The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, July 11, 1877, Image 5

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    :J. I •
MONTROS.E, 4 - ,ULY 11, 187'1.
Arrangement of .Mails.
Arrives. Depart
Tviikbannock; . 600 p m 1115 a m
Montrose Depot„Maily,). -- ,.. 600 p in 620 a
New :Milford, (Daily,) 1000 a m 130 p m
Wyalusing. (Datly,) 946 am 10 00pm
Prise (tri . 60 a ri m
.800 am
station.(trl weekly,)„, „, " rfiX)am , 700 am
Binghamtou,via S. Lake,(tri weekly).. 600 p 700 p ni
gesnoppen.(tri weekly,) 1000 a m -300 p m
The New Yoric, (via Montrose Depot,) New Milford,
funkhannock,and Wyalusing are daily..' 1 •
neConizlin Station mail rims Tueidays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
Th e ßiughatnton•mail,(via Silver Lake,) runs Tries
jays, Thursdays. and Saturdays,' - -
Friendsville mail runs Tuesdaye,ThursdaysAnd Sat
The t'eshoppen mai,lransMondays,Wednesdays, and
at 1 m
... , • • .
A Stageleavesdaily for ontroan Depoti,and
returns at G pan ,
A Stage leaves• daily for New Milford at 780 a. rai
and returns 4t33oporp.
Montrose Railway Time Table•
Trall39 gill run as follows : Leave Tnnkhannock at
8 : 45 a .m. and 8:12 rt. m., arriving here at '10:45 a. in. and
5 : 10 p. . ' Returning; leave. Montrose at 12 and 5:40
arriving at Tiinkhatinock at 1:45 and 7:80p. m.
Trains will run on Le igh Valley kept in he
Office of P.. 2 N. Yat.',l2.atTunkhanneck.
Ali trains connect at Tunlthanne* with P. 85
R. R. going north and south. -
Manch Chunk, Jan. 31, 1877. •
'List of New Advertisements.
Auditor's report of. Lenox. ownship.
Annual statement •of Forest Lake School
Financial statement. of Forest Lake c twp.,
Statement of Lathrop twp.
Statement of Springville School tax.
Statement of .Lexon School District.
Report of Sliver Lace School ftmct,
Card—Dr. F. D. Limb. `- -
To whom it may conc,ern.
Keystone Academy, ..• ,
AdministratOr'slnOtice-:-Est: of ?,ally Fowler.
Auction—Est. A. N. Bullard. , • ' •
For sale—Devon Bull . . 4 '
Assign ee'Oale—estate of Richaxd - Stack..
_Notice of licornoration. -
Five dollars, reward.
To whom it may concern.
Meat Markt-1- 7 P. PjlawleS - r & Co. _
Assignee's sale—Est. of Sewell Wilmarth.
Assignee's sale—Est.of Hiram' Atkerly.
Assignee's sale—Est. of John W. Silvius.
Assignee's sale--Est.; of Peter Bunts.
• Glenn's Sulphur soap..
Dr. Van Dykes Sulphur soap. •
Take Notice—R. Winters.'
Soiled Music -4 . . F Brons4,-
Neighborifig. C4)U111 ties.
The Spencer Camp. Meeting,- Owego
District ;
Wyoming . Conference} w : 111 com
mence..August.:,,T4t4 and::clOse . 'August
E. P. Kingsbury Esq., of Scranton, has
been chosen delegate to the Republican
State Conyention from that Senatorial
The Elmira Advertiser thinks it will
take a year, 'after all, to stop the story.
that Francis Murphy is to marry a Qua
Mr. Nary, of Luzerne county, aged
ninety-eight years, who had
,been- blind
nine years, arose a few mornings since
with fully restored eye:-sight.
The residence _and, saloon of Judge
Merrick, Scranton; were,.burned ou Sun
day, July let., and an attempt made to,
fire the Daily Times building.
A well-known hardvtare dealer of this
city recently performed the unprecedented
feat of eating twenty-five hionas in
thirty minutes.--Binghamton 21 ea.
Mr. Patrick ißrebony , died ,a? leasant
Valley ;on Thursday,;,. aged, 8 -year&
Deceased, was . fathero,of • ReveL. homas
and 'James Brehony ' and Mr., f - Michael
Brehony. • • ' ' - -
The Del, & H. company use eleven
hundred tons of hay on' the litie'of the
road between Carbondale and Plymouth,
300 tons of which they raise upon their
cultivated acres in. Providence.
Pittston is to have a_ new cominandery
of Knights Templar. It will be known
as Wyoming Valley Oominanderk No. 57,
It is to be constituted on ThursdSty neit,
July 12th by the Grind Officers. , • .
At Patagonik Luzerne county; . several
boys threw ten, pounds of powder into a
fire which they had created on thi*Fourth
of July. There was a terrific explosion
and Thomas Williams, one of- the lads,
was fatally burned The cam received
painful injuries,
The Binghamton Tiny 4 says the Parlor
City base ball club; a team of young
colored men,' has-, been organized for this
season. with John Amos aataptain. They
will play their first game at Montroie on
Thursday. next, (to-morrow,) with - the"
Valley Tiger club ot , this place. A
number of their friends expept to ac
company them,
The State Board of Examinera;visited
the Mansfield Normal School last' week.
Pour of the graduating class of thirty
were rejected. The " members of the
Board were State Superintendent Wicker
sham, Deputy Superintendent Houck,
Professor I. N. Hayes, -
of Shippensburg,
Miss, Sarah L Lewis_, ,of Tioga- county,
Superintendent T. F. Ganan, Licom
hag. county, and Prof. 0. H. Terrill.
Superintendent Tilden, of Susquehanna
6 county; Tas present as an 'official visitor.
Royal Adams, his wife, and it five-year
old son are visiting Mr. Adams' father at
Loviville, N, Y., on the bordere of
'Wayne oounty. .0n Tuesday,, the little
boy wandered off. There_ is a dense for
set on the outskirts of the town:'
nctlibor had seen the child -going in that
direettpn: A search was for him by
his father but he could not he found.
E. d.':79RDHA3i, P.ll.
- •
The entire village, then jollied in the
eearch, It. was y.kept tip 'all day and all
night. During the night a violent storm
of wind, rain; thunder and lightning
passed over the' vicinity. There were
several narrow escapes from death, but
there was no cessation in the hunt. No
trace of the boy being found, and a cat
amount having been seen in the vicinity
'only "a day or so before, and bears being
known to be plenty, it was the belief of
ninny that the child- had been deiropred.
At sunrise Wedbesday,however,the father,
who was, about to give up the search in
despair, discovered hi s\ boy in a hollow
Stump, hrgh in the motntain, =two miles
from Lordville. ,ab,eing called, he
'Sprang from the stump; and clung o his
father's neck, almost crazed with joy.
'He had gone to the woods to )I:mut
flowers, he said, He had wandered about
all day Tuesday calling,for his papa. At
night he :crept . crying into the stump,
He balled several times -for hiS papa,
when, he: sayS, a big dog came up to• the
stump and growled at him, scaring tarn
so he was afraid to, move or speak again:
What he thought,was a dog was a bear
beyond a doubt The:boy's clothlng Was
almost torn from hini, and his flesh was
badly lacerated. ',Near where he lay three, ,
large trees had been blown . down, and one
was struck by lightp,inct. Aside from
soreness and stiffness and% little nervous
ness, .no serious, consequences 'aaye re
sulted_ tbthe _
State items.
A _Reading firm has, a New York order
for three million Cigars.
What, the people in the oil regions are
demanding is scheme that will put
oil up to four dollars
.a barrel.
It -is_announced that the- wages of the
miners in Schuylkill county will not be
reduced, and a much better feeling pre :
vails in 'consequence..
It - is reported that five hundred men
will. shortly,be puts to work on the,,Castle
Sliannon‘ Railroad extension, Washington
- A - bank in an oil region town employes
a detective to see who of the townsmen:
are in the habit of gambling. It zauges
its accommodations by his report.
More buildings are in progress of erec
tion in Lancaster than' at , any previous
time within-five years past. This' state
ment is made on authority of one of
the most prominent builders Of that city.
William, H. Brady, of Bristol, Bucks
county,- ran against a gate-post with a.
claV pipe in his mouth, injuring himself
so:that death resulted therefrom: The
stern had been driven through The Cervical
vertebrm; •
Coal miners' families at the Willow
Grove mines, Allegheny county, are. suf
fering for . the necessaries of life. The
miners have not been paid for months,
the firm operating the works having
. go
into bankruptcy. S
The oil production has increased from
27,000 barrels per day in January to
about.3B,ooo barrels per day in June 3 an
increase of abbut 11.000 barrels per day
in six months, and about 3,000 barrels`per
day over and above the consumption . .
The internal revenue collections in the
Ninth district of. Pennsylvania, compris.
ing the counties of Lancaster; York,
Cumberland and Perry, for the last fiscal
year amounted to $797,325,4., Almost
two-thirds of the:: amount. was. on cigars
Potato-patches in Lancaster - and yietin
ity are full of dead English sparrow's.
In a single . patch some thirty dead birds,
were found-a day or two - ago. The sup
position is that the birds eat, the Colorado
beetle and, are poisoned by
,the Paris
green, used thcv kill the bug.
News Jottings.
Cardinal Phillipe de. \ Anglia: has just,
died in 'Tome. •
,Gov. Lupdington, of Wisconsin, de
clinefra `re-election.
Indianapolis has Pit' - hal, the rare
phenomenon of rain from a clear sky.
. It is announced from.. Madrid that 15,-
000 soldiers will sail in - August for Cuba,
'General Diaz . - beetCrecognized` as
President of Mexico - .by the, Itilian gov
ernment.- , • .
Gail Hamilton commenced her literary
career as a - contributor to the :.Boston
Congrepationalist. -
A Boston mail has , listened to fifty-one
annual Vaurth of July orations in that
city. He is still hale and hearty. •
The weather at Omaha last week
,from 94. - t0 . .102 degrees in the
shade, and there . were four fatal eases of
sunstroke. -
There were '673 deaths in ITeW York
last week, against 567 the previous week.
The increase was due to heat and tene
Opponents.of •x•nyict labor havq, tri.
implied in Galveston, and prisoners are
no longer to be employed there on public
works.. • = •
It is stated the. oldest ex-Member of
Congiess Hying . is Hon. Artemas Hale,
who resides in Bridgewater, Mass. He is
9/ years old..
tEx-Senator. Morrill has 120 far recovered
bpi health as to be able to be present at
o'l4 .Port and. Custom XEouse 'few hours
each - day. •
i i-Billy - -White, Georgia's strong negro,
kills a steepthrotging, ,head,
Vitnared a
b•lt with his teeth.
A lot of . Sheet Music, slightly soiled, at one
half retail price, at Bronson's Music and
store. - .
A BOX of. Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which con
tains three cakes and costs only sixty cents, is
sufficient to eupply material for at least twenty
Sulphur. Baths which would eradicate a whole
cataldgue' ot rheumatic and cut_aneous maladies .
Sold by all Druggists.
Hill's Hair & Whisker Eiye, blatk or brown,
60 cts.—July.
DR. VAN DYKE'S S. tam:run. SOAP.
DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long specialty, >
and world-wide reputation -tor CURING *ra
DISEASES, has endeavored for years to Combine
an ;external treatment. He has accomplished
this desirable result in the - preparation• of his
compound "SULPHUR SOAP," the merits of
which are spoken of by thonsands; it is highly
recommended to - all por readers. Price, 25 cts.
by mail, 35 ots. a box; 3 cakes, 60 cts., by mail,
75 cts. Office, 60 N. sth st. Wholesale Depot
400 N. 3d. st., Pa.' Sold by Drug
gists. (Webster.)
July 11,1877.--ly. e. 0. w.-28.
LObK,.OI3T FOR YOUR OWN rerrgnzsT.
• The result of Spring trade has shown' • the
amount of goods that had to be slaughtered to
pay debts, yet, whilst the masses go down be
fore the sweep of the panic, live men,, who have
the money to buy, are able to quote .prices that
fought •to derision the bare whisper of compe
tition, and whilst the credit houses are totter
ing. on the verge of Bankfuptcy or ruin, ',the
cash man marches over the .road :the wipes
tioned,master of the situation. '
From- the sheriff to the - Resign& sale . awl
'btitikrtipt, and' irdni:eviiiy sale, the .wan( of the
Mighty Dollar is known, and these are.unan
swerable arguments: - The' -'sledge "hammer
drives to show the - difference' between cash and'
credit--belween the right and -wring.
Winters or Friendsville, Susquehanna
titter comings from - New York city afid;paYing.
'cash fordhis goods at the lowest pride; - doles
competition, and has bought a generalstock of
goods to numerous .to mention—such 'is Dry
Goods ; Groeerles, Boots and -- Shoes Ready
'made ;Clothing,' Crockery, Hats and C Os, 'ete.
and everything the honest county wants.
Egf - Reittember the place.,-clOse to the - Post'
Office: . R.; Wirrzhs:
Friendsyille, July 11,1877. , ,; 28
THE TWENTIETH Annual Fair ot.the-Harford
Agrieulinral Society-will be held one Wednes
day and Thursday, ,October. • : 3d and 4th 1877.
By,order of Ex. Com.
Harford Pa.lnne 23, 1877. 2—w
Persons ' visiting -- Binghamton ' - Wishing -to •
purchase : 'dry, ',goods would do well to call on
fIl&E & 51.101403.:...They ' keep ,a first-Class line :
of dry goods and ready-made clothing on baud,
all the tie. Alpacas, Merinos,and CaslimOres,'
the fines line in the city. ' No trouble to show
goods or end - samples. ;..
Nov. 1 Is76tf.
t ft
. •
gvEittlinivi in the line' offrtire Drugs and :
Medicinelraints, Oils, 'Varnishes, - Pocket
bociks, }?'suet Iniyes, Tooth brushes, Flesh'
bnislies ' 'Clothes-and Hair brushes, Toilet soaps,-
Fine 1.0110, articleS, F:lley gbods, and a full line
offill th ' new and Popular Remedies can be•
found at M. A. Lyon's Drug Store. PhVsicians
will find-our stock- complete, and Composed of
the best articles thak can be found in the market..
MontrOse, Pa., Jan, 17th, 1.877.-ttf 1
The Tbpkhannock Marble "Works of Burns
& White. ,are doing, a good - business and are
getting out some very tasty jobs of Head
Stones :and . Monuments. A. B. Burns, of the
Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized agent for
Montrose and vicinity. • He has designs of
Head Stones and Monuments. Any orders left
with him will be promptly filled by - Burns &-
Tunkhannock, Feb. 1876tf.
As many through the country have been un
able for a time back to obtain any of Taylors
Family Medicines on account of the merchants
and druggists being out This is to notify the
public that all merchants and druggists through
Susq'a and n adjoining counties have been fur
nished; with a new supply and all of said medi
cines are still warranted to give satistion OR
so ray.. Tly Taylors cough Syrup dt Expec
torant for th A. at cough. I. N. Ballard, A. B.
Burns and 31. . Lyons ggents for 'Montrose
ECBrowning Taylor Prop.
WE -TAKE - .PLEASURE in - recommending to
our readers the old and popnlar Dry Goods
House of .C. P. 'Sisson & Ca., of Binghamton.
For the, they are prepared to offer
as-complete an assortment ot Dry Goods, 'as
can he toundin any Market. Those beautiful
Black and summer silks, to which they call
particular attention, we are - satisfied are just
the thing to Please the people of this section.
in fancy Dress Goods they -take the lead. In
Parasols, Kid Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, etc.,
they , have all the popular goods at popular
April 24;' 187 W 17--tt
There is no subject that requires so much
study and experience as, ke treatment of chron
ic diseases. The astonishing success and re
markable cures performed by ,Dr. Butterfield,
are due to the gift of clairvoyance, to _the life
long study of the constitution ; :of man, and the
curing of diseases from natural remedies. Cures
the worst forms of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe
male Weakness, Diseases' of the Ifeart, Lungs
or Kidneys. Will be at the Spaulding House,
Binghamton, Friday, and Saturday, 26th, and
Dr. Butterfield will be at the Mineral Springs
Rush Pa., Saturday, July 28th. 3-w.
Jun. 10 1877.
: KEYSTONE AcOADEsty.—The exercises con
nected with the close of the eighth Academic
Year, will take place on Wednesday, _Thursday
and Friday, June 20, 21' and 22, as fellows :
On Wednesday and Thuisday,, examinations,
interspersed with declamations, essays and mu
sic. Wednesday evening, 8 p. ui. , address by
Rev. H. Millard, Susq'a co.; Thursday eve.,,
exhibition of advanced 'classes in composition;
consisting of orations and ssaya .'on eubjecta
assigned to the class. Friday, 10,00 a. in., An
nual exercises, consisting of graduatingad
dresses; prize oration, prize essay, conferrifig of
diplomas, and bestowal of prizes. After the
exercises, the usual Anniversary dinner will be
served. In =the evening Rev. John Peddle-D. D.,
of Phil's; will deliver the annual address. ,
Diarrhcea A,ntidOte. A few of the many rea
sons why : every person should keep'a bottle of
the ,Continental Balsam in their house :
It will cure almost instanty all cases of - pain,
cramps, colic, dyspepsia, or loneness of the
b9wels. 'Second, \ lt - will cure the chronic diar
rheea of long standing. Third, It is one of the
'best remedies in the world for children while
teething, as it gives instant relief without' sub
lucting them to any injupous effect. 'Fourth
and Jut, TO Prise being so low, 23 and 50c
;per bottle, that thii poorest can afford, to.buyy.
.Sold by 'John Fareira, bole Promietor, 224
North Ninth Street; Philadelphia; and;'lrug :
gists generally. _
June 6, 1877.—t0
I take this `method:of inforniing the public
of Montrose and vicinity that '1 have opened a
new. harness shopi under. Searle's express office,
Public Avenue. • - . _
I will build: new work of the best quality,
and repair with' neatness and dispatch' and at
;lowest rates. The - patronage of-the public is
respectfully sOlicited. - -
Montrose, Oct. -1876tf. IRVIN CHAPMAN.
No Curti, _ .No PAY.
Sirby's‘Cough Balsam,a'very palatable coin
pound, tor the :various :saffections of the throat
and lungs. Used' with great success in case of
ASthma and Bronchitis. It is'Prescribedkk the
physicians and endorsed. by the people. War
ranteA to•glye entire-:satisfaction or money re
Birby's Magic Relief for the instant cure‘ot
severe and acute pains.
Kirby's Tasteless ' Worm. Lozenges: • Sire,
safe and effectual. ;:
Kirbrs Condition-Powders for gualtty, quan
tity and purity, are superior to. any Powderfor
stock manufactured:-
Kirby's Camphor Ict3 fOr chaped. bands or
For sale by all, 31ontrose,And
Dealers in Medicines thrOughout 'the country.
June 28;1876y1. -
~ I?X.j oies.
LATHROP-N ACE--Qq, June 13, • 1877, . fit Bt.
Matthew's P. Church, Philadelphia, hy ,Rev.
.1). Newlin, Mr: Arthur 'Lathrop of Bethle
hem; Pa., (formerly of Springville), to Misdlgia.
J. Naee, of the former.eity. -
Sgurtut--;Bnow.ti.:-"-At the home of the bride's
Mother, in Lemon, Wyoming Co., Pa.; • Wed-,
nesdaY eye., Jupe .?,7, sthe Rey. G. O. Be
Mr. Seth B. Squier, ot :West' Nichollon ak
; Pa.,and
Miss Alice Brown (if Leinton:' ,
X 3 ektitils
9 MiTcrnmt-Tied of pulmonary consumption
at his late residence in- ]itimtrose, annday;July
8, 1877, Henry A. 'Mitchell aged
,52 years.
, ,
StalivAx-.-In Silver Lithe - , - Surie . 13 ; Eddie;
son of• TimothY and Jtilhi - Sulliiiaii,Ageti - 1 year
and 4 months. • - ' ' 4
Rest thee brpuritY rest, '
The ,grave is thy pillowone green sod on thy
' • breast.,_ . . ' • .
would riot awake the‘i froth that sweet repose
To mingle again with life and its woes.-
. „ - • , • ../1 , , •••
- Commission. Serchanfr •
' • NEW A r iniii; Saturdayd'uly 7,1877. •
Pails, choicest fresh - 21 0 .22:
" good. to fine • ... 17 „et
. 20
" .. . ... .. 12 0 15-
`..' 'l9 0 '2O
• good to fine. .. . 15 _O.• •17
" common, to 12
Tubs; 'Selections. . 19 ~,; 4 .:;20
good to fine. • 15 0 17 ,
" Common too - 'l4
Clq ESE. • . .,
Factory,- fane f y.. - :::.•. , t
" :: good to fine . . 8. :8%
Firm Dairy, prinie 8.
~0 • -83,„d
" ' g00d::..:..,.. 7 ,04
T. .
Eggs, fresh 10' ' 0 16%
Apples (green) fine .
ft dried. perilb qrs..— • 41,41 - 434.
14 14;
Pot.Wi , 4, per . bbl , .2
50 . 3 00
Lard 9 . 0 9%
Tallow -• • - ' .
Turkeys dressed p .
". . .; "
Ducks, • y‘ • Agf
Beeswax.. . . 30
P üßLic SALE
Pursnano to int order of the Court of
,;;; Common Pleas of Bus'quehanna County, .g;
..Pennsylyauia, wllLbe sold 'at public sale,
on the premises in Ruth township, in said county, on
Wednesday, the 18th day of 'July, 18n, at ten o'clock
a. ra., the fo ll owing described real estate of WI H.
Deuel, assigned toll. L. Baldwin, in trust for the ben
efit of his creditors. .
A valuable farm, situate in Rush township. on what
is known as "Devine Ridge.” and bounded and des
cribed-as. follows, to wit : - Beginning at the corner of
land formerly conveyed by 'Robert H. Rose to J'Ob M.
Pierce, being also a corner of a Lot' contracted' for by.
Loren Tapper, between the middle, branch of Wyalus
ing and the Ridge Road; thence extending north 84
degrees west 64 perches to a post; thence south 66
de g rees west 80 perches to a post. , thence south 52
degrees west .9S perches to a post; thence south 19
percheilk to a post, the northeast • corner of Samuel
Thatcher's land'; thence on his line south 18 degrees
east 112 perches to a birch tree ; thence. north 61 de
grees east 166 perches to a post : thence north 94,and
4-10thsperchns to , p4ace of beginning ; containing 180
acres of land,.be the sameancre or less ; excepting and
reserving'ont of the same, 31 acres deeded to George
Wright Devine. .
The improvements area ' large 'and convenient two
story frame house; a stream of never fairing water at
the door; frame granary, hen house, &c.; a large frame
hay barn, and frame carrirge ' house ," With first-rate
stables underneath, and never-failing weter at' the
stable, door, .
The land is' in al, , obd state of cultivation, is divined
into convenient fields, with water in each field. The
fences are in good repair, and the farm is one of the
very best, for all purposes, in Susquehanna county, and
is convenient to places of public worship, schools, stores,
and mills. • '
TERMS OF SALE:—One-sixth of purchase money
to be paid on day of sale • , one-sixth an Anal confirma
tion, and i
the balanee n one year from day of sale
with-interest from date of confirmation, The,ptirchas!
er mint arrange his bia on day of sale.
Assignee of W. N. Deuel.
Montrose, June 27, 1877. 26-28.
D. •D, Han is vs. Climena L. Harris. In the Court
of Common Pleas of Ausilueluma County, He, 238,
Jan. Term, 1877. -
To' Climena L.Harris: Whereas a Subranain Divorce
was issued to Apr. T., 1877,0 n motion of Warren &Son
whichcwas duly returned non at inventue. and thereon
an .allas subpoena was issued in said case, returnable
to Auguit Term, 1877, upon the return 01 which, proof
was made that the said Climitia Harris could' not be
found in my bailwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear be
fore the Judges of the said Court, on the second /Mon
day of August next, to answer said complaint, &c.
'• WM. WHITE. Sheriff.-
Montrose, June 27,1877. 26-29
. •
T . OST Og: STOLEN,. from' the Subs
scriber, bitween."Uniondale and the residence of
J.B. 'l'h emu, June lath, 1877,
containing five dollars in money, and, three notes, one
being tor $60,50 from P. Burdick to ` Cgirl.Nelson,'one
of,sloo 00 from Carl Nelson to lance Tharketson, and
one of $lOO 00 from Stephen Bronson to Vance Thark
elson. All persons are:cautioned against purchasing
said notes. tam suitable reward will be paid on the
retuaii of the notes and money' to the, 'subscriber at
Uniondale - Susi% Co.. Pa.-
June 29, 25-21 TRABBELSVN.
WANTED.—on Wednesdal of each week all well
felted veal calves - weig lig 110' pounds and up
wards. Also • fat eheep4lnd lobs. -sheep, pelta, peal
and deacon skins, for which Ewe will pay the market
price In dash. '• • - " LEWIS;
Great Bend Village, ]fay 16,1877. ' • 20-4ln
41.41, ,--gitp,koi : &
its this dir diisolvediny Mutual consent.
The books and accounts my hands for collection
N. C. owns,
Gibson, Apri.llBtlt, 1811. 18-2 m:
County -Busiriess -Dirsetert ' .
Two llaes intlile 'Threctory, one year, sl.sfilf cacti ad
- ditional line. 50 cents. ' •
WA. II GPI Vir OUT, Stater. Wholesale, AIWA!'
dealer in all kinds of slate roofing,. slate paint r etc.,,
Roofs repaired with slate paint • to order. Also. slab
paint for sale by the gallon oz barrel. Montrose. r ,
BILLINGS STROUD, General; Fire ,and Life 'murk.
=co Agents, • also, sell Railroad ; and Accidental
Tickets to New York and Philadelphia. Office . one
door east of Wm. II Cooper a: Co's bank.
WM. R. BOYD„ & CO. .Dei I wa in. Stoves, hardware r
and Manuf cturers of Tin and Sheet-Lion ware, c or
ner of Main and Turnpike street. , •
A. N. Ballard,
in. GrUceries, Provisions;_Book ,r
Stationery and Yarikee•Notions; at the header Pub
lic Avenue. • • k" • • . '
WE. II . COOPER Bankers. Sell Foreign Pas
sage Tickets and Drafts - on England, Ireland, and
Scotland, • •. • • ,
WM .l. COX, Harness linker and dealer in 4111 art!-
: cues usually kept by thetrade, opposite the bank.
JAMES E. C&RMALT, Attorneyat.Law. 'olllce' !Ma •
door below 'Parboil Bone, Public Avenue,
H. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. Care S. & Co.,
- Montrose, Pa. • r.
RATINGS bANK,:NEW, 'MILFORD, Six ' per eent.
_lnterest on all Deposits. Does a. general Banking
business. - ' -S. 8.. CHASE & CO.
H. GARRET & SON, Dealer- in Worm Feed, Meal,
Salt, Lime, Cement, Groberies • and Provisions, on_
Main Street, opposite the Depot.
N. F„.EIMBER. Carriage Maker. - Picture Franiei,and
•Undertaker,"a few - rods from Phinney's . Rotel, near I
,M. E. Church • • ' ' ' '
H.T. DO RAN, Merchant !Pallor and dealer . In. Ready
. 'Made Olothing,lDry Gboda, Groceries addProvralons,
Main treet. - '
I W-;:lti - L.tE'"tri - 40 , 4k . :';',., 4 0 ) (*.i. , .iik't
Areyou aware that you can obtain Sutntner heat%
January I' That you. can, impirtitainty,:-air *in
families ? that yeu can give spontaneous ,
plants - And• Flowers; anti that you 'can make borne a
little paradisehy purchasing .pne of BAC,..bayre'S
Air Furnaces ? , These Furnaces are now constructed
with VAPOR
.PAN which :the atintliphere is tem
peredliithat resembling Summer • -;,
' ' lIIISKY -
And the time has come when _coretimptivei may se
joice in coal fires. ThSse furnaces arc sold entir up
o}ltheir own merits, aed are now the leadinkl' . dace
In this part of the country: All Furnaces' are w rant
ed to give entire Satisfaction or no sale: ' 1 .
rkeep competent men on the roadwho ate well ac
qtdinted with the Furnace business and theY are con
stantly putting up these Furnaces.' Their work is war
ranted to'please.
_These Furnaces are now ocattered.
the following towns and cities:
Binghamton, Scranton; Providence ; Wilkes 'Barre,
Kingston, Pittston, Elmira, Waverly; Williamsport,
Great-Bend, Suspnehrnria Depot, Banco: lc, Delhi,
Downsville, Andes, Max garetville, Trankl in, thiadilla
Owego; Northumberland, and many other towns. -
Any person , wish Log a recommendation from any one
living in the above named places. I will gladly cm res.
pond with them, giving 113MC3 of ' parties now using
these Furnaces. -
Ma.nufactured by
B. - C., SAIRt.
. .
31cattro;, , e, December .221 f. 1875.
ALSSIGNEE'S INOTICE.—James D. Goodwin of
%ALL , Motitrotio bow., having assigned to me all his
eqate i .in trust, for, the' sChelit of creditors ;:'all persons
indebted to said estate, are requested to maize Imme
diate settlement, and all having claims against the
same to present them to • A. O. WARREN,
V. Assignee of James D. Goodwin.
Montrose- jnne 27, • 26-31
. .
-11). the estate - of Philip' Hahn, late of Montrose,
deed. , Letters of administration in the said estate hav
ing been grantee to the undersigned, all pereens ow
ing said eatite are requested Itti,make immediate pay
ment, and all persons having entails against said estate
are requested - to present thenx"without delay., •
J'un e 13,1577. 24-27 -
ATDITOR'S 'NOTICE. ---The. under
signed having been appointed an auditor by the
Court of CommouPleas of Snscra Co., to distribute the
funds arising from sale of personal property of Htunph
rey & Ross, by the Sheriff of said co.,will attend to the
duties of his appointmentat • his office •In Montrose,
Tuesday, the 12th day of Ju1y,1877, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
at which time and place all persons interested will pre
sent their claims br be forever debarred from coming
in on said lands. • •
WM. J. 'ITIRRELL, Auditor
lfontrose, June 13,1877. 24-2
A IMITO.R'S NOTICE.--;•The Under
-I—k •signed an auditor appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Susquehanna County: to distribute the rands
insthe hands of Patrick McCormick and James Curley
executors of the' estate of \ Robert McCormick dec'd,
willat!ond to the duties of lilts appointment at hia Of
fice on Friday the 13th; day, of July, 1877, at 1
at which time and place all persons interested.ill pre
sent their claims or bo forager debarred from earning
in-on said fund. .
June 13,.1877. -
-CA.. the estate of -Francis Sherridan late . of Lenox
twp., Letters of Administration in the said 'estate
baying been granted to the undersigned,all pbrions ow
ing said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and all persons having claims against said estate
are r:quested to present them 'without delay
xtax .c. attambeN, •
`the estate of Henry Lyon late of Hernek.
twp; Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, deed .
Letters of Administration in the said estate havini;
bee& granted, to the undersigned, pH
_persons owing
said estate art requested to.make immediate paymerr t,
nand ail persons having claims against said estate it re
a'equested to present them without delay.
May 16,1817. 20We , Administratoi r.
..CX. signed an Audttor..appointed by tie,. cor it of
Common Pleas of Susquehanna County, to distal ibuto
the funds in the hands Of 4. B. Eldred administrator
of Niles W. Heath. deceased, will attend to the i jutieit
of his appointment et his °thee in Sat arday
July 14, 187'I. at 1 o'clock p. at which tie to axed
place all persons interested are required to f ap pear
and ;present , their claims or be *ever debarrd from'
couilug,in on said , fund.
pßiancLuirusza, ' ditor,
J.ttne 20, , 1877.
11. signed an Auditor appointed by the Judems of the
Orphans', Court of Susanthaatta County, to, J)istribute
funds in the hands o O. Warren. Ade .inistrator
of, Abe estate of Brutus Cory, dec'd • will stt4;end to the
dlitie of said appointment at my office in t) .te Borough
of Montrose, on Saturday. , 1877,u.t I o'clock
p.m., at which time and place all persorei interested
will make known their claims or be foro";fer debarred
from coming in ors said fund. • .
1 0 . x. 1 , 07. r, Auditor.
24-27 •
June 13,1871.
1110,ROCLA.MATION. • ,
• bIJSQUEIIANNA. ci)lrmry, SS.
James Bi - Truesdell vs. 'Cynt ha in ti Truesdell. In.
the Court of Common Plcasof susqlrehaon E co un t s ,
N 0.282, Nov. Terra; 1877: '
To - Cyntha Ana Truesdell : Whereat 4 Subpieditin
Divorce was issued to .April Term. lam which va s
duty retuned non eSt farentu,p, and thereon an alias soh
s, was issued in said ease... rettmlable to August
Term.lBl7; upon' the` return " or which proof :was =de
that,:-the said -Cyfatha - . Ann , eisuld"..not
found in my bailiwick; .
r. Thie notice therefore is to teritilre Yon tOappear' a
fore the Judges of the said Court, ou the second Mon
day of August next, to answer eald complaint, &e.
WM. WHITH Sheriff., •
Moutroise, Juno 21, IM.