.1161> • ' j, . • g e , t;oi MONTROSE. PA.: MAY 9,-1877. Arrangement of Nails. Yu nAti,neen: Ta.‘kbSIIIIUCE. • IA STAGES Mantras'. Depoi.(Daily.) „„. 800 p glv a , . 1; New M ilforu.(Dally.)... •.• • IC On uin I :nip in Wyalusing. (Daily.) . 945 a m 1000 p ev friendevllle.(tri weekly.) • 600. P m eooutn t ß lo iv a g k h l a in m io a ,e on S Li k e (tri w eekly).. 7000 p mu 7 0 0 0 0 p m lieshoPpen weekly,) IOOQam BOOpm The New York.ivia Atoutrose Depot) Now Milford, runkhannock.aud Wyalusin • 'mail rune. Tuesdays, Thursdays. itatiou and Saturdays. The illughaniton mail. (via Silver Lakearnias Tues.. Sapp. Thursdays. And Saturdays. Friendevilli mail rune Puesdayil„Thuredaya.and Sat uses. The iteshoppeil lea ns Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays. .IDDITIONAL STAGER: A Stage !merit:llly for Montrose Depot at 1 m . „,and returns ut 6 p. m A Stage leaver for New Milford , at7Bo a. al. and returns at 3 30p. m. Montrose Railway Time table'. - • , Tras nlll run a s fIaIOWP : • T.eave l'antbannock at 8:45 a m. and 3:12 p. m.. urriving here at 10:45 a: m. and 5:10 p m. V,eturuirg. leave Manttoee at 12 and 5:40 p. m..arriving at Tunkbant ock at 1:45 and 7:30p m. Train , ' wilt run on Letdch Valtev time He kept In the 001 re of P. it N.Y. H. It. at. Tunlehaunock. • - All teilifig COMP et at Tillikhatlllue.k with P.& N. Y. R. R. going north ad month. 410" • JAMES I.BLAKEBLEE, Preal Mauch Chutik. Jun. 31.1577: . , List of New Advertisements).. Cad—J. Griffis) New stock—R , id Bros. & Co. Established 1863 7 E. C. Bacon. . spring announcement—l. St , tement of Jackson township. NOIR+ of Inquest—Est. Jowl Loa: Assignee's Notice—Est. Patrick . Cnrey. l Administrator'si,Sale—Est. li ,, CSINESS LOCALS. • . ' " . 'Glenn's sulphur snap. • . . Schenk's mandrake. pillg. • . . , Cum :a plusfer—J. B. ittlynsiord. • Fruit and ornamental trees—A. A Newson. Nelchbo'ring Comat I 11,,N. An inmate of tt.e Luzerne county poor house has nut Paten any food for i3eVeti teen days. The mayor of Wilkez , -.Barre sentenced a man 10 Ten' tliys• 'hard labor or. the highways, for drunkenne,:s. T . . he L-ltig'l) Valley R iretilroad doing a heavy . .busi lit sa t.liippag ui I from t l A e w..q. 150 cars are now trarisfo'ed at ! Waverly ..acti day. • . • Tho Scranton ReliPl • As3orliation for servrai we. ks afforded sieody telt. I to 300 f . btt'it• will be 0.. td anti. May 19. H I L high Valley ,hop han4sat ilazte tots and dsewbere .have agree.d . to co. operate with their feiluw engiloypit (II 11 1 1.kes-liArre in the lattel'a effost io have th.. 10 r or.ist.r , cently- taken . 441 their v was rAstored.` , Mrs. D. W. Brovn. of •Wyalosing. I I led 'slier a long allti pa;nful illne.4s on Mini day ru.,rning of lust wet-k.. D, ceased was a mother of Dr.. M. M. Brown. .61 and Are. Geo. V. *Mi-r, of To waials) and was o,,ile ; nf th, !nod estan 7 , able ladies in Bradfotd onury: • A wan named Connell, living on Shanty 131 1, near. l ,,Scratiton, ltas'h come peseesen 'with the. idea that Ida to.u.e Ja iiiks . ed with *itches, and it is mei S . 8811 io keep tiim under 'lock and . key . to . percent him from burning the house to get rid of the f o uci.d Intruders. : Henry Reel. clerk in the : _W9kea- Bop poet (dice, .wtio absconded last mint. r with corns ot. the funds, beNuie a vagratit in the streets of London, and finally ended in the ahnOsuude, from winch be was taken and enlisted in the 13i.iii•ji army. , „ - . • • • , Wilson France, of Ilonrcie,,_ Cum !' y. died last week. from he'i-ifeets'of a blow he Peelved ahtint ; op! hum creu. llithert, while scomi.paniiig. lady home trom church. France , was Eitt a billy; u:bich One- Litibert ha: - been a ireet eci at ,d kill be hied ror the cm:ie.—Pittston Gazelle. A a.iiv mill and phtining, mill. tii East, 1. , 111014, Wypthing . Co., behm.gttig -to Mr. William. it. Stalk *us deelhled by W (I,,epday night list. The Ore .was (lit? Cu' red ahont . ll The mill ism] 10,000 reeto! . ., lumber. ; s k --twat los-. 'rue pro - 1)64y 'insured for O. 600 the ag41.1 of 11. W. Bard*ell & Cu., II Tui,khanrwek. The Serittitun Reputhain . re erring to th.• Providetioie see , tt, km bt , t, says: "Gi v eriinr Ilitrtraoft is coodetemeti here with out fur approving the laid it is 1401 k.r the credit 4if the titittursistrution . oitiH. sir nur xpresa itselt just tam ..: . ;yori his e ~ X- `ct IP cy at tho As'a party to ; dis . - member i tig one -ot he. principal .cit les- in the c .mtnon wealth, he has established a da geron4 nrecetienti •- • D. J. V. Smithsot TuOchanoork %V 8 !thole the happy reitiPieht Oti a handsome (low, tokenorehards mot' S ; a' , present, hats from, 11-e. P. M. 0 - 6terlinitt. The cane: the,.ligitre of iati alligator, carved hiOo', On the tap I.n.:Avats takeaehmpietelyby. striprie . .atiid the occa-ion was.. made -.port iptitarly i% aiJlt 14 oin - krii!tentory -qv: :4- a - o - 41 friwilalione.—TunkhannOck Deniocrat. • The e.xperiliten t made at the. nattitilit, Towanda, Br 4'oll. :Co.,- 6 • aBtiertain 4 hewer. t he joyal. , ,tiii,iek . lairo n tho - ... to soccesst`iti -- : a'reSitilOnit ooly..izratiry -11 g Jo Ow eqat . eniut):.o4.'bitt of the *great 4'l. 1() 1 1 1 e f)wiirrzt vf-11)e ;11111. itvlottita ))Ut trifl4 'and will g' the pstablissinfeit, gte,li. , :sdvatilag ; ,e over mittinfidturtivin.g, thkr:ititititrp--:Re ,Forter. A nives. Dtixine 600 pat 1116 am B. C. FORDUAM. P. M. fillikie - lit ms: A red mil his' beets sho - t- In' Lehigh county, the first in seventy years. Three hundred.' and fifty raft 3 Kaye been rii.ilont'Uf Itr..d 041 i k this -season. • Tl.e sheriff of J..ll.rson county will offer for site over fity pieces of property the nth inst. . , It is alum:Ted that the Blair iron and coal company is about stopping its two Limners at ll,llidaysburg. • . • EA( rt Rqberteuti, sixty years old, fell into a cretk near Tidroute a few days ago and wati drowned. Tile Wilkes-Barre base ball club-has a grand stand which can accommodate 4,- 4.,00 persons. . Eight Of th!,.thirty-tivo blast furnacei3 ti ibe,..sheyait) valley,' and eleven. of the twenty-00 in the ktohoning • valley are blazing. -Marge, nitmtaTof miners have been thrown out'of employment' hy , the stop page of work he Penn gas 0641 com pany at Penn station, western .Pennsyl vania.' . s Bogus , spiritualistic rerfwiners, if wise, w,-1. give T.ttivilie ,the u.k, by. • The last' ol'a company , whO illid7rtnok to hood wink: the people :of that city. got oat of the station house . on. TheSday. Twenty .years ago H. N. Walton, 'of • Washington pinta), lost - a watch, which he suppok-d had been 'stolen. 'Tile other. day hr plowed : it up in one of 'his fields, which he Cleared in 1857. Seven con vvit3 were taken to the east . .erii penitentiar on W. dnesdny by the `sheriff of 'Liiierne couiity. Tneir .sen tenees aggrekated thirty - years. John Mahan, one of the number, has ten yearn to serve. • • The. Greens burg Arqui •Rev A. IL Y. - Wilson. inititor of the congregatiOn :1 Seanor's church, near - .Newath t oti, has suddenty•diaappeared, kiiing behind him sundr y , debts, and, asalleged, Mir ng :Ten , guill of a..succeb.sitsl swindling dodge. - . . . Major 6iroael Cooper, suppOsed to be't.ite man wh.) was an officer in the war of 1812, Id res:dtog in India-inn con tt: y.l llr wits bort, t Shippet.slibig. Utittib• 00111' Ca., to 1788 sod .has b. en . ,t inst,;ce of - 'the ileac. et,,ht or nine years., The coat . erg at. St o I boro.. Mercer Cu,, fay it -re Still oil a . strike. The COM tvtl4 reratiEe to give then' the udditional. tittrrn eents per ton `hey • demand, and f rt : fuse tore-en ter the 'banks ttil tiny g.et . it. • Hugh Ira son, livitig•nearillaron, In dinua aauuty , chußbed a. tree riCrtitlV to pri3ollre a' nest •of young Owls. The i nini hal. owl attecked the 'man with great •Inry. destroying the s ght of one of Itts eyes and lacerating his lace frighilully lie has been continid to his b..d since, m dit is • iliought that he . will lose his sight entirely.. • . , • Se%eral years ago 'a man moved to Coy• ia,gion„ . Tliiga county, - Pa., and rtknowl -1,41ga-04180f :a .11iirninn believer. For a rime - he-was gazed upon as a curiosity. alittevery,ung felt - like ...going fair him.' liel . was.urged abd argued with and ucca iiiiial'y cursed, but he kept right on in iiis Ownrway,- and . to-day—counting his fainilY and others in the vicinity. Of the !dace --there.ure "at . - least a dozen of the Latter Day Saints. • - • , A Wavilly- man who . was . - being xani inual for a sglioul teacher, after atumbli •g ihri ugh )011iie . . simple arithmetical: prbh lem, was. asked Where Boston . is. He `answered, "I know •all about it, probably just ae .wrll ss yon do; have' . heard of the place .several times, but can't somehow • otheii.teerti:to locate, it." • With .1 view f helping him -lint, the committee mar. It is lye c.apitail of some State. na it not-?" . _I believe .it i 5."... What Stale•?" - "Well, I know. probably Caswell asyim do i what State - Burton i 8 thegain-. tal of, tut you st...e haven't the ti..iw . „t• language tua-zpres,iit.". FRESH Gtound Cayaza iPlaster for sale at R lyttalord's Coal Yatd, Moutrtne Itsdroad ,De put, 19-20 WIIAT, A BLESSING to the poor would lie such R .Vl,lshierottle, pond* f . .,81141 prt.VCII tat .con tegion-as'' Glenn's - Sulphur Boni), ei'•utzl it be distributed among. thi m. .Why ,don't some phitatithrotolin act` On this - act. 'on this hint. Depst Orittenton's, h.Av,Ome, New ' •-• • • "Wee - Hair it Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 ets.-313y. - • FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREEP.--The BUb :;eri: er iris at the. Exchange Etotel, the finest lot of Fruit atutOrnamental trees evt4. toougto to There trees consist ot all the leading varieties 01 Apple, Pear, Chem &e as well as some ornamental 11111 and vino s Tre s to he cl..secl out at, bargains. Come quick and *nave your seleetton. A: .A. Mono:4, 19-1 Corn . Hill Nursery, Geneva, .N. Y, SALE ADJOURNED •-.1 tissioneee Side of it e eslmie of,C. l'ukesbury. et Lathrop Towlighil hir .thi ti) Saturday, May o:.ii at ;he sam Once at 10 a m. LATilw.r, April 20',1877:: :17-19 pia Cimt, No PAY very. rtttittlab:1 4 corn ten- the'V4i - iotts, :ifrections . ot the throni nod waif great ,Sitect.tig j!! CHM. 01 Asthma and Bronchitis. It is preerihed by the physhlaoaam - lenclorol the liv.ople. \Var. ranted to giye .eritir6 • *B2OlOOl ion or Money, re • funded: • • • Magic RPlief for the instant cure of severe and none pains. Ki r b y ' s ' raoeleas Worm Lounges. - tire sate and effecting. , Kirby-'s Coodnion Powders for -qv/arty quan tilt, rind parity are' Stiperior to any Powder for stArek -.lntorninernrr.d. . Camphor Tee for clyilied loin& rir sunburn. , - • • For:srde-by tat Droggistii ~ M ontrose: and Deslem in Medicinvaihrctughout the country. June 28;1876y1. To ALL, PARTICULABLY INVALIIiSi spring is a ir) lug season. -Indications - 01 iiickneas shotild at ouve.be to tended to. - Fatal. disease may be caused by aildwing.the bowels to *time con stipated atio,theSystean tdremaiwin a disorder ed - condition, until the disorder has time to deVetoped . An'• ounce of prevention is worth a pound of:cure, is ad-,old and truthful saying.; Therefore„. we advise' all who are . .troubled, with the complainta', now • very prev ail nt—headache, indigestion,. disordered liver, want of . appetite, nausea, or. feverish- 'skin, to• take.without delay, Selienck'a - Mandrake Pills.- We know of no; remedy so . harmless and-de cisive in its action: - It 'at once strikes atohe root ot the disease and produces a healthy tone to the-system. - People , never need suffer from any disease arising trim a disordered condition Of theliver it they would take this excellent medicine when they feel the first indications of the *malady: • Families leaving home tor the summer MOiltill3 'should take three or tour boxes of theie pills with th'-m. •-They hive am-almost instantaneous effect. They, will relieve the patient of headaehe in 'one or two hours, and, will 'rapidly cleanse the liver of surrounding bile, and will effectually prevent a billious•at 7 tsar. They are sold by all druggists. NEW YORK CITY MARKET. comm.:an mmIE:A - ay . DUCK WORTH, • Commission Merchants, N 0.325 WASHINGTON STREET, Nzw YORK. EW YortlC, Saturda y, May 5,1877 • - BUTTER. Pails, choicest f resh 24 414 25 V good' to fine.............. 21 22 • " common 15• (4) 17 Firkins, selections " good to fine " cmlantlloll to good 4 14 Tubs, selections • 23 24 good to fine 20 tge 22 " common to g00d... .... 10 ,Q) 17 CIIICEEUL • Factory, fancy 18%0 14g 4 , good to fine 13t 4 •1334 Farm Dairy, prime .12%0 13 fair to 10 @ 11 IitSCELLANROWL Eggs, fresh 'l3 13% Apples (green) fine 2 50 et. 3 00 4 dried per lb qrs 4%@ .5 sliced 4%@ Potatoes, per bbl • 2,75 @3 50 LAM • 10 og 10 3 34 Tallow sue 8%. turkey dresed QA Chickens, " Ducks. " Beeswax 32 @ 323¢ A. new and complete stock of Dry Goods and Notions at Levy's. Don't (ail to get the prices of Embroideriei at Levy's. , ' • • MERCHANTS,. Butter. and Produce shippers— See'Ceutral Express Company's advertisement. • Trot Central Express Company have Ulf on ly cook_regularevery night butter tr a i n . 17-0: • Sup in and examine thti Caaliemers at Levy's. • A. LARGE t attsorttuent or the latest and neatest styles ot' visiting and business cards just received at this office. Call and ace them before oraering elsewhere. Tux- CUNTRAL Express , Company forward hurter at as IoW a rate as any other line, and have the only regular tiiglit l route.-See ad vert ibe Me u I Marseilles, Honey Comb and Crochet Quilts at Levy's PILINTING. We have' just ,receiVed a very large stock of plain and fancy envelopes, letter and note pa per, plain and fancy bill head papers, cards of all sizes and colors, colored poster . : papers, etc. allot' which we can atlord to. print cheaper than any office in this or neighboring counties, and in as good style. Work done in black and colored inks. It you think there is any that Can beat ns, ghe us a trial, and we will show you what we can do. All kiUds of blanks on hand ur printed to order. CLAIRVOYANT ,EXAMINATIOIB FREE. There Is no subject that requires so much study and experience as the treatment of chron ic diseases. The astonishing success and re makable cures pertormed, by. Dr. Butterfield, are due to the gilt of clairvoyance, to the life-. long study dif. the constitution of man, and the : curing ordOensealrimt natural remedies. Cum, - the worst fortits tit'Scrofula. Catarrh, Piles, Fei .nialt. Weakness, Diseases of the Pearl, Lungs -ot Kidneys.. Will be at theAm4lding House. Binghamton, Frtthty, and- Saturday, blay 18:11 and 19th. . • . • p • Jan. 10;1877. PAIMEIIB - and• clairyint n—See Central Ex prft.l IJ inp any's ailllt-rtisement. No buhlness tnauk vend- complain :Oat 'he la "too poor to anvi'lt ise"' wht n • hT. can get the latest style bueinots cards .printed at the DEM OCRAT office fir" three dolinrs per thoustintl,and other work in - jroport:on. . . • • • FARE M1A . 13 CONTINENTAL BALSAM, the great. cat discovery . . 1.1 the, - .age 1-- , This - wonderful Diarrheasantidote .w i 11 cure chronic (flare - a:et of lung sissmiiiig,, .untl- nil "other forme ol !hat dreailfttl . dioease.' -- It is an unialling remedy:for t he: mire.of _ChOlera, Cho:erit Intantum, poen . tery,.Criimp, Votic,.eic. If taken in tithe Will set:likemagic great • medicine. has been in use for overfifteen pints, and the most stub. b.,rn cn".s fittirr its great flowers One convince the - most skeptletil; Pi ice' 2$ and 50 cents pet bottle. Bold by Jolla' Fitrittra,_sele pr.prietor, 224 , North Ninth .St., Fialailelphia. - iind Druggists generally. 7' 7. Feb. 14,1871.1 - -• • - • s. MINIS'I RA t 01t :S SALE. co:bo rivittax, xissr.a.ern. Notice isittrehy Own that. in parpnagre an 4 by vtaue tit att order el the thldtaut.' C. mil 44 hatiqut% hau l m empty. .0 me directed. I will offi r tor pale et public venal e;cn p einieetk, ilartord towunhtp,, rank county. un - • t*3 t ttrit,ly he 12: 1, day fit 111iy, 1877. • at 2.0 elfick p. tb Intertet nt gotten 41 Lott. dee .in the folinwine I de-erthot r.l m. lute ut Solomon Lolls. aceti.. Oa• m141'041) of Illation,. com i ty f sn,qn , r uh Petto-41eHnits. IH mut, d and I I AK ti rt (111unit:wiing, t , tt aces metier to -it ; Peginhina , .ao help or t 1111" tddintift..poptlitif ply ;ui n tto6-t ratme4 OP 111 , e vltombr. Jr, twat, jtogere„ thence by louse of 0 . simoo U hu l l., or I'i Vor.% tit tteriallt ti5X ttivret44 cop c rod :4 , d . 1 1 1 : - :4r,,..',,pepitreit 4 , tier t... :I H..nee, tit nee 1.,y t 5 ,44 or tV 4 .ltit t ujon .12 , • lilt tipt rn - . sc,f,itti 334 gr , wow, rgit littv,htfttt att otB4 - 4inunit -Ory *tripe-. ibenee lit l o ad. 4 ,r wi t istirtitit74 i 1 4 ,1 itt. ittztrket.' -.l . lituto beititt Ifni degtece.we• - 1 r , to a apple r9rmi - t.l) Itych ni .. 1 I , r to wieell hey e , —the t:re-by .1 Levi It. i..lc nil It :IX degree 4-3 „ :t . e 44.rlicx ro d s to the pl' ci) in - giatilniz. catitainilig irswir talent 1011, Nytt tiro sall:q.loll.l.rr, ati.+l +ter 109 rothL oil e same tiviro "r tip pli.iti4 - 0 :the ISetipie id LW'S nectittn., it Pei. on Vl' bit;lr itt a.c.wellia. , hafive,bart,t,frult itav*. 4te.i Div 60 • wilt • they.. ilik3ilko - fenti In TEPIS on , tnird Atown rtt4lttne or "Itift. - fitt44 third : I " t t nels fr' tl° A l "Y" , ' 4 " to pix molithro, the ita6tre tot f:ue thertaiter,, tp.be they tia:Ve *tit eecured ay piaci:floe :•; *T. - - - :WILLIAM BRUNPAGE, A, „ / .1124 4877 . . - administrator; 3ignee. `MAY. TO THE .PEOPLE OF 4ONTROE AND VICINITY : NEW - DRY=. : GOODS ;,srORE , IN M.ONTROISR ~West side of PiWfa Avenge, (late etaSti e(-110111dGessiej • , • With., a . ,l 4 afge' and. Complete Stock of Eltaple and Pang CASIDIERWI, ALPACAS, , DRAP-ABTA, 'bER4,O39 • ,In the newest and moat kenodeonie 'dyke. , Also a - complete•lipe of DOMES HOusa Fdroishing Goode, White 00We' • Hosiery. Gloves,,Notions, Ladies'-Ties;Fancy s tioods, etc. ' !WA full awns:mot of Gent'sFttrutshmi Goods I - - - LADIES,,we would call your attention to our stock of Black Aipaoas an& Okeh men-a ; as all these goods have been purchased latelsi we feel confident that we can adi them cheaper than ever before. -We evelid the public a oorilli) invitation- to call acid examine or;ir. stock. GrUodi marked at - _ONE .PRICE AND THAT THE BOTTO3I • PRICE Montrose, Pa ; M V 7 9th, 1817.-19 a. 1.83301;r1r. bi NW STOCK ! nIIR STORE is now replete with a Stook of Goode,bought at unusually \ ko* prices for CASH. We invite your, at. J DRESS tention: to out DRESS WE lIAVp PRI v N A Ti t B i 2I T ISL A TZ E S ) ,:n! V E II t raTR I NAVEIS IN GREAT- Our Notinn Department is iullpf BARGAINS in an Bargains ! ettgant assorinient of Elf/ AND LI6LE THREAD Bargaituii GLOVES, TIES, PARASOLS, ete.,eto. • • z 'Gents' FURNISHING GOODS a Bpecialty. S fIOES SHOES SHOES SHOES We now parry a larger 'pipit' 0 , 14 n over betOre'.of Itialf.l3 9 ;I SHOEIIB M!s4er . ,'. and Childret's SHOEB 3. .e.onsistieg of BURT'S SIIOBB and other We I known Hirdiri rt. ais 10 k %Fe . gun pi!' tee .to sell as LSHOIIB CHEAP AS THE CHEA.P.EST I 1 6119,88 . . . . . Fa4init. our new •Spring Styles of HATS, and our -immense assortmcnt STRAW. GOODS! - - gar Please give us.* call, and we will guarantee the prices to emit yea • • READ: May 11, 1M —l6-101 C. !NI: RI AD. *olitrore;f* Go TO DeoLtrniz's for your new.„"style pie tures. * Montrose, Dec. 27,187611. CIGAR AND Commertozciinv STORE. Having bought lionia_Knoil'a 'stock it( Clean. Tobaceo and Contectioneoy. I con furnish - firs-t -iins.s ankles for- the least money. Fine thin rat-r &inks - tor the thirsty. Montrose, Ju'y 26,1876. Persons visiting Binghamton - wishing to purehaie ary goods Would do well to call on Hiss - db Sumas. ''They. keep a 'fin3telass line of dry goods and ready-made clothing on hand .411 Ike time Alpatais,Merinos,and Cashmeres, the fihest line in the city. No trouble to show goods'er send saiwpies; Nov. 1,-187fitf. The sale of Taylor's Family ,Medicines. is steadily - On the increase. The stiles of the past year being -more tban double of at.rprevtoup year. - The reason .this is on aeeount of the genuine merits of the gOods.,themselivs and the fair and impartial manner io . which they are sold. • • - • • July 26. 1876. . MANY . Ptct xa during the winter Season are severOY afflicted trout the . efft 4tr, of Frecv s 'or cnitlblains; . They can be readily 'and perdu,. neatly cured in ,a few,. days Inc rely by teaing .TsYlnes Celebrated Oil once or twice a The Millie medicine is said, by many, to be a for corers. It can . be Obtained of any Druggist cw dealer in 'Medicines. ' . .Evturrntico In the . - line:tot Pure Dinka and blediehies. •Painis,.. Oils, .'Varnishes, rPoeket hunks, ~Ptocket kniyea, Tooth brushes,, nevi) brushes, Clothes and flair brut:W.l4l'oHelium's. Fine.toilet arlieles, Fancy goods, and a lull line of all the new find P.ipular R'•tnediea can he fund At 31. - A. Lynn's' Drug. stiore. will find our 'stock complete, and cOmpated:tot the hest ankles that can hp found in the ,market. MontrOse, Pa.. Jan. 17th..1877.7-t.f New HARNESS 8110 P. • take this method of inlOrtning the public ot. Montrose and vicinity that I have opened a new harness ahop, under Searle's express office. Public Avenue. - 1 Will htllltl.fttew. work of the • her. quality, and Teliairs with neatnesa.anti,.diitpatch azni at lowest rates. The . Ottronsge the public is recipkifully PO li tit o4 l. -", • '• • ' Montrose; Oet, la; 1876tt. • InvmellintAzt. ManitiAtm, • ' • : • Theftunkhanniiek• Marhie - -WOrka of 'Burns & W bile are doing a good -business - and are getting out some, --very tasty je n . of Dead Sunwsand M nutmeats. ..11.,,iinno t :o1 the igie Ara f e ,its abut fos truSe- anti ' has •: . designa . lit !lead Stones . and 4.llt,filliilents. Any tiviiols•lett with trim will be- prOmptly.. :by.Bu - rnb W • r, • • -f- • •,• &LIBBOMALWAIMMT. .X. , 4 J.3Le r1E1."117'."'132.-. DRY GOODS • . Jilt; 00 ODS D D D RY A olii' DRY 6 1 00D6 DRY 'GOODS ---"Ccuteass' 11.EATY •, BItOTI RS :A: . (30,- Fine Line of GROCERIES as Cheap as ever. JAMES ZEIWASII. Has just opesei s GOODS! 000DS I DRESS GOODS ! of all 'style DRESS GOODS ! and County Business Directory. l'wo limes lzkibio Dire* tto 7. one veer. *LBO; esti; 10 dittos* i line. Bti cents. MUNI RUM IWOI7 r. Stater. Wholesale, •'.41144111 dealer in all kinds of slate meting. slate paint. Me., Roofs nspalrett with slate , pawl to ordes: Aka. AO • paint forests bp the galleys nand. Moatruse. ILL INGII STROUD. General. Fire 'ant Life epee Agents. alro sett Railroad and Ageldellal Ticket* to Nevi Volt and rhiliedelpblar. Office dooreastof Wm. I Coupes • Co's bank. Gulf D 4.00. fleas in Storrs. hardware; and Menai ewers of Tia and Shert-1 up ware. eat - ner-ol Maio sad Turnpike streeL A. N. Builard. tholes to Groretier, - Provisinas.Bo* . Stationery and Yankee Notionst at the head ef lic. Ammons. WEL U. 000 PER CO.. budtera k SeilForeign Pao. ear; Tickets and Drafts op lingland, Ireland, sad WK. L. eta. flamers tanker and desks In all .m cies *ma, kept by the tr:a i.e. opposite the bank. JANF.B B. 0.%1Lil %LT. Attorney -at-Law. (Mee ma door below 'Parboil *fonts. Public Avenue. U. RQSNNTHAL, Auctioneer. Care S. Filhnan & Co., Montrose. Pa. NEW MILFORD. SAVINGS bANK. NEW- MILFORD. Six pee. reit. iaiereet on all 'eposite. ..Do a general Unitive btsfiner64. . S. B. cliablE & CO, H. amiss? a SON. Denier in Haar. Feed ti . Mee.' Salt. Lime. Cement. iitocetira and Provisions, as. ?datum:reel. %vertu , stieDepot: ST. P ICIMARR. *triage: Maker. Picture Framermidi Undertaf.er. a few Folio from Phinnera 11,14 new ML S. Oath GREAT. DI ND. • • - P. DORA*: Merchant Tailor and ;dock ,in Made Cbthing. Dry Onods. Drocerieir add Prtsvii= Main 8 root. _ RESIOVAL.' .. ''. ''..:., ' . ...'„':::-' .:. S TD-P.BidN*--4*311/slllr,\A - B,!.QQ:K .sltartz NO. ST COURT STREET Oppiette'llmt IZealllaLfti Hot ^l, and next door to iM PSOrk 16004 where they are better reports:l to the public Oa% !titer b-6)re. Tbs% balm jut.* - ?bo}.balm • ADDED TO . THEIR sToeff .e.;llkelangest. and UM: Isli*itaxout Vital 11 I=ik ai grp . e ever ogled in thi • market, eequistkig all the nilli.renve rade*. Irani the ertemp est to the tile of. Sfde wait auiU ceiling tleeorntions. rettirtr., • p 1 ora . divorative bor.- , • tier. whitlow. on,a4nt4 dte. Tniiir also keep in stock tlk totitus. • • I • • „ „ sPriment miscizaticsolf: ANT , tri%lN DAR!) 1100101 t . kt-t. t now Mt)gi, .etiva,4l,7lix ft 4 kiliift ,Alle invite on/ nntrnms - ,nnd the putt W: l leritt 1 : 4 4: 11 211 : 41 ' ,4 'iarfikitr , fi1ur - stner:atio OM our nriepg flt ilittr : Orly store NO '5l VOVUT *RANK, il—Yl 4,? 1 ,e1;r _ olow Rama: Apra it let •-•1 - • r41 , 4 1* 4, 1. 4 I ) 4 13 °Z . '1111.44-N1( -j`4' AT THIS- OFFIOIL , , - SHAWLS, 041bli Ilingbasstatt N. Y, harenactord the* *Cross the greet. to MEE '77 thi.Bzon l / 2 B. - STROM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers