Acu , -rilartat " *oN!,.tgo§F; ,- .:8 - 3 27;;;19ir7. Tom,' County, .and variety: r • • Nowsay Monument Square." —The daie of our next issue will be Suly.l.l. --D. S. Gregory of Bridge Water picked a mess of green etts'from his vines June 20: 7 -statements from several townslilps were received: too' late tor this ; issue, but - will , in. ierted in our next. -- r dlev. Thos. A, Stevenson, officiated, at St. Paul's Church last Sunday niorrkinz, and even ing. , }le delivered two very -ahleand practical discourses, ,--Our printers w,e,ro placed unctzt obliga tiops to- Ilf. - ,J. S.:Tarbelt yesterday 'for :a box of fine strawberries, 'raised on "the 'Tuba 'House farp.' t Alonzo -Williams, of Ilri•lgewitter, is prepared to furnish our citizens with as fine a quality of strawberries as.can be Sound and at a reasonable price. —New York had ninety-three_ fires laSt Yourth of July, all from fireworks. Fourth of. July ernlebrations have cost, more thata the Whole revolutionary war. • wb.ise: authority.' :We-- can't -but in , any exchanges are . now announcing that it is not, longer necessary to lift your. hat: •tQ the ere bOW Snffieing. • t, ,tes and town eyery where are • talciig'l. steps to lii•it-cracker nu isanenoi the . FOurth of be rough the'boys but . O'W,..ers Of' property Will experience 'a:, grtat , - • s. • -11 embers of the Montrose Fire Dermrt nient ate hereby Ordered to convene at the en gine bbu4eJuly 4th, et 11,o'clock sharp, in full uniform, for the putitose of participating In the parade. By ,order Chief Eng., W. L.Cex, Secretary. w bile the pitle daughter of WM. Acl-er • man; aged two years,was alone fora short time r, ;on Moadaylat, It climbed upon A. clam and thence to.the biireau, where' it got h014.0f - a ..tottle of, - carholic acid, overturning its contents her dm§ and face, and burning it very se verely but not dangerously. --;The Deniocra•ic COunty Committee met ;at the-Tar:bell House 'on Saturday last and rip:- . p::oltited, Senator.ot Montrose; And john , -,11 ,Dusehhurh,Rf Great 'Bend, as Representative'delegat to the State ConVen-, tion to be held, atittie city of Harrisburg, Aug. , Bth. They also Unanimously conceded the i Senatorial delegate to Wayne county. • ' --,.i.40)1d man by.the name Of :Nelson - bla- 7 son, living in New Isliltord borough, 'kaged 82 yearS, committed suicide, on Plidayl morning, 'dune 15, by cutting his ,throat -with tkrazor. i,,Ho lived, however, until Wed nesday foll Owing. lfe bad been ato charge for some time.. •No cause can be assigned for the act ey.epkmental aberration * —The power of advertising in THE DESO 7 . CRAT*as fully, illustrated last week.- It will be rementhered• that we noted the fact that no hand' organs had • visited, our born - Ugh • this Spring, and the day the:'boys arid, ~ girls were.delighted hypthe of the crank of. one all about town. Fortunes are undoubt edly' }oat byllot,advertking in : the Dr.mocw: --The dinner intended to be given, on July 4th by` , the ladiefi of the M. E. Church,. is. no -. .:liced last' week, has been abandoned for the purpose'of giving the Monument Asso , Aation .• the fullbenefit of thoday, and. an ice-Cream and - strawberry‘festival will be f lield''by.them this • • evening (Wednesday) aethw - transept 'of the M. ''E:Church, to which allate invited: ' *ore than . ordinatTexertions are being put make 'this festival a sticcess, and to please those in at, tendarice : • = South welling . from 4 The d aPed.A. n\t, ...._. , esp. A o f . -'.- ' - '' ter,. narrowly - edueeday. - . 0 . T141 ,- . lisr, m...-fillen, b lu eing, to. r,Bilage!va. t fre last W .. , out of ~.'"r''' -:114, ' 4l "" ktr .' oytu s'. a, saw s . smoke issuing hus, -ta.v ' Allen —-- to ter 1 . 4 41'; ~.,i ',lock-Zia- , - th e alarm ..-,.%*t -iv 0 -..,. —. :• aave 4 , .4.„..,,, ,:„.,,, 4,-;,,aiher arid ,, ,;-1,..p, ,:_1,12,U,'" band who happened „near by and Boon made the discovery that a closet off--of a-bedrootti in the chamber„ filled with clothing, was all ablaze' the Whole chamber with dense onolke'::.W. secured some - water and, by epeditions.woiki succeeded in. extinguishC ing the flames, hut• not until all the; lothing in tlietlOSet:had been' destroyed. The clothing belonged;to his" daughter, who, is teach: lug School,and among it,were silk dresses,skirts, 4idother aithinkivhich,woe valued over $lOO. zThediughteKias borne And snot feeling well . • , : hadlOiCaaiOn'tOlaki Match tn-her•room the 'Jug' ht - bekire,thinkingshe 'Might7need it, and it -* not being used, was.leit,on her dressing -table. Itishelieved that a `little 'cbild, - ;,that had been -, - in the i'Ocipa: play thoughtlessly sir ac4dentally Jgc(kied.; the ,imatch, 'and the flames Can i ii*JU•the Clothing inthe closet. It • , is a very,swous loss .to the daughter, as all of her qhi#o,o was hanging and packed away in thVeUet, 4 i The walls of the • &set were :SO 'heated by the combustibn that it was several hours- before they *name 0)91. -• s' Tp b lol 4 l ,ug 'Or 1 : 0 .0 1 4e-lit. 152 'r-,t be4e 0le at i t iri : the go - giers' -Monument on:the - 4th of auly, the ceuhty bet bein . , port' i nt " ~ t ai p 4 prominent . d , - 013,10,-reP eloii.- A 7 .:.:,,,- "cane 1 1 P. - -- ; of :that xxca .:, Bait: r f iii- f f reiviest.- %,.• ~' :* rt In - - "- 0 1 . -, pa . -, riatepesa '''-''''' ''' thOPPrPII true-the mean g , Adelit may, IniSOODE .-. . t„an., btletie-lant, -T n oorria'i.llo7 !A!a'' iat. '''- ~ -, d0.1".1, , , • ' f: :tbli e, 0 - - -tuat itrid.iiitestioP° ~,j,,',4, to it' 1, : , *.p414 s a y,. ;-.. ,- -- -- on iii Xeg4N_ . - ' • :solder 4*b ' er343 " ' lA' , ifikliaToo ~. . moo ~.."1, ..„,- eritolieil f.,,, ,„---, ~be :1,14041ean, : -, • '.":1; - 4' , .-iiii: - .0 - e coliiity.,;, , bei.,.. 6i .“-t_ ti ,11,3, *4 gal - b,er 'o i f t tb to e< ''q `. , A ' -- yillie 'ea I.l ' ' ' 0,1,041Prt:/P-TPP' apOna)ng; t the ' 1/4 - - ma i- ion. 414 1 P z, - it,,,,, Dgodiest bu 0 4 ,„ ;'1970;!'-z Iik4IZ3W4P woll l l- 6 1i ''',' At , -- - ' I,- . - kozil4o:4t:-- , - of 6n Y tsi e x .--:",:* - 'Eforming A duty 4. l'!', • is, bOlie, t . t E e dead; - - -1 h ur bu the , ,,glV---.0 , . . J. R. 11„A.t25:4-:_:FoRD. yETpit,ga:X,'§OLDIZOp:, B.IP Bzuamity. EXECUTION OF- LANAII 3N. AndrewLanahan eonvieted of the murder , of Capt. John Rile - y; tin the 15th of. September, Int, at Wilkes-Barre, paid the penaltv..of the law. on Thursday' The streets of Wilkes-Barre• were thronged early in,the morning of the day of the execution, although , it was known - that no one but officials and reporters would be, ad mitted within the jail yard to witness the eke, eution.: Rev. 'Fathers Donohue, O'Harron and Nagle spent the morning With the condemned man, administering the sacrament and giving him all the •Consolations of the rites •of the church. At 'fifteen minutes past ten the prist over walked forth from his cell, b,earing cru7 attx.. -and . acconipanied by "the-'priests, and without any indications of tear or trembling. : Upon the scaffoid he thanked all for their kin& ness and said, "I forgive all who have wronged me, and ask all I.have , wronged to forgive me.l His legs were then pinioned, the rope adjitsb ed, the black cap"drawn'over his face; and at, hirty-four minutes past ten the drop fell, and Andrew Lanahan was suspended between heave,n and earth. There were but` slight movements of-the limbs ot the- body. In 12 minutes the doctors pronounced life extinct. Lanai= wp.s but 31 years' of age,:anal-.said that he knew nothing (A his killitig Riley:;_ that he waS so drunk that evening tilt' t he renietn berekl nothing of his acts.—SJ:ran, n Journal. FOURTH OF JULY-LICCO4MODATION FOR The . goodyeople of the - County who content, Phyt`e, Dedicatory exercises on the 4tb, MOiltros. .naturally -ask 'Where caul put my horses _And this is a serious question with the careful horseman, on thal., day of bands, - fire-cracker and carnion. To pro-, vide for this;, the 3lontuncrit Association have made arrangements with the Susq'a Co. Agri- , cultural bociet3 for the use of the It= Grounds on that day.,.. Careful, experienced men will be in-charge of the grounds that days; and Or the ptirpose of defraying the ekpense of this,a, small admission fee will'be charged, at the gate, for privilege Of driving in - and Occupying the grounds during Elie day, viz: Ten cents tor horse and,carriage, and' fifteen' cents for dont* team. The CaValry, and Fieldand Staff of the' Yet:. Org. will receive tickets of admission _ applying at'the Qrs. - of the Gen'l Com'dig. There, is plenty of water, and bay and,oats will be furnished—onthe grounds at reasonable prices. The. Association have made this ar rangement for the accommodation of the pub• lie; believing it •be. ~a great convenience. Therq will be no parade, no fire-crackers elk the grounds, and it Will be a quiet, for horses. Grounds willibe closed . a.t 5 o'clock p.m. F. iptEA.I6SLEY. • " A.:TERRIBLE TRA.GF,DY. Wednesday , evening as , and Mrs. I:!,atriek , Golden, an aged copple, wnra s4ting in ttiOrluitise near the ,tunnelt`4.4ftwee4,Fatcory 'ville'and-Nitholson, a niiin With a blackened Ace walked into the room and unceremonious ly shot Mr. Golden with a double barrelled shot gun which he.carried , in his hand, wounding him 'iu the side. Mr. Golden ran _ into another room but the assassin followed and shot him again, this time in the, neck, and turned and walked away. Mr. . Golden died yesterday morning. He ,Was between Ito and 80 years old, and was a quiet, respectable ' citizen. By great, industry he bad accumulated' about $6,000 worth Of property. He Was not' known to haie r had - any.enernies,and as no effort at robbery was` made the cause of the murder is &mystery Surely this is the most atrocious and, cold • tokOded.crinie'that has evjeteen committed in. our county, and it is, to be h,oped that the per petrator may be brought tojustice. _ We - shall give further particulars next week.,—Tunkham rnock Republican,. HOW tO LOAFERS AWAY. The .Altoona.-mirror learni that the follow ing. is a new plan in Pottstown that is being used bi some =-business then ''td- drive loafers away from the front of their stores: A film of druggists displayed a large placard in , their ?could be read by all who passed along - the Street, containing the following Snmething for the young men to 'do who stand in fr ont of this store." - r Another business pan l iw. the , same place has tad a similar card printed:itiaireitd6 as fol - • • - ANTIiI) ELSE. The young men who cannot find any other plc tostarid or leanllmn in froqt of-this door anted sonieiyhete It is said that ,the firms who have the cards diplayeii hre hot trembled by having a crowd block up their windows and doors. '' A CRUEL WRETCH. • • fellow 'named Win. Clearwater, - who worked tor Wm,. Lowman, of Chemung, and driving one of lanivirtan's Minim's; the horse re-. fused to work- He took a stout cord end tied 'around the horse's tongue end an attempt was then made - to pullrhim :along by the c,ord,which resulted .in teming the tongue , off just above , where the cord was fastened And about 8 inches from the /ewer end. of, the tongue. ,Clearwater continued to-work the'horse all day in this eon ditian,and at niklifictit hen out Without mak ing the tact known to any one,' and LoW mat; consequently` learned nothing about the matter Until the next day., The horse is being • e'ttred for but the , brute lhas r Journril. ' - SAD AND. FATAL AWIDENT. The Carbondale Adoczam sayfi: Mr. Nelson' Coleman of Uniondale, was living at . G. Wash; ingtim tain6C at Eielrick,: , WOrkingt - onthe - Toung'.-Coleman,,,,Wita .I)4l:n4:the 'feint "'et ii tat' neh' brother one o Y. • the his,irses klehed : , hitu i in the lace w. itk,hot4 -:feet, breakinihis neck and k i llize fir . .,, : ;• Yriui,frxhing - titatVrAs ..4gt#P4 rears-of ago. aiieldent happened on the 11th, and the funeral iwas attended on Tuesday, the 12th, .at 'Uniondale. "WANTED. - POTATO,B.TIGS . - Thy;'nirning sun was rising fast; - through thet‘meadoW-1( 4 " there passed who'bore with grasp bOld, A:k9od.sized bottle ;meat to Potato-bugs I' ' • 'His eyes were dim,-his cheeks-were wet With tears that, would not back be kept ; And - 74th a sob, a sigh; a, groan,• He uttered in a most mournful tone, "Totato-bugl". Near hapPy homes he saw the boys Playing: croquet, "Or with theivfpys;' ' Ahceve the scorching sun did Sbitte • And from his bps escaped 'a whine, "Pilato•bugs!" ' ° The hour fort inner game and went, " And left him, o'er the vir es still bent; At supper time, he would not eat; And oft and oft didle repeat, "Potato-bUgs ' • • •, • , • .. "0, comprhis'ocinirades said, "aod play One gate Of ball Dearly would b d liayd loved t0g0,7 - = • But shdolc lushead and ansiAtred' "No ''.PotatObwrs !" - • `.Teware the noon-,day sun's .hot.power Beware the awful thunder-shoW.err his brother shouto-wjth- A void: replied, tar . down the hi.l4. . .; "Potato-bueS !" At - close of clay,' as'at the church; The bell replied to sekton's touch, - And loudly, rang for nine o'clock, • A'vpice. exclaim ed, with startlin; Shoclt,, - ,`‘Potatp-htigs!" I ' • Qui' hero rushing up the - lane ••• - • .. , topped not for joy, otgriet or - .Waving,high 'above _ • 11is bottle: to the family said • ; • . • --Totato-briti%!" Into the flre';- - Oni by one; The;striped creatures then be flung; And in his &earns - through Out that night;, He often beiettmed, in said fright; •' .r l l*Potato-}ergs : • FOU-1,1":13 : INTERESTS. REF ELESIDIE :NTS. ' • Many '171,' ho attended the Celebration at Mont rosb ;ast ....Tear, have ; unpleasant inernories ,of empty stomachs—or, in other Words, unsatisfied_ erii - Viii4‘of the inner . man. The Monument Association have this year sought to pro : vide a gaidst any such unpleasant memories.- Col. C. F. Watrous, q. 31. Gen t of the Vet: organiza-, tion, has ,been apPoiuted public cg,terer for _that occasion, and with such able efficient assistance as the ladies of 'Montrose are'alsVays ready and willing to give, everybody and their srives-may rest .assured_ that they will bave l itO occasion 7:to go away hungry. . \ The long and spaciOus ball of the Court Tiouse, including the. Sneraf's -office, Treasur er's office, and 'Recorder's office, will be made. ] a grand - restauraat. ;on the 'uEttropean A large tent- will , be. pitched at the north end of the Court - House, .which will also be • used to entertain the' public.' Itt addition to these;' 'the-large store'room' with backparlors, lateli nccupied by. Wilson J. Turreil,• will be. thrOwn open to the public ; and 66 - large•wigvitup lately occupied - by the Hayes and Wheeler Club, will be held in reserve, for use if needl ed; The` well known' liberality ' , of the citizens of Montrt4e will again be that for — edibles, but 'they ' reinember the contribu- , dons asked for are for : ',feeding; the :two bu , n-. dred Orphans from the *rphin's school; and should their contributions exec - a the demand. for .that purpose—they have the same or equal' as ,pairiotic a motive—that of contributing to the Monument Fund. The, Comity Commissioners and the Town Cauncil have given exclusively jurisdiction to the Monument iisociation, to. have and, oc cupy the grounds helonging to the county and_ the borough, on :that day, for restaurant and other purposes bonneetedt with, the eotertainment and comfort ! at ;the public, • H. F. BRAIDSLBy.- } HEADQUARTERS . WESTERN BATTALION 'YET:. ORG. ATIBURN, Pa. i ' ' .. June . 25,.1877. . 'Geiteial Orders .Y.l In 'accordance with General'Orders No., 8., from, Ileadqterters .-tofr the Organizatimr,- , :the Western Battalion will hold itself in readiness' to rtifyi - at,tm - early hour, mt the morning of tie 4th'cil Juiy liionirns to participatein,.the e ceremony of unveiling the filoldiers._gorminen t Capt. Wm. 3. Lawrence of Dimock, viilttake command:of the Veterans _ftpin Dimock, Spring ville and Auburn and will rendezvous at Allen's Pornee.s at or *fore 9 o'clock a. in. Capt. lieter D. Roe, of. Jessup, will taketoin mand of the ."Yeterans" from Rush, Middle: townotnd Jessup,, and rendezvous at Pairdalc at the same. bout'. • The Colonel..loommanding hopes that every soldier in the Western Battalion (and the-Bat= taliOn:coMprises every honorable discharge.d wet of the line of the D. L. & road) will take an active part in the parade, and _ all the exercifea of that day. • , Tura out "boys" and play soldier for. only n • . one day in commemoration, of an event, one of, the grandest in the annals of our'countiy. • - By Command of 1. - = M. H. VANSCOTEI4; Col. Coin'd'agiVe4 Battallop. . THOMASSIXADDUCK, Adyt. I.l*Argir,ritTuns EAsyswir BATTALION, YET. Ono:' (4T. BEND, Pa. • " Jtine 25,1877..: General Orders E. In CoMplianee with ' General Order, No. 3. the.veterans Of Great Bend, Susquehanna Depot Oakland; Iretnllony, Thompson, Jackson and New Milford are .requested •to take-up the line of March on the morning ot-July 4th- in the .=direction (A l New Millard. • Commandants Of eothpanieti will report their companieiihrfront . of Phinneys gotel as early- 4 9 A., N.: The hearty. co,opaxatton of- ppiti.otlipm and mien is lii6ke - ihglindertaking a success. ',Oust that, we perpetuate the Item iliase: - :l4lOW;heroes - :;yy' Whose side -we fough,t,:i/:-.153-Daiisaaord 11,..x:-HAZARD, ) • Cot '01 . ..,r0'd Battalion; , - Chas. 't-Chistelitio,,,A4t- • grand p ihild in Byru • Grave---cunviutent . to - tue ustholic tnarch-,.al . St. Joseph's July 4. 1- cirjrei;pondezici:' --'-There is a small place situatein the ..toWn Liberty on a -by road, off - fro*the Onake Ogee ' Turnpike l , called 4 ,'lreland.,":: Ifs ! - ..inhabitart s ls '4re -hea!thY,' - hard Workingi - dass , : of people, principallY'et . )gaged furnishlng peeled bark . and 'hauling 4 to thC-tannery, auj the large loads that they : tike is - suPrising. , • D - A. Warden is jobbing it; • He - has - take,n I,6ooions of bark" to peel and deliVerl He - his twenty-slx. men employed irom all `parts of 'the 'Conniy'ylnd some from' "Sullivan county. . hark p4lers seem to be hapPy, contentel3, for then voices may: be hearifat. all , times , ing or talking cheerfully etteh - other,, thUs 1 showing that our working class are a free aqd happy people, , , 11,111NEr CREEK ITEMS. _Yews. Dlitoil:—" - Old Rhmey" would again be represented in, our most welecime NisitoVtbe Dlntocn.A.T. .The is very s troubleso.oo. The weatliefis-fine and hatte commene-, ed haying. . , JP - • . • Horseback riding is the favorite , amnsement here both for hales and gentlemen. i There is a yOung man often seen, in our pllce froin `lrcla.nd;' attracted'. hither ; by a certain 1 Young ladYf'' -.- . - Fred Race atig'wile have gone to Ireland to work for a bark iolAel—he in the woot's And she in the house, ' - f ' _ 2 1 _The straw - berry is now ripe ,and women iiiiad children may be . seen at : all ,times,of the.clay carrying hom&the choke fruit,of . the field. • Gideon Wilbur was quite „badly, hurt, by the -falling of a - lirnh ;- while engaged in peeling birlc thellirab aline down in .such I a-, way' that it -nearly_ictuped liin but did . notinjhre , the skill. There is a erciwroad In contemplation that is to connect the Upper Rhiney Creek road with the lower Ono, and that is about afiy thatexciies our, peaeeful neighborhood just novy.. • , Tivo of -Our yoUng friends/Were wade hailny the other day , by a repitition cif Ailey °old,- Old story, "I pronffunee you man 'and wife:'.' • 'We hope they - *Ogilvy long s and. happy together:] Edgar' Knapp' has renounced' farming and • One to - peddling "'His - Cart passes this`way once 'Week and - ,:we are all glad to seeit coining. 1 1E ' ,'The liotise of D. A. Worderi; : which has tiben closed a long time, WasthrOWn 'open list Stun aE id made a'vislt. by theowners thereof; and quite a number of friends 'besides. Tlity brought their. dinners Meng, And, to' the` passer ,by, it seemed as if they had ' . again`rettlrned tight our neighborhoOd , and their own happY. b6me. . ' : J une 21, 1.877. 'KEYSTONE' AC2CPEttY: • , I The eighth, year . of. r .icliboi ~ Iceystorie 'Academy closed_,last Friday.f Claasss were ex:, IL mined in the, Academy, :on ; WednOday arid Thursday. , Wednesday evening an , address 1r as expected frdm of. Sus qu ehanna county; but be : not being able to be present, the time was -occupied, and the con xregation very ably entertained ,by addresses; from the Principal, Rev.. T. J. Cole, • of• the. Baptist church; and Elder Barnes, of,the M. E. cbufch. • _ , • .2 , • T burkday evening antexhibition • was given consisting or orations and ; -essays by the two most adVanced classes composition: - The following are s es of the performers; with their sObjects:: , ' Orationi—i*Ailtioie! Martin A. '_DeWitt, Tnahannock; essay- : -"The Power; of Maly. ner" 7 =Mar,.•Gardner, Dalton; essay-" Fault Finding"— Lucy. Gerould, East Smithfield' or ation----"Agricultnrem--R.T.Gibbs,- Scranton') essay=; `Love of Display"--Mary LeightOn,, Hnmrhreyville; oration--‘.IY6 the People" 4 John C. Mires, Nanticoke; essay-:-"Nemesis"- . Josie Rivenberg, Clifford;"essay—"Veneering" =-Magifi ktrushNtalley t • CURES IgOn TFIE BiIIiFIC'BETWIEBI 4 I CAPITAL!: /dip ' -LABOR • • O'ration=' "Co-operation" . - ~•~ I. F. Boale,"SOuth Eaton ; - pration-=.-"Educatisa"-0: • Seainahs Factoryville; ?it Wiles,'Gibson ; essay = -"The ProperigtOi Hof M ankliul"--Lottie Stone; Friei2diville; easily "Mistress' of some Branciliina-% Streeter, w4itlz , t4trii: • • The exercises . were ;interspersed thtoughou w ith singing and iiistrniueutal music. • , The Subjects ofthe`orations - add were , not Selected by thestildents; but' given by. -the Principal.:,. They were all written'and delivered in r a. nlanner which showed ex, celienee; both in composition and delivery: - The . programme } tot; Friday was follower . Essaf-7-ilhe Ed uca ti on :of . " Wom en "-= by Miss , • Liz t zielloneywell, Cold" Water, (this es say waswritten - tar a •prie, receiving honor able mention). pi4ro. - 441 1 0,, misc . Maryary Gard ner,-Dalton. .k orat i on— " T une an Ele. ment in Education"-; ; 4teward Streeter, Tunkhannock. Piano solo, Miss Josie Chase, Factorrille. Pilzo.essay—"The Education of Women" : —Eva • ,Keeler: l .,`Keeletsburg. 'Vocal Solo, Miss Josie Rivenburg, Clifford ! ~ Gradua-, ting address— "Self :,Aeliance:!---Jantes Leigh ton f Rttmptrreyville. Piano . solo, Miss. Nina Streeter, White _Haven. Gladuntang address "Decision- of character"---Geo. E. OsterhOut.,' Tunkhannock. • "Piano . solo, Miss Lizzie Leigh ton; liumphreyville.. At the close.of the exercises - the prizes and . dipiornas'were - distributed, few `appropriate; ' remarks_ made 6i - the:Principal; selectiOn-parting ArS., Westiln, and thif 'Congregation ( ' dismisset:*ith: the. benedietlotibi 'Rev' `J, flutchinion, ; of Wilkei-Esrre. exefreiset :were- quite lOng, but veryhitercitl4,; Odinit,While - no r= ono feli faiikued all Were prepared to relish the eicei lent t'Olicter *bleb', ',Was' prOiridid for ter : dinner wm*eriktreated'AdOt. 443 • ii4labye I#4t, lu 94e *fty,.prihoo:Ohy N‘t,.4o:koePTaoi:ic - 1144 : (iir.ot , l4..iiii#lnitorsougg:!_f*iirect4 the exerblij'ihisyear,*iiif the - SW*6s Ren-iii6; '':. ;,,L t ;..::::`,' .:-:•-% ,- C=X=l iffEli AND.. R, -, ‘ ... bast ly A 4 1 5 0 k141ttsel t ddaY.;Ufte, 0'0n. ,- :, This liar- I ink been gotten up rather . vai ,entirely I' i lt "exieniporaneous'i but I think'' t was - the opin- ioi of those . preOpt, tl g it fcould !not have 1 ,bee,n improved much by relict ion. %, A. meeting I of 4tudents was eld at, nin , :o'clock Friday; t moyoing at winearrangethe ts , were made for a similar meeting next year. lE. 1.4. Day, editor; of ilie . "Nicholson , Item, was lecteci as orator; for, that occasion ;-Miss Lucy Bailey, Factory;, ,; 7/ 443 a s essayist.; :and , "Miss oltio , Newcop,l3,l Fictoryville,- as:lll3lo6lin.. , -.ComMittee of Ariangements was also uppOilted,tbetamber s ,of ivhicb, will spare no pains tp Inake tilt meet.; ink.of 1878 as-interesting as-kossible. , 'Friday; ev6uink we had 'expected an 4ddrcss fromltev.l , Jolin Peddle, D.D.; of Philathilpbut, but on, ac.. count of ill health ha was, un4ble to be present,; anp his place was:very ably fled by Dr. Ches s ! hit 4( I Montrose. I: - . 01 ' Islet t term commences Tuesday, Sept.'4th, OUR POOR SRAD: - Twtnty-five years ago, aaYs the phpfulelphia LeTger, the shad .fisberiess , on , the Susiluehanna linve Colunihia, were wort l h more than th fakms which :skirt the river on eitler side pitjbese same fiqberies arelpracticallY worth'. The lunge wets .hrOliglit, about by tho Oobstrnet - inn of a dain-at*Colluinbia by . the Tide AT - . ; . rater Canal .Conipany,:tld r authoiity of . thiJ IniAlatule. 'Since then le* shao have beni? cabght above COlambia; has been 4 stif)ject of goleral and erious complaint on till part 01 the peopielivin4ori - tile upper , . The le - gla(lirei has_ selerld tim , eAdeavored to reffiedy the: evil by constructin g fi4llVay , Over, 'the dani, ' and' has spent muc' money in. this di cetioii, but, - all such, albs' far have proved failures, At the la3t session of the legistatifre the ma ter Was again brought, iip; and - the asherme, prayed for some pra . elicalsteps lqolking to r lief A commission , was asked for to make iu , quiry,into,thc matter and reikrrt . some plan by whin h the:fish could be got above the dani. This request: was finally granted, and the com mittee appointed. .-, The commis,ssioners, of whr.elt *presentative - slBs,ley of,Datmbiu county chairman, met it the Girard, House, Philadelphia, list 'llinrsday , a ud durpag the forenoon a(sub-cumtinittee visited t jid; ot the; Philadelphia, and, 'Reading railroad tomPanY, Fourth street, for the p urpose of conferring ~ witht . the acting Presi dent, George De 13. Kelm, and, other officers of the road, including the corps of civil engineeis with a:view to ascertain as : to, what in their estimation should be - done to the dam,--the com pany being , the owner of it-.-that the fish might get beyond - it: • A number of plans were suggested by means of ;which the evil might• be,temedied, but noth. ing definite was done -beyond-arranging for a meeting of the coinmlttee - , =at which the railtnail Officials and•• • conapetent. engineers will be - preseht and take part in the proceeding& That sorrinplan . will be agreed upon that is an improvement =upon the •:\ present system, and that 4111 admit of the free. and 'tkaay passage of fish above theilain, is 'considered certain. ROW TREY DO AT:NEWPORT. ' I' , - Bummer lite at Neviptirt is thus summed up by a correspondent : "It consists chiefly in bringing city thannern, habits 'and customs into 'the country. The 'eichi:tilies do not bfrthe-ir the ocean, hey have salt -water brouglit them in the barrel. in tfiis way they avoldThe heat and sun and the 'hotel . people' who visit the beackAnd help to support the deserving personslio carry about the' water barre , l s. They do not walk or row; they seldom sail, and if they i fish they hire men to bait their hooks forthem. They -strictly observe all the fp Inalities and ceremonies . of city, lite, drive Out in the after noon, dress them:Rives two or thiee times a day, and in the ~evening the ladies crib cise each Other and talk about their clothes. A more• . uscless, and,.all things considered, a more tiresome, eiercise could not well be imagined. Jikut-then, , it is . ,fashlowaie l - and ,costs a great . . . . • • EPRING 1 -BED , SWINDLE. Theiatest fraud on the iirming community , AS the spring:ll:ollw,indle, modns operandi of, ,which is as.. foll9Ff: -The first of the gang engage! storage:room the tarmer'sharn for spring beds, representing himself as an agent for ' the. manufactuf!ers 1.44, 'gets the victim to *rite gown hie name and address and departs. ,Shortlyiifterirtird:ifiothirstranger informs the firMeithat theiPring beds 'he Ordered are at theciePot, and2piesenti his bOl-for a large in .voice.. " The fitttneit'. disclaims the transaction, 'tiPoti.- 'which tbe'collecfor shows hinihis signa ture fat e'order"for beds. = If he still refuses to settle,. two more strangers visit him, repre. 'denting thelnselves;.to be lawyers of the conk ,pang. _ They threaten :legal proceedings,but are wining to comPrPmise for a portion of the ,cline, • • -- . . REDUCTION -OF, WAGES ON -TIM ERIE. order has been :toiled in the various de the'Riie bt the Erie ' • Railway, qurii* ihnpresentiieek,''itt the'effeet that on and atter July, let a reduction of ten per cent. *l4 be madd'on 'the cOnipenbation• of all •em ployees of the coriPani, - ,not 'affected by the piovisions of orderi,Nol issued' some time ,ago. ~This order, States Receiver.Jewett, is rendered necessary by the depreseed condition 'of the business and“ib r e reduced earnings of the company, This":reduction is sweeping sand Ceptis oply soinric'd Officers getting ono thousand it year 'and upwards. ' it 'Will be rem ' embered that , . salaried. officers were reduced Some time ago, hence their esattpe.this tinge.' There „wilt ' b ai:attamberry - and ice-creata featii , ;al at Goo i Tiinplirs Hall, on Friday of iirtfOon and titerting, l 3nne 20, for ilia benefit al PrOsbyteriiip huicht Ail ara,Ciirdlally '''‘lted to' atttind: ~BySorder of Committee. DW.trikatine. 2 4 1877 , In your r . l -4 timalt dish Of. charcoal ' P l ' a nd niThsit4l larder, kOatif' the ,articles sweet a 1 4 •• ;V661601111 ilaiOst'as'well as Ice:, FESTIVAL AT P 131004.,