The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, July 11, 1877, Image 8

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ig OT-TRcrBE . . - : , 7 0 - .;.,1111 4 Y 11,1.87'7.
Reports . from London ; say, that the
fighting in Europe ihnS far seems toihave
b . 0.0p,:,tp : p3#6- : ,tllo;pi4po,tt.:::slor . tiioiiiiig;
The Rii,sehtosdo not seem to he prepared
yet for heal-fighting, atid although there
are how hundreiti and-thowauds of them
across tile Danube, - the Turkish , quad
rilateral is intact and the Turkish head
quarters nie still at Shumla l The Turk.;
isb Danube flotilla remains: supine.
single : bridge i k t, . Sislova - supplies 'the
i li q ces with provisions and
war... material, rU t lid it is believed that :f A
single gu
b. 0 4)
could place' th '''.Russians in a' deeper A tte
.position, as the country on the Turl h a s h
side of the Da übe will not sustain th qm
for many-days. It is rumored tb ',at Ho
bart Pasha, had -,ineditated Such : a ma
noeuvre but.:he was deterred 1:1;'1 the jeal
ousy of the Turkiat pashas.
In Asia, although. the Rv'Asiatis have
met with= serious reverses, i i;heir PtiSition
is = not' as bad as it would ar , .ipear fromihe
weekti 'dispatches. TO Russian, army
which ,
attempted to ma arch on Delibaba
bas turned back_and i 8 now marching on
Bajazid. The Russia n centre, after' its
defeat at Zewin
_with heavy loss, has fallen
back to the - neighbirrhoOd of _Kars. Mu
khtar Pasha, ; pro,bably meditating the
relief of Kars, has advanced., within
fifteen miles' of - the Russian - `investing
lines. The qriestion of provisioning the,
armies is - gni wing ieriOnd:Cn both'
News from 'Cincinnati.< States"' that for
several d73yB rhmors , have- been received
there that an insurrection, ex,isted -in
Lewis and' . Carter counties, in eastern
Kentlicky,'l3o6 twenty Miles back , from
the Ohio river. : It, seems, that the Under
wood gan g, who several . ' years isioivere
a terror to: heriest'citiene in that patt
of the state..fot thetr'ciimes of robbery,
horse stealing And' :COurits'Oeiting, have
broken out again and. : because of - their
formidable numberi--4hey embrace one
hundred and fifty totwo hundred noted
deiperaddtii—have` forced' the farniers to
abandon their crops odtake to the woods.
for refuge.'
Some three 'or four men *five been
killed on eachelde' 'already and sort of
guerilla Warfare has:• been going on 'be
tween ; them for: - The civil
authoritiea have been''fOund unOle
check their; depredatiorw .
The indictment fded'againet the inem
hers of tbe returning,. board has:caused
for, ,fear, but — that' Welk?' iittvat officer,
- and the man-that did - the work,is'report-.
ed as being very -.bitter in his.statements
of:; what, he Would. - do if .onvictedi and
how he' would ;;pull, certa i r. persons in
high plaoes down ' With im whe corm
seled and abetted the fraud\ • :., • , .
The indictments , were. found by the
grand jury on, 'general- in fOrtnation, that,
ii, he particular witnesses Were examined
and the distrct- attorney Pled-the same
in court:- ' Goyeirnor . Nichols, iseprioSed
tolh,e WhOle matter,' and decline' a to say
anytiiing relative toi ',it. It is. denied,
however,tbatlhe would , pardon .; : them: if
'- - -
It.issb,etieved the gra - nd. jar) , *ere in
dneed tO take 'action.aa s aposeible groun
Filik for opening the - whole matter and
it,is urged that if, a jury should convict
the - iet!iining‘ board o fra,nd in. their
tett/Alexi:ls:tile to
tore that congress would be compelled t
take action sane Stott
The proof
. to coniiet:_the Tembers,is at
.registitirs,! 'ate., being ready
to 'swear,..:that the return were changed
aud others, substituted. The counts
-. • . include;
( against the refurntng boaril :will
-one for_ perj4 , .: - *.
:Ss arms of krasstiOiiers have recently;
made;:: . their appearance ; in, portions of
Oakland and
,lonia ' . :,eountieS, Mich., and
are ravaging`all manner Of growing cro p s,
to the' -despair of -
. the farmers, About
four'thousand acr es of .growing_ grain
hags had.. havoc_ &led with it by, the
grass4oppers. Entoinologista_ say, these
i u iecta are the red leggeW
KaemkgriisliOppgrgi 'Vevertheless-they
areitufilestructifie, -though incipableOf
longlights; and'fariners the afflicted
kcal:fats - are cutting - - down,.their crops in
order to save them. .
The irisurinei - nompanies, largely, Brit
' ish, are badly hit hi :the St. John fire.
The:total loss as , , near, as eau he now
, ,
~ , . .
ascertained 'will range' .from; fi ftee n. to
twenti... • ,
millions,'„'while the total amount
of, inottranee is : not _lees than seyen Mil
, •. , .
Rout - of 'dollars.
.i&oluiran OF JULY EN MONT
[Conttnuedirom load : page:l
It seems to be a part of the . plans
divine providen c e that every marked ad ciyilization must b egiu ii mighty
convithions. The moral: lay.;, was first
proclaimed in the thur.a.erP, of. Sinai, and
the earthly mission of the Saviour of
mankind closed with
mountains and the rending 'of .
the throes of the earth
quake... The 'Vroddesi of Liberty herself
was ' borax in the shock of battle, and
amidst its__ evaao has carved- on t:-her ,
grandest 'victories, while o'er iticrimson
ed fields the race has marched. on to
hip„;her and , nobler.destinies. As the
li , gittnings of Heaven rend t.nd destroy
(Ally to purify and revigerate, 'so free
dotn's rannon furrows thefields of de
caying empires ; and seeds them anew
with human gore, from ,which springs
a 'more vigorous race, to cherish the hopes
It i pd guard the rights of mankind. -
I "Some _things are worthless, and sonic so good
That nations who buy them pay only in blood."
The long promised nrillehium of the
race will come when all governments, are
based on the consent of the goVerned,
and every human .being is in the enjoy
ment of liberty, protected bylaw. . Then,
and not till then, can' the
. swerds be beat
into plowshares and the spears into prun-,
ing hooke. The lion and the lamb will
lie down together when liberty and op-._
pression, justice and injustice, shall cease
toftiqggle - for supremacy in the affairs
me. Till that time the ear of human
ity will be ' pained' with the roar of hostile
cannon ; and the angels must weep over
ilie t xnart:4ed brave. - ,
Never•was sword unsheathed in holier
cause than tlaatof the perpetuity of the .
American Union, `for..if , the time shall
ever come that, torn - by faction aud,
national strife, it falls, rent and dismem
bered, it - will be' - the *knell of man's
political hopes, the death sigh - of liberty
:on earth. The last great experiment of
free elective government among men will
then have been tried; *and the Goddess
of ..I4iberty, heaving .*her last sigh, may
wing her way back from eartlito Heaven ;
and the downtrodden -of the world can
*hug ttieir chains as the only legacy they
can bequeath 'to their children.
Soldier's Orphans-- 7 -Your fathers died
thatthe Republic might live. Though*
it :brought anguish to your young hearts
and clouded the morning of your days
#ith sadness, yet, through lifo, you, will
bear the proud consciousness that in
Hours of the country's' direst peril it was
your kindred' who gave their lives to Save
it from destruction. The Commonwealth
though it can shed no, tears, takes you to
AB bosom, and in its effort to supply, so
'far as it can, the - place of those you
mourn, provides you a home in its orphan
Schools, where you are to be fitted, so far
ethication, can do .. for the trials
and - the duties of life.
"Let" ] ' the ends thou Waist at,be thy
Thy God's, and truth'e
And so -live that when called at the
close of life to pasis;-•-the dark shadow of
the valley you may be buoyant in that
trying hour by the consciousness that in
-no way have you . added to the weight of
human woe ; but have in some slight de-
gree at least, alleviated the sufferings of
the raCe: • -
"May lite be for thee one summer's day,
And all that thou wishest, and all that hou
Come smiting around thy sunny :way.",
Veteran Soldiers—This monument' ill
stand, tilt time crumbles- it -to dust, - a Me
mento of the heroic sacrifices of you and
your copatriots in arms, also as a visible
Incentive stimulating' the living to emu
late, the_ patriotic devotion' Of the dead;
thus,purifying the thoughts and enobling
,the ambitions pf the living, awhile conse
crating the meories of the dead. They
sleep in honored' graves, and as you .go,
one by one, t a b your final resting place,
the tears Of tli,p great - and the good will
Moisten your ashes, and the benison of
Coming Amp s will rest upon your urn.
Your, deeda will- live; , long after the
, ;Imartile..crumbles and the brass fades. In
the gloom .of future national disaster's—
Should such be in., store for us— _
"When. the battle's distant wail •
Breaks the,,Sabbath of our•v,ale ; •
When the cannon's 'music
To the heart of those lone hills."
Calling upon freemen, to itrike,',
For liberty, for country, and right,
your . e.xamplb _ will nerve. the .•arnF and.
steel the heart for thetonflict. -
All nations have, their days of
disaster ;. and civil , war has: strewn the
pathway of empires with moldering ruins.
hefounders of , the`"-Republic, though
canonized as the wisest men that ever
laid the .corner stone_ of, empirei yet in
the grand temple of liberty which they
reared -,they -left the ranker worm hu-
Wan . bondage gnawit the' vitals' of free
institutions till theiirisiS hour came when
one or the other. .muSedie. -In that dead
ly conflibt tWenty freeinen
vowed, Hannibal-like, at the altar of
theicountry, that- whatever elie might
perish it should riot; be the institutiona
of their fathers.
The night of Our:first great - disaster is
passed, and the , fOundations of our na
tional greatness still stand strong. Turn
ing from the, shades or a sorrowful past,
let us hail the sun-lit tlawn."qfi'a glorious
future. _
A victorious party, in a carnival of
blood, cannot'in 'this; age convert itself
into a party of Perpetual hates. Hates
and rancors must of course - some day
have an end. , " , Standing, diem, by the
green graves of , the , fallen. heroes of both
sections, dropping . a tear - at - the
Onsolater fireside where ,affection .still
_,_ ,
mournß, the
brave,,let. us
butY Tltn the heroic dead the -anni
nitliiik.,B eneendered iii • the conflict; and
While pointing, to the past. .as a beacon.
'warning for the future, let -mi.:remember
that we are all American citizens,' glory- -
ing ln,the traditions of a 'CoMition an
.yleitig yith . each other in
i i
deeda f patriotic devotion for the ad,'
vance ent of .the greatness and the glory
Of tlx republic; .heficefOrth ',.bound to
,gethf,ri is one. people, homogeneous ill'
ideas and institutions, from. the gulf te
theilakes ; and from ocean
_to_ ocean, - with
One -- Union and one destiny, now and`
forever. - . . •
Awold fisherman" on the Lehigh tells
c how to catch black
bass, which are.,fig'w
in . season. Black bass,he says,: All
first nibble gently at ie 'bait and -will
frequentlY draw .the.. float way under
Water,' But wait=the float comes back
--suldenly he seizes it and darts off.
Don't pull- : -:give him play—suddenly he
stops=he swallows the bait.slowly. Now
a quick pull and you, him.
Adveitisemeptii 'New:This':Weeg.
poit SALE.—A good . two year old
Devon bull—very kind and orderly.
Surgeon, tenders his professional services to the
citizens of Great Bend and the adjoining country. Of
fice over the Post Waco, Great Bend Village, Pa.
July 11,18'17.. - 28—tf
The public will please take notice, that the note of
$75 givenjune 27; 1877, in favor of. Win. Ralston by
Sarrah A. Davis of Dimock, endorsed by Wi U. Davis,
will not be paid for wantof value received.
• 8.8.. DAVIS.
July 2,1877.
courses . 9f study - and thorough drill, . expenses
reduced tothel'iciwest point consistent with efficiency.
• Tuition blast be paid in advance The ninth year
;commences Sept. 4,1877..`F0r catalogue, address,
' ' Factoryville, Pa.
Applinatioti will be "made to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Susquehanna, by . the Wyoming District
Camp Meeting Association of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, on Monday August 13th, 1847, at 2 c'clock p,
in., fora charter, for the purpose of mantaining a prop
er, convenient, and desirable Camp Meeting ground &c,
according to the provisions of Act of Assembly.
the esiatei of Sally. Fowler, late of Spring
ville, deed. - Macre of ministration in the saic.
estate having teen granted to the undersigned all per
ions owing said estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and, all persons baying claims against
said estate are. requested to present them without de
July 11, 1877.
be paid to any person-Giving.information which
t c
will lead tattle arrest and uviction of the person or
persons who broke open
,fli rs Secretar office on the
Fair Orounds in Montrose,i and destroyed property
therein, sometime between e,sth and Bth of July, 1817.
By Order of t e Executive Committee.
; ' - ,28-30
July 11, 1877.
; Notice is hereby "given that an application will
be madeto the next Court of "(Nader Sessions' of Sus
quehanna County, to amend and change the charter of
the Borough of Friendeville so as to permit the town
council of said Borough to ;levy a tax of six mills each
year' for road ,purposes and a' tav of four mills each
year for borough purpbses. - B. GLIDDEN.
and others.
The undersigned, assignee of A. 1. Ballard, will sell
at auction, on the premises, in Montrose, sn
Thuraday,Jaly '26th, 1877,
at one o'clock p. m., the
MIC 0 "CT ES - 1V - I 9
.: L IV
formerly o , ...cupied by. A. N. Bullard, situate-on Maple
street, This Is a . desirable property. about the best
location in Montrosi,' good lot, good house, barn, wa
ter, fruit trees. &c.
TERMS :—ssoo down - on day, of sale ::#5OO in three
months and the balance in s a months with interest.
- • • , A. 11, MoCOLLUM, •
Also, two houses, desirably located, at private sale.
The. Meat Market- formerly occupied' by
. Philip Hahn, on Public Avenne,
• , 3vioritrose,
With a fresli.stOck Of Meats, Hatns, Salt
Pork, Sausage, Fresh Fish. So.
Mari 1%7'031/fork.`3lErezbei Ley.
lias been employed and wiil be in atten
dance to - wait ifOon his old
• customers. .t
'O. HAWLEY & Co.
July 11,-1874 28-tf
Pursuant to .an order-91 the ,Court of
, order; ;c
Common Pleas of Suegnehanna"Cotinty, Pennsylvania,
will be Fold at public :sale on the Premiseiknow occu
pied by Richrd Stack, and_hercafter. descilbed as lot
No. 1, in the Borough or - Great Bend; 1n saki comity on
Thursday the 9th day of August, 187-7,',
at.l o'clobk p.m., •the following- described real estate,
to wit :
. "lust :piece -Bltoate. Bokough. of
Great 13enil, -bounded and desc:ribed; viz . 13onnded on
the north by lands of 4T, ..R.: Mapett and IL P. - Dwan
east by lands of Wlitlams, on the south by Church'
street and on • the west by lands of Wm. Tn.
ooker, eo
tattling of an acre, more, orlese of ,
thereon one
gondlwp.story,frsitud house,. barn,and gooctlocatioif.
Second piece, situate in said Borough,
bounded and described as follows. viz, : Bounded on
the north by lands of- James Hendrickson and
Sp earback on the east by Washington street,on the south
by Catholic!). Church lot, and on the west by Franklin
street, Containing onahalf an acre, more or Jess.
Third piece situate' in said= Borough,
bounded and described as follows, viz: Bounded on
the north, by, lands of David Thomas, - 013 the east by
Joseph Doyle's estate, bn the south by 3.11111 street, and
on the west by lands of Isaac iteckhow's estate, con
taining about 3( an acre of land; - and - bearing thereon 1.
frame barn. Said land is well located in the hnsiness
part of the borcugh and is valuable for business pus
TERMS Or SALE v,--fet piece, - sloo,eo down en day
of eale g s2oB,oo on final confirmation and balance in one
year from dual confirmation with Interest from' day of
sale. 2nd piece t - 1,100.00 down, $200,00 on final confir•
=lion and balance Inoue year thereafter,with interest
from day of sale. Sd' piece $115,00 down. $200,00 on
final confirmation and babu6 orie yea; froM final
confirmation with interest from day ' of rule. ,
GALEN NEWMAN. I Assignee of
- • ' - A. P. STRPLEGN,S, , R. steek„-.1,
Great Berid, Jab . 11, 18V. - '• • - $9.41.44
Y : s ~ i
- • -•
in par:mance ';3l' ordei of tlio don* of Common
Pleas of SasTizetunma Conntji,the nadereigned. assignee
of John W, 1 . tillvins,-will sell at•publio veudne,'on the
premises; - -
Thursday ArlgliSt -1 9--- - 1 8 7 7 )
at 1 o'clock p. in., the folloWing described lot of land ;
to, wit :
All that certain tract of situate
in the township Of Lathrop, in the county of Susque
hanna, State of Pennsylvania., bounded on the north by
lands of Jesse Silylus, east by land of Wm. Johnson,
south by land of.Wra. Johnson, and on the west by
land of Flavel Williams, containing :"77 acres, more or
lees, with the appurtenancest 9
house barn orchard, etc.
TERMS OF SALE :—One 4undrect dollars on day of
sale, $2OO on , find eorifirmation and the balancein two
equal annual payments, to dateirom final Confirmation,
with interest. • A. 11. McCOLLUM, ,
July 11, 1877. • '28 , 43 • Assignee.
In pursuylke of an order ot tbe COnd
of Common pleas' of Snagnehaunn`connty, the under.
signed, assignee of Hiram 4kerly, will sell at puplio
vencine, on the piemises, on" ' :,
'!Ved,OEidly',..Augu'Ot - o . 0:!;'177,
at one o'clock p. m., the followinvleierlbed lot of Ind,
- All that Certain tract of situate
in the township of - Springville, county of Susque -
na.State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north y
lands of D. Id. Button and A. Button, east by lands of
A. Batton and M. Para, south - by, lands of H. Shafer d
I. Button and west by lands of R. Squires and G.
Fletcher ; containing 106 acres, more or less., with
appurtenances, house, barn, orchard e.c.
• TERMS :—Two hundred dollars on day °Leal% . OD
on final confirmntion, and the halation in two equal ;
anal papients. to date from final , confirmation. .w th
Interest. • THEODOR& BUSH,. •
June 11,1877, ,28-42 • Assign •
In pursu ance of an order of the y Conrt
of Common .leras of Susquehrunia county, to Ain* di
rented, the undersignrd, assignee of Peter Bunts, for
the benefit of creditors will on Saturday the 4th day of
August A. D. 1 8 .77, at 2 o'clock.p. m.; on the pren4see:
expose to public sale the following piece, parcel or lot
of land, situate, lying and being in the township of
Liberty, county of Susquehanna and State of-Pennsyl
vania, bounded and described as follows. to wit: :Be
ginning eta post and stones at corner of lands of
Thomas Van. Loan and P. W. Gaige, thence south Sfr
degrees east along the lands of said Gaige 1358 rods,
thence south 8 degrees,wests9g rods topost and stenos
thence north 86 deg t aes west•l3sg .rods to post and
stones, thence north. r east along lands of Thomas
Van Loan 59g rods , he place of beffinnlng, contain
ing fifty aeres of land. more or less. ft being tha north
half of lot N 0.42 deeded by Theron Thompson to )!lar..
tha W. Washburn,. and being the same piece of land ,
conveyed' by - Jeremiah Guile to the said Peter Bunts
by a deed dated Jane 18 0 '1873 which deed is of record'
in Book 43 on Page 125 ,itc. Improvements.- - -One
dwelling honse..goodnarn and stable,out houses, yonqg
orchard, and about fifty acres under cultivation, we ll
watered and a good place for a farm.. To be sold, how- ,
ever, subjeCt to a certaininortgnge first lien upon the
premises, which mortgage was given to Jeremiah Guile
to Simpson and is recorded in Book 8 on Page 197 &c.;
on whirl there is still dud and unpaid about four hun
dred drillers with interest thereon for about one year. •
TERMS OP SALLE :—One hundreddollars upon the
property being struck down, $250 on dual conhrmation
of sale, one half of the , balance in six months
. from
final confirmation, and the balance in one4eat
from final confirmation, with Interest from confirma
tion. Unpaid purchase money to be secured upen the
premises. D. SUMMERS,
July 11.187?.: Aisignee of Peter Bunte.
• •
Nberesoza:ita. 3P'ascrportir.
in pursuance ot an oriter of thepourt
of Common Pleas of Susquehanna 'county; th under
signed. assignee of Sewell Wilinarth, will , selliat
vendue, on the premises, ,
Saturday August 11, 1877,
at 10 o'clock a. ru., the following descrieed lot of land,
to wit : • ,
All that certain lot, of land,: situate in
the township of Harford, in the county of Susquehanna,
State of Pennsylvania,' bounded on the north by lands
of W. H. Wilraarth and Robert Breed, east' hya public
highway, south by laud of H. - D. Brewster and-Robert,,
Breed, and west by the D.. L. '& W. Railroad. contsin-i
ing 65 acres, more or less, well watered andlenced, two
good orchards, sugar oachard and small, trurt, good
hom e , two frame barns, and other out-buildings—a '
very desirable properly. I
lERMS OF S ALE :—Two hundred dollars on day of
sale. $3OO on final confirmation, and the balanee in two
equal annual payments, to date from final 'confirmation,
with interest.
Also; at -the; same time and pltice all '
the :PERSONAL PROPERTY of Sewell Willmpith
remaining unsold, c) wit::.A quantity of h ray; - . oats,
- and straw, farnringytools of every description, l, sugar
teols,nonsehoid furniture, etc., etc. ' '
TERM'S :—All sums of ss,and less, dash ;lover 0.
six Months' crenif,'witti interest. - .
;W. X.. 1 Y./4W-2#l •-•••
• •
PINA,NQIA,L report . of'be! Silvtr
Lake schoel fund for the yeaiendin. Jithe 4,1377.
' • • "RECEIPTS:
Cash in hand last year97ll6 •
Wh .
ole amount of duplicate.. . • 917'p _
State appropriation • • 260 pa •
Total, ........,.... . ........ . 1 ..1,419 54
For teither's wages.. i)(1
ruel and cont:ng,encies 167 54 ' -
Salary of settretarr....f..,
Treasurer's ,
Collector's perbentage.......-.. 33
Esonbrations. 119 i 5 .
-.` 'Total.... .. 64
Balance on hand " 231 90
JOHN McC(.)RMlCKiPreeldenti;
D. F. DONOVAN, Se.cretary... • •
...„..........;. ..., 6 ,
A .N.N U,A.L Statement, .of ',di _Audit-
IX- ore in the acconnt ot the school director t o repOit
ot Lenox township;- Suatea county,,, Pa.,,lfoTthe year
ending Ai'une 448'17. • ),' 4 , . -.', ~ • ~.
Amount of• tax levied for bnilding and
school parpotes '' " - ~.... ' -, t $1,34a 16
Deduct, abatement ..,....... - - 48 . 0.-.'- i. •
Etonerations - ' " - - ' aso ,-
Outstanding- tar .., . . ,-. 475 o:; !
Total tuxreceipts .
Cash from farmer treasurer— ...
State appropaintlon..'.,... I
lieed from . A hurettiLl
Paid tauter's salaries i•
Paid.for . ........ . ..
Paid:for repairs .
Paid salary , of
Balance la tituds of treasurer
We, t o undersigned, auditors of ,
having carefully - examined , , the • hbovt
treasurer fi nd them correct tp the bi
edge and ' belief, - .'"
. _
-OF-. .
-OF- .
:- =
Bs multEß o 1a .4.i.topla
77 ,
r „ miwpraff- . ., t
NNUAL Financial Statement -
Fez est Lake school district June 4, 1877, • It
reasurer of Forest Lake school 'district is
count with, eatd township. • Dr •
- .
To hal 1h hands of treas. June 5,1876.$ .86 'lO
Te,bal in; hands • of col; Jtine`ls. 1876...•. . 11811
'Arionnt of duplicate 1;t126
State appropriation.— ... 216 56
Store and pipe sold - 621
Overplid by treasurcr....... ' .2 65
Ordera redeemed-from *o. 1 to:Ito. 45,971, 05
Exonerationa; .... . 2616.
Oollectorls percentage 26 48
;Treasurer's percentage 19 :54.,
Amount in collector's. hands ' • 493 42
, ; • . 1,530 13
Aitest. . - P. HAMLIN, President,
D. L. DEWEAS, Secretary.
ire the undersigned auditors of Forest Lake Sas-
Anehanna county. having carefully examined the abovo
acconats of the , treasurer find them torrect to thebest '
of our 'knowledge au.d belief.
QTATEUENT - of . echool
ta.s. for 1878aa audited June nit and 28th 1877.
• $1,021 84
Amount p 1 duPlicate• • ... . ••••••• • •
Stare appropriation B9O ou
Ba'duce in treasury trout. 1875 . 47 55
Italance of Bounty Fund in treasury
• • _from .. .. .. .. t 27 47
Collector's ekonerations t, 63 50
Collector'S percentage.... ... .. 57 89
Treasurer's, percentage 23 83
Total . of school °mere paid including
teacher's salaries, repairs 4tc IMO 37
Due from collector on duplicate of 1876. 34 95
Balance in treasurer's bands • 488 80 •
1,601 at
Cominission due M Prichard late'treas. 185 20
Deduct balance in. treasury.. 173 75
• ~ ' ----
Debt lll 4S ,
I .
' ' 1 A. B. AHRLDON,
- ' B. 8. THOHABt Auditors.
' • • JOHN O. LYMAN,
Spsingville, June 23,1814?:
REPORT of the Auditors of Lenox
tOwnsio in the account of the supervisors and
poor masters of said township for the year eliding
April 9, 1877. • = •
Amount of tax levied for poor purposes
for 1876 ' • • ; $914 23
Amount of tax levied for bridg pur-' ,llBTz
poses for 1876 .... 1
E 2, 33 CO
By exonerations on bridge tax • 26 SI
By exonerations on poor tax.... 85 34
Treasurer's receipts..l,7Bs 2L
Percentage on $1,785 Xl. (5 percent).. : . 89 26
A • ,
\2,936 35
Balance in hands of collector les 65'
Paid for support of p00r........ 30, ,
Buntline bridge at , tannery 0- 540 00,
Supervisors services as poor mastels; , .. 153 70
Supervisor's services as road masters.. J 307 41
Bill of plank by
,supervisors 85 70
Paid Win. H. Jessup, attorney fees ,85 00 ,
Auditor's bills
__6 00
Town clerk's bi 1125 03
Doctor's bill • 26 21
' • - '
. .. . 2,188 00
~, . .
Amount of dog tax not c011ected,....... . X 514
Amount 'of .orders not inovidedfor 800 00
We, the undersigned, auditors of Lenox township,
having carefully examined the above Accounts of the
supervisors find them correct , to the beet of our knout.
edge and billet... -
b. S. MILLER, Auditors.
28-1 w
FINANCIAL Statement ".of . Forest
Lake township.'
W. U. Lester, Supervisor of Voreat Lake C. Dr.
Dr. To Balance , due . Township Jane
sth, 1878 i $303 21
Cr. By amountof Tax-workediExoner
ations, Orders and Services to
date •- • . t 271 12
A. L.'Borton, Supervisor. '
Dr. To Balance due Township...
Cr. By amount of Tax worked.Exon
. orations; Orders and Services •
to date. • ' 042. 01
H. C. Spofford, Superileor.'"i
Dr. To amount due township '. 462 i 6
Cr. By amount of Tax worked and Sera
vices to•date...„ - 420:50
Asa Warner, Treasurer. s
Dr. Tonmonnt of Dog ax T rec'd, 10818
" `, Special !` • " .28 14 I
i , 1
' 186 89
Cr. By Orders redeemed..... . 113' 55
Balance of Do 'Talc in hands' of Collector s avi
lape Tax: 1 , 44
• • .
Randolph rrell, Treasurer of School 'Board.
Dr. To amount in his hands 1,55065
Cr. By oreers redeemed, Exonemtlons,
percentage, and amount in col-
lector's"hands el 550 05
W. A. SOUTHWEIL, Autors.
, -28-11
June 4,1877.
STATEMEFT of :the 'receipts and ex.
penditures of Lathrop towhstilp for the year end
ing April 9, 1877.
Amountfof peen tax , duplicate • $ 262 80
Balance duefrom former treasurer , 265 ! 23
. . Total ' ' .;.. 528
Arnount.of ordera paid - ....... ..$517 ;87
Treasurer's, percentage ..x. 1844
Collectorla - percentage `..., .— ..
13 ,1 14
Exonerations , . 3155
544 40
Balance dhe treasurer s • 4... 16 37
Amount of town tax ilaPlicate ; s l l6oi 67
Balance due from former treasurer.— 13,18
Eeteived of A. Merril on road tat ' .26 73 I
froni poi. A. Merril oh duplicate.. 412, 861
• • • ' ' ' 1,158 51
Amount of orders pat ....t 613! 93
Treamrer'etpereentage,... 12 tri
Am% due from G W Gre,gn, 255, 31
Collector's percentage 84 1 '55
Emonelation4,... - • 9, 54 21
• - DOG TAX:
Amount Of dog tax duplicate - s'lolso
Amount due from Lormer treasurer 54 88:
Am't due from A. Mrril, "collector 78 38
Amount 0f.::.,,,:.,.;...$
Collector'spercentage . t , ..... ‘,.. 430
Arn't due from G Greene icillactor.:. 73 70
Araaura of orders.patd.' $ 00
Amount due from trims. and Col.. $l4 26
Amount due from A!ltiertil; 7$ SS
Balance treasurer's hands-.- 53 SS
Amount of school tax.dtmucate.::.. . 764 291
Amount of ! building tax duplicate 52T 19
. . . i•••• 1,296 89 „,
............. . . 41
• 1 1
-1 1124665
Reeived frOrnform . er treasurer 39 69
lament of state appreprlatlon 271 40
Ain't received front A Merril, c 0 1 .:.. . ... 13$11'
686 17
. • ' t 1,05 , 11
Ain't it orders pd. for school purposes.l,olo „ OS
Amount of orders pd.. for bulldima, pure
poses:— - sou 00
Ain't due from 0 W Green,. 'etillector.. 27 7 8 17
A. mit discounted by treasurer 8 01
Treasurer'it percentage • r 2 6 55
2,6E4 87
i 37 et
ashiji l
of the
Balance lit handl Of treaisurer .... ... 09 93
We the Undersigned auditors of Lettiro d O towel
Susie* county, lay)* carefully examine Abe bora
accounts of finthrou _ towneltip4ilnd theta •to
the bolt .of ou knowledr and lief,
"ifit Z; And
' , . 113411.0WaSART/4
___ LL __ 1 .
W: A. SOUTHWE, Auditors.
Balance in trea3nret's ....
. wirog
Total ***** ** •••••• ******
,938 63
1 _.:2210
F 146)
' 1,633 81