_.. j ,, il ._,..- ... ... :;21 ,,, . 1, I , 1 t I,- i, f 319, N . TROS,...F'A:, JV.NE-.21;:1877 Arrangement of Nails . iA RA11.1:0137: ArritY6'. Depar Pr glibann act:, (Dal .... 5 00p m 1115am' 1r LA ST/GB9 gontrose Depot.,(Dails,), 600 p .41- 620 a n New )111for0.(Daily,).... . . ... ...'.loooa - rn 130p6 (Daily.) • . 1)45 ani 10 00 p m Frieudaville.(tri weekly.), " 4000 p m $OO a m conitlin Stationaixi . 10)u m /00am Binghamton,riaS.Lake'.(tri ‘yeeitly).. (WO p m ;00pm gesuappen.(triweekly,) 1000 alit 300 pm Theliew York,(nia liontroae Depot,)N6v .111ilford, Tunkhannoult,and Wyalusing are daily. J. .' • • Thet;ou k lin Station snail runs 'fliesdaytt; Thursdaye and Saturday& The liinghanatou mail, (via „SiVrer Lake,) run a Tu ea- Jays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Friendaville mail runs'ruesdays„ Thuridays i and Sat urdayi The goalioppon mailrunt.4siondays,A cdue,ldays, and YridayF A.AptTION,AL STAGEgt - , A Stazeleavesdai. ly Tor Moatrokip - Depot at 1 ra..a.n.d retnrniat p.m Stage I eAres daily for New Milford at 730 a. m. and returne at 3:10p.m. , . E.-O..FORDIIADI. lontr'ose Railway Time Table. Trains Nrill Ttin .teaVe Tunithannock - at, 5:45 a, in. and 3:12 p. in.. arriving here at 10:45 a: In: and 5: 10 p, )11. Rena - 1344v,, leave 31ontr00 at 12 and 5:40 2. in., arriving at Tankhannock nt I:4sandl:Bop. tn. Trains.kill ran on Lehigh , Valley trmil'as kepiin the 0 trice of P. .C% N.Y. 4. Jeat, Tunkitanndek. . All trains connect at Tank.hannoclf.' with & N.,Y. R. lt. going north and iscintli: r, ‘ -.IA.II4IB . t,'BLA.I.i.ESLEE ' Preq't. 31311 ca Chnii!c, al ; IST:7; list ,of NOW AdvertisOnerits". Slierifr r s procamation. :11,c('anslati(1. snit_ -Est. \V., H. Veuel. Assignee's sale—Est. *gluey' Finn: Assitmees notice--Est. braes - 1):006d win. Statument of Jackson twp, Scnooll)istrict. 13usINEss LOCALS: *, Harfbrd AgricultUral SoCieiv. ‘,., Glairvosait examinations—Dr: Butter- . It requires eizilty . tOns of coal annually to warm. the public - at Towanda. Mr. F. A: Betnish• was sentenced. on. Friday to four years im prison men t the. Eastern penitentiary: . • The wages of the .engineers-, and: fire: , men on the D. L..& W. R 1 l have -been' reduced ten Of centiim. " • Tae Wyalusing• district' cimp•meeting will commenz e on the grounds at Dim ock, the 21st Of, August and last ten days. • - Down in Luzerne cOnntv they dismiased a clergYinan for lying, ana. he suicided on account of it. .TrulY ="in. the . -midst of life we are in death." The M. E. Church of , Mount Pleasant will celebrate .the ; 4th by. the,: of bells and a pie-nio and, .dinner, to •be given in aid of that iSciciety . . - - The Lehigh 'Walley - Railroad Company, on the 12th inst., ittinounc i ect a:qtiarterly dividend of one per cent, or" filtycents per share, payabloon the - 16th proximo. The house of Mr Benjamin, aughes,iri Hyde Park, - was, entered' , by burglara on Sunday evening while, the family were at church, and $l5O taken 'from ' the Pants :pockets of Mr. Hughes. A party of Scranton gentlemen went on the cars, with boat and tent, for Cooperstown,_ N. Y. They . propose to .float down the Susquehanna to Pittston, fishing on the way by day and camping . on the bank at , night. I • Men are at work in some of the neigh boring counties collecting" money - from farmers who OWL patent hay forks,vlaim ', ing the fork to be an infringement on' a prtent oWned,,by them. Look out for - them, and don't let themrswindle you.' A monument to the IneMory of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. is to be erected in Rome, Bradford , Co., July 9, at which time Messrs. , Sankey, M.oody, Stebbens, Winnamaker McGrannahan and other prominent min will be present. Samuel Thom, of Canaan,- Wayne Co., had three horses -killed 'duriug _eyere storm. The animals were in a paiture and had taken refuge Under a tree to es cape the rain, when 4 was struck. by lightning with-the' aboCe unfortunate re ? suit.. - " 14 the Luierne 'county, 'Prothonotary controversy, - Di. Triininer - hag' sent no-- ticeto Col. A.P., Barber, acting trothon otary; to the erect that he claims all the emolument's of - the office : pending the neatest for said 'office between Nil . 4 Trim mer andA.P.',Barher. s employed in the fanilly of Jas. Lewis, in .tbe: Third Ward ;. last 'meek' forged an Order'for about twe nty dollars, which she negotiated at _J. 14.:N.etieti. for dress goods. ',The_foi.gery ; wiys,,soon de tected, arid the girl arrestededged in jail. The next_ morning' her friends _paid the ' bak.mt settled the matter. L-- Towanda Reporter. The sentence was sand coati.'im, posed by Judge Hardingof : the Liiierne county court, . ; Upen for an assault and - battery, upon Mr. Sanders, editor of the liazietok Sentinal. The money was a bagatelle in opmpakiB9n . to the - agitation and annoyance under gone by liisnei in the _inte3yal ofjhree months' tfine between. pleading _guilty and receiving his' sentence. 'Mr. sAinders "made it very'pleasaint• for Mai." ‘c- This.seetion was visited by a storm of rain, hail, wind and_ lightning;last Thnres-, day afternoon,- which did -. goosidOistb4' damaz,e to _tlie.Crope,l)*des overturning hundreds of forest , .trees. The lightning entered the store' ot, john San nd,ercOck, at Ariel,, by 4 . 1 of the alining; damaged. the goods a , considerable tent. Several customers' were' in the *building at the time received aciere fl)Vieks of electricity. The lightning struck the telegraph ire near the Waytnart office, and followed it into the butidibg, Injur ing•the apparatus . somewhat_ afid setting the 'office pn fire, but it. *lB Speedily tinimshed. 'The_ground. at White Mills was covered with hail- stones as ,large, peas.--lionesdale Citizen. • - Copsider3ble exeitement.was caused on 11.4ackaAtian nn avenue, Scranton, Pa; 013 Wdnesday by the execution of . a writ of ejectment upon the premises occupied . by M l M. John Zeidler. The :Republican gives I 'the following , version of the proceedings "The premises occupied for some years - past by Mr. John Zeidler, on Lackawanna avenue, were visited by Deputy Sheriff McQollum 'and- George ,Sanderson, Jr., fOr the purpose of taking p6sSession in conformity:with a tyrit issued' to that ef fect on Monday in fayor of Messrs. Read and Haddock of Philtifielphia. They found the doors" locked and learned that Mr. Zeidler and his family were out of . . . . . . . . . . torlirn;• where - ution they'' 'broke . : the loek - Si entered the , building mict - .fiegan to de-' Posit the furniture - on the •sidewalk,*b . e. - re in a - short . time- a - pyraniid •of chairs tin.c.l, tattles ;:Were old .pic4.- • Everything : able was dan sferred tO the'sldovalk, and in 6 sheirt :space of • time 'the .extensive establishment; ti high had been:, so elabo 7 - rfttely fitted up, presented • A '-tlestilate ap pearance:: - ,, learned froth Mr:'Sander; son; ivlio4fis acting for hiS'brother, that - the 'latter,.T Mr: J.'.Gardner Sanderson, some negotiated' . time - ag negotiated' six notes of ten. iliouSand dollarslAach- in Philadelphia for 11,6*gaNi6' a mortgage on hisproperty:for4lie amO"nnt— iii all.stxty thottsiind.' fulfill any, Of' the 'obligations arising ,from -t1:16. - trans: action,the Summary seizure of hispreinises yesterday - morning • was the. result. The affair; it~ing to its" public=nature fact: of the building • having been- broken info; excited considerable: 'curiosity and 'attracted good deal of attention. Stale•ltOns. . . Lancaster cigar stores, attract :custo mer by Serviou up' dailY "free pretzel lunches.". The Allentown ..licraid un4erstands eb.at Simon Cameron „ie. iteeder for Auditor Geheral,.. while Senator Don is fat Passinure. Hon. Jere S.-13,1ack has signified his in tention 'of 'being present al the dedicatory exercises of the. new court house, Holli daysburg, but:declines to deliver the Ad dress: .The delegates [ - from - Lancaster to the Democratic State Convention; are all or nearly all claimed for. Sc4elllor Auditor GeneraL On State Treasurer they will probably be diyided. s • Ex- Postmaster Farman of Phila., has filed-in the department at Washington, a most formidable document in favor of his reappointments •It 'is 'sigited by all the newspaper - proprietors and editors in Philadelphia. - , General Manager W ootten'e patent, by, which coal chit l'Osed fOr fuel on Read. ing Railroad engines; is - said . to work very satisfactorily: train of 125 cars .was taken down the road; a . day or two ago, with 85 cents worth of coal. At - York, recently, , Mr. Samuel Small; Sr., gnardian - to his nephew, Robert Hal). ersham Coleman, son of William Cole man, debeased, 'handed over to his ward one million two hundred 'thousand dol lars, refusing any compensation for his services. Asa token, of his 'appreciation of Mr. Small's excellent management and generosity Mr. Coleman donated $lO,OOO to ,the York collegiate institute. At the \State Sunday School Conven= Lion in Harrisburg, the Annexed statistics were 'presented: Number of SUnday schools in the State, 6;132; number of scholars, 629,54.81 number of officers and teachers, 81,385; Sunday School mem bership, 710,933; number of teacher's meetings, 1,030; number of scholars added, 11, 1 777. ' ' . _ perhaps the largest single -wool _clip i n. `the county is` that of - , Mr. "dsorgeWise carver. who lives, one -Mile west of_ town, and who` hai just 'finished shearing 1,600 head of sheep. Eleven or twelve Hanle - Were engaged :several days at the:work. Wisecarvei has room probably for several . times _that'. nuMber of sheep,Op his , hroad acres, being the owner Of_ some 4,490 acres ; of „land, almost, all in one bodY.—Wayneshiirg lfeffenger. Ezra lie wearier, aged. twenty-four years, died in the :York County Hospital on Weginesday. from - starvation, haying partaken, of no food for fifty-three days„ Newconier became . -insane through domes tic troubles: Soon after being married he had difficulty with, his _wife, and they agreed_, to.separate and divide the house;. - bold: 'effects. Afterward she sued- for maintenance, He - mas imprisoned, 404 insanity followed. Conirnadore John, U. 4Oldsborough died last Friday. - Governor Hartranft has.; created two new Brigadier , 43-exiertis. - The Cornwall" furnaces have an order for 50,006 tons of 'pig ifon., • • ' 'The : D 4 Goods 13inig. of New - 'York hasdeeided quidation; It is ag ai n runored that Englan d-0 to `take, g i f aetiye part in the EaStern - ,war.:, f 4 - man ,in Nipper ose Lyeoming l county, bas 6,000 gallons of .home.made Istklegar- • •". „ James Gordon Bennett has arrived from ' Europe; and' is ••suppbsed to , be r hiding ' Ne w • y or k v • ,- • • • - • . - • A.' sponial , performatfee in- , honor; of Gonetar,Orint - was - 'given,' : !tit the lkojal 'Opera o rigindon; hist Large sums, of 'money and quantities of provisions are being sent, to. Sr. John, where_ great„ilestit t:jon : Prevails.' The fish omnflosioners are not - able. to tell what it:fA that .ca,uses the- death of so twiny fish in the stredms[of this State. • Tile news from the seat 'of the -Indian troubl e s lu O r eg. ] contlnnes to be or an exciting charitcter,hut no - fresh - inassaCres are reported'. = 'D , . . ie evidence in the'Relly,murder trial • clo'sed yesterday ; - and Assistant' District Attorney Hag art began the summing up - for, the Commonwealth. - ', -.-; ' '-' Revolver shooting matches have be gun in Berks county. At a distance of 150-feet tyq . contestants., hit thetarget eight tinies in as many shots. A. Duan6 't,be bank: burglar 'captiired,' reeen tiy in•Tiotter: non nty;• - is its'tlie:,W,est=. ern penitentiary,- - hOinir;'' been ••s'entencedv to'a.term-br eleven' yearS:'' - =was ar= rested on flit 2d inst. and sentenced on thit•,l3th.• , •-: ;. • . At gaYville,'Tioga-conn . ty i the body of a.murdered child was =found - in the. creek near- the .town: Evidence was ,prodticed before the, : - Coroner's'itirY • shoeing the victim to' - :have. .been slaughtered hiS lit;. alunatic,'but • - always before Con* sidereal hartriless. The — parents • reside .in" Westfield, and had, confided the .care, of their little boy to his - aunt (Wring:their temporary absenbe. •:- . . On s.,ThUrsday. , afterno - on_:•a - above th - e,f),.. L. & Belleville, N.. J, *blob - had become i_weitkened: by yam, suddenly: 'broke. and : precipitated: a Pshing. ,party.-..cOne . isting tenpersops, through a -sluice. way., MrS.l.leethers, her daughter Julia, Miss, 01'044 'and Thos. Pressler. wero. drt*tietl.- 'Mark - Fisher 'and James Nere 'fatally injured • by.: .into the grinder ,Of : - 4f.n . 411 which. was lying below the sluice -say.,' FOURTIT'_'.OFLjULY UNVELL.tcd' OF THE:: DEDICATION ;OF THE SOLDIER'S -MONUMENT MONTROSE, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 4%1877 _ . GRANR - liTtriAßlr AND CIVIC PARADE IN TUE FORENOON-74,00Q 1 ,01./D _.SOLDIERB IN LINE - • -100-cAviimt- tAGDY.,, , RARTRANFT ;AND BTAIPF °FFFER B I - M?- 1 7PIPAY • - President--non:' Wm. Maphai-r-Gen. Beardeley, , Commander of . Vet. OrOnization. , - • Orator;--Hon: Galata G ontisi . mtheir._ At 11:89 a. in the Veteran Organization, in 'eluding the Orphan School, visiting military organizatiori, the Montrose , Fire Department, civic societies and citizens.will form line in the following order . : 1. Commander and Staff. • 2. Band. 3. Color Guard and color. 4 Speakers. invited gueats,_ Burgess,.Town Council in carriages. 5. Cavalry, under command , of Lat. Rol. H. Crocker. , . q. Colors and-let Battalion, under command of CoI. R. Y. Hazzard. • • , . • k ' Orphan School, Drum Corps- and 'Orphan School. H. S. Sweet .Supt.:. - 8.. Colorsand 2d• Battalion, under- command of Col. M. IL Vanscoten..' 9; .Drum Corps-rebinprisiog Montrose; Drum Corps and.' all drummers •I• aod filers or tbe county. f 10. Mentrose Fire DePartmenti under Chief Rayrififord. - - - 11 Civie • societies and citizens:, The`parade will return to Momiment Squire and •be-dismissed to dinner. DEDICATING THE Iff9NIMIEI4T. At 2 O'clock p. m., at the . Soluid of theinigle, • • • ~ the "long tom, w ill Veit and the twoßattalions with the Oavairy t disinountid, wiliform as one Regiment, and together . - with the - Orphan School, visiting militery organiations, the Band, and Drum C'orps, • Will march, egd.talce . , .position ; flea! the AlohilTeht 1 • ORDER OP, =ROMS. 31USIC by the 8an0,7 y 2. Ptayer by tbe.Ch'iplabi. —mu. tr Chik .8. ymn by the )i.us. 4. Introductory remarks — by . '", Hon. Wm. J. Turrell. , - u 5. Unveiling 'the Statue by lOur Soldiers' Orphans, from' the Orphan 'School.' The . :mo ment the Statue isifini 4 veiled the .artilerY and firing squad Will fire ,a- saiuteillagii will be waved, 4,114. Drum Corris will PerforM some Martiallniffie; and ten minutes will be given to the inspeetion of the Statue and Monument. '6. nymri;by the Chorus.' • • Oration by Hon. - Galuiha A: Grow. 'Musie the '; U Dqxplogy by the aisemblage.' ',.--, ... !.,..f_...i:. ,; ~,,,..,..-:::„ -.:,,,.:-.._•; - ,-; , 1 , j , -,..,-,-,.: ~ ,nrfF4R:§R l7 4. 4l 7,Pv •'- - ' i : ) The No4ument Association "have made ex.. , topt4ve preparation to,' entertaltt, the- people-- the proceeds to go , to the Nonumtp4 tond. 314Ciaarriet gem, tio,wleyto*, lkay, D'org b6%-or liliitejek p a ,„ - . i'..-'; 1.-. - c -.., ;:. - '..:-!'l.- . ii-- ...'? - 3:210 -. 114 . - liiilia' ..-. ;' - - Y - -r r-'' - :.''''" . : -. ": . ' - ' . .. _ .... , ._ - lia ITeivi ra.; Z611E16(16077: Nelson *son aged _ 8a years. NEW YORK* CITY . MARKET. comuicrED-WEESTZ 33t • • : 1 ' . ' . - , HAYDEN . ct 'DIYCKWOJITH, , . • - . ' ' : ' anantiSsiein 3tereitanti ' - - • ~- , No 325 it.illl.ltitil'otr STRZEic NEW Your,. . NEW rYoiiu;*tUrditYl 3:612P 23,,1377. Pails, choicest fresb. - ..... ~...:... 21 e • 23 " - good to fine. ;.......-.... 18 @, 20 " • ;c0ram0n............. , ...i 'l3 Q .15 Firkins. 5e1ecti0n5......,.....,...= 21 Q 1 , ,22 -'". good.to fine....:. 1.7 sgi 17 • " common to ge0g...... —; @. -- Tubs, selections ' -'''' r.::' `'e 20 " , gooa.' to line. .:. -' :1 • 15:: O@•,C . 17 • 0 - common to g00d...-...., 12 ,•414 14 • ' CHEESE. Factory, fancy...'.. . . .... ...... 10 @ 10y 2 • " ood to fine ' '8q(0 . 914 i 'Farm' Da , priraei. '.. .. . ~: .. `, B , `@i'34 '" "=• fair to g00d......... - 7 0 8 'MISCELLANEOUS: .•' • Eggs, fresh 18.. 19 19 Applm(green) -fine , • 1 - s@t . '„, dried tier lb qrs`.. ... . -.*. . - 4'; i lsg 5 " " " sliced . ', 4ft.et 5 Potatoes, per bbl. : .........., . og Lard . ............. , 9 igt 1,4 TallOw, ..., . , -- igt Turkey - s - dressed. .... . .. ....„. ~., --- 0 Chickens, , " -....— ..... ... . . -- `t2) -- ' Ducks, ` " •-• . .....,_ 0 _ i 8ee5ivax.'...,...." . ..... - ..... .'Bo© 303. TiAr. Twgzsrrl4.Tu. Annual Fair ot•the Hanford Agricultural Society rvjll. bq held. on Wednes day and Thursday, October 3d‘ and 4th 1877. By order of Ex. Cora. Hariord, Pa. June . 2:3; 1877. • 2—w, EXAMLNA.TI4IIS FREE. There is no subjeCt that requires so much study and experience aS the treatment of chron ic diseases: The aStonishing . success and re markable . cares perfornied by Dr. Butterfield, are due to the gift of elairroyarim to the life long study of the constitution' .0f man, and the curing of diSeases from natural remedies. Cures the worst formS•of Scrofula',, Catarrh; Piles, Fe male Weakness, Diseases of the Heart, Lungs or Kidneys. • Will be. at the Spaulding House, Binghamton, Friday, and Saturday, 26th, and 7th. Dr. Butterfield will beat the Mineral Springs RushPa. ' .Saturday ; July 28th: 3—w. Juni 10, 1877. - . , .3IJ.NERA.L ANIMUS' C - ELEI3ILiTION: Welpropose to celebrate our glorious Fourth of, July, 1877,, at the, Susquebanna Mineral Sprints, in the following manner: .- - .ORDER OF EXERPI4ES. : • Reading the Declaration of Independence: ,- Oration by. Rev. Dr.. J. E. Chesshiie. • Dinner at 3 p. m. After dinner' various amusements, among others, the 'taking of some prizes. - ' • Fantasties. • .• . Crowning the-prettiest young.lady_ present. Presenting belt to the handsomest young man present.„ ' _ All to be in t e rspersed tvitb - • music Elk Lake Cornet'Etand.'7 ' • ' -.With a grand , ball in the evening. Music by. Fargo's. Orchestra. . 1?.3r Ordeinf Com: , • • . Junelsth;lB77. . 2w:' The sale et; Taylor's Family. Medicines is steadily on the increase. The sales of the past ye bean more than . double of any previous year. The reason of this - is, on account of the ‘genuine merits of Abe* goods • themselves and the fair and Impartial manner in= which they are sold. . „ , July 26,1876.• VERY OBSTINATE and lronblesome are old sores and ulcers. Yet how. easily may they, be healed. All .that is necessary is to, use lreely Glenn's Snlphur = Soap disOlved in wafer as a lotion. Depot Crittenton's, No. 7 Sixth Ave nue, New York: Hill's Hair Whisker Dye, black or .brown, cts.-Mv. MANY Pirfusoxs during the.winter season are severely of from the effects of Freezes or : chillblams. They can be .readily and perma- Uently.cured in a few days merely by using •Taylor's, Celebrated Oil once or twice' a day.— The , stune medicine is said, by many, to be a sure cure for corns. It can be obtained of any Druggist or dealer in Medicines. - Persons visiting Binghamton wishing to purchase dry goods would do well to call. on HINE & SEWERS. They keep a first-class line of dry, goods and readygnado clothing on band all the time. Alpaats, Merinos, and Cashmeres, the finest line in the city. No trouble to show Foods or send saraples. ' • 'Nov. 1; 1876tf. - - ITHAV llAnzoiss Sam.. I take this method orinforming the public crtillontroie end -vicinity that I have opened a new harhess shop. uhder, Searle's express office. Public Avenue. - • . • I will build news ,work.• of the best quality, and repair with;neatneas and dis Pitch and at lowest-rates. 'The patronage - of the public is respectfully . Montrose, Oct. 18, 1876tf. Invni CHAPMAN. EVZILYTIIING in the line of 'ure rugs an Medicines, 'Paints, Oils, Viirnishes, Pocket books, Pocket knives, Thoth 'brushes, Flesh brushes, Clothes and Hair brushes, Toilet soaps, Fine toilet articles, Fancy.goods, and a lull line of all, the new and Popular ,Remedies.: can be . found atal. A. Lyon's Drug Store. Phpsicians will :find our stack complete, and compOsed of the best articles that can-be-found in the market. Montrose, Pa....T1, a.l7th, 1877.-r•tf WonnS. Tbe-rttinkhannock Marble- Works of Burni & White are doing a good•bu.siness- and are getting, out _some ,very, ;.tasty jobs of Bead Stones and Monitmen.ts. A. B. Burns, of the Eagle Drug Store; is their euthorized agent for .111Ontize and , vicinity.:' - has' designs .`of Hdid,,Stones and . . Monuments.". Any orders left witWim will be promptlyp tilled, by Burns & White. _. • - • • .Tunkhanneek, Feb: • 18/13tf. STUDENTS' .REUNION. • , • former students. of Keystpne, AtudemY, with, their, ,frnds, ;are; cordially, invited to be present ata `reunion '; which _ will take' place In the chanel, at 2 o'clOek, o:in:;FridaY,'June 22d: llt has universally 'tmert our expenence that meetings of old school=mates enloyable oc casions, and we anticipate _no , exception , to the rine on tlie.22d of June: , • WA.ITICII W. BROWNING, y . hea t AO .: TlLLtheritA - St t. Com : - DVID 'W. y AS many, through the _ ethigry have _been. un.,, 'atiite for - slime' hack - to obtain of TaYlora `Faintly Nedininetbn account °V the=inerchantif 'anailrOgglststeing 'out; -This .71alto notify the ,011) 1 1P !lota merchants and druggists through buscfa and Aidjoliting counties,"have,. been tug-:. iiishett *Wine* supply aid all at said 'n1011: clues are still warranted - AO 4ivaSatislaitiOn on - .Iro;PAY.. Try Taylors con jgh tilylup`or-BiPeCW 30ratito lorothst, coughi-; Nt Bullard; e - Avß. Burin, and M. A. Lyons - Agents torlitontrose ; B:Browning Taylor Prop. .thexic FF.srxtrAt...—Tbe ladies of 't ha Chard' of the,Hoiy ;Spirit; near Friendsville, , .propose y in aistra*berry . 'festival at carinales Lake, June 28thfor the benefit of the enurelt Horses cared for . at, usual Hotel rates. Boats to let, tte. , All are invited. • • '23-24 WE TAKE, PLEASURE in recommending to bur readers the old 'and - popular Dit Goods House of;.(1. F.. Sis.son Lt W., of Binghamton. For the spring trade, they are prepared to offer as complete an assortment 'of Dry - Goods, as *can he' found in any market. • Those beautiful Black and 'Summer- silks, to which: they call partibular attention, we are satisfied are just the-thing to please -the - people of this section. In fancy Dress Gooda they take. the Iva In Parasols, Kid " Gloves, , Corsets, Hosiery. etc., they haye all the popular goods at popular Prices. ' April '24,1877. . . . KEYSTONE ACcant.my . .—Tbe eiercises con. 1 neettd.With the .closn:of the eighth Academic • Year, will take place, on :WednesdaY. Thursday and Friday,,June 20, .21; *and 22,_ us follows, On - . Wednesday, , Thursday, etaininations, 4 intersperSed with declamations, essays and mil sic: . Wednesday' evening, 8 address hy • J.. Susq'n. co.; .Thursday eve., exhibition of advanced - cla.sites in composition, consisting:of orations iina: essays .on eubjects •asSigned•to'.the (lasi: • Friday,lo.3o a. m., An nual. exereises;.,CoriSiSting 'of gradhating dresses, prize oration; prize essay, conferring of diplomas, and be:StOwal of After the exercises,-the usual .Antilversary dinner will be served. -In the evening Rey. John Peddle of Phifa, rill deliver the annual address. FAREIRJed CONTINENTAL D'ALS.k3I. The great Diarrhom Antidote. • 'A. few of the many rea sons Why every per Son should keep a bottle of the Continental Balsam in their house First, It will cure 'almost instant) , cases . of pain, eramPS, .colic, dyspepsia, or loseness of the &wets*. iiect4o, It will cure the chr*ie diar ol long 'standing. Third, It one of the best remedie,s in'the world for Children while teething, as it gives instant relief without sub ucting' them to - tiny injurious effect. Fourth and last, The price' being so low, 25 and 50c per bottle, that the_ poorest can iaord to. buy it. Sold by John Fareira, bale Proprietor, 224 North Ninth ,Street, Philadqlphia, and drug gists generally. ' • June`6 '1874 —tc o 'etrtiE, nti ; PAY: Kirby's Cough Balsam,a very palatable com potind, tor • the various affections of the throat addhings. . Used-,witti" great- success in case of Asthma and Bronchitis.-"It is prescribed by the physicians and endorsed by the people. War ranted to giyd entire satisfaction or money re funded: • Kirby's Magic -Relief for the :instant cure or severe and_acute pains. Kirby's < Tasteless Worin Laieakes. Sure, safe and effectual.. - Kirby's Condition Powders for riality, quon fity and purity are superior tkii any Powder for stock manufactured. • 'Kirby's Camphor• Ice' for shaped bands or sunburn. • For sale by all Druggists in. Montrose, and Dealers in Medicines throughput tliq country. -, June 28 - 1878y1. • • COanti( Misittess Direct Orv. 4 1.1voIlnea hi this Directoty,ime year;lll.so; each ad : t ,ditional line. 50cepte. • MONTROSE. *II. Ft El VirOllT, Stater. Wholesitli. Retail dealer in All kinds of slate roofing. .slate paint, etc., Roofs repaired with slate paint to order. - ' Also, elate paint for sale by the gallon oi bairel., Montrose. BILLINGS - STROUD, General; Plre and Life Inns _ ance Agents, also, sell Railroad and Accidental - Ticketa - to New York and Philadelphia. Office one dooreast of Wm. H Cooper Co's hank. WM: H. BOYD 3: CO. Dealers in Stoves, hardware, and Manta cturers of, Tin .and Sheet - icon ware, cor ner of Main and Turnpike .street. A. N. Bullard, Dealer in GroCeries, Provisions, Book?, Stationery and Yankee 'Notions; at the head of Pub- lic Avenue. , , . < WH. HB. COOPER & CO., Bankers. Sell. Foreign Pus , sage Tickets and Drafts • on England, and Scotland. WM. L. COX, Harness maker and della In all arti cles usually kept by the trade, opposite the bank. JAMES IL CARMALT, Attorney-at:Ls - 4. Office one door below Tarbell House, Public Avenue. H. ROSENTHAL, Auttioneer. Care S. Pillman & Co., ontroso, Pa. • • " ZIENOMILFORD. SAVINGS BAN)I.I3BW MILFORD. 81x per eent. interest on ,all Deposits. Does a general Banking business. ' S. B. CHASE it CO. , H. GARRET' & SON; Dealer in Flour , Feed, Meal, Salt,' Lime, Cement, Groceries and Provisions, of '.?dain Street, opposite the Depot. . • . N: F. KIMBER. Carriage Halter. Plettiro Fremer i and Undertaker, a few rods from .Phinney's Hotel, near M. E. Church H. P. DORAN, Merchant 'Tailor "and dealer .in Ready Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Grocerlee add Provisions, Main Street. . WHI nirrE F R I I IOIVE RS - IN 1,10T -AIR I ' Are you aware•that you.. can obtain Summer beat in• January t. That you can impirt :baimy air to you families ? that you can give spontaneous growth to. plants and Flo Wets, and, that you . can make Rome a little paradlie by-pnrchasiog one of B. C. Sayre's Hot- Air Furnaces? These -Furnaces are now constructed -with:VAPoR FAN by • which the atnioaphire is tem peredto thatresembling Summer heat. - NO -MORE CRA ( Q.KING OF FURNI -11.;RE--110 MOVE; DRr • HUSKY.' HEAT.. And the time has come when consumptives may re joice in- coal Ares. These furnaces are cold entizely on their own meritiriaed . are now the leading Furnace in ,t.,his part of the country'. All FerniefUir are warrant. ed to give entire satisfaction - or no sale. , I keep competent : men - on the road who are well ac quainted with the Furnace business and they are con stantitputting-np these Furnaces.= Their work is war. ranted to please. ' , These Furnaces are now scattered in thefolluwing towns and cities: Binghiraton, Scranton, Provldence„ Wilkes Barre, Kingston, 'Pittston, ' Waverly,. , Wilhamsport, Great Bend, Suspnehrona Depot. . Delhi t Downsville, Andes, Matgaretville, klin, iluadilla„ Owego, Northumberland, and many other towns. • .Aey person wishing& recommendation from any one' Hiring in the above named places. I ' Will gladly ewes. poudwith them, giving names or, .parties now using these Furnaces. • • ' . uttetured by - - :-; - ,p.p,- ;: ' : s - ArlE. I '::::.--:l.' , IVlontrhse Pa. 3iontrosi, Deveniiei 22d. 1875. s J. DONLBY, • • .„ -4 0 ,01/41811111(1_ , :„ AKE_ , ; , • ' ‘,.+ BINCMAItruN S r _Tbele,teatiwtaved COffitil ,Atick Cnskitel on band... -1:1 to Oid 19,'76. 'rinkiprrifYricre.-1 didittt tvro#lt y nve per -cent. aA Ofilamt 'duo; 'u 01114 ' 1 .01,111*(tlit rty days. I I fialktkot tAloottottori t itzbit!p„tdittitAttfortbor notice. 4 zrA: . *TAYR. Montrose attn .. . 4, len. N. 8.- 4 • Post Office aildress. llopbottout, GREAT BEND. IT-tf•
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