AIONTROSE, PA., .JUNE 13, 1877. Town, Covey, and Variety. . .Strawberry ;;festivals next. 1 -=-4ee . .'*ater' is the thing now. —Fourth of. July en Wednesday this year. --The days are getting ; longer and warmer and dusfier and greener and —To-morrow.iil,be ,ttse centennial of ;the American, flag—the Oars and stripes. —Rev. W. L. Thorpe made bia friends, this place's tying ,visit the first of the week. —The recen train has made,ev ery body% bet ter natured; except ` where`it' ante is a solid form. T---4fter all there with, be no chaiige in the style: r color et ,postal cardS,- under thet new contract.' • '•: - • , The. orld is sure to.firid art bOnest men but it Will find him agreat deal qUicher. if .ite advertises. . - • = —Train the weeds In the - days of their youth that the -lettuce; onions and "Sick" " may reioice over it in their bid age. - - • now the small. hair diiiigentiy • , gaged in salting down small change that he may;blow himself up on the ”glorious Fourth!' —Remember the lecture ot Hon: Lewis thenext Monday evening. is the last of the course of the Soldiers' Monument Associa tion. • —Dr. R. Thayer - and , family removed to Hopbottom on Monday. • The Doctot's tice here will be taken up by Dr. W. J. McCaus land, of Pittston. --Some farmers oiler a reward per hundred for all those beautiful little :bugs which can be caught of. their own fields., Small boys, dis tinguish yourselves. —Wild strawberries are more abundant in this neighborhood than they have beenfor years The bush-lots and hedge-borders are literally carpeted with them. - -A rumor has reached town that there is a trout in one of the adjacent streams and an expedition will probably be organized to cap tine him or wear the brook out. . —"The first object in life," sayi an ex change, "is to get rich." And the way to se cure that object is to publish a country news paper, and to trust people for their subacrip tions. .--We hear that preparation is being made by the.old soldiers all over the County to make the ceremonies at the dedication of the Solotiers' ,Monument of very great interest. Remember the fourth is three weeks from to-day, —Emerson has. a Ambit of writing down every`good idea that strikes him, even getting up in the night to jot down some valuable thought.—Ex. We once cOmmenced± this plan, but atter spending a few weeks without sleep, was obliged to abapdon it. --Mars is now the morning star and is at present , exciting great interest among astrono imers.- In September it will be nearerthe earth Than it haa been before in thirty gears, and it is expected it, will be the means of yielding some data in Aiing the distance of the. sun. —The ladies of the Presbyterian Society will hold a festival on Friday evening,,June 15, st thelce cream parlors of Win. Taylor. The delicacies of the season, _in the shape -of Straw. berries and ice cream will be bountifully served. ' A moat cordial invitation is'extended to all. We notice that Judge Tyler has returned hOme, for his summer vacation, and we welled to see him upon our streets again. Although he is to have a vacation we presume that he will hardly content himself to be idle but will occasionally make a flying trip to see his old business friends in'this vicinity. if there is anything that will• make a man suddenly remember that be is not a blne 7 and gold butterfly in a rose-pink atmosphere, it is to have his wife yell at him as he goes through the door "Recollect, George, the coal is out, and we haven't got any kindling wood, and there's not . a single potato in the house. Now, don't forget it." It is reported that Susquehanna is With out a colored inhabitant. Montrose might lend her a few and hardly know the difference.— Binghanikz Times. We are sorry we cannot say as 'much uf the white population of Bing hamton, not a very large number of Whom could be spared without leaving the "darkies" of that place in the majority. A severe storm passed over a portion of Bridgewater and vicinity north of this 'bor.' ough. on . Tuesday evening of last week. The ground, it is reported, was covered With hail to the depth of two or three inches in many places and piles of it remained all the following day. born and garden vines were badly beaten town ? It Is feared that the fruit was badly in j until ---;Possibly, those who are unfortunate In having legi of unequal length; will be glad to know that a new way , to equalize them has been discovered.. As At is impossible to make a short litzth longer, attention has been tee to the . feasibility, ,of making , long Itmbs shorter, which is ,oCC.omplished 'by fracturing the tlArlt-hone i4.# 'peculiar manner, and when • 410.14,30tIft„repiired by nature shortening Philipr Hahn who has kept a meat market on Public Avenue for some time; died on Friday morning last. His disease was pro nouneed lockjim. It • seems that he, at some previous time luid received an injury in his back or spinal coinpark,,Od ft severe cold which he had contracted ilSiir• ,&ya before, settled in the weakened parts; a fatal result. He i3a8;11, sister and two - In. - others residing in Ohio, bit themoat of Iris relatives are, in Ger. : , many, funeral MlS attended. on.43ilirday; ATTENTION.- DEIIOOIIA.TIO The members of the Democratic County Committee are requested to Meet at the 'Farhat House, in Montrose, on Saturday, June 23d, 1.877, for - the purpose of appointing delegates to the State' Convention,,and such Other busi ness as may Come :before it _ A BOLD, SERVANT The'residence of Mr. Trumanjiubbard, on North avenue, Owego, was _the seene,,,of an, af fair on ThUrsday night - last which has created a great deal of excitement in that place. _The story was given to our reporter,as follows: _ A servant girl (Celestia Mott), , employed by Mr.ubbard, has of late complained of hearing e SOT ;one about the houge, and thought they were,burglars. Alr. Hubbard ',purchased' a re vdli-and taught her how to use it and she said she would fire it it she had occasion. ' On WedLeSday last she had washed and hung out the family clothing on the root -to dry, over the re iidence, frt tbe • Wilson Block. One of the ' boarders told her in the ; evening that she had better take in her clothes as 'there' had been a person around the building Who looked suspi cious. She went out, and took in all that were dry, leaving the rest. , Jlit about 9 ,o'clock she heard some one on the roof and taking her, re volver ascended and found a large man taking clothes from the line. She spoke to him: and receiving no answer spoke again. Getting no replY, she says. "I will give you occasion' to answer," and fired. The min disappeared down a ladder to an. adjoining roof, and the plucky girl made no alarm, but returned to her room and went to bed. • At about 2 o'clock in the morning she was awakened by some one at her window and rising up, saw'the man she had shot at "on the roof, prying up the , window. Ho raised it and suddenly` put his arm in: and shot at the girl. She at once pointed her at the window, and fired striktng the man, she thinks, in the breast. He says, "My god, I am shot," and dist.ppeared. The shots awoke the household, who on searching outside found a pool of blood , on the roof under her window. They "tracked the blood to the ground, but they lost the trail. There is Po clue as yet to the robbers. The girl's parents are very much excited, and want her to leave Owego and go to her hono near Campville,, but she Eays she is not aftaid, but that she can shoot as well as the robbers can and will stay where she is:—Binghamton limes. FOURTH OF JULY. HEADQUARTERS VETERAN ORGANiZATION OF SUSQURHANNA COUNTY, MONT.ROSE, PA., June 11, 1877, GENERAL ORDERS, No. 2.—1. The, Gen'l Commanding takes pleasure in• announcing to the organization, that the Soldier's Monument to the memory of-our dead comrades, is to; be unveiled and dedicated on the Foiwth of Juiy next. Believing that ,the organization will. wish to participate in the interesting 9,nd im pressive services of that occasion, a General Order will be issued at an early date calling.the organization together at That time and giving plans and details for the occasion. IL The various companies of .the county are requested to take itnmediale steps to per-, , fect their organization,and send in their orders for guns, that they may be procured in time for use on the Fourth: This &mit be done on or before June 20. Enfield rifle. - bayonet, scab bard, and belt, $2 55; blouse, $1 25; bats, from 30 to 50 cents.. Individual soldiers can order if there is no company organization in their 111. All military organizations within the tounty,And veteran sold& and sailors from neighboring couuties, are cordially invited to' join this organization Mr :the Fourth. The Soldiers' Orphan School (who form a part of this orgatiization) will be specially provided for on that occasion. The Field and Staff of the two Batt alions, , and the Staff officers Rt . the or ganization„ are expected to take immediate and active measures towards securing a full, repres entation of the soldiers of the county on the coming Fourth. Not less than - one thousand soldiers shogld 'be in line on that day. By command of 8. F. BEARDSLEY, Gen'l Com'ag Vet. Org'n: H. U. JESSUP, Col. and Adj't Get& THE SCHOOL BOARDS TO BUY- THE . • • ' BOOK. . •• The following from the fast number of the School Jouynal will cause ofir'People to put on, their thinking caps. The time is ;not fitt distant when the subject will be agitated in all sec tionsi L. There seems to be a - growing ' . disposition in many quarters to furnish text-books entirely without charge to all the children in our Public schools. The experiment has been tried in .many cities and country distFicts, and in one or more whole . States, and wherever tried it seems to give satisfaction. Among its advantages are: 1. That it cheapens very greatly the cost - of books. Some estimate the saving at one-half, even as much as three-fourths. 2. That changes' can be made in books, when needed, without additional cost. S. That the nooks can be made absolutely uniform in the schools without the annoyance that sometimes exists when parents are requir ed to purchase them. 4. That teachers can supply pupili, and in troduce new studies without the usual text took difficulties. The objection that "the purchasing of text books by the directots increases the expense of public edueation is more than met by shoiiig that ,thh3 increale is Much more than compensa ted for by the,consequent 'diminished private exppnae. • The blither objection that the books will be 'injured or lost is well answered by.the fact that -all experienced teachers agree that children can be trained to take better care of 'books belong to the district than of their own. ' • The question in all bearings is Well worthy tate • &iniidetation ofschool boards and teachers. TEE. E. B. IIAwLET, Chain-mai. COITRT PROCEEDINGS. The Argument Court which convened on Tues day of last week accompl6 : hed the following business. Geo. C. Hill appointed Deputy Constable of Montiose. S. Thomas vs, H. Ackerly : . stricken off with notice to T. T., S. D, Thomas *1 Ackerly. '..Hule Au de, termine whether judgment bad been confessed with Out consideration to 'defraud 'creditors Returnable August T. Com'lth ex. rel. S. E. Carpenter vs: Timothy . Carpenter.. Writ of Inquiry in Lunacy. De fendant being, restored to sound mind ;. all' pro ceedings are superseded and determined. • Baldwin; Allen &`McCain vs. James Hasson and,John Hasson. Rule to open judgment . made absolute snd judgMent forplaintiff. J. D. Apley vs. E. N. Smith. Rule for plain tiff to give security for-costa, returnable August Term. . • ,• 4elme vs. Hobb. - = Rule to open. Judgment discharged. A. J. Baldwin vs. E. R. -- Ketchum. Open judgments P: H. Lines & Co. vs.,L. S. Lenheim. Rule to enterjUdgment for `want' `of affidavit of de fense. - W. H. Jessup, Esq., appointed anditoi in Sheriff's sale of personal property , of D. - B.' Kenyon. The license granted to H. Howard of Great Bend Village transferred to F. J. Hill. Donley, Race I& Co. vi. Wm. 'Matthews and L. E. Hewitt. Judgment for plaintiff for $1.84. • A. C. Van Wormer appointed to fill vacancy in Town Council of Great Bend Village. Commonwealth ex rel. C. R. Pitcher vs. Wm Meredith: The defendent being restored to sound mind commission of Lunacy discharged. Lee Tidany appointed Town Clerk of Harford vice James A. Williams deed. James Kasson appointed director . of Rush Poor Asylum vice P. E. Brush resigned. B'lBo Co. vs. T. D. Payne, P. V. Dunn and Alonzo Payne. 'lnjunction annulled. Com'lth ex. rel. Josiah Taylor vs. Wm. Tay lor. Franklin Fraser appointed a Commissioner in Lunacy. •E. R. Thompson'use of --- Alexander vs. James•Forey. Rule to open judgment. License: ranted to Morrison of in Bus- Susquehanna, transferred to James R. Kirk. License of B. Gregory transteired to Martin Lannan. t, Geo. C. Bronson, Assignee of P. S. Bronson, cited to show cause why he should not be dis charged. Return Aug. T. E. L. Weeks and E. J. Goodwin resign as assignees of Jas. D. Goodwin, and A. 0. War ren is appointed. , Isaac Cross vs. Terwillinger. Excep tionsio Auditor's report dismissed and deport confirmed finally.- Court authorize Springville Supervisors to levy a special tax;of two mills. B. D. Potter Vs: C. H. Pickering. Rule to Open judgment; * Court refuse to grant license to Dimock Bar low, of Harford. ' • Miles Birchard use Amherst .Lindsfey vs. E. P. Coy. . Rule to, open judgment. In the matter of the petition of Bishop C'Hara of the Diocese of Scranton, for permis sion to sell real estate held in trust for St. John's' Catholic Church of Susquehanna Depot. Court order and dircit that land mentioned in petition be Sold and proceeds *appropriated to wards defraying the cost of the Church now being erected in Susquehanna Depot... - ORPHANS' COURT. Nancy Roberta appointed Guardian of Fred crick and Alice Roberta.' . H. W. Cobb appointed Guardian of Leander Cobb. - Sale decreed in estate of Ethan and Jefferson Warner, and' John Warner appointed Guar dian. • D. D. Lathrop appointed Guardian of Nora and Melvina Lathrop. . Kirby Marsh Appointed guardian of Celia Marsh. . - Olive Oelatt appointed Guardian of Geo. C. and Judson Gelatt. D. T. rewster, Esq., appointed Auditor in eat. of Rbbert McCormick. Auditor's report in the estate of Carrie Potter Confirmed and exceptions filed. Excepiions to Auditor's report in estate of James Murtagh dismissed. . STARTING THE TOMATO. In the report of . the Maine Point;logical So ciety we find au account of a' novel method of training the tomato , plant. Stakes, seven or eight feet long, were inserted in the ground the I last of May three feet apart, in a warm, shel tered location, and strong' tomato plants were procured, which had, been started under glass, and :containing°tutor two blossom buds. These were planted near the stakes. The plant Ras then tied to the stake with listing, and all the side branches' which bad pushed it the :miller or angles formed by the seperation of the leaVes, were pinched or cut out with scissors, so es to compel the plant to grow on a single stem ; and every week during the samba, these branches were removed, and -the stems, from time to time; were tied to the stake. When a sufficient number of clusters had been firmed, the remainder were removed, so as to , concen trate the whole energies of the plait to the growth and ripening of the remaining toma toes:; and the heaviest branches were sup= potted by tying them to the stakes. As the re sult, the ripening of the tomato by this, method is accelerated, and - its flavor is improved, be cause every part of the plant is exposed to the free action of the sun and air. -It as not soiled by coming in 'contact with the ground ; it is not BO apt to decay, and more ripe tomatoes can be raised in ,a limited space ; but it requires constant care and industry. The ',Universallsta will bold . a grove meeting near the npuse Janiea 110inaon, Lenoxville, iiunday, June' 17: `•: Satv,ides at 10:80 tu., ' 1:80'p, GRovg )1:1ETING: The crow is not rara aris, judging from the amount of twine strung over the.corn fields. Some of the disciples - of Isaac Walton have been lifting some twenty-four ounce chubs out of the Wyalusing. About one-half: mile below. Grangerville, , near the Wyalusing; is an ash tree from the trunk of which trickks a tiny stream of cool spring water. The heart of the tree is partially decayed; it' is not dead. The water, issues from an orifice six pet from the ground. The tree stands,in a diagonal position, and it is snpposed the. water, reaches the orifice by capil lary attraction as the soil is.too pulverulent for the_theory of hydrostatic pressure., Judgit.ent CHIPS AND, PARINGS - FROM LIBERTY. Mrs. 'Sheldon titaniorci is,dangerously,ill. and bas been entirely insane. for. some tisyS. Brewster attends her 9ne 'might ao-welLtake, an eme*ln. : get- rid of a pair of tight boots as to :use Paris green to get rid of the potato pests. , Rule: to Robert' Smith has takeit - leh's faim to work on share's'. They hive twii'cows that fill each at a milking a sixteen quart pail. The leafy month: of ° June hits Conks ;again with her wealth of, Summer blossoms and myr- iads of (bugs and beetles) happy songsters. Our school at the corners this season is a . success. The teacher, Miss Lucy Browti, well qualified for Abe position `she pccuptes and is giving entire satisfaction. Mrs. B. Comstock bas rented her farm to Spencer Wilber, and the family have imoved into the house with her. • Mts. Comstock is eighty yearti of age, with faculties but llttle im paired. The years have come and gone amoOttt- ly, and time has dealt lightly with her. The Teachers' Institute inV this place, from some unaccountable mistake, proved a fallure. They came from all - parts of,the town,onlito go back again; however they must not be dis cotiraged, but remembdr that "The 'King of Spain with twice three thousand men, went up a hill and then went down again." Miss Linnie Allen teaches school in the Chalker district. She is young to take upon herself , the dutlei and responsibilities that de volve upon the teacher, but her success shows that she is competent and fully understands her business. Her warm young heart goes out to the little ones and they in return love their teacher. Mrs. Indianna Allen has been wholy confined to her bed in a state 'of entire helplessness for two years, and , will be eighty years old in August. There is. something peculiarly touch ing in the tenderness with which Mr. Allen ministers to the wants of •his aged mother; there is a difference bet Ween mere mechanical atten tion and that tender care and sympathy which we all need when we are sick: The mud turtle pikes its sbape from the shell it inhabits. Wonder if our minds grow crook ed and angitlar by these narrow valleys and uneven hillsides. Wonder If people living on the mountains do not feet like looking over the heads of their 'more humble and less pretentious fellow men. Wonder if a Putty Pastor would not be just thelhing for some churches. It is a very pliable material, easily worked in suit, the taste, and moulded to meet the whi r & of the most fastidious. I would recommend such to all those desiring a change. _ Little Hattie Gunsallus, not' quite two years old, bas gone to mingle with the white 'biped angels. The dispensations of Providence often seem mysterious to us,' but in thatmorning, without clouds,.we shall See all his dealings to have been the result of love. "Sometime, when all '.ife's lessons have been learned, And 'sun and stars forever more have set, The things which our weak judgments here . have spurned, The thingi o'er which we grieved with Wilma wet, Will flash before us out of lire's dark night. _ As stars shine most in deeper tints of blue; And we shall see bow all God's plans are just, And, bow, what seemed reproof was love most true. But not to-day. Then be content poor hearts, God's plans, like fillies, pure and white tin told, We must not tear the close-shut leaves apart, Time will reveal the calyxes of gold. And througlj patient toll we reach the land Where tired feet, with sandals loosed, may When we shall clearly know and understand. I think that we shall say, 'God knows the best." - LIBEWIT, June 9, 1877. SUCCESS AGAINST MAD . DOG BITES. An instance of appirent succes" in the treat ment of thtce children bitten by a rabid dog is reporied from Marietta, Pi.' The dog also bit a heifer, a tow, and three dogs. These four animals all died of hydrophobia. The phyid clan in attendence upon: the children, Dr. JOhn. Cameron, .of. Wilmington, Del., had been im pressed by the success of Dr. Bussion's method, as described in the Abeille Medicate, of , treat ing hydrophobia by means of vapor bathe. As the nearest practiCal approach to .such treat- ment Dr. Cameron took the children to Phila. and there subjected thew to the Turk ish baths daily for two weeks. Although the wounds were very severe, they healed with= out difficulty, and no symptoms of the dreaded malady haive been manifested.. - Hydrophobia, it is said, does not break out before the seventh day from,the bite. The interval is quite suf ficient to give the chance id most instances for the patient to be take.n to some Turkish bath estatdishment ; and hence, if that method of treatment is.effectual hydrophobia may be classed among preventable diseases. Last- Sunday. was - "Children's Day" throughout the Methodist Episcopal Church.— Collections wre taken on that day to increase that fund, which is in charge of the Board of Education, and now amounts to 05,000. The object of the fund is "twaSsist menturious SO - day school, scholar's- in- obtaining, a more 0- vanced ,education." - - torrepondence. RUSH ITEMS. -14 the hot days come on, rules -for the pm vention of sun strokei are of interest. The New York Board of Health has compiled some inforination in relation to the matter,and issued it in, the form eta circular. The principal re port is thus summed up: "Sunstroke is caused by excessive heat, and especially it the weather is "muggy." It , is' more apt 'tol occur on the second. third, or fourth day, of a heated term than on the first. Loss of sleep, worry, excite ment, close sleeping rooms, debility, abuse of stimulants; 'predispose to it It is more apt to attack ihOie working to the, sun,. and especial ly- between the hours of 11, o'clock in the fore- - noon and teolock in ,the a4ernoon. On hot days'wear thin clothing. ITave ',as cool sleep. ing rooms as' possible. Avoid IoSS of sleep and all unnecessary fatigue. ivkking indoors, and where there is artificial -heat laundries, Ike, See that the room is well ventilated. READEIL • If:working in the sun, wear a light fiat (mit black, as- it absorbs the heat), straw, ch., and Put. inside of it on the head a wet cloth or large green lest; frequently lift the hat horn the head and see that the cloth is wet. Do not check, perspiration, but drink what water you need to keep it up es perepiration prevents the body from being overheated. Thave whenever possible, arindditional shade, as thin uthbrella, when walking, a canvas or broad cover when Working in the sun. When much fatigued do not go to work, but be excused.- from work, es. pecially after 11 o'clock in the morning on very hot &wit if the work is in the ann. If a feeling of fatigue, dizziness, headache, - or exhaustion. occurs, cease work immediately, lie down in a shady and cool place; apply cold cloths to and pour cold water over head , and neck. If any one is overcome by the heat send immediately for the nearest good physician. While waiting for the physician give the periOn cool drinks of Water or cold black tea,or cold t ,coffee, it, able Po swallow. It the skin is hot and dry, sponge with, or pour cold water over the body and limbs, and apply to the head pounded ice wrap ped in a Lowe: or other cloth. If there is nu ice at hand keep a cold cloth On the head,and pour cold water on it as welt as on the body. If the person is pale, very faint and pulse feeble, let him inhale ammonia for a few seconds, or give .him a teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of ammo. nix in two tablespoonfuls of water with a little sugar. At a meeting to consider "Woman's Work and Needs," held at Steinway Hall, N. Y., a few evenings since,soine very sensible addreSses were made, among them one by Mrs. Eage who said that the cause of the degredation of labor and of woman's labor in particular, was slave ry. Slowly the value of woman's services are being acknowledged. Atid women'are indebt ed to the enactments of 1848, giving them con trol of property, and 1852, giving them power to receive and hold their .own :wages, for the industrial p&sitioni they now , hold. France and Switzerland hive recognized the value of labor Germany engages a quarter of a million in oc cupations formerly quite monopolized by men. The results of such employment have been beneficial to consumers 'and to the women themselves, and , greater benefits will recur when more women enter into business fot themselves to employ as as be employed. She lamented the fact that women were paid less for . the same services than men,but in spite of tbat fact, the final result; ebe thought,wo uld be beneficial, and cheap labor, that now seems the curse of women, will prove their blessing. Their rates of pay are slowly advanc ing, and with their employment they gain in-, dependence; the political result of which can easily be imagined. The Pennsylvania•raitroad company, has re cently introduced on • freight trains a 'new sig nal. It consists of a flashing light fastened on the rear car, that indicates the speed and dui tance of a train, and shows whether it is at rest or in motion. This light is of two colors, one of them being red and the other white, and , are placed on what is known as the "cabOose," so that they may be seen in both directions on the line. A simple device for hiding the light at in tervals is affixed to each lamp so that it may be made to "flash" or alternately appear land 019• appear, and by suitable gearing this is connec ted with one of the axles of the car. While the car is at rest the lightrare steadily visible; when the train moves the lights flash once for each revolution of thd wheels, and thus its movements and actual speed can be easily esti mated Ls far as the lights can be.seen. MINKS. 1 • The records of the comptroller of the; currency allows the' following National banks in Penn; sylvania in process of closing business: Fourth National bink of Philadelphia ; First National bank of Carlisle ; Venango Nationall bank of Franklin; Northumberland County I National bank of Shamokin. Banks in voluntarY National' Exchange bank of Philadel phia; City National bank 'Of Pittsburg; First National bank of Allento*n . ; Firtstl Natlonal bank of Curwensville ; First National bank of Downingtown; Fariners' National bank of Greensburg; Green LantP,:fiational bank of, Kittanning; National bank of Crawford county of Meadville; First National 'bunk of Northunv Berland ; Pittston National bank of Pittston; First National bank of Plumtner; First National bank of Providence; First National bank of Titusville; First National bank of WitYnel burg. A.Meeting was held at Westfield rats, Dela ware Co., N. Y., Jutie 'fith, 1877. Representa tives were present from Delaware and Sullivan Counties N. Y., Sussex County N. J l , and Wayne and Susquehanna Counties The best of feeling prei'ailed, - and it was the unaai- mous desire of all present thatthe different sec ttops unite and form a large colony for the West or South-West./ constithtiou Was . adopted, and meetings wil be held monthly, ,until all the arrangements are corpleted. A meeting will be held at thei Tarbell House is Montrose on I. 4 aturday, rune 23d 11877, at 1 o'clock All.intereXted in the; movement are invited to be prtsent. , , • L. Y. DION; ABOUT BUNSTROKES THE LABOR OF WOMAN. A NEW FREIGHT TRAIN !RONAL. COLONY MOVEMENT.! 7,44:44Pr• Ps , * au 1.4 etlic/Or• '