The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, May 23, 1877, Image 5

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    AIONTROSE, PA., - •AIA.Y-.2.1,';: 1.8.77.
Arrangement of Mails .
. ~
... Arrives: Diparce
Ta rikhann oek ; (:On)/Y)....-' ....-- 500 p tn- 11.15 a m
- - . . VIA STAGES :,.
Montrose Depot,(Daily,). ~.,„,_
~ 60 0 p m - 620
a... 4
New 'Milford, (Daily,) - ....3000a m. ' 1 :30p in
Wyalusing, (llaily,) -.. 945. am 10 00pm
Frieudsville, OH weekly.)
.„ . ,
' • ... 600 p m 800 am
'Jonklin Station,(tri weekly,).. 7004 m . 700 am
oingliamton,tinB.Lake,(tri weekly).' 600 Om '. TOO pm
±,t.estioppen,(triweekly,) - 1000 am 300Dm
The Neu: York, (tan Montrose Depot,) New Milford;
runldiannocic.and Wyalusina'are' daily. -• . . .- -.-
The Ctinklin Sta.tion Inail'runs Tnesdays,Vkarsolays,
and Saturdays:
The Binghamton na ail. (via Silver -Lake,) runs Tues.-
Jays, Thursdays , and Saturdays.,
Fri e ndsvi lle mail ran s Tnesilays. - Tkilfsdays,and: Sat •
trciays.. 1 - - .- , • : ~ .
T ne ge!sl;bpp en rn!ti I f n n b Mondays,WadneSdays i and
Fridays. . . ,
.. ,
.ASta(-eletiriksdaily for liontrotie Deimi Itt- 1 ri.,..mid
i tlturtni, at 61. in , . .
. A stage{eavesd ow : ay for N Milford ft 1,110. t,,. in.
snd reitant at. 3 34. p.
1 :16r.t3:050 Railway. Time .T4ble..i
Leave. Too khannocka
Trtir.s ID run ::,s
and 3:1!2 p. in., arriving here at .10:45 a. In: arid
r, : 10 p. In. lieturnirg. leave Montrose at 12 and 5:46 . p..
llyarriving at Tankhunnock at 1:45 au d7:::',o p. . , , s will run or. Lehigh Valley.time kept -
Ofilce of P. N. Y. R. R. at Tunktoinnbck. • •
Al; trains connect at Tunithaancelz P.•&
R• . , r R "oin north and eouth.. •
'lane} , Chunk, Jon. 31, 1671. . •
List 61 Now Advertisoments.• • .
Sheriff's Proclamation:, • C- •
Niscpthincous—Dauelly. • • • •
Auditor's Notice—Est D. D..Laytcn. -
A dollar save. is iNVG gamcd—Wm. Hayden.
NeNhboring Cciuntim:
None of the saloons . in .Bradfoid.cOun
tv have license to. sell:anything intOki-
L. J: On fiver has been appointed dele
gate front Bradford county to the. state
Agricultural Society. • •
.An old . woman, ; widow of tho late Jas..
Nallin,•wtte run over and - Idled by •the
cars on the. D. L. &V. R..R. crossing
near the car shops at Scranton, on 'Fri
day of last,
The Supreme Court refused-'to inter
fere in behalf of .Campbell,: the , Carbon
dale. .
murderer, and he will hafe to sub
mit to the death penalty. . .
The next annual session
. .of 'the Penn
sylvania state Convention:of Universal
ists will hold its annual Meeting at Nich-;
olson, Wyoming county,. Pa.; Jhnes,.6
and 7. • During said meeting the new
church will be dedicated.-
There is a. prospect that 1 coal mining
will be suspended , dtiring, the month of
June, and perhaps, during . July." Such
is the proposition considered and passed
by the coal combination at its-meeting" in
New York on Tuesday of last 'week
• r
The rite of baptism by,immersion was
administered by Rev. J. B. Sumner of the
High Street M. E. Church, Binghamton,
to three converts last Sunday afternoon.
The place chosen for the* ceremony was
in the Susquehanna near the foot of
High street.
A few days ago 'a western bound. freight
train left the WaverlY Depot , with one
half the cars on the broad gauge, and •
the other half on the narrow gauge, all
drawn by one engine. This may. be
.frequent occurrence, but it isi the Brit we
have sem—Waverly Free Press,
The Quarterly Convention of the , 1. 0.
G. T., for the Northern District of Penn
sylvann, will hold its regular session at
Troy, Bradford county, . commencing
Tuesday May 29, 1877, at 11 a. m. An
open session in the evening will be ad
dressed by able speakeri). Ali meinbers
of the order are cordially invited tcb at
tend. War. m
MAXWELL, P. W. 0. T.
Spa the leader of the Lmta Band of
Towanda, is a famous,- fisherman. It is
said that he will ttiro* a fly So acenrated
-ly that even across a street as broad as
Lake street,. he will put it into a key
hole nine times in ten. The size - of 'the'
key-hole is of no amount: I:tuba - 44s
who stay out fate at night at . their clubs
should - - Practice a little in this, their
night-keys being substituted" fora
Advertiser. - -
The Wilkes-Barre correspondent of the
Republwan, an writing upon - tbe social .
evil in that city, says that "Wilkes-Barre
is to-day the most lecherous city of its
size to be found anywhere." - The Record
of the Ttmes denies the truth of such
humiliating assertion, but the' testimony
of those informed on the matter sustains
the Republican's statement. The Mayor
is making strenuous efforts to check and
eradicate the evil;
The Oneida Union is authority for the
statement that the Chenatigo Canal will
not be opened until appropriations are
made therefor.: It is about time that
seine action was taken in the matter for
the rel ief
i of the people living on its bor
ders. As it is now left a, miasma is sure
to be generated that:_will surely prove
detrimental , to the health of the villages
through which it passes. What has be
cothe of the $6,000 4 ": We -now learn
that it into be opened : June lst.---Sker
'burns News.
We are pained to announce the
of Mrs. E. A. Parsons, wife of, the pro.
prietor of the Bradford Aryits. Some,
Weeks since she was suddenly taken down
with a severe attack of pneumonia ; af
ter lingering in a- critical condition for
several days. she apparently revived, and
her family felt entourage(' that she Would
ultimately regain het health. _, On Satur
day, however, her symptoms suddenly
became alarming, and she hop sank in
to a stupor, from, which she never recov
ered, Wit wao relievidcby death on: Mob
da7 morning.--=To** 4eportor. •
E. C
A coll iSi occu red. -at - about; - 5 • o'clock
Sunday mOruing,, theErie i atl a point
between 'Adrian. : - and Canistec; between
third extra freight train • 4.$ going :west
and ex . tra'3o_.•=com,ing_.eas . t. - At_the - point
:,ivhere the 'collision ticburred• there . is -but'
it single. track.. One. of.L.the -traind• was
10,ded - and.: ..the uiosi badly
:,wrecked in . nutriber, caug ht fire and: burned. with 'startling rapidity.--
.En gineyl.4s' Of the-west yard bound train
was a total w . reck ; - engine - of, the
eastward: bound:. train, was considered
dainaged; but . . being the heavier of the -
fro,' r.eceived_lesd • inwOrtaut injuries.=
The cause of:the :accident and. the -re
spousibility.for it have not been learned.
The engineers . and' -Arenien • 'escaped by
jumping front:their agiiies, Train No.
8 was delayed over di . hours at 'the scene
Of the wrebk . ; train . 3....was'alSo. detained.
—l3inykamt6i •
State Heins.
• _ -
*Andrew Gaghan. miner, '1 . 7,71..ts killed' at,
Locu§t , Dale;::Schnylkill county, by
of- con). •- • ' .
• Dr..G. B. Lind'ernian h4s been flppoint
ed.- receiver 'of the.. broken Dimes Saving
bank of Bethlehem. ' •
.editor - of the • Oframbers - ,.
burg,Rublic. Opiniaii, has gone on a West
trip, the iirSt yaezition Ii has'imd in eight
years. .
Fifty thousand dollars_ were paid to the
laborers at Shenandoah on Satutday, Lind.
the town . took on some of• its former .
Some of the oil operators•in tlle.
ion. districts ii.hut their wells 'down on
Sunday rind allow the
. pay - .of their pam
pers to go on.
A Grave'in Pikeland township. Ches-
ter cohnty, is marked by a stone . whi?h
beard the date of 1690. The name
not be deciphered.
Truckers - at-the Pittsburg markets who
in good, times sold ,$2OO worth of -vege
tables a _day.cannOt realize more . thaw
$25 a day. • .
The Erie county.- grand jury did.. not
find the jail in good condition,:-and their
report to: that effect has Ilurt the feeltfigs
of the Sheriff very . - mucli.
Rey. Mrs.. .'A. Boweils.' . pastor, of the
:Universalist congregation, Easton, resign
ed on
.Sunday, but the members of the
society insist that she shall remain.
Something of a gold excitement is rag
ing in Tamaqua. Ore is saidto have
been found in • paying quantities . and a
method of separating it by electricity
The Erie Councils adopted' an ordi
nance prohibiting country butchers from
selling,in the city, but Judge Galbraith
Very sensibly declared it unlawful and
A Pennsylvania dutchman who mar
ried his second wife indecently soon after
the funeral bf the first, was visited by a
twelve hour's serenade in tOken of dii
approyal. He expostulated pathetically
thus: "I say, boys, . you ought to be
ashamed of yourself to be making all die
noise yen dare vos a funeral here so soon."
News Jottings.
Doctors never allow ducks on their
premises, they make such personal re
The Brooklyn police has just 'Added to
is Rogue's Gallery fifteen albums, con
aining over 600. portraits. .
Now that the Danube moniihr fteet.las
been -worsted, Turkey is me4itating
whether to reinforce it with the tug of
A recently published
.of a mar
riagelnlYhiladelphia concluded with the
Announcement, "No cards : ; no flowers;
nobody's 'business!!
In a case tried at Literpool recently, a
witness described a man as having 'been
so drunk that "he, couldi not crush the
sugar in his whizkey,"
A man in San Francisco has discover.
ed a process by which- he can make good
illuminating gas from sawdust, tar, and
such rubbish as rags, old , leather, bones,
and so forth, •
' A witness on vthe stand, in reply to a
question its to-what the character•of Mr.
was for truth and
,veracity, said :
"Well; I should say that he hand l les truth
very carelessly." •
Mr. john McGraw, who died at: Ithaca, -
N. Y., last week, left property valued at
about two millions of dollars, most of
which is invested. in large sawmills and
vast tracts of -pine laud situated in Wis
consin and" M.tchigan.
It is related of the late Parson. Brown
low that
-he never allowed Politics to enter
into his business emirs, and
,thak after the
war more than half , the printers in his
employ were ex-confederate, . soldiers.
The liquor dealers
. of Poughkeepsie
having 'become- acquainted ,
with the fact
that they . must- have at 'least three beds
is a houlie. where they tieilliquok, for the
accomodation of persona who a may apply
for lodging,in order to obtain an innkeep
er's license, a number of them . are nego
tiating for additional rooms over their sa
lOns and fire buying beds and bedding. to
Meet the requiretne.nts of the law.
"TIDT , Non OLD TRAMP," 18 the title of a
new and beautiful song and chorus, by Will. L.
Thompson, author, of the famous 4 ."Grathering
Shells. From the Sea Shore." , Dealers are order•
ing,it by, the thousand. 'rho, .w,hole country
will be singing, "T.he Poor Old Tramp." 'Pim
with "handsome picture title, 40c. Pnblistied
by W.:T. Tbompsqn Co., Bast 'Liverpool,
Ohio; '
. .
To . ALL;PARTICULARLY hivA.L.ros,spring is S.
trying season, Indications of :sickness should
at once. be attended to. Fatal • disease inat be
caused-by:allowing the bowela to becoine
stipated'ani! the,.system to reilialnin.a.disorder-.
ed 66114i-tien t - the'- dis Orders tirne•to
deVeloped-,* itself. - An ounce of, prevention is
worth 'a pound of cure, is au.' old and truthful
saying. Therefore; ~we Advise all who are
.with the complaints now, very Pre - 177
alent—headache, indigestion, 'disordered liver,
want of:appetite,. nausea, or feverish skin, to.'
take,'Without_delay, Schenck's .Mandrake Pills.
We know :of no remedy so harmleSS .and-de
cisivein .its action. .It at once strikes' at .the
root of • the disease and :produces a‘ healthy tope
to the system.: People never need-sufter•from
any ; disease arising from a disordered condition
of theliver if-they would - take this• excellent
medicine-.when they - feel - - the first indicatiOns of
the malady. • Families. leaving, home for the
SinninerinontNiv should take three or four boxes
pt these pills' with them:- They have an almost
inslantaneous. I effect. They, will relieve the
patient of headacho' .or two_ hours, and
will rapidly, - cleanse the liVer 'of Surrounding
bile, and wills - effectually_ Prevent - a.billions at . They *are sold:by all druggists, • "
INEk . ..Y . 0 - * PITY :MARKET.
• Commission Merchants,
o. 3'25 Wesinizor STnrkT, Nnw Yonn.
Ni W Y oRr, SaturdaY, May 19,.15 '7.
Pails, choicest fresh -- .•.. :25 ig,., 26
•" • good,to flue • ' - .........:-. 22 '6' 23
sC „,cominon • • i . ' .' 18 6 20
Firkins, selections • • -- 6 "--
•' ” good to fine - ' •, : —. - 0
" common to good , - • ---, , 0 --:-
Tubs, selections -- . " • :24 6 25
" good to fine - . 21 . igi 23
common to g00d.:...... © 19
Fadtory, fancy...... 14 3 ..1'0 15,
godd to tine
14 - M0 ' 14X
Farm 'Dairy, 0 ..1434
" • " fair to 13 0 , 13%
Eggs, fresh ' ' • . 12 @ 13
Apples (green) fine `og
" dried per lb qrs def@ 5 3:1
" " 434.6_ 25y-
Potatoes, per bbl • 2 75 ©3 50
Lard 10 ©lOl4
Turkeys dressed' --
Chickens, "
Ducks, 66
Beeswax • : 31-140 32
IlXarrin eis.
DAnnow—MEnnutax—At the bride's father's,
-?lay 17, by Eid. W. C. Tildelf, Mr. George A.
Darrow, of Montrose, and Miss Ella A. Merri
man, of Bridgewater. -
KENT--ROBERTS—At the house of 0, D.
Roberts, May 13, by Re . i. A. 0. Warren, Mr.
Charles Kent of Brooklyn, to Mrs. Sarah
Roberts orilopbottoni. •
SQUIRES-GATES-At the yesidenee of Charles
Gates, in Springville, May 12, 1877, by Rev.
W. H. Davis. Mr. Geo.. H. Squires, of Carbon
dale, to Miss Laura C. Gates, of Springville.
.Cruatnnamt,--In Choconut, May 3, - Mrs.
Nancy - Chamberlain, aged 76 years . . and 6
months. f '
CArnort—ln Har ford, May 9, 1877, Delila,
wife of Laban Capron, aged 57 years, 3 months
arid.l.2 days. . . •
FOSTER—On Mayl, Mrs. Ziprah, wife of Or
rison Foster, of Bridgewater, in the 63d, year
of her age.
She bad been engaged during the entire day
in her household duties, and in the evening,
while milking a cow, fell dead in a fit of apo
StEARNS—III Startueca Wayne Co. Pa. Jan
1877, John Stearns of Jackson Susq'a., Co,
At a regular meeting. of Highland Grange,
No. 339, P. of H., the following was adopted.
WfwitAs, It hfts pleased an all Wise Prov
idence to remove anddenly from our midst ou
respected brother, we feel called upon to ex .
press'our sorrow at his sudden decease and our
sympathy with the bereaved family ; There
RegoPeed, That as a token of respect the ball
be.draped in mourning for the space of thirty
days, and that these resolutions be published
in our county papers, - and a copy sent to the
family.- • • ,RUFTS BARNES;
J. E. CURTIS, Com.
J. L. Die ; •
ALL RINDS of , smoking tobacco at Zertass'.2o
QUARTERLY MEETING for Fairdale charge,
wilt be held in a grove near Fair school
house, on May 26 and 27. Rev. L. Cole to pre
side. Saturday's "sermon , at 2p. m. Sunday
Love Feast JO a. ni.:followed . by,serviees usual
on such occasions. ARCCkMe. PASTOR.
• PoMoNA GRANGE Ica. 7, Susquehanna coun
ty, Pa., will holds its regular meeting in the
ball of Susquehanna. Grange No. 74i . Montroge,
on Tuesday June-5, 1877.
Grange will open . jprom_ptly At' 10 o'clock at
in.- J. AORTHROP, Maliter. •
J. P. BUTTERFIRLD, Secrearty. 20-23
REMOVAL.-G. W. Doolittle has removed his
gallery to bia new rooms on South Main street.
one door above Exchange Hotel, where be will
be, found taking pictures as. usual. Having
superior light than the old room, I am 'prepared
to do , work second to none. Ground floor ;no
stairs to climb. Motto Frames and Photograph
Frames to sell. • 20--tt
A LARGE assortment of the latest and
neatest styles of visiting And business cards
just received at this office. Call' and see them
before ordering elsewhere. '
We have just received a very large stock of
plain and fancy envelopes, letter. and note pa
pet, plain and fancy bill bead papers, cards of
all sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc.
all of which we can afford to print cheaper
than in this or neighboring counties,
and in as good style. Work done in black and
colored inks. you think there is any, that ,
can beat us, give us ti trial, and we will show
you what we All, kinds of blanks on
hand or printed to order.
There is no subject that requires so much
study and experience as the treatment ot chron
ic diseases. The astonishing success and 're
markable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield,
are due to. the gift of clairvoyance, to the life
long study of Fthe constitution of man, and the
_curing of diseases from naturalremedies. Cures
the worst forms ot Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe
male Weakness, Diseases of the Heart, Lungs
or Kidneys. Mill be at the Spaulding House,
Bingliamton.,ll4'nday, and Saturday, Xity I.fith
and.llth. • '
Juu,lo, 1877.
~ - -
NENT2.-toßy: - , - -GO6DS-: - .:-'STORE- ±-07.'-',.MONERO!'
With 'a Large. and Coniplete Stock. of Stai)le and Fancy
• ALPACAS, • ; I - - DrAacriiis
; •
- • ERGES, 1
•I the neviest'and most hindsome styles.
• - AL 4 o com•plete line of DOMESTICS, House Furnishing Goods, White GoOds,
Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Ladies' Ties, Fancy Goods, etc. larL'A full asStirtinent of
Genes Furnishing Goods I ' - r
LADIES, we would call yobr. attention to oir stock of Black Alpacas and Cash=
meres ; asqtll these goods have been purchasedilatelv, we-feel confident that wecan
sell them cheaper than - tver b'efore. We extend the public a Cordial invitation' to
call and examine our stock. ;I Goods marked at
Montron, Pa slay 0th‘1877.---19tf.
PersOns visiting pinghinuton j, wishing to
purchase dry goods would do w,Oll c4ll on
HIKE Sn.oLEs. They keep a first-class line
of dry goods and ready-made clothing on hand
all the time. Alpacas, litefinos,and Cashmeres,
the finest line in the city. No trOphle to show
goods or send samples. !! -
Nov. 1, 1876tf.
The sale of Tay or's Family IMedieines is'
steadily on the lucre: se. The saltis of the past
year being more than double of ratty previous
year. The reason of this is on aetount of the
genuine merits of the goods "themselves •and
the, fair and impartial manner iO whin they
are sold.
July 26, 1876.
CnEwnia - tobacconnd fine shorts, at Zerjass'
segar skits, - i 20
MANY PE4sorrs . during the winter seeison are
severely - afflicted from the effects* Freezes or
chilblains. They , can be' readily; andiperma
nently cured in a few days merely by using
Taylor's Celebrated Oil once or twice 4 day.—
The same medicine is said, by many. to be a
sure cure for corns. It can be obtained; of any
Druggist or dealer in 'Medicines.
EVERYTITENG in the line of Bite Drugs and
Medicines, Paints, Oils; Varnhhes, Pocket
books,° Pocket knives, Tooth titushesi, Flesh
brushes, Clothes and Hair brush*Toilet soaps,
Fine - toilet articles, Fancy goods, and a full line
of all= the new and Popnlar Reniediesi can be
found at M. A. Lyon's Drug Store; Physicians
'Will find our stock complete, and composed of
the best articles that can be found in the market,
Montrose Pa.. Jan. 17th, 1877.i-tf
KEY WEST . .and Domestic cegais, at Zerfass'.
I f
MenzTx WORKS.'
The Tunkhannock Marble WOrka of Burns'
i & White are doing a good business And are
getting out some .. very- tasty jObs of Bead
Stones and Monuments. A. B.! Burns, of the
Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized agent for
Montrose and vicinity. He hfis •designs of
Head Stones and Monuments. Any orders left
with him will be ' promptly filled by Burns &
,Tunkhannock, Feb. 1876tf..
BEST five cent segars at Zerfassi segaristgre.
•WE TAXE PLEASURE in recommending to
our readers the old and popular', Dry 'Goods
House of 0. F. Sisson i% Ca., of Binghamton.
For the spring trade, they are prepared to offer
as complete an assortment of Dry Geods, as
can be found in any market. Those beautiful
Black and Summer silks, to which they call
particular attention, we are satisfied are just
the thing to please the people of this 'section.
1n fancy Dress Goods, they take the lead. -In
Parasols, Kid Gloves, Corsets,l Hosiery, etc.,
they have all the" popular goodi, at ipopular
April 24,1877.
THE Central Exiiress COmpani;havg the on- -
y :cool, regular, every night butter train, 1.7-:tf.
iVO CunE,, NQ PAY. .
Sirby's . Cough Balstim,a very palatable com
pound, for the various affections of the throat'
and lungs. Used with - great success in case of
Asthma andßronchitis. It is prescribed by the
physicians and endorsed by the people , . War
ranted to give entire satistisctiou Money re
funded. -
Kirby's Magic Relief for the instant cure of
severe and acute pains. •
Kirby's Tasteless Worm lozenges, Sure;
safe and effectual.
Kirby's Condition Powders for qualify, quan
tity and purity'are , superior to any Powder for
stock manufactured. •
Kirby's, Camphor Ice fOr chaped hands or
sunburn. ,
For sale by all Druggists in Montrose, and
Dealers in Medicines throughout the country.
June 28,1876y1.
THE CE.NTHAL 'Express Comp any forward
butter at as lowa rate as :any other line, and
have the only. regular night route.—See ad=
vertisenient., 17--tf
FARMERS . and dairymen—See .Central 'Ex
press Company's advertisement. 11—tt.
No business man need complain that be
is "too poor to advertise" when be can get ,the
latest style business cards printed at the Dail
°CUT office roe three dollars per thousand,and
other work in.proportion. _ ,
norm Ground: Cayuga Plaster for sakva ,
Raynsford's Coal
,Yard, Montrme Rallioad.De
sot. , ' • .19-20
WHAT A BLitosnia, to the poor would be such
a Wholeiome purifier ;and preventatiye of con
tagion as Glenn's Fiulphur Soap, could _Who
distributed, among them.. Why don't some
philanthropist act on. this act , on this hint.
Depst Crittenton's, No: 7 - Sixth Avenue, New
York. •
Hill's ~ Hair it Wt iaker Dye, black oz. brown,
50 cts.—May.
NEW HititNEBO'BIIPP. • ' •
take method of infOrming the public
of tiontrosnend'vicinity that Ihs,ve opened a
new' harness - shop. under Searle's express office;'
Public Avenue. _ • -
I will build new -work of the; best- quality,
and repair 'with neatness . ' and dispatch ar34,at
lowest rates. The pat p iage of the public is
respectfully' solicited:
gliontrose, Oct 18; 1876tfi -141n*
1 .1 17" jY
West elde of Public Avenue, (late stand , of B. MOiertzle,)
17. 1 -tf•
1 ,1 Ras Just otenell a
MERCITANTS, - 11U;t1.Cr, and Produee shiPpers-.-
See Central Express Company's ticivettiseniera.:
est discovery of the age 1--This 'wonderful
Diarrhcca antidote will cure chronic diarrhoea of
longstanding, and all other forms of that
dreadful disease.. It is hn unlatling remedy for
the cure of . Cholera, Cho:era Infaitum, Dysen
tery,' Cramp, Colic, etc. 'lt taken in time will
act like magic.. This great medicine has been
in, use for over - fifteen years, and the most'stub
horn cases have yielded toy its great • poWers.—
One trial will convince the most skeptical.—
Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by 'John
Faretra, sole proprietor, 2241 North Ninth St.,
Phibidelphia. and,Druggist.s generally.
Feb. 14,18771 y
County Business pireetorv. ,‘
Two llnes - In this Thiectory, one
I ditional line. 50
WA.; H GHW OUT, Stater. Wholesalt, a - Retail
dealer in all kinds of elate 'roofing. elate pai t, ete.
Roofs repaired with slate petal to order. Ad. slatv
paint for sale by the gallon of barrel. Montrose.
BILLINGS STROUD, General, !Fire ;and Llj Inger.
ance Agents, also, sell Railioad and Accidental
Tickets to New York and Philadelphia. Office on/
door east of Wm. II Cooper .a Co's bank. ;
WM. H. BOYD & CO. - Dealeis in Stoves, hardware.
and Manuf .cturers of Tin and Sheet-lion ware, c ur!
ner of Main and. Turnpike street.
A. N. Bullard, Dealer in. Groceries, Provisions, BooksJ
Stationery and Yankee Notions; at the head of P.- - *
lic Avenue.
WH. H. COOPER .* 00., 13ankers. Sell Foreign
sage Tickets and 'Drafts on England, Ireland,
cles usually kept by the trade, opposite the bank.
door. below Tarbell House, Public Avenue.
H. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. Care EL Pullman, I Oe'.l
Montrose, Pa. •
interest on all Deposits. Does a general nankin
, business. S B. GRASS & CO.
H. GARRET & SON. Dealer in Flour. Peed, Mea
Salt, Lime. Cement, Groceries and Proyhoons, o
Main Street, opposite the Depot.
N. F. KIMBER; Carriage , Maker. Picture Pramer,an
Undertaker, a few rods from Phinney's Hotel, n •
M. E. Church
H. P. DORAN. Merchant. Tailor And dealer in
iMadc Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries add Pro
Main Street. . .
ST E IP URNS i i!.E lif..
Ilinghamtthi have :removed theirj
Opposite the gxchtuige Ilot4, and next door ; to,
Sissen Block, where they are better prepared to ee
the public than ever before. They have just
Ths largest and best assortment (if r. ,
,NTET Et• 11 3E 3 '- a - 13 es
•ever offered in - this market, consisting of
all the different grades, from .he eheap
, eat 'to the, finest. Side wall and
ceiling decorations, centre
- pieces, decorative-bor
der; .window shades,
, .
&c. They!
keep in stock .
= the best as-. -
• - Sortment
‘,"' of '
. •••
this mar
ket. Ail new .
.piablicationa, , Alags,. • •
tines, Newspapers, re
" ceiied as soon as published.
We. invite Our patrons and the pnb-i
general to call and examine .
stock, and get our prices, at oar new a
NO. 57 . ()ovule STREET. I
April 18,1817.-15-Iy. ; ` l . •• I
GoMs Ni.M7.".2..4 MA*349.4a.‘
, 7 11 . t.; , •
Notice is hezeby given that; in purstututej
virtue of an Order of the Orplians C. teat •
hanna County, to me directed.ll, rf tlttleit
public vendee, on the . premises; hi flaitird township
said county ' , on - • •
Sturday the•l2th . day.of May, 1.877.
at 2 o'clock pp. m.,
the Interest of Solomon Lott, aec'd.. in the followir
described valuable farm, late of'Soloreon Lott, dee.
viz : Situate in the"township of lierford, contity of
Susqnebanna and state of Pennsylvania, boundednne,
described as follows, to wit.: Beginning at a heap of
stones OD line of lands of Jeremiah Rogers 4 -thence bJ
lands of C. N. Forsyth south 853 i degrees eastl6o roe*
to a heap of stones. thence by lands of Wellington
IlardlnO, south 83( degrees west 1163 rods to a heap of
stones, thenCe by lands of Seth W. Thatcher north 66J
degrees west 110 rods to as apple tree—formerly a b
—thence by lands of Levi it. Peck north 11)( degresj
elst 1163 i rods to,the place of beginning. containing II
acres and 109 rode one allowances, be the same more or
iess, on, whichis a dwellinglamuse, barn,fruit trees, am:,
' TERMS f—One tinrd down at like a sale, OnP third
in six reontbs l thet, orie, ye ar.thercaltet t to be
'secured sts‘purchafjp. t_legney lien. • •
10- 7 19 • • ; 4doltutstrator
Z. moOrerir.
ear, ii.s_o;•cacli 110
eats. "
Harness maker and dealer in all a
across the street to
i p
i .
4 . ES