The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, June 27, 1877, Image 6

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MONTROSE, PA , juNg.-27;j577,7
, ' 'What makes the dog's nose always cold?" -
111 try to' tell'you, curls of gold, . k
If You will good and quiet he,
'And come and stand-by mamma's knee;
Well i years and years and years ago—
' 'How many :I don't really know— •
' = There came a raia.on sea and shore; .
Its like was never seen before , •
Or since. It tell unceasing down,
' ''fill all the world began to drown. - '
• But,,i us( before it 'gari to pour,
An old, old Man—his name was Noah— - •
'.liuilt him an , irk, that he might save . .
' His family troin a watery grave
'An in it also he designed
- ; To shelter two of every kind
'Of beast: Well, dear, when it was done,
And heavy-clouds obscured the sun,
The Noah folks to it quickly ran,
,'And then the animals began
'To gravely'. march along, in pairs.
The leopards, tigers, wolyea and bears; •
The'deer, the hippopotamuses,
... The rehhite, squirrels, elks, witlrusses,
The camels, goats, cats and donkeys,
The tall giraffes, belvers, monkeys.,
The rats, the big rhinoceroses,
The dromedaries and the horses,:
- • The sheep, the mice, the k,angaroos,
Hyenas, elephants, koodcos,, ' ,
-- •
And hundreds more'twoul ' take all day,
My dear, so many, names to ay=
And at the very, Yer - y'end , .
Of' the procession, by his friend • ''
And master, faithful dog wlfs seen,.
The livelong time he'd helping been -
To drive the crowd of creatures in;
. And now with loud, exhultant bark,
Be gaily, sprang aboard the Ark. •
Alas I so crowded was the space, .
lie could not, in it find a place;
So, patiently he turned about— .
'• , ititLod half, way in and half way out,
And those extremely. heavy.sheicers •
,Descended through nine hundred hours,
' And more; and darling, at their close,
Most frozen was his honest nose;
And never could it lose again ' •
The dampness of that dreadlul rain;
And that is what, my curls of gold,
• Made,a the doggies' noseacold II
—7.-laidici;i 4 i Monthly
. . .
TRNEST CLIOOIth had been left
heir to wheat little fortune., ' but not
content with , this sum, and being Indis
posed to laber, he commenced to tamper
with the fickle geddess,Fortune. At first
- he
_ventured only, a few dollars, but grow
ing bolder,'he at last 'stood on the very
threshold of ruin. , His friend, Charles
Seymour—who had 'once played heavily,
but having seen the error Of his ways,
reformed—warned him in vain—
begged, remonstrated with' him, but all
to purpose. He would promise to
desist, but the next night was sure to
find him in the same _ place. The night
~- before we introduced him he net with a
• heavy lose. He was not or& fleeced of
all the ready money he had, but l under
the influence of the maddening excite
ment, be pledged his - watch; the last gift
of his dying father—and lost.,
His antagonist was a person unknown
in the saloOn., He was a tall, dark look
big man, with' broad. shoulders and long
'hair, which hung in dark masses over his
neck., His features were. nearly covered
with a heavy beard, and he , wore his hat
inauch'a manner, that the upper, portion
of his face Was entirely concealed. Er
" nest thought he had . seen him hefore, but
when„or where; he could not tell. He
bad agreed , to meet him dgain on, the
, '' - .night otir,story opens, and-• was now on
his way to the rendezyous.
.The large ball was brilliantly lighted
lzy:the many lamps that hung from the
. lattily arched ceiling, and on every side
stood ornamental tables. around which
many 'wereplaying, others stood looking
on,' watching the vicisitudes of fortune
that were constantly taking place.'
"Do you play to-night?" asked alriend
1. as Ernest entered the apartment.
"Yes,.is he here?"
I :Who?" 4,
"The one with whom I played last
night!" - • - •
"I think not-4 have : . not = seen him"
was ' t
•1 1' Smut . passed slowly' on, looking into
'every faces but the face hewas in search
there. An hour passed, and
• • yet he Came not. The bands of the
large Clock pointed to:the honiPt eight.
"Strange he does not .cotne," said Er
neat' to himself; ‘!it is now eight o'clock,
and be should' have been here an hour
' - began the
_.,,,, man
4 .• :
.. 7The young . "
:but :° l
ld not come'f rtli Of tue
;';,would A the o_
- - - d 'am.
He d him
doorio h u e a
w h o received . ~. ' gam b ler ' the y outh, .
of the head. t
. ,
.; Bligh t
io y'f.oo ;lair
--.- , wittik.. true
~,4„:.,4y0n ar..,
:444., ' , , ::blifford,; B aid t . bi)
4'r iV''.aited long?" • ,_.-:- ab o ut an .
,is;'''..i-',.•:n - 4,1 have been avIQ
here before, "
,v , J' the r e P l Y* . , i d to have 'een taklYl.:4buTt;
7„,1,---4-,,-- q-interi-e
gambler, i ( 1
could u 9" ' -
-',Wi' - - continued the 1 was 1123P°8-
ek•:,"''-' " . ' to circum stan c es
,and it
,i'...-- _ - ow ing.
. ad a n hour,
-,- ' s detain- . leave.
.., ,ci have
~.. , wa s _
nie to
said Ernee.i.
sthle mind ," .
, c- pot never in
the various
:-:„, n - -40eplY eng ag ed . and players."
..e:-hee .
.fortune,.. cs of t he
sawto r e a d
- - change
and dispo sitions
-- .- 'l3 the- . plac e : ' to
.., natur e s h ! this A He. cann ot conceal ries
--. 4( A $ _ y es - ter' the mysteries
*--onarac '
read to you
Man 8.
studied deep ly cou ld :
ilk and
.b. - nian nature, vry Pers°n
ri. - ,-: ,- Attie: (bora°
- I nto e -Awe of the man
40 . 11" hoz-mPtibt:- b l O.l- 1 1„
2,4 2 • • ith e ti,te
irsit:innue !PS „ .
_ f•
Jaw 69 I. " • .
ness in,his presence.rehe could not shake
"Wiili , you try your luAk at the hazard
table?" asked ihe . latter.' _
"Yes if you'wish," was the reply, and
-the two were soon seated beside one of
the exquisitely tarred tables that orna
mented the robin.' The game commenced')
in earnest, _and - the bets ran high. It
seemeCthat Ertietit'e expectation was to
be fulfilled, for he was unusually lue,ky.
b'lle won at nearly every game and his
opponent's pile was groviirig lower every
'You are lucky to-night," said the lat.
ter,-"you will retrieve your loss of last
night. _ .
"I hope so," waslthe reply.
playe d. Again the game commenced. Ernest
recklessly, and without regard to
eonsequencos, yet fortune smiled upon
him. •
"Out again I" said his opponent, as he
faked down the - glitterin'g . pile; 1,
hardly.need to play against you, for you
seeni fated to win."
"Hours passed on, and yet no signs o i
weariness apppeared op either of the COM
thitante. ,Ernest has not' only won -his
watch and the whole amount he - had lost,
but a very large sum, besides. - t
- "Do you wish to play more ?" asked
the gambler at :length ; "you hive won
your watch,
. together with more than
you lost last night." .‘
, . The young man gazed in the face of
the - speaker, and thought he detected
signs of alarm on his countenance. He
thought he saw in his hesitation the fear
of losing his., gold, and exultingly ex
claimed: ' . •
"If you rear to play longed we will
stop—if not ive will proceed.' • .
"Go on," was the reply; "perh,ps the
luck 'will turn." .
The dark features of the gambler wore
the same, expression of cool, quiet in
difference ; yet a peculiar . change came
over his countenance as he spoke. There
was ,a sly twinkle in his eye—a kind of
half hidden smile that bode no good to
his opponent. The bets were immense,
and every person in the room gathered
round to witness the . result. . For some
time the tide of fortune seemed. to favor
neither ; sometimes Ernest wonat others
his antagonist. ; SoOn, however, it be
gan,to turn in favor of the tatter. The
yonth became ,more and more excited,
while th'e gambler; retained his conipos
urei and a constant smile rested on hii
features. ; 1 . •
The clock struck the hour of -midnight ;
and every dollar Ernest bad brought to
the'saloon, together with his watch,.'was
again in the hands of the unknown gam
bler." Yet he resolved to go still further,
and to this end, 'drafts were drawn and
set against the:glittering pile Of. gold.
With compressed bps, and - heart as
'still as death, aid : -Ernest Clifford watch
the ending ! rif-- the game thati was io de
cide his fate. But the die was - cast—it
was too late to tern. back, and he arose
from the table-41 begger.
Vor a *nun e, he stood almost paralyze
ed. Then a sense of utter degradation
rushed like a torrent upon hia soul, and
with his-hand pressed upon his breast, to
still 'the wild:beating of his; ; rt, -he
staggard' frail the hall.. -.-
'With totterink steps he took' his cour ,
he scarcely knew whether. -Turning
down a narrow r street, he soon reached
the water's jedke. ' The moon shown
brightly on . the dancing waves. He
_gazed down upon them, and a wild tho't,
entered his mind: .
"Wretch; Wretoh .that: I am ! why
should I live.?". said : be to himself.: "I
have lost 'fortune, friends, everything that
can make life .desirable; I cannot bear
the disgrace,, the ; scorn and jeers of an
unfeeling World." 'Tis
.but, a . step from
life to death ---others have gone before
me, and whv'shoUld I not. follow ? „Fool !"
he exclain4d,as the magnitude of hisg ilt,
rushed on ilia_ mind. "To what., as; it
am Freduced." Turn which way I, ay,-
the dark spirit of evil pursues me, and
goads me on to-commit a-crime at which
my soul revolts. Yet I' must—l must!"
With a. firm step he approached the
water. A strong hand was laid on his
shoulder, and he was &min forcibly hack.
He turned to see who .was the intruder,
,beheld before him the acknowledged
garribler. • • ,
"Rash man=what would you do ?"
;said he, as he relinquished his hold.
"I. would die'!" -was the :reply; "and
why would:you prevent . it? - You have
'obbed me of fortune and character, and
IS. Al
• • e.
"Yon would rob the world of a soul,
and,sink still deeper the blot upon ydur
memory." 2
"0 Qod, to what am IT brought!" ex
claimed Ernest". '"I "am rilined—dis
graced forever. !The Aemou of evil pur
sues me.wherever I go, and renders my
veil life a 'curse." ! -
"Ernest Chtford, reflect!". said the
stranoq, - slowly and solemnly; remember
your life is not your own, and-,you have
no right to destroy, it 'You hape sinned,:
deeply ; but do not add tO . your crime the!
guilt of suicide—do not' rush: into the
presence of your Maker with the !stain of;
murder resting on "your soul."
"Reflect and be wise. Promise me that
you will .return to your' borne, and all
.will yel be, well. You shall . know 'mote
to-Morrow; Will you promise ?"
'Something'. in the
,appearance of the
speaker "struck the mind of the young
man. The tone, nianner and Wbole.bear.
hip) were sQ•familiar and' kind, that he
'could not refuse. With a faultering yoiee
heyeOtnieed; and the ; worthier hitn
fr0. .111/41noroi,xanest's tnOln*Eis oPeneg
the inilowing morn ; and a 0014 note him. Tremblirig, he opened
the letter -arid -learned' the startling fact
.that - the uriknown gainbler, the myster.
ions stranger—was none other than
Charles Seythour V'. He had .saved - him
from ruin The notO, dropped from Er.‘
nest's hang's, and the I:tears started to his
eyes . .
It is nee '
,dless. to sayL L that he never again
sought the gambling'Aaloori, Profiting
by the terrible lesson he had received,
and withi the original amount of his
.fortune again in his possessioui he Went
into business,. and in a few years - became
One of the riChest and most respected
men in the city. •
"We don't take boarders," said Mrs.
Farquhar, looking in an owlish fashion ,
through her spectacle-glasses itt Mr. Stu-
Art Waller. "'We've got: plenty and to
spare without the trouble of 'em. You
will find the, tavern three•quarters of a
mile below. You mtrzt have opine,right
past its, door:"
"So I did," said. Mr. Waller, who poss-,
essed the insinuating,semi•chivalric man-'
ner that made every lady whom he ad-;
dressed feel herself, for the time being{
the only feminine .creature in the nut.:
verse ; "but no amonnt of money *would
hire me to make my :home in u place like
that. Here it, is like a glimpse of Para-
dise,"-looking admirably 'around at the
:shady lawns, the clemantis-hordered
porch, and the rose hedges 411 sprinliled
ovet with pink buds. "I'm sure, nindlim,
you will reconsider your decision and
take me in for a few: days, and I will
promise to be no more . trouble about the
house than a kitten." •
Mrs], Farquhar was but human, and
the upshot of affairs was that,Mr. Wal
ler's trunk arrived the next day.
"Ch, mother I" said Petty Farquhar,
knitting her pretty black eyebrows, "why
did yOu let him in ; and we so peaceful
and comfortable here.?"
"Child, why shoutdn't I?" said ' T the
widow. "Ile's to pap ten dollarti a ve,ek
board, and I haven't any use for the lit
tle threecorriered room over the piglor."
"I don't know, but it seems I feel ex
actly as Eve must have felt when she saw
the serpent writhing his way into para
"Nonsa sa !"said Widow Farquhar, al
most angrily.
But Patty only laughed,: and ran away
under the shadow of pink buds, to meet
Morris Newton, her affianced lover.
"Little one," said Morris, imprisoning
both her soft, white bands, in Ids, "I've
got bad newsfor you."
"Bad news Morris -?"
"Pve got to go to Colorado next week
to see about those silver mines that one
of my client's has an interest in.
"Oh; dear!" cried Patty; pursing tip
her 'strawberry of a mouth. ;
• "I shall be gone i3tX months."
"Worse and worse," said Patty.
"But if you say 'so, Patity," drawing
her gently to his side, "we can be mar
ried first, and make . a wedding trip of
"qtr. idea I" flashed back Patty, draw
ing herself .out of his embrace ; "and I
withouta dress made !".
"We`,can buy all the dresses afterward."
"That's all's inah knowS about it."._
"You are sure it'd impossible ?" with a
disappointed air. •
"Yes, quite," answered :the little bru-
' "Then," said Mr. Newton, with a sigh,
"you must be sure 'and write very often,
and be getting your , fol-de.rols , ready to
be married in, as soon as ti come home."
"Yes," - said Patty, gravely, "that is
more reasonable." .
And she went back into the house, ut
terly ignorant that, at the same time, Mr.
Stuart Waller was laying a wager with a
boon companion, ,at . the Easterworth
'Arms, "that he would cut out that con
ceited lawyer in less than four weeks:l
Mr. Waller was piqued by Patty's cool
indifierence, and, uniorfkmately, his were
the "idle hands" for which Satan is said
to find . plenty of mischief to-do.
"She's pretty, alter a fashion," said he
to himself ; "and I mean to make her
dead. in love with me before I'm through."
• Mr. Waller was a man 'of the world.
Patty Farquhar was as young in experi-'
elice as in years. They, were an ill-match
ed pair, and, it - was hardly three weeks
before' the' tongue of gossip began to
him) , itself with the widow's dark-eyed
daughter. - , •
'Mrs; Farquhar came into Patty's room
oneMorniug, and found her crying as if
her; heart would break, and with'in open
letter on her lap.
- "geart alive, child, what is the mat
ter'?" i..,ried,the old lady
"Nothing, Mother—nothing !" and
Patty huriedly wiped her eyes. "Only
I've got a letter from Morris, and it
makes me, so. glad and au, sorry."
"Folks didn't cry over love, letters. when
I was a girl," said Mrs. Farquhar.
But the letter was more to Patty than
the old lady suspected.. Every trusting
word, every caressing adjective was an
envenomed arrow in her heart. r
Potty knew that - almost unconsciously
she had been led into what; seemed to her
an innocent enough flirtation With Stuart
Waller. She had walked with him in the
twilight, and she had'written two letters,
when lie was temporarily absent in New
York—careless, girlish letters, which,
although she had thought no harm at
the time r she would now give worlds to
"11l ask him to ,returtf them to me,"
said Patty' to luirself ; "and then I'll turn'
over a new leaf.; - 141,.g0 to Aunt Pm.:
dandies while:lli rensamshere L and*llifl
tny wedding inApad_earnetv:
.'whea,:rsttfr taroigig proffered
her'innocent reqUest, Mr. Stuartlaughe.d
in - her face. -- • .
"34: dear Patty," -said he "do you take
me for a fool'?" -
"My name is, Miss Farquhar," said the
girl, with flashing eyes.
"Excuse ; but when yon say Dear
-"I never said inch n thing t! interrupt
ed. Patty, with burni4g cheeks:: and eyes
all aflame
"In the
_letters i" ,
said 'Dear Mr. Wailer,'-'' panted
"Excuse me once more, Yonr memory
plays you false."
!ill . you return, methe letters!"
' , ;Miss Farquhar,' with a lOw bow,
"they are a great deal to precious to me."
You refuse ?" ,
"I never refuse anything -to a . lady;
but--" • - - •
Patty did-not stay to hear the conclu
pion; but flashed out into the afternoon
sunshine, with 'a huge lump in her throat,
and. a curious sensation as if!all her blood
were turned to fire. •
"What'a fool I have been!". she tho't,
pacing up and - -i s down the tiny graveled
walk like a chained panthaess, and bit
ing her scarlet lip. "Oh,. what an idiotic,
unreasonable, fool! And what :'will be
come of me if ever Morris; Newan sees
these silly (crawls ? But, surely, surely,"
with a troubled effort of the memory, "in
the wildest moment of my 'infatuation,
I never addressed. him as ( Dear Stuact!
Be that as it may; however, I must, and
get those 'letters back."
Fired with-.this determination; Patty
Farquhar resolved herself at once into a
private defective; searching' Mr. Waller's
room,. and even got a false key to his
trunks and went through their contents,
but all in vain: And, she had the sorry
satisfaction of perceiving, by:Mr. Wall,
er's amused and patronizing air, that be
knew•all about it. .
"I'll have them yet," said Patti.
Miss Farquhar was standing, with clasp
ed hands before the wide-opened"door of
the old-fashioned oven, built by the side
of the kitchen chimney, and extending
a sort of hump-backed excrescence ,out
into the lilac bushes of the back, garden,
when Mr.` Waller came in,_ one afternoon,
with a string of Ipeckled trout depend
tng from his finger, •
"La Pcomerosal" said he, lightly:“ Par
don me, Patty, but why are you sograve."
She looked up suddenly at him.
"My thimble,' said she, "it hairollled
down into the oven- 7 -iny little gold thini
ble." • • .
"And can't you reach it.?"
'"lt is impossible." .
."Nothing is . impossible where.,,a lady's
behest spurs on ri said. Mr. Waller,
-gallantly. "Stand aside
. one second, Pen.
serosa." • •
A.nd he sprung, valiently did"
yawning depth of the old. brick oven.
It was decidedly warm, for the-fires had ,
just been taken out ; it was, decidedly
dark, but no Sooner had he entered. than
Patty,.abrilliant inspiration lighting her
heart and fAce alike, swung the Massive.
.iron door to,and with the stur
dy b01t..-• .
"Hello 1" Shouted ' Mr. ~Waller,"what
ari,you'doing there, Patty ?"
"I'm shutting the oven ,door door , " breath
responded Patty. '
"But Itati't:find your thimble in this
Egyptian darkness?
"I.dont want my thimble." 's
"Patty' -Miss Farqiilir--Twhitt do you.
Mean ?"
"I m e an to have , those letters back,".
answered Patty.
"Do you want to roast me alive in this
black hole of Calcutta. of a place?" gasp
don't. thlnk I care much whether
ti ou root or , dot," answered Patty, delibl.
erately. • .
,"I shall shout for'-help" ,
"Shout. aNiay," Said Patty,with a laugh.
"Dorcas,, , is hangidg out clothes by the
river, and mother has gone to the village.
Do shout. •
"Patty I" im . ploringly.
1 ; , No reply: . •
"Miss F4rq uhar l" more Imploringly
still. • . •
" ?
Well "
"Am I to be a' prisoner here for life;?"
"Until yoU give ine' those letters." -
"I can't," kroaned Waller."' "I haven't
got them with me. -I
"Brit you can'tell me , where they are I
suppose ?" rejoined Patty.
The . oveiv was dark.' - and , hot—a sensa
tion akin to suffocati6n - stole , over Stuart
Waller. _
"Let me. out," said be, , grinding_his.
teeth, "and I'll give "ern to you."
"That won't :do," retorted , Miss - .R4tty.
"I must have them -before you come rut,
or not - at all." I'°
ccii lssible."!
_mpossio,.. ~- , , • ,
"N'othing is ' im possible," mimi,ifked
malicious - Patty, "where a lady's *hest
!tura one on. 1 , • - t
Mr Waller ! tittered an ejaculation
whiCh ,wai certainly not a' prayer. -I -,
"I can't Stand! this boiling hole," Shotit.!
ed hp „1 . , l'ln - the . little summer house
under the, 100 e boards, ,of the ' table.
Quick, or. I sha I be , death." '
Patty ew oft as if her tin} feet
were - '
garnished with wings.
In the little miner-house under the
loose' board of he table,' ? the tvia
i t
ters, as ittrW ler bad said, wrappfd - in
oiled silk , and ied- with a yellow , ribbOn.
Catching then p, she tore them Iniiiied;
ly , opeii. -I ' , - - '
"I kltei it -wasn't Tear fittiart:!''sbe
faolaimed t mockingly,; tuid.thea,learing
thew inta-a# shower of infinitesimal 'OW*
ai4,floot ;them t4_the stimmeuwinti.
TV' ,
led .
as to linen, frowsy as to hair, a n a
streaming with perspiration, crept mai
his sultry - cell. Patty courtesie4 l ow
greet hie egress.
"Walk out," said she,
Mr. Waller made no reply: •w h
ould be have said ? -
left the Farquhar eottake that eve)
in :. "He said he liad received a telegra
Perhaps he bad'; but Paddy had d ou i
about that matter. At all eventA he di,
appeared. and .Paity • Faiquhar, breath,
free satin. • ,
Morris Newton came back in Oct,
Patty married him. But sh never i t
anyone, not even her husband, - of
episode of, tte. old brick, °veil and
two Jove- letters. ,
Sbe bad ha,l3. her . lesson, and
profited by it shei told herself ; l t 4 e i
a into oblivion.
Facts about the' Black 11.1141'
Deadwood is a heterogeneous mass
hastily erected 'buildings, log and
—the_ former predominating—throw n
to, a, narrow gulch, through , whose cro,
ed length flows Whitebear creek with
2,000 inches of turbid, murky ininid,
channel being of - ; gravelly clay.
Cheyenne stage road strikes the head
Whitehead creek about fifteen miles fr
Deadwood, itrukoliowe the stream d,
to the citv, entering what has been link
as South".Dealwood t or. Sherman 0 7 ,
Just at present the smith side is loom,
up, owing :establishment of
post office on Wet side,and the conseqhl
attraction of business, thereto, so
real estate speculators are reaping a n
harvest. .
The town is alive with carpenters,
the people corn Plain that it is impossi
to get anything done. Carpenters
paid front Six to eight dollars per d,
and are cursed by they employers
and night--not openly of course, but
secret as it were.
Two arid a half miles above Deadw,
on Deadwood Creek, is located Gayvill,
young and flourishing town, which ,
tie permanently prosperous, owing to
fact than the largest and richest
deposits yet found in the. Hills, a,
the adjacent hills, surrounding the
like a crescent. There are several ,
mina in constant operation day
night crushing the quartz, and
more are in course of erection. Thei,
on exhibition in one of the banks
Deadwood A liltnp of retort gold we
mg over 127 ounces - '
from the Father
Bmet:mine in Gayville valued at $2,
which was the result of an ordinary di
stamping. '
Men are workingiAlie gulch
the head of DeadwOod' and 'Whit(
creeks; to the far foothils—hundred,
them—aba the `.very fact that they"'
up theirlice on many chtims,
'and, day, is sufficient evidence
pay dirt ~is found.. Another very
vincing evidence is the fact 'that the
banking 'louses doing business here,
buy from . $i;000 . to 410,000 in, gold day, while the arastras and et
mills are sending out from POO(
450,000 per week, iii beautiful btu
bars and buttons. Then too, there
'Vast amount ,of . "trade dust" in
tiOn. "Dust is the currency of the(
'try, and the man who buys 'a thot,
dollars' worth of supplies, as Well as
man who orders a two bit "bulk
cocktail," :pulls out his buckskin b:
gold and settles therefor with-all DOM
since imaginable. , The newshoys by
ens throng the streets at eventide,
the pocket gold .scale, and nine•tent ,
their customers drop a fez' grains
the.scale, scarcely looking at'the asi
as . they. ,snatch the paper "and e;
persue the latest news. There
present two papers' published in
wood— the Black Hills Daily
. ptin
the Pioneer, 'a weekly. ,
In addition' to . the amount menty
above, there is -constant stream of
goingout by the different routes,
have made ' a "genteel sufficiency?'
are going home to enjoy it. Thr
out- from one to,twenty-fiie
dollars a piece, an .some of them
more. We shall never know in.
fortune has been to these men. Th(
back to happy homes, - erect One
dencts,Atiy large farms and heard
Invest' ink business enterprises, and
Black Hills knows'them no more.
neighbors see, theta return, , observe
prosperty, take it for granted tbot
is gold in the Mines of the West, and
few questionO, while the lucky
knowing the great uncertainties of
in the minei, tell: far more of t'
culttes, 'dangers and 'privatio4 B
journey' than of the richness ofithi
A young man who 'rnistooit a boil
varnish for a - bottle Of hair , oil, COn l
that dancing was a frivolous amuse
and kept away froma' masquerade
But .when inquisitive friends asked
he Fluid-away, he told an unvarni
is a Nebi postmaster.
our - ehildhOd days "Taffee was a:
Mat s Taffee - was a ' duet:" lie
nave reformed—in a Measure, ti
uGrandmit, Why don't you keep
vvikany lohgerr "Well. lon '
child Tiqn getting old now, sou,
tal4o eirtfif, one as I used•loy you
- t ITM
; Street Q of, ' 63 betwee, ,
o f pi'
to 159,91 T thitat.
iitexcagol,O.," 7 • *Y '
s ';
7 1 *l4
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