I fi ra t,f,) 11, C ..AIONTAOS,, - ,PA4 JULY, 11,1877: Towa, , County, and.lrar .. -=-Farmers are busy just, now. .'—o-Woodeock shoothig is now lawful: - 4 `olA:Probs'' lihpril with, ;storms: r t• - •• - : , • ,• —=-Quarterly Meeting at the M. ,E 4 Church in this, borough next Sabbath. • , YTne Nett'. ,Milford 'Post-ottioe has lice tpnstituted a Money,Order ; z — 7 -There are eighteen , prisoners in the comi ty jail present—seventeen males and one tefi B uild . • , - „ -=-- - AColored base ball bitib from 13ingilani-- ton Is xpected to play. the c,c,dore d - club 4 place-tomorrow. -6-trho Delaware, LaCkawatina'anABoi:•'.. tern '-!Company'` is - put - Ong' * 3 ' o i o oic , -, *or9ibtlimpioverpp - Oi • —Hon G A: Grow,' has ,tontributtd $700! to tia.u,Boldters' Monument ,of this • county, baying. tided $2OO to' his , forraefatibscripton of $5OO. : ;• , . . The ne~v ldstory of,Penlasylvania, a new ly Imblished'boQk,is being canvassed,for.intthis place, , andVill bp noticed at more length ':77177 11,119' Brooklyn f.-, n sfOa coi of,whi *we are picitind.- ,fully maintainAhel good aiSSical reputation for which they' are,. noted: 4'fieineted wBl - their part at 'the !F:o1 1: ', diers' Monument dedicatory_eeremonies. 1_ i. ; • Ben.. rrliana of Great 8, - 3:a waS Agt in the ill*, on:' the - ,F"ourth, at that place, by a j . man by the !lam' of lamb ;Van. uken, of Blip; erside, -Y.- VanAuken• is now inthe cotinty jail toawaittrial for, the offense; Is tep4rtesl as a whisV quarrel between 'them= I :very- sad,aeeident ha ppenedto Gardnell Rowe.% of New Milford, a: young' man ab9ut sixteen` 'years of . .aO, - di" the =morning of + die: rouith. YoungßoweP was = Sitting- 'near wh eie an anviiW - aS 'being fired,' when' it . e.iiAclded, so injuring one of 41S - itiAtitif it has since been amputated. - „ . , • L---We are requested • by. the Monument Committef; to. tender, tkeir thanks to, the ladies and gentlemate: : who, so:' kindly and efficiently assisted t,14p1 on. the. late Ilnyeiling, pay,, both kfiabor and furnishing, suppliei, and to assure them that the Commit4es 7,cogn4e, that, it is not their 4%14 qatt,dapcially, it was not a greater - .sucOss thp it was„ e _We are , to make especiatniention of the names of lip. 11: iT.' , Webb; — MrS: '3. Elam; is, and Mr. 4 F. had'full ,charge of the, commis satj- deparment;'Pnd also Mr. Jacob Tewks. bury, NaloOboth. this 3'ear and last 'furnished a yen- - generous, 'apaount . of ' accompanied with efficient labor. Major Lrthur'fiilest,on. anti Captain Olmstead, Oommander of the 13tughainton Lrtill'ay„ desuve especial, mention for the labor and money they contributed to add interest to the dedicatory 03tercises., : —:--- , The,r,Thking of one of the tioldiers',Monu ' meet c 0 anon km the night, 'before the Fourth' was a cowardly triet - , to tslie• the most charita ble view . pssible in revect to it . -One : s of the guns had been properly mountqd on wheels for the purpose of:.suitable elute in the:mprning and Other-, munonfmlies: throughout the day, winch wog the subject of this taean and'uoward -3korieratlon.' -If it was. instigated, to suppress its' noise it UM r:10 lacia infamous' aad cowardly attempt at such a result,-but if from malicioiic Motives , moor& are inadequate 'with .which to denounce it. It 1140 been reported that these cannon-,ivere "condenined," and for what reason we do not kndw, unless tlie source, thrtugh which they were obtained:did riot haVe' the:right "Ring," but we desire to :disabuse the minds of . sai`Y that haVe been thus misinformed. They are four pafect,Bteel, rya cannon, costing originally R4OO-each. The - . liughlitnt,on. Artil lery Company had a section of their battery, a brass , plece, with them, , and we are informed that thy Would have gladly exchanged it foi .• one, of these• They flied several rounds from one of them during the day. *REGRETS OF GOV. BARTRANFT. The - following letter fronx—Governor -Hart ranft explains itself ' EXECUTIVE CiaMBEII, - -.lluntisntino, :: '•-• ,.. " - iinfe - 25, 1877. IngtatSm.:-I,.have-lrad- the :kind invitation 0 ,- ofrthe Moffiutient Association. , of Susquehanna t.lounty, conveyed by your favor , _ of the, 23d at., tolie present it the dedication of the: Sol diers Wm:anent 4it 314introse.on jay „4tir hefore me, intending, if I should -be in the State at that'date, to accept the sanie. In the meantime arrangementehave , been Made 'to have Gov. Carroll,' of Maryliind present at the handing over of the Centennial Fountain in Fairmount Park to the City_ ~ Philadelphia, Philadelphia, and finding thatlt will not' be necessary forme . to lea've the State, I feel that;' . ~inter-state courtesy demands that I &mild. bepresent at that time to 'extend to 1 inn i welcome, and take part,'ae . li ltovernor, in ~$ 4 ceremonies,' out Of . compliment to him and iLisStata . , ... •,, • _ You will, therefore,„tonver to tho'Aiasoela ilOil MY thanks :for':ite very cordial , iriv,itation: and express the old soldiers znd citizens of Busgrithsoia bounty my deep rekrets' : that t cannot lestilY in petoonte my, sympathy and interest in their Mible work. '7Zoius verylruly, • • J. F. _l4.untiasu -131..t.inerxr, See'y, etc.. - -:XILLEI.) BY AN, OFFICER. A partYof rouzha 'known as the -Pool • • - 0 rai f o rd county, -consisting Of both males' and females, madeTowanda -the ileene, of a se, • none row The Towanda Refiub•• , . , Wan, or they Came , ostensibly • to attend the sirens,- which showed there on That day,) but 4gOt4runk and - tlasatened ; j clean' Ott, the Barn a; arreoi iheleade!a and pTetect'thecitizena,waia Nuept,;. ly set you he rowdies and In self-defense . shot: 4o 4 4 eetallth r ''k l 4 6 4 Wan* l9 :4 l4 *.#l4 Wounded 'Aaron Vanderpool. Exirroiti D : 4 • ocifier:- , --One of the , most ter ridc:and` devastating storms of hoa r - wit:id and rainthii:hat:ever:occurred Within::the'memory of .the Olde9t settler . visited this section on the afternoon of July 8d; T he';- fi rs t neighborhood ~ reached,bSr thi s Im welcomed-; visitor, was that know n.sitkeitch on' the extreme limits . of Hush and-Middletown. 'Shaping - its ctinrse in a southeasterly directic* and moving 'with frightful velocity and force it crossed.thel•Torth ;Brand , at Ottster's-, thence tillSiteor micYs Hill, where the storm seems to ,have divlcied, a partiOrt continuing on in the original course, while the other part gathering , tltrength for en'lndependent,movement,' purst with the moit'destructive violence into the valley of the Wyaluilug; striking rpear the Presbyterian . church. this, ,beautiful valley-4hen..coyer ed with, waving - • crops—the storm fiend `raged as far as N, Snfderl3,._ breaking in windaivs, 'levelling fences, ,iiproeting trees,: and literally thrashing and-,completely destroying the prom ising creps - Whey and grain,'Whild•so great Was the 144, of hail and ram' that • it is asserted by per ofis,'not ;'to pronuexaggerate, that the hail • stonei were, in places , piled - to .the height of::five feet or mare=; and' that as . late'as the , Bth -it was still more than two . f 64 . • 'hen as it. inthing off fliOnarrevi Whits of the ValleY; it swept back upon the hill, .:visiting ;sac gess,ively, Buge,ne -McCarthy, J.- and G. Graham, ;Ulnas 'Curran, - andothers; destrdying tnong °ther ithings, a hiirn beldnEring 'to 'and recently. erected.hpEugelin:McCaithy. - ! : deviating:lnto the origipAlsodtheasterlicourse, pa.ssed,..away towards Auburn _and ;:-Ditridk. `From the place of diViding, the other .part of the gforirif traversed-farms belongiligtos - Viaow Bela Griffin; 'Janie's . Biireliaid,',Geot-Har vey,':and,o_thers',l4 Fitlrdile; i,distince ;eral miles in length,. biit in no place was its pathway 'wide :regular, but alternatelY changing its course ;and , abating or lamas ing in violence . .. he {. section . ravaged . by . this storm' haV- been for many years so peen harlY'favored that its"coning an almost unlooked Tor occurrence. Severe storms, ;lit is true, have:iicetirred, bet nbthing to compare with this AS destructive force.::' • • '~ . Early in the atrternoon raighniave ob served indicatiOnS of the, approaching storm. Yet iir tardy was'its torning that it was thought that it: must pass around:: But instead of this, by delay the elements seemed to be conspiring together to change the face of nature,from . that of , beatify and . pronlise to one wide waste of rain Anti'disorder. Much might still be added to this in the way of particulars, • but it Would take up „altogether too much spate in Your pa per, which 'by the way, is always a welcome yisitutY The faOners of this section feel that they have -',been;'-,severely- afflicted ;, but with philosophic cnetey and perseverence are en deavoring to repair - as far as possible the ,ray ages created .by the , storm, and , as many fields can yet be ploughed and 'sown 'to buck Wheat, corn cr turnips, ,it is l 'hope,d that its effects will not be so serious as it was :'at' first: to be• ' OtsEnvEn. July 8.; 1877. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: IN HAW, FORD. ' It was our fortune to be present at the twehty-oighth anniversary of the 'marriage 'ot Mr. Lewis Wilmarth and wi!e, at their, home, on Saturday, June 29. We arrived there about noomand found their house filled with brothers, sisters, neighborasitiefrienda;;lvho had comer to enjoy the . occasion. Some were playing 'croquet, others parcheesi, and others engaged in sacred chat. At about 10 o'clock all we±& invited to the h ouse.. Xi.' and lard. lyilmarth 'were:escorted to the d ing room, where.* `all a table loaded WWI crodkery wareof descriptions and in large amounts, that had never before done service. These were presented to Mr. and 3 1 / 4 .,Wi1-' marth by A. Warren of Mont:rose, in a few brief words, in bebalf of . the, generous doners who hod so, kindly and so unexpectedly -sur 7 wised them by these gifts.. Mr. b. C. Tiffany, Esq., of Mahanoy City responded briefly in be half of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmarth.. At about 8 o'clock the company were again invited to the dirdng robin; :where . a ' substantial meal was prepared of all that is needful to sus 'fain life. • The action of the guests sho wed they' -were farniliai With the work before theni: Near the close ; of thke day cheerful •singing called the people into the sitting room, which was well filled, when 'Mr. Wilmarth for himself and wife expressed their gratitude to the friends and neigliborapreshit for this ,their friendly. visit, and expressed the hope that the friendship now existing between them ,might never be lessened, and that Heaven's choicest blessing Might attend theM in :the future. ' Remarks were also made by stir. Warren, O. O. Tiffany; and others, at the conelasiOn. of which prayer was offered by Mr. Warr , ' . Thus ended one of the most'pleasant parties i , was _ever our lot., to attend. There were five different religious denomination represented, and also 'different ,shades of political faith, but still all was perfect Christian fellowship. Yew persons understand fully, the reason :why wet clothing exerts such a Chilling' inSu once. It ; is simply ,this: Water, when it ~eyapOrates, carries off-an immense amount of heat, in :what la 'called' ;the latent form.. One pound in vaper tontahisi.as .'much heat as nipe or ten poinds of liquid water and all this heit m ust, of cOurse be taken from the body. If our olothes are moistened. 'with three pounda of water, that is if by :Wetting they are three . - pounds heavier, these three pounds will; in : diying. Carry off - as mush heat as - would raise. : three gallons of lee-eoldi 'Water. to the bailing-, point. aio w!nder that damp . clothes chili 0,-- ::lIIWB - of it istaaaiu 0313:41ainta , shoat thOhug the potiji:crop t4is yiar - slily hi inn largeat for many yearii,—/6. - '4 ,aItRIBLE STOML WET CLOTHING: Fourth of July MontTose. INDEPENDENCE • AND MONILNIENUT,a Au4Sccasion like that which occurred on the one hundred aid 'first, 21 1121 ;ierear3 i -Of our zn tion's birth. has never before been experienced by the people of this conntsi, was not . only the observance of the llin -I .lori.Pred cus-, toin, of respecting the day, b 4 also . was made namorable as. ono .on. ?,&' beautiful 'and significant "'monumental pile was consecrated and appropriately dedicated tnthe memory of xlie .large :_number of revered and patriotic dead of busquehanna county, vho - .gave their lives for their country. - On account ot .the threatening Weather in the morning the number' assembled, was. greatly. diminished irom.;;What it . . otherwise .woulci_ have been, blit'is 'it - viitia,AliB multitude was .'enu- merated b thousands,,:ltd ' the day and its scenes afeTindelibly written among the most interesting in the history of our -county. ,The morning Was ushered:At' le the jar of heavy cannonading from, one of the, four, gun s belonging to the Monument Association", - the ringing of bells , and the customary bonafires, etc. In early morning - people from all'partiof the county, and a large number from adjoining counties, began to :pour - The-procession' which, revious'announcement,should have forrdetratil: id hot loniiintill2:4s ort ac count of delay by, the weather_ in the arrival of s'otue of - the ithportant"Organizatioris: At that time it was formed in accordance with tlie ordei of the programme as previously published in the DEMOCRAT, with thQ.i►dditio-ofa bOnipink .of Artillery from Binghamton in charge of :a s ection.ol , Battery. A., LeAaysv . ille Post, A. R.-;-'-',OttradfOrd cOivaty, - and, thel'ortPtOnith Regiment Pand, l pt 13inghamton, all, of which, tiado..i l icreased interest to the occasion, The display of the procession as it :passed up Maple street to Turlipthe down. Turnpike to Main and: ,countorinarched through 'Main. and 'Tap . Public Avenue to Monument squaresphere it Was dieiniAed, was very imptising indeed and accompanied by eiceilent musle'from the drum dOriis, :the Brooklyn Band, of our and the "Forty-Fourth," of •Binghanton. The Montrose Fire. Department, as -usual, ;made a very neat appearance., The veteran, soldiers line, both of cavalry .and infantry,' White and 'colored, added a Marked and Very appropriate interest to the grand occasion. - The :naethberS of :llarford SOldiers' Orphans' School were "the observed of all obServers," and'many were the epresgions of gratification' and praise that'W ere -bestowed upon their neat and orderly appear andmany , a:heart.•sWelled itith wide thOda*.n. of the day on . which ti..montnnent could bepreseifted to their gaze a-fitting me mento of the heroic sacrifice of their ancestors. - The ceremonies of unveiling the statue took plade about 4 o'clock, it 'was done in the fol.; loWing manner: had , been erected, on the. north. side of the structure from which a cord was snspen ded attached , to a large flag ;which enveloped the figure, and at a give,re sig• brineans of a;cord passing' through pul- , leys, lour of the Orphan School children hoist ed.the flag from the statue and drew it to 'the topof the pole 'where it floated.:gany to the breeze, not, only as a National emblem but alio in honor of the consummation - of a ,work ..that shOuld be thepride - of every citizen of our county of : whatever ,sect or party; a work that is pronounced -the`most. sy inmetnoal, signift: cant / and aPproPriate of any of the kind that stands on the soil, of.,the, `,`Old Keystone.", 4 round of fifty guns was fired by the Binglieni ton artillery cothpany during the exercises. , The monument, standa 30 feet,high from the. flagging inside the - redoubt which surrounds base. Its base'rests upon poundtd stone filled in somol.six feet helow c the surface of the ground. The inside of the redoubt is arranged' for tablets upon svhich, is* to. : be ictscribed the name Oteach township in the county; followed by the names of all deceased soldiers went' -• from said town. - - The lop of the redoubt is covered 'with fine flagging•stone, and the "-outside is sloped tliith earthwork covered in a very - neat and artistic Manner. with sodding. Upon the 'flagging . on each side of the redoubt aro placed the. four Parrot cannon. The monument consists of stone Measuring from seven inches-, to two -feet In thickness and - frem seven feet square at-the base to about two feet square, at the top of the pedigal, all of which are respectively • orna-' me noted on their'edges with mo"uldings,cainices of various style& military emblems; such as shot and shell, swords and shields 'and numer ous others representing both the land and naval service, and in addition to all these' are 'signifi cant latteral inscriptions in raised letters. What adds increased interest to this whole work is the fact that every particle of the ma terial except the tablets and mullion are from the ;soil of Susquehanna - county. Reclining upon the top of this structure stands the crown ing feature of the - work, THE Sirvroz. It is an exact imitation of the Gettysburg, Soldier' on exhibition at the Centennial last year, wish the exception that it is seven feet in height instead of thirteen and has its left foot forward instOd of the right. It, was Made of Westerly Rhode' Island Granite by the New England Granite Company, of which Messrs. Barnes. Blanding .5b Co., of Binghamton, N. Y., are part, pro prietors and is a work thst reflects great eredit - Upon thud, for it certainly -is the climai of beauty to the whole structure. The hand of the architect who: designed this 'beautiful` and fitting memorial is seen in every line and curve that delineates its perfect 3ymmetry and will never be forgotten as long as one stone stands Upon another, although it now rests in the si lent city of the' dead. The name of "Capt. 'Jerome IL - Lyons; Architect!' is inscribed on the base stone, by order of the Monument Associa tion. ON iiKE WING DAY. We give below tbe oration delivered by Hon. G. A. Grow, which speaks fur itself: ` , lmegoauxura unow's,OßATlOi. Far centuries: ago stranger stood at tbe _ gate of alapanishconvent He begs a crust bread and a glue of water 41 relieve Jibe. fa= :ague Of a W.4 l TPurileY• -Friendleas he :wan - , 4ers over EurOpe4.n search of a patron for the grand idea that itsorbs his soul, too vast to be Contained by a single hemisPhere. He *ieeki unknoWn world heyond the trackless sea. To the philosopher.l2.o is a yisiopary; to the priest a heretic, tolhe riial a lila :countrymen a wild fanatic. - - r•ltter eighteen long' yeard of importunity at the,templo g.atea, at the portals. of power and, - the palaCes . of wealth, and just as the last faint, .flickering hope. is about to expire ln his-bosoin forever, the famished traveler idrags from the mighty deepa new hernisphere,,destined in. the: provideuces of God / to be!ther theatre- Of the grandest drama in -human, existence, ana,b6-1 queat4s it, a legacY; to civilized l•qUarter of a century passes 'away, and-a devout monk sits in . the .cloister of a German' CO nvent,porlng ovsra musty. volume, till im hued with the teachings of the, Divine • Master , he' reiterates the great truth; 'tint proclaimed on ; the sea-shore and along - the hillsike of Jadea, "The just shall live by faith."' ' The click of Luther's. 'harmer asle nails his tkisSes to the church door. rings round, Pie world, and echoes along the centuries. Hence forth man stands face to face with his Maker, requinng .the interposition of neither priest, prehite nor bishop, to secure , his , final salvation. A century More passes ttWar. Schisms in the; church and dissensions in the state fill ,the mountain fastnesse;s-ef--tke -- Swiss 'cantons With exiles from the, Mimes, of their 114ridreq, 1-1 101` worn : out with' their wanderi t nes among "'straii gers, in strange lands, they seek a home in the New World, where they can rear their altars' and, worship their G•ed uktawed 'by the mas Of a bigoted church or . the • edicts Of tiTy rannic state. • A:pdTtilymo4th Rock is conse crated forever by the exile, as he plants in its December: Mows theseeds of.*_ ti church without a bishop, and a state without a •century and a half 'more•_pass away,' • and a detezate in - the ilouse of•turgesses of Vir, ginia, in onepflis btfrsts,„ of, impassioned elo• quence, exCia4ni, 4 ,dive Die Liberty or give me death,"' aiidthe New - Republic is b4'orti.' . • The boom of cannon on the plains of Lexing ton shakes a continent, aud bears an obscure . militia Colonel from the - shades of. Mount Ver non to thelighest pinnacle of earthly glory, to stand on that proud pedestal, peerless among men.. • . In. hemidst of the primeval forest of Colum bus' new world, on the Fourth of. Jnly, ..seven 7 teenjnindred and' 4ventv-six, fifty six ,bold naerchants, - farmers, lawyers and .'.,mechanics) representing a _few feeble celonistS,;: inheriting naught but their rights on earth and their hopes in neaten, .hemmed in by the - ocean, in front the wildernes.s and the in -the rear, lay the foundations of a new..EMpire; based on the ecinality ofaitmen in their inalienaldnrights,of life, liberty and the pursuft et happiness. Thcv startle the conservatism of the ages and shake the .thrones of the world by inscribing over its portals, "The just powers of government are derived-.from the consent of the governed" To that hour mankind had been.'regarded.ai composed of two classes, the one born .to rule, the other to be ruled; the one possessing all rights in the State, the, other having no rights, save suchasmight be, conferred by the ruling class. Seven years of bloadYsonflie.t _ensues, and the-Stars and Stripes, , iwined with the lilies of France; • float out in triumph ortlhe crinisoied fields of Yorktown, and,. Young Repuitlic takes its place atthe fire-side of nationS. But thehozannae to: Liberty are echoed f ill the wail of the bondman. Three quarters, of . 11; century more, anti the iron hail beating on the walls of Suinter4aeain shakes a continent, and the prison doors of the houie of bondage are sundered forever. A: half. million of hero patriots sleep in early gravei 'The Martyr :President seals with. fits . blood the emancipation of a race, and grasping four millions ,of broken- chains ascends from Earth to Heaven thus consecrating forever the land of Washington, as the home of the emi grant and - the asylum erthe exile of every clime and of - all races of men. - H enceforth the Goddess of Liberty can rear het altars withoutshfiddming at the clank of the ch ain, riveted by her pofessed votaries. • Wher ever on. earth's'; broad - - surface wrong may be d one to bleeding latimanity, every American heart -will beat ineympathy, and if powerless to do aught else will drop a tear o'er the sad fate of the oppressed. - - - Grievously the nation 'sinned; grievously it has atoned. Gr.id so ordained in the retribution of his providenoes, that for the sighs and tears wrung from the bondman, through his ages , cif sorrox, he exacted the sighs' and tears of a nit= tion,mourning its Unieturning brave. The wealth 'coined in the sweat of the laborers,: tms requittediail he scattered to the winds ) , in the havoc and devastation of war. National disasters are not the growth of a daY but the truit of long years of injustice and wrong. We are told by theorists on the rise and fill ot empires that, nations once great and . ' Poiver frd crumbled to decay by reason of the extent of their territory or the vastness of their popu lation. And we read in the essays of scholars that the once proud mistress of the world, en throtted on her seven hills, fell to pieces by too great expansion_of her territorial limits: No nation ever yet died, or ever will , no matter what the extent of its' territory or how Test its population, if governed by -juSt ..laws and imbued with a humanity as broad as .the race. Rume,iitid the day _ ,she, marched. in:her trio . umphal processions long trains of captives from Conquered provinces,' - to be - consigned to cruel bondage. On her soil. ilerglory departed never more to return s when she hurled men - Women and children, into the arena of her Coliseum, to be torn to pieces by wild beasts, as a &ado spectacle for her populaCe. :Any nation tiai - incorP4a* into' its institutions t jtacustomk pp Its Jaws; a barber-- Ism that blunts-theseask ,JW!tica, Arpt-ch.llo the hutnatuty,oi its pOple, -•- - . ". - 2 • Every sigh Wrung Own crashed humanity by organized.; wrong ascends-on the Prayers of the victim to_ . _the throne of ciernal- juitice; and sooner or-later comes bak in-lAtter retribu. Ons on the_head . of the :Wrong doer; if the 'rulers or :the law-makers of a people fail to profit bisuch lessons, then in the providenees of God, r haraoh-like, they must be ‘taught hY A nation whose ,people' shall practice; the :great- • precept, '‘Whatsoever ye`'would •others shOttld , do to you,do ye even so to theni," will live forever. - ' • • • • theplans of an' overruling providence; inthe affair* of men;fornied NVliin the morning Sis ts 'Brit sang together, are •wiottabt, mit through agee, and we trice the WisdoM orthe orig. hiisl - -clesgn in 'the development, 'of-, succeeding events. "No" Matterhow widely separated they tray be ris `to time prplaCe; their are but links in the grand chain of beneficent results. Goa, in Ins wisdom, kept the New World a holvling•Wilderness, so that, in ,the fullness of time; when new principles . of . action, new social organizations, were to bq developed, it eonld be done on the ashes of the wilderness ind'the inirks• of savage lifii, thus . saving the itibor Of;'4lliing and,pOssibly bloody conflict in 'snapping the ties' of life-long prejudices, in sup planting the old by the'riew,. t* of the evils that }afflict society havesbid . - , deli' originln 'violence , and ' Wrong, enacted ia to law by,the experience of the past, and re rained by the - PrejtidiCeS:of thepresent. , Had the New Wend 'been peOpled „anterior th the Moral etirtlquake of the Reformation, *bleb slialter'ed 'the' :tint° consecrated formulas of religious idea s, ,and broke .. up the, prevai fill notions, as to in ividuat rigts . and duties, it ° Would haVii'lie ileOessary to demolish the old before testing thd„ new. 1: , It was indispensablo'thit the of the mariner's compiisi ii , ', lll :llird , -1 3 f*(1.:the adven• turous . age, ;whOSe spiiii, led ,Ooltunhus to brave i'll.perils of itn unknovin ttrtod bhoreless waste of 'water's. The misson of the homeless- Nazarine his teachings from the manger to the cross, • 'were by.. reason of persecutions 'by, the civil' authpritien, bone byHis faithful cuselpfes, as I Tying witnesses, to tile, henrt of the Roman erdpire; - spread 'thence , tlfough the German fo'restSiif our Saxon' ancestry; to be by them transplanted to their new . hqirics in. the British Isle, where The seeds of the riew religion might gerniinte and riPen f?r Karst home in the New World. With ihadowS of these_ mighty events 1 hovering around, us, we.eorne . o n this anniver n.ry of the nation's birth - to dedicate . this I monument . to the heroic &ad, and lay 'ctur vo tive offerings upon their hallowed dust. , , ~Not that *ells of stone or tablets of brass aromepessarY to perpetuate their. _memories. They live in the affections of .the present, and will liiv in the gratitude of all time. Their tombs are thet -hearts of the great °,ariA ti l e good, their, monuments ,the_ granite hills of a nation rejoicing infrecdom., Though wrapped in . the shroud they are not, dead. To livein the `kindly remembrance of .those who cow, after us, is not to - clic. • . . iiiie . .i)eriod Of 4thence allotted to each - indi vidpl,in this Ivor d's pilgr 2 0; is at best but a fleeting shadow on ) the dial' late of time : ht 'T4 the wink of an eye, -'tis • he draught of a breath, • - • , , From the blossom of ,health tii the paleness of Not days, nor years, but benne trials, brave . deeds; and deep feelingS,` ritakb up the calendar of life. - He lives Itingest ;who lives most for his country and' , "Whetheeon the Scaffold high, Orin the nriny's van, ' The attest place-for man to die, where he dies for man." As We bedeW the grasi-grown . mounds of our country's fallen heroes With affection's hi hest tears, wi do it In doubt whether most to.m 'urn or rejoice at , their fate. For • "It there be on this earthly sphere, A boon', an offering, Heaven holds dear, 'Tis the last libation liberty draws, From the heart that bleeds and breaks in het cause •,. • - Over the Marathons Sand through the Ther .mopylies•of the liorld's listory, - nations have athieved a mere glorious invasion' and the race better development • • ' (Concluded on eighth page.) NIVEN ITEMS. iTow-4-plenty of 'rain to make crops grow. Jerry Stepbens, proprietor of our botel,lceeps a gocidlouse. , • • • - • We have plenty- of potato bugti and young grass-hoppers. ; . ' Our road taxes are aboueworked out, but tha roads are not any too gOcid. There is more corn planted this year than ever in one year before. It looks well. We rape two blacksmith shops, but the ham• . mere of either co't be heard . very early in the . morning. • We have within one mile of. us preaching every Sabbath, and four Sunday Schools 'within two, miles. . xoung man parried Risley was abncst in• starAtly MO by a falling tree, recently, near Tbomas% , One of our citizens,whoment west last spring to view , the country,:has returned, but doh not think the western: country any finer - orbetter than oars.• - • ' Niven, BpringviUe Twp., Pa. 0. HO* ,TO MAZIAGE THE CABI3AGB As this 'ft the season in Which farmers and market gartineri are particularly *annoyed by the cabbage worm, the following receipt for their complete extermination will be foUnd to _ be-vpiable : : "Thoroughly T mix twent Parts of '' sups - phoep4te of lime; - orie part of cartioila P?vf eF, and: . threa Parts_ of, fresh-air-sliAe d linte r '. Throw it small . quantity of tho.. eco' pouid by hand into et,ch lieml of cabbiget . Be' Te .4, lWAhrea az fouri.times , or oftener if necesoe By *is simple, remedy Trot i Quinn claims to hilvii:aaveil niuety4R,liiiiiiroT bags. , : WORM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers