?AO:NT:ROSE._ PA S ; AtAii.' 9. : 1 i'3'7i: potie BEYOND Trig.glyEß. fc.t r4^ q• Titrae is a river -deep and wide, And while along ittliankli'me:gt:ray' We see our loved Ones- o'er the tide fail from ouriog4tt-LawaYi-aWity,;, Where ere wq—they who return No mere to glad our longing They've passed from lite's contracted hthirne; To land upon a' sOre gnitnetVn', iltit,t lies ileyond 'Tis hid from view ; but we may guess How beautiful that realth may be, „yee,gleaniings of its loveliness Mlu visiOnsgtAntfd of we ace. The Veittelbudit'.tliat'flever throw • Their veil:litflaiSkilcir mortal sight With gold and pnrpie titOngallow, Inefteeted, fr4vdthe glorious ,413 Beyond the river. gentle airs, so sweet, so calm Steal - sometimes from that view less sphere; The mourner feels their breath of haini, tear. , 4.nd sometimes list:fling earn tuaycgairi EnVraneing.sound, that hither floats < , The echo of a dlitant strain Of harps and voices, blending notes, - ;Beyond ihe;iiiter: ylpre i' girfko n t!..loylj'ones in their rest ! • i rlie've crosed liver.—flow. no more hi6bles on its breast ; Nor feel the storms that sweep lts shore. 1 But there pure levelean live,ean laid— . They look for us their home to share t When we is turn Vf ayjiave passed Militl47,42,gi,cetinge wait us there, Beyond the river. DAIRRY 11. ND HASTE 7: 4 " "7 -7 : • : ,;•• - "NeverdO anything in a hurry," is, the-ad vice given to attorneys ., rd solieitors by Mr. Warrerl. Netone•'iiisa hurry can pOisibly hare kb; pit* ligoaetitni ; and retnonber that in the law there is ever an opponent watching to find iyou off your guard. .You may occasionally be In haste, but you need never he iu "a hurry . ; take eare—resolveLnever tube so. Remem ber always, that others' interests are occupying your, at tentton,tand-suffer by your itiadvertence ; by 'that itegligepce Which general:Y occasions hurry. A ',man of first-rate business-talents, " "one ,who looks so calm and tranquil that,if. makes one's Felf leel cool on a hot Sumner day to look at him, once told me that be bad never ;teen in'ahh rry _bat once; and that waitnr,an r • entire fortnight; at the commencrnentof his tiareer. It nearly killed hint ; he,spOiled:evety . 1 1 ,1bingho otiSuched ; he w,as. alwayil breathless, and barrassed, and miserable; but it did him ,goodfig lire : be resolved never again to be in it hurry k and never was, no, not once, that be could, „remember, during twenty-five years', practice Observe, I' 'speak ' , of -being - hurried and,fluatered, not of being in haste i for that is often inevilable4 but then is always seen_the 'ititrei•iort,f and inferiority, ,of different men. ,port may,- indeed, almost define burry 44 the condition to _ which 'an inferior man reduced' •by bake. totieCilair a-committee' s the House Of Voiftmi)fis,litting'on a ridlway bill. the chiet4ecretary 01., the company, -- during eral *evhours, w egr t interests were in: l'eopard.y, preserve a_ - truly admirabletbolness,, Arancinility ; ifind 'temper,, eginfermg ,on _please:advantage's. 41is suggestions to counsel ' tleoe.re .pasterly,i- and eiquisitely ivelt-tittied and by the clese 41* the day helm] itiunighed. "Hew 14'4 thtkouti - tuiver sees you in a,burry r said I, as we were pacing-, the-long corridor, on .txlr idray 'from`tiie:"con,mittee' "Because 'it's 'it's se expensive," he reOlied, with-a - significant stile. I:Shalt never forget that Obaeziation, • and don't 'yOu.-IVoirien on Atiorneye.andliolie- Yva -.YOUNG MEN. SIVREV. FRED BELL. We often heat-the phraso "arsbort life; , and a iner4;lon." - ; -?-11` . .sonlids pretty. There's 'dash faints of thrill and' 1 - sytiietit,blit it a .4ixpensive one: . 1. do sot now - f mean ninrely in a pccuniao . po:int of kienr, j 'althOtigh *hen you cove t&the coat, it is so in this way-tbet. It 1(44 mere,?by the odds to go to perdition 'sec iind class," than the other way, "flint clasS," And beirealt the luiuriei thrown in. :A man will spend in ,a night's dissipation more than .would be necessary to:. insure him a year's re- Privileges In the nverage fine, comfor table elitAh in our large city. add!tion; to, all thisilt expensivei in 4oay!4.lgor; wistea, brainfoice -blunted . • and dissipated, manhood discounted at- a tremen dous i n ieriA th 4 ,e heady4pacle sick, sad and tif,gri**o l4 eurie 4 l aha the future blight ' '1 OJ the . "merry Ife l' 't' . n live out?, aYs.' don't have the best kind -4 10 -l ien dPPIgg half-time'allewanee ',hers put on. , Take ontjhe time speak in sleep. In aching Unftiftings 'after earOtisal in regrets 11t* error led kir', • t ,Acswltnuci of life is kit t . 9 be merry, and what kind of 6611'6 it'?: '- - Astirth • *JO pangs in :it, mirth with ariunaertone of apprehension in it, mirth soon withero, mirth casting long shadows he= fore and behind it. Row exceedingly merry it must be, It' ' .is laree of . two parts, opening like a comely ending with ktiagedy. Otto during my midnight visits in the slums of New York I had seen a' young man who at tractetimy attention. 'Re looked like one who Kd seen better days., (Yon can always,trace . - the 1r ;reltat:9l**.ter life in lalleh, Bien na l ionten: Hu — niai:charcter is like salt, clay lu the Deginuing ; education 18 the-pottor, giv -,ing it;form, "beautiful: or tilde). This young man tigi been well wrought. . :1 saw it, though • welmer exchanged a wort!. Oue night, when leasing azulattlon onef,of thp.joiterva r d s o f srs‘f Youngo 3,l l.., Ome barrela- While 4 agso • sl or ynanetl. tti lAhis 'tom .'arouse = = , speak to hint . , with he),WOUlti . g". and earn for hitri and try to save Win, and thinking bow it was best to approach him, in c 4inp,tne, proprietor . 4 theiiiiiee., • . Ot inoStinen't-ba4 greatest brute-4e was 'brutal - 4e, Was . • Cruet actinthe, had a brute's voice's and pavir - . After Ening behind the bar and taking a ddrink us of ilia nyyji, site 14190, he ?Oiled ilk, coat slei ye, n turning around sawihe young man asievii. • . With ii..terrible expression of brutality upcn his factj and most . horrid oaths upon his lips, lie half 'staggered, 'hilt ran over to where he lay,,aud takitig him by the coat he roughly dragged him to his feet, and actually kicked into the • - Whet; cared be ? He had got his money, and . he cared no more far the ruined, besotted man than a child for the orange peel after the orange is gone. Oh, how this made _trtkfinger ends tingle I I wanted, ,:to yell mit savagely : "Wretch Brute) Tate - that, and ,that, and that !" until. he was whipped, pounded into siibuttintOri. It would have been inipolitic: My influence Would .have been ruined. Iu abOut two !minutes fcllowerl, .hoping, to find the poor fellow, midtake care of him.. I searched thorOughli for bim,"but he - Was gone. I didiot find him'. "- I got to rooni . at 3 a. tn., and we'lt to" bed but riot 'to sleepi. I was too 'much roused for 'that: At .T o'clock In the morning, the pplice sent for me to , COl3lO to the .stationi boude and see a man they had taken in -during the night. I went arld looked ppon,the blanched corpse of this tuft jEleAiias quiet enough now, and was not refused shelter, and he cared little "whether it was the icy pavement or the stone lloor of the statiqn-honse. 'lie felt not arittieared : not—. he was dead I 1 learned his history, which was in substance as follows -: He was a Young man well.reatect,ot good family imptte;of our coun try 'towns. lie Came..to . ,., the ,city_ thotpand dollars in his pocket to see life. He .eaw, lift In all:itS'grades . doWnNlU rd., and brought up brads vile den; from whet:ice he was kick out to freeze in the chill night. • • It was short life:-but not a merry one. It never is true that mirth is rligh!-hearted eej(iyinent the-short life gives sodden care. It guiles paiti up and calls that mirth.. That kind 61 mirth is a: short- lite and a lost one. THE - APPLE CURE. ,We are not sure, after all, that it is blue glass. It:seems to be apples. In the Herahl of Health the father of a large family. writes Ahat; lit has saved nearly all of his former large doctor's WIN by having a barrel of apples in a convenient place where all the members of the family could help themselves at any time. At least, it must be certain that blue glasshas a dangerous . rival. The sun-bath can be taken only - on a sunshiny day, when the sun is so high that its, rays come down with power, but an apple, bath 1 eau be taken in all weathers, at any ,hour,i o‘the'day or night. It is more conVenletit, too. Instead of removing all the clothing to get the full benefit, as iu the sunhath it is only neces sary towards the litter part of the, sitting, to loosed the clothing; shotild there be perceiv ed the symptom' an approaCh of tightness. It is more free and easy too. Instead of-being of a sick mart'', appearance, it -is Waive and may be hilarious. A company of apple-pa tients, perched upon a group of barrels 'of their favcaite Medicine, telling stories and cracking jokes, would be in marked contrast to the pale fir -unlade form of the solitary_ sun-bather, anitously comparing to - - 43a3's pains with yes terday's-to see, if there - has been an improve ment, 'w carefully eiatnining , -the , bitld 'head With a magnifying glass' to, see hoW the fuzz has grown in the last two hours; The4roubles for which apples are aspecific are heartburn, wakefulness, indigestion and the like. The rehlcdy kir the heartburn douhtless lies in the seeds, ibr the patient - who has bad the apple named and counted the seeds = from "One; I love," tip to "twelve, - he marries," experiences instant relief.. Startling as the blue-glasi?, cures are, they are far surpassed in instai3tareous et teet by those commonly experienced by the devotees of the rival specific. The effect of the pale light upon Gen. Pleasanton's, pigs is well known, 'and the public has heard of the luxu' riant'itair whip,' crowned' the bald cerebio spinal meningitis young woman. , But the boy who could take oily three large greenings at , the first dose:- has improved under the treat went, so that 'nine' are only a begining.- :The _than who knight a -barrel of apples, and kit tnediately began vigorous , treatment, could see thebottom of the barrel in two.days, and. the patient who took a peck and a half of the rein edy • immediately - found that Ills weight - had been increased' twents pounds.- Boston Adver. tiser.. Boreal men, and the Kingdom of Truth will honor you. Mighty powers will not only ex press-tharselyes in your solitude but wait up en'you with scenes" greater than all' tbe thea tres et Europe ever represented,. or can pyre sent. The eye of the world bath not seen, 'nor bath the ear beard, nor the •worliTs Mart con ePiVed, what :•''pirit of. Tiuth" will reveal . to Cdriosity in children is but an appetite aftet . knowledge. _I doubt not, but one, great rea• son why many children - -abandon themselves wholly= to Silly sports; and trifle away all their time insipidly, is•because they.found their curtosl ity baulked, and their inquiriti. neglected.— Lode , • - The truest help we cau render to an afflicted man is not to take his from, hhn but call out his best strength, that be may be able to bear the burden. ' -- ...licime.slanderer. asserts thatipapex ma kers itre• greatest: 111.nak1044 of ,14iene,:igasita4b. 4 , jl4 . 'iraiistiiii*: -. bojapi'. - ..ragi:iipti - '-*lii,iiiii,-; : -10 ; .ed4ooielk4'ott: ': --..-:„ '.;--.,..-' .:'. - ....,H,-,.':- -::::---,-;:-:-':*--r. =XICEI C x i RAN D . OPEN `Q~i.2 3Yllff r ened ti NEW STOUT?, - '2,..Ctiiirtt.;-BLAI GILA al7 0:N; and has`stileked tix'e ktine with a full aosortment. OF MENS' AND BOYS' READY MiDE: Q LDTHING 1: Beings branehltore of a Ntiw York. wholetale house, : I can :undersell any clAhint hense in Moeller/nod or . viefnity, .. Also s full line of Gents lerntihing gootls.• Call and examine my .• stock- atm prices • before going elsewhere. —. • • : Fir All wool caesimere pants to ordq for $5 00_40 JOHN SCHIFF, 52 Court. Street, April, - 18, )877. , ITEGETINE. V RE SAYS' 11: IS TRUE. MN. R. 'STEVENS : Mar.:4r f-As. you •re an entire stranger to Me. 1 wait yeti ~to know what Ve.GE ,INE. has dune ter me. Only theee.Wito have beeirraisedi rota deuth'S dour can know the value of-su h a kood medicine. lUm SS years . of age. Three years ago I was tulten rick with what the doctors calletfLuinb ;go.: lotir•Weeks / was condued to.mY bed. - .1 had three afferent physicians, wiihnut, any help. 1 rneived uu ietlef ;• I n'ns a grot nutier'er dually I hethinieertirely I. elpless, The laist,"doeturf old inn there Was nohrip ;tic. runt he,might.possib:y s4ve. my ejecting nimpliene in my .atuts Imo iegn._• The encouragement' for raving my .tife.by having this: Mine 'wan LAO mail a chance d. could not consent to run the riek. dbt nt.i his time my son read .your advertise— mut in, ear paper. a testimo. y_ of u p , rtou who had -been very nit k• with about the same con :pima, end wis cured :My sou went. fight, away lathe apotteelity sore and bought. u beitie of VE Lleitire tt ! ect the tirSt bottle I found, great relict ; 1 coutd . muve myself in bed. 9iter taking three buttes 1 V;lis to sit up and un.ve about any room. '1 waintied takieg Ow- Vti ettne, nue 1 - Wa sin'tt few: Wetlin" reett.red in my fernier hell,b. The. Vk'4.4E t,lNir eared my life atter the physlidans fetid there was no help far . ine.. 1 have had no doctor since If 1 feel LIIM en I take a dose of VELIETINE, and 1 recommend it to my fi knee. . Yottr Yeg,evile ott:skt to be in t:very family., lily doc , tor was ittpritteti-tt, rue me in noon boat it. Lie Lt. ys ATEA :t gaud menielF e 1 - tell him it eared Me. Ile eny6, It in true.". I ctinnot feel tau thank- Very gratefully yuur:-. •• CA'riIARINK COONS, Seuaca Faa; Sawa Cquitty, N. Y.: 1 • • •-• • VEGETINE. ALL" DISFA 4ES OF TDB •BLOOD, If Vegetine will relieve pain, cleaus. purity and cure such diceatea," restoriug Lhe parietal° perfect Leulth after trying dif ferent physicians. inarirrtmedietd, puttering stir years, is it not conducive t videuce, it }ou are a pnffervt, you can tie cured ? Why la tine incilicnie ; perfuming ...itch cures 7- - it works in-the timed, in the circa:in iug, flute. It can truly be called ahe oitc.ta* 4 to.4ii puitintn. The great source of dicea,e ungulates. in tue U.uoo ; and no medicine Opt dots not act (tiredly upon it, to purity and renovate, hail tiny just , chain upon putt& attention. ' WILLCCRE • CANKER HUMOR: Rompoßr, litarch..Bl;;ltM3: H. R. •STEVZNO : tail my.- husbaptl got me two bot tles Of your Vegetitte to, take fOr Abe Canker Humor, which •I have , bud in my etinnach ti►r several years. Iltiok it, and'he-"result "was very 'satisfactory. I hive takea a great, many remedtes for Canker. Humor, dad none seethed too help- me: but - TEGE: EINE. There Is 'no doubt in: my mina that every one suffering with. Canker Humor can be cured by,.. taking Vege tine. It gave me a good appetite, and I felt better in every respt et. Yours, , with respect,-' • • • MKS. ELIZA. ANN POOLE. NOTHING EQUAL TO IT. • SOUTR SALER. 31.a55.,.N0v. 24. 1876. MR. H. R.STicviste,s " • Dear.Sia--I have been troubled with Scrofula; Canker and Liver Complaint for three years. Nothing ever did me any good um iil commenced using the Vegetine. 1 am now getting along first 'rate,. and still tisith; the VEUETINE. I consider there is nothing equal to it for such complaints - Can heartily recommend it to ev erybody. Yours truly. • .MRS. LIZZIE M. PACKARD, • No. 16 Lagrange St., South Salem, Mum " - VEGATINR • thoroughly, eradicates every-kind of humor, and restores the entire !system to a helatny con• dition. ' Prepared by * H. R. STEVENS, Boston. VEGETINE ° IS SOLD •DI 'ALL - DRUGGISTS. MANHOOD: '-'8TORI1t) . I , Jut pnbilsbed. neW edition Oftn:Oor.- ' j TER TRW 8 CELEBRATED Egeay 011' the rad i r 1.6.1\ cd cure (without medicine) rmatorr. lima or .Serninal Weekness, Involttu tary Seminal Losses, Impotency. Mental and Physical Inc.apacity. Impediments to Marriage, etc:; also, Consumption, Ilpilep+y and- Fits, induced by self• indulgence or sexual extravagance. &c. ; • or Price, in sealed envelope, ot,ltsix cents. The celebrated author, in. this adintrable•Eitsay; clear ly demonstrate+. from a thirty 'years' andcessful 'prac tice. that the alarming consequences of selfaMnse, - may be radically cured without the dangerous use of inter nal•medic, lie or the -pplication of:t he knim olntmg out a mods-:n I cure at ince m p certain- an d effecttial by means of which every sufferer. no matter *MO& condition may be, may cure himself ,cheaply, privately and xagicailly orThis lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. - Sent under seal. in a plain envelope; to any address, post,paid, on receipt of rix cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers • • • • THE CULVEHWELL MEDICAL CO.,' 41 Ann Bt., New York ; Post Offieeßoxi4sB6 • Oct. 11, • • VALUABLII FARM: FOR SALE • NEW MELFORI) The undertaigned executor of the estate . of SimeOn Van Pleet,dec d. offerrfor safe the Armor raid timed. s.nt.one-fourth mile north of the Moxicy. church. Nvw Milford lownrinp, Pa.' It contains about 112 acres, tivell . watered,le..ced.and urder a good state of wilily* tion: ,Itanst disport: of raid fatm, and , will sell on 'EASY TERMS. For. Farther particalars inquirf the oubseriber V . Sammetretile„,Pa, , 10 . • F. o..Addiene v *ew Milford, re. • • - • - - *pumps. - .NEW . ': - .s'l7oltl, Biiigbailifori, N. Y. 19-Iy.' OviAca FALLf.t, Nov. 9, 1876, VE GETIN E. 'VEGEI'INE. VEGETINE. 445w:',ii,losic, ijo*. ,RE-. =MEE WAR: , IN ' : EXJII.OI'I,OI •EX.TENDIN.GI'AS 781.t, , ':A s gQN9p.O§.. For Dry Gords arid Clothing, _Rita, Cavil; 'and Ftirnhhing .Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths they :can .be bought at the extreme-low' prices . _ they ate Selling at, prior. to tile possible-advance in tbe above • liner of goods, same as *it has been in , - • etc., etc., etc., HAVING PURCHASED A VERYzEkrENsivg' ASSORTMENT 'OF GOODS , such as usualy- kepi; by us, anal at lower prices 'than ever before, we ,regnest the trading piablio.to call and examine our goods. promising - prices and qualities tocOMpare favor : . ably with all competitors , whether . at home or abroad., ; -s , • • WE , SAVE-. A' FINE SELECTION :OF CLOP,EIS AND ; C&SSIMERS FOR special. Caattga 'Work. ) :,'rake--measured a nd , make gartnntit o to • ordr,..guarat: teeing perfret fii ting and Work mansnip. M. S.. DESSAUER. !Successor to- Guttenburg, Itosenbaunfiti Co. - Itoutiote, Pa. ,•Map 2, 1877. “ApvEniii§::.g4cto :TO : . SUCCEED. ” DRY GOODS, CLOTitING, BOOTS AND SHOES,-HATS AND GAPS, NOTIONS, itt GEO - ..:, :.L. ], . i LENll.Erlyra,' : .. qsat ~ Zencl s : . . Pa. We .buy for _ • 'CASH. onky-, and 'take aa. Can be done --I either in Our whole store is filled with' BARGAL have first 'opportunity to secure mob. r'Priccs Lower amp 'at, any. Binghamton Low ' but LESS." "NVE..3I [ 4 Brick Block.} :. -; Great :Bend, Pa.,, Nov. 29, 1876. WE, ARE SEI4I.ING . • . OVERCOATS, IN AL' _STYLES, 'BUSINESS SUITS, FllkiE: - ,DEAGONA (piesS SditS,) :LADIES'!,CI,O#KS, *EN'S AND. BOYS' _I3QOTS A'kTD Sh OES,. atll kinds, LADIES;, MISSES:* AND CHI LDREI4'S „FINE and CO,AIiSE SOBS, , 2' • RUBBRIIOO'ES _ . . • -• • SHOES' of -"all: kinds, • - • • • - , ' MEN'S Wand 'BOYS', ItATS'and CAPS, BUFFA .1 • • tag RO BES, LAP acii3Ep t iILANKETS, At bOttom.prices, ‘.litinghamion not excepted:' Nov.. 8, 1876. A. S. MINER , BINGHAMTON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRowzg LAMPS, OyAL,LAMPS, ALL GLASS LAMPS; HAND LAMPS, , • BITUNERS, WICKS, SHADES, SHADE . HOLDERS, &c.; &c. SPECIAL IX DIICEMEETS IN , EVERY si r yta , 01," AND COMMON CHIMNEYS, ) ALSO, .31ANU PACtIIREIL. OF . , ev r ; MN . _ i;TA.**ALZTIVISIX) 4 0Cr.A.ZILVE\ uarantee4 a Low' da and goi,cse in BeFiherzikew York Saar : Mul l MarchBl,ll3ls z. ' A. S. EMIR. itt • :66 . 11.Ntry - A(ia ' • RAI; WORKS . CULTU !laving ..beeZThettanizod ;milder the firai t 'lturne, - and style of Susquehanna Coulitylwicultural< , .. Works, Malted •• , • RJEViETT; Pret• W:11: COorzn, Treae., .Di _JUMP. ): Secretary: • . Are now.prepared tofu rtd shi on short notice, . • itationirg - • CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. 'TURBINE WATER WREELS., • And do all hinds of mill and job: work pt•omptly and satisfactorily. at low' rates. .We matt afacture• and hare on hand - a large. assonment of , PLOWS OF INPROVED PATTERN • _ , CAULDRON'KETTLES:of di ff erent styles, - ADJUSTABLE: BARN:WOE -H ANGINGS, .MEADOW ROLLERS," BLACKSMITHS' 'FURORS 'ROTS and GRATEPi- DOG POW ERS for churning, One-and Two Muse POW ' RR} and; THMESHERS.- of, the lattiet . and =beet • pitiernlkifti &XL - Ifoatecoe,.Xsrch-11-187& EMl=lni -3,.:.G.Re,fr,,.g.x - cITEm:gN.T GREAT PREPA RA TIONS MAD E:.;.': -"- - , Ininlediate attack; antittated tho store of IlilC.l''''St. :112,W.MMA611:1TW.,1.*: THE LOWEST 'PAP:WK. IN 'PRE 'COUNTY t LARGA SIaP.PLY..-COLLteTED. =ME -=AT .antage of the market whenever it arge or Bniall lots. S becanae we alwa;ya want , them, an NEW GOODS EVERY DAY. tore. "Understand. we do not isy !IAN WRAP WE SAY." WEEKS, DTELIIITISIE* CO. 3,ll.lLeaunts. I .11 (*.MANI:Inge 14: W. Coiovel paoic, : ,4l.*:,_ 60titilt.'arottl, MARBLE . -AND GRANITE MONUMENTS MANTLES, &C. THE PEOPLE'S MARKET, Montrosp,./34:' PlllLlP : asttrs, - - - Proprleor• FRESH= AND SALT MEATS, • PORIt,'BOLOGII4 SA.IJ ‘SAG.I4,'ETO., of the best otitliti constantly on baSd, at price! t . , - - • • - SUIT.. ••• ' - -OABILTAID FOIVSTOOL Sestlitis• 1%444s „ .., -.JJ:.:.'A,.;:i.,-',.',.i., GEO, LE.kHEIM. Barnes, Blanding & [ICSVAIMISIISD 'IN 1840.1 MANUFACTURERS 'OF ALL RUMS OF • . •. ALSO. IMPOATERS OF SCOTCH OltiNlTi, 26 Chetpuigo St., Near Depot, March 8. 1876. 11111011,41.10014.N.1 ; ~..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers