PUBLISHEI) Evany . WEDNESDAY i t tenwrifu t AT MONTROSS," 131.7 W Co.; PA.; ny "• • . . , HAW LEY & _,C RUS ER - - NDITORS Si PROPRIETORS, ' - -• • At Two Dollars Per Year in Advance. • TO ADVERTISERS:—Tto Dmiocaii. is an adver tieing medium isytineurpussed in .this section: • It' reaches the Farmer, Mechanic. and business elan. ' = Its circulation is constantly increasing. and - its advertisir.g n o e s reasonable. Rao _will be giYen at our officeior by inn tt. Advertising contracts payable ,quarterly, , JOB PRINTING: --Our Office , is supplied with four pr i n ting pressee, together with 3 large variety of typ e , - 'borders, fancy inks. etc., With' which we are prepared to do work in the best at* and at priens . lower than an y c ompetitors in any section. Samples shown and estimates cheerfully. given at our o ffi ce. Work order ed by mail wit lreceive prOnplatittition. 3. B. - - -W. O.',,CRUSER. iS 4C,AL.1 2 1.1:15 -331:7SXMIT=E; 331:7SXMIT=E; ATTO,RN ETSI t T ITTLES :AND - '.BLAKESLEB,.. torneya at Lamr,3folitTo4a,,Pa,,-- , Office ppppaite: the Tarbell House.. , •: ' - ip,:BLettsrEs': F T 0TT, , ,.ATK.17-ORNEY. AT , LAW 9' •• 0 •,11.ontroc.-i'ti.-,...1 Otticer'cray,tiblii*Ave door bOVO' Pl:ltocavr outrose; 3isrch .28; .1576. -• 16 1 % 1 COVILL AIN DEWITT :ATI:OR- . net's at Law and Solicitors in Bankruptcy . . 011icf. N 0.19 Court Stfeet ~ d 4 e er ,City National Bank, Bing tamton. N. Y.. - _ Wtit. Scovirt., June ieth. inl3 , JEROME DEMIST. EDGAR - 0111T3E1.1.011 AT LIW, • No. IV) Broadway, New Yokk City. .Itay '7s.—(F . eb .11. 1811,-1y) f t O. IVARREN ; ;:AITORNEY;“ ±),..• Law, Bounty, Ba•cl'ay, l'4nsioini--and gtendt•il .0111c.p..firt•I • oot below 13(is : d'p.4frhe; MantriLiEe.Pg.,;" [Atik"l','69.] I\7 M. A. CROSSMON i .ATTORNEY T , 'at Law. 0f460 ovei ZlAtton Bank, Moritto•pe,Pa. . W. A',.Criossmox. • Montrose, Aprill9; . • lAT D. LlTSK:!attorney and Cour).- I senor at Lair, .Montro:?ei - Pa.' Office on Public Avenue.. 3lontrcee, 13, 1576y1 T B.' & MoCOLLUM, 4 AT-: • torneys at Law.. Cited, over, o W..H. Cooper • it; do's Bank. Montroee. . "May 10 ; IS7l.—t.f O'NEILL, ATTORNEY, • Law. qifice ot'er M. A. Lon's Ding Store, Brick Bloch., Pa. [ Jane DW SEARLE ATTORNEY. AT . Law, office' over the Store of M. Deanne:, inthe Brick.Block,Montrose Pa. jAng..1,'69.1 PHYSICIANS. TiR. W. RICHARDSON, PHYSl cian and , Surgeon, tenders hi sprofessional ser vices to thecitizens ofliontrose and vicinity. Office at his rusiderce ,on the corner east of the Foun dry. j.ikug'.l, 1869. E. SA YDAR, . D.,. - ROMEO • pathic Physician and Surgeon, 11.4aa PERMA NENTLY LIJCATED New 3illford, Pa. effice at the C.;nion Hotel: Aug 23,1814.-tf • DENTISTS. T S. POTTER, DE NTI S TT.; WISHES -4 • to inform the people of - Montrose and Vicinity, that he is permanently lopated v in the Second story oi E. P. Stamp's. new building; opposite Cooper's Bank. All .kinds of Dental Work done in - the• best manner. N. B.—Nitrous Oxide, Laughing dass, given for the painleqs extract Kin of teeth. - Montrose, April stb, ; " ; DR. IV: W. SMITH DENTIST.— , if Rooms at his dwelling, next door north of Dr. Betsey's, ou Old Foundry 8 trecto,diere heetvotalti be sappy to see all those in want of Dental :NV ork.. He feelscontideni that hathecanpleaseall;bothinijnalitiof wink and in price. 01.11u:hours from 91._ 2d. to 4 P. X. Montrose. Feb.ll, 1974--tf DRITGGIS'IS.- • / • yr A. LYON, SUCCESSOR TO luL. Abel Tur~re 1 , dcaier in Dregs. Medictnei, Chemicals, Paints. Oils, Dye-stuffs, Teas,. Spices, Fancy Goods. Jewelry, Peri =cry, 4C.. 31ontrose, May 19,1876. 3GLE. ST ORE,. :IS, „TELE . plaCe to get Diuga and gigars, To hacco,Pipe4, Pocket-Books, Sp ectities, Vanlcee No tions. ,tc. :Brick Block -• • - ' BURNS.' AfontrosC.Pa.,-May 5t13,13715. • HOTELS. VALLE Y .110 USE, .-GREA T 13E.,Nb, Pa: Situated near the Erie Railway Depot.— Is a large an a commodious b OUP e. • , Has:undergone a thorough repair. Newly furnished rooms and sleey ingapartments.splendiatables,andall things'eampris lag a tist class hotel. - HENRY. ACRERT,:' . Sept. i4th,1813.-Lf.Proprietor. PXCHAIti GE: .110 TE L . .. .J JlATi ringtan wishes to inform thepnblic illathaving rented the Fachlingre Hotel in Montrose, 'he is now prepared to accommodate the traveling-, pnblic tit . fast-class style. , . - . - • Montrose, An di 28,1873.. MEAT ,MARKE'TS. .. . , , MONTROSE 31E4T • 11AitliET. 1 .. Public Avenue. ' IfTi4Stelaas nieati always on hand at. rettisonable prices. .Sausage, Poultry. (M.. In season, The patronage of the publfcla respectfully' so licited. ' . • WALLACE ?LEWITT • . i . Montroii.e, Jan 1' 18"1 ' . . AUCTIONEERS. Al C. suriToN.; T. E it t Feb. 7, 187 7. A V (3 elloc.ormat, Pa..- G. s qLBERT S. 'IOEINSOY,' AuCTI,QNzsm March .q 9, 1876 .plat6P0.$q,,Pa AMI ELY Jane„ 14 A:T.:Tit/NEER, Ati_lret 93 `. • 11474-y 'S'' BicioitlyxVlPa. • , SU:RIYEYORS.'•;..._';- , : , •; - '.'..':• 5 . 1 I , FIS; - QIVIL AND 1 1 r: g Engineer, Vtirib' id, Va . . and Pito nog promptly and accurately 'done. tater Ilugineeringwork „ pri: 23,.187; e" O. IVEMATON, CITILk , NOIITENE WI; 151:iiirrriA; P.O. addret4;ypn,kli)l4fo,tice, ',3 Su equettanua 00., Pa. i - ,:: ‘ .. , !,44'iw . , ,eiN4,._. _.',,:,i,,,-.:: 1~ CHEAP, 4Pk. i at , 104),E.,, _This Oftu;e JOB' PllllVllX(i':'`of"ti**iii4 lit -: I?j,ti u. oste-ittioii4il(oititiii.tiorvs::;;,:l.,,,„ .... P- 1:- . ,. , (._ . .... , . -.,:-..p..: ~ :. , ..,:,,,--i, ~,- :•:.:-,.../,, b VOL 3 4- MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. V. COOLF;Y; EIIILDERI • STILL ON THE TRACK! Every style of buildip'gs,: erected; : and, ".everythiug furnished, at GREATLY REDUCED PltIcES. Contracts cheerfully frfrnished. - Stair ' building a npecialty. 'None bat-experienced workmen tolerated,,, • , y• 3an.20,775. Montrose, March .22, 1876.-3yl ' _ , • n ,- 131:1RRITT, , DEAtER , STA-.-ple end Fancy Dryi Goodir,'Croekein Jlard- Wire. Iron, Stoves,,, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Boole anctShoes, Hate and Cape, Furs; Bnitalo Robes, Gro ceries,Provisione, Etc, , L. - Now W. A; TAYLORmiII 11?:reafter.lntnish• VT to - the people -of ; , Moitrose 'and. vicinjty,,Raw, Baked ,or Mani Soil). :Also, Ice - Cream: on hand Dining room§ over si. C. Bacon' note, vonth ;Vain Street , . -• Jan 40, 18TI, ' • - ~W . 7 A. TAYLOR.. _ , . . B • - DEANS -- ,D,EALER , IN . Booki, Stationery, Wall . Paper, Newspa pers, Pocket Cutlery, Stereoscopic . Views, Yankee Notions, etc. Next door to the Post Wilco, Montrose, W.D. DEANS_ Sept. 30, 1874. . z . RILLIN GS STROUD FIRE AND a- , Life Insurance Agent. All bueiness attended to promptly. on fair ternis. ,Olllee first door east Of the bank of Wm, H, Cooper & Co., Montrose,. Pa. „ - Jun.l; 1811. ' BILLDTG'i STROM). • • JOHN GROVES 413 FASHION LE • T., Tailor, Montrose, Pa.. Slop over Chandler's Store. All brderu tiled In •first-class style. (hitting done to order on short notice, `and warranted to At. Montrose, June 30,95, - • p T. 'PURDY, MANUFACIRER .-va• • oOvagons.of all kinds. Also peelalty of wood work formic. Repairs promptly .att Uses 'only best stock - , and'•ainis to make only first-claSs work. • . [apri126,1676.1. : outs • KNOLL SHAVING AND haiirlressing. Shot) in Searles 'new btildlng, ; below Express Qftite,• where he will. be forted ready 'to attend all who may want anything in. his line.. 1- Montrose' Pa: Oct.' 13, 1869... EW:MILFORD MACHINE CHOP. All kinds of maellinery made, or furnished to or der. Repairing promptly attended to. . • JULIUS SRULTZ. , New Milford,3lav 17,1876.-15, • TEFFERSON GRIFFIS,DEALER fIT UP Hardware, Iron, Nails, Honseinrnishing Good*, Groceries and Provisions, Si clod; Stone, JappaOed and Pressed Tin Ware, .cc:, 45tc. march 15,.'76. - Q.AMPLE SAFES.-FARRELL & CO. (Herring's patent) constantly en hand. . BILLIAGS ?STROUD., ..yontrose, Feb. 28; 1871.—1 y 4 WT W. SMITH, CABINET &IND V._, • chair Manufacturers. lreeti;l Main street, Montrose, Pa. [ang. 1.1869.] BAI*KING: ANKING- HOlj§. g4,. - -'4, i TmoT:I. - $l - R ~4, J 8009 ..-:. : ._,.. 4 01+.11:7R0A51.E, .P4... : - : '... .' _:-..,. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, DONE. COLLECTIONS lIADE ON ALL POINTS ,AND PROMPT LYcAOCOLTN TEP FOR ASIIERETOFORE. Domestic and. Foreign Exchange for sale. .United States awl other Bonds boug,ht and sold. _ COUpons. and City and County Bank - Checks cashed. OCEAN STEAMER. PASSAGE TICK ETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. iNVIREST ALLOWED on speciartime ....Deposits, as per agreement.. . In the future, the past, we shall endea,*-- or to transact all money business to the satls faction of our patrons and correspondents. Win. U. COOPER & CO., Montrose, March 10 "75.--tf. Bankers. FIRST NATIONAL BANK - 331/ICO2ltvcosiedi CASH CA PETA.L. . :.:.:4100,000. W•t3E, Wt. 4CO M.ID theii new. and eoniodion# Bank Balldiaig on in Public Avenue. Triquiiicrts the business oL 3.(kßetlii.Nl l B FARMERS; . , W3l TURR.ELL PRESEDENT G. B. El.bittp,_o4i.swo.. Mon - trots% Nara • : - .:':','_:•.::„:', l .::.:'::::.,:::::',."ki,i*:* - ,N - 6,:',;:' . .'., -, :!:': : :":,::'_„'::,1:':::;';„:, . . •• OTFI;THISI • -.•;• ;'; .We re do4.g gall kinds, 0f..- Ne r f„ ,t In as GOOD. STYLE, and LOWER PRICES ' ELASETFIERE " THIS "OFFICE. • N. —.lZ,lanle,,. on hand or., r .... -printea =t9 . .oraerp.• • - ! • - • - - 4v1,71 .-;;" ';;;;'•-•;;,;:;•(: _ ' 1 • ; • ST.4 s 4*±) 33"Z' TH.Fa 11,1 : 6‘.4 4 3T' .ANY O6ST-; , - And fotneri: NQNTIOSE -- 1 3. *,-- . 4,c,' - : i 1.77,=; THE SILVER qUE'SJIIION.r • We are'glad. to - hear - Witii - eeS that there is one metropelitan `journal: in the state of,Peunsyl,vania, that 44 in eve r yet ,heeh frightened, beleagured oiginfluenced in to -:servile support - of flie ‘ s .bondliOlding power of 'the' chintry'in":is':-e'ncrOaell ! me,iits upon-, the righ -of . .masses.. That naper andi'we itgree fully with , it in saying'Ont the ail vergfitstiOnislecoinm_ becoming prominent every day;Land,itis gauge of political battle in the,nearluture, and of excited contests -.inCongrelis the . coniing fall and winter. There': are:. a variety of dispatches airnihg to di€,.close !gr. Hayes? views_ and :Othera-that lie 'll4s not yet ',formed definite couclusiont. -buts ,sindying - up the queStion.: just where he will land it is diticult to`. a 4 John Sherni,ni. h(TeVPri INA - pp .through his reticence. ails., the correspondenta , of the Ciri4innati ' Com mercial and,' ;Chicago Trib4no with a lengthy "authoritative statement' of his views in his own language. The long and short of ,this'deliyerance js that Sher man favors : the. remonetization.of.silver and t l he making 'it'a legal terider•to the same extent that greenbacks 'are a legal tender,--that is for all public and private debts except customs dues_ nd the inter est and principal of the national debt. The precioui bondholders,you know,must belaken care of• his affright to void tt e conetict in their interest,but all wrong to live up to it in the interest,of the peo ple.: The administration, it is urged, will-settle down 'on this polidy, and com mend ita endorsement, to the,extent of its civil service, influence,,ou the coming State conyenti9ns. Stanley Matthews is thus reportett,by afriendlYcoriespond- Senator Stanley Matthews Who arrived here last night, and whose relations„Witb the .Presic:erit give to his mews special sign ificance, endorses - Secretaf* Sherman'S project. He ; says that.: the - Itepublidair,s of .ohio will undoubtedly take grounds in . their Coming, State Convention in favor of coining :the old silver dollar of 412 1 - graini, and Making-it lawful money to the same extent that the greenbacks are noW.,. The - Democrats, ,he believes, sill go for the unliMited .remonetization of silver, and there will - thus be a square issue bet Ween the two parties. . 1 : We think Democrats will cheerfully ac . cept this "square issue,'". and throw in: a most . decided opposition to Sherman's scheme of forced resumption to make , things more .-lively. We can go to the " - people with .unstiuted c,?nfidencein the result. The Cincinnati Commercial, probably the most influential Repnblican or Hayes paper in Qhio. tells Mr. John Sherman with reFre4hing frankness that his device won't daiswer. These-extratts are to the point : Mr. Sherman's. talk, however, makes clear one ,thing that we have not at any time doubted. The Secretary of the Treasury is opposed to the restoration of silver to itsold place in the United States as a money metal. He thinki he has, gOt upon a middle' ground on this 4nestion, but he is mistaken. He must 'either fly or swim 7 -he' cannot wade. . 'And then,' referring,to the demoneti„ T zahon of silver by. the act of:1873, continues A great wrong was `committed ' There. is but one Way to redress that•wrong','and that. is - :to: restore the relations bet Ween silVer and gold legallY to, exactly what they were inlB73,before the coinage was regulated' in imitation of the British gold system—restore the laws 'relating to, the money standard to what they. were July 14 1870; the date . fixed . to determine the standing-`value of the domain which the' bonds the Secretary has been selling are to be :paid: The silver dollar Nas'a Standard 'coin . then. • Sherman''is,yery :'seriously mistak the ,temper of the,'people this' question. The dernan th at • they ti - iake r is explicit r and it admits 'of evasions or' expedients. The 'toilfs . must 'be befOre resumption - the -- ;very coins that '*ere Standard *alheJtily 144870.''The.coina is 'which" the hot ds 'ire to 'be'Paid , EntiSt be the coin specified` hi the-act `of inter=' pretation 'of March . 14; ' -Tkii specie bizsis upe4 . ' ate "resume iniosthClhe, specie bast heprii:lve sitspend ed. - _ ; This' hita'the nail .onithe head . n . hei,epeOii•basjii,upot _ reaktii9' miiet'ie the specie:. fPrel Wei BPBP4tified. i ? a coin .pia-goldverj,-.24 bonds mark 'iiNifti'Uthlif '; ' • ' 442 , • , • - „- .t •, the word, used,ln , the„, , law, as the quality of l carapensatiiin,—and-inlcoin they must; could;:'wonld, 'shottlit'ind will'' ire aids At" leasi sivik.we tliinll rs't6 temper Of - , the Ameriean people - anti,' these 'l.lre not the times Jbat it . . is prudent. for; the bond= holders • holdera totrifle - ivith' this -temper , bf just 'and - illegal .demands. Talk of • podustton It o the bondholders :clan= 7 _ _ bdhlders, 4 (irons for gold, .apprtotat ed. _ in: value by the -demonetization;silver,: that want to 'repudiate WhY • c`au se -geld is worth 'iliniit'eiiht*Per - een more than silver, 'OO. that they,may*ef, sieafi 5t,,4.1.6i Tor that amount of. boods,or-oon.pogs, a .thougand and eighly.dollars...: It will add over' one htindied'and sixty .. millions of the tilitlonhl debt • a . ll l ee offei•ini; tip the,•knieriOiLP people. t-'9. P. /.93P9verl: Eta b,onditQltleks of -Ealppe and the 11.1140 States. To state the'ease is to denounte TOO 4 I UCTI FOR STANLEY. - • With, the ; aid of Gail Hamilton, 'Mr. Blaine is - pore than - a, match tor Mr. Stanhy Matthews Who seems - to have no controversial female, relative to,,talie his part: It_is said - repeatedly that„:l3laine intends to throW- down the gage of bat .• tie to'Sqnley_Mathewi when the Senate meets 4n. the Southern policy :of Mr. Hayes. ,As.the originator of that policy Stanley Matthews will - :be. boundAo lake it up, The foildwing from , the last let ter of Gail:Hamilton in the Trthune may be regarded in thevfight of a prehMinary declaration of hostilities: "There seems to have entered since the 4th - of March a new element in our policy, indeterminate but incessant; in- 7 tangible but übiquitoitS,' ineffective yet powerful,Unsubstantial death --,-what seemed his head, the likeness , of a,kingly crown had '-'otri and men called it Stanlef:MattheWEl; When phe- nomenon.firstonet :our _eyes in, c!,'•rural districts I.(seetned no bigger than t it man's hand ;wrestling his „cdtigressional from 3:tr. : Bannine,and mod. est corners of the reform. - neivsnityers, as Airs..llayee.'_ ;brother jqeph's , wife's bus band , but ) the,, .eaStern, genii un sealed from-their,bottle, it loomed up:as we gazed and - strode- forth - over' , the virole . Country. - Oiti govertittient which had hitherto existed in 'three:depart ments speedilY took on: a sort of fouith estate and diyided 'itself into the4egie lative, the executive; the judicial, and Stanley- Mattheivs. 1 There rwas an angry bilzz in ' South Carolina; . 'Stanley Matthews. had been -Poking his stick into the nest. ,There was a, scratching be.; hind-flie s arras in .Louisiana:; Stanley Afatthews hAd ,* - enscattering 'ratsbane and stigar.' (len. . Garffe4 suddenly found: his,way _'the Senate 4weetly but securely hedged`; up with 'roses Stanley Matthewe head popped up ;on the Senate side of '-the hedge. ,The SOuthern:Demodiata . sat sucking their thumbs, in suspiciOns silence, ,wjaile.their Northern...brethren.: . were curYeling over theiri desks to count out'= thei electors! _ _ • vots, and to I Atinley Matlhews distribniiiig contingent nuts 'and candy in sealed cans. There : was and a hitch in the approaching extrai session of• Congress; !.Stanlej , "Matthews was' tugging at thehiakes; this tle XiiiproVe Eaeb :Shining Hour, ;till 44,411mArink nation , : eame , ip put him in• the same relation to ;the President'that theeld,,diiiries.-nonsidered ,Safan'.,te bear to'., the -Almighty, - '"%O equal in or , buttn4ing for it by an eternal activity . ." - - ; As Stan rey Ilitthews had: never been.incorpotat a 'lackedth e'cl into the-constattakiN ane antiqUity of common some peOple began to grow`„restive. DispotiStn. terapered , by aisikesinatjoi• l tv,ppii enough,form , ,of , goyernment for %his ,bitt, ipatij , '':Atierio4n - ‘cittgehi'Alemnirel: at forsakingthi c o the fathers :tampered. - w i. biy stanley,natthewo.".,%.:,l *thQt 5. , ,,P4.0rY§;-P4tlrch, -1 4Fet Aayla t F B or Re3r:-.41 , 1).11op. I.,kine;fiti - doThe a 01017:work th`erie , and `at - - 7 0 11 iir',Titk,,,9 r f'00, 4 40*? to eitedaididite&-.; f •,~ ~.. I.'~. y e 7; i.'ini , !• ,. 3 - -]1N01'.,25 .r...i;~~'.G -. GOV:, ILO? TRAIN Fr-IoN z gg, ..q,7 . - '-`1 Mr. george Mired To*ilsenilOn IV t lig ,te 14,O)noinnati. ,R4u,irsr,altutit ,--.,. : .; ~ . ; . . is ' - • : ,_, , i, . ths te tit' Ovation given to. Vice Presi cv _dent elect Tornio . A. R ,.._- en d P 014 7- a •t: he Manhattan - Club,' radii Iliat Govemot llattratift of Pebbaylvtibia iittelided at the Chili :ahring the preoediminiter noon anti atigage&impleasiMit7eonierea tiori With - his 'pemocrOu; motet:quinine& , . Mt.- '.Cownseia quotes fhe 'Governbr as saying` that tthe: Pennsylvania Republi can politician - ''called '''Hayes' - '2P - OleY a failure, but he (the Governor) thought that -,it aid -,that , the more it was examined-the moreitthenal , - , ~..,.. :,. i : , , - . i t lookeit" :Aceording . .. ,to Mr_ Town sea d Gov." Hartranft aumenneekl .Hopie rather novel if 'n*,: : pq - B . 4iveiy l , startling, , yiews. He is reported . -to `kaye , 'said that. ifit', the close of fthe 'war- ther?: , :wohla fickire been _• — • an emigration., of s rebel,- public men to the North and. nr , --Northern ' officers and 1 . SO/ 4.1 iers ' I b I,ll 4 e%.Sontff. ''' - : ThoSe`,',64lfeller. ates wb01',.4.1 4 ,,..A0me - , r. lM:ntli , ;•hatb done much better ,than. those who „stayed at home," :Of y, course ~ the - GoVernork be. I ieves that:: Nartheinr, ' mien ' :',who ; - .went South at the close;of :the :viliri have done better than-tliose-who - ostayed - at home," - but Mr, 'To wn SeliaQ does ' 'Mit ' , .iidoit him as sayin gi id. - `Tlie - rfartianft, jAart would have been a .sort -of ,=ristial carpet-bug gery and would probably have worked better than -the' attempt Of theliWithein poloticians to govern bath sections.- But it would probably have turned out badly for the "wards, of the nation," the ffeed-, men. In all probability some newfoiln, of servitude would by this time have been invented hy the T keen and practical Yttikees ' who - under ! Gov. Ilartrarift's plan would have' occupied,Ahe Southern' land, and w'.e would in that ease hive been obliged to settle the slavery question over again. Furthermore we are inform ! , ed by Mr. Townsend that the Governor' declared that "it manifestly would not do . to. collect -local taxer, in. the Southern States by the bayonet,.: which was so bail an example that every:-Itortherrt com monwealth would feel the injury ;" ant againk3hat in_many respects the preient stagnation was, doing good among the habits of the people. .., We are producing almost everything • cheaper than :any nation in -the w• • -.and he (the 'Govt ernor) looked to : eVival of good - iiniee f ti in America thro , • the opening of inn merce: to cheap: •ed ' production." If such: views from Republican- - governor are riot new and strange there remains nothing to be, astonithed7: at undeio-thii 8 Ilrl, 1 hePhiladelphia,Zidger notes 6:e fidt upon which , the 'people . May congratulate' theraselvei3; that ' the gi7eat SpectilatiOn 'fi t . . bread-stuffs;, which, recently 'paused . auoli rapid' advances . in priees,, overreact. . .. . . itself. ~ There has , lately , been a stewly decline, and ynder th e influence of favOr= , , . able crop - Ireports nowt, c oming' ,to'hanit frowthe'grain-groiing districts, C4'e. de., • cline promises. ,to continue. There is : no , reason:why, Americans should permit the . war between Turkey and Itussia to iiiilict on consumers hereabouts two or three dollar's: inore for a bushel ,of \wheat ;,., and the sneculators who caused : these utiivar, , , ranted ,advances are . `• now. paying" the, • penalty in losses Cansed. by , the dEclinq. Prides advanced at a mile greater-rati in the Atlantic ports than as warranted by the 'European market,, and there was. 'not the 'correzponding San Prancitc . Hence,.the Californians, fin d . ing tl could. undei:sell the AtlaniiC 4 market' Or European' export, began :t. , avail Ihernselves ofthe,ooportunity, ,and., the - San - Francisco whet market, whiCh, hattbeen`almost dormant, . Sprang into; sudden activity week: before last, with large' engagements : for 'shipment to . Eti., ,rope. It is equate possible that the die covery of this may have ' accelerated the' decline in wheat and fionrhere, b4,what eyer May,have been the, cause, it is none the lea true that 'there is a steady,diiwri.: . ,ward tendiney iniire4stuff prices eyery- 7 . The Brad ford #epublican is 'printing, 'some interesting stati s tics on:',the suAleot, 'or' opee.:hciicling viii:,•.,tht ,0r.,u11,14 y,, l' : We learif,not- only., that Mr 4• Ooodrieh: has just begun his third term as Surie7Otof • ;the - Port` :of Pliilidtlipliiii 'biit'' (hat lila ;partner i lii the offlOo. of ' the!Bk•atifora, R4-', Pork'', ,14tiy 4 1 v 44) 1 01 tic'g;n P 6 stn4ii4t2en 10r , ,sixteen , years, =, an d ;., basjust. beetiap; pointed-for four mbre...:• . H-Tbese tu+tibffieers' 'aleni - givi thetttbriitlii*ir'the iiiiiisti* of one, T htip,dreq. l 24no. Oi!en t 411c/itirid' I;loift;ii, hisides teniflousiitid dollars mid their-paper.for, , .• !Mr.'GoOd.rieh alai? reeisived'tliirt - t•thbii..., sand laoltirs'lluritii'it - Sik ifelra',s6l4,i4 , :it* ‘ ' "i 1 666AI:it : yr - ' , Tbiti - illustriotielltriet` ..pri,t i ~... • , . , . , ~ hal) sbme,hrothere _Oki' 'well' ' 'Bll. tit): fed' i z 'also . ' Cide'iS''illePutv-',.lif' ika:Slo4/:40111 . ',4:411 - 0 'lV,±l 3 liilidelOita .. .11th'it.- iiitary!forr,* tivettif,ilii' hundred &Akre,- a ii o; „, ;A : 'ani:lther'iifii clerk liiilie;offiiie j. tir iiii - 'Ai. 'sisetiiit VOited: 0t a teil' - Treistire t eiliej*' Viiii'''./?o,fibli?on - '6,Sittinatetc tiiiP - ,tifv.Or4" l ,, 'aiio, ibis ' SroOd riches • 'Witt ' atdie tlitif:;oot ' ::tiiiii bitifdooniti3' -ritiire 'or tiffs - MI '3' 3 :ti. -0 . , thousand Aollpre for Oeii''Eis '' ft ...--- ibi iiiiibi of ' thiOi. ailiitite, -. Tall: 7 i I , in ifiiiiiiolitiiitifreitietotiWy na - * !'.' ':' -4.