 4'; t t • - iit,V l ,4: 4 " 7 1. L 'ltA3Atittql hundred - lifOrmoVraortlittlir • a few days atnoatioli :tit)` 10 - f 4 „, IVRW:•LIaBT. --.A 4‘) , ;,', ke; 'flab.