The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, June 27, 1877, Image 1
. , . .„..... . . . . . sP"• , --,' '•' - i t j 4lii i i . . ... _. .... . Punt...l - it'svH:g . iin.;m i xre ,, F ki : ..l l (litiqnz74, AT .4:!§l:oliTßCift* .$lleQ'A. •, H AW4 -. . - gr,'HY:::: - '.4. ;C:RV-S , E - i.R . ._.,:. .-:-.. „. .....:,..-.:_.,.:-_..-: . iwrratts & PROPRIETORS - At TwO Dollars per :gear fi.Advalice: , : • TO aDVERTISERS:—Tito Dogoon.a.t. ae an adv,er ;long medLUrt► - ;fs unsurpassed ;in thie section :It reacher the Farmer, 'Mechanic, and busitfess rano.: Its circulation is constant'}' increasing. awl its advertisirg rates reas.onable. Hates will be rlven at our oilice-or. bxicill, Advertising contracts - payable qttarte:rly. -- I.O4f,RINTING:-.our office Is supplied with four rse,l\4l.ortz n ri g presses, toge th er with :: large variety of type: border fancy inks, etc.. with which we are prepared to do wt, •In the best style and at prieets rower Wall an y camas In any section. Sampli!s"'showtfand estimates c heerfully given at our Sallee.. Work order ed by mail willreceive prompt attention. V.' C.' . OICUSEIL , , 33traxivmosa cLeibrt.ries. ATTORN EYS. ITTLES 'AVD .BL AF,AIMST :Arr. . torseys st Law, Mootrose..Fs ! () Moe opposite the Tarbell Itortae. n trine,, lB7B . - CI. LOTT, ATTORNEY AT LA.W, . Montrose., Pa. Ofilce on Public Ave., second door above asnocan Office. Montrue, Mach' 28 . /KO. SCOVILL AND DEWITT,' ATTUR neys a t ,Law and Solicitor* in ifiltikru,ptcy:Ofilte N 0.49 Court Street, over City National Bank, Man ual:am:l. N.Y. . • _ ; War.ll.Scovux, JnnelBth 487 8 : , thßeatit DZWVT4r; ED6AR A. TU.AREINT.. - COUNSZLLOR AT LAWS. , No. VW Broadway, New York City. bray 12. '7s.—(lreb.ll. 1874.:4 - O. . WARREN, ATTORNEY A,T. A• Law, Bounty, Bier rey,4 Pettedct n and E x _ emlnon Claim attended to.'. Office gro oor below Bo7d'e Store, Min trose.Pa. [Aug. 1,'69.] W M. A. CROSSMON, ATTORNEY at Law. Office over the tint -Nation Bank, Montrose,Pa. W. A. CROEfiSMON. 31 on tro ee, A tiril t 9; 1876.—tf, • - - D. LUSK, Attorney. and - Conn- VV • eellor at. Law, Montrose; Ps.. Office on Public Avenue. • . : ., Dee. 13,18765 , 1. T B. & A. H. McCOLIX.M; AT= 0 • torneysat Lavi. • Office over W. IL Cooper CO I E. Bdrik.:X(*trOttC.:Va.. ,*aY 10, 187/..77411„ • U NEIL. ATTOR.NEY.- AT. F:d • Law. Office ..over M. 'A, Lyon's Drag Sbire, Brick Block. 'Montrose, Pa. [ June 9, ?Z.—tn. -- DW.: SEART , E, ATTORNEY AT • Law, offiee' over the Store of inthe Brick Block ;Montrose_ Pa: tpg. 1, PHYSICIANS. jiR. W. L. RICHARDSON, elan and Surgeon. tenders hi 'professional ser vicep to thecitizens. °Montrose and 'vicinity. Office at his rcsideree, on the corner east of the Foun dry. 'f Aug, . 1 1869. V 11 SNYDER AL D, 110111E0- x:4 a • pathic Physician mad Surgeon., hai.4PERMA NENTLY LOCATED..iu New Milford, Pa. Office at the Union Hotel. _ - , . Aug ;13,1576.-tf DEN'T'ISTS.` S. POTTER DENTIST , WISHES A-4 • to inform the people, of Montrose and Vicinity, that he is permanently located, in the second story of E. P. Stamp's new building,; opposite.C,oopeestE34. All kinds of Dental Work done in the best manner. • 'N.B.—Nitrous• Oxideaughing Gass, - given for the painless extraction of te e th. Montrose, April sth, 1646.—if DR. W. W. SKITH,,, DENTIST. Rooms at hls d ve ling, next door ndrth of Dr. Halsey's, on Old Foundry street, where-he would be happy to see all those in want of Dental 'Work . . He feels - confident that he can ple'tse all, both in quality of work and in price. Office hours from 9 A. X. to 4 P. x. Montrose. Feb.•ll, 1874—tt • ' • • ' DRUGGISTS. . . . A. LYON,SUCCESSOR TO • Abel 'Farrell, dealer in Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils,' Dye-stuffs, Teas, Spices, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery,-.&c. • Montrose. May 19.1875. - • ' pAGLP, DRUG- STORE -IS THE -La place to get Drugs and 3tedcines,4ll.eani, To bacco,Pipes, Pocket-Books, Spectales,lranket NO tions. &c. Brick Block , A. D, BURNS,,, bientrose, Pa., May sth, 1575. - • ." • HOTELS: „ . VALLEY' HO USE GREAT BEND T Pa. Situated near the Erie Railway Depot: 77 Is a large anti commodious house.. Has undergone a thorough repair. - Newly famished rooms atcd.sleep inapartments,spieudidtables.andall t tying. s compris ing a fit st class hotel, HENRY .A.CRE . RT,' Sept.loth.lB73.-tf. , Peoprietor. PXCHANGt .tI6TEL. V '3l. J.l HAR, rington wishes to informlittepablic ving rented the Exchange Hotel in Montrose, he is how prepared to accommodate the .tralreling :g;rlil:c in first-elass style. • " Montrose, Ang.28,1873. MEAT !MARKETS. - MoNTROSE MEAT - . :..MA,RKET; . . Pahlic Avenue: First-class meats always on hued tit reasonable Niece. Sausagze,:PoullVy. it in Ekersnri. The patronage &tribe public Is respectfully so- Lc • WALLACE HEWITT. MoLtrose, Jim.l,lBll. n',Altrel:i . ol\,l . 4 4 . s2; ir C SUT T () X -: , : • • , r.- , • L.„. ' -', ,-. f -,' • - 11. ' ' 4- Is . ''- .- ' '• ; • , • •..,; '4 6 A. tl,b - no 2 3 1 - ',F,i'.-E,11, - ; • ~,` r -•-,- '.. -= 1 - Fb.,7. 18771 •.., • - " • ' - ''•-• - ' , ' l, tlsii,c4ttritil,: , :k.e.. .-- ------------------....-=‘,:,..:,•=..!....-'- (4.ILBERT S. JOHNSON, :-.- ,. 1- - t ':',•:--'--. A. - 11.0 T 1 0 'ti 11 El/ Addres-e,- ''- -‘ March...J:9, itilt:if •-•,'' ..,4 -- ' : 'l ,- •I , llDatirOW;; Pa ---------, [, ' ':1-...4.4.—,--2--- -',--,2.----4't...-x:s------- ~% , „ , -4-2 - "'' -- .- ' ~ft.'3:- . *,, T 10N. . E .E- 1 1, 413 . 1i - 6iig" ''' -." - 14 1'874 . ; ,:', 4 " /- :,- , liroolvisPLA. •-•,----... --------,-,------------_--,;---- -- - q . •', • 8131T 0 YORS' ,;', ~.° ..,, _. 7 ..._ ...„...._. , . _ , . .... IT 11 GRIFFTS. C I VIL• -AND, I .lNfrl Ng Engineer, Ilartir*Pk t , , •(.zatve3f - thg "and , r tingpror9tly aud aceniately done %; . ALSO —Aby other Engweerkug work eolieited. Ap rt: 23, itsl7 --tilti . , __ -•• • •'.. ervlLtmetimili it4ti trAin 4 SiTEvrror., 4 ' '• P.. ~.Addrem, Franklib FOrks, Sti.sque,h4rtnareo„Pa. PRINTING' - • Qlliek,°::::,,,'„ - ;;;4.7a.,,--:: r , : Job . Printing CHEAP, : -- -it'- ' ' '-' JOB PRINTINGiof all low 1cin,(18.14 omee $t :.Price :r e,ity U. „ :, - =.l IL B. iaITTLX, Qua: P.LITTLS, li„ Summar. I=====l VOL. 34. §(,, , r itoL,,o7j,,:,s , :,c,!A_Rps: A W. COOLEY, BUILDER, , STILL ON THE ,TRACK Every . style of buildings •erected, and, everything tarnished, at 011iATLT ,REDUCED PAICEti. , Contracts Cheerfully furnished.. Stair building a spedialty. None lint experienced workmen tolerated. jan.20,"15. Montrose. March 22, 18 . 16.-3yl • TT BURKETT,: DEALER IN STA"- • pie and Fancy Drs Goods, Crockery, Hard ware. Iton, Stoves, Drugs. Oils,. and Paints, Bouts and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Pars, Buffalo Robes, Gro ceries;ProvisionFt &c. NOWlitlit . pid.Pa.,Nov 6, "12-41. A. TAYLOR will bneafter tnrnisli - TT I to the people of %Montrose and vicinity. Raw, Baked or Clam Soup. Also, Ice Cream on hand at ill times. Dining rooms over C. Bacon's store, south Vain Street. • Jan.lo, 1877. . - A. TAYLOR,. W B. DEAN-; -DEALER IN V V • Books. -Stationery, Wall Paper, Newspa pers, Pocket Cutlery, Stereoscopic Views, Yankee Notions, etc. Next door to , the Post Office, Montrose, Pa. . ' - W. B. BEANS.. Bept.Bo, 1574. • RILLIN GS pS,TROUD3 FIRE AND A- 0 Life Insurance Agent; - Atl business -attended to promptly. on fair terms. Office drat door east of the bank of- Wm. H. Cooper & Co., Monty:me, Pa. Jan. 1, 1877. BILLINGS STriOITD. jOHN GROVES,: FASHION - ABLE Tailor, Montrose, Pa. Shop over' ()handler's Store. Ali orders filled in first-class style. Cutting done to order on short notice, and warranted to fit. Montrose. June 30.'75. - FT. PURDY. MANUFACTURER • of wagons of all kinds. AlsO makes a specialty of wood work fOrrcalei RepairS promptly =attendea to: Uses only best stock, and aims to make only first-class work. . [april 26,1876.1 - - LOMS. KNOLL, SHAVING AND. hair Dressing. Sho p in Searles new building, below 'Express Office, where he will he found ready to attend all who may want anything In hie line. Montrose -Pa .Oct. 13, 4869. - - EW MILFORD MACHINE SHOP. 1.1 All kinds of machinery made, or furnished to or.' der. Repairing promptly attended to; , ;TIMID'S SHULTZ.. New Milford,MaY 17.1 8 76.--/Y. E FFE RS ON GRIFFIS DEALER I - Hard Ware, Iron, Nails, liouseturnishing Good , Groceries and Provisions,- Wood, Stone, Jappaned an Pressed Tin Ware, &c., &c. march 15, '76. SAMPLE, SAFES.---PARRELL 4. ob. K- 1 ("Terrines pate:rit) consf aiitly en hand. • , 131.1.,LLNGS STROUD. ,ISiontrose, Feb. 2,3, 1511.-1 y - • w W. SMITH., CABINET AND V • Chair Mauctfacturera. leoct”i Mainetreet, Montrose, Pa. • tang. 1..1869.j BA.A.NKING. BANKING H.OUSF, MONTROSE; PA. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS AND PROMPTLY ACCOUN TED FOR AS . TTERETOFORE. . Domestic and Foreign`'Exchange for sale. United States and other, Bonds bought • and sold. Coupons •and City And County Bank Checks cashed: OCEAN STEAMER (PASSAGE. TICK" ETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. ANTTREST ALLOWED - on special time j • Deposits, as per. agreement.. In the, future; as in the, past, we shall e,ndeav- Or to transact all money bu'siness to the satis action of onr patrons and correspondents. - WM. Hi CO6PIEK & CO., Montrose; MaretL,lo, '75.=-tf. Bankers. ' TTAIRST NATIONA:L BANK nacv22.t-rcuse. CASH CAPITAL .6100,000. r:IMIVXCIAII73M7C3,-' To their new. tommodions . 7 Pablie Avenue: - ets the businetti , of 3.rEitp ANTS,s FAI:3iLItS And Otnoila.‘ , • . , WM. J. TUIIRELL. P.nreinnicr: G.,B„ELI)ItED CASHIER.. ' Montio . ke.:3lsireli 2538764: TIRMcRINO: -' .1 -. ‘! - ,, 1 :', i-• ,-.... .Ea.s_,. 0 - T E,.f r !_;,,, lc „ We are dottg v. 31 kinds of ''' 3O B . - :PRINTING --, .--' • • • •-• ; de'GOOD, rizid TELIN ERI pRIOR 11)j,, s.‘l7::-.ELENYAFITEI,HRISIO'FFICE. ."2 zi:' ' - ^I'; 1 • ; • -• : - : - ,": 4" : " 7. ;:; ', .?' —: ? f .!, N - ` B •-•Blanks -on hand or -- : • ,0 . , , , , ‘,-,..,-;.- -5: ". priatea to -oruer. 1 , ~ ~1.F.,,,.,:4,. ...,,t..A.-a,„4---, , , 1...., 'l,.. .. „ ff -,A 4 '7PC;' , 1 :4 , -4;• s „70 - ;=c-.•-1 f :,,,,, '`, ^' ..-:-. , s .. a: J . •.. -- k,t- -Q , : vif yS. ~. . • .: -,, ',* f ~ --, -•- ' " • _ 1 _ • 4 , 34 ,1 /, ,- e . - , 341"5r.. , 4,4 *Avtifof. .5T.43.Z.1120 33 -1 2 - "1".E33E1 .4csai .A.l•l"ir C9ST.. .7.;: - ' .:_-_:,,_: m()Nv'T.-RosFoi4i,.-R-*.i;:.:-v.x.s.-::-111:;,:,--Iti.3;i:7.--,:._, • • r : G• ~' ~ _I , . • :**). ~••••,,-, • - , . ~ • • , . • WHAT SHALL THE HARVEST Death glutted the hafigman's appetite last Tiiursdny by the execution of eleven men in the. mining regions.: Hugh Mc= Geehan, James . Boyle, James Carrpll, James Roarier and Thomas 'Duffy gave their lives at Pottsrlkir) atonement for the murder* of Betiinigin - F. Yost. 'of Schuylkill, and Thomas :'Mtinjey died. with them for the miirder of Thomas Sanger; of the same county. Michael J. Doyie, Edward Kelly and Alexander Campbell were executed at - Antiok Chunk for the murder ,of johm,. JOties,. and John Donahue,pophlarly'known as-4Yel kw 'Jack," shared their -terrible - fate for the murder of Morgan - -Powell.: In 'Wilkesbarrt;- Andrew innalian - was hung for the - murder Of. John' -Reiley.— The jails of the three great anthracite iunties; where 'there . has, to n& been or ganizE..d crime under - lhe -- guiie of pro-. tecting labor, have - - all United voice taught to the' turbulent, elements'Which are embraced =in the mixed` Copulation of those regions, thatithe laW 'hat finally as serted-tte 'majesty,and:lllat;" henceforth the murderer shall die. 'The thoughtful turn, froin the painful_ story of_ eleven _simultaneous capital executions in achristiaucommu nity and ask . himself-4-what good shall be gathered!, from this mon u meant of the vengence' . .of , the ? The men wlio'-expiated _their horrible 'crimes on the gibbet, were,not to'their deeds by itidivid,tiar iebeoderts , nor by 'the love of gain. Betiieen" the marder ers and theii'vietims there Were no feuds - that ignorance or' brAtality 'Or the sensi tiyeness of , •unavenged -wrongs could make culminate in the takipg of human life, Some were mere - hired Instruments, who bargained' their own live:s, away and staiped their souls with :their brother's blood for a price that would not cornpf..!l - even a characterless man for ,alpegy lareeuy. Others 'were--;:the appointed Murderers of an - organizatiqn that gri3w in lawlessness and 'desperation until it deemed niurdt.r a legitimate _employment When one who offended its prejudices or interests crossed its: path ; and others, older in exhale,. took life; apparently be cause it 'gratified, their brutal instincts to do so". _lniVain do we scan the history of alt the eritliiillAWV/h0 died Thiarsday; to find any of the ordinary causes which Jisually. breed Murder in . civilized society, *and _tie impressive fact Stares' tie,' in the face, ithat -we have in. Pennsylvania & powirful elithent •that would make the right to, kill any relia, or imaginary foe ,one of :its'accepted castoms. ~ _ • ck p , And Whence" ; comes this 'strange, ex• tion to the peace-lOvi!ng, and law-abiding people 'who mould the type and: tone,of society in' otir commonwealth -? 'lt is ,not ' ~ . - wholly the creation- -of. a; foreign ; :race -' 7 , :although; - conceived and - lost...led wholly by an alien clasa-f--lor no, foreign 'element 'could seek , Our. soil ,and become stihj-ct to our - lawS with any,such parpose, Our, traditions, our predominent sense of jus tice, our sacred regard for; life , and for, the suprimady. of liii;all forbid any mad dream of the wildest dreamer who' , lands on out hospitable'shoreii 'The Ma r terlal came in the dregs. of- the pnpulii- tiot of the ',.01d World;, but., - it_required. the architect. lindbnilaer-to 'rear,this,hid eons ' structure of demoralization::aod. death, They came in -Jr mean' numbers tor,in flate:ie. pride, fp : in i li;gi;ify:the,POW-: er, to inflarn the prejudicesand to tempt ignorant in i info ' unmeasured • -license,. by the flattery and i'MPO:rtunities.<4,those i who Made r _laivless - neis__Oe:stenping-sfone i over WhiOlf to olimbinto,povier. - . Who ! does not know that this band of 'murder=' ers,:with-•its ' hundredv - of -. blind adlier-:, ' `ea - Wont - 4de of the oiganization', Proper;-.'' has beeii an article of PolitiCaticonitnerce 'for yeatipaSt,?:.'lt`‘,Catf'.9ointli-Qiiolifi a-1 c vi - Ctories. far ~, I ?eydirl the iftibiher of its murders, large as its death. list - has grown ;, kak ,, heen''-either'in actual frateiti tY,f or ' delnd44: . ;„' into' the': belief that it *.la - r . in gpeoi.4l facror,'- With ::those . "higNot - i,n fintllolo litkoto.tilii --•-kl44lY shield its Memlygrp 'f,,rotii2all 'per il ;-`'lli tis' for-mapy,•years , .it - has kien ' , l)art , 'o , l - tir the , POliticai-- market plaoes i and _it - ,not _only:controlled• at ' izit3al' % chlitii4itit ., * :8041iiitl'inil lAitiiioo ; qliiierACtii4feve(l : , tivitit'Voiild 'etle6t:".4:46feit.siiiaVatlf _ , . 1 1 BE? ;fr.V „ datei'in'the desperate and:: : often' doubt= , ful. strugglee-it s ie had. could turn back along whole 'hlOtt:ed, histOri.j9:lll' note that. its murders, were unavenge4 and' ,- that its favorites 'could . , command immunity .'from' :11unishment: even-' . if brought. tO the' bar 'Of justice. - 'ls it won deka!, therefore _with all `partieli worshiping at ita crimsoned throne, and with , expectants,- . of all grades its .-obedi-, ent servarits,-it -fluntits boaited omnipo, tenon, into , the. very • face of ' the law; and smote its foes with bludgeon and bullet , tp centeinpt Oports and statutes and prieons and the,: jibbet The..crii*s which were expiated by. the execution of eleven desperate outlaws; were nett wholly their criMes, forthere'have been broil', ty fellOwship.With.them.scores of Men in the-state, of both - high and low'degree, who have strengthened , tinr..o6-Se and nerved the arm- Of those who Eitruck , , the blow. Before the law, the ignorant . Mollie, Maguiree had to stand'in thena-, kidneSs of their revolting - Offenses, but at the bar, - of enlightened public Opinfori. • and at the. bar of -the ,Great Judge of all. the living, - the men,= who tempted the ig-. norantdeade of death,' must answer the !'inexorable` suinmons of unfettered justice. • The harvest of -the, avenging' stieep of life,for life is yet to be estimated, and we fear that - the friends :of law and order in Carbon and Luzerne 'have ;.sown tears when they , Shonld have jeal -Orisly- and resolutely guarded the fields they- , .have just fall6.Wed':in :retribution:. There' tyai - ,4.1 - popular tremblingoa every haneWhen, responsibility' was to 'Vi sumed,in the administration _Of justice, that was net only visible.' to the world but - couldinot . have escaped the notice, of those WhO Would' 'restore - the' reign. ~o f crime - to 'avenge their' strangled:comrades, The Snake has' been icotched,,nOtkilled; the stronglines of the banded criminals have'been shattered,.not broken, and , up; on Aber better :citizens will' , now depend. the future peace and safety' . of the cOm- - munity. There are faithful judges to' enforce. the laws against the effenderi, and if fearless public . ' sentiment shall hurl the perjurer- from. the.witness and jurY boxes, make common cause,against all candidates who Seek the favor of crigi 7 inals, and Make, even the ... tolerance of, wrong-doing an unpardonable fault the - ambitions, tranquility th society and protectivi to property, and life'will be re stored to that long dietiirbed and demoy7,. alized, section. - The good ,peapie of Schuylkill,Carbon andLuzerne.can-fash • ion the result of - the ''horrible pageant of- Th ursday' according ' 'theik” Will.' They , - , can Make it the: harbinger o , f; - and' order,, or the 'fountain of ,con tin ued Apa 7 cord and death. The ; law has well per formed' its duty, as - the sad - funeral pro; ceisioils, bearing' unhallowed _ dust to dis will abandently testify;,' and_as public OPinion' shall_show rude furrows of the law,' 80-#4 l ilie hat!: vest lie.--Plad a .• : ' D.r ki'lPii* :T4 i*:_r4i.s. --, . A,3lliew - df lehiale ,- , reporter . - of the...114:k Ydtki:Griiiihid:latOr niade: - tippiteatien , til . at b 6: v4ti:ohs 'illyotde . :.lo.leol:--:ofthilk , eity..: for 'fif . eeiieritftiif l'iiiiii• het iiisbind. :ife . :i • - ~.st4 t ement of -- the-. results .- - 4fforili- - ari'''e.t- Celleht _ illustration ;the,-.Cit' , .,-:eitent ih . the. -- - . - in, -- -- - •- . ----- • - - , - • Liniqciity, ._ .- ..whio - -. : '-: : t ‘ heqe7 , - ,:;: hlattittph hit brq4ets.,lite:. y elk,g4geil:;,.- - ,She:s4iifOt4e4:iihe . l'Of f -,l,the,tlivptee , ll4wyetei, thAtiji-he)44 : qm, egtse , ,,of ~co in 01,4 against ; :-her h4i-bfi-44,; - - tlll4-he- was ' flOthfur;; : atid :in ciliten4 • aiid i th iii' he f- 'p lily I teiiidri - ',f6i ::d eiiiiih i t 4'o"..t)eta'.2 - iiM'.' , iiii 04!, - jEitii;i::bita:-:..1.466i0;' 7 tift.:4 of '-.rilittiixt)c.)hlat.,)ife.:,::The_: "lawyer" .itayi4'e,a.: „.. ~.. .. tier to desert iiii4ilusltethove,tp:Neo:. Jertey-, awl '', et#ployili , detective :promising. wifhiii . 4;redi6hOge :14040 - iiip - etitec,vtiga . Ofli - e.:;' 'll'u 'bi6'4l . :'' . lt) fidotfti.' .'ll.lifi'-iio6'd Coeth '' ' '' '"'f r ii:?si - il() - 'A: 4: f. - I #i C CI PW4.cY , :74;: 9- f .,.,7. .t ) ,.,, .; I ' . , R T , Oliptifjp,,44 - 0 - ---I . o4:,ptlwr;-cl*Nq - 4rokers,. . - 114th'3•;4t - _; . siinil4t *tatemehti.'izifthe;:faette i . , :' -resulted iW- - -ivtbgtietith-Oly , "Jhe',Blll*tritin , , , ' net:';'!lt'h4 .2 lipen' -' - iki- ieetet.ll4lht. ) (ll4' : diot4jii: , .v,3'''et4 - 4.thetriiii‘e( -' .' Prtioofra Ai.1.44ig*,.#14te. - 4tiheji9are.,,ti.o4, - .4.,, fbet*een: - .:b4440 . 4• - :*( 1 -*fi - :.64 1, k...liivt.319g7 : rot:0041w; _tiiio_et;ith try;-and:-':'?:totkihi:7 0 iioto6,' egi§thh.,44W.o-10c,(VOilk.'ietiiiifitj, - . 4460.1Y104e*WAefittcifkkty0;:h*Oi:il.g.ii ' of:-man )04i§0. , :ftia .- liiit i 'Of:. 044.;iitigt i : „,,)_ - : ~. . -.•-, . - , --- _._ T .:,_k : ., - _.-..,••.._ .•,,:. • -_, ~,i,4*.1)1N4:45X.03%,104_,0 ~.4',i,.',:ocif";:tfilit-:.-(;•0:--_.:_ MIR '~Y • .4 111111ffikli EWES %/6 .13 - RINGING . lIT:.R OHL; The ph iladelphiri;(47epubh eau) , heen active in assailing tne .Pailooratie gathering in New:-li r s#74. l 10040014 the sminhes gessre..Tildee and drieks.:;. The extract:loß! the article has thin in initfor in 'llotti Mr. Ttldetf., - and Hendricks coOduoted tlie ! nseooo, ierfe6,t` dig. nity and propriety. during, the 'progress of; tile contest, and - -`aftee-tha °oaten was • ifecided.„they held their peace . until noyv nearlyfour months after -their=rivahitava . beenoccupying . tbe;.:-places t o which believedthey .were The, : time and place `tor '` tlfeti,:lOgnione were well Cricosen;and the language used by both ' gentlemen—w dignitiett in,tone and: yras,pregnant' in meauirit Neither . Ml : .;tilden nor .iiendricks ; , criticise Mr. liayetf, hut both; by itriplica; , tion at least, got - him. Credit for his ef- - r: forts 'to worthily administer the duties of the high office which 'he holds, but also laid 'treat stress - :UpOn - the - fact' that if . _even : one - or more Presidential election it dOoided in .I.liiiiii . iii 6 et: ' s tht(''th4ltii, wae, - or.f the citizens of the ISuiony through auy, influence, permit thenifielreS .to be l beguiled or cozenedinto, extenuat ing-tuch frauds as . were almost. Cerlainll - by at-least two ofi,the-.Return ing 13eards, the ruin of the,,Republican system ofgovernment ms only_a question of time, and of 'a very brief For instance; let thor4e who were; -disposed , ' last Tebruary, to regard with compliCency,, if' not with positive favor the performan ces of the Floridtkand Lotiisiana Returd- Boards, for the reason that they were likely : to cause the seating of, Mr.,Hayes ;\ the Presidential, chair, reflects upon \ the facts 'that the 'state Governments of Florida . and Louisiana' are now the: handk r of the .Dernbcrati, that it 'the fu r " tare any wrong doing on the part Of the, : , Returning Boards will assuredly .not. be for , the promotion of Republican inieriets; 'and they ( will - be'ahle to read tii• speeches' ruat}e by Messrs: `'Tilden. .and Hendricks with' a' keen ei appreciationof - their Strong' paints than they, wi .il. if they , view them, merely - as ythe utterances of a. Couple of, d .sappoin tett office 'seekers . who are bent on - ventilating their grievances in season: - and Out of season:' • Mr.,Frank Reamia steps down froin, his.positioin as - Luierne'sfavorite son ant during the next four years he will serve the' State in prison. Last'December Bearnish, was convicted on an indict. • for forging tax duplicates while acting as tax receiver for the. the Fourth school district.' For -several - months after his conviction he dodged the. officials-and did not .receive 'his sentence. - .Giving him self _up, a few weeks, ago, 'he was . . held , in jail- while the Judge man ifested no-haste-to pass sentence. bleantun.e, an cent was made to relieve. Beamish the crime by some parties who hasdlien :employed, by him; 'they . havinebOnfessed the,perpetration of the deed'N9th*hieh he ; vias. charged,. Tbii does' not seem to have held. owever, and, sa. ` goei tojaitfor thelerm of four ::" the Ageof . l' makes the poini - thid iudpstries am., needed in,: thia , which'', will employ more. machio ery, and it'inggests the beet root sugar Nisi. neei' as - One 'that will do thii, in. dtiatr'y is one`that can be Carried _ .onin_ everyelate , in the Union. 'Wqe natt4alized here ~'as. it oan be readily it, certainly-siould, benefit the iron :trade *materially iri the', way.' ho ` „ . 116 a *vast', adountof Aadditionat, r itce: 'fiiiyhi6pt, of s66,6o6,ooo,to:,othey,,:9oupikie4fof:sugax and would make woik.:lt,i,l4icio i o,;,,A Vas ardy4 :nun - tiiidenriph a great;corps of new - sugar pa'odiitera':and defoliants. 'is . ziY~~sliut}le'tliat fibs:liiift`tc...k..,S.tatet 'There is rooriiifor..both the-h.,.et Agustts; '6ol.liitutiohtzlist4Asys that:: thb v txora peaphy of - phitilestiiis, 4 ., 'suggests an igqu as'tqi.l4 oft. city' rs 25 On tqa , ivhite ileaths'-.4yere- 1, Give' .: . . 2,584 oxactly s.lorthyff - case or .'. wds nettyl! thret?, aniohg: itttendiin co as, ton 48 an y where,7,-,but, the. biskics .htidil to iopfhei asiposettili - , antl tiff to '`dii.Oti:k.;u, hte'tho ;-;45 0 ., aliw‘.callOck iht; 'goitio• she ' 1/14 - 0., 0(.49 1114 Q .- • - f a4~4- ~t i. •- 1 ~1.~P.µ ~~4~v ti~ _~ ,t