T-1 1/ foe M.ONTII.OE,' ,P 4.., :,- .g..k.Y 2, 1877. WEEE, All eyes are now turned toward Eiirope, fn anticipation of "a general copflict into which the different powers are likely' to be drawn sooner or later. R 1113911 31 who seems to be the prime mover in precipi-.- tating - a miflict, has concluded not to make any farther advances for a few days. The Bucharest correspondent of the London Times says the action of the Ruisiam authorities in , closing the navi gition of the Danube certainly indioatei understanding with Austria, as it is high ly imprObable such a step would . have been undertaken against Anatrials views. . The Ituasisinsthi not appear to in tend to push rapidly' weatt.vard. • -It is apparent that- theiri operations will be undertaken leisurely in Western -Roiirnainia or _con. fined entirely in - the lower- Danube. probable that the lurks will be afforded an oppoitiinitY" of reflecting on their isOlated',and::dangerous position before they are called . upon to stake their for tunes on a decisive battle.. .. • ' There. was much excitement in the Pro : duce-Exchange, in New -York,..2sth .owingto the markd.s.dvancie in .the price of all grades of wheat flour. The ad. canoe on the lower • grades was frein .25 to 35 cents . barrel, and on the higher grades frow 45 to 50 cents. The in &ease w.aS.• a; continuation of . a 'strong feeling itilthe market that had prevailed for the Past four weeks. .The best grades are now from $2.75 .to 4.25 per .barrel higher . than the prices of-,:our weeks ago, while on the lower grades an advance of from $1.75 - to $2 in four ,weeks is' noted. The dealeriattribute the strength. in the market to the shortness of the last 'icheS:t crop, the anticipatod.iVar in Europe, and the .manipulations of' speculators . - itho have -- been buying and 'holding flour.. It is regarded as a sotheWhat curious circum stance that the advance in 80-wet-has not been accompanied by a proportionate in,- crease in the price of unground wheat. One a the dealers said that quotations could not be long kept up to the present figures; but he was confident that every war rumor. from Europe would be taken advantage of by the speculators to force up prices. \ The demand, bethought, was not so much greater than the supply, as some Of thp'speculatOrs would have the public 'believe. The bakers claiin that thelitifrease in the price of flower espec ially works to their disadvantage, as they are obliged to sell bread,, cakes, and pies at the same prices as they did. when flour was cheaper. - , - There was a shairV upward turn in the stock market at they close of last week's oustnesta. The late outslaught of Specu lators upon the lea : 4ing• railrordseeurities appears to have spent its force. Penn syl Tanis railroad stocks closed on Saturday at 37a37* and Reading at 121a13. Gold oscaliatei between 106-01071. The bank Atatetnents show a,rapid accumulation of legal tenders and deposits add a contract ion of loans. The indications are favor able for improved business on every hand. The failure of the large metal and itiardware bouse.of May. SG Co., was an-. -nounced in Boston on. Saturday after noon. Their liabilities are set down at 11600,000. The failure is more 'onion- larly noticeable' in. this state as a large '.portion of their indebtedness is said to be -due to Philadelphia creditors. The fail -are, results from' bad debts and 'shrinkage or : stocks on hand. Senator William' Browniovii . `died in Knoxville Terin4 -on .43andat last: He W3O known more generally as the "fiiht 'Ling parson." AdjutantCienerat Latta has isimed a circular order directing active prepara tion for the i. ' coming fall &z . inspection— ''There will be no mobilization of the en tire force, but:: the divisions 4 Will be re spectively inspsetei and will continue as organizations until after the completion of the inspections, The , high standard at gener4,ottained will call for the op eratitin49o4eut rules where compa- . ula-,O . ,:,trise lacking in compari aon'lvitk-ibeir fellows and a summary dispositlon' of all saoh-delinquehts. It his been' decided , tliat our govern. ment, 843 seen us'ofEeially informed of the. war in the:gast, must issue a proalaruai tion of neutrality, and - that all 'arms shipped to the r , combatants after:" that event -will jsie•at the risk of the shippers. The towtt ofPohi has been beinitittrded sad. burner by the Tnrk-e. A Pathetic S t ory of 'Welsh Fortinfdc: I The Loudon- - correspondent -'_of • the Herald .says may' . net . be surpris:ing . tO - learit that attention of Englaud has been turned: during the week from tliCeegatlier,ing -- Of armies in • the East and directed. to-a : little :hamlet iii SOuth Wales. It-is not hard to find in hunian, nature the teason for. : this. The looming war, With all itii'probabilitiesof slaughter, of •desolated homes, Of widows anti • or -phans. by - theihundred. _thousand, had only been regarded- in . 'the . popular. mind through diplomatic lenses. The, war was still, a.game oflchess,but stiffering,brought to the peOPle's doors, as it were, ,by the aid:.oc,the newspapers, caught, the sym pathies 'df the It 'was the' story of a disaster at -the -collieries. cCores of Buell calamities' to the Men who work -'Way dOwn in the dark taking their . lives by - hundreds at. a time, have occurred within -the .lest- few years in England, and the horrors them have arrested attention for a day" or two. They were stories : of sudden catastrophes; a IOW Subterranean :rtimbling • heard.; a column of isnioke rising into' : the air ;,the gather ing of white-faced women and children at the pit's niouth; after some hotirS•the bringing forth r of .griintny corpses in the .cage ; next - day 'a great funeral that shook -the wholeconntry side with its passion ate grief, and theh all over. All over in 'two or three days. - ':But there at Ponty pridd there !silt' prolonged agony.- The correspondents of the, 'Miming - and eVen mg papers poured. into London's - great ear hour: by hour the intensity of the ef :fort and suspense-that hung . 'arotind'the .Troedyrlilw colliery - until London could think or speak - of nothing else. • •-- An- explosion, folio iv,ti by an inunda tion, occurred_ ten days ago. Nine men were imprisoned bet ind a column, of coal 120 feet thick,. which had fallen with the first shock. There Was a mystery about their fate, but the, warm hearts:of the South Whales colliers ,decided swiftly that if ,sturdy . 'artns could unravel mystery ere too late, it should be done.• Work -was begun and willing hands were superabundant. .Night au&dartoil was unremitting,, and go it went for a week before the first ray of hope was given to the toilers.-- Ai the time rolled on the terest grew,..and London held its breath. in anxiety in learn the: fate Of the im prisoned or entomed.-• At length on Thursday last suliicent beee made to open . communication 'with a group of. the nien-five ' in number; the other four hailing wandered away to other parts of the mire.. Now came the awful moment. . 14. av e -, .reless; ceaseless and sleepless, the .rescuer worked: inch- by inch, to- their brethren - in_ .the living tomb, guideo :only their knockings from the ,glooni. As, the rescuers worked onward the voices of the men- in the dark could .be "heard- singing their Cymric hymns. - ,Teare cf joy welled-down faces black with coal dust at the solemn sOnnds that told them that God was strangthen mg the hearts: of their. comrades to.en- I dure till they could be Saved. At last a passage was - Made, and one by one, weak, .but Still alive, the fiveliien were taithe on brawny .: arms to the light of day. This was Friday afternoon. Hundreds 'of - - thousands. all over the land wept with joy. In. London the excite "Tient' knew no .bounds. .The home secre tary was questioned in the •Rou e of Com, mons to : know if the. news, wasauthen tic ; the Queen telegraphed down to Wales for a confirmation ; crowds gathered around the . newspaper buiet ins ;. - -the papers are full of praise. of the bravery' of the rea mers, the detiii:s of the rescue and the strong enduiance of the men who were' saved.'.The - Welsh bravery- of the last week :will be Sung in the Eistedfodd.i. of the Cymri for ages; . Advertisements New This Wass. • - ASSIGNEE'S NOTIc.E. A. N. Bullard having assigned all his .estate to the undersigned in trust for his creditors, all persons indebted by book account or otherwise are requested to make immediate settlement, and all having claims ; against the estate will please present them to A. B. McCOLLUM, Assignee. Montrose, May 2 ~1677. 18--22 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF• THE filist.Natioligßaillioflolitfoso, AT MONTROSE, , 131 TEE STATE OF PEAUSSYLVANIA, At the close of loudness, April 14,18'17. Loans and discounts...." .... -• '108,693 16 Overdrafts ' ° " • 5BO 68 11. 8. Bonds to secure , circulation ... 00,000 00 Due from approves reserve, agents.. - 82,401 66 Due from other National Banks.... ...... ... 9,47143 Due frorr. State Banks and Bankers ° 5,756 20 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 9,269 45 Current expenses and taxes paid 86749 Premiums paid ' 10 1 80000 Checks and other cash items "" 6,493 02 Bills of other Banks .i,.. .. . .. 2,001 00 Fractional currency (ineluding nickles) 77 27 Specie (including gold Troasury notes) 350 00 Legal tender notes ' , 7,805 00 Redemption fund with 11. S. Treasurer (5 per = cent of circulation) .... O5O 00 Total... .. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.. •". .. ' ' 100000 00 ~ Surplus fund ' 9000 Undivided profits ... 2,167 6' National Bank notes outstanding. : • 45,000 00 indivld'i deposits subject to cbeck-,... 48,082 30 Demand certificates - of deposit,— 31,045 93 Cashier's checks outstanding . 160 00 Due to.other National Banks .. 1;711 - 12 Due to Sta.te Banks and Bzinkors . .... 1,230 °,4 Assessment on Stockholders 6,160 00 Total 5244,366 3f; STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, • COUNTY 01 t II 3SQUETIANNA. Ci. E. ELDRED, Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that - the above statement 'is true to the beet of, my knowledge and belief,. • G. IL ELDRED - , Cashier , . • Subscribed and sworn to before ate thts:2sth day, of Aiirllo.Blr. - • L. SEARLE, Jr., Notary Public Comm—AM:4, N. S. DESSAUER.- I _. WM. 3. TURRELL„,-Drcctore ABEL TUREnIi, ' - jdoitrole, May ft, IRV RESOURCES. MEE A ucTio N ,.. . undt.irsigned;- assignee of Bait hi)l - Gattegan, of Silver Lake, will sell at auction, on the premises. on • - ' • • Vireduesday, Mayr9, 11377 at 10 o'clock, a. in., the following property I.'wo horses, - two yearling; two year old heifer, pigs, wagons. sleighs, plows' harne6s, shoyels, forks, and other articles 'too numerous to mention TERMS. OF SALE :—Five dollars snd - Uuder.;easit ; over $5. six mouths' creditovittt interest and approved ,"w - • • E. O!N.EILL,. Aseiguee..l May 2, , pUBLIC SALE ' -OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ! 'e undersigned will offer .for 'sale, at public vendue (if not Kevionely disposed of) at the residence of J. D. Goodwin, on Foundry Street, on Wednesday May 9th, 1877, at 1 o'clock. the folio sing,,valaabie pereoual prop- Five horses, two platform spring wag ons, 1 market wagon, 1 six-poet top buggy, a open bag; gles.2 lumber wagons, 1 pleasure sleigh, pair tail's, 3 set single harness, light team harness, mowing ma chine. cultivator, set extension ladders, 1 Stove, 2 bedsteads, and other articles too numerous to mention. "TERMS. --Alt sums .under $lO, cash ; $lO and over. eight months' credit with interest and approved se curity. , • • TAKE NOTICE--;The above articles will be sold without reservation. -IV - Please remember • the date. 'E..J. GOODWIN. May 2, ISTI. 1 - BUSINESS COLLEGE: - MONTROSE, PA. TIMID arnstraampt. rrimitats of tV.Is institution will commence; Tuesday May 1, 1877, . , and continue in session during . - the summer.. ENTER AT AN TIME. ' T S RE•AS 0 IV ABLIC, • Circulars 'containing full particulars to be had , at the College. or sent by mail. ' Address E. K. LOSIER, Principal. May 2, 1311. • SU • ASSIGNEE'S • - lei .4L. L 3W.• -4 Z?; REAL > PERSONAL 4, oi ° ESTATE '4 4 PROPERTY !-e f". - Pursuant, to an : order of the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna Corty, Pennsylvania. will be sold At public eale,oti.the pr quieti;irt the town ships of Ap'Wawa - and .I%iddietown, in said county, on Wednesday, the '23d day of Mal,. • A.:1), 1877,. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dby, tlit followiD, described real estate: FIRST PIECE.—A Valuable Farm, situate in Apolacon and 'Middletown. townships bound ed on the south by John B. Wilson, and public high way,•east by John B. Wilson, Edward Burtieck, and Jeremiah Coughlin; north by Patrick Welsh,jeremlah Coughlin, and lands of the estate of S. F. Carmalt. deceased; and wess by lands of John Bat num :and others, containing 65 acmes of land, more or less. The irnprovemnts on this place are 40 acres improved, two frame 'Louses, barn, fine fruit trees. valuable saw-mill, and water privileges, audio convenient to place of pub lic worship. schools, stores, and post-office. SECOND PlECE.—Situate in the township aforesaid : 13egirming at a corner of Edward Clark's land, in the line formerly of Thomas Jones ; thence partly by the same and partly by Patrick Kary. a bout north 100 perches ' - thence by lands of S. P. Car malt's estate, west 160 perches, south 100 perches to land of Edward Clark, thence by raid Clark, east, 160 perchcA to the beginning containgng 100 acres of land, more or less. The improvements on this • piece are about 40 acres of land improved, and frame barn there on. THIRD PIECE.- 7 The Assignor's inte- rest in the foll Owing real estate, situate in said town ships, bounded east by land of Newell Barnum. south by lands of John B. Wilson, west by land of John B. Wilson, and north by lands of John Goff and the estate of Samuel F. Carmalt, deceased, containing 100 acres of land, be the same more or less. Improvements on this piece are over two thirds improved, with frame house and barn thereon, orchard, and well watered. TERMS .OF , SALE : The terms of sale or the above described real estate are as follows : Two hundred dollnrs of the purchase money o* each lot to be paid on the day of• sale, two hundred dollars of purchase money on each lot on con firmation of sale, one half of balance in one year. and the balance in two years from day of sale, With inte rest on the whole sum unpaid" from date : ef possession. PERSONAL PROPERTY SALE ! Also, at the same time and, place the said assignee will offer for sale at pub- lic vendue, the following valuable and useful personal property : Two line caws, 1 span of excellent horses, 2 yearlings, lumber wagon, cutter, drag, 8 plows, cutting box, corn plow, 4 sheep, as signee's interest in 15 sheep. 2 set bob sleighs. set double harness, wheel rake, shingles, shingle kit, broad ax, boring machine, haying and harvesting tools, log chain, mill gearings, parlor stove and pipe, cook stove and furniture, potatoes, lumber, hay, and many other' articles. TERMS OF BALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY : All sums of ten dollars and under, cash; over ten , dollars, nine months' time, with interest on note with at least one approved , signer. Parties purchasing can not remove property until terms of sale are fully com plied with. Parties refusing to accept property at bids will be held•responsible for any loss on second sale. B. L. BALDWIN, Assignee of Newell Barnum. 18-21 May 2,18;7, FINAL CHANGE.. We beg to inform our customers that after three year's experience in •`READY PAY," and three , years • "CREDIT" basiness.we are convinced that the only sure road to success le the ''Ready pa) Eystem.'_' We have, there fore, decided to • . - • • • DISCONTINUE CREDITING on and after April 9. 1871. • „ - • We are grateful for past patronage and intend to sell cheep enough in the future to:make it an object to buy of• us. We tetie * made extensive arrangements for shipping butter during the coming season, and will make the BUTTER,. TRADE , . a specalty. _Will also pay highest possible price for all kinds of produce including hay Linn grain. • TEWE.t3BURY.4St EON. Auburn Centre, Po.; April 11, 1677.. 15-1 n A DIIII‘.T.ISTIIA.`,PRIX.'S NOTICE. In. CLthe estate of Jeremiah CC. Fo,ley, late, of Jackson, Letters. of • Administration in the said estate having been granted to the undersigned.all persons ow ing said estate. are 'requested to make immediate pay meat, and all parsons having claims against said estate are r ;quested to present diem without-delay,. ; • CATHERINE FOLEY. Adminietrat rix.,-De Boras Non. 'April, 181877. 16-21 e:rty..t6 wit -0 --- WAR ITT EUROPE t EXTENIIINg 'AS FAR - AS 31.014TROSE. For Dry Goeds 'arid Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Furnilling Goo . dti, -. Carpets, Oil _::Cloths, i&o., Ara, - while they can be bought at the extreme low prices they are selling at, prior to the possible advance in the, .• above line of goods, same as it has .been in flour, ete., etc., etc..: HAVING PURCHASED A VERY' EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF;GOODS, such as usualy kept by us, and at lower prices :than ever before,' we roved, • . the trading 'public to call-and examine our goods. promising ' • prices and qualities, combined to compare favor ably with allmompetitore, whether - - at home or abroad.'. - WE . HAVE Af FINE SELECTION OF CLOTHS. AND CALSSIMERS FOR special Custom Work. Take measures and - make garments it! order, guaranteeing perfrot fitting and:workmanship. - ' • M. s.DEssAUEM. Successor to Guttenburg, Rosenbaum Ar, co. Montrose, Pa. May. 2, 1877. I\TEW SPRING S-=T-40 -C-T -t--' CZ) XIC 4 C717 3Ellr, NEW . MILFORD, PA. . Hating located, in :the BRICK STORE for merly occupied by & W. T. Dielierman,l would say to my friends and the public gener aly that lam now receiving direct from New York one of the largest stocks of goods ever offer- - ed in this county, (and will be sold at lower prices,) consiating of DRY G OODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS; SH.OES, WALL-PAPER, REM)y MADE CLOTHING, Etc. These goods were bought for cash, with all poSsible tliseount off, and are to be sold on the same' terms. - • SPECIALTY-I have just received a1t1,000.00 SPECIALTY-Bankrupt etotic Clothing,pur- SPECIALTY-chased at a nominal price,which SPECIALTY-sVill be sold foritbout.one-half its SPECIALTY-value, (guaranteed to be 2 , 5 per SPECIALTY-cent. lower than the same goo& SPECIA LTY-can be bought in Binghamton.) This 'is not wind, but a fact, and you can be . convinced by examining , the goods. far . IS RELDYI)AY In looking the matter over I see that the credit system still: continues to increase its vic tims of buyers and sellers, while' the ready-pay system is growing in favor. O" There is no other way for a merchant to sell goods for a small profit than to demand pay when delivered. If there had been no credit system there would be no bard times to complain of. Try it for a year and you will never' go backward, bgt be convinced of its benefit. I am agent for :Mm i e. Demorest's patterns; also, take order, for Hanan & itadush's custom ` shoes. "The price tells and everybody tells the price. , [Ap.18,17.] 0. 14.1. lIA.WLEY. ONTROSE Borough- Statement for OA- the year ending Aprill2, 1811 - • • RECEIPTS. Balance 'April 10th, 1876. hi lianas of B. Thatcher. Treasurer $ • 90 89 Amount paid by circus.... ....... . !2000 . auctioneer. 500 show . 800 - W A Taylor, • High Coma.. 10 50 J J Young. for oxen 150 00 colltor of , bordugh tax 1,690 78 collector of dog tax 41 00 $ 2,01064 Amount paid by B. Thatcher on orders 1,959 59 • - Balance $ OHO • , eXPENDITIM,EB. • D Brewster, Street CommiesionerAbor, re pairs and feed for te4m ... 50°3 F B Chandler st al., Auditors D F Austin, et al., repairs on engine house. 143 87 H Cooper, work on street.... 16 00 John J Young, for , stone crossings , 165 40 Simon Casey, digging ditch.... .... . .... 450 W A Taylor. et al., pollee July t 18 00 W A Taylor et al., shoveling snow 69 42 C J Hollister, repairing on pump.— . ;.... 1;50 Andrew Young, mowing weeds 150 D Sayre, ribbon for badges..... 63 W A Crosemon, et al., costs and fees , 18 80 H 11 Frazier, hay and printing statements and notices 1815 and 1876. . . ..... ' 34 76 Perry Marcy, making road • , 98609 J R Lyons, for stones ' 20 00 A W ilertholf, et. al. costs and fees .. ...;; • 1638 0 F Fordham, building walk $25 61, repair . ing hose $l2 50 John Stout, filling cisterns J R Rayneford, coal at engine house M Gere, for stone and surveying:— .. Geo. Downing, shoveling snow..._ J R Lewis, stone and work W W Smith, work on sluice • W H Boyd & Co., stove for engine house... ' D F Austin, clevis . - B C Sayr e walk J B & Ait McCollum, attorneys D C Fornham, lumbar.— . J P Taylor, printing W A Crosemon. rent... ........... L Cox, Secretary, binding -book; postage and stationery B Thatcher. Treasurer - - Hawley & Cruser.•pnnting.... . .. Hugh Mitchell, pound and carriage hire... N0v.2,1874, 0 FBeebe, with use - $ 1 170'45 Oct. 4, 1875. •• ." 88156 interest .. • ' ' ' 100'01 fiept. 12, 1874, John j Young, With use ' *26P 00 interest . • . Aprils, 1875, Robert Strange, with use : - interest.. Oct. 9,1870. Perry .. .mercy, with' use ;" ' BO 00 288 00 interest. _, . . . . • 7 00 Oct. 9, 2876, F intere5t..:.:.....:::.:. •• • ••• •: 61 A W Bertholl • 9 , 63 W A Taylor • • •- • - 2956 D F Austin • B it A 8 McCollum - James' P Taylot Maivlay Cruser Total ',.1'...- -- ''' i '.';- " ' ' ' ''. $ .1.0,001-,27 We, the undersigned, Auditors of thd borough of . Montrose, have this day examined the •aecoeuta of B Trateher, Treasurer, and the orders paid• by find a halanee-in his t ids at' thio - - ditte of fifty-one and tiVe one hundreths dollars 451 05.) • Ulan (Sigued,) t 1 , - - ISAMAIAAMLIN. , F. n. (;HANDLit It; Auditiyo. .._ . . _ 1). T. BREWSTEIt. _ _ montrose. April 12, ISTI, . ' , ,11 -is.; . , it D 3 , liNisTrtsTors Nollics,--In the estate ni - Jane Armstrong, late of Montrose deed. Letters of minduistratidn'in the said estate hay ing been greaten. te4he tuadersigned, all persons ow lugj,a said estate are r make Immediate a equested-toa y ;gent, and all persons having Calms agalusteaid es to are requested to present them without delax. ~ - - A. N. BULLARD, 'March 28,'77. 13-19. "Administrator. . . , GREST GREAT PREPARATIONS ,MADE.,, • • - LARGE; SUPPLY CO i LL ,CTED. Immediate attack anticipated on the 4tore_ol awflrw 1:13M1363.11.11:7301-11. ORDERS UNPAID. -...," ,_. -.EXCITEM ENT TO THE TRAVELING. PUBLIC. It is generally conceded beyond a tinetition of doubt that competition is the life of trade. The LE TPI.S H O`U SS) is centrally,loca tee just around the • corner at the west -end of the kiepot for all the Railroads running into Ilinghamton, and two blocks from the business portion of our city.' This house curie into the possession of its present proprietor about three years ago, and it has been fast gaining in popularity among the traveling community; owing to, the many hioneements held out by its present public serve*, who now proposes to of. fer still further inducements. The_ luxury of a conven ient bath, especially during the heated and dusty sea son, is recognized by all travelers and for the comfort of our guests, the use of our well appointed BATH ROOMS will at their disposal free of charge. No extra charge for fire to guests stopping p over §ttlay. Baggage delivered free to and f-om our iiiincitnis Sam ple Rooms on Court street, the principal business street of the city. 1 TERMS, $2 PERIDAY; or 50c. per meal. and 50c. for lodging. I have no desire to go through the• utual preamble with regard to the luxuries and subetantials •of our- table.' bake nto cay, that if we cannot give perfect satilffactkm, , we will takejou and yours free of charge / and 'deliver you to the tender mercies of any of our geuttemanly com petitors. ' Rernectfully yours, WM. MANLY, Prop'r. sa"Special Inducements to patties attending Court. April 18. 1817.-2 m QTATEMENT at the Receipts and Expendi )J . tures ot Bridgewater township officers for 1876, as audited April 10,1876. • , Road du 16 85 plicate $ 2,315 77, Worked • • $ 2 t 2, nworked ' 99 42 - • -2, 815 77 Special tax duplicate.. -. 926 30 In Treasury.from 1875... 167 87 1,094 17 Exonerations:,...:...... 9 95 Orders paid . 914 58 Balance iu Treasuty (and .. ' • rio unpaid orders).... 169 64 - • 1,094 17 [lncluded in the balances in Treasury is A.Stone's , , obligation for -$162.41 . secured by bond.) - Dog duplicate... ..... '.... 133 50 In Treasury from 1875.... 44 74 - 17$ 24 Exonerations. . . ... 5... 15.50 Orders paid - 1 160 15 In Treasury , 2 59 ' 178 24 Outstanding order $lB 50. 1 , M. lE. Busa, ' - R. N.` TIFFANY, Auditors. April 18. . . CHAS. BROWNE, 16-18 MUSIC BOOKS, GOOD NEWS_ GOOD NEWS / A Sabbath School song book of great beauty, by R. M. Mclntosh, Is undeniably one of the best, and is already popular. Price 85 cts. SARQNI'S. THEORY' OF HARMONY. ($1 2) Just out. A thorough4nd excellent work. Is commenued toall who wish to study the science. a the tanker has, in a large degree, the talent of making dif- Atult things easy to understand. 9980 ' 960. 268 4 25 i a 6 1 25 9 00 17 00 606 THE SCHOOL . SONG BOOK. A new and superior Class Book for Normal Schools and Female Seminaries, is complied by one perfectly faMillar with the needs Of such schools. By C. Ever est. Price, 00 Me; $6 per doz. • 70 15 1 00 21 71 15 00 10 20 .24 50 JOON:TM BONDAGE. BY a. M. Chadwlck• Jul t out Is a bright aid attractive short Oratorio trr CCP tea. • Sure to please, from the beauty of the story, well as the attractive music 01 25 B 4111.; VI Piper.) Either book mailed, post free, for retail price. OLIVER. DITSTON Ik CO.. BOSTON, C. ak Dittos Co., I. E. Maga A Cl t 858 Broadway, Successors to Lee dswalker. New York, Philadelphia. $ 1 ,7 69 THE. PEOPLE'S MARK Montrose \ Pa. PHILIP HAHN, - • FRESti AND. SAL ME • PORK, BOLOGNA • - SAGE, ETV., 2239 1 25 17 00 2.75 10.50 of the befit qpitlity constantly on h i SUIT. CASII !PAID! FOR Stpeli. , Mentro 1)4., April U, 18M—tf, TOCONSUMPTIVES. , . 'the: adi'artifier; !Owing been permanently cared of that dread disease. 'Oonsaraption,by a simple remedy . Is anxious to make `known to his tallow sufferers the means of turn. '•To all who , desire It. ho will send I Copy of the proscription used, ( free of charge,) with the directions for preparing 01,114 nab% the same. which they will - Anti a sure cure for Consumption, Asthm Brouchltie r Me, Parties wishing the prescription wtu please 'address Rier. E. a. !mem, 194 Penn Street, Willisrusburgb, N. Y. • 3w* ISIIN*43MITTON, N. Y., ,Proprletor. \, 4' • 1 11A 31s, SAU and, at prlec:i to