t, I to' 1 it 'it, I' r [ , MONT.II,O§E, PA., MAPiell 14, 1877. Y.titmorouo. • AT THE BLUE-GLASS WINDOW.. To see what a maiden fashei. I'm stealing a:ong the stairs,;; DV love at blue-glass sash is, I'll come , on her unaiiates. Her hair of the deepest golden, Takes the hue of,heaven, I know I She'll look like a Faint in some , olden Church window of, long ago:, Her hair, did I say ? Oh, wonder l Her head, like a billiard ball, Gleams harems the sunlight yonder 1 great Cresar ! I see it all 1. Her locks, with the gold light flitter, Were false!. Shel . hrii)ed to Has none . of her own; she is sitting There, trying to get some in. Oh, Pleasontou ! where isthe kindness `.That sages' havo : seen thy . faCe r Better.suffor from absolute blindness . • Thac see what i'vt seen in this place. YoU've shattered ply' mob me, That science indeed - has its dues Your blue-glass invention has thrown. me • In a permithent fit of the blues. —St. Louis Republican. gNj.G.II3S. Some of the brightest wits have exercised a leisure hour ' in constructing enigmas full of ingenuity, fertile in idea, and graceiul in lan guage. The following exanple is altributed to - Charles James Fox, and is without much difficulty seen to relate to glass . ; Whatis pretty and useful in various ways, • Though it tempts ' some poor mortals to shorten their days. Take one letter , from, it, and there will ap pear What youngsters; admire ev'r.l day in the year ; Take two letters from it, and then; without doubt, • .. • You are what .that is, if you don't find it out. One of the best enigniasof this class was by Lord Macaulay, on the word—but we- will leave the discovery of it to the reader'; . •i, -• :. •• .....: Cut off my head, and singular lam • Cut off my tail, and plural I appearit• ' :•• Cut off my, head and tail, and wondrous ,feat; Although my middles left, there's nothing • there, What is my head cut off ? a - srifinding sea ; What is my tail cut, oft ? a rushing river. ;. And in their mighty depth I fearless play, Parent of sweetest sounds, yet mute forever. l , , Effects of a ludicrous kind—all the more 'ludicrous, through being • wholly unexpected-7 are produced by presenting in i majestie or ele- 'F: gant ,torsi what was originally a nursery rhyme / or, perhaps a humorous i ditty.:. One scarcely' recognizes a comic song, much in ' favor'sorne years ago, .whear dressed up •in the stanzas be- ginning : "If I liad . . a quadruped . averse ,to speed," etc. The: elegant furbishing which , Jack and Gill has, received may b 0 cited •as another example ;. , • • 'Twas not on Alpine now or ice, . ' ' - But honest Englis ground, . • , "Excelsior" was their - device ; - But sad the. fate they found, . • They did not anal) fiat-love or fame, • But followed duty's call'; . " They were together.in. their aini, •. . ' , • But parted in theiriall. : ... , ii i Several enigmas have been. based on the et • . , I\, that, in tantiliar .talk, Mother is Often use i for Etrep-mother- and. , motber-in-law, brOther for half-brother and brother-in 7 law, ect.;' and I •om the further fact; that cross-marriages bet t een, two or three , families-widowers marryingspin Eters, • and bachelors' . marrying widows- gii great compieiity.to the oddity of 'designation for relationships.; :'One form ot this enigma is as follows: • • • . . • A wedding there ' was, and a dance there Lis' be: . But who should stand there? thus all did agree: Old grandgire and grauddam should lead the dance down Two lathers, two mothers should step the sam ground ; • Two daughters stood up and danced•with thei sires, And also two. sons who danced with the mothers: - Three sisters there were who danced with the brothers ; Twe urchins vouchsafed with their nieces dance ; With uephetirs to jig it, it pleased two aunts-; Three husbands would &ince with none b their wives; The granddaughters chose their jolly grandso4 The bride she would dance with the britii . , &mini or none. - . - ' , . i 7 And yet there' were only six persons n - , three male and three female, among- whit; there were no unlawful marriages or_ birgist neat nut to crack.. Another relates to, two f• ilies, each comprising a widow, her sou, (a ower) and his daughter ; each man then - ried the other man's widowed mother, andl a bewildering relationship arose. Giving 0 1 s ia tian names to the several persons, the has been statect thus : - Elizabeth and. he husband had a son John ; she then m r Tiionias, and had .a .daughter Susan. A her first husband had a son llama then married John and bad a daughter a Two or more meanings to the stun z li supply aninexhaustible store ot matt . enigma composers ;' and the resources an creased if. we are, permitted to use wo s I ing the 'same sound but different dei spelling. Social circles of merry-in ers well acquainted with this form or pu ,W 1 has engaged the attention of notla w and intellectual peranns. The diversit,y of:meanings, to:suci bar, bit, and box: eliegran °Ago' to) T Or n r t i 8, • . endless = etting of enigmas. An old }enigma, dated from some period of the kit century, describes a lady's p4rson by means Of words having double or triple meanings : lief eoin plexion is Sarah Short ; her hue,, a l l city of Chinal; her nose, like iny hand when,Writing ; Omit her mouth A' famous singer smiles_; an other famous singer, gives you a description of her stature ; hei chin a tete at e 6 giVes ; hei 'teeth, part of a day, neither morning, noon, nor night. Then comes a description of her dress, among. which some' Of 'the items are : On her head she wears a riotous rabble, i fasten- ed with a game at ibowis ; her gown s a part of musical instrument ; her shots, an F eastern empire scalded.; her stomacher: an ancient in habitant .of Jerusalem and two yards and a tall." And so on with - her amusements, her religion. and the,boolcs in her library. ; . The late Bishop Wilberlerce, Who'relieved more crave studies by occasional pleasit i ntries df wit - and humor, constructed an . enigma on "man," by, the etiiployment 'of a whole string of words having:two or more meanings each: "All pronounce ' . me a wonderful- pitce of, mechanism and yet few people have tinmbered' the strange medley of which lam comprised. i, I have a large box and two ,lids, ki ds, two cups, two musical instruments, a number of !weather cocks, two established measures, sornkeapons of warfare, and a great many little} articles that a carpenter' cannot do without. } Then I have abotit me a eduple of esteemed fishes, and a great many of smaller size, two lofty trees,and fruit of an indigenons plant; a handsome stag tied a great number of small kinds Of game wei halis or places of worship, two students Of, ! cholars, the stairs, of a hotel, and halfa score f Spanish gentlemen to attend mind : I have 'hat is the terror of the slave, also two domes= c animals, and a number of negatives," We l iould haye Said—but . most readers will soon / la this for themselves—that Ware arelhere not ly similar words with dissimilar Meanings; it also words having the same sound though . i etently spelled. 1 iIENV STORE.- - - ' -' -• ... I : •-, 'i . - ".. • i! ' : ' - i • B. R. LYO NS - ac, c!Co, Have opened a store in • I BIRCHA•RDVILI:E. D GOODS, GROCERIES, - gAROWARE; 'R TKS & SATCHELS, PAPER HANGINGS, R SAUL', RUt , •RS, and most- kinds Of goods • .that are wanted. I . . Ityne's Falaily &c. All ar nvited to call and see 10,tv well hey can do.by buying • . J. WESLEY. LIVBEARD. Bircha • me, Pa., Dec. 20, IS76tf. i Ai us f BOOKS. i - , LTA. Each be may be safely. rereived is amoeg the verk best.* i • THE SAZUTATION.I • (Im : per eoz.) By L. 0. Emerson. First ClaJs urch:Mu c Book..• f • THE EUNORE. (75 cis; $7 rO. Emerson:ass Sioging School .139c,k. • WORLDiOF SONG. , $2.50 Ede; Cl; Gilt.) Unrivaled Collection of . ---- i ! . GEMS . OF HE DANCE. ! 2.50 Bds ; $3 C 1; $1 Gil .) The most Brilliant Plano ! ,o d l a 6 y o: nt l h 3 ;; s l o 'ea lje r. sic. '' ' ER .. KI - S' A,. THEM 806 1 . K. ,! - doz.) In easy Anthem fog each . fi P RKINS' GL iIE k, CHORUSiBOOk. \ 4'' .ll l e 2 a l t le fi r Sacred ' tknd ' B . ecn I at' I)er e v o 2 ll p e e et r io d n o .:l : ::: MALE.VOICgGLEE BOOK. -, . Perkins. Brief,New,SPirited Glees in a l bandance, EMERSON'S UH.OR,IIS BOOK. - I.2s;Choruses. i 1 1 pthei,book mailed, post-free, for Retail Price. , • , OLIVER DIMON it . CO., 8051170 N., C. R. Ditsen & Co., J. E. Ditson &to l l • i 111 Br ,adway, • Successors to Lee 4 Walker, •, New,York. - Phila. i • SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Riery Young' Man desirous of a good praeticalbrisi , neral educatiori should attendAhei BUSINESS 'OOLT•FGE Thorough instructions in Bonk Keeping, penmanship • " Arithmetic, Telegraphy, &a, ,"1 ~ • , 'LADIES DEPART/HEST T .v. ma E c it A.. 3p xi Ir, 1 Cirenlara containing terms and fall partiaalars to he had at the College. or gent by mail. Addregs E. K. LOSIETt, Ijilnelpal. Feb. 21, WT. Bti . . . - - A UDITOR'S NOTICE.-Thyunder- Lx. signed an Auditor appointed by the Judges of the Orphans' court of Snequeha...na County, toy Distribute tut.ds in the hands of Owen McDonough Administrator. b "of the estate of 0 wen Mc 'Jonough.dec'd will attendito the dtPles of said appointment at my office in the Borough Y of Idontro-e, on Saturcay. March 11. 18r7. at 1 o'clifek p.m., at which time and place all perotal interested will make kiowu : their claims or be foreyier debarred from conning in on said fund'. I. , - - - FRAXELIN . 1114.13111totuditok. • Feb. 876.. . Svf4 BOOTS & :SHOES, iONTROSE -OF NOW OPEN. W W. - SMITE & SO Manufacturrs and. Dealert in all Waal of 3Pl2:jr.li.ltu.:l!o:l PARLuR SUITES, - _ - CHA.MBER SUITES, COSTLY 'it CHEAP rerRNITURE, • - ALL KINDS OF MATTRESSES, - THING BOTTOMS, tte.-, MrFnrnitnre, Repaired,l3ottoms put in 04airs, Upholstering done, C!overing Chairst. - and Lounges, Mattresses ,done_ over. The Subscribers will make. Undertaking a specialty in their business. Having one of • the most elegant HEARSES in the State, • all needing their services will be at- . tended to promptly and at sat isfactory charges. - • w. w. sztirrn & SON. Montrose, Jan. 10, 18ritf. 9C°. 3PTY3F.1C1'57% IVAG.ONS,. tiA2Rlll4_B-,•.,& BIIGGX, CONCORD', PHAETON, ANI EVENERS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE WIIIFFLETREES. BODIES OF THE LATEST STYLES JOBBING, &c., DONE P,ROM P PTLY • E. T. PURDY, Montrose, June 7. 1876. AATHY FLOWERS BLOOM. -IN Y WINTER Are you aware that yon 'can obtain Summer heat in . January 2 That you can impalt balmy air to you' families ? that you ear give spontaneous growth to plants and PlowersiNand plat you 'can 'make home a little paradise by - purchasing one of B. C. Sayre's Hot ,Air Ifurnacus Y. -These Pgrunceri now constructed with V A.Poft PAN. by -which the attu?sphere is tem pered to that resembling Summer heat. r NO 11.0 R E, CRACKING OF FURNIN TURE-NO MORE DRY HUSKY HEAT. , 1 And the time has come when .consnmotives may. re joice in coal fires. These furnaces are sold entirely up on their own merits, acd are now the leading Furnace in this part of the country•. All Furnaces are warrant ed to give entire satisfaction or no sale. 3D -5 Ir 3" EL reT AL •o m' I keep competent men on the road who are well ac quainted with the 'Furnace 'business and they are con stantly, putting up these euruaces. Their work imar ranted to please. These Furnaces are now scattered in thefollowing towns and cities: 13inahamton , Scranton, Providence, Wilkes Barre. Kingston, Pittston, Elmira. Waverly, Williamsport, Great Bend, Stivuehrnna Depot. Hanmk, Downsville, Andes, Maigaretville, Franklin, Unadilla, Owego, Northumberland, and many other towns. 31/Laai..tzfaiotizreci. 33" y Any person wishing a' reconimendation , from anyone living in the above named places. I will gladly cm res. peru.d - with them, giving names of parties now using these Furnaces. ' L .. :-- ',:, --..8 : ;.:;.g... SA'YRE 1 Montrose -Pa. , Montrose, Decem b er 22d. 18715 NEW STOCE OF .. . 401 . 4C0011t.01 1.4 5 r Just rocelvedand for sale by • 1:1 1 Q lIPEP'ME Far sale by J ILSO, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Atthe store of Maressii Cnir'etzs.geisi, Fora*le by ' •S.J. 'WEBB. Montiose. Aorill. 1875. • - TAYLOR'S COUGH SYRUP. All persons suffering from the effects of throstand Inn diseases should nave. Taylor's Cough Syrup or ea• _ pectoral t a trial, It works tho - oughly upon the Liver; Aneys and Lnegit, as'well as upon the whole system, cleansing the mucous membrane removing soreness and giving tone and strength to the differcntorgans.— it is warranted to give attistaction, All standing in need of a condition powder for any kind of etock or poultry ehould givr. Taylor a trial.— They are warranted to be the beet powder in market sun to sire entire **titration: or the tem will be re. faded. They ere sold by sli dukes la - UI)E.4 . AKING.; &'O. Manufacturer of, I lelglas. -0- SIDE-BA'R GEARS. ;TOT-AIR FLOUR. This 4 tions, Sores and Injuries of t linty Skin, not - REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEX4N ALL BLEI.I ISHES arising from local; hnktrities of :the blood . and 'obstruction of the es, but also those produeed by the sun and*ind, such as tan and freckles. it renders the etrricm MARVELOUSI..Y CLEAR, tind PLIANT, and being 3. WHOLESOME BEAUTWIER is far ferable to any coltetid. ALL THE itEmEbtAx. AtkvANtXOts py SUL PHUR BATHS are insured I:SE OF Glenn's Sulphur! Soap, Which addi tion to, its purifying eitects4 rentedips and PRE VENTS RIIEUMATISAI and, GOVT. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and ustrf and PREVENTS DISk,ASES CoIIMU.NICATED BY CONTACT with, the PERSON.' 1 IT - DISSOLVES D.vs - nnuirt., prevents bald ness, and retards grayLi, ess of the hair. Pllysicinni speak of it in I:ivh.terins. • PHCBS - 725 nd Box (3 Cakes), ,60c. and $1.20. N. B.—The so cent cakes are tripic-the , size of amt.,: at " 1111 . JUS U R Arci) 'WHISKER PIT)" it *I C.:3 • 1.. ..,r. HOLIDAY MUSIC BOOKS ! Price in Bds 50. Cloth. $3. .Glit $4. Rarely have we issued A bodk ofron,gstnclnding snch a variety or really first class and popular Vocal Masi: . 210 paged, full - sheet MusiC .801.1V,i) by neirly sixty different composers, and atnong the compositions are many such gems as Come to me quickly. Golden kicks are silver. My hears s best love. She's a rosy; she's a posy, and Miliard's . Whippoorl i Will. ! • We publish 19 valuable'. collecLoos nniferixi with the World, and Gems: - Send cor cz.i.alogue'of Home"Mnsieul Library, and select. one or more of its books for Christ mas.. A Companion to tirlamons ••Genie of Straiten 1" $2 69 in boards. $3! Ciotti, $4 Gilt. , . Tne Gems of Strauss had a `wonderful success, a this new werk is fully. its etoit, and contains, the. • cent t.ltr;ins:s pieces . and .many others .by Qungl, /a m"othe, Faust; Cesote. Z ilia, and 'other' emintatt c n- posers. 232 pages, full' :meet Music size, well i ed with Waltzes, tialope, Politas,LQuadalles, etc. Any book or piece sent; pos paid for retail pr.! , . . . i; , . . 9 . .11 . 4. . . „ . . .. . , OLIVER .DffICSON I dr, '',€o3os . on •- C. H. Ditson & Co.,' . - . :; ' j'...Ei'Ditson & .6., --- .' 711 Broadway. ; Successor to Lee 'S .%' : • er, • New York: i - • " ' Phila.- - -, - A:ly 5, 1876, - - , . ' ' "• - ; ' f5 -, 11 . • , • S . pßocum-ATION. ' ': , / . 1 - , • • • SUSQUEHANNA SS Flora B. Yager4.hy her next friend and fatal Gilbert 'O. Sweet ; vs. William Yag :r. •in Court o Common Pleas of 'eusqttchanna C0n0y.'N0.264: Nov .rm,"1876, To IN 'Warn Yager : ' Whereas a Subp a' in Di vorce was issued toNov. Tcrm.;lB76,' whi h was du lyreturned non eat-Lima: hie - and therecin n alias-sub pcsaa was issued returnable to January erm, 1817, • upon the return of which proof:was made lilt the said William Yager could not be; found in mbailivick; ' This notice, therefore, is .to require y to appear before- oar Judges of. theh said' Court - ,o he second Monday of April next to answer said:contint. - . : At - • i WM. wit; i , Sheriff. Montrose, Jan. 31. 1877. • -:!• -.:' ;; - - LI ' .- ' , Active Agents wanted instantly to i 'troth= the CEATE.IO 7 IAL' .EXP,IiSITIOS:‘ _ DESCRIBED AN D ILLUST ATED. Nearly 800 pagts ; onlig2 50 ; • rich illustrations ;'and a treasure as the bestow!, cheapestb tory of the great Exhibition. Endorsed' by Officials tees and Clergy...— 1 Is selling immensely, Now lady el red $350 in. four weeks. Act quickly.' Now or neVe . For full maim lars, address HUBBABD BROS 4 blithers, 733 San sem Street. Philadelphia; Pa. 1 ,'• ; 1 1 , . • . •TO CONSUMMIVES. •The adveftiser, having been ermanently 'Cured of tbatdread disease. Constimpplo :,14 remedy., simple reedy. is'anxions to make known to is iellow sUirerers the means of care. To ali who des&re it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, of chargc,) with the directions for prep fling and utsilig the same. which they will find u sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, BrOnchitie, &c. Parties wishihg the prescription will please address Rev, B. A:WILSON, 114 Penn Street, AVllliamtburtch, N. Y. 2w211 11. J. WEBB. He J. wEBB. "CrirLdlertaokai.3rigg. win make The undAra..,' Unt..irtaki Speciality" m tiu allows. ..a.llneedhil _ lye 'tend* to. BatAarat , gut - . 4P: aii• 31.A.TrilEWS _ . , rriandsville. Pa.. 4Prti 1. 8;5. 1411, , A DMINISTRAIOR'Si NOTICE.--In the estate or Michael Sullivan. late of Forest Lake, dee'd. Letters of administration in the saie l l estate having been granted to the undert iraed all per.; eons owing sald estate are rtAtte*ted to !nuke Immedi ate payment, and alt , persons haVhig claims against said estate ate requhsted to present them without de. • • • ' 'THOMAS 517LLTVAN k • • Feb, $8,1887.. ;ewe _e • - Attosillaittotoon 13:aelt Brovn. 50 Cents. G✓ilCu'.vi'JX::Yld~a'f,TfyZld:b:iG:~7[ y SULPOVSOAP finasial,r. De l.iriiiaß. PisinPeting, Soothing, lion!ing and Parif)ing. It renders the cOnmest skin rirmarkably sod t and healthful.; It imparts, a beautiful - , Thoothtu'se , to the g!tio..utid foruti a-n Ciartic whiteness. It cures barn's, scaldS. chafing, exeurbitions. ruuglibe.s . , tan. sunburn. freck les, liverspobt, chapped. hands, sores, ulcers. daNdrn bli..,ters.M the li;inds and feet. itch, grunud it'll, itching bittWeen ti toes. itching of tlt hody, earns:,. Also: relieves the i itching and rritatic..n of biting and stinging . insects. As it is especially adapted to the Nrusr.kr, and BATtt Itlmu, you tut take a &lip/Jur ALI at pleasure. For bath ing Children, It is' Unequalled. ladies who use it in their Toilet would never do - without it.. It nentraliwes the odor of verspiration, and, as an external; remedy, can scarcely he used amiss. Full directidasaeeompany each pickage: TUX . . . ; . Paco 23 Cis. ;or CA*. Cr;L•es Pr 20 Cis. By Wail 35 Clts',, Byu ail 7~ Ctrs. Matra Derar ar : • Dr. Van .13y1te , s 0111ce, No; 1321 Green St.; Philidel2hia. - Sold by all Drogetota. USE NO OTHER., Two splendid colonies for presents. • THE !AVORTO OF :,SONG! GETS_' .OF ,TECE DANCE! N IMPORTANT LOCAL- REFORM I ti ..- iteirestier goodsmill ba sold kt, .g•;- - ps .- : - ,:*.:.*mra, , , , sT,0,im In Montrose, for GA$ll. at ;CASE( Pi .t will keep good, goods and roake 'the prices to suit the closest- buyers. .1114.17,11; I have bad seven years- es:perience in buying and'selling FLOUR 80 that IknOw where to buy 'and what to-buy to suit the chstorners of this vicinity: • I WILL iABE A ,SPECIALTI of WHITE WHEAX FLOUR " Itild warrant - every barrel and sack- ,to :suit - ori'efiiiidliiii:moiley: - : CiIIEWING . TOBACCO; _ I have recently , made, arrangements by which i can sell CHEWING TOBACCO by the pognd as cheap as you , can buy °fatty wholesale Tobacco . House by the, bariel. I alio keep' Checir:..ng Tobacco in ,10 lb. cadd'gs for whi..ii I will. make special prices. • SSALTaT. I keepon - hand a - I,ary,e quantity Of SALT and kecif under cover, and sell it as lo y as possible:for this market. , ' Sugar,lTea,,Coffee, Syrup, Suapil'ork, Fish, - &c., all at the. uitable' pence Klee& I,irust I willre . cei,4 suincient patron age freak.. cash ”bbyers to Make the cash systent a ' SuCeep4 l Respectfully,' - - E.:: P. STAMP Opposite the Banking llonse of Wm:- H.. Cooper &J .- Co:, and the Dry • Goode House of Guttcnberg,.Roienbaum & go. • . - aNlontrose, Oct. 11,1876tt. . ALWAYS UP TO .THE TIALES! 'GREATEST INDIJCEMENTS EVER QFIPERED FOR CASH OR READ . Y•PAY 1 • rh ir ii savt ing just returned from New To k with a large 1014 well selected stock. I shall be able to give my pat he best bargams' seen in this county . fur .vears, as tneyitili be fully convinced by giving us a call and ex ! aminiegour stock . ' Itead the folio ing list. , 'sr • • DRY GOODS. - • • .. '•6 to 11c. 20 to 85c. 211 to Mt. ~ • 25 to 75c. 75 to $lO. . - • • sstoslo. CERIES.I , Calicoes;. ; Mastics . ... De'aims .... . . . Dress G00d5..... , . Alpacas .. . . .. Ladles' Jackets.. tittgars— A—, , ' ..; l'cr • •,•••• . 1133fc, onions. Tea... ~. ........... ",•••• 10,30. li r ll T e a s.* ': --A . :, ..... .... —35 to $l. 25 to *1 liosset a isg Tobacco 'p „ . Bto 10c; Raisin'"' w. •.. o ,• N• - ••• —BOC • ' ' BOOTS AND SHOES. -4.•. 7 ..15c: .. . . Kip 800t5... • SIN,. ' Calf Boots - ... 851NIA Boys' Boots ' , 100 ' ft - Ladies' Calf Shoes • .. ... .... 150 2 a;.. Ladies' gray! Shoes ' - ' . 125 240 Children's Shoes , -- RICADY-MADE CLOTHING. , • Suits $ 6 to $lO . I Overcoats •$r 00 tos2o Suits, all w 001..., Bto 15 ' Walking Coats 550 to 10 Suits,all wool,&m- I Pants 100 to .5 cy 10 to 18 I Also, tints and Caps, Crockery, - Glass .and Wooden Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlet y. Hardware. Stoves, Tinware, Ropes, Cordage, and in fact, everything usu ally kept in Country stores. our mottois,our customers' iriterest are our interests, thcrefore it is for'our benefit to give them all the ad vantages of a well bought stock. 1 • We are (fill alive on Poultry, and want 1,0 000 pounds dressed„: immediately, for which the .highest market price w Iljie.Tl4 . id. - . Brio op yotir Poultry. Butter. Eggs, a ri d other pre. duce, a dwe guarantee you -will bu well pleased , that you ca ed. I :' ' T: S. WIREATCROICir. Rush. Pa., Oct. 25, 1876m3. - . AND OPENING , FALL. AND WINTER.; LLINERY; HAIR AND FANCY GOODS FRENCIT MILIdNERt. Havina , rettirned from New York with the fineet and best selected stock of goods, ever In this section of. country, itcludirg Fenthers;Silke, Ifihbons, 'Lace, 't hosiery, Belts.and Kid GIOVCE of all kinds 'and MU, with price:i,tttsuiL ail. Alpe rank Leslie's .Cut Paper Patterns in :all variety. REMEMBER THE 97 BINGHAMTON', 97 • Court St..! N.Y. . I Court St. - rt;,.hrenvfron. W. T.. A pril 19, 187(1.-137.-81 BINGHAMTON BOOli BINDERY P. A. HOP I INS & SONS, Prioßirx,t, No. 41 Court Street, 2d Floor, Binghamton, N. Y, ALL STYIB4 OF BINDING AND BLANK BOLK dIANUFACTURIND AT.REASONABLE' PRICES. Binghtunton",,Mriy , JL _ SIISQUEtIAMNA COIIIVTY. BB. Thomas DeWitt eis. • • - Catherine DeWir t; In the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna :County 889. Nov. Term. To Catherine DeWitt_: Whereits' a Snbpcsna in Divorce was issued to Nov. Term , 16711, which • was duly reurned nos at Inantue; und thereon an alias sub pcena was issued, in, said case. returnaule to January Term .ISI7, upon the return of -which proof "Wait made that the said.• Catherine DOWitt -could not be foetid in my balliivick. This notice the afore is to require you .to' appear be fore the Judges of the said Court, ou tt e second Mon day of April next, to answer Said - complaint_ WM, WHITE, Sheriff. ontrAie. Jan-131,1877. pnocLAMATION. _ SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY SS, Charles H, Brliwir ve, Josephine Drown. In, the Court of Common Pleas of Stisquehanna Cemnty, No. Terin. Mu. •' To Joscpittne Brown : Whereaa a Subpene in Motet was tssuen to August Term. 1870, which - was du• .ly returned non eat inventue. toad thereon an alias sub - ;Rena Was issued in said ease. returnable to Rovember Term. 1877., upon ; the return of which, proot was made that the said Josephine lixown could not. ijo found in my bailiwick. - • • This notice:is therefore to require you to appear be. fore the Judges of the raid Coast, on the s 4 cond . Mon day of. April next, to answer said comoiaint, &c.- . Sherlir- - Montrose, den; 31,18 T ERRORS OF :YOUTH. • • .1 r • 4LGENTLEMAN who surered for year* train Nerr• ona Debility. Premature Doeoy.ttud.ull the• effects of youthful Judi - aeration wilt. fer.'tke :041ciar aUffering htunnuity. trend iree lo all who 'need It. the reelpeand 'motion for making the . simple ritedy by ',Mitch he was cured. Sufferers wishing to pro tby the advert's. e'a experience can do eo by addressing _ in perfect cold deuce. - _ ihet6 • - JOHN OGDENOSSI Celia St.. New York. ATEW LOT OF CALIiING 041iDa s II %a Tati anis. AT TIM 60 150