i ttLtO • - 3.I9 . N"i''ROSE I PA;,I:APRIL ,-,4,_17.7:: J TIIE WEEE. • The event of the week, has been the visit of Gov. Hampton to Washington, %where went in response to the invita . ion of President Haves His jonrney iVsembleil. a grand triumphal march,hav . Ing public receptions" at Wilmington, Richmond and elsewhere. His speeches at\thoae,. Places show the true character of k„he man, and betray no signs,of weak. ne* l Or intention of yiekhug one iota of the Oweis conferredon him by the peo- . lite f South Carolina., &Wilmington he said : "rgo to Washington simply to state before the President the fact that the peo- ple of 'South Carolina hare elected mq Governor of that State. I go there to sai to him that, we ask no recognition . trota any 'President, We c!aim the re cognition froth the v r otes of the people o that state. Leo there to assure him that we are: fighting for the good of the whole country. lam going there to demand our rights; nothing leas, and so help me God, to take nothing less. I go,to tell him. the eact condition that South Car olina has been in for years past, that ,our people have been .under , disadvantages never encountered by" any other people on this continent ; 'that they carried the election, were: successful, and that they propose to enjoy the fruits of tneir vic tory. At Richmond he said : . 10 .The'people of South Carolina, are in earnest. We have . , tried compromise' in vain, and so last fall: we planted our feet firinlp on ,the constitution .and ,began a battle' for bur rights...We - remembered. ours:.was one of . the original 13 -States and strong theil:and- noble women joined liana in. the struggle, declaring by Al. Inig,lity God they : would sacrifice- every,, thing . to (Cheers. A voice : 'And you did Win.) . ' Yes,..my friend, - . Yon .. cannot irnagine what these people hall. to bear to win -their.cons.titu- i •tional victory:. But they won :and fully • 20,000 colored men .co-operateciwith' • them;',and now thousands andf . tens of . thousands of colored.. men are :paying : government, (cheers) and aSk - . and art *I -arii.going,tO :Washington. tn. ask, is that the federal •.trOops be. withdrawn from the state hOuse of South. Carolina, the only place in.the state where my authority is,nottespected, Send the Soldiers to the barracks Where they belong leave ithe :,governnient - of the state fo men who are strong enough to - . sustain it. My people tell me'to - hold on, and so, long as they have the right to giVe' Me such advice, so help me God Rill hold on." (Prolonged cheering.) Our latest dispatches announce that at the Cabinet meeting last Sattirdfiy, it was determined to recognize Hampton and withdraw the troops from the state house but keep them within the State. Gov. HatuptOn's letter.to the President assures him of his hearty co-operation in the pacificaticin of the ;whole country,and declares that as Governor of South Car olina he will administer the law with equal and exact, justice to all classes un der the lais of the state and the laws of the ',United' States and its constitution. He declares that all rights of person, prop- erty and citizenship ,shall be, protected , wichout regard to color or political dif ference, and states that; if the troops are withdrawn from the state house and mil , ltary interferenCe ceases l , he will maintain his office through the legal methods and peaceful :;ways of the courts. A lierlin 'correspondent 'writes of Kai ser William: "The Emperor eelebrates this month, his eightieth 'birthday ; he is strotik, itlBty.anil full of spirits. He gets alt.,* very 'well now with the Parliament, bccauSe in Cases of 'difficulty they always yield. ILl.his theories of parliament and prerogative, His Majesty-holds about the standpoint of Edward L, but the people respect.th'e old hero for his unconquerable' honesty and' for the fidelity' with _which he fulfils all.the duties, however :severe, of his great'office. It iaa curious circum stance, ;bosvever, that this Prince, who has fought so, many great- battles,has al ways refused io sign the death-warrant. of a prisoner. Capital punishment is still the law in Prussia, but His Majesty has „ commute°, every sentence oi death, passed since . his accession to Che throne. Ii some respects his heart is as tender as a 'wonaan's." Of- pourae Sir Rowland Hill has the - credit: for ntiginating the penny-post ; but ~4':,Seotehman named Stevens now claims:that he, and not Sir Rowland, was the:autifpirof the system. In 1834,-he ,SaYsifie submitted tO,.e plan to Lord Al.. ttiorlii•Whose :private secretary._,'as then Sir i liOrand,'who cribbed big sc heme and got the credit for it, A Deluge in Cornice*lent. 1 A Hartford, dispatch says the Staffordville reservoir dam - gave'waty about 7 o'clock last Friday morning; 'sweeping everything along the valley from . Stafford- Ville through. , Qld - •Furnace to 'St . afford Springs., The bank, Congregational church; Crane's store: freight depot,'and all honses on the island at. Stafford Springs Were.destroyed ;* also all the' bridges \be tween the scene of. the . disaster - and the toll bridge, both on.thn railroad and • • vny. . .. . . . The' probable loss in. ..Stafford alone is two millions 'of dollars.. The -loss in Stat . - . iordVille is very heavy, the mills. suffer iug more or less damage. Work will have torbe suspended until the-resivoir is rebuilt. - .. . . . ,• Converse & CO.'s mills .haVe, four sets Of cards and one thousand spindlei:. The Home Company, Home Manufacturing CoMpany, and Home. Woolen Conipany,. are also situated there. Tne,latter runs 3,360 The: Staffoidville .Wool en company has three sets of, cards.. The exact loss' . of these - " is unknown: In. Stafl:ird Springs are - the Mills - of Charles Fox & Co., six secs of Carda; the Con verse Company seven sets, and 1,800 spindles ; Ellis Con verse .& Co., - - Mineral Springs: Manufacturing .Compariy; . six sets and.1,740' spindles. In Stafford are The Valley Company's Mills, Glynn: 2,000 spindles; Talley Manufac turing Company; `Phoenix -- 'Woolen Milli and RosSiter,:CoMpany, .each. with four sets of cards. The• Granite Mills.. and Tremont - .EtOuse at . Staffordville.• . were all swept airdy; acid Stores . and. Store houses. .:Trobably, not less than thirty houses: were destroyed; and. -the losS:will be.very . The dam Was considered.. Safe, but the heavy rains of Monday.. filled . the •reser voir to overflowing. The reservoir be ing set some distance ,aboVe the village the 'alarm reached the people in tithe. . Another dispatch, from Stafford says the flood made a complete.'wieck•of the valley. It:: is thought That one or two lives were lost. The losses-- by the Con verseville disaSter are estimated at from five hundred thousand to . . one inillion: Richard Spedding, well known at. Sta fford Springs,:: is thought . - to . - have been drowned. , - The dam broke :at .abont six in the, forenoon.. •Uorktnen bad been .engaged all night trying to prevent the disaster. Two mills nearest the darnare uninjured. The machine shop, of Samuel Amidon, and three dwelling.houses were deStroyed. The Mill of the . Phcenix Manufacturing Company at Ilydeville,. is not materially damaged.- . The darn at Stafford lEfollOw, iron . bridge, tenement house, and grist mill, were washed away.. The . dam at Glen ville wear, but the mill stood firm. Among the losseS are the Granite Mill, $50,000; the toWn • of Stafford, $50,000.;, ten ,dams. about $35,000 ; Smith & 830,000, - to 840,000 ;, G.. 0. CleVeland. *10,000; Thompson &. Whiton, $10,000; L. W. Crane, $10,000; •Congrea b ational churchs 55,0.00; most of the others lose from $lO,OOO down. The damage below Stafford Springs is not included the estimat?. Mr. E.O. Phinney, of Glen Mills, rode his horse down in, frdnt of :the.flood and gave such • warning that not more than , one life was lost. The people had been expecting the warning and at once found places of safety. Though the number in peril was not great, the stream bed - being in a narrow gorge 'and houses out .of danger,. 'the • whole community was out to see the flood, which' was a Sight never to be forgotten. The 'Water did not seem .water at "all; but advanced like a great, mass of sticks and stones rolling Oyer and over. it gouged. a chan nel 30 feet deep in the road, tore up trees. by theirs roots :and carried off soil from gardens substituting rocks, so that its track a waste.. Every dam on the Arearir was carried off, and, instead of diffusing itself, the volume of - flood grew greater all the way until the Willimantic river .WaS reached. Below Stafford Springs the Only ,damage done. 'was to the road] and bridges. The river was able to ab-: sorb the flood without further injury • property. The whole district 'where the stream had created industry,is nOWeliang-f; ed ,to a waste channel. • Advertisemepts New This Week. SSIGNEES'NOTICE.—Jerry Cokeiy, of Springville XX. township, having assigned to me all his estate, in trust. for the benefit of creditors; all persons indebted to said estate. are requested to make immediate settle ment, and all havuig claims against the same, to pre sent them to GEORGE P.' LITTLE. Assignee of Jerry Cokely. • Montrose; April 4 IEB7. - 14-20 ASSIGNEES' NOTlCE.—Edward Fallahee, of Ap. polacon township, having assigned to me all hit estate, intrust, for the lenefit of creditors ; all personi indebted to said estate, are requested to make immq diate settlemcnt. and all having claims against tie same to present them to GEORGE P. LITTLE, Assignee of Edward Fallahee.'. Montrose, April 4,1: 77. -14-20 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. John W. Silvius having assigned all his est4e to the undersigned in trust for his creditors, all perms twliebted by. book account or otherwise are requested to make Immediate settlement, and all having claims against the estate will please present them to A. H. McCOLLUM, Assignei. Montrose, April 4, 13w6; E X-EOUTOR'S ' ~.NOTICE.--Whereas, Letters testamentary to the estate of John Bfyle late of New blilford. twp. dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and all per son htwing claims against the same, are requestea. to ,present them without delay. . . F. W. BOY LE, Executor. ' 4w6. Apr. 4, 1877. A SSIGNEE'S NOTlCE.—Notice . hereby given that John P. McDermott, of Au burn township, Susquehanna County, Pa.; by deed of voluntary stastgnolent, has assigned all his estate and, effects, real, personal, and mixed; to the undersigned; In trust, for the benefit of the creditors of the said' John P.' McDermott ; all persons, therefore. indebted to the said John P. McDermott, will make imniediate payment to the assignee, and those having claims or demands, will mike known the same without delay. • B. O'NEILL, Montrose, Aprl/ 4, 1877. 14-20 Assignee.'..' iIISSOLUTION. _l_, , The firm of H:Garratt & Son, is, this day dissolved by mutual consot. • . The accounts end notes are in the nands of H. Gar ratt, far settlement and collection. :E. S. Oarratt. ihe senior partner, will continue the business. - • • • , . H GARRATT. • B. S. GIURATT New Milford, April 2, 1877. A SSIGNWTS NOTICE.--Notice hereby given that Curtis Tewkesbury, of La throp township, Snsquehanna Conpty. Pa., by deed of voluntary assignment, has assigned all his estate and effects, real, peramal, and mined, to the undcrsigned, in trust, for the benelt: of the creditors of the said Curtis Tewkesbtry ; all pert:lollS, therefore, indebted to the said CartiA 'Tewkesbury, will make immediate payment to the asst nee, and those having claims or demands will make iznown the same • without delay. 'A. LATHROP, 14-20 Assignee. •Montr'ose, Apvil 9, ISTI. NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby giten that. Michael I. Griffin, of Forest Lake tovinship,tSusquehanna County, Pa., by deed of voluntary assigtment, has assigned all his estate and effects, real penonal and mixed, to the undersigned. in trust for theJienefit of the crediters of the said Michael L. Griffit ;.all persons. therefore, indebted to .the said MictaelL. Griffin, will Make immediate pay ment to the Istignee. and those having.claims or de mands. will snak4' known the same without delay. • E. O'NEILL. Montrose, yank 18,1847. 13-19 Assig,nee. ASSIGNEE'S NOTlCE.=Notice is hereby iven that Bartholomew Gahegan, of Silver Lake tontship, Susquehanna County, Pa., by deed of voluntay assignment, has assignen all his .as, tate and effects,tal, personal and mixed, to the under signed, in trustfor the benefit of the creditors of the said B rtholomsv Gahegan ; all persons, therefore, in debted to the sal Bartholomew Gaheghan, will make immediate payittnt to the assignee, and those having elaims or denote, will make known the same with out delay. E. O'NEILL, • Montrose,gach 28,1377. 13-19 'Assignee: • , . The unCerskhed, • Assignee of John F. Mc- Dermott, at public sale,on his premises, in. Auburn or , • • Saturdtv the l lth dajr" , of April,' 1877,' at 10 o'clock a. M., • •• •thEldloW'ing property, . • • -3 horses, 3 Os; 1. two year old bull, yearling, mOwer(Yotnt.Warrior,) 2 shoats,.lum her wag on, horse - 7sFe, 'plows, harrow, grindstone, house hold - .firniture, and tanning -utensils too numerous binention: • :TERMS 7 -fll sums= of $lO, cash.; : over . $10; 9 months' criclit, • with .interest and approved security. • : - - .• • ' E: O'NEILL, Assignee. .. March 30 ; $777. jw. ,•—• TARB HOUSE, • IMONTROSE, PA. w :4 E:;' - ' g''' E.41•;_r44 Noprietor of the .4bove well , known. Hotel •• DFIERS FOR SALE the follvi i irty, described propert}y, 'on ti n :year' credit with secured payments: .- , • . . Arm containing 113 acm. • • • .Farm Not enntainsll3 acres, and'is situated most ly in;the BOotigh of Montt.° e, .has three orchards, two bearing frui , , four barns ~ i s. well watered and fenced. 11\U 3 .4n1 1 3 acres of land. --.-OneOtee• and . 3 acres of land, in the Bor ough of Mon-dee... Ilene° nearly new. . . . . - Flio containing 50 acres. . Farm No. /Matains 50 acres. situated in Brideewa ter tom - 1151)4)1ot mile from the Court House. in Mont rose. 15 acreOlowed land, 15 acres in meadow, .the bal ance. in tirnbt;well watered and fenced. Faiii. containing 215 acres. Farm No. 3iontains 215 acres, located in the town of SunthvilluOietaango County, N. 1r..,150 acres im proved. well stited for a dairy tarm. Good buildings and an orchard d* grafted fruit. • Home and lot. • , One house asdlot on Whitney, near Carroll street, City of "Bingnanton, N. Y.. now .occupied: as 'a tene ment house by three families. Small barn on the lot. 53 a'eres of timber land. or —53 neres l of timber kind one mile from Cor betteville, Brooru County, • Farm containing 180 acres: 1, • 180 acres in Oa kland township, adjoining. the Sus quehanna River this* mll6e from Susquehanna Depot. House and lot. • . One house and , la near Brookdale, Susquehanna County, Pa. 1 , Salt Springs and 10 acres of land. , glr-10 acres of land in Franklin township, ISns quehanna County,- Pa., includes a, water power and known as the Salt Spring property. Has on it, a salt Meek with 50 kettles, steam power for pumping brine, engine house, vats and all the conveniencies for mak _ tug salt. 500 ackea of land. .500 acres in Great Rtnd 'townsbip, adjoining I the Stuiquehanna River. This tract Is so attested that it can be divided to make three or four mail farms if de sired. J. S. TiRBELL, Prop. Ittontrose, Jan. 10, 1877. VALI:IA.I3LE. FARM 'FOR SALE NEIV MILFORD TOWNSHIP. the undersigned executor of the estate of Simon Van Fleet. deed, offers for sale the farm of said deoed• cut, one-fourth mile north of the Moxiey church, New 3Sillford township, Pa. •It contains about 112 scree, well watered, feLced,and under a good state of cultiva tion.. I must dispose of said farm, and will sail ou EASY For Further particulars inquin of thesubscriber • Sutamers'-ille. Pa. P. 0. Addreas,New Milford, Pa. E. A. ALDUICH. b. July 19, 81Gtf TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Conaumption,by a iatpte remedy, is anxious io make known to his lellovv sufferers the means of cure. To itil; who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of , charge s ) with the directions for preparing and using the same. which they will And a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, ac. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. 8.A.. WIL SON,: 194 Penn Street, Wllliameburgh, N. Y. 2 w90 • SHERIFF'S : SALES.- =. 6Y VIRTUE OF VMS ISSUED Br TEE.COURT 01 7 COMMON' - Pleas of' *usquehannaCounty andlo toe directed," will expose to sale by public sendue,at the Court House • in ilontroso on, Friday, April 13, A. D., 1877,', , . . .. . . at 1 o'clock p. m., the following pieces or parcels of Lind, to wit : All that pi€ce or plot of land situate in the township ofChoconnt &Nue , henna County, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by lands of Michael Dugan, on the east by land of Edward Sweeny Michael Hastings and. Mathew Mclnerny. on the *loath by lands of Mrs R. P. Mulford and James B. Carreal4 and on the west by land of Mathew Mclnerny, containing 75 acres, more or less, partly improved, with the appurtenances, one house, one barn and an orchard. eaSiezed and taken in. execution at the sett of Sirs. le I .Mulford - vs. Maria Kenan. • Susquehanna ALso—All that piece or parcel of lani, situate in Ararat township, County, Pennsylvania, , beunded on the north by lands'-of the Shaffer estate, late Ezra Walker, on the east by lands of Nelson Potter: oa, the south by lands of Geo: W. Potter,' on the west by lands of Alfred Hine; con taining 6d Reece; mere Or less, and all improved, with the appurtenances, one frame house, one frame barn. cora house, ht a house, and an orchard, (Siezed and taken in execution at the suit of Edward 13loaham use Oscar Washburn vs. Parley Walker. , , ALso—All those two pieces or parcels of land situate in the wnship of ,Liberty, County of Susquehanna. Pennsylvania, bounded' on the north by land.• of Sarah On ns and Join 'Emmons, ea the east by land of O. Phelps, on lee eonth by the highway and lands late of O. P. W tiburn deed, and on the west by land of Sarah Owens, containing S acres, more or less, 'with the appurtenant s, one frame house and barn, and all improved.. The second piece is situate as above, bounded north by lan, of Peter Batts, on the east by lends contracted to Ross & Humphrey, on the south by lands of John Emmons & 0.. and the west by land of Isaac Comstock, containing 50 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, one frame barn and about ,10 acres improved. (Siezed and taken in execntiod at the snit of 0. Ve•.l.andeley vs. D. A. Worden, administra tor of the estate of Martha N. Vance, dec'd, late Martha M. Washburn . - • - , - ALSO—AII that piece or .parcel of land situate iu , Harmony County 'of Susquehan ,. na. Pennsylvania. bounded on thehorth by land of 3. W. Austin, on the east by . land of Fred Murphy, on the south by land'of Fred Murphy Radon The west by the Belmoht turnpike; containing about .30 acres of land, more or leap, with the appurtenances. [Siezed and taken in execution at the snit of Joan B. Steinback assign . ed to J. IL Coon vs. G. W. Cook. -0 ' Ai:so—All that certain piece or parcel, messuage or tract of land situate in the township of 'Great Bend, County of Suequehanna, - and State olarennsylvania, boufided north by land'of Her man Rosetta and land now orlate.oi R. 0. Everett. east by lands how or late of R. O. Everett, and lands of Lnke Smith, south by lands of the estate of L. Monell dec'd and lands of the estate of John Smite deed. and west by landsof Peter Smith, containing 110 acres, more or leis. with the appurtenances. frame house, barn endow. building and an orchard. [Siezed and taken in execution at the suit of E. Ayers • vs. Isaac S. Bull. ALSO—AII that piece or 'parcel of land situate in the township of Auburn, Sus - what= County Pennsylvania. bounded and described as follows to wit: , On the north by land of Wrn. Green on the wait by land of;A. Waltman, on the south by land of ZibitLa France, and on the east by land of Na. than Green and land of Samuel Tewksbury, containing* 116 acme. she about SO acres improved, with the appur tensincee, one fra no house, one frame barn and shed, and two orchard's. [SieZed and taken in execution at the snit of A. 11. McCollum vs.-O. E. Picket. • - - .ALso—All that certain _piece or parcel, of land situate, in the township.of Hanford, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, bounded anddescribed as lollowe, to wit ; Beginning'at the south corner ,ot lot of Milbotirn Oakley. thence by eald,Oakleys land north 44 degrees ettaLl34M perches to stone - corny r,thence by lot No. 330, belonging to D. P. .h Joseph Ttlfany south. 46 degrees east. 70 perches to a stone corner, thence by lot of Sewell Warner south, 44 degrees west; 135 M perches to a stone corner, thence along the line to the or iginal tract north. 46 degrees west, 70 perches teethe place of beginuingacontaining 60 acres, more or' less. with thee appurtenancee,a frame barn' and. improvements.. [Siezed and taken, in execution at the *nit cf Edgar Vat, Loan vs. James. Hannon. , 'Also--All that piece or parcel of. lip id situate in the township of Great Bend,.. Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, described as - follows, to wit : Beginning at the north-wept corner of a lot granted to William Skinner in line of Robert Ogden's lot south, 55 degrees west, 100 perches to a hemlock, a corner of '` ' Mayo's land, thence south 35 degrees east, 170 perches by land of Whitton Dayton and others to a corner. thence by the same north, 5 degrees east. 100• perches to the, cornet of said William aikinner's land, thence north, 35 degrees west, 170 perches, to the place of beginning; containing 105 acres, more or less, ex cepting therefrom, always neverthelees,about 81 acres .heretofore by order,ol Orphans' Court deed purchased by T. D. gstabrook, whose deed is recorded in the proper office in said county, in deed book No. 63, page 103 &c., with the appurtenances, two dwelling houses, two barns, one orchard and mostly improved. [Siezedand taken in execution at the snit of. T. D. Estabrook vs. Kezia Worden admirestrairix of James Viorden dec'd. . ALSO—AII those certain pieces or .parcels of land situate i and being n• the town ship. of New Milford; County. of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and described as fol lows. : Beginning at a corner of Samuel H. Williams! and Lancaster Jennings, thence north, 44 degrees west, 54 perches to a post and stones, thence by land of Entach Smith north, 46 degrees east, 80 5-10 perches to-a post, thence by land conveyed to. Joseph Rice south, 52 degrees east, 20 9-10 perches to a hemlock stump, thence south, '1 ,l degrees east, 9 perches to a post, and north 43M degrees east, 12 4-10 rods to a point iu thebighway leading from New Milford to Jackson, thence along said highway south,s3M degrees east, 31.5-10 . perches to an Iron driven in the road, crossing said road leauing from New Milford to Jackson, thence north on line of Joseph Rice, 40 degrees 4ast, SO 3-10 perches to a post And stones parallel with said road 29 rods, stake and stones par allel with lands of. Jacob Waymaa 8 3-10 rode to middle of said road. thence westerly to said il9 rode to the above named irotelhence 19 rods along Cyrus Barlow's mill lot to a stake and stones, thence easterly-along said Bat • - low's line 21 rods to a stake and stones, thence southweeteily parallel with the original line of Jacob Waym :41 rode to stake and stones to land of Samuel Williams deceased, thence north. 40 degrees west, 21 perches t place of beginning, crintain'ng 50 acres of land, more or • less. with the appurtenances. one orchard and about 'a . acres improved. A second piece is situate as above bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north 'O A 1 and east by lands of Levi Tanner, on the south by.public highway and on the west by land of Joseph Rice, with 1 1 the appurtenances, two frame houses, one trame barn, corn house, and hog house, and one orchard and contain- [ ing about 21 acres, more or less, about 17 acres improved. [Siezed and taiten in execution at the suit of-LB, 1 Wright vs. N. L. Lenheim. ' i , -, ALso—All those two pieces or parcels of land situate in Oakland and Jackson townships, Susquehanna County. Pennsylvania. •The first piece bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at the east corner of lands of L. W. Griffis, thence along the. line of James Norton forty six degrees east, about fifty perches to Drinker creek road, thence north, about forty twp perches to fine of Amos Tinley warrant, thence • along warrant line north 44 degrees west 227 perches to warrant line, thence along the same south 46 degrees wesee7 perches to line of lot now or late of Fred B. Travis, thence sot 45 degree's east 120 perches to corner, thence along another line of Travis' lot south, 46 degrees west 32 perches to line of said Griffis' lot, thence along the eame ;south 44 degrees east 107 perches to the place of beginning, containing 102 acres, more or lea g, Second piece le'bounded north by lands of Michael Grew, D. A. Lyon and al elnerny. on the east by .and of D. A. Lyon, on the south by Patrick Callan and west' by peptic road, containing about be' acre., 40 acres im prpved, with the appurtenances, one - frame house and one frame barn and an orchard. (Siezed and taken in execution at the snit of Mre. M. J. Phelps assigned to Wm.. Emery vs. Wm. S. Snedaker. ALso--All that plot of land situated in Hart - m(1 township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, and bounded c.O the north by land of W.,Brainard, on the Oast by land of H. Tyler. on the south. by land ef Andrew Osmond, and on the west by L. :L•a Leroy, containing 75 acres, about 50 acres !reproved, with the appurtenar ces. one frame house, two frame barns and an orchard. [Siezer.• and taken in extcutio it at the an of Deleyan Leroy assigned to E. A. Pratt ye. David Apdrews. \ • 4LsolAll that village lot or plot of lend situate in the Borough of Montrose, - Suc-\ qnehanna Connty,Penneylvania, bounded northerfy by Maple street. on the easterly by a lot occupied by IL , u. Jessup and by lot of A. H. McCollum. southerly by lot of Miss Emily Blackmun and on the westerly by lot of W. W. Watson, containing 36 square rods of lane, be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, one frame dwe' ling house and, frame barn and fruit trees, [Siezed and taken iu execution at toe suit of Zipron Cobb vs. John W. Cobb. ALSO—AII that piece or parcel' of land situate it Ararat township, Susquehanna County Pennsxlvania, and bounded on the north hv land of Cub:nail, on the east by land of Joelah Brookins" the south by land of Emily Decker and on the west by land of Lorenzo Simons, containing 119 n acres, m ore or less, about one half improved, with the appurtenancee, one frame house, frame barn and an 1 orchard . eStezed and taken in execution at the salt of Lucius Curtis vs. Geo. Payne. . • • t ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Ararat,Susque• henna County, Pennsylvania, bounded north by land 'of John Beanraonta on the east by land of John Perry, on the south by I Ind of Edmund Worth and on thc west by laud of &mead Worth. containing 13 acres. more or leas, with the appurtenances, one log house and :all improved. [Siezed and taken in execution at the suit of Tnomats•Avery use of L. R. Peck vs. David Avery and Thomas Avery. ' ALso—All those two pieces of land, situate in the township of Middletown, Sus. , ~ qnehanna County, Pennsylvania. The first piece being bounded on the north in lands of I. C. Dodge, on the cart by land of John Horrigaii, on the south by. J. W. Dodge estate, and on' the west ny land of Mary Pritch ard, containing 55 acres, more or less, with the , appurtenances, frame house, barn and other outbuildings, or chard and mosoly improved. The second piece is bounded on 'lse north by land of J. W. Sandersoe and Thom di Jones and George Jones, on the east by landa, of Thomas Jonbs and Samuel Dodge, on the south by lands of John D. Thomas, or to occupied by I him,. on: the west by the Medford county line, cont. tang about 43 acres, more or less, excepting rnd rcFerving about 17S, acres, more or less, sold to Thomas Owen, id about 13( acres, more or less, sold to John a ohnson. and mostly improved. thiezed and taken in execution he suit of F. Taggart vs. I. C.pod.. ee. , ALso—All that piece or parcel of land situate in the •township of Middletown„ Sus ger-henna County. Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by land of I. C. Dodge; on the east by land of Charles Whited, on the sonta by land of Charles Whited, and on the west by laud ot . Jenkin Jones, containing sal acres. more or less, with the appurtenances. one frame house. one. trame barn and an orchard and mostly im• proved. [Siezed and taken in execution at the suit of F. Taggart ve. Esther Docge adminietrutrix of the es tate of John W. Dodge dec'd. -, ALso—All that piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Dimock, dec'd., County. Pennsylvania, botanded on the north by land of John Woodhouse, on the east by land of Themes Williams and JoesplfD. Drinker, on the south by land of J. B. Wallace, and on the *tst by land of , Leland Blakeslee William Miles and Abram Dußois, containing 182 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances one teame house, one frame florae barn, one frame barn an orchard and about 160 acres improved, tSiczed and I taken in execution at the suit of D. D. Searle vs. Melvin .A.iney. , - ALSO—AiI those three lots or parcels of land situate in the township of Liberty, az - ogee - henna County, Pennsylvania,• known and numbered as lots (Si) fifty-one, (52) fifty-two and (43) forty three, in the,tract called Liberty (on survey of Laws land) each of said lots said to• contain 100 acres, in all 300 acres, more or less, [Siezed and taken in execution at the suit• of James B MeCrary vs, John Q. Humphrey .t R. B. Ross doing business under :he firm name and style of Ilnuiphrey & Ross. 'N.B.- All bids and costa must be arranged on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, March 21,16.77, WM, WHITE, Sheriff. e".; cri rr , ttl *3 • tt . , LICENSE PETITIONS.-- - -Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of an Act of A.s sembly, the following named persons have filed their petitions with the Clerk of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the County of ,nsquehanna,, for licenses to keep. Hotels and Eating Hon p es, and to sell at whole sale and by measure in said ,County, for which they will apply at April Sessions, I.M. - Charles Ernst, . - Eating House, Sum' a. Depot. J, P. Kent 66. „ Edward Van Aken " " Mrs Eliza life.Graugh, Everet Van Aiken, It Prank Hoffman, et . W W Brown. Tavern;- I, ' " Ambrose Benson . 61 Chester G Chaffee ' " Wm 1) Ketchum Geore Arener Charles Kirk lgich4el Doyle, ....uel Doyle, ! - h ar o t ta in as L le a e n rn no a o ne ' • - ~ ' Wholesale, ~ ". enj. Gregog . . • To sell by Measure i ' la ,ry , Kdlia.d Carlisle - 64. Thomas Kelley, . " 44 Dennis Casey' - • . Measure, • ' ' • . " Richard Bta,ck'Jr, - Rating House, _Gt,,Bend Boro. A Kilgore, - Sell byMeasure Thomas Kilrow, ' :avers, • " 1 R 0 Bedell, 46 64 Henry Ackert, ‘• , ,- 'lsaac N Bullard, Sell by Measure ,' ' Montrose. M A Lyon, 16 . A B Barns, tt 66 John S Tarbell, , _Tavern, .. " 14 J Harrington, ‘, . it 66 , Charles Morse; - , " Rush Townahip. R 8 Holmes, • - - ,4 , Gibson " _ . - Silas Howell, - i " ' " " ' 'P Phir.ney, ' " New Milford BOro Wm Jay; ' . •i. 46 John Foster, * 1 ". -: Friendsville Boro Philip Ryan, • IA Wm Buffum, Sell by Measure, "- Alf Ayres,.: - , Tavern, .' Dundaff BUM OP . Phinney, 64 , . ellfford Tivp Edward Meledy, - Eating House', , Herrick • . 6 6 John M Myers, - Tavern, -, " " Anthony V Snover, 6 ' . , Lenox " PH-Brush. , . 6 ' .Snrirwville " Jeremiah Stephens ' 4 4 ; 46 George B Fessenden, , " Brooklyn , 4 4 Charles B Stewart ' " Jackson ." Delos Roberta 4 4. . '" J D Linabary 4 6 '- 'Auburn 4 4 David Wilularth; ' " - ' ' Lathrop' " G W Reese To sell:by•Measore Michael Murphy Eating house Oakland " Juason Stone. 44 Forest. Lake David A Chandler." - — Thomson Dom Blalock. Barlow, 4 4 . • Hayford John. II Morrlbon _ " Harmony " Perry Jaques - C France = 4, Dlmork 't Daniel Hinds....:Eating House, , Gt, Bend Village. Wx. W. 8114R81.1. 4 Montrose, March 14,1817. • Legal. p EGIStER'S NOTICE.---Puimc No tice 'is hereby' given to all persons concerned in the following estates, to wit : Estate of Hemau Snow, late of Franklino.deed, Ln• , ther Snow and John F Snew; Adm're. Estate of. Sheldon G Handrick.late of Franklin ,dec'd, Sally Hendrick. and K B Hendrick Ex're. - Eat. of Ezra Pratt, late of New Milford, deed, E.A. Pratt,,Adm'r. • Est. of Bohn Baker, late of Dimock, deed, Emily Bak er and Urbane Smith, Adm`rs. Est..of John Bergin, late of. Middletown; dec'd, Wm. Bergin, Adm'r. Est. of Earl Olin, late of Jackson, dec'd, Elt Barnes, Admit. Est. of N. L. Austin, late of .Liberty, deed, Ann X. Austin, Admin. . , • Eat. of John A. Warner, lato of Jessup, deed, A. W. Bertholf. • Est. of Ezra Patrick, late of Great Bend, dec'd, W. S. Barnes, - Adner. D. B. N. Eat. of Wm. Craver, late of Brooklyn, deed, E, A. Weston, Eer. Est. of`J. S. Dunmore, late of Rush, dec'd, Charles Gay, Her. Est. of Thurston Lewis, late of Burford, dec'd, Francis A. Barnard, AdntV.r. • • _ Est. of Lewis yard. late of SpringvAle, deed, Geo. L. Card and Nathaniel Squires, Adm're. Est. (ICJ. H. Simrell,late of Great Bend, dec'd, E. W. Simrell. Adm'r. EBt. of Frederick Peckini, minor. Lydia Birchard, G narlil2lnr Est of Elmira It Slyer, minor, Amelia Slyer, Guar• Eat. of Eveline J. Ilickox, minor, A. W.llaine, Guar' dian. . • 1 That the accountants have eettled their actounts in the Register's Office in and for the Count); of Seoul", henna, and that the 'same will be presented t;i fte Judges of the Orphans' point ou Thursday, the 121 dsi of April, 18Th for confirmation and allowance. \ •• t • _ •R. F. BEARDSLEY. Register. Register a oMce, Montrose, Marchl4, Wil. - • rowB NOTICE.—The Under higned, an "auditor, ;appointed by the Jutb.feof Orphan's arpha's Court of Susquehanna -Comity. to dir tribute the funds, remaining: in the hands of file ad minletrator of tbe eititte of Ellen :O'Brien he will at tend to the ditties of said 'appointment itt his office is Montrose; on.-*Monday the • tith day -at'Aisrett A ere !O'clock p. m„ at, which, time. and place all pertions toTestett will make known their clanns! or be foreva debarred from comleg lit on said fund. .! . • . giant ose , Feb: 1877. itic l: IMINISTRATOR'Sji.. .. the estate of Michael Sullivan,' late o; Forest Lake,: deed.. Letters of adminlitration in the f 3 16 estate having been, granted to the undere igned all per monaawing said estate are requested to make int ruedi ate imyment., and;, all persons having plaims against said estate are 'requested to present them without de -41.1% : '• - 6 Tl3elititl'l3l3.l.l4lVAN. 9 Feb, 25;154, 946) ••- . •.. Adratutatistor.