~. . . . , . , t - 1.• i ~.: : . Al l 1. \. ). : 4 - ~-, ' I tl i I SE, PA., MAY 30, 1877. MON DOING'S' OF VIE WEER. :1: - '' - j4. - y, 001 3 'atches • ly.til::,...Ltiticioti. - :it : lis.l* pouted ; `,the:, principal pqatioris- In theTureri 7 llrisSiati :ivir;••llitt,l3eensotne 8146n14iirig neat• - :: Brikarir.:, Ke1.047• - arid in the. : rieighhrirhorid of Kars ~ The Russians oe, evidently ::acivaiicittg.:.. steadily. .'pri Eizeroritu,:arid a.greair...:battle may.be - ex 7 peetf!diri_that (patter ..:hefrire `days. The subject .ri'llich . l'eause,S.-most:ariXiety is the thteateried revolution its crinStariti- nople. , s The crisitfin Constantinople still con-' tin ues, .notwitnding the proclamation of the state of hither() and the other vigor , tnettitsisesorted to by` the adnnuis tration'to quell incipient revolution. The , people rightly or Wrongly,. have made up - .their minds that 'Alidhat Pasha is just the mail to govern Turkey during her present struggle for : existence, and the Turks hai - e a short and very direct way . ,of, expressing their convictions. It is very probable that \ before long Turkey, in iurdition to , fighting the Russian in vader, will have an internal, revolution, the immediate consequenes of which no - Man can foresee. A. dispatch from Berlin 'says that the Sultan's _declaration of a holy war will be equiv alent to a levy en masse. . . The auditors appointed by the county court a year ago to make an audit of the Luzerne county finances for the past . seven years have finished their labors.. •It reveals a record of official dishonesty unparalleled in the previous history of the county and shows how for seven years past the commissioners, treasurers, clerks, sheriffs and others - have stolen boldly large'6llllB from the treasury. The thefts took all possible shapes, such as bogus contracts, chaliging recorde, altering figures; retaining taxes. Positive proof was furnished by the creditors of $50,- 000 stolen from lime to time, but the full amount of the On years will doubt-. less reach $lOO.OOO • The engineers employed by the Lehigh Valley railroad had quite a large meet ing on the 'nth of May at Philipsburg, N. J. The meeting, was attended by , nearly all the brotherhood engineers em - ployed on the Amboy. and Lehigh divis ions of the'road and also by delegates froin the Wyoming division. and the Pennsylvania and New York road. .The object of the . meeting was to take some action relative to the reduction of wages, as announced by the company to take of -feet on the let of June. The proceed lugs were, very harmonious, as far . as could be ascertained, but wereliot made ,public. it is, however, apparent that they are . in earnest, and that there will be a strike, if not already determined upon. ft is understood the cOmpany, anticipat ing trouble, 'are making arrangements to meet- it and preyent any:serious in ter -ference with the running of trains. _ Pe Deports from all parts of Ohio- and Indiana point to a rem arka b le o yield of the grain crops The, condition of, wheat almostis unprecedented. It is estimated :by farmers that the product will equal if: not exceed the memorable year of 1864. A.large acreage of corn is planted and is doing. nuely. Slight- frosts wereex perienced • some. 'seciioni during the -recent cold spell. but the damage is ih coOsiderabl. The prospects of "immense crops-of all kinds and high prices is ing the farmers touyauf and hopeful and giving an impetus to trade in the cities. Howell, engineer of the ivisiop of the Pennsylvania Rai be a defaUlter to the i idinpany in the sum .'Of $45,000. It .seems that in addition- to his duties as engineer he attended to the collection of rents along the line and had. the giying of contraets, large amounts of money Pitised through, his hands. He lived in Rahway, N. J., where he; moved in excel . lent.-society. He is 'a member of the Comma- Council, .a member ,Of the Prkbyterian Church and a . 14ble tea Cher. The rousing money Fas -trans 'ured by Howell to . the *Mary's River Lumber Company, - of which be is a di rector, his father-in.law president, and in, which other/ members of' his family are intefeated. . The Railroad officials eay that the Lumber,pompany . have notified thern t h at the 'money misapplie&by How , el,l Will be , re-funded. : Totoo ,-‘4'...**t7l:e4 fr . o,Aiti.:tangh t, -1 . -'ecni..l- 1-o:odi:i4iiir[iiiiinbti'lt-eitelies..itiel", • The New York Methoclid reads a horn ily-to capitalists. on their duty i n times of trouble, and how laboring tne'n should act under-the same circutustar,ces. The editor says "Critical times will .come to both labor and capital, tor the men are relatively helpless, They should not come to such emergencies utter , pover ty,-every. . ty,-every laborer should have his small fund for the evil da,y. 'Oat if, it last long capital will have to bear lt special burden: Make mirk for idle linen. Offer them what you can clearly fi'fford to pay. There is always some price which you can pay a certain number of. men to work. Youi, ,latest interest, is •to keep the idle emplok ed.and the hungry . fed. Take the larg• est view of yotr interests." To apply this sound advice, directly, it maybe said there has not been ititne-in twenty years when buildi.ig impi - ovements- can be so cheaply ca4ied on. Montrose and its vicinity as the present. The MssiaChusettsLegis)ature has pas- • . - sed an . act abolishing- . the anoient.office. of coroaer. The Medical Exantiners are to perforni the.dutiekherietefore attended to by t foriy 7 tlrele Coroners. of Boston; and the Medical Examtner has . no - poWer to iSunamons a iury. BltOuld a case appear to the Examiner - to need legal action, he' will report to the DiStriat At . torney or local justice. A large ,amount, cif - money, will be saved.. 'by thus dispensing with Coroners' *ries. The. MassachuS4ts EX periments is open to objection. Every infringment on the jury systeM, is a re trenchment of the right.of the people to govern themselves. There can be no, better way of.deciding satisfactorily hOw a man may' have come by his death than theold, homely one of summoning to gether a jury of the vicinage, to - bring their common sense an common knowi edge to bear upon the evidence - and testi mony. • The day of the Madison. Wells Return• lug Board is over in Loulsianic, - • never to return, and there is, even a fair prospect that the election in that state in,Novem ber last will be re-opened, by a new Baoftl of Canvassers created under a law passed by the egislature recognized by Mr. Hayes. This Board met Saturday in New:Orleans, and commenced counting the returns from the parishes of St. Mar tin - and New Iberia, • which were no counted by the Packard Returning Board. The boxes from those parishes, were not counted, it is -alleged, because they were received too late, and the count.now will Materially alter the ,electoral vote. A Lfernid.special from New .Orleans, says : "Those changes may,.make a basin for opening the Presidential gnestion, when CongresB,meets.". AnatherNatilmttl Ilun4iliation. Testimony taken by the Committee to investigate :the wbrk]ngs of the Bureau of Engravings and Printing in the Treas ury Department, says the special corre spondent of the Pittsburg . Post, on which JeWell was removed and McPherson ap pointed - as Chief of the Bureau, shows a fearful-state of affairs. It is alleged that the testimony of some of the female eni ployes was to the effect that they 'were appointed, not because their services to the Govelliment was an object, but either they had yielded to the sensual appetite of . the head of the Bureau,, or were the objects , of , his design. The testimony ten& to, show that the Government has been supporting a harem for Jewell and such friends as he saw fit to share with him its benefits. Secretary Sherman is said to be - so 'much ,surpmed at the evi 7 dence adduced that he is inclined to keep is from the public if lie can.= In this corase he is doing an injustice to snch. estimable women as are in the depart tnent, and. they are quite indignant that they should he , open' to , suspieion ; for while the report of the Committee is kept quiet, they feel that the good - suffer with the bad, especially from the shafts of scandal hurled at them, by innuendo at least, from the gossips. If the Engrav ing Bureau ,has been, run as a bagnio, and the' facts have been elieited, the truth should come out, Mlserabte Affair. The failute'of Bltimer & Co., of Allentown, has had the nioral effect of closing all but three banking houses in that city, and the misery.: entailed on de. positors is awful. We he that execu tors of estates will suffer especial loss, and the result- will be the bankruptcy of many an. Several executors near Quakertown lose aboit $32,000 by the failure. Oatasauqua comes in fora' fullsbare of the' losses. One poor wo man withdrew her savings. from our na tional Wink anddeposited -with, the Allen town cheats, and 411-that remains of her hard earnings is a piece of paper, with the fraudulent signature of the eollapied fn called banking house, it is said that the liabilities amount' to over *900,000 and that amount; will be loit. Allentown should get, up_ II public demonstratittn,, or kick the 'parties in tnis Swindle thrdugli her Streets..to the step of the "Rogue'. March," and cast the:m fr&n. her border:. The' widows and *orphans!, the hard. wor • Jpg,tin . chanie and ioilsome man, the nierchant and trustee, who, to-day are left penniless by the machina tions of such men, should show-110'km- ency.— , Catasatiqua Dispatch, E =MI The Son Serpent ot,lligtory Caudtet . , A most extraordinary. event - has . oc curred at Oben which' I give in detail, havinglieen au eye:witnesz, to.the whole affair. I allude to' the' standing and cap- tiire of the venerable sea serpantin front of the Caledonian hotel, George street, Oben. About 4 o'clock yesterday'an an mat or fish, evidently of gi g antic size, was seen sporting in the bay near Heath er Island. .Its appearance evidently per plexed a large , number of spectators assembled\ on the pier, and several tele scopes were directed . totvdrd it. A care- fdl look satisfied U 9 that it was of the serpant species, it was carrying its head fully twenty-five feet above the water. A ndmber of boats were. soon lawiched and . - - prodeeded.to the -bay,- the, crews' armed 'with,'such *eapona as could.be got. der the directions 'of kalColth Nicholson„, Our : boaiman,they headed the - .monster; and Seine - of , the boats Were Within thirty yards - 4 it when - lt suddenly . sprang half length Out of the water and made for the opening. A random fire fronj seyeral VolunteLrs - with rifleS . - seethed. to have effect upon it.. Under Mr. Nicholson's orders the boats now, ranged. across the entrance of the bay. and by their screams and. shouts turned. the -Monster's Course,'! and it headed directly for the breast wall of the:Great-Western hotel. - One boati! containing Mr. Oampbell,..the Fiscal, had' 11, most n4rroW:.e.scape; the animal actually rubbing againgt it. Mr. Campbell and his brother jimped overboard; Mid were' picked.up by Mr., John . .0 - .l3ardie. sad. dler, in hrs ma:l-yacht; the Flyiit Bcocl. Th animal seigned thbroughly frighten ed, arid as .the beati closiAl . in the volun teers- were unable to tire; owing - to the crowd, asiembled on shOre,_ At a little past six-:the monster struck the ground on- the beach' in - front: of •.the Caledonian hotel, in George street, and .his.propqr lions ,were now fully viSible. • - In his frantic exertions; with - his tail sweeping the bach„ no one dared ap proach. The Stones were flying in all directions one. .seriously Injuied. a man called Barney Barrow,and another break ing the window of the Commarcial-hank. A party of t volunteers under Lieutenant David :Mer4fe no.iv assembled and fired volley after 'volley into the neck, accord ing.to the,directioa of Dr. Campbell,who did not wish, for -scientific, reasons,. that the configuration. 'of the head :shoed be dainaged. As there was 'a bright moon this continued till nearly ten o'clock, 'when Mr. .Stevens, of the Commercial band, Waded in and fixed -a strong rope to the nitwit's head, and by:the exertion of some seventy folk it was sedately drag-. ged above high _Water mark. Its exact appearance as it lies -on 'the beach - is •as follows : The extreme lenght. is . 101 feet and the thickeSt part is about . 25 feet in circutriference, - At this part is '• fixed ,pait of fins, whic . lpi ~are': 4- -feet 'long by nearly - feet acrsS, the tides. ,Further back is a long dorsal . fin„, extending for at least 12 Or 13, feet; and 5 - feet,high . iii front ; taporing, to: l i toot. The tail' .is more of a - flattened- • termination to . the body than anything _The - eyes are very small - in..ipoPortion and •elogated, and gills at the length of feet behind. There are no ,and as Dr. Campbell did not wish '"the - animal han dled till he communicated with some em inent scientific „gentlemen .we, could not ascertain if there iyere' - ieill'br Great. excitement, is treatcd and the coun try . people'are . floOking• in to :view i 4 This morning Mr. Duncan Clerk, write r°, took Ip4Sessinti of the 'monster, .in the right of Mr. M'Fee - ;_ of Appin; and Mr. James Nicol, writer;' iii' the name of the crown. —Glasgow Areivi.-- Effe•eti- of a ‘Drolight. It is estimated 'that' as *a result of the drought in California, from :one-half to two thirds of. the sheep in that state have perished from starvation. The ranchers have all endeavored to get their- animals to the mountains in time.' to nye .them, but their efforts, in most cases, haye been unavailing. One large stock raiser start- . ed'with over 3,000 sheep, and 'the life less carcasses of over .2,500 Of them now mark the route ,taken. Thousands npon thousands Of unclaimed dead and dying sheep cover the plains, and hundreds of sheep and lambs fall into line behind the wagon of the traveler and folloW, in the hope of getting a morsel of hay. One man from the ,San:` JOliquin, valley hist every sheep be Iliad--eleveu thensand— during a storm, and went home a.-penni less.man. Another, an Italian, thought he could save the cost - of ferrying his sheep across the Toulainne river by swim ming then", and 800 were drowned in the attempt. Another man east of ,Visalia, despairing of ever,,,octting_, his sheep to where there was feed, turned 12,000 out to starve., If he undertook to.drive them to the mountains. manyi' - of them must die of starvation. before reaching ,there, heo,ause there is no feed on the way, and then when the niountains are reached-, 1 all the good feed is alr(4tdy taken up by men who hold. possession, shot gun in hand, and who are 'desperate enough to tight to the death. 'There will probably. be a good many cases of bloodshed and death in the mountains this summer, andl many stock ,pet Will Mysteriously'disap pear to return no more. A man out on West llill died last week leaving coiriiterable ,inlmerty, one ajf of which he left to three needy, 4nd deservlia . g'Ycl,Vi‘g ln*yers, too - enable-thcm 40 get the othei halt.-43urlingion Irma - - eye. •". === WA:TCHES. CLOCKS _ ANDJEWELRY •. arßepairing done by experienced workmen, and warranted. Fine En ? done. at I BRONSON'S N. BOIJ.Ea, Traveling, Salesman. EXTRA - BARGAINS CLOTHING, HATS; CAPS, Men's and Boys' . BOOTS and •SHOES, Misiies', and Children's Fine and Coarse SHOES, DRTT . GOODS,-Notio Hosiery, Blilk,A!plcas, Cashmeres, Serge, Mullins, .Sheetings Jae. Best prints, remnants Yard wide sheeting Ladies!, congress gaiters Good .hoots • Good cottonade pants BUTTERICK'S SUMMER CATALOGUES NOW READY. May 30,1877. A DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. In IX. the estate of Francis Sherrldan late of Lenox twp., Letters of Administration the said estate having been granted td the undersigned.all persons ow ing said estate are requested to make immediate nay ment, and all persons having y claims against said estate are r nues'.ed to present them withoutdelay. • • MARY C. SHERIDAN, Mai= 30, 1877. . . . TryST!' . • •1 •. A TANG TIAN DKERCITTEF .PIN. Ones and Gold act with Pearls.) The finder .will be rewarded, on leaving itat:the Rost Office. , . _ 8..11. MuLtoito. Monttoie, May 3J, 1877. - -• TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. It is generally conceded beyond a question of doubt that competition is the life of trade. The LEWMS HOUSE, IIINI;c1.1AMTON, N. Y., is centrally located just 'around the corner at. the west end of the *pot for all. the Railroads running into Binghamton, and two blocks from the business portion of our city: This hOnse came into the possession of its present proprietor about three years ago, and it has been fast gaining inl-popruarity , . among the traveling community,. owing -to the many' inoncements held out byits present public servant, who - now proposes to of fer still further inducements. The luxury 01 a conven ient bath, especially during the heated and dusty sea son, is recognized by all travelers ; and for the comfort of our guests, the use of our well appointed BATH ROOMS .will be at their disposal fred.of charge.. No extra charge for fire to guests stopping over Sunday. Bac , oscre delivered free to and f-om our spacious Sam plee- - Rooms on Court street, the principal business street of the city. . . TERMS, S 2 PER DAY, or 50c. per meal. and 50c. for lodging. I have no desire to go through the usual preamble with regard to the. luxuries and stibbtantials of our table.. buffice it Co' say, that if we cannot give perfect satisfaction, we will take you und'yonrs,free of charge, and deliver you to the tender mercies' of any , of our, gentlemanly com peti tot s. Restpectfully yours, ' • - - • .W3l. MANLY, Prop'r. rr'Special Inducements to parties attending Court. _ • April Ifi, 187T.-2m . • FREDERICK BRANDT,. -, - • IitERCH ANT TAILOR , • •,,, . . • , 69 COURT STREET, OVER' RINE t SHOLES'IIRY GOODS STORE. Second Floor. - ' . , • . BINOHAFMTO2I, E. Y. • Aprill.B; 1877.--ffin Tffx,Lcietrtiskllmi.xxs. The nndexeip ~ . ~, ~,,, .‘ ~ ~,,, ed will make Undartaking- a Speciality in theit •- • boldness, , , .e.ll needing their Bervi es will be protopt!yt 'tend to. Satisfactioa guaranteed. P. & B.3LtTtIiEWS Friendeville. Pa..APril 7,1875. • - 14-tir TO .CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, haying, been permanently` cured of that dread disease. Consumptlon,by a simple remedy. Is anxious io . make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire •it, he will send a copy of the prescription - used, Ore° c) with the directions for p r epar in g and using the same, which they will And a sure mire for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Bev. B. a. WILSON, 104 Penn Street, Williamsburgh, N. Y. 2wtki . , .. • _ . , . • AAdl SSIGNEES' NOTICB.--r-Jerry Cokely, of. Springville township, hiving assigned to me all his estate, in trust. for the -benefit of creditoro; ally ersons indebted to said estate; are requested to make immediate settle.! ment, and ail having claims .against the same: to pre-; sent them to' . - - - GEORGIE.P. LITTLE. . ,—-' • - , - Assitotee of 4eiry - : - .Cokeiv. • ~. •, Montrose f April 4, IFS 7. , .-.-.. . .: ,' 14-20 : -:- 4 11TANTED.—On Wednesday of each week all well NY fetted veal calves _weighing 110 pounds and up wards. Also - fat: sheep :and lambs, sheep pelts, yea and deacon skins, for which we Will pay the marks; price in cash; V. LEWIS; - • B. G. BICIIVIOLF. Great 13(nd "Village, May. 16,1877, N°TICE:---"The firm 'of Miichell & Cottle is tilts day disSolvod'aly noneent. The hoots and accounts are lil'Any bands for colleotiou CURTIS, liaEon, April 131,1 t, • • - • :ter THIS OFF/C11.C11214. ji ; lit::St4M§o . - .! 1:-:: , -- . ,. TEWELEM; : • . .. •... „• ~,. 14ANOS, ORGANS, and M.USIGAL -01:IANDISE SINGER SWING- IiAOIIIIE% NEEDLES. OIL, it ATTA.CIIMINTS! ALWAYS ON 'Serving *Rams Repaired tan 33E.ciws0w, Dzitzunf Z. P. are now offered in 50 1 Stout wool mlied . pants - 6X Dodd working snits , 1.00 Good wool mixed snits 2.50. (Good fine all wool snits .75 I Diagonal cults, coat, pants and vestl. °A11:: *oiit.tioadcloth:'coats $8.50. Administratrix. 22-28 Aiqw.likAzan Music aud,Tewelry Store, (Brink -21—ly . Morrraost, P WEEKS, IiffELEUISEE & VALUABLE - • REAL ESTA.TE FOR BAIA. 4 The undersigned offers,• upon reasonable terms,* fine farm tn .:.. ' 1 AUBURN TOWNSHIP; about I.X miles from the 4 Corners. conkatnlng 160 acres, with good buildings and orchard upon it and all improved. For particulars enquire of • LYMAN BLAKESLEE, ' Foster. Susquehanna County, Pa. ' WM, B. LINABEILRY, Auburn 4 Corners, Susquehanna County, Pa. Assignees of Sas. D. Linaberry. ,Jan.lo, 18T7tf. A NEW STOCK OP ( Oro cls..e-mr3r. Net received and for ease by Q lIPERFINS - For sale by ALSO, ALL KINDS OF , • . GROCERIES; Atthe etoreof irrearb..Cfriaaagess, For sale by Montrose. MOM: 1815. THE Kt V 221 MS,222At gO. FOR WARDS SU TTLR to NEW YORK, NEWARK.. and. to .ALLTOINTS, ev ery night,regnlartfleaving Montrose at night and reach ing above pinta in the monting, ccol and in good con dition. TillS company was the drat to make a redac tion in rates,— AND HAVING UNEQUALLED' FACILITIES FORW ARDII . I G AND. HANDLING (a COOL . CELLAR to store 16 in, at the office In Mode rose, and not a long, hot; dusty ride of eight miles b& fore putting aboard-the :ears'. Caring for empty pails, and returning them free) we respectfully as.k your su port and patronage AT AS LOW A RATE AS ANY OTHER OMPA.NY. OFFICE IN COBB'S OLD STAND. Dairymen living near\ depot, shall have every advan age ol low rates and an deliver butter at the depot. PATRONIGR YOUR COUNTY ROAD and enistalnthe saving of 25 to 40 per cent. In rata which we have made mn. •••••._ _ S. R. HAMIF9/111: ,'Agt. Cent. Ex. Co, Aprif2s, 1817.. • 17--tL N EW STYLES OF ;constantly co ; :kitiO at. .he NEWS' DEPOT nontrooe.April 25th, 1577: ITY • YOtrit, WAGONS, CAR RIAGRS AND iLEIGIIS,. • OUSTERU.OUT, HARFORD:PA. PRI tat Repairing dello on short notice, cheaper than,the eheapett, _ . Virtt-clas4 Pluetons • Bug • - " " Lum ber wagons * . 4 * " firtforma from UM) to • Swell body Sleighs, • - ULACISMITIII.I4(I 'fa shoo par span - now; corkandtat , ' set per span , - - , work warraLtml. Vail, ttAtt 'examine my StOP` before purcliattitt itis4where.- itatori, N, HSoV 1 WEBB. FLO , II it. B. J. WEBB. H. J. WEBB. FOR BUTTER, WALL -PAPER AND i)c)a =vF-- F. H. STEVENS. 1 1 1. 01JETER1101A ER. 1 B HAND. aving lock,) dies' 133 6.00 7,50 1010 15,03 H. J. WEBB. STOW; Si 150 115 150 15 ° c,40 fi,O3