The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, May 02, 1877, Image 5

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    MONMOSE, PA., MAY 2, 1877.
iirranement of Mails.
Arrives. Dwane
rr a .ii;hant) trek, . 5 Otip na 1,1 Ma in
• . La STAG-
Montrose Depoi,(baily,), 000ri m 620 a x
New I+l ilfortt.(pailY.). • .... 1000 a In: 1 attp
Wyalitelng , (Pal)y,) 045 a ni 'lO 00 p
Friel) weekly,)
60011 ra 800 am
Oonkltu Station,(trl weeklM . • :::700a 00 am
Ltingliamton,tia:SLake,(tri weekly).. 600'n m. 700 p'm
estioppen .(t ri w a ekly,) .100,0 a In
The Now York, (via Montrose Depot,) Naw 31ilfo.rd,
rnnichannock,and Wyalusing are daily. . • 1 - •, •
The Conklin Station mzfl rantk,Tnesdao;.Thursdays,
and Saturdays. •
Th e giughamlon mail, (via Sliver Lake,)`runs Tti es-
Jays, Thursdays. and Saturdays.
Fria ndsville mail rails T nasdays,Thttrsdaq ,and tat
nrdays ,
The Aetihoppeni ma ilran s.NtondayS. i'WednOsdaya, and
.. 1 6017102 , 74.L.5TAGEf 4 :
AS t age leaVes daily foridontroee Depot at 1 nu e and
eturns at ti p. m
A Stage leaves _daily for New Milford at7Boa. m.
and returnE at 3 3(
!buffos° Railway Time Table.
Trains will run as follows: Leave Tunkhannock at
8:45 a. m. and 3:12 p. in., arriving here at 10:45 a. m. and
5:10 p. I n. Returning• leave Montrose at 12 and 5:40 p.
m., arriving at Tunkhannock at 1:45 and 'mop. EL
Trains will run on Lehigh Valley time as kept in the
Oka of P. & N. Y• R• R• at Tunkhannock.
All trains connect at Tunkhannock with P. & N. Y.
R. R. going north and POUtil; „
3fattch Chunk, Jan. 31,1817. •
List of New Advertisements.
Auction—E. O'Neill,. Assignee.
Public Sale—E. J. Goodwin.
Business College—E. K. Losier.
War in Europe—M. S. Dessauer.
Report of the Frst National Bank.
Assignee's Notice =- Est. A,. N. Bullard.
Assignee's Sale —Est. Newell Barnnum.
Miscellaneous—lseae Levy.
Miseellan,eous— H. Rosenthall. •
Dry Goods & Clothing—Weeki, Melhuish &
Clairvoyant Examination—Du.E. F. Butter
field. . , •
Neighboring Counties.
D. Hull, a carpenter, hunk himself. at
Kingston, Pa., on Wednesday last:. •
The "poorboxes" placed in saloons and
hotels at Wilkei-Barre have netted the
poor fund of that town. $564.48 within
the last three months. • • • •
There are 'one hundred and ten jawyers
located - in, Wilkes-Barre, and upwards of
twenty students there expecting Soon to
be. adniitted to the bar.
The 'Towanda Argus, (Derr.) _puts for
ward ex-Congressuin Joseph: Powell for
its candidate for State ..Treasurer, be
cause it "wants an honest and capable
man." • .•
The."Moosie and • the "MonitOr" with
tendersare now making-the regular runs
on the DelaN6re & Hudson's new passen
ger route between Honesdale:arid Carbon
Jame- Lockabee..Jr,, fell inio.a mortar
' bed in . e. Ward House, at Towanda, one
day la,. week, and got hiS eyes filled with
lime. He has lost the, sight of one eye
and seriously injured•the other. ' . .
Some fiend entered . the . barn Or Lewis'
. LeGrand in.Wilkes-Barre Monday bight
and,m4rly.severed the'.tongue of a ilalu.7
able' horse. The wound wa6 . sewn up, but
iris not thought that the parts unite.
The county of Bradford paid the' East
ern Penitentiary, for the support of con-,
vlcts fur the year 1876, Fdr
:he -year 1877, to be pard, on the Ist:of
June next, the amount .dcithe Ea - stern
n tt.n tiary, for Ole.supportAk•conyicts
is $1,818.59.
• The passenger trains on the Del: &
llucl. railroad areAiroying.sadVantagente.
in more ways than one.. lesiCients - of
Starticca and . the , country
now leave - home at 3'p..m. via Jefferson
Branch and arrive in Honesdale at 6'p.
in.— • •
A Pittston debtor, wishing Iv - Jake the
b - enrfit of thi' new stay law, made °Alb
that he, was a freeholder and was admitted
as his own secur!ty. on his bond for doula-.
le the Amount .of the debt.. :It then
transpired, that, his real estate consisted
of a $3O lot the'cemeterv.
The Scranton Republican says : It is
rumored that .T.. 0. Coon is about to pab
lish a new Sunday paper-in thia His
sanctum will be'in the conuty•pri3on. and
when people want to see hini about "that
article" they will have to take satisfaction
out of the wardens.
The Sranton steel nillmade the largest
run of rails last week of any iteel mill in
the world, turning, out. 674 rads ,on,Fri,
day, in eleverrhours and thirty-jam min
utes, and 740 °
rails, ou Saturday, in twen
ty-three houra)and forty-three minutes—
at the rate of aboat a rail a minute. The
fastest time made 'fas on Friday, when
109 rails were produced in one hour and minutes. The total, produc
tion for the week was 6,173 rails.
About nine.o'clock Wednesday eve ,
ning Mr. Jam Thotupson, well
known in this vicinity, - died-at the Keel ,
er house, Tunkhannock, alter an illness
of twelve hours, the disease being con
gestion of the lungs and brain. The fu
neral way well attended. tin address was
made by Rev. G. T. Keller, after which
the remains were deposited in the Gravel
Hill,cetnetery. Deceased Was 65 years of
The Erie Railway Compan y `laid seven
ty ear loads of steel rails onl the SkIET.II 4 .-
hanna division last~ month. A third rail
is to be laid betwPen Binghamton and
- Waverly as soon as the weather permits.
AS soon is finished the4.e will be a. hun
dred ears of, freight passioa through the.
Iloosae tim nel an d a ea' the SrisqUeli.anna
and Albany railroad to and from Boston
daily. •
Owen .Nealon, one Landred and
E. C. 'MEDIUM. P. M.
two .years and_ six ,months,. acerirding to
the Carhon - dale ildiwiace, was. found dead_
in his. bed, Friday, April 13. . Some of
the friends of. the .depeaSed Make his age
a littlefess, biltsay'that he . remembered
very distinctly, and used to - describe with
great interest the, landing of...the French
army, which he essed . .at hip native
,to_Wii in Ireland during the revolution of
17:98; mid that • her was : then twenty-two
years of age.
.Accordiria to-thiS; he was
now in his one-hundred and .second year:
John B. Wood, of Wilkesbarre; father
6f Rev. A. Van Cleft; of Hones
; died in the foriner town last Wed ,.
nesday, - aged 74 years. He was a nati-ye
of Yorkshire,.England, - but carne to this
-country; .. and settled •in Wiikesbarre . in
1819,•and was largely identified with its
growth and - prosperity. He early invest.
ed some $3,00() in land and - its rapid in
crease in value in . later'yeare made him a
wealthy man.
.• His estate is computed to
be•worth nearly. $509,000.
.Heleavei a
wife, two sons' an cl..three - daughters.: .•
State Itemi.:
Diphtheria has been creating terrible
ravages in Berks counly.
Numbers of persons are leaving the
vicinity of Mauch Chunk to settle in the
The stock of the Pittston Water Com
pany is to be increased from $40,000 to
Engineers are surveying• the route for
the Pittsburg, New Castle. and Youngs-,
town railroad.
Brass enough was found at Pottstown
to enable them to organize
.a brass band
Somebody with a prejudice against
hydrophobia . i 8 poisoning the . dogs in
Hyde Park in a wholesale manner. • -
Thore are eighteen couples in Green
wich township, Berks county, who have
been married more than fift3 years.
The residents of Hyde Hark are about
making an effort to cut look , from Scran
ton and follow Providence.
• Sixty-one deaths in Pittsburg last week
—an increase - of: nineteen over the pre
vions• week. , •
At Pittston applications for license
have beetiL made by seventeen hotels,
twenty-nine restaurants and three other
ion. Edward • McPhereon, of Penn.,
has been appointed, Chief of the'Bureau .
of 'Engraving and Printing,* and will
probably enter upon the duties of his
office next week. • •
The fire companies of Allentown are
rebelling against the, proposition of the
City Councils to employ one skilled en-,
gineer and four men to run the steamers
at the fires. .,.:
-The new - slate for the Philadelphia
offices,-,which -includes the removal of
Surveyor of .the Port Goodrich,.has been
attacked and the deputy Surveyor, who
was,s'et.-down to 4mcceed. the chief, will
have to wait a while lonker. . .
..The Atiditoi Geneial. has hunted up a
law, passed in 1819, prqviding for the
taxation of patent. medicines and the
likei which he proposes to enforce. It
hai been a
,dead letter for tiventy-five
The nurUter of . . election divisions in
Philadelphia will soon be materially di
juinished by the courts . . It ~is thought
'that 650 precincts'. will meet all Abe de
mands. The _present • number ; is abdut
• 900. • * - • r
The coat sleeve of a young man named.
Miller; of Perry county, was caught in a
shaft making 140 revolutions a minute.
At every revolution his feet struck a flour
chest and before being rescued all his toe
nails had. been knocked off.
John Shorter, a colored ,man, who
died in Indiana, Indiana :county, last,
week, ie clamed to have been one hun
dred and three years old: kle was a slave
near Frederick, Maryland i# until twenty
pne years of age. • -
The centennial exhibition. is yielding
- fruit in a very satisfactory manner. A.
Philadelphia paper states that'cleararice
papers have been issued for a vessel
freighted for Valparaiio—the first since
1848. This is regarded as one of the
results of the. exhibition.
George Price, of Ashland, Schuylkill
county, attempted to commit suicide in
prison by. stabbing himself in the neck
with sharp pieces of tin. When his move-
menu were discovered be remarked ; "Ii
I bad better tools I would make :a better
job!" - •
Hon.• Hiram B. Fish, of Bath, North
ampton county, is a member of the state
legislature. Before he was elected last
fall he was a conductor on the Bath rail
road. A few day's .ago he resumed his
old position and will shout-'•ali aboard"
until the legislatnre oonyenNi 'again next
Npws Jottings.
Consul General Van Buren, at Kan
agayfa, Japan, is to be removed.
It is sail England is negotiating with
the Porte for the cession of the Suez
The second day's fighting- at Batouni
is said to have resulted', in., favor of the
- •
Ex-Governcir Noyes-has been appoint
ed Miumter . .to-,Frauce - .and - has accepted
the apPointniEnt.
Goyernor Nicholle," .2 of Liinisiana
appointed May 10 as a day,of thank'sgiv 7
ing and prayer. • -
Henry Mush:lll, raspier of tht. Olney
(1.II.,) Xattonal Bank, has disappeared
with 4 0,000 of, the batik:Viands:
C •
Coroner's jury in the inquest on
the bodies of the victims of the South
ern Hotel fire in Sc. Louis, censured the
hotel proprietors.2:.i
. . ,
The Neii 'Jersey •Central .
cei - ver is -being 'sued in the Federal-Court
Of Philadelphia
.for pa3t.thent of
the rentals on the I nse of . the Lehigh
and SnAquehanha Railroad or else the
abrogation:of that lease *•:.; •
new and complete stock of Dry Goods and
Notions at Levy's. '
Having bought the entire 'stock or goods, con
.,sisting Or Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and. (Daps,
- Notions, Millinery' Goods, (bought from Sheriff
sale) in the store lately occupied by S. Pillman
(Cheap John). we now offer the same for sale at
50 cents on the dollar, (halt price). No humbugs
Bankrupt stock, but all we advertise. First
door above the bank. Call and see. •
Montiose Pa, May, 1877.-Iw.
Furniture at auction, May 2d, at Rosenthal's
House below Residence of Joseph, Driniter
be sure to attend.
Step in and examine the Cashemers at
007717711851 . 071 Mercha ntB,
No. &25 WAsancoToN STILEZT, Nnw YORK.
NEw Yowl, Satniday;Apr. 28,1877. .
Pails, choicest fresh . 24 ta 25
" good to fine ...... 20 0 21 ,
" common ... ..., . . 15 - (ft 6 17
Firkins, selections ,
" good to fine
" common to good
Tubs, selectidns 22 '23
good to fine 19 0 21
" common to g00d..., 10 0 17
Factory, fancy 133ga 14?
" good 'to finel2%@ la.
Farm Dairy, prime 12,40 13
" fair to. good 11 0- 12
Eggs, fresh , 13 @ 14.
Apples (green) fine... 2 50 @3 25
. dried per lb qrs 4140 5
" " " sliced 4340
Potatoes, per bbl 00 Q 4 00
Lard . . ... 10 0' 1034
Tallow • 83 1 / 4 0 BX,
Turkeys dressed
Chickens, •"
Ducks, . ~...,
Beeswax . 32 0 32.1.
Don't fail to get the prices of, Embroideries
at. Levy's.
MEncu.kriTs s Butter; and Produce shippers--
See Contra Express Company's advertisement.
SPRING• and. Surnatr Rats . just received in
full variety.
17-18 • READ BROS. ctr Co.
•. TnEVentral Express Company hare the on
ly cool, reguinr,- every .night 'butter train; 1.741.
THE latest' arrival in. Shoes of all kinds, at
very low prices for .cash. . •
17-18 , • • READ' BROS. ot CO.
• • SALE ADJOURNED.—The assignees Sale of the
estate of Q.
,Titkesbur-,of Lathrop Township,
which was adveirtised. for the .20th inst.,
journed, to ! Saturday, May sth,at, the sane place
akloa. m. • . A. LA.2.IIROP, • • -
'April 23,1877: . Assignee.
Tire CENTRAL Express Company forward
butter at as low a rate as . any other line, and
have :the, only regular.night ,rpute.—:See ad=
vertisernent. ' 17—tt •
Marseilles, Honey Comb. and 'Uroehet gnilts
at Levy's.
CLAIRVOYAIsir ExAltricknoteisEßEE.
There is no subject that requires so Much
study and experience as the treatment of chron
ic diseases. The astonishing success and re
markable cures performed by - Dr. Butterfield,
are due to the gift of clairvoyance, to the life
long study of the constitution of man, and the
curing of diseases from natural remedies. - Cures
the 'worst forms of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe
male Weakness, Diseilses of the Heart, lungs
or.liidneys. Will be at, the. Spaulding House,
Bi l nghamton; Friday, and flaturday, May 18th
and 10th.
Jan. 10, 1877. •
FARMERS and dairymen—Bee Central Ex
press Company's advertiseinent.. 17—tt.
No business man need complain that he
is "too poor ,to sdvertis< when he can get,the
latest style buSiness cards printed at the DEM
OCRAT office for three dollars per thousand:l%nd
other work in proportion.
Large Auction sale of furniture, Wednesday
May 2d, at Rosenthal's House.
eat discovery of the age I--This wonderful
Diarrhoea antidote •will cure chronic diarrhcea of
long standing, and ail other forms ot that
dreadful disease. It is an' unfailing remedy for
the cure of Cholera, Cho:em• Infantum, Dysen
tery, Cramp, Colic; etc. It taken in time will
act like magic. This great medicine has been
in use for over fifteen years, and the most stub
born cases have yielded to its great powers.—
One trial will convince the most skeptical.—
Price 25 and '5O cents per bottle. Sold by John
Parma, sole proprietor, 224 North Ninth St.,
Philadelphia. and Druggists generally. •
Feb. 14,1877.1 y -
No. Cuur., No PAY.
Kirbfa Cough Balsam,a very palatable com
pound, for the various affections of the throat
and lungs. Used with great success in case of
Asthma and Bronchitis. It is prescribed by the
physicians and endorsed by .the pcoPle. War
ranted to give entire satisfaction or money re
funded. „
Kirby Magic. Relief for the instant cure of
severe and acute pains.
Kirby's. tasteless; Worm Lozenges. • Sure,
safe and effectual.
Kirby's Condition Powders for quality, quan
tity itod,purity are superior- to any Powder• for
stock manufactured.
Ruby's CatliphOr ice for chimed hands or
= For sale by all -Diuggiss. in Montrope;-:aucl
Dealers irtMedieines throrighout the eel
June 2f3, - *65,1.
st4ndard remedies, for all clisenses'of the Tung,
are Schenck's Pulmonie Syrup,'Sclienck's.Man•
drake and Schenck's Sea" Weed Tonics
and it taken before the lungs are destroyed, a
speedy cure is effected. •
TO these three medicines Dr. .T.lLSehenck;
of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in
the treatment-'of - pulmonary diseases.
The. Puhnonie Syrup ripens the morbid Mat .
ter in the - lunki;, nature throws it ofi - ,an
easy expectoratidn," for when the phlegm or,
11E4-ter is ripe a slight criugh 'will throw it Ott,
the patient- has rest and the lupgs, begin to heal.
• To ,enable the pulmonie syrup to tloAhis,
Sehenck's Mandrake Pills. and Schenck's Sea
Weed Thule must be freely , used to cbianse the
stomachand •liver, removing' all' obstructions,
,relax the gall,bladder, the bile starts freely, and
the liver is soon relieved..
Schenek's Sea Weed Tonic is a gentle stimu
lant and alterative; - the alkali or whielit is
composed mires with the food and prevents
souring. it assists tile digestion by toning up
the stomach ton healthy condition, Bo that the
food and the Pulmonic Syrup, will . make good,
blood; tben the lungs heal,and the patient will
surely get well - if care• is taken to prevent fresh
cold. • ;' -
'A.II who Wish to consult Dr. Schenck, either
personally or by letter, can do so , at his prin
ciple office, corner of Sixth and Arch Sts., Phil
adelphia, every Monday.
• Schenck's medicines are sold Eby all drugaists
throughout the country. ''
Go TO DOQLITTL ' E*.fti;r your nevi
Montrose,.Dec. 27, 1876tt ' -
Do you want , furniture, if GO go tothe great
Auction, Wednesday May
A LARGE assortment of the latest and
neatest etyles of viliting and business cards
just received at this office. Call, and see them
before ordering elsewhere. - _
Having bought Louis Knoll's stock of Cigars,
Tobacco and Confectionery, I can furnish first
class articles for tbe least money. Fine sum
mer drinks for the thirsty.
Montrose, July 26,1876.
LET US be clean, in order that ,we may be
healthy. To be tbroughly so, and to counter-
act eruptive tendencies and render the skin
white and , smooth, let us use Glenn's Sulphur
Soap. No eruptidn can withstand it. Tiepot,
Crittent‘m's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New' York.
Hill's Hair. Whisker-Dye, black or brOwn, 80
eta. •
Last chance :An - hear . Rosenthal the Auc
tioneer, Wednesday May 2d. • - ' -
Persons visiting Binghamton wishing to
purchase dry . goods would 'do well to call on
HYPE & SHOLES. They keep a . fust-chiss , line
of dry goods and ready-made clothing on hand
all the time.; Alpacas, blerinos,and Cashmeres,
the finest line in the city. No trouble to show
goods or send samples.
Nov. 1; 1876th
The sale of Taylor ' s_ 'Family Medicines. is
steadily on the increase. ' The sales of the paSt
year being more than double of any previous
year.. The reason of • this is on amount' of.the
genuine merits of the goods .. themselves. and
the•fair and . impartial manner in they
are sold. s - .
July'26; 1876. ' ' : . •
WHITE, smooth and , soft any lady's bands,
arms or neck may become, who uses Glen's
Sulphur Soap. Pimples or other disfigurements
of a complexional nature, are surely obliterated
by this healthy promoter of beauty.;.Depot,
Crittendon's 7 fith Ave., N. Y. sin Hair &
Whisker- Dye,, black or brown,- 50c.4w
MANY PERSONS during the winter , season are
severely afflicted troq the effects of Freezes or
chillblains. They can be readily and'perma
nently cured in a few days - merely by using
Taylor's Celebrated Oil once or twice a day.—
The same medicine is said, by many, to be a
sure cure for corps. It can be obtained of any
Druggist or dealer in Medicines. '
EvEnrrnixo In the line of Pure Drugs and
Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Pocket
books, Pocket knives, Tooth brushes, Flm2ti
brushes, Clothes and Hair brushes, Toilet soaps,
Fine toilet artieleg, Fancy goods, and u lull line
of all the new and Popular Remedies can be
found at M. A. Lyon's Drug• Store. Physicians
will find our stock complete, and composed of
the best articles that can be found in the market.
MOntrose, Pa.. ann. 170, 1877.--tf
1 take this Malted . of informing.) the public
ot: Montrose and vicinity that 1 have Opened a
new harness shop, under Searle's express office,
Public Avenue. , . -
I will build .new. work - of the best quality,
and repair with neatness and dispatch and at
lowest rates. , The patronage of the public is
respectfully solicited.
Montrose, Oct. 18, 1876tf. Invni Crupktsx.
MAitsmi W omm.
Tbe Tunkhannock Marble Works'of Burns
& White are doing a good business and are
getting out some . very. . tasty jobs .of • Head
Stones and M6nunients. A. B. Burns, of the
• •
Eagle Drug Store, is them authorized agent for
Montrose and vicinity. He has designs of
Head. Stones and Monuments. Any orders left
with him wilrbe- promptly filled by Brims du
Tunkhannock, Feb. ,1876tf.
WE TAKE • PLEasuxts, in recomrdending to
.our readers the old and popular . Diy . Goods
House Of C. F. Sisson & CJ., of Binghamton.
For the spring trade, they are prepared : to offer
.as complete an assortment or Dry Goods, as
can be round in anrfnuirket. Those beaut iful
Black and Summer silks, to which they call
particular attention," we, are satisfied are just
the thing to please the , people of th% section.
in fancy Dress Goode they take the lead. In
Parasols, Kid Gloves.. Corsets, Hosiery. etc.,
they have
,all the popular ,§PCKIS, at popular
prices. -
April 24;1877. ' 17= t,f,
The undersigned offers, Upon reasonable terms, a
fine farm In ,
about 15 miters from the 4 Conks. containing _l5O
acres, with good buildings • and orchard upon it and all
improved. For particulars enquire of
Foster. Susquehanna County, P. •
Auburn 4 Corners:Susquehanna County, Pa:.
Assignees of Jas. D. Lineberry, IMO" •
VOTICB.—The firm of = Mitchell &
1- Curtis is this day dissolved by mutual' consent.
The hooks and sccounts are in my hands for collection.
Gihson,'April 120,1e41. •
1. ; r":'-.•
"L", AT iiin3 OItrICE I CESAP • •
-7, - .ootuipr..l34lo4esvDirectoor.
Two llnes in t hie Dlrectory. one Tear, $1.50 ; .ea ch as
- .ditional Hue: 50 cents.
IV 'A. if - A(4 RSV 0171'',Stater. . Who lesalt. ad Reda, I .
. dealer in all kinds of slate roofing, slate paint, etc.,
Roofs rePaired with elate Paint to order. Also. elate
paint for sale by the gallonot barrel. , Montrose.
BILLINGS STROV,D; General: Fite' and Life Insur- .
sue Agents,- Oso. sell -Railroad and accidental
Tickets to New York and Philadelphia. Odle° one
door east of Ictii. II Cooper ,v, Co's bank. • '
%FM. II: BOYD 'it CO, Dealets in Stoves, hardware,
and Minuf ctcrers of Tin and Sheet-Lon ware, nor- .
ner of Malleand Ilur i ttplke street. ‘ c'
. •
A. N. Bullard, Dealer n
Groceries, Provisions, Books',
Stationery and Yank e• Notions; at the head of Pub- \
- lic Avenue., , . - ,
&. ! '
WH. II:COOPER .0.. Bankers. Sell Foreign Pas-
sage Tickets
,and. ; Drafts ou England, Ireland; and
Scotland: . , • , . 4 •
WM. L. CuX,:llarnesti maker and dealer in all aril-
dee usually kept by the trine, opposite the bunt.
JAMES Attorney-rit-Lair. Office one
door below T4rbell House, Public Avenue., •
11. ROSENTHAL, Anctioneor.. Carp & Co..
Montrose,Pa •
interest on all Deposits: Does ageneral 'Banking
business. S. B. C.HABE CO;
H. GARRET & SON, Dealer in Flour., seed, Meal.
Salt; Lime. Cement. Groceries and Proyistons. 'ea
MaiiiStreet, opposite the Depot. '
N. F. KIMBER; Canino, Maker. Picture Framenand
'Undertaker, a few rods from Phinney's hotel, near
M. E. Church
11. P. DORAN. Merchant Tailor and dealer in Ready
Madc Clothing, Dry, Goods, Groceries add Provisiorus,
Main Street.. '
r - 07 The Proprietor . 4 the above welt
known Hotel
the following describeil property, on ten
year's credit with secured paynients:=-,
Farm Coritaixing 113 Aeres.
Farm No.l* contains 113 acres.t and is situated most
ly to the-Borough of 31ontro•e, has three orchards. two
bearing fruit, four barns, is well watered and fenced.
louse .And 3 Aiil'es of Land.
Or One house and 8 acres of land., hi the! Bor
ough of Montrose. House nearly new.
Farm Containing 50 Acres. • . •
Farm No. 2, contains 54cres, situated in firidgeiva•
ter township, one mile from the Court Mime. m Mont
rose, 15 acres:plowed land, 15 acres in meadow,_ the bat
ance in timber, well watered and fenced.
Farm Conlaining,gls Acrei.
Farm No. 3, .contains 215 acres, located In the town
of Smithville, Vhenango county, N. Y.,15(' acres im
proved. well suited for a diary !arm. Good buildings
and an orchard of grafted fruit.
House And .Lot
One house and lot on Whitney, near Carroll street,
City of Binghamton. N. Y.. now occupied as a tette by - three families. Small barn on the lot.
53 Acres of Timber Ltind.
nrls3 acres of timber land one mile from Cor
,betteville, Broome County, X, Y.
Farm Containing 180 Acres.
180 acres- in Oakland township. adJoinin,g tke Sus
quehanna River three'milet from StL.Neehanua Depot.
• House,And Lot. %,
One henie and lot near iirookdale, Susquehanna
County,, Pa.
Salt Springs And:l9 "Acres of .i.apd.
OTIS aeres'of land In Franklin township, Sus
quehanna Conntv, Pa., includes a water power, and
known as the Salt Spring property. flee on it, a salt
block with 150 kettles, steam power for pumping brine,.
engine house, vats and all , the conveniencies for mak
ing milt. ,
500 Acres of Land.
500 acres in Great Bend:township, adjoining. the
Susquehanna River.. This tract is _so situated that it
can be divided to make three or four small farms if de-
J. S. T4RBELL, Prop.
Montroae, Zan: 10. 181 t
Binghamton N. Y., have removed their
across the street to
Opposite the Exchange. Hotol, and next door to the
Sisson Block, where they are better prepared to serve
the pub li c than ever before. They have jut
Tbs largest and bast assortment of
NAT et 1 1 I ) .it,
ever offered' in this market, consisting of
all the different grades, from the eheap-
est to the finest. Side wall and
ceiling dem:orations,.Centre
- pieces,' decorative bor
der, window shades,
- &c. They also
- keep in stock
the best as
- sortment
3114cir,rxgacous AID :"STANDARD BOOKS
. ' this
ket. All new
publieations, Magee.- .
,us - tut published.
We invite our patrons and the pub:-
He in general *and examine our
stock, and get outlirlees v at our new store,
PRANK 11. bTEPiirib, • , S.EO. E. peßny
April 18. 1877 —;18-1y. n_ ,
bO4l, barn, and lei, Olt Main att!et. An list.
ford Village, new used as a betel, - • ;`.. •
Thhs property to in the ceutire'ef,tk,inp4biopo Ram * ,
,the town, Waite sold cheep. ,
'-" - •
. 6 Zairati,"daien x9,1n7, - -
• •
1 i
1 2
. V