, 1 21 Ind MUNTROSE, PA.. MAY 9, 1877.- Ilie'Philopophe' es Seale. BY JANE TAYLOR. A inohk, when his rights aseereidal were . o'er, In. the depths of his c 11, with hit. 4)rie-cover ed floor , • Resigning to thought his chimerical brain, . Wee farmed the contrivance we now shall ex lapit); • • • But . w inther by mag'cls or ,itichemy's: powers We know net: i ; ndeed, 'tis no business of ours. Pgrhaps it is only by, patience and carts, ' At lest he hrniight. his invention to bear, In youth 'tWaS rejohied, but Years stale away, And 'twas complete. he • was wrinkled and glItY ; But t uceess is sure, unless energy Ault at ItAgtu prhiluced the "Philosopher's . I (ity hat are they ?" you ask. You shall present! Iy see : These scales were not made to weigh sugar an d i tea ; 0 no I tor Fuel properties wondrous bad they, 'l' at qualities, feelings, and thoughts they, cliuld weigh, Togett - er with articles small or immense, Fl i plll mountaius or planets : to. atoms of sense. Naught was there so bulky.,but there It would Aitd naught so ethereethut•there it would stay. The first b e weighed was the head of Volaira ~' • Whieti. ibe 'wit that had ever been • here; As a we girt be threw in the torn scrap of a leaf, Contaming the prayer of a penitent thief • When me skull rose aloft with so souilert a spell, • That it bounced like & ball on the roof of the cell. One time he. put In Alexander the Great, • With the garment that Dorcas had made; fur a we ght •, • And though clad in armor from sandals to crown, The hero rose up and the garment went- d4wn: A long row of altr.sh , :uses, amply Endowed By a %lel! esteemed Pharisee, busy and proud, Next loaded, one settle, waite the other wto . • • pressed • By thotic mites the poor- widow dropped ipso - ►he.ctttst Up,.fl , •w the endow ment,not weighing an ntinee, And - down, down the farthing-Worth carne with .a hounce 7 . . - By•further experiments, (no matter how) ". linind that ten Chariots weighed less than a rilow A 4Word With gilt trappings rose. up in the. • Sea.V, Thongb balanced by only a ten-penny nail ; A. and n helmet. ti,buckler and spear, Weighed kss than tfiti i'widow's•unerystulizeo . . . , tear. . .. Y. • A. lord npd a lady went up at full sail, When it be chanced. to light on the opposite . EC4II! ;- ' • . . Ten noctors, .ten lawyers, two courtiers, one •.' urirl; - ' . • Ten counsellors' wigs, ful of powder. and Curl., All hiliped In one . balance, and swinging from thence;. Weielted . ien than a few grains of. candor and trns4.l ; ; A. irst. vi er dituntind f with 'brillian ts begirt,, ,Than one good potato Just Washed' trout: the dirt ; „, Yet. not mountains of sfter , and gold. could suffice One pearl, to., outweigh--'twas -"the _pearl . 01 ..great price."' ; - Last of all, the great world was bowled in at the grate, • Witte ate soul of .a beggar to serve as a weight; When the former sprang up with so strong are l•titf,'' • That' it made a vaet rent and escaped at the roof! When tad:owed in air, it ascended on high, Aid sailed Op aloft, a balloon in the sky.; White the scale with n soul in% so mightily tell, That it jerked the out of his cell. . THE WARDEN'S DAUGHTER. MARION Hide was 4 cripple, bnt for ,till that stiO'wes beautiftii. father was warden in. a prison. .• Among the prisoners was our at the remisteriog of whose : name at :his entrance Marion had 'been presentood something in his youth- Jul, 'liing') sulkn face, attracted her glatice. He had stolen mpeatedlv from his benefactor, and. finally into the houSein the 'night timea : g . a: of burglars who had secured considerable booty . and 4nade off tritil it in Safety, save One, nfterieverely Eviundin4 the pro prietor of. the house. This one who wto not able to escape . betray, d the Compli• city of .the.young man . In the Wait—.Hr was tried,Couyicted and sentenced. There was no rede , ming feature ap parently to the story, but somehow that face !limited the girl's thoughts: Per haps It Was because she had si ' , young . brother who was a wild lad, witederiog just now in disgrace,no one knew whither, and all the ,more tenderly loved by Mar ; ion, Lecause of his sad ways. • Oce 4111'340w leaned on the window sillyloolung_With wistful sadnepainto the yardat the prisoneTs, one of them looked up, and, changed as ; he was in every wan, thin feature, she knew again the.black, sullen eyes that - yet were somehow like air angry, obstinate child's. Her glance followed him as though fascinated, and as be passed from sigki she sighed 'softly, Lind went to look at tbe prison record for the poor lad's name: It was Aymer Preston. The tiext she knew, of hint lie, was in the sick surd. - • .(-.Fur.. a few weeks she saw, h t here:, but the:iipontyeyes 'tte'Ver soften, d, only before - them from their soekEtS; Or hid - .Therriseles obsti nAtily. behind their traet: d lid fie never . spoke, he,' Ecaredy ate,;-,Li K 1 the pi ism, fold.. .Marion be teas dying of sheer inaOtion.. "1.0:i - my opinion he's; trying to starve _iai.mseltr*. - t,o he, - •' - . Pillion drew , near.t.hesiok. land-oyer.:11:1*. ,sptike . wish igentterflyninei :'; . Bot she, might ae - well havti- talked to , ttle'filatik mit for "a ll the alga he gave of havitig:heaxd-her. Marion , left the ward with' a shocked void unxiouslace. . "Let tne kiitiw if there • i$ any chanc b e. or anything.-..ifiat X can do," she - thensaid to the doctor. • But at dusk;the; doOor was called away by eerions hie' : own famity, and Hear mitt light the; assistant, .going his rounds, found Aymer Preston dead in bed. "It's either make believe or heart break," Dr. Putney said, sharply; whet, wind was brought - him, and he ordered' ttlarPrestOtt's body - be kept in blankets retheved till. he. saw. it. • The order .was obeyed, btit' when. three . days saw no change 'in the form; Dr. Put fit y having meanwhile ,examined it, it was removed to :the '4isseeting room. Marion Hyde's 'window 'conuitanded,i' View 'it - -.this ;mysterious' and "ho;4or•iii.;: spiting apartment,- As t3h wotoodiat her window that tijght, She; though t ~ with ti vague tlirill'ot„pnin, of,. the.: one. cold, still temint of that . terrible rOpm. Shea was 'net': a aiiperstitions creature, , nor td.'nervotiB= - nese- so, .when Sh6 -, .siiw the : 'of the iissecting : room ,:.slowly lilted, and it gaunt, wild lace . anpear at the,opening„: i:istead .SeretiMing.or- running away, she stood 'She knew that' her heart tiv thrObbing wildly, but she knew also that ;it was no - phantom:She, looked upon Putney had, been yightail. the time. Aynier Preston,,. wag; nat..j.lead t :n.tithus he was making inie Wild . :0114:, for liberty. 34anqii HYdeikatid. aii44titched' ...She 'could 'ttot. have': ealled . - out then if he had been: the:: most 'desperate and hardened criminal within those walls. Besides, the poor, wretch' was.only mock ing-himself. - Ile could 'not escape even now, unless' by a ,mirocle. She,.saw him stop presently -bimide. a winch*, 'which opened into an upper hall,. and after an effort'taise it .and eowly Crag. himself thiough,. ObeyinEr; an impulse that - she could not at that moment 'control, :Marion softly opened her 'door and. passed onrwithOut her crutch for fear of the .bols • She reached the hall do 4 just. as tats poor, wasted creature, . after .w brief rest wv urging 'paralyzed • limhB to . re , newid •eff )0%; At the - ,t.iaht of her he gasped and -VII nto a swoon, and Marion hurried liffs:side. She -dared not leave hirn she. :fubbing his cold hauls between her tender palms; unlit he at lase. opened his eyes, and she made him comprehend that - she wanted hith to come with her: .• - - - ' • won't .go backtg prison,r.he, whisper hotween his . Set teeth. “y„ u need Hot.” simply,- and led him:to her. own chamber. • • . There was positively-do other 'place' that iVali safe from lite stria 'search that site littew wiiuld• be instituted as soon'as he was discovered missing,' Slue procured him some garments which:l4d beloilged to her broth4.atidrhmught Some food . that it . would . .be safe . for•hint to eat after his loth! . fast. ."What, has'been the matter - with me?" 'he a.ked after a while. not.stir any more than though I . were dead. but I knew Atha' was going on 0)0k - in..: Ugh . ! it was :Irightfut waiting .{hers in that disse , ettrig room. • I helieie: it was only the horror of It helped nie break the (Halt t ful spell" sup Pose you *-were in a sort of a " Marion said, thoughtfulk% are you going to do . with mer lie esk.4l, again. "1 don't know, I'm sure," she said, with a sigh, "but you are . safe •ht. b re, till I can • "I' don't expect yoti to Mine me, but I am as'lnnocens..of- the crime for - whiCh, I was brought here as yeavare." "Guitzy, or innocent, I pity :: you, you are so •ys,ung.". . - Goncealiog him tilt the hue and cry were over, Marion .sintiggled him through the gates in a AvOman's dress with a- bas t ket of aoikdinien. .Aod . so the mystery of Aymer - firtStoir's . -escape remained a mystery. : • • , . . * * * * Three, years moved on. . Marion ways. twenty-five. Her father was,dead.'. Her idolized brother had . perished is a brawl. She was'alone-in the woild; an invalid, hying on, the merest.tAttaiit•enrned with her needle, but the _same sweet-fac,d, sweet. voiced girl who had won' the hearts of the - Tiriqinera in the gloomy abOde of Which - her father had . been warden. :One day she was sent for •to see about some embroidery. She was,reeeived by young lady, and Something in the young girl's bright fade drew :Marion's glance unconkcionily. Where had she vet,. thOse eyes, so imp. and so: intensely black ? .g , Why do you look at me' r - asked the ;von lig. girl, with naive .eagernes.... "You remind me ; of sonie : one I htive known," Marion answered, - simply. "No one eter accused me of looking like any brie but 'Robert - before," laughed the - Oa . "Ab, yes you do. I. sea the res , -mhlnnee ilow,quitk,!strong.",anti Marions face flush-, ed wish emotion. "1 1 .-rlmps 374,ii are ie ltited to him.- His name was. Artier Preston." ‘.`ol)crie'd the 'young girt, springing „ np, "and you,ari Jam,. yourprinie is %Anti Hrd('. Ten ri1;'4311% it P . : . I kneW it; iSh, silint. wail y.oii Ka?" She vAniFhed from .3fariot's astonished eyeF with the . words on twr tips; . Shp . was hack, hitTeveri in - ii • tricP..and with nifrne ;dark: - hairO, heavily heimted gentiorpin,.. - . "Mitrion Elvde?: Is it, ronihle r Px<imed, tenth the little !rein. , Wihg bands in his and putting them over and over_igain -to--his him,' which 'v/ere quivering , with f-:"Burely ,you " Yon — you are Avtner . Preston," stam mered Sfariun. - "1 Wail .ityiner Preston, Rtihert oU' PrOpeity - 011 .111 ave . 80 . 1000 fur '.you Vitinly, : MariOn .Hyde. My.':proSperity.4lts . 'teen bitter to. me . till :new 1, 'find 'yint. Oh! you Shall, never touch needle or work again." • . • "NO,.indeeki, vow shall not ":chimed tieen - • the meantrof - this happy'renOgnitinn ; and -as she . said it, both: arms were arpund :Marion's neck,' and She was-Sobbing and : kissitig'her al ternately: "Robert always Said : he would .never marry any body but youiand.you'll. have him, wii . 7t you, dear ?" . , •: . have proved my innocence or. that etiarg,e of . inbiling tntt guardian,"; said .11i•bert, gravely. ".Bat it was king be fore I could do so. I. followed up the w:in:whose testimony eon vicied me, till he lap dying; and gave 'me a writen, eon,. feSSiori. Of 'false . witnesses. . 'guardian paid .13 lin to injure ~hie. He wanted me out Of the way.. 1 will not he . so abrupt •as ask, , you- to marry me now,'. but as' - this rash, sister of mine has said-so much, I can : do no less, than testify. to , its truth. - I have . always loved your sweet, dear facei Marion.' -. 1 Shall never. cease . to wish it, my- face till that - wish is realized." ,- - And .then the left Marion' to hiS sister's petting and soothing. "This . inerring I . was alone-41ot a' friend in' the wide world, and now--" . A burst of tears sane to her relief. She is Robert •Ließson's wife now, and her beautiful eyes are as dove like a ever with 'compassion for 'the anfortupati% M. up . the - Coin." A,TRANSA lON WITH MUSTANGS ,IN• SANTA ROSA. A large crowd: gathered yesterday on, FOurtl: street, in' Iron t.Of 'the court house, :attracted by the moving streets of one of the old htrildingS - from, John Taylor's lot. The building was about fifty feet long, • had been mounted on four wooden, truck wheels with •ii.pair of 'wagon wheels in front, to which. a. team of six stout mules were hitch e& Alter many tugs the old house started, ti e le driver Veliing; and the mudifying`iill over the side walks,' scattering the crowd and ,hespatterifpg the 06(1(( , ss of Liberty on the dome or the courthouse. After au hour's'time they sticeeeded in drat:l:ging the building about one•hundred and fifty feet. Within a feW feet of the 'crossing from the recerder's office' to Byline storv, they stuck fast, owing to a Might rise. in the street - Made -hy the crossing. The driver shouted ;himself hoarse, this six big mules thiunderrd .about in the mud, but not an inch could they budge the old u crowd increased, and bets Were trade' that, they would never start it auttin. • teamster from .the ro.lweeds, with four mustangs had stopped to watch the-performance- 7 -a .smooth - faced . , .ath letic loung fellow. He said . nothing ; un til rouse: d, perhaps. by a splash. of :mud, he ualked to the-front, wiping his face on his ah eve, and said : ain't . g‘,t but three dollars. but I'il bet'every cent of it, that my: four mustangs ,willj start that rookery oat of. there." here was,a'de rieite laugh from. the crowd, and half dozen 'takers. Prit'..'up the money," said the teamster'. "If I had". more or - knew where to borrow any, I'd see the lat-of you.". The .bet was taken Jerry Fanner' held stakes. the six -mules were, rakeit off and • the four mustangs hitched on. Meanwhile the interest of the crowd Mt:reused and bets were freely made with big.. odds against the tearnSter.' - When ready to . start the excitement was - at a high pitch. - The little mustangs bent to tin ir work, but the house' did not move. IHe started them again, no go. Nothing, ' daunted, the tearnster, in answer _to 'the: 'crowd, who were chaffing him'from'• all, quarters, said : Jim Shaw, was here: l'd - get the money and brt $5O that ,could 'start it. :I ain't got . 'eni warmed up yet." "I'll.lhet $5O agamit One of your-horses," said well known livery man, "that You pull it,; five feet. ft's a whack," said the teamster ;- "put up the coin.7* The. money was handed to jerry Farmer, the stakeholder. -Another tug; the little mustangs seethed to' humti themselves; but .no go. ."I'll bet - you another $5O agiir . that: ,mares mate you can't do it," said the .-hvOry man, eagerly. "litone," 84id. :the. 'teamster:: bet the lust: howl Of you may swing me to one of - theta oaks hi the utaza if they can't do By this time the .xcitetnent Was, running high among. the -104rkers on, and .the bettt were n timer; .ons. One bet .slo6.he could. not 'do it. and the 'teamster gat - a friend' to take the bet for Min. Those who had watched,the ,teamtter closely - now noticed . a change in his. manner, a curious smtle no his countenance. le walked up to each horije. ,- siccessively,• tapped OM on the rump with-,the butt end of- his black= snake,' and:sto to each: : "Stand up-there now, -in your- harness.'... For the first time he 'mounted the. near wheel, seized :a single reio, turned his team . off. swung them baelo.gee;" cracked his whip, lin lie al, yell, af.d, as th4 . strai'ghtened, the .ntiwteldy . load rose' over. the ObSirticiion like an hulk ever a swell Ott sett,• greet, d by almrst of' aprilanse - horn the byiztandem "You Seri-, b 45.7 said the, reali.l . 6t,ol'; .with helti 7 the time' know lust . what--they eau :do, and ! ". ivitti a• childlike smile-ittsk _to r tnalie - do . - it.... Oroppett the tivo - :overcoat . poolcet..;he:4:l44 . give $5O out; that "ar:*ake :if: .840 _had, -1 ) . 01(: : ::1*.o . , : 0::00*'1.,fiji:,t, le* .bcolsrrnoB3z4 PLANING MILL LUMBER VAR JD f. Hi! .In order , to better accommodate - Me coromunity.the understgued has established a depot for the sale °, Ltuuber Slanutucturedat hit newly-erected bulklihg on thtpld Keeler tanderyllite, hi the MIA.RT OF TOWN r when willbe kept constantly on hand. A full stock of W HITS :AND YELLOW PINE, lIEMLOK ; OAK, AS11; MAPLE AND .BLACK - WALNUT LUMBER, _ • whlch.with the aid of the most linproveti machine y ant' competent workmen. iN preparedto work intoany thape to meet the wants of Customers. WELL SEASONED LISMIUSH, INCL"DING SIDING , FLooItING. cHILING. SHINGLE AND LATh CONSTANTLY ON lIAND. Planing. Matching, Mouldingi. and Scroll Sawing, cone to order. WAGON, CARRIAGES - it SLEIGH, bIiMUFACT4DRY in c,o nnection wi th the shove establishment. tinder the managemunt of Mr. R. H. Rogers. Examine,our work before (caving zone. orders elsewhere. Repairing done promptly. A. LATHROP. Montrose. September 29th. 1879. , BILLINGS STROUD. a E.NEI?.4IL PINE, LIPS AND ACCIDENT . INSURANCE AGENT L ctiztr c, es 3E' a, . Capital RbOresetited, X 100,000,000 Fire Association of . Phil .. Capital & Asoeta,.s 3,500,011 lupurauto Co. or N.A., Null., " " s,lltru.uUu Peouttylv :lila loire,, Phil., ' 1 - " 1,..00,91)0 Imi, k.;.,.0f the Stat.: or Penhql- . • ' vatiia, Polk. P.i. - , ~ .- itlO,ooti ,Lycoupilg of Mao Hoy,. Pa. " " ~. 6,000.000 Laocaster or - Laticat:Aer, ' " , " - 400.0tAl• /Newtori of Newttr., - . " " .1.50.04 dome f us. Co., :N. Y., i. '• 6,00E000 NatiOUa t " " as IA -' . .15%000 Co mercial Fire - " ~ ' 4 450,utti Fairfield rite i us. Co. South ' • , Nor Walk,. Conn. " - ''' . :112 - ,coo 'Atlas •. • . .. w ow) R oyal Can:Whin. of • Montreal; Canada. . •' ' 6 . i 1.200,Nut Liverpool. Linidon & Globe, I of Liverpool, ling,.. ."' • ' 9 - 21,000,000 , 'PrOVidetictr t% arhingtun, of . • ' Providence. It. 1., 41 I • " - .., koci,ooo Trade Intl. Co Camden, N. J.. " ' " --, 210,0 - Patt,terson .Wire In Co. liatvav • .. son. N. J. ' - ". " - 340,011 t Conn. Mama' Life I r.s. Co., lossett e 140,000,01 k American Life, PLi_'a. a+ . $3,00u,q1.15 Travelervin s. Co., Hart., Capital and Surplus $3.000.000 Hallway Passengers 64 $50(400( Theandersignedhasbeen weiknownin thisconnty,fi the put 20 years. as an Inaurance Agent.! Lupo. 4titi talnev by hie Compainies have always been promptly Officeup Atairs. in banding' cast Croat Ranl•ini. Office of Wm. 11.Coopor SCo., Turnpike 'street. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CHARLES it..sinTn. t Office Managers. AMOS NICHOLS. I • S. LANGDON, Solicitor. Montrope. Jan. 5. 1876. N E T ARRANGEMENT The People's ➢rug Store. I. N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. R. KENYON .Druggist & Apothenry PATENT NEDIOINE EXPORITIN The undersigned would respectftillyannounce i.e all the people everywhere. that to his already extensiv stock and variety' ut Merchandise in the Grocery „Pro viston.and ilardware„line He has added a vt ry choice assortment of PURE DRUGS. PATENT MEDICI:VBS. - SHUSHES. PER FUMERY. arc.. which he flatters hiss It Wean assur e the public they will find it to their advantage to exam ine before purchasingelse where. TuallPhyeicianr In. this auction of the county, he-would respectfully an-' nounce that he has , iectired the services of It. Kenyon. as Druggist and Apothecary. hose long exnerienceand acknowledgeo care and ability. entitle him to your en tire contiderice in the lineal compounding medicines or preparing prescriptions, and who won.d also esteem it an especial favor to receive calls.from a vof his old -ustomers or newones. Niilmake the Pt ;eut Medi sinesa specialty. Also Domestic and Foreit. n Mineral Watcrs—an extensive stock, AlstifineGrocetics!— LBIBIG'S EXTRACT oF BEEF, FRESH BALMON , .PICKLED 1t CANNED OGAVIR. LOBSTERS, PEAS. coax, BEANS. OYSTERS. Am, Ito. in fact, anythng and everything thit is ordinarily need ed. Respectfully soliciting a call, I remain I. iv . BULLARD. Powder! Powder! Powder! Mutiny, Ride and Shot Powder. Shot. Lead, Gun Tubes, Cape, Puncher, :Flaika, - lure, /he., atc.. ac.. for rale "hy. I. N. BULLARD. MOntrose. Sept. 9.lS74—tf. C 0 ..& A. CORTESIV , Elrit LigArPj? Eiralfia2,OßDP.it •ANIT 11EALERi 13 DRY GOOCS, MANI I*(jGGD§ .110SIERY. GLOVES, Hai r Guudr ,. itibbons.Terittpiery Axii'Nuttune, 4 -40.50-7 FULL LiNE 014 1 O,OTLIS AND CAS SI M ERES FOR ;MAWS AND-ROTS WEAR, 1%0. 411-COVItTiIiTitEET, BINGHAMTON, N. -CARiAS ORTESYt ANTHONY, COWBOY. 7 .44/I) ik an.' L-li.. ACC !,DENT. ONEt TALKS! Theseiici prices -THAT - I4URT- (not the catithaterj bpi other dealer* wholind isnit bectura it iVoilt. theft predlia. -They aervrt tint H cannott gwditi pric ce natiedAhooe , Pratte are ot for a. hail. - bat ate pit: e and will be teltilled in everypartici:la . Cali alai sea for yourselves. i MONEY. EAVED . IS MONE EARNED • • • INEBSTER The Clothier's PRICE ILI B T 1 For FALL & WINTER 1.876.7. . I Good heavy burineta rafts ----_- - - - --- 4- $ 704 Diagonal eilit mixed rultr 1 85, Heavy eassituere rnitri i 804 Barket worsted aura.- I' a - , WOG F , ney plaid easpimere nits I-, - i- - II 00 Eugliqi Domini& snits - - - - - - - - ---- .1 - 11 08 French barkat *nits - ..... .4. -Noe Ail Wool tiro id cloth coats • 7 5,1 1 Heavy Aims tray overcoats -.- ..... 4to Chinchilla ove:enate - - - - - ---- - - -- ;- - 7,0 Fur Beaver iivereoata . : ' 154 Fine,diegonal overcoats - - - - - -- - - - - - ,- - 1200 .. Union Beaver overcoat -•- •• - *l - •.7 no Fteneh BeaVer overcoats - -- - --: ------ - " 4 00 Boys' Clothing -3 to 10 years. Heavy mixed rchooirnita a 50 calielmere• knits - - ---- - - - - I - lies Dlaironal and harket suite - - - - --- - -- - -; .. 461 Stout overcoat* - - - - - - - . .- - - - -.. 444 Cape and ulster overcoats - - 4 BO 4BO .. Boys' Ch)thlng-9 'to -15 years. Heavy mixed school *nits 5.00 neavy cxerimere *nits - Diagonal and basket. : *tilts - - , -7. Heavy every-day overcoats, -- - - - - 'om Chinenilla overend a- ' . - - ••4. - 6,10 Beaver and Fur Beaver overcoats - '• . - Cape and Meter overcoats - . 7.01 Youths' Clothing 16 years to men's slips. , , - Good undershirt or drawere -: - Good knit jacket* • - - - . . 4 irg Good wool Wits - - - - 1 .•• • .100 Good cotton socks --- - - • - 11 Cloth covered folded' end c,cllare - - • - 4 14 A,nd all other goods in proportion. EirThe highest price paid _l'oe prime batter et WEBSTEtt'S. Sept. 20.1876. N EW ,STORE. LYONS & CO, llaie opened a store in BITICHARDVILLE. . i • DRY GOODS, GROCERI:ES, HARDWARE, TRUNKS & SATCII4S, PAPER .HANGINGS, ,i FLOUR A SALT, '..IiOOTS I tiIIOP , RUBBER*, and kinds- of goods that are wanted. ' • Dr. Jaiyne,'s Family Sediethee, 4 -Le. All are invited to'-cull and see how well they - cando by buy inq ut J. - WESLEY lIVBBARD. Alrehardirille, Pa., Dec. 20, 181fitf., ConRECTION 1 • Rumor has R thathaviirt been' elected County TM.* urer for the ensuing three years. I aril to discontinue my Insurance huhines. Said ItUblOR is UN'IItUE. sad without foundation, aild while 'thanking sou for kind netts. and ..pprezitition of good Insurance in the paq, I ask a continuance of your patronage, promising that al business entrusted to me shall be promptly otteneed to. My Companiesateiall sound and reliable; as all can tel• tify who have met with !crapes du: ing the past ten semi at my A f ter.cy. Head the List i North British Mercantile, Capital. gneetn , of London. • Old Franklin: Philadelphia, 11.61. eta, Old Continental. N. Y.. •• ftld Phrenix of Mulford, Old Hanover. N. Y., Old Paimere, York. abaci reprosvnt the 'New York MntaatLirelne . ranee of over 30 ,veare otanding, and tippet* cher $30.000.300 M A'po the aeouie Mutual Benefit Ateociation of Pena. eylvsoia. Fast in Aecldental Policy .Covennc all accident., in the Flartiord Accifent lns. Co Policies w•rittca from one diks to. one :year. Only 25 cents for a $3.000 Policy. Please call or bend word, when you take a trip Very respectfully;:".. t HENRY C. TYLER. Montrope.l4..Jan .19 1876.--tf H. 3E3'crzzi:76xorirry Would callattention - to hie New Stock of FALL. AND WINTER . GOODS! Now on Bale, In neW DMZ 0000102 LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND . COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS. SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN. NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SKIRTS, VELVETS,HOSIERY,- HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS. DV ", • - LO AND LAP ROBES, PUS, . S AND CAPS; BOOTS Ja) SHOES, HARD WAREIRON,N AILS, • STEEL, STOVES AND • GROCERIES, ETC. • In greatvariety, and will be sold on the - mai favorable terms, and lowest prices. H. BURRITT. New Milford, Maylst, 1875.—tt. Bw9HAvroN 1300 K "BINDERY P. A. 110 PF tt; SO.NS, PRORIVroIIi No. 41 (.!otrt, Street. 2d Plitt* Dinghimton, N. Y. ' I ALL S*.ES OF BINDING AND BLANK 8:011 APANUFACTJRING `AT RE100:4 RIE PRICES. 'filnglindltpn. Silky IJr DON TA?N, • 11JIINISMING .... UNDER. _:, .„ . .:.,.: ...,, TAKER , BINOILAM °No ' N. Y.* The latent intprovnd Coffin, and Csketkon band.- !Uwe to 91tee.,, egrovis, etc. ; ',oh) 19,'14. C. 11. WEBSTER, Jn. 62 and 64 Court Street. Bingliemtan, N. T. $ 10 ,000.f01 2.000,1110 Set 00,10. nearly 3.000.0011 • • Milo. ' " 1.6430.04 ** 1.01)0,006