The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, April 25, 1877, Image 4

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    .1404'T4 . 9§E',. - ' - PA.:::ApIi,IL 20,,.j 7.7.
- •
Town, County,
,and Variety.
--,--tiouseele - aning prevalent.
—Odd Fellows cbiy to-morrow.
.—The*egetable ont-look is-good..
---The boss tramp—Boss Tweed. ,
—Rev, W. L, Thorpe was In town 3lcuday
, •
and Tuesday.
—Dr. J. Arthur Bullard, wn, of A. N, Bul
lard, is in town. '
—J. It •Drakeis repainting his house, and
ohanging the eolor to White.
—lf you - build this'.spring, give the - work
to your;tiorni mec4antes. ;
—The carpenters' saw and - hainmer is
heald to some extent about town
sinCr the advent _of yellow ,as the [ash
ionsble-'4lor, yellow 'dogs have beCome the
---..l*tentY years ago the 20th ant2lst day
of;9pfil, snow lay in o etreets nine
leet deep.
—"Schedule for levy on personal property"
a new tOrni of blanki for 'constables, toe sale
at this office. •
. +- 7 -Now is an good time to repair the side
walks,itiont town. There is a chance ,for
•-- 7 -This is the time ot year when people
investAn•fancy fishing :tackle for the purpose
off washing worms in •the streams - . • -
7 ---; : yfe are sorry that our correspondence
from Springville should come top late for this
Alto, from
--When times
,are hard and cash is low,
and trade comes in most awful slow, whatiis it
that we would advite ? Advertise !
'--z--quarterly Meeting at the M. E. Church
next Stinday. Presiding Elder Walker is, ex
pected to preach both morning and evening.
R Raynsford, agent of the Central Ex
press"compiny, advertises a night route for the
benefit of , butter shippers, in another column.
—,-The stock of goods in the store of S.
Pullman & Co., which was sold at auction yes
terday, hy the
_sheriff, was bought by A. H. Mc-
Collum, esq.
---ifter the appointment or Rev:W. B. West
lake. to Montrose, and the receipt of a dispatch
as published last week, circumstAnces made it
necessary for Mr. W. to return to Oneonta and
' Rev. Leonard Cole was appointed. ,
. tadies 01 St. Pftul's Church
will hold . sociable at the residence - of J.
Webb; On' Friday .'evenlng next. - The entertain
ment,, will consist enarndes, tableaux, retreali.:
ments,etc. `All - are invited; AdmiSaion, .25
cents:• . • •
—Mr: M. S. Dessauer has returned from New.
YorkUitlyi where he has been to' :purchase- his
spring and summer stock of goods,and
forms is, tliat. he. is "too busy .mark lug goods (}it
low figures) to writc , an advertisement, but our
retidersinarlook for one next week.
—The ladies only will read this.ltem
The htncy stockings for ladies thiS Spring and
summer Ure cream, embroidered with blue, ear
dinal with blue, blue with pink, piuk with
black; , and 'black' with - all colors. Somd ark
very elaborate: and beautiful in texture and
price. • • , _
Messrs. C. & k'.Ciir . tesy Who. adverilie
in Our_coluinns.thiaWeek are too well kntiwn
an:long:our subscrib.ers,whO are the habit of
tradinglig•Binghamton, to - beed tiny words of
commendation froiwui. - They intend to main=
taint' iheir well• earned" 'ventilation
, •
good . goods for the smallest living profit: •
whO has been spending the
winter in Montrose,- returned to- New. York
City last week and will he tound at his old head
Varters with Smith Cohn & Co. No. Duane
St--`Mr. T.'retains his residence in Montrose
for political and twiny' social purposes, but
for bUsiness the Empire City seems to claim
hittL - •
The old , stand of E. D.. Robinson, No. 88
Washington . St._ Binghamton, well known as a
Furniture Emporium his passed into the hands
of Mr. 4ivery, Crouhse who calls attention to
his faetlities in our advertising columiis this
week. ' the:whole, handing which he oedePles
IR 'ffiled-with the most attractive; styles of bind : .
tyre.: - - ,
—Aitate of bealth-Ma.-Daphurp News. A
statant anfferiag-111. 7 Waskingign
fat ierly atate—Pa,--Norriatown Herald: -- A
studious;' state=-Conn::; Au effeminate state—
Annotistical state—Me.. A . numerical
itate;-Tenn; Fdprimativestate . —Ark. Oliver
Twist's state—Rio.--Harris burg Tekgraph. A
religious‘ etate—Mass. A virgin state-311,i55. ,
Muaical state s - - :FIL- 1 , , a. A state_ cd,. surprise--
01—Braqiirini Amts. • A. pieierveitatite=rian.
—atilvvan Detraocrat.--A niiuerai state--Ore:
—lt under an execution for deb:, .a levy,is
. , •
made on personal property, the,
.debiOr can de;
!n and awry of three . men to appraise, the mar
ket vnine,,ot the property seized. Atter Sikh'
appraisement, if the property' is bid up, at Sher-
M's. side, two-thirds of.such 'value, it caube
sold, by the officer, 14 at . present. But should'
the bids not .reach twe thirds of such apprsise
Merit' then, thedebtor. can obtain i stay, for one
year, by giving. good and• Safficient steamily for
the debt. - The:law, as will be seen, woolly pre
venti riiihleisiaitrifiee of the debtor's prtiperty
_, , ,
by the 8 iff,,'Whilst it , carefully guards the
rights : creditor. - If the latter° : will see
tiO:tiyn:i , ''l)erly .`seized:, under his judgment
shnlhbriereiontithing like its real value; Ond
no:,halincrellesslt slaughtered wider the Slier!
lif's4lismnier, then lie- can Obtain his nymei,
But =4I ilie property: for Aviint of competing
bidiVil:Or -.Ntlytt, not' 'Ala "WI. to cominand a
price approximating , . its •--vaineiit-esn'be saved
to RRontr, by. 14.1,securing ibecereditior'in full
fer - ihiiikebt: -- . '
—L. T, tirehard of. Birehardviiie this
e minty, has been appointed Demi ty of the Pat
rons of liuskthdry _fo►r this county; °
--Flour has Jumped up so that, it is now
worth $lO per barrel in Oiwego, and yet 3,000.
010 hushele more of= grain_ is' reported nclw in
the elevatom and - afloat op the lake boats ; than
was at the same date last-'ear.. - Another "cor
ner" Tor poor people. ; I, - • .
—”One cash: , priCe to "all, credit to none" is
the motto: which HotchkiPs, the Boot & Shoe
man of 'Binghamton, adopted . When* he ,com
menced begin - s.s on Washington, St. Bingham
ton, and wide lb? Will adhere to when he open s
at his new Zitce;- No. 87 court St. next Tues.
day, where b will. have Vie finest shoe stole,
and the largest stock, in this section, which be
advertises ill another column.
--It is with pleasure that we copy the 101-
lowieg from the Scranton daily Tana.
Rei.,Leonard Cole, pastor of the M. E. church
here tor the past two years,'husa been appointed
by conference to .the MontrOse charge. Mr.
Cole while pastor in this plaCe has discharged
every duty ,devOlving upon him with much
credit; to himself and spiritual advantage to his
congregation. ~. - • ~ ' ,:: , • • •
As a.sernionizer,.Mr. Cole is much-above the
average preacher. He iaone of thosemen,who
wear Well, his sermons being. acknowledged by
all capable of . judging,,' to be as fresh,and pow
i riul at the. end. 'of, h is: second year as, at the
first, ' He is not -one.: -of those men Who carry
around a few star sermons 'and make ; a.reputa,
Lion on . .them • but one who., prepares all his
work - carefully,. combining sound reasoning
with good language and well ,rou Wed. periods:
Mr: Cole discharged his pastoral dilti ,, ii faith
fully.while here: visiting all .Ciasses of.liis com
gregation without respect to,estate,and treating.
all . with a spirit of Christian torbearauee worthy
of iniitatim. . The best. wishes of . the people
of Provide et.' without regard to denomination
no with Mr. o e ii his mew charge, . and from
well known ch racteristics of the Montrose
people we know the will be kindly received
and thoroughly appreciated.. . • . '.
Considerable anxiety has already been mani
fested by the,tillers of the soil in this county,
in regard to the reappearance of the potato
bug which has been a source of annoyance and
cause of short crops. Some contend that the
Colorado beetle has gone towards the Atlantic
coast and will not trouble -the• farmers this sett
son,_while others aver that they will be as plen
ty as ever. Several live bugs have already been
dug up this spring.
• On Friday night last a barn belonging to
Chester Stoddard of Thomson this county ,was fire, and two tramps, giving their Peterson and Joseph Bock
ley,were brought to Montrose,by constable Stod
dard on Saturday - night, and committed to the
countyjail, on the charee of firing
.it The cir
cumstances are. as . followS. Two temales Were
passing along the .road and saw these men fol
lowing them. They fled into an unoccupied
dwelling:near this barn, thinking by so doing
to escape from them, but the tramps followed
t.ltetri Into the house. They fled into one of the
rooms'ani barricaded - the door. The tramps
atteMpted to effect an .entrance by breaking
down the dciorlmtvereonable to, and they left
the house and Went into the barn near by. They
had beeirtherc but a short time before the bath
fire. -
A book WAs found, in possession of-one of
theM, 'App . arimtly . a diary," in Which MindeS
were eatervd Of places where they had tieed anti
accounts of small amounts of nikmy they had re
ceived, Opp entry was Doylestown,. Bunks OJ.
this 'conclusively shows them .to be tramps
The amount- of Mr. Stoddard's losS we halie
not heard. - _ . .
Monday 'night last at about 12 o'clock,' a
tramp who gave his name as J. lctimin .feloni
ously entered the hotel of Mr. John Morrison
at Lauesboro, •by raising, a rear window,
and abstracted therefrom >several articles .of
value, including two dozen-silver spoons, a muff
lady's cloak, etc, He also secured a boil of
cigars and, a hotge of whiskey, the latter of
which proved. his ruination:: The theft was not
:we believe, discovered until the next morning,
when suspicion at once fastened upon the afore
said geni, )Vho\ bad been seen lurking around
that . vicinity the night previous, and he was at
once traced to this ptstce, and finally discovered
by'officer Fermin, in a shanty near the coal
pockets, which he had taken possession of after
driving out' the proprietOr, it man. pained Mc-
Carty. When found,, he was blissfully drunk,
with the stplen bottle of whiskey=—or what
there was left or it---lyingheside him. Part of
the stolen' 'articles were in his and
the rest hidden near the shanty. He wits at
'once taken to the, look-up - and left to sober up,
after.lvhich - Esq. - Page ;caused Mtn to be trans•
ported to the Gov!),
By putting small heaps of bruised potatoeit
here and there in the field, early in spring, and
sprinkling the heaps , with a little'faris green ,
the labor of fighting the Colorado potato beetle
may be Imened's thousand Fold and the Chan;
rea of a crop of potatoes correspondingly in
'creased. The bugs begin to ffy the fust.warm
slays, longbefore a notaio top is in sight It
appeari tit be taking ageneral Survey and coiftating on main chances. At this early day its,
appetite 4 keen:and it will bruised
tato a long way.: , .The . heads should'be visited
every day, of two, and the.potatoes rebriiiied
and:sprinkled to keep up the odor. It the sun
be - very hot, the heaps Should be shaded Worn
the direct rays or•the potatoes will soon dry and
inltke poor, bait A.ccording to entomologis is
one lieetie ;may be the - , - mother a hundred
Million in a sioele season: ::> It. Ibis be tint., or.
one-ttnth true, - it• will - lie seen that 'much 'is,
• ifit
gained 1w giving 'the proi c mot ter it nte 0 :
greeni,before she bit's an egg, isltstoni§hing
bow many bugs can tiekillexi at one bear). 4'ny .
small : , .,v - arthles3 palatnea aril: Care should
be taken to place the 'heaps where stOck•can;
not get to them, and, above all.; i'vry farther
akid every one owing 'ra garde'. should work in
4-• gin N Y---Tribitne.
They, are sitting_ around upon barrels and
chairs, • - • , •
Discussing their own and their neighbor's of-,
fairs, •
And the lack of content that is seen on each
Seems to sny "I have found my appropriate;
Sitting around.
In bar-rooma and,grocerie? they-sit..
And serenelinehew beirovied tobilcco and
While the stories•tbei tell awl tire jokesibat
they eraeli,•
Show their hearts hara , grocirW bard•and uti
.doubtedly black. .
„ • While sitting,arouni.l.
The , "sitter around"-is 00trieiinS ?
And • Ins Bice wouldn't'
for qliait . .ot
white . Wink • -
Y'et: he Soreehovir' ors:Aber contrive:B,in exist
And is , irequoilp:svmzvitU..a drink in his
fist H - •
While flitting around.
Tlie loungerthey_. toll. not, nor.yetdo they
spin, 2.
Unless it be yarns.*hile enjoying their gin,
They are people of leisure, yet often, 'Us
They allude to the work they intended to do
-;.• While sitting . around..
Ttity've a- habit ot talking of other men's
, wives
As they whittle up sticks with their . bnrn
bundled knives--
They're a scaly old set, and. 'wherever you
go h• • , _
You wia find them In groups or strung.put
r in a row"
Court convened at 2 p. m. On Monday, April
1604,1877, Hon. E. L. Dana of Luzerne county
presiding.. , . • ; •
. Court granted Licenses to JOhn H. Morrisson
and Peiry : Jaques , - LanesiMiO, and Michael
D 03710, Susq'a Depot •
'Com'th vs Thomas Bealian, Jame s Redding,
Patrick Shorten and Daniel Conroy. Indict.
ment, aggravated assault and .battery. Court
direct nolle prosequi to be entered in case of Dan
iel Conn*. • - •
Peter Shaff vs Humphrey
• Humphrey t Ross. Rule to
arbitrate stricken "off and judgeuieut for want
affidavit of defense..
:Isaac E
.Davis - Adm'r of the estate of Wm E
Davis deceased vs Willard Gillett. Judgment
ldr debt, interest and costs.for want of appear
ance. Rule to arbitrators - discontinued..
• • :Donley, Rose Co. vs Win Mathews and E
L Hewitt. Judgment .against E L ttewitt , aild
assigned to .1 Donkey, . .' . - .
.James R Truesdell vs Cyutha A Truesdell.
Court order prociatriation and- appoint
Conrad to take deposhions.-
D D Harris vs Harris. Heman J Locke
GuilOrd, Chatting° co. N. Y. appointed. com
Reed & Shoemaker vs John Er Crocker. 'Rule .
in this case discharged. • - •
Admirs of SilasYerkins vs La Fayette Lyori.
Exetution stayed. Lien of judgment and levy
to remain. Rule grunted to. shoW, cause why
judgment tor want of appearance should not
tie entered. Returnable first Monday of, June
Cecilia Wilber vs IlepthalVilber. Cotutor ,
der proclamation and appoint, G. L Stone to
take deposittopS.
Jacob Brush vs R S Card. Court grant ritle•
to show cause why appeal should not -,be strick
en oft. Ret, first Monday in June. • .
in the matter of the contested - election of
,Franklin township. Court grant rule to
show cause why , proceedingi shall not be set
aside and petition quashed. =
Court appoint parks Whippte , as . deputy, of
Julia A. Howell, constable of istieci, ut NlontrOse.
. Com'th vs John N'lr Cobb case of desertion.
Defendant being called and not appearing his
recognizance and baills forfeited. , -
• In the matter of license of Dirnock Barlow,
Harford township, coutinned,to be argued first
Motility in June. ,
J H Chtflin Aschrirgod as . 'assignee of 11, S
Scott and :Oscar Washburn appointed in his'
stead. -
• A H McColluntßeci.49pojiite4.nuditor in the
Sheriff sale of the estaie . of Dantel.Layton.
In the estate of Win Graves, court directed
A. H 31eColinnt ,esq., assignee, to Inake 'deed of
premises to Albert Crisman.
Minnie Lord vs Samuel Lord subpeena in di
voree-issued: - , „- -
Final accotint of A . M Wells,; committee on
lunacy - of C Po*ors; filed, and_ accepted . and
committee, discharged.
Rule granted to' show cause why A, D _Corse,
committet- in :unacy in the estate of ,Geo C
Wood shall tiovbe discharged. Ret. first Mon
day in June.
E BDavis, exectittlic of last Will and testa
ment of R 8 Davis. vs Dimoek township. Jury
find a verdict for plantifi and,..assm the, darn
, •
ages nt $350.00,
tElsie A Lamb vs. John C Lamb, libel in *di
vorce."' Subpoena Issued. ' •
• P Hines vs Andrew Glover, court grant
rule to shim cause .why tienalit,should.not bp
stricken off Ret. first Monday in• June next.
,Court conffrin fft: Si the report- of the Audi
tor in the Widen( N,- W. Foz, ./fTwieprq tune
as of April 9th, IBn. , -
In the matter, of township :line between
Bridgewater and Forest Lake, court appointed
J. W. Chapman W. W.. f3Mith and
Baldwin_ viewers. , ,
In the trAtter of tt road from near the house'
of Albert Reynolds deceased,in Bronicl3rn town
'ship to a point in the road . on the , Meshoppen
Creek near the barn cif John Reynolds in
Brooklyn. Court appoint •D. I Lathrop,'J.
Munger and 8.-3. Baker. viewers
James E. Patch vs.' H. la: Bally Rule granted
to shriw cause why Viaintiff shank] not satisfy'
said Judoment. Returnable lit Monday in June.
In the matter of the assignees' psis of the
Real Estate of H. M. Webster* court direct order.
of sale COMlnued.
Corneliui . B, Tavlor Exrentrix of David Tay
liar..Yd. Henry 'Perrino I. N. Perrino and A. K.
Perrine;caso ot ejectinent. Verdict for Plaintiff . :
In OP niat!er of the Anditors' report in the'
estate of Geo. A.. Young, Court direct, Sheriff to
pity into court *2O 87.
- Geo. W. Ilacke.j? atitnitted'iis itn Attaney th
pr:ictice in the several _..-Courts of Susquehanna
gro.n t. 4
I . () -
SLOW _pkviliawity-Jult,gaiwnt slltill u.
.defeb .-• •- •
There; *_l.ll it.! i..-ilOetil i t T 0;., 1:- k e 2.
0 .
4 . 4n0n -,.
7 0011ty, - -N4i al,..s)qioy,,it,lloo4ptitili : W.,ed
c lico - 43".; - :.- 1 )1.47. - ..2108.77;4f...1Pj -. c01:001c. 4 - ;=lii: .-:-': -Ali,:
... ...:-.... /..-- .....-
' .kegiilar
jii e 44 :', : : :;;Z:: ' ': : ;‘,l l ' - ;(%; k iij.4.0T•: , 44 - 44 14 ,;- -;P
./, i_ - :: ;:..ti.. :. ,. „ 1 , ',.:.::::;;.'::,.-,.,,,:: .k!,.T . ,.:_-`l . .:.-: ..::::::;..,-.: - , , f 2.. C• . 5,:,. , .-: .:,),, ' ~-, . =- - ; ! :,...1.. - ,, , ,,,;:.; ;-...w...„:4,...7,1,-,
Sitting around.
The following arc the ministerial' appoint
inertia iter , ,lidt county and vicinity, of the Wy
of ing )1. R Conterrnee, .which closed its aq.
!ilia session at Honesdale.on Tuesday, the 17th,
• .
Bifighamtort;Ceri e tenarr , A ~ G riffin.
Main st.—T.itarronn.
•• - !.?
il Bend—Win. R Kinney.
, •
' - awleylon , •-a-; Brooks.
Franklin Forks--A. W.:, Cooper.
V..5i0.1 W. a:Cochrane., f
Kirk s wood,4. W. Hewitt.
Susquebanna.l. :11 ;•-;.1
LaneF4oro—,-P. H. Jewel.'
New Miltord,J. H., ifr.estop:
Marathon—b. N 3111 1 itin:
Jackson—W. H. H. Williams.
Honesdale-- A. J. Van Cleft.
Mt. Pleasant —S. F Wright.
Bethany—R. J. Kellogg.
Hale's Eddy—A. F.-Harding.
Stitenf:4 ) :ll:TOWef-z:
Herrick Centre--J. B. Cliynoweth.:
Thompson—Y. C. Smith.
Clifford—Wm. H. Gavitt.
owxao prsTRICT • B. F. BROWN,,';.E.
Owego-L. A. D. - Aleiander. •
Waverly- 7 G. -R. ,
f ,
Slaieriille—C. S. Alexander.
Little. Meadows-1 4 T. DpWitt. _
Tunkbannock—S. W. Weiss.
Wyabising—E. F. Roberts.
He.rricif.— r Wm. . .
, Rome--Geo. , L. Williams. -
• Orwell—lL B. 1•13. Davis, • • •
Le Ragsville—Ni. Angel.. , • •
MontroseHL. CA/ . - -
Brooklyn—Geo. Comfort.
Springville—P. Holbrook.
Nicholson and South . Gibson—S. J.Anstin.
Factoryville—D. C. Barnes.
Meshoppen—Geo. Greenfield.
Skinner's Eddy:-3 S. Lewis.
Mehdopany—tit. C. Lyman.
Auburn—A Wrigley. - • • '*
Fairdcle—KE. Bramhall. ' •
Grimm and Harford-43. 'l 4 . Price.
Newton—lsasc s Austin
Nortbmoreland—Win Shelp.
• West Nicholson—G. 0 Beers.
Jenningsrifle—J: °F . Jones;'
Hornbrook —S. garner.
S. W. Lindsley goes to Flemtuingville Tio,ga
Co. N. Y. D. C. Olmstead—ROss St. Church
and A. L. Severson—Parrish St.. Wilkesharre.
H. Wheelei—Kinaston. S..Elwell-:-Carverton.
L. , Thorpc—Hr ) de Park. G. A. Severson—
Waverly. F. A.,,D ny—Elauover. W. B. West
lake—Qneouta, N..Y. H. G. Harned—Sidney
Plain N. Y.
It will be . kratifying to our MethOast friends
to know that altnoit , the
,only:lniphtet :Who
went to the cOnterenee with his , salary entirely
paid. up :wag ltev. W.L. Thorpe, .of Montr6se
• - . A.E30.01' LYNN.
EarrOns - PRISUC HAT not aftOrd
to •be lett out in he:Old by . the DEMOCRAT.
Lynn i. 4 a station. on the blontroso Rain
the - soul hern part . of Springville township very
near 'the -Wyoming 'Co. line. WitS . fon nded
by a lain by the name of Knap', commonly .
called Lord Knapp," by his neighbors, but I
genuinp., Lord but he had
pompoAtY enough liefounded it by
starting a - blacksmith shop, nobody ever beard
of a village without the village blacksmith.
Well it wasn't long after Lynn was, founded
before a Postoffice. wits:::born
_nod they gave it
, • •
to a man by the name (ir enifiedy to bring'up:
.The'Postoll3ce Was ' lietilthy and strong ana it
. grew remarkably, .and--is still living,--but ita
tires , guardian the village grew tot),
until 'we' have all =_kinds oU shops required ina
,place, twO stores and :temperance
:hotel, it,,e." I • . . • .
There 'hasn't.' -been, inany.thangeihere this
spring, one' family !unveil' ititcalie place
while I believe no one has moved away.
The Odd Fellowh' lodge organized here less
then a yeatago is flourishing
' Mrs. 2.1 . .0. spencer litiSbeensiek a lopg.time
wick chronic rheumatism- and is a groat
L oain i Thalia! house was burned last week.,
The fire accidental, insurance $1000,;„.,i --
I I . : 1011 1 4'km* that •• any -
,ano : here Attie: gal the
blue-glazia,lever, bUt some have got thin blueS;.-
Mr. Billings has - lost i3evera hitto, of catty
this spriSk with st?meapparPntir e o 3 4Sgtirms
disease. Mr,. Billings, is -recently from - Tunk
hannock and isons,ofi our most=:-enterprising'
fArniers. " L.
The :vraire,' which we, are : now haying will
help vegetation along wonderfully. '
Mr. Piank Scott finnterly-nf.Nielwlson is
etndying; ; inediclmilttlth Dr, A 4 it COwell, -of
this o l c e . • •.1 •
-the attendanca' at: the Academy, rather
small even for ii "Surnatei .
,term ; thq number
being' only a little abiie fitly.
Prof.;Rtillentine, or the *4eysloneAttidemy;
&cached at Fteetville last-Sunday, aid wt,l'un:
derstand that the people, at ithat 0104, ,are
anxious engare his services for, the year./
Springhas come. ognin.•
_The fields are be- i
'ginning .to take on ~ ropes.of and
now NO then a - . flower mckea Ito-appear
' •
*-"Pair 88 Isttir,..when 'only
•l '4ltitting: - , in the sky.?
• The Orize for reitdittg at-the clostor last '!erm,,
was awarded to ittlia:
- Tv.vo i trin bfrox 4 4'3lk 9 143 t 6
youngladiee i *r.tho, tiestmts,alyt
- ,the.reen..for the.,:bost4ctratiilall, writte4
nVon subjecis which Ittivt been assigned. Those
on' Whom the;priies'lvreeonierred wiii d e thi et ,
their eqmposiiioni on Pouintedtement day;
Auiong the
,improvements 'Which tire being
made t hi s pprilig,may be mentioned the build.
ing of aidewatka; of . winch more' arc at e e,i;d i
ilia erection it . pliOtOgrapli house, and die r e „
piirmg of t be (1 914; fliutcory,'! latter is be.
'fitted up for a sitaik lainei Freer, it be,
ii g larger, 4nd : ' . n?a2.#r his yosn!enee n
one which be occupies. old
store wilt be used for a brusii, rectory. by. 31r,
tilos Freeman: 0.
Factoryville. April,!2o, 1877.
'''' , BRA!CKNEY:
s not conspicuous for its-sigebyet we think it
not entirely hen &it'll notice ;‘ :There is consider.
hble ehtdrprise manifested* here for a place of
its size. We have a good store, kept by Wm.
IF. lnderlied large - Tfintteiy owned by
H. F. Inderlied dv Po.,_ one two black
smith shops, Grist Kill, ^ 'looper 4 1 / 2 5hop, and Post
office, one Physicia n , Dr , Lewis , andhn aburi,
dance ot'goodrneighliois. One Church, where
we have service . each Sabbath' at 2 P M.
The weather is very,plesitint, and lartnern are
busying theihietirea Providing for coining want&
lime cleaning time is at band, and nien
are glad to find employment ontaide, shaking
carpets and tilting daWn stoves Etre very trying
to their neryes—leinper* I mean.
We had the pleasure last week of attending
a party 'tit 11 P edinniemoratioa
of his 40 and his wife's 33 birthday, both °cent•
ing on thesame dayi=a'verytipusual Oecuratee,
The doing room _
: Was, nicely,decorated with
hemlock, a very apProPriate decoration, he be.
ing a tanner. The table wag boutifully spread
with luxuries of all kinds, • we, had 'Ruch a bite
'time that the party might last
forever, but that party, like, every other came
to a close at last, and we came home sincerely
wishing' , them a • long life ands'' a birthaay
party every year. '
Wear esorry ter announce' the death of En
ratta, little daughter of W. Gage. She died
of diptheria after an illness of ' one "week. She
was in her ninth year—the pride ot iher parents,
of an amiable disP sition, and loyiql by all who
knew. her. We, a a communlii, extend out
heartfelt sympalh to -the tond patents In their
bereayement. E PLUBIBUS USU.%
11/1 rriaßßs
'l3tiAwßACoti-t4n • Tustarora, April 15th,
by Rev.
_C. Oogamil, Mr. Henry I'. abaw and
bliss Frankio P. 14.4c0n, all of Tpskarora.
tin L. Diyl©, aged!
DOYLE-1n Ara
isa:t Di•yl.l, widow'
a,Aeil GO years.
MrILKEY—in `inrest ;Lake, April 22d, 1877,
Reir. - John ''Malkoy, rigeo 72 'years, 9 months
and 22 days. r. . -
NO firth • • nc
TICE. Tll6
Curtis is this day dissolved by tnutthil coineni.
The books and itecnants arc in my hands fur cliectios.
r • - , " Di: I!URTI9.
Gibson, . • ; • :
. .• . - • •
Oyel'.E P. $.4111
as or work donci with neat eels end
is solicited.. • -
• .•
. _
wore: Mt kin
'dirp/tO. Patronag
' ' 1i t - •
re•-rum I pack acq a n ante car :,., 1 hdkr.flan•
1.1 4 k 1 ,.) 11 Von*. 1 pui: •ecroll..all rortL lornuly lota,.
&iitsCm p . Fun Card fo., Middleboro. , Alarzt. 17-11
mA i roi c( i ) o m v i v c c o a i r l e ill r
p i Ito
e . m l n z u t c 2, e nt uv iy e T o l i c v d e , r I 1
t o uk h cumit
card-:1 . pk rend. 1 24p book - inn. ull vent fur unlys
4c,. gyps, riovcltyCs , Ididdleboru; ?Jure. , 17—a
. .
. ' . " - READ . .TIIIS 1 . 1 ~
A cl3:inco_ for ail to make or save money,
Vil a i&34' ."
On e itl artst
. t
~. .
Mid at lower prices than the tame qaalities cant*
bought at any other }mare l in this eotolty. A I goods
guaranteed to bo sai:Jsfaetory and a : Npreseitted, or the
money will be reingded on :retnru of the goOds. which
my In uone at our *xpetiso. •• ' •
'1 he reputation °flour lo lure for selling standard gondi
at Llowi'llee :_(for ,ti }ems.) has given us, a '1411.04
in New York City and
_vicinity, that is tlot,et jovoi by
any other house In the trade. After mature et( 111 , er:-
Imo:we have deter Mined to offer our got•ds to bouts
keepers in the interior. at the Lowest 11 holesale Trade
Pricer. When a Cln Is formed large *licitly lila mike a
smallcase. so ea to Uvoio conliption in distribution:-
Goods willbe`sent iby 'itxprcss to 'collect on delivery.
All-wl-hams to: say mOney . by purchasing !amity cap
plies at New Yorks
hole axle prices can talk the Ines
ter over anicifige fri yids and neighbors, and send to a
for.elnb circulars, : - Prieu•list, Au. We give a pretest
of either golds or nioneyito the pekso.l who get- spill
club. to coiripeusitte' for trouble- etc. - tam Oes of 'ln
t coFitElf sent byi malt. .
Send for Priee-lisLrand elitki Cirialar. '
Suter . New ..Iror't '& -0 ;loft ,Tea C.:14
M. 11. 109 ES & Co.. Proprietors;
17-20. Tf. 79. Ins Si end!. Vest 7, Street, New Yoit.
st - ,lloot . 'BtratlstESS. I
Every Toone Manidesirptis of
.good prsettc*l baJN
' iteis etticittol ,
am •
i :: S i
. . - '' • . .
~,1.,:....,x(1.§. 1 i._ .FAs 4-.90,i414gG ~,
11/Sn'Ough ,tone r iTt tank Reaping Peumsolitp
- Anti/ et/ 4 •l 4 o o graPhY. 44,
, -
"X! 1131,,Zai-
Oficalarsisairttnin ,g tini t io ns i L '4ll particolarer tole
lucl a the Cotlrge, rike)itfrb,yinlki4. .
-;:lotilk, Elti
Fek2t. 1 31. x. al '. 1 :-: ~:...: - - 1 ,
• t a s;mpts
I will mill irree)it l net: retaiiket)Or ,3gLSio
YegefAbla at. will , remove Ti,,A P RR ,
Rt4ES. iitnving bats„ .4 l * . *ay ;Pt
and'hell %Altai alittl - alro in oruo fur" pr os!Ve
luxurtaattglowth of hilt on tt tsid held , oir Oat Valhi It(
Address Votkuirlf it.C014 1 11% 5 /giwtie•
St.. N. Y.. • ! • 2v;
NAW U)T -- OF . O'A I L, s
16. T TH
ttw.June.27l.ll. 1870, Mr. Jas.
73 years. 1 .
at; March 22, 1877. Dlrs.Clar•
et • the late Thomas Doyle,
M " 116 5 3
Gtr 2 1, pl -Irt
WOW an v.
I: ':