The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, June 13, 1877, Image 5

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    - Ji . 1 )/1 e 1 I
11ONTROSE, PA., ,TO - NE 13,18;7.
Arrangement of Mails_
TanLhannock, (Dai1i,).....
Montrose Depot.(Daily,)...... 600 p m ;, 6 20a .0
New Milford.(Dally,) ....... 1000 a 1 30p th
Wyalusing. (Daily.) .. ..... .. .145 am 10 00pm
Friendsville,(tri weekly,) ' 600 p 800 am
Conklin Station,(tri weekly,) . . 700 am 700 am
Binghtuntou,viaS.Lake.(triweekly).. 600 pm 700 p m
geshoppen,(tri weekly,) 1000 a m 300 pm
The New Tork,(via Montrose Depota-Now '
funkhannock,and Wyalusingarctdatly „ ; -
TheConkli n Station mail runs Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays.
• The Binghamton mail,(via Silver Lake,)runs Taus
jays, Tharsdays.and Sat urdays,. . .. L
Frlendsville mail runs Tue.sdays.Thursdays,and Sat,
en mai I runeMondaytiMednesdays and
The Meshopp
A Stageleavesdaily:for Montrose Depot atl m.,and
returns at 6 p.
A Stage leaves daily for New Milford at 'lBO a. mi.
and returns ats op.m. t .
Montrose Railway Tilllo Table•
Trains will run as follows: 'Lem* Tanktiannock at
8:45 a. ra. and 3:12 P. arriving here at 10:45 a. in. and
5:10 p.
Returning, leave Montrose at 12 and 5:40 p.
in., arr i v ing at Tunkhannock at 1:45 and 'Z:80 p..m. •
T r ains will run on Lehigh Valley time ae kept in the
Office of P. & L Y. R. B. at Tankhannock.
A . ll trains conneet at Tinkhannock with P. &IT. Y.
R. B. g oing north and eouth.
Mauch Chunk, Jan. 83, 187?, - , ,
List of New Advertissnienti.
Financial report of Silver Lake School fund.
Annual Statenient of Auburn School District.
Financial Statement of . Rush Township. •
Statement of Rush School fund.
Annual statement of New Milford School
Auditor's notice—Est. of Robert McCormick.
Administrator's notice—Eest. Philip Hahn.
Assignees' ,sale—Eat. Patrick Oarey.
Administrator's notice—Est. Erastus Cory.
Administrator's - notice—Est. HumPhrey &
Public notice.
Picnic Festival.
Keystone' Academy.
Neighboring Counties.
. Waverly is reported to have over 2500
signers to',„ . the temperance pledge. .
D. L. & W. Railroad laboreri have been
reduced from el to 90 cents per day:
The Scranton Free Pairotbaa been en
larged to an ,eight page' form and other
wise improved.
The Citizen says Honesdale is more
largely, and better paved than any other
town of its size in the United States.
Mr. M. B. Allen is now sole proprietor
of the Allen House, Hpneedale, having
purchased the interest of the other heirs.
Bishop Stevens confirmed thirty-six
personi .9t St. Stevens Eoisclopal Church,
Wilkes-Barre, on Thursday evening last.
The dist:lnce from Carbondale to
Honesdale via Del. Sri' Hudson Railroad
is sixteen miles ; returning it is twenty.
First-class dairy blitter sells freely in
Carbondale at 2a cts. per pound. Flour
has fallen off in price about $2 per bar
It is said that ti,Plot is OR foOt to re
lease force the Mollie Maguire pris
oners awaiting execution, in the coal re
The Lehigh Valley raitroftd company
are building an iron bridge across' the
river at „Bridgeport, half 'a. mile south.of
White Haven.
, •
The Brotherhood of Locomotlve
neerB of the -Lehigh Valley Railroad have
decided to accept the 10 per cent. redac
tion in wages and not strike.
The Syracuse and. Binehampton Rail
road will carry dogs intended for the ken
nel exhibition in Syracuse,•June 18, free
of expense to the owners. -
Hon. L. D. Shoemaker has an old copy
of the Susi:tut:lama Democrat in hiS pos
session; which was printed in 1814 by
Samuel Maffei in Wilkes-Barre.
A writer of the Wilkes• Barre Sunday
News knows an old lady who remem
bers to have seen Joe Smith, and heard
him preach in - South Canaan, Wayne
The Eagle Hotel at Pittston, which has
been closed for along time, has , just been
re-opened by M. F. Palmer . ,& - Co. The
junior member of the firm is James E.
Howe, formerly of Great 'Bend Swig's
The clerks in the Lehigh' Valley office
at Mauch Chunk, when the work of the
office requiresit, will hereafter' have to.
remain at their desks till 9 o'clock. They
have had 20 per cent..reAnetion in ,
their pay. -
Never leave children alo%e in a room
where there is a fire. Three children
narrowly escaped at Wilkes• Bar-re last
week One little one had set its clothes
on fire and was disc.overed jtist in time to
save its life.
At the special term In session at El
mira, Justice Boardman granted a motion
for the foreclosure of the, mortgage on
the Dwight House proPerty, in Binghain
ton, in favor of the Mutual Life Insur
ance Company. ,
Rev. Freder,iek B. Caositt has received
l e appointment of Chiplain at the Ine
>Cate Asylum at Binghamton through
the influence of Superintendent Kitchen.
Ile is an Episcopalian, and . was recently
located in Newark, N.J . .'
r w
The Southern Central Poultry Associa
tion hits changed its name to 'the Bing
hamton Poultry and Pet Stock Associa
tion. The. regular 'meetings are held .the
first Tuesday of the Month* of FebrUary,
August and November.
A festival for the benefit of St. Pat
Arrives: Departs
.... 500 p m 1115 am
rick's church, will be held in Leonard's
Grove, Binghamton; on the afternoon
and evening of June 23d. Ice
cream, straWberrie, and all the delicacies
of the season will be served in the best
style, - • . _
J. C. Coon writes to the Repubtican
that he Was in Ontario at the time, the
Court wanted him, but could not get him,
and says his
,bail, • Mr. Kingsley, is "as
innocent . of
‘ - 'atiy- collusion with .him,
(Coon,)i his . ..friends; with regard to his
absence, as the Editor of the Republican
himself. • '.•
-thecOronlbr' held an` inquestin the case
of the railroad accident at Wyalusing,
and the following verdict ,was rendered
'by the jurv,: "That we find. that these
per - sons met their death in these`care by
, the, cars leaving the track, froni some un
known cause to the jury." *-
. Hon. C. S. Russell! has standing in his
yard in front of his residence, on Third
street, one of the finest lemon trees we
hsye. - ever seen in - .seation. The
beauty„ consists in its large' size and
healthy condition, and ciciantity of large
perfect fruit with which it is loaded. It
bears thirty perfect,, and every large lem
ons.---Towanda Jotinal.
Rev. D. D. Lindaley, formerly a Mem
ber- of the ,Wyoming Conference and last
stationed at Carbondale two years ago,
but against whom charges were brought
pending which he left the conference,
was received into the- Chemung Preeby
tery at its late session at Elmira, and if
now stationed at Breesport as stated sup !
On and. .after Monday last, the 11th
inst., 'there was a slight change in the
time table of the Delaware and Hudson
Railroad, for passenger trains between
Honesdale and Carbondale. They leave
Honesdale at 8 a. m., and 2:45 p. m., but
the hours of daparture from Carbondale
was changed to 8:10 a.;m,., and 3:30 p. m.
Mr. John Stuart, one of the wealthy
citizens of Carbondale. has made an as
signment. Liabilities about ,$30,000, and
assets about`sso,ooo. The fearful shrink
age in values has caused this, as well as
many other failures. The bad policy of
our rulers for the past ten or fifteen years
has produced' this ruinous condition of
affairs 'all over the country.
The :little ten year old . ' daughter of
John Dundon, in Binghamton, met with
a sad. fate. • With other children she
gathered brush,.and set it on fire. when
in some way her clothing caught fire, and
she started on a run for home. Reach-
ingthere a - pail of water was quickly
thrown over her, and the'fire extinguish
ed, but. she was - so badly burned that she
died about 4 o'clock IWonday morning.
Children do take warning.—Leader.
Wayne .county papers announce that a
couple of swindlers after ,"doine that
county have passed into Susquehanna.
Theplan of swindling is as followa: A
pack peddler calls at a house with a fine
,lot of cloth, vest patterns, etc., which he
offers at ruinous sacrifices. He makes a ,
sale and goes hist way. The next ffay two
men drive up to the house w ith a printed
bill giving the account of robbery of a
clothing house in Williamsport, describ
ing. the peddler,
,etc. They claim the
goods and usually bulldoze the, purchaser
into giving them up. The plan worked
well in Wayne county, and people should
be on their strict guard.
State items.
The old Beaver county court house was
sold .recently for $9OO.
The seventeen-year old locusts have
made their appearance in Lehigh county.
About - fifteen hundred shad have been
caught in the Juniata near Newport this
The directors . of the Exchange bank,
Waynesburg, have concluded to Close up
The Hon. George Tracy, of Bradford
County, died the other day at the Insane
Asylum, Harrisburg.
A recent emus of Altoona shows a
population 0f'16,954, an increase of 1,625
since the lad 187 k
• -The budding of the Bellefonte branch
of. the Lewisburg Centre and Spruce
Railroad' is not progressing very rapidly.
Lester Hassenplugg son of the Pro
thonotary of. Union county, Was drown
ed in the river at Lewisburg the other
day. : •
The pardons recommended by the
Board, on Thursday were' J. Horack, of
Buck', Burglary ; Moses Wolf, Schuyl
kill, larcenry.
A few days ago the Plitt national bank
of Allegheny inaugurated - the practice
of serving dinner. to all its employees in
the bank building. •
The Edgar Thomson steel works in Al
legbeny, county, have contracted to fur
nish 3,900 tons of steer rails for the
Union Pacific railroad.
The. Shenandoah Herald is endeavor
ing to create a sensation with the story
that - the Mauch Chunk jail is to be at
tacked with the purpose of liberating the
condemned Mollies. The police force.on
duty at the jail has been doubled.
Between Soradoville and Painter, Mif
flin county, a hail, storm prevailed on .
Tuesday evening which is said to have
never' had a parallel. Hail the size of
eggs fell and in great quantity. Four
hours afterward chunks as large as wal-,
nuts were picked up.
Charles Evans, - nf -11orristown, who
disappeared about hi° Weeks ago, ' was
found in a barn in Montgoinery . county
on almost starved to death.
What his object was in ten - mining in the
barn until alinost dead .is .not known.
Evans' recoverydoubtful.• • • • -
The people of Wayne county,endeavor
ed to procure an injunction to prevent
the Commissioners trom erecting' a two
hundred thousand dollar Court House by
'days' labor instead of.contrao, but:Judge
Dreher decided that the ;building might
go, on as the Commissioners directed.
It IS reported
McKean that an immense gas vein
as just been 'struck in a wellin
'county, about five and a-half miles south
:of Olean. The gas comes from a depth
'of 1,180 ft. from 'a sand rock about 25 feet
'thick and about 40 : feet over the produc
ing ' (third) 'sand of the 'Bradford' oil
region, and indicates a. pressure of about
sixty .pounds to the sqnareinch.
News Jottings.
The ,silver .queetion—"Can you lend
me a quartir ?"
Prices in the European: witeqt market
during the last iveek haveloten
The goose iz like all other phools—all-.
WllBB seems anxious to prove - it.—joslt
John Tyler; Jr., sop of the late Presi
dent Tyler, has been appointed. Inspector
'of 'Customs at Richmond, Va.
Presi4ent Hayes has excepted an invi
tation to visit Rhode, Island during the
Grand Army reunion at Providence: •
The disposition to sit down upon Tur
key is probably due to the fact that it is
the Ottoman Empire. Detroit Free
A young man from Auburt,.N. Y.,
who went to the Black Hills this spring,
has telegraphed to his father "Fatted
calf for one." •
Ex-Judge Henry C.. Dibble, late Assis
tant Attorney General at New Orleans,
has been arrested on a charge of embezzl 7
ing $12,500 of. State funds
The chief result of the 'Turco Russian
war, thus far has been . to awaken the
world to the-fact that neither side knows
how to spell.—Normich Bulletin.
Theodore Smith, aged eight years, in
a quarrel with a :girl about the same age,
at Rochester Friday, stabbed her with a
knife, and she was probably fatally injur
The Louisville Cozirier-Journal, of
which Mr. Watterson is editor, condenses
Robert Toombs' biography into the fol=
lowing sentence ; "His life has been one
long public curse." •
Gov. Bedle, of 'New Jersey, has a grand
aunt, Miss Betsey Dorset, who will be
100 years old next week. Her birthday
will be formally celebrated , by religious
ceremonies and a family gathering.
Mayor Ely is reported as saying that
he knows that Peter B Sweeny offered to
compromise for $600,000 before be went
to Europe, and that the city therefore
loses $200,000 and interest by the latest
arrangmen t.
Some. indefinable► disease is Making
havoc with the pickerel in Lake Uniba•
gog, Maine, and the shores are strewn
with dead fish. which are . thrown out by
the waves. Can it be there is to be a
general fish epiiooty ?
May 30th, 1877, by Rev. E. A. Warriner, Mr-
Mortimer J. Rhinevault, of New Milford, and
Miss Isabelle A. Pickering, of Birchardville.
CROE-WALLACE-ID Great Bend, on the
sth inst., by. Rev. R. N. Ives, N. Dußois Chase,
Esq., and bliss - Allie Wallace, all of Great Bend.
BnowN—CnArmaN—At St. Paul's Church,
Montrose, June 12th,1877. by ReVrE. A.
riner, assiste by Rev. 11. L. Jones, of Wilkes
Barre, Mr. S. . rown, of Wilkes-Barre, and
Miss Ella M. W . hapman, daughter of J. W.
Chapman, of Montrose.
WEsTLAKE—In Brooklyn, Pa., May 6tb.1877
Mr. Daniel Westlake, aged 57 years. -
CoLE—At the residence of his daughter, in
Honesdale, -.Pa, May 23d, 1877, Mr. E. M. Cole,
in his 73d year. •
Montroai, April 24,1877, Nathan
H. Lyons, aged 81 years and 8 months. -
_Elk Lake, May 18tb,of dropsy,
Nehemiah Lathrop, sod 88 years and 2 days.
PECK -In Clifford, tilitsq's Co., Pa., May 28th,
1877; atter a long , and protracted confinement
to his room, Asher Peck, is the 87th year of his
BRONSON—In Lathrop, April 18th, 1877,
Annie „wife of Lake Bronson, in gib 78th
year of her age. .
WThLwies—May 26, 1877, , after a' lung and
painful illness, Jas. A. Williams. -
WHEREAS, In the wise providence of Al
mighty God, our friend and brother, Jas. A.
Williams,.was, after a long and painful illness,
on the 26th of May, 1877, stricken down by the
hand of death in the prime of life and manhood;
W.HEREAS, he was a member of Live Oak
Lodge No. 604, 1. 0. of 0. F.; in good standing
and held by ns in high esteem ; therefore,
Resolved, 'That while we bow in submission
to the Divine Will in this dispensation of his
providence, we cannot refrain from expressing
our deep sense of the loss we have Anstained.
Resolved, , Thdt, while we feel his ,we will
sacredly cherish his memory in ouiL earts and
wili endeavor to practice his yin es in our
lives. ..
Revolved, That we place on record our appre
ciation of his merits, to wit he was a man of
strict ,honesty'and unswerving integrity,rnodest
and unpretentious, at the same time faithful in
discharge of his' duty, that his deportment'wiis
that of a Christian gentleman, a respected son,
a true and loving brother, a sympathizing
friend, an affectionate husband, and a king and
indulgent father,
Resolve, That we deeply, sympathize with
his surviving widow, children, and relatives in
their great loss, and that by words and acts of
kindness we will render his family all aid
in our power. -
• Resolved, That our Charter be draped in 1
mourning sixty days.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread
upon the Journal of this Lodge and .a copy be
presented to the bereaved' family ; also tint a
copy be furnished to ., the *purity papers at
Montrose, with a request te publish Me same.
COM. •
G. T. PRICE, • - )
lIARFORD, June 2,1877. .
PICNIC Fg.sTivAL.7- 7 The ladies of the Chureh
of this Holy Spirit, near Friendsville, propose
giving a stracvberry festivalnX Carmait's Lake,
June 28th,for the benetit'of the enurch. Horses
"eared for at usual - Hotel rates.' .Boats tolet,
eze. All are invited. - 23-24
All.former students of - Keystone Academy,
with their friends, are cordially invited to be
present at a reunion ,which will take place in
the Chapel, at 2 o'clock, p. m:, Friday, June 22d.
It has universally been our experience that
meetings of old school-mates are "enjoyable oc
casions, and .we anticipate no exception to the
rule on the 22d of June. .
, _ .
KEYEITOiII ACCADEMY.—The exercises con.
fleeted with the elose of the eighth Academic
Year, will take place on 'Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, June 20,' 21 and 22, as follows :
On Wednesday , and Thursday, examinations,
interspersed with declamations, esiayi and mu
sic. - Wednesday evening, 8 p. tn., address by
Rev. H. J. Millard, Susq'a co.; Thursday eve.,
exhibition of advanced classes in composition,
consisting of orations and essays on eubjects
spiigned to the class. Friday, 10.30 a. in., An
n-bat exercises; consisting of graduating ad=
dresses, prize oration, prize essay, conferring of
diplomas, and bestowal , of prizes. After the
exercises, the usual Anniversary dinner will be
served. In the evening Rev. John Peddle D. D.,
of Phil's, will deliver the annual address.
Commission Merchants,
NEW YORK, Saturday, June 9, 1877.
Pails, choicest fresh • • 22 03
" good,to fine ...... 18. (4. 20
commOn • ' 13 15
Firkins, selections 21 a 22
" good to fine '\ 18 6 20
" common to good -- a'
Tubs, selections • 20
•" good Co fine... 17:sa 18
" common to g00d... .... 13 a 14
Factory, fancy... . • 12 6 12X
good to fine 11 @ 11%
• Farm Dairy, prime. 11 11%
",. " fair to g00 ► d.,....... 10 _ 10%
Eggs, fresh .. 15%6 18.
Apples (green) fine --. a
" dried per lib' qrs ...... a 5Y t
" ". " sliced • 5 5%
Potatoes, per bbl 2 500 3 . 50
Lardo 19
Tallow 8 0 BM.
Turkeys dressed
Chickens, " --
Ducks, " —
Beeswax • ' 31%0 32
ALL. RINDS of smoking tobacco at IZertass'.2o
ItmovaL.—G. W. Doolittle has removed his
gallery to his new rooms on South Main street.
one door above Exchange Hotel, where be will
be found - taking pictures as usual. Having
suptrior light than the old room, I am prepared
to do work second to none. Ground floor ; no
stairs to climb. Motto Frames and Photograph
Frames to sell.2o—tf.
The sale of Taylor's Family Medicines is
steadily on the increase. The sales of the pile,
year being more than double of any previous
year. The reason of this is on account of the
genuine merits of the goods themselves and
the fair and impartial manner in which they
are sold.
July 26,1876:
VERY OBSTINATE and tronblesome are old
sores and ulcers. Yet how easily may they be
healed. AU that is necessary is to use freely
Glenn's. Sulphur Soap disolved in water as a
lotion. Depot Crittenton's, No. 1 Sixth Ave
*nue, New York.
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown,
,liO ctB.—msy.
CHEWING tobacco and tine 'shorts, at Zerfasa'
segar store. I 2O
MART PERSONS during the winter season are
severely afflicted from the effects 'ot Freezes or
chillblams. They can be readily and perma
nently cured in a few days merely by using
Taylor's Celebrated Oil once or twice a day.—
The same medicine is said, by many, to be a
sure cure for corns. It can be obtained of any
Druggist or dealer in Medicines.
I take this method of - informing the public
of Montrose-and vicinity that 1 have opened a
new harness shoP, under Bearle's express °Mee,
Public Avenue.
I will build new work of the best quality,
and repair with neatness and dispatch and at
lowest, rates. The patronage - of the public is
respectffilly solicited— •
Idoutrbse, Oct. 18, 1878tf. Inv= enamor:
Ririutrninto In the line of Pure Dru gs and
Medicines, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Pocket
books, Pocket knives, Tooth • brushes, Flesh
brushes, Clothes and Hair brushes, Toilet soaps,
Fine toilet articles, Fancy goods, and a full line
of all the new.: and Popular Remedies • can be
found at KA. Lyon's Drug Store. PhysiCians
will find our stock complete, and composed of
the best articles that can be found In the market.
Montrose, Pa.. Jan. 17th, 1877.--tf
Kim 'Wirer and Domestic .cegars, at Zerfass'
Mauna: Wolin.
The Tunkhannock Marble Worksrof Burns
& White are doing a good business and are
Setting out some very tasty' jobs of Head
tones and Monuments. A. B. Burns, of the
Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized agent for
Montrose and vicinity. He has designs of
Head Stones and Monuments. Any orders left
with him will be promptly filled by Burns &
Tunkhannock, Feb. 1876
There is no subject that requires so much
study and experience as the treatment of chron
ic diseases. The astonishing success and re
markable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield,
are due to the gift of clairvoyant°. to the life
long study of the constitution of man, and the
curing of diseases from natural remedies. Cures
the worst forms of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe
male Weakness, Diseases of the Heart, Lungs
or Kidneys. Will 'be at' the Spaulding' House,
_Friday, and Saturday, 22d, and
Jan 14, 1877.
FuEsir Ground Cayuga Plaster 'for sale at
Raymitord's Coal Yard, Moutrovi Railroad De
pot. . _ - I 19-20
. .
No business man need complain that he
is "too poor to advertise" when he can get the
latest- style business cards printed at the DEN
OCRAT office for three dollars per; thnusand,and
other work in proportion.
Persons visiting: Binghamto wishing to
purchase dry goods would do Well to call on
HIKE & &MEAL They keep alfirst-class line
of dry goods and ready-made clothing on hand
all the time. Alpacas, Alerinos,and.Cashmeres,
the finest line in the city. No trouble to show
goods or send,samples.
Nov. t,"1876tf. I
"THE Poou OLD TRAMP," IS i the, title of a
new and beautiful song and chorus, by L.
Thompson, author of the famous "Gathering
Shells From flits Sea Dealers are order
ing it by the thousand. The i whole country
will be singing, "The Poor Old Tramp." -Price
with handsome picture title, 40c. Published
by W. T. Thompson & Co., East Liverpool,
f . As.many through the country have been. un
able fora time back to , obtain !any'of Taylors
Family Medicines on account of, the merchants
and druggists being out. This ,is to notify the
public that all merchants and druggists through
Susq'a and adjoining counties ;have been fur- \
nished with a new supply and all of said medi
cines are still warranted to give satisfaction OR
NO PAT. Try Taylors cough - Syrup or Expec=
torant• for that. cough. I. N. Bullard, A. B.
Burns and M. A. Lyons Agents for Montrose
H. Browning Taylor Prop.
WE TAKE PLEASURE in recommending to
our readers the old and popular Dry Goods
House of C. F. Sisson & Co., of Biughatntot.
For the spring trade, they are prepared to offer
as complete an assortment of Dry Goods, as
can be found in any market. ;Those beautiful
Black and Summer silks, to which they call
particular attention, we are satisfied are just °
the thing to please the peoplo of this section.
In fanc,y Dress Goods they take the lead. In
Parasols, Kid Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, etc.,
they have all the popular gdods at popular
April 24, 1877.
Diarrhcea. Antidote. A few of the many rea
sons why every person should keep a bottle of
the Continental Balsam in their house : First,
it will cure almost . instanty all cases of pain,
cramps, Bob,c dyspepsia, or loseness of the
bgwels. Second, cure the chronic diar
rbcea of long standing. Third, It is one of the
best remedies in t*e world for children while
teething, as it gives instant relief without sub
jucting them to_ any injurious effect. Fourth
and last, The price being so low ; 25 and ISOU
per bottle, that the poorest can afford to buy
it. Sold by John Fareira, bo:e Proprietor, 224
North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, and drug
gists generally. I
June 6, 1877.—tc
No Cots, No PAY.
Kirby's Cough Balsam,a very palatab:e com
pound, for the various affections of the throat
and lungs. Used with great Success in case of
Asthma and Bronchitis. It is Prescribed by the
physicians and endorsed by the people. War
ranted to give entire, satisfaction or money re
Kirby's Magic Relief for the instant cure of
severe and acute pains. F
• Kirby's Tasteless Worm, Lozenges. Sure.
safe and effectual.
Kirby's Condition Powders f or reality, quan
tity and purity are superior to any Powder for
stock manufactured.
Kirby's Camphor . Ice for chaped bands or
For sale by. all Druggists ln Montrose, an d
Dealers in Medicines throughout the country. \
June 28,1876y1.
County Business. iiireetory.
Twollnes in.thls Directory, one year. $1.60; each ad
ditionsi line. 60 cents;
WK. FIW OITT, Stater. Wholesale. -id Retail
dealer in all kinds of slate roofing, slateepaint, etc.,
Roofs repaired with elate paint to order. , Also. slate
paint for sale by the gallon of barrel. Montrose.
BILLINGS STROUD, General; tire and Life Insur
ance Agents, also, sell Railroad and Accidental
Tickets toNew York and Philadelphia. Office one
door east of Wm. H Cooper sr. Co's bank.
WM. H. BOYD k CO. Dealeis is Stoves, hardware•
and Mann( cturers of Tin and Sheet-Lion ware, cor
ner of Main and Turnpike street.
A. N. Bullard, Dealer in Groceriee, Provisions, Book:,
Stationery and Yankee Notions. at the heads( Pub
lic Avenue. '
WH. H . COOPER 4 CO.. Rink*. Sell Foreign Pas
sage Tickets end Drafts on England, Ireland, and
and dealer- WM. L. LOX, Harness maker and dealer-in all arti
cles usually kept by the trade, opposite the bank.
JAMES E. CARMALT, Attorney-it-Law. Mier one
door bblow Tarbell House, Public Avenue.
11. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. Care S. Piliman ds Co.,
interest on all Deposits. Doeitla general Banking
business. S.; B. CHASE it CO.
H. GARRET a SON, Dealer in Flour. Feed, Meat;
Salt, Lime. Cement, Groceries and Provisions, on
Main Strtket, opposite the Depot.
N. F. KIMBER. Carriage Malipr. Picture Framer s and
.11ndertek t 1 ; a few rods from' Phinnera Hotel, sew
X. E. Ch h
H. P. DORAN. Merchant. Tailor and dealer in. Rea4p
Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries add,Progisloos.
Main Street.
Binghamtel N. Ir., hive! removed 'their
Opposite the 'Exchange Hotzl, , and next door to the
Sisson Blo c h; :wheire they Are better prepared to servo
the public Outs ever before. They have just •
The hugest and beet i,karatatenti4
vcra,ll raper
ever offered in this maiket, consisting of -
all the different grades. from. ,he eheap
est to the finest. Side wall and
ceiling decorations, ,centre
. pieces, decorative bor-,
der, Window 'shades,
They! also
keep in stock .
. .
the best. as- ,
- sortment
in ; •
• this mai
• • ;
; ket. All new,
pubileations,: Maga .
shies,:NeWipapers; re.
• ceiveit seon as published. ';
We invite our patrons and the pub- - ;
lie in general to call and examine our .
.stock, and get-our prices, at our new store,.
NO. IS7 COURT, sTlllllO4i •
: PRANK H. STRPIIRNb, 1 ORO.' is.'-rttirt
April 18, 1817.-16-Iy. I . ,
17- 7 ti
&Cross the street to