gONTROSk, PA., JUNg , 27, 1877. 1;1 t OUL C.. THE MAN WllO WAS EXCITED:. OVER THE WAR NEWS. fir} 'White, a Detroiter of middle age, visited this ()dice yesterday to find a / war map and have OW 'about the European situation, and it. wasn't ten minutes befote his enthusiasm was: to the Wiling point, • "It will be wortilhoust Mi uids and millions d billions of dollars td this country !" he shouted , ho-broke through one of the:office eziirs. qes, it will" somebody Ornarited.. "It will stiffen wages, brifig out capital make money pleniy and just set Us all to whooping!"- be whooped as he scratched the leg Wounded, at the first Bull run. Sanebody remarked thrit it,. probably would. 'risking livenovspaper war maim. nuclei , One aral and a copy of the London - Time* under Vie other, Mr. White left the office and pro. seeded directly- homeward feeling more, patri otic every moment.' "Oh ! we're going to lay , 'ern right out, Nancy !" be said, as he dropped his hat in the &or way. "Did you order that fiour ?", she asked in st,' careless tone. • - - "Flout! what.do I care for flour? Rus alarlS has got Rare and hall of, the Turkish army !" A "Have, eh 1 1 Well, I hope that paper hanger will be here in the morning. You didn't think to see about that—" - "Right here is Ears, and right here is where the Turks got inauleil !"', he exclaimed as he knelt on the floor and traced one of the,maps. "Did, eh ?" Say John, can't you rake off, the lawn this morning, and did you See about the whitewashing? "Will you talk about White Washing when all Europe is convulsed with war?" he tiere,ely demanded as he shookAke other , four maps 4,1 her. "I-I'd like these onion beds Marked out today," she replied, as she bunted through the work basket for a button with' an eye in it. "Onion beds marked out, when this very copy of the London Times editorially predicts that a million armed men, be rushing at each others' throats in less tbati sixty days . !" ... She tontrd the button, and he unrolled the balance of the maps. There viasa-dead silence until his finger rested on• the city, ot Erzerown , when'he shouted: • - "neve she is ! Right around here is where they are making the Turks-howl forsugar I" "By the way JOhn," she softly remarked, as sue looked up, don't you think that summer kitchen will have to be reshingled this spring_?' The girl?who does general. ' housework says he tore the five war maps into five hundred pieces, anal hanged the London Times: against the wall with an awful thumb _ as he jumped out of doors, but girls die so etimes prdjudi ced. Mr. White was in the orner grocery at half past eleven sayingto the pprietor: - "Don't it.' make your blo d' jump i as&ou real of the European situation?", And the proprietor.raked the cheeseknife the edge of the counter to , clean it and . replied: "Seems like I shall 'have t 6 .doze pots Rho cut soap fait dis knife." How can you expect anything but a warribr to feel [fa warriors do ?" We have taken wood, potatoes, corn, eggs, butter, onions, cabbages, chickens, stone, !um ber,labor. sand, calico, sauerkraut,. ; second=hand clothing, coon skins, and * buil , : : juiee on sub scriptions, in our time, and now ti man writes to us to know if we would send the 'piper six : months for a large owl. There are a teiv things an editor would refise on subscriptions, and if we come across any fellow whO is out of an owl and is in need of one Iwe'll' do Osborne (Kan) Farmer, An Irishman, one day, on finding a,, blanket, told is wife of his good fortune, and went,on to say that elarnin' was a foine,t,hing," "Yis," he said, "and begorra . the blanket bed me name on for Patrick and 8 for 311cCarty. "Yes, begorra, lamin,lB a mighty folne thing." Dr. Holland wants to ititoW l : "who can tell what s baby 'thinks ?" Well, What would Dr, Holland think himself if be had to . Wear„clothes a mile too long for him, 'an have his , back stunk so lull of pins that ther. wasn't room , on it fof half a square inch of pri kley heat.=-Bur ilaglon &Oleo. • , The most original spilling .:e have ever seen or beard of is the following. It beats phone tics. 80 you be—a tub. 80 L h I - .pea--a top Be 80—bat. See 80—cat. P 80—pat. .Are 80—rat. See Oh ! doublp yon4cow. See 'you be -- eub.-fißee a hee.tah. Be you double tea--- butt. See a double ell—call. ' ' -' Put away his little poem ; to Us publish do not.sik it; Fame through us shall never know im— He has climbed the golden basket —Gone to meet the coinmunleatiOn written on both sides of the paper. 4 Ai old maid suggests that 'when men break' their hearts:it is all - the lame as when' a lobster breaks one of his ~ claws—another sprogts and roirs in Its place. There is. a man in Tennessee with such big het that, if he' gets 'them wet in December; he dueen't have a tt9id his head 'Until rebruarY• Crusty says that the list of matThtges in' the l lews-pr.pers ought to be putt - under the bead'of "Ring Frauda". • •-. The differf*.betwien- pvenxet- - it one MTwisi4aud tizioitiet,yoi wee, What the shOem* thre*-at- hie wit' FITRNITURP, ANTM3E:I6:36 7. C3Et.CDOT3WSM Eitiving moved from his Old. Quarters Chenango Street i to Is prepared to welcome th 4 :former customers of the hOuse and all new_ corners every;facility for t puttirig our goods at moderate prices, for the heSt of work. • - '(The business conducted in all its branches.. a ga • • , • 88 Washingtot Street, I • BING AMTON, 14. Y. EXTRA BARGAINS CLOTHING, HArrs, CAPS, Men's and lioys' BOOTS and SHOES; :Ladiee Misses', and Children's Fine `and Coarse SHOES pity .GOODS,'Nkions, Hosier, Black Alpacas, Cashmeres, Serge,,Muslims, Sheetings Srie. it, • . • Bdst prints; remnants • Yird wide sheeting' Ladies' congress go4ters Good boots Good cottonade pints MEM i3UTTERICS'S' ;SUMMER CATALOGUES NOW READY. May 34,1877. B EST -4908:PRINTING BILLIIsIGS STROUD GENERAL FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE AGENT, 21Eciastraisse.N o st. Ow'Lai Represented, $100,000,000 1 _ • Fire Association of Phil,. Capi tal sr, Assets, $ 3,500,00 C Insurance Co. of N. A., Phil., ' • "" 5,000.000 Panneyirtnia Fire,. Phil., 1, 4 100,000 Ins. Co.of the State of Pelinsyl- • vanta, Phila. Pa. 44 Lyciiming of Manncy, Pa. " Lancaster' .of Lancaster, " Newton' of Newton, Home ins.-Co., N. Y., " National " 44 _ ls, Commercial. Fire " 4 4 Fairfield Fire Ens. ,Co. South Norwalk, Conn. " `• Atlas . Royal Canadian, of Montreal,' Canada, •6 Livhrpool. London & Globe, of Liverpool. Eng., - " Providence 'Washington, of Providence, R. 1., " Tradelns. Co. Camden, NT, J. Patterson Fire Ins Co. Patter son N " Conn. NI atcal Life Icb Co., Aseette $40,000,000 American Life. Phi:a. • - $5,000,000 Tra.velers Ins. Co., Hart,; Capital and Surplus $3,000,000 Railway Passengers 41 • 5500,000 Theandersignedhisbeenwe.lknowninthiscounty,for the past 20 years, as an. Insurance Agent., Losses sus tained by his Compainies have always ben promptly paid." - • OrOfitce upstairs, in building , east from Banking Office of Wm. B. Cooper 41; Co., Turnpike s treet. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent., CHARLES 11. SMITH. (I: - Office Managers: AMOS NICHOLS, S. LANGDON, Solicitor. Montrose. Jan. B. 1876. 17 , 0.3 , ;,` , . V Y X7:•1 -+A ;PLANING::'.: ~...-3,11LL • AND LUMBER YARDI In order to better accommodate the eommunity.the undersigned has established 's depot' for the sale of Lumber Manufactured at hiE newly-erected buildingon the:old Beeler tannery Site,in the HEART 'Or TOWN where will be kept constantly on hand. A full stocknl WHITE AND' YELLOW P LNE, HEMLOK, OAK, ASH, MAPLE AND BLACK WALNUT LUMBER , whidh,wlth the aid of the most improved machiney and competent workmen s prepared to *work intoank acdpe to meet the wants of . Customers. WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INOL= SIDING FLOORING, CEILING. SHINOL AND LATH CONSTANTLY ON . Planing, Matching, Mauldinga,,and Scroll Sawing tone to order. • Wit.GON, CARRIAGES & SLEIGH MANIIIPACTORY in connection wit n the above establtehmeut, under the management of Mr. E. H. Rogers. Examine our work before leaving, your orders elsewhere. Repairing done promptly. AkLATEIROP; Montrofse. geptembes 29th. 1875. f iwNomoirrozi tOOK BINDERY P. A. HOPKINS SOiTS, Pponivitols No: 41 Court Street, 24 Floor, Binghamton, N. Y. ALL STYLES or BINDING AND BLANK YBOO( 401UFACT4111140 iTiUSONABLit PRICES. a et , aiiiiateexsy 101, .-18761-b1- Ok Stand of E. D. Ro SS Washington St„, ShighaintOn;; sc. ,-,1, _Stout wool mixed pants , Good Workine snits ; .I.LO ' Gooe. wool mixed sults -2141 Good flue all wool snits' - • .15 , Diagonal Suits, coat, pants and vest ' , .''.:All . w,obt.-biadeloth'..ebats. .0-7§o. AT THIS - . " • 700.000 •.' 8,000,000 '400,000 "- 150,000 "I 6.000,000 "I 45%000 •t 450,000 325.000 500,000 G. 1.200,000 27,000,000 .11 600,000 210,000 340,000 LIFE. ACCIDENT. =7 O RE-OPENED ! RE-OPENED ! RE-OPENED are now offered is WEEKs,:muqLnyisa . -: : 4: . vp ! AT THE LOWEST RATEQ FFIdE. - , _ CHEAPER THAN BUTTER txociri POSED are the pricecof clothing now offered by Webster, the clothier of . Binghamton.' The prices are much lesathAn they were twenty Yeara ago. and probably lower than they will be again alter tbla season. • • • Just what a little 'honey will buy. &•.,„ 6 „ . • MEN'S CLOT Is Good cotton pants Stout wool mixed pante Stout working suits ; MI wool business suiti. . All wool plaid and striped . saits Basket worsted suits Genuine silk rui zed suits Harris caisimer snits Fine diagonal snits • Fine broadcloth coats, all wool , All wool doeskin pants „ A good linen coat ... A good alpaca coat- A _ A good duster - Boys' Clothing-4 to 10_yesys. Cottonade suits , $ 1.50 Satinet suits 815 Wool mixed suits .... 4.50 Fine wool suits . 6.50 French worsted suits . .... 8.00 Cot tnn ade snits .... Satinet snits Wool mixed suits - ... Plaid and striped suittt. Bastet and diagonal suits - For BOyS-15 years , to If 'ssizes. The same kinds and styles as inen's goods. at about 25 per cent. less in prices. These,prices are .oftered only as an in ducement to . cash buyers'and those froth ailistatiCe. it will:pay you to come for ty Mites to buy_your spring and summer clothing at these figures. EVERYBODYKNOWS THE OLD BTo - RR. - • • • C. H. WEBSTER, JR. • 62 and 64 Court Street. May 164877. ' Binghamton, MY: Tlie::::.. - Ptoples.':-.:.:_Brig4:--:.,_turil . L N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. PATENT MEDICINE EDIPORIUM The undersigned would rcspectinllyannonnee to all the people everywhere, that to his already extensiv stock and variety of Merchandisein the Grocery, Pro. vision.and Hardware:line. ' He has added . a very Choice assortment of PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. BRUSHES, - PER. FUMERT, &c.. Which he flatters himself he can assure the public they will find it totheir advantage to exam. in before purchasingelsewhere. To all Phyeicians in this section of the county he would respectfully an nOunce that he hassecured the services of R. Kenyon . as Druggist and Apothecary, w . hose long experience and •acknowledgeticare and ability, entitle him to your en tire confidence in the line of compo - fanding medicines or preparing prescriptions, and who wonld also esteem it an especial favor to receive calls from env of his old -ustomers or new ones. Will make the Patent Medi /Ines a specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign - Mineral Waters—anextenisive stock. Also fine Groceries— LEIBIG'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, FRESH SALMON PICKLED & CANNED CLAMS. LOBSTERS, PEAS. CORN, BEANS. OYSTERS, AC., &C. In fact, anythng and everything that is ordinarily need ed, Respectfully soliciting- a call, tremain ' • L N . BULLARD. Blasting. Rifle And Shot Powder, Shot, Lead, - "Gun Tubes; Caps, Pouches,' Flasks, Fuse, &c., ie:, ac..: ter sale by Montrose, -AT Boys' -Clothing-9 to 15 years. B. KENYON ,Dragitst & Apothec.ary Powder! Powder! Powder I' WORK , . . ' fri; AT. ''-- . ' I . •,' , - IMMERIME EMMVE=EME .',,;-:,.::1...,' ' 7 -. ~, 1,,.,',,::_.., REMOVAL We .have 1,75 5.(k) 7.50 • , I 10.00 15,00 $ .75 1.75' 5.09 8.50 9.50 10.00 11.50 13.00 16,00 • 8:50 4.50 .75 1.75 1.25 • • • •••• C - , 1 - ::4)1110E: s - , ../.1 Cr 77.' 1 7 - . • Ij't; 144(1.p ; t;;; - '1,4 , ,5;;,!.. J . ,,N ; • it • - re, - ;41t) i • t:. .1: - II:: • ' •• • ~1~". I , ` " • ' s• -•.x • • `•• ‘: , ' • , t 4 t . , 1 t l f ~~L~Iy -o:i ! !py , E;i:,,,., SULPHUR- . : - SOAP. Is Cleansing. Deodorizinz, Diginfecting, Soothing, Dealing and. Purifsiag. It tend.•rs the. tasusest skin remarkalf., soft and healthful. .It imparts abeautiful smoothness to the akin, and forms in elastic whiteness. It ,euriat burns, scalds, chafing, excoriations, roughne&,,tan, sunburn, freck les, liver spots, chapped hands, sores, ulcers, dandruff, blisters on the hands and feet, itch, ground itch,itchinghetween the toes, itching of the body, piles, corns. Also relieyes. the -itching aud irritation of biting and .stinging insects • As it Is especially adapted. tlthe Ton:vr, .iunizEnr, ,and. BATH ROOM, you can, take a Strip!, it Butkattleastire.. For bath ing Children,•it is- unequalled. Ladies who rtse it in their Toilet would never do without • It neutralizes the bdor.of perspiration, and; as an external remedy, can scarcely be used authms: Full directions accompany each package. TRY IT. , . -Price 25Cts.jer Cake. 3 Cakes far CO Cts. - , By ets. By mail 7 . 6 CDs. • - 31 A EN `ThirtYr Dr. Van 1:17,v1i.e1r.4. No, 1321 Green G.t., Philzdelphia. toed. b y DIE NO OTHEL. W. SMITH & SON, • • Itia,nufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Lzrxiature PARLOR SUITES, CHAMBER SUITES, _ COSTLY &.CHEAP FURNITURE, • ALL 'BINDS OF MATTRESSES, SPRINO BOTTOMS &c. ac rirFurniture &paired, Bott(imi put in - chairs, :Upholstering done, (Yovering ehairs and Lounges; Mattresses . done over. , lI,IsIPS4.TAKIIA4II . : - 4(4, -;; , The r Subscribers will make Undertaking specialty in their business. Eaving one of the most elegant LizansEs in the State • all needingtheir services , will be at tended' to promptly and at sat- • , ' isfactory charges.- W.. W. 'SMITH & SON. , litontrose,Jan,lo,lB77o. • • .1 , , VALUABLE 1 , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 7 Tie undersigned offers, upon . tenable terms,,s lanetarm In • . i ' AUBURN TOWIISIIIP, abqUt I,ie n fttthe 4 Corm sere!, whigttbungs and orm improved. -- 1 or particulars e fljilrei I lif t. :L A ,. 1 , aim NA, t , anni t., ) Jas. D,. Jan.lo, IVIItt. IPAYLOWS, COUGH S '',.R.UP.. A. • ~ ' ' . , . . All persons suffering .from the 0, i • lung diseases should give 'Taylor's. peetoranta trial,. It works tho:ou • i 1 Kidneys and Lungs, as wefts ape , t 5 4 eleszsingthe mucous membrane - t and giving tone and strength to th 1 It is warranted to give stUsfaction; ~ Foster.Sneqtte Auburn, 4 Corners. Basque! Assigneco 01 Allanding in need. of a =Mon pOwder for anY kind of stock or poultry should givr Taylor a trial.— They are warranted to be the beet powder In market and to give entire satlethdtton or the money will be re bladed. They are gold by all dealers is medlebteg. VXBOUTRIX'S NO'TIOR.--Whereas I.;•ri Letters testanwitarg to the estate of William Itorlytdec'd. *to Vbeconat twp:• o ha ring been matt ed to the -undenfined, *IL persons Indebted -to said 4: 1 1 , tats We requested to make - linmedlsto payment; and all persons having Claims against thirsarn4,axe requested to presentthina without &W. - MART M• RIMY, Zuentrit. Nay MOM. • I*-1111 MEM i'~. . MEI containhigllo hard upon it and all lot, tAKESLES, 'suns County, 1%. NADERRY &nun County: Pa. Jas. D. Linaberry, feet/ of throat and 'lough Syrup or ex ly upohthe Liver, the whole system, unoving, soreness Ilfferentorgails--- NEN '' .:S,PRINe .., .._".-..::..-.-. .-..-::., ,::-.-:.,_.......:,,.. NpY,'• , M#,.l',C,)Rp,', :-Vaii: , Raving lo cated in the BRICK STORE for. raerly Occupied'by H. & W. T. Diekerman,l viould ra say to y friends and the,publip gentr ' , ily that 1 ant now receiving direct from New , Ynrk one of the largat docks of goat ever offer edin this county, (and swill be sold al lower pitees,),consiating of DRY .GOODB, NOTIONS, "TAMS,. CAPS; 1.100 TS; SROES, WALL-PAPER; 'READY- • - • . • - •:MADE CLOTHING; Etc • These gOods . Were - bought for cash; with all possible discount off, and are to be.sohl on the same terms.. • - •„ . , • .•• • SPECIALTY-I have" jn.4t received a $4,000.00 SPECIALTY-Bankrupt stock of .Olotbing,pnr; SPECrALTY-ch4sed at, nominal. pricembich SPECIALT Y-* II I be. sold for abOUt one-half ita seEchuiry-A -, oo,.(guarenteed to :be 25 .per SPECIALTI% 7 cent, lower than the same goods SPECIA LTy-ctin' be bought - Binghamton.} .. f This Is not- wind,bft - factoind'you can be.' convinced-by..examining the goods. (HarIVIY morn: , -.ls READY-PAY I looking the matter over. I see tinkt the credit system still continues to increase its vic tinis of lietyers and sellers, while' the read Y-pay system, is:growing , lit favor. C26 - There . is: no other way •f4r a merchant to sell .goods for a small proflethan to deniand pay when deliirered. It there had been no credit system - there would be no :hard times to complain of. Try_ ; it for a year and you will never go - backward, but be° convinced of its benefit. - I• ain agent for Meee.` Demorestia patterns; also, take orders for Hanan +lt ltadush's custom Blioes. "The price tells and everybody tells the price. [Ap.IB,I7J O. HA-WLEY. . AW IM PORTANT LOCAL REFORM. ,fiereatter goods will be sold at, E. P.. STAMP'S STORE, [ii Montrose, for CASH at CASH PRICES. 'I will keep good goods and make the prices to suit the closest buyers. Mom, .have. had seven. years e xperience in bnying and sellingno.uß so that I know where : to.buy and. what to Itiy to suit the, - customers of I WILL MAKE A SPEoiAiTi . (6 MUTE WHEAT' FLOUR and warrant every barrel and sack to suit or refund the money. CHEWING TOBACCO! I have recently made arranqements by which s can sell CHEWING -loßAbco by the pound as cheap as you can buy of any wholesale Tobacco House, by the barrel. I also keep iohew:ng Tobacco in 10 lb. cadd'gs for whi...a I will make . special mices. - . • Ylcepp on hand i‘laiNe quantity of'SALT and keep under cover, and will sell it as low as possible for this.market. Sugar; Tea, Coffee,' SyruP, Soap,,Pork, Fish,. &c., all at the nimble six pence prices. I trust I will receive. sufficient-patron age from cash buyers, to make the'eash system a success: ~ Respectfully, , , E. P.,. Opposite' the Banking: House of .Wm. H. Cooper & Co., and 'ill° Dry -Sl.oda House of Guttenberg Rosenbaum & Co. .4, • , • Montrose,-,Oet. 11,1876tt. • Bus[Figss - COLLgGE. , . MONTROSE; PA: • ' Tax= Ercr...vta.namit. of tide` Institution' will coinmenee ' Tuesday , May 1, 1877, - a$ cuntinuce in session during the stunsuer. , • ENTER AT ANY TIME: • _. •„ , , TERMS IiEASONABI , •E.. • Circulars containing [n i l particularS tobe bad at•tha College; or sent, by mail. • Address E. K. uasisg; May;, 13172 • ' • 'Btl C9AREOTION 1 Rumor has it that having been eleCted County Treas urer for the ensuing three years. I am to discontinue my Insurance busines. Said RUMOR is UNTRUE, and without foUndation, and while thanking you fdr kind ness, and appreciation of good- lAsurance in the past, I ask a continuance of your patronage, promising that all businms entrusted to me shall b&-promptly attended to. , My Companies are all sound and yeliable, as all can tes tify whci have met with losses during the paatenyears at my Agency. Read the List I North British anti Mercantile, Capital. Queens of London, , Old Franklin. Philadelphia, Assets, Old Continents', N. Y., •• Old Phtedtx of Hartford, Old Hanover. N. Y., Old Farmers, York, • I also represent the 'taw lora Ratner Life InsPremce of over &I years standing, and assets Over 1180.000,000. Also,the Masonic Mutual . Benefit Association of Penn. sylvania. _ 101rOet an Aecidental Policy covering all accidents, In the Hartford Accident Ins. CO. Facie* written from one day to one year. Only 25 cents for a $8.005 Policy. Please call or send word, when you take a trip Very respectfully. • , . HUEY C. TYLER. Montiose Ps 'Tan .19 1876.—tf • itylliiHOOD: HOW LOST,' HOW;RE -4."4 - 'STORED ! Just published'. a new edition of Dn. Cm.- • (":„. yowszwe CELEBRATED Essay on the mdi• tiLl X114' . . cal cure (without medicine) of Spermatorr. mg, \...."-, bass orSeminal, Weekness, Involun tary Setubal Losses, itimotency. Mental and Physical. Incapacity . Impediments to Marriage, etc. • also. Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits Mnduced by self . . , InfilEence or sexual extravagance, atc ' . Price, in sealed envelope, only x cents. he celebrated author, in this admire le Essay, Clear , ly demonstratee, from a thirty , years' udeessful pre t . tice 4 that the alarming consequences o self-abuse may , be radically Cured without the dangeron° use of inter« nal medicine or the application of the knit* and rotating out amide of cure at once simple, certain and effectual by means of which every sufferer. no matter what his condition, may be, may cure himself cheaply - , privately and radically. _ rffrThis lecture should be In the b 411411 of every youth and every man in the land. .. . - . . Sent under - lies], in 4 pieta enitelope, to any address, post.pod. on rece i pt in , alt, Mt° or two ignittige stamps, Adftesa the Peauvbem E ,- - -, 1 - _ - THE CULVERwL4 MEDICAL Vo., , Vot; XiiiitTialt ; Paternallei,on ISALLAT. $10,000,000 2,000,000 8,M0,000 nearly .8,000,000 • 2.000,000 ai 1,600,000 .4 1.0001000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers