.10NTROSE,APA., JULY 11, 877. umorouo. THE SUPERANUATED O. G. „. , 1 have been called a superannated old godse” :remarked a woman, about fifty years otake i as she e ntered the central station yesterday. She _sat down and looked at the captain for halt a minute, and then continued: • - "I have been called an ignorant Old _dodo, a centeuniat parchment, a relidlotts old living pyramid, and several , other, hard names, and I want a certain woman arrested right "It was a woman, eh?" queried the•cap "lt was a woman, sir, and When I shut my eyes her image comes before me as plain as a photograph. You can find her , onfhe Market." "You had a fuss, did you:?" he,asked, "We bad a dispute!" she replied, is, she un rolled a white handkerchief and held up, a' banana. "She had:some pt these buadanas for sale, and when I asked. how , she,sold bandanas she laughed in a meanifray amfiatd she hadn't a bandana On her stand. There they : was, ri ' gh't hetSre my eyes, and. yet she said She ,hadn't any. ,, "You called-them bandana, While you meant' bananas," said the' eaPtain. "There you go, tool" she ,exelaimed, as she rose up. "Don't you s'pose I know what a ban dana i 3 r "Yes mem, but thaf—" "Thisk a bandanaj" she shrieked as she waved it aronnd. - _ "That is a banana, maa 'm?' . . . "It's a bandana, or I'm a fool!" "It's a banana, or IPA vallianl" . ' , She`stepped back ;if she , meant to tbrow it at his eye, but after a . little reflection she cahnly * remarked: . ~ "There's two of yon against me, and, some of 'us are f 0015... I'm obl'eaough. to be your Mother and rve called tbeie things-bandanaii for over fifty years. Now I. - want to find ,ont, no a living Egyptian pyramid, of f yoa i ait up be hind that desk to make fun of me. Where's the city directory r „ '"The directory won't settle this cfispute," he replied as he stepped 'down. "Come to the door and we'll see what others say." She, followed him out, and in a half minute along came a boy. , ' "Boy, what's that?" t.sked the Captain, point ing to the fruit. "She's a banana," a' i csviered the boy. Thirty feet behind as another boy, and he said it was a banana. In the course of five minutes three or four men bad ,passed "by and each one had called it a banana. "There—are you satisfied now?" asked the captain as he turned to go in: "I hate to give in, but I've got to," ,she sigh ed.: I've been called a superattuated old goose, a relicious pyramid and a een tennisrparehment, and I guess I am. I've read of folks eating bandanas and tying up bundles in bananas,and fifty years of my life has been lived for noth ing. The woman was right, you'are right,And next inquire for lemons and, find out that everybody else - calls 'em -string-beans. llood•by, squire." JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE - . There is a story of Mtbarons cruelty, and it is taken from the Virginia, (Nev:.) C 1 ronic2e: Last night a gentleman Went .itito Mayer's barber shop, and _climbing into: one of the chairs stretched himself ont for a. shais. * The barber ltthered his chin; got -an - edge On his razor, and then began to tell him his family history, and ot .course he expected, the„ to tell him his in return, but was lionlewhat cha grined to find that , his victim .wss fast:asleep. When the shaving was finished lie woke the sleeper and said: "Hair cut?" • "No gr." "But you'd better have it ent—it's getting pretty long. The summer's coming , on now. I'o - or head'll get bot aad all over dandruff." "But 1 say I.don't wan't it cut:" "Nobody in Virginia we'ara his hair. long "You d—d fool?" shouted . the -man, "can't you see I. wear a wig.". . • "That's because you've never nsed my hair invigorator. :Lemme seg.-ylqin:aibottle; The foregiring is the substance of the teesti mony at the Coroners :inquest this_ Sorning 7 The jury promptiy rendered *erdieVioel nett fiable homicide. , A dandy Gf twenty 7 six having been' iertned an old bachelor:, appealed to 'an elderly gen" tletnon to decide whether he should be called old or not, giving his age as twenty-sir, Said, the elderly gentleman; "It is owing - to bow YOU take ii, Now, for a man _it is young - 'enough; but for a goose it is intiter - Art received rather an awkward criticism from a free -and-easy young man who r ecently , met a sculptor in a social circle,-.and addressed him thus: "Er—er-Iso you are - the Man--Ir t bat - makes--er--4nud heads?! .A.rid this was the artist's reply: " .Er--er—not all of ; I didn't : mak e yours." gntlemaa is Danbum Com; has had pergeverenee enough to take the temperance Pledge eighty.thme and break 31 eighty-two::';' 13 altimow is inaugurating a orusad.against Pumps. 'Tie well; But the milkmen have set to be heard from. ° ° . A horse ought never to be hungry, tor the most of the time itethee.o itt, his Mouth. ould ladies said tailvri equally , 'avoid? Bad habitii: " en a young woman blushes. And, w eau lab olle 118 4 4 So 4 1 6 9 bu 54444 FURNITURE ! :asa.Nnaik7s7 - opticriama" moved from his Old Quarters, No. 16. Ohenango Street, to 447 i n g, Isprepared'to welcome' the former customers of the house' and all new comers. We have ' every facility for putting our goods at Moderate prices, for the best of work. r. rairThe business conducted in all its branches...Xi 88 Washinjton Street, . BINGHAMTON.N. Y. EXTRA BARGAINS CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Men's and Boys' BOOTS and: SHOES, Ladies' Misses', and Children's Fine and Coarse'SHOES; DRY GOO.VS,'N'otions; 'Lowery, Black Alpacas, Cashmeres, Serge, Muslins, Sheetings auc, Best prints, remnants - Yard wide sheeting • Ladles' congress gaiters , r Good boots • - - Good cottonade pants BUTTERICK'S sukwa CATALOGUES NOW READY. May 30, 1877: "'BEST - 30 a. PRINTING BILLINq sTßoun; GENERAL FIRE. LIFE AND ACCIDENT ' NSIMA.NCE ENT,4O Miticits-coisse),*.is. Capital Represented, $100,000,000 : Ifireessociation of Phil., Capi tal & Assets, $ 6,500,00 f insurance Co. of N. A., Phil., 4 " 5,000.000 Pennsylvania Fire,. Phil., 4 ' 44 1,1E8,000 Ins. Co.of the State of Peunsyl-- ; -- - - varda, Phila. Pa. . Is • Si:. _ ;ti 700,000 Lycoming of Mauney, Pa. . " " 6,0004100 Lancaster of Lancaster, 4 4 " 400,000 Newton - of - Newton -" - • 44 .- 150,000 Home Ins. C0.,N.f., , 4 ' - 6 4 ; 6,000,000 National 44 44 64 44 450,000 Commercial Fire " 44 • 450,000 Fairfield. Fire Ina. Co. South . • Norwalk, Conn. " ' 6 , 3 / 5 ,000 Atlas - .. • • " " ' " 500,000 Royal Canadian, of Montreal, ?, • , Canada, " - 4 ' 1.200,000 Liverpool, London & Globe, " - of Liverpool Eng., " 4 27,000,000 Providence Washington, of - - Providence, R. 1., . 66 ei 600,000 Trade Ins. Co. Camden,N, J. ' • • " 270,000 Patterson Fire Ins Co. Patter- - • ' -- son, N. J. Conn. 3fninal Life I Ls. Lo., Assette $40,000,000 American Life. Phil% $5,000,000 Travitersltt a. Co., Hart., Capital and Surplui $3,000;000 Itail"-ay Passengers - " $500,000 Thenndersignedhasbeen we_lknownin thisconnty,for the past 20 years, as an Insurance Agent. , Losses sus tained by. his Compainies have always been promptly it2lrOfficeup stairi,in building east from Banking Office of. Wm. &Cooper &Co., Turnpike street. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CHARLES. IL SMITH, t office macegere. AMOS NICHOLS. f Montrose. Jan. 5. 1876. r-• icsii.l , w y --z•)=.!I PLANING LUMBER iYARb.!, In order to better accommodate the commtinity.the undersigned has established a depot for the sale of Lumber Manufactured at hieinewly-erected building on the:Old Keeler tannery Bite; in the 1 1 • REMIT' OF TOWN Where will be keptoonetantly on band: . tMulleeock• of WHITE AND YELLOW PINE, HEMLOK, OAK, ASII,. MAPLE AND BLACK WALNUT, LIMBER, which,with the aid of the most improved =whiney and competent workmen. is prepared to work/Mk/U*4 l loe to meet the wants of Customers. . ' . WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INCLUDING SWING • FLOORING, CEILING, SHINGLE. AND LATH CONSTANTLY ON HAND. , . _ , Planing; Matching, Moulding% an d Scroll qawing tone to order. WAGON, CARRIAGES . & SLEIGH, JIM Itr;Pi :41 In connection witn the above establishment. neder the matutgement of Mr. E. R. Rogeis-. Examine our work before teasing your orders elsewhere. Repairing done P romptly. _ - A. LATHROP; tlontroee, Septembel 29th, 1875. iNGELIAITON -IUP BOOK BINDERY P. A. HOPKINS & SONS, PRovarmits N0.:41 Court Street, 24 Floor, Blngliamtop, N.' Y. I. ALL swum OF BINDING AND RANK ,BOLK iiANUFACTURIN AT MIASMAS= PitiOS. 241 4 4 0 11 0 116 ** 6 1 ailitl6;444l6;`` `101(1' Stand: Tof - Ri:2lßp'fioli. SS - Wihiniton 'S(.;llljtag*a.mtpn, _.;ioOl brCadciOtia coats $8.50, AT THIS i .` " ea *4' 340,060 LIFE. ACCIDENT. 8. laNGDON ; Bolia_tor. MILL RE-OPENED ! RE-OPENED ! RE-,QPENED ! are now offered in sel Stout wool mixed pant 13 • ,;( Good .working snits I 1.00 Gooe.'wool mlxed'enite 2.50 I Good Ann all wool salts .75 , Diagonal suits; coat4ants and *et -1 WEER'S, VIELHUISR :& CO. .• • • J • FFICE. AT THE LowEsT BATES CHEAPER. THAN BUTTER VI2I MIRIV-Z- Palm , 'are the prices of .clothing , r. now - offered by Webster,. the clothier of • Binghamton: ' • The prices are !nub lesi thin their were twenty years ago. and probably lower than they will be again after this season.' . • Just see iihuif a little tilt).!im,s:o72 - KIZN's CLOTHING. - , Good cotton pants .. : • • • ... •,. •••• .• .. .75 Stout wool mixed pants • %1.75 Stout working snits ... 5.00 . All wool business snits . . 8.50 All. wool .plaid and stripetisuitis 4.50 Basket worsted suits... ,; 10.00 Genuine silk mixed suit s 11.50 Harris cassimer suits - 18.00 Fine diagonal snits 16.00 Fine' brogicloth coats, all wool- .... 8:50 All wool doeskin'. pants .450 A good' l i nen coat ..,... .75 Agood alpaca coat .••••• see. •••,, .•••• •••• • 1.75 Agood duster •0. • •.••• .• • •.. •• • . .... .1.25 Boys' Clothing-4 td 10 years. Cottonade snits ..; . . $ 1.50 Satinet snits • 8.25 Wool mixed snits 4.60 Fine wool st4tS ' . 0.50 French worsted snits .... 8.00 Boya' Clothing-9 t 0.15 years. Cottonade snits ',8.00 Satinet snits ....7 .... 4.50 Wool. mixed smite Plata and striped snits .... . 7.00 13!le.ket and diagonal suits 8.00 For Boys-15 years to Men's The same kinds and styles as men's goods. at abon 25 per cent. lees in prices. • Theee prices are 'offered only' as - an in ducement to cash buyers . aitid those Loam a distance. It will pay you to come!for-, ty miles to•buy your spring and summer clothing at these figures. EVERYBODY SNOWS THE OLD • STORE. _ C. H. I WRBSTRR, JR. - $2 and 64 Court Street. • May 16,1677. Binghamton, N. Y. NEW ARRANGEMENT ! The People's DruE Store, L N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. A - • PATENT EEDICINE 'EZPORIITE • The underFigned would respectfullyannonnce LW all the people everywhere, that to his already extensity etockand variety of Merchandise in the Grocery, Pro= vusion,and Hardware:line. -. • • 'He has added a vcry choice_ assortment Of PURE DRUGS, - PATENT MEDICINE'S, BRUSHES; PER FUMERY, &e.-which he flatten* himself he can assure the public they willfiud it to their advantage to exam inehefore purchasingeleewhere. ,•To all Physicians Axi this section of the county he would respectfully an nounce that he haesecured the services of- 31; !Kenyon. ss Druggist and Apethecary,w hose long experience and acknowledged care and ability, entitle him to your en tire confidence in the line of coMpounding medicines orpreparing prescriptions, and who, would also esteem itan especial favor to receive calls from any of his Old` .uatomers or new ones. . . Will make the Patent Medi shwas specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral Waters-sn extensive stock. Also ilneGroCeries---".* LEIBIG'S EXTRACT OF ,BEEF, XiSH SALMON PIcKLED & CANNED CLANS. LOBSTERS, PEPS.. CORN. BEANS. OYSTERS; &cr., &a. in fact, anyibng and, everything that fa ordinarily need ed, Respectfully soliciting a call, Intaglio I N; BULLARD. • „ IPOwder: Powder! Powdeil, Blsetiiis, Rifle end Shat Polirder, Shot ,' Vead, Gun Tubes. Caps, Poseites, Plasks,Pnee. &c.: Jac:. for ssleby t I; N. BIlLtutilt1); Montrose.Sepi.9lls74—itf. JOB ' - - - . - . . . _ • , • , f • . • -2 : : • • "•-; .., • - • YJ 4 ,f 4: . 4 ' • - 4 4'. t , • . ' 4 4 . 4 2 ; 4 4: :43 - 01/1101t. - : - • -: .;... 6.00 B. jr,BAYON.Drugglet 8t Apothecary. REMOVAL 5.00 7. , 10.00 25110 GLENN'S SULPHUR S O AP. THOROCIGHLY CURES DISEASES OF THE SKIN, BE turzp THE: COHPLEXION, PREVENTS AND • REM EDIES RHEIMATISICANO GOUT; 11F.A:S 'SORES ANDABRASIONS OF TEM CuTici.i AND COUNTERACTS CONTAGION. , . 'This Standard External Remedy for Erup. titans; Sores and Nuries of the Sun, not only REMOVES FROMI THE COMPLEXION ALL Bum arising from local. -impurities of the blood and, obstruction .of ;the pores, but alsoj those produced by the sun" and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the =mut' ,KARITELOUSLY CLEAR; SMOOTH and'PLIANT, amt. being :a ;WHOLESOME BEAUTIFIER is far iireferatoleto any cosmetic. ; Ar.t. 'THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGE:S of SUL. 'pnui BATHS are insured -BY I'HE USE OF fnenies kkaphur Soap, which in addi titan. to,it.sirariying effects,. remedies _ and PRE- - VENTS RHEUMATISM and GOUT. It also DISINFT.CTS CLOTHING and wax aid PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY CONTACT with the PERSON. . , DISSOLVES DANDRUFF, prevents' bold ness„ aid retards grayness of the hair.- PliysiOans speak, of it in high &cram . Prices72s and 50 Oentspereeke; per Box (3 Ciakes), 60e, and $1.20. .IL Rom" The socent cakes azeteiple ItZu aof du= at "lindVS - liiik*NI).VIISKERIOTV • ./1/41mrilvisitruiso,cfatfi. • COTTEITOkProfr, 7 Sixth k s LT. a Dr z 8 SULPHUR SOAP -• • • 11:11 re 5411811 g. 111=1; f14:13111ril g -fdag: Ml4rigt‘ ndent, the •coameet : skin rematialLy 1 sok sand healtlifil. It imparts a beitttiftti yntevitittwat to the ski u; forms an ehistin whitenass. It cum burns, eiahlsothatiagi eiiiiiiatitink'runthtieerOiti; sunburn, frock= 171 les; liver eponkshapped sown, incite ruff, faitere on the hands and feet. itch,. aitt' On d eh, 'tetra itetiretin thattiakittlible' of ' the .114, 1 piJaa,, l g ems.- Also - relieves -the err" hhtg'atod irritation of biting and 'stinting. hivot„ LV -4 is especial ly . .... adapted to VW TOU., O-RRERY,. and taxvu• spots, you cart 1 sake aSalphtar fAmh at Plettextre. - • For bath int Children, it - _is unequalled.: -Ladies Who; Woe itiu. their Toilet'would never do without it. It neutralises the odor of perspiration, arid; as 141 external remedy, can scarcely ba I ; Pied amid. ;Tall ditections aaxrutpattywarie 1.1 package . . TRY ,• ; CAI;3 Cain fttr CO CU.. By malt 3.5 etit. By bull 75 Ote, 7 . . iffaite liercrr kr. fir.: Van .11,3r4e 9 . 5t. lea 13'I Green St., Pliilide4thie,.. seta 3t alil t; < M q o 7t gi :NO -UR OEIL UT W. SMITH & SON, . Mannfitcturers and healers la all khkds of Pluxbriltuare PARLOR SUITES, CHAMBER - :SUITES, COSTLY & CHEAP FURNITURE, .:- ALL• KINDS OF MATTRESSES, SPRING BOTTOMS, &c., &c. I" • terFurnitureßepaired, Bottoms put in Chairs, Upholstering . done, Covering Vhairs and Lounges, 'Mattresses • • done over.* UNDERTAKING, &O. • The Subaevibeifi make Undertaking a specialty in their httainees. Having one of the tnotit elegant Ibruimsan'in: the, State, sill needing their Bailees . viill be at- tended to promptly and it Wit= • _ . isc4ctorY chimes: er. SON. Kontrase,Jan. 10, 1817t4 VALUABLE. , ' • - BEAL ESTATE- FOR- SALE, • ' • fine The undersigned ,Offera, upon reasousble tersnica farm m AUBURN TOWNSHIP about 13f canes from tho 4 Corn-*, containing 150 acres, with pod buildings and, orchard upon It and all Improved., For particalars_enquire of ' _ BLOOSL.BII ' FOster.Susq - nehanna County; Pa. B...LINABERRY _ Autsurn 4 corners. Susquehanna Counth% Pa. Jan.lo, Iffnf. Asid‘inles of Jae.; D. Ltnaberry. AYLOR'S COUGIE AVI persons 4nffering [rota' the effects of throat aid lung diseases should give Taylor's Cough Syrup or ex pea- orant a tnal. It works thoroughly upon the Liver, Kidneys and Lungs, as well as upon the whole system, cleansing the mucous membrane- rconoving soreness and giving tone and strength to Ibe differentorgans.-- It is warranted to give sittsfaction„ • /distending in need of a condition powder for any kind of stock or poultry should givr Taylor a trial.— They are warranted to be the best- powder in market and to give entire satilfiultion- or. the monerwill be re fo.kded. Tltey are sold by all dealers in medicines. PICEOATTRIX 7 B NOTlOR—Wlioreas LAWS testamentary to ::the .NMU) ot. Hotly, deed. late of Chcieount tsvp., It a ring been grain ed to the tuuleftteed, all persons indebted to asides. tate are rep -Ut-W to make tatmedlateimymeat, And tlt peak= having elakaa - mintalka same, are ,requeetird 1 0 0 1 r,11+4 11 41WWIthokt Wavy , ,9# 7 0 11 ,4 '4103114 1 . 741: • 4 ••• • - • NEW 'SPRING S-T-O-O-K 4 - IX - 416 - NAT IA - "E" :14i.NV - -; MILFORD, ; , P A . . Having loeated tft tie BRICK STORE for- . merly occupied by IL & W. T. Dickerman,L. would say to my friends and the public genet aly that Lam now receiving direct from New York one of the largest stocks of goods ever offer ed in this county, (and will be sold .4it lower Oices,) constating of • DRY GOODS,,NOTIONS, HATS, OAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, WALL-PAPER, READY- • ' MA-DE oLoTrmsro; .Etc , , These goods were bought for cash, with-all, possible discount off, and are to be sold on the same terms. SPECIALTY-I have just received a 0,000.00 SPECIALTY-Bankrupt stock of Clothing,pur- SPECIALTY-chased tit's nominal prim,which SPECIALTY-will be soldfor about one-balf SYECIALTY-ialue,' (guaranteed to be 25,per SPECIALTY-cent. lower than the same goods SPECIALTY-can be` boughtin Biughlunton.) This is not.wind, but a fact, and yoti can be convinced by examining the goods. -. Inri_ttlr_. MOTTO IS READY-PAY .;M In *looking the matter: over I see that the credit system still continues to increase itik vie :tims of , buyers and sellers; while the ready-pay system is growing in favor. larThete is no other way fo u r a merchant to sell goods. for a 'stuall Profit than to denuvidipay - when delivered. ilf there bad been no credit system there would be no hatt times to complain of. IV it , for a year and you will navel' gQ backward, but ,be convinced of its benefit. ' ' .I am agent for Mm'e. Demorest's pattern's; aJso, take orders for Henan itliadush'seustom shoes. "'the price tells and everybody telli the price. jAp.18,17.] 0. lI:HAWLEY. A N IMPORTANT LOCAL RZFORM I LIL nereatter geode Will be sold at' E. P. STAMP'S &TORE, In Montrose, for OAAH $t CASH PRIORS. I will keep goad goods sad caske the prie* to suit the choir. buyers, I have had seven years experience an baying and selling FLOURS() that I knoVr where- to hay and what to bay to °lilt the' customers et this vicinity. I WILL Id • KR A SPRCIALTY siP 'WHIT WHEAT ?LOUR 7 and warrant every barrel and ittek to suit or refund the mentor. sciinewover vt.TM. I have recently made arrangements by which I can sell ClUeWiliG TOBACOO the 'pound as cheap „urn fzu bay of any wholesale Tobacco Howe I also keep Chewing TC; in 101 b. cadd'gs for whi.,n, I will rkatki" prices. .„- I keep on band i a large quzzitity &ALT and keep under' . ilmver, und it,as - low as possible for this Intaki. Sugar, Tea, Coffee; Syrup,i6ert,p, Pork, Fish, &c.., all at the nimble Etia Po:L.O prices. • , I trust . I will receive euffic:ksitrltroki age from cash buyers to 4 - e the wait system a success. Rsapectfully, E. P. Ellaii.UP ' Opposite the Rankin House of Wr.u. H. 1 , Cooper & Co., and the. Dry Guads ,Hours, , of Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co. Montrose, Oct. 11, 1876tt: 7 BUIEIIN4SS COLLEGE. MONTROSE, PA. Ors • • • 4 of this institution will coniamee Tuesday Nay 1.1877, and continues in melon turiag, tbo sumer. ENTER AT ANY FILE. TEEL ik „ILThii lON 44,Z1LE:7- Circulars containing full particulars to be hiptd at the College, or sent by mail. - Address E. K. L0131331t. Xsyl, 1917. • CORRECTION 1 Bunter 'has it thitbaving been elected County Tress urer for the ensuing three years. I am to discondnae jai Inan,rance busines. Raid Rurion is UrlitlTE, and without foundation and while thanking yen for t own, and appreciat ion of good Insurance in tkt ask a continuance of yourpatronage, prorate t SU bttsiness entrusted to me skill be prow att to. My Companies are all sound and retie as n top lily who have met with 1.-16 s ca du, he jetty at tar Agency. Read the'Llat t , North British and Mercantile, Capital. ' $10,000,000 Queens of London, 4 ' •• Ltd() fed Old Franklin, Philadelphia, Aisets, 11,a4 Q Old Continental, nearly ' 8,390,W. Old Phcenix of Hartford, • 44.4 ' LIMN° Old Hanover. N. Y., " - 44 ' 1,330.090 Old Farmers, York, „ " -/ MOOO I also represent the sew York Mutual lA6I of over 80 years standing, and trUsete alttantt4.— Also, the Masonic Mutual Benefit Aatoulat4in Amts. , sylvan's. ' Get an Aecidental sovenng all seciditate, in the Hartford Accident I Co. Pelidas wtitten from one day to one - Year. Od T ' con's far la WOO Policy. , Please call or send word, when you take a trip Very respectfally.l • • I '. HENRY, C. TY/JR. Montrose ,Ps „Jan .19 1878.-4 f MANHOOD: HOW ' LOST, HOW RE •Lv-L STORED i - Just published. a new edition of D. On , I` , v Ewa's:Lt.'s CILLZMWTED rayonVe the =di (A_A ttiN„ cal cure (without medicine) of Sp rrustorr. hcea or Seminal Weelmees, Involuct tart. Seminal Leesm, impotency. ;lentil and Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Ltsrriage, etc. also, Consumption. Zpilepdy tea Fite, in,,lueedly self ; indulgence or sexual extravagance, eto. Price, in sealed envelope. only six cents, ' be celebrated anther. is this imam is 2,r0y,, derma ly demonstrates, from a thirty yours' creloyesfal me tice, that the alarming coor•equences of melte:two may be radically cured without We dongerasu mze of nal medicine or• the spplicatiou of the baits; )that oat a mode of cure, at rope simple, certain antyiyaimu k by means et which every evArrer. no ,• , ..tataint.trisitats condition zany be, tnity cbulli, pilot* atnadically. . , rarThis lecture aim* _ be in. the ~ ...114:1'414 Omy youth and every =us in abolltatit. • - • Bent 'ander resi t : * plain envelope'. to %sty post-paid, on reCoipt ef44llMAlseg 1 11 ;;;11011r 0 0:016 ,d.ddresa the Pubitshurs. THE, eiIiNZEMNJUMEr .11439e404;111,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers