ght loung ' Luck and Labor, Luck doth wait, standing idly at the gate— Wishing, wishing all the day; And at night, without a fire, without a light, And before an empty tray, : Doth sadly say; "To-morrow something may turn up ; T o night on wishes I mtist sup." Labor goes, plowing deep the fertile rows-- Singing, singing all the day ; And at night, before the fire, beside the light, Doth gladly say : "To-morrow ni turn something up ; • To -night on wages earned I sup." Caroline A. Soule, St. Nicholas for .March. - The Cares of Wealth. Once upon a ~.time there wet g two 'brothers that lived in the same - town. The o n e, named Assad, was very rich, for. God bad prospered him, and he had houses, ,and lands, and much money besides. But the mold had. not been so propitious to his brother Selirn, for he had to earn his bread by hard daily labor. Bat for all that Selim was the happier of the two. When his day's labor was done, he would come home and, after a frugal meal, take down his tamborine, and sit under,the shade of the vine in front of his little cottage, and sing and play to himself, or amuse his family and friends; without sorrow or fear. Whereas his rich brother would have people . coming to him at all hours, talking of business and bargains, and would spend long evenings poring over his accounts, and counting up Ins gains. • IL Now both the brothers were married, and, as you will readily 'believe, the wife of each used,to point her husband to the more favored condition of the other. brOther. And so it happened that one evening Selim's wife spoke to him as fol: lows: "Look, my husband, how well-off your rich brother Assad is, he dresses well, has a good table, and keeps his wife like a la dy ; aid well he may with all his riches,.; while you toil all day for wliat, barely keeps our bodies and souls together." "Well, my cousin," said Seim ' so God has ordered it, 'the fingers of the hand are not all of one length,' as people say ; neither is. the condition of all men equal." "That, is very true," she said : "God is above all ;, but there - is also . a saying, that 'the work" rests upon agencies,' and have been thinking that your brother might, out of his abundance, help you a little in the worldi and I hive no doubt he would if. you spoke to him." "Perhaps," said Selim, and struck up another song. The very same evening. as it happened, Asaad's wife said to him.--'--"Ms lord, What is the:good of all this 'care and trouble about wealth a See how happy your brother Selim is, notwithstanding his poverty, while yon have not an hour you can call your own to enjoy the pleas ures of your home." • "Would you likeo see us both equally happy?" asked her )iushand. To which she replied, "Yes, indeed I would." So he merely said "Good i " and turneJ again to his accounts. . The' Assad sent tot: his poor brother, and, after the usual salutations, said 4 o him :,-- s.. • . ¶My brother Selim, I have a tninll .to , do a lavor to you." ,- "May God increase your goods," said Selim ; "I shall always be grateful." , "Well, now," said Assad, "I would like to see you as well-off, in the world as my self; and as :sou know things start with small beginnings, .I propose to give you a small capital to .commence with in some lucrative business: and I have no doubt that, with God's blessings and your own industry, you will soon prosper." "I am at your command, '.said Selim, and shall be ever grateful." . "Nav," said his brother, "there should be no obligations between such as we are ; this is incumbent on . me. Well, tben, let us snppose that I give you (excuse my mentioning it) fifty or sixty piasters to start with. • Let us • see how you may turn over your capital. Yes to be sure"— a new thought struck him—"look at eggs just now. They are selling for six for a piaster in the town. No doubt you could, in the villages, tiny eight, nine, or ten for a piaster, and. sell them in the market at a good profit. How does that appear to you ?" "My brother," said Selim, "as I have already submitted, I am at your service to do as you command." So Assad handed_ him a sum of money, without counting , it, saying. "May it be blessed." To which Selila replied, "The blessing is from you, and may your own goods be blessed. Next morning Selim, having provded himself with a basket and turned his money into,smill change, set out for the villages. Wherever h.e saviehiekens run niag about, he wo.nld call out :-- ` 4 110.! you that have eggs to sell. 1101 such an one, have you eggi to .sell ?" And those Who had eggs to sell, would answer ' "Oorne this way:'' '• If the eggs,offered for sale were strall. he would say:-- • ' "Oh mt., how small they are; these are surely pigeon's eggs; and what, may you be asking for, these ?" "We are selling them ,at seven for a pi aster," they would say., "What do ypn mean, toy seven for a pi aster ? Don't' you kilo* that eggs like fliede are sellin at eight for a piaster in town, and we liave all the trouble of car rying them ?" And so he would conclude a bargain at nine fora piaster. -Or if the eggs were larger he would shake them, hold them up to his eye be fore-the sun and- declare them to be bad, and so forth, till the bargain 'wOuld be concluded at eight for a piaster. But when the price came 'to b l e paid, there wotild sometimes- be an egg wanted to complete the even tale, or hemould not have Et mall change to make the ac count; and as Seiim could not write, he would leave the balance to be settled to riaorrow.or the - next day when he Should again come round. • By ,mid-afternoon lie had pearly' filled his basket and emptied his bag of money, and found It time to retrace his' steps that he might reach home by sunset. And so, as he went along the road, he began to go over the items or outstanding accounts, muttering to himself as follows , "The woman at the well has to giye me one egg; the black woman behind the mill has to receive five paras; thi keep er on the khan owes m`r two eggs ,3 lladji Mustapha received two piasters in ad vance,"-and so on, \going over the, whole day's transactions. At the: door of his house his wife met him with the salutation : ..'Welcome, welcome; please God you have prospered. To which he replied, "God isltind," and depositing his basket he prepared for supper. , During slipper he recounted to her all his proceedings; and when the table was removed, instead of ' taking down his tambourine as usual, he proceeded to lay out his eggs and arrange them for the market and take stock of his money. "There are so many eggs," he s'id, "let us see what they cost me. At the first village I paid three piasters less a quarter —say three—then two-and-a-half;! three and two and-a-half make five-and-i-half; five-and-a-half and one-and-a-quitrter— say one, for there was a quarter before— how much is that ? Six-and-a-half; and and then two-and-a-half:----say two, be cause half a piaster remains due—eight and-a-half." And so on he went for a long hour, counting up the sums spent in the differ ent villages, checking himself and revis ing his calculations, till his head became quite confused, and he said, "Uph! what an account is this !" \TI. The neighors wandered that night whether there was sickness in Selim's house, because - there was no soinid of music aa usual, and the light was seen burning till far into the night.. Slim sat king at his account; and the last thing his wife heard as she dropped off to sleep was : "Seventeen eggs at nine for a piaster, how much is - that? two piasters and an egg short ; twenty-five eggs at eight a piaster, how much is that ? three piasters and an egg over." • Even after !be did get to sleep, his dreams were of his clay's busineSs ; for his wife was wakened by hearing him mutter . . • `'Seven-arid-three-quarters • and. thre;e lessfifteen paras; how much, is that?" So,. when .he got 'hp - in the morning, yawning and ',rubbing his forehead,"he said to her—'. • "My cousin, if this is the way to. be rich, it is geralnly not the way tube hap . - ,py. I think, we 'wele :better-before." "It. may be," :said his wife, who had had a poor night's, rest herself. So he determined, With her hill con sen t: p to wind up this . egg • business, and suck to his old habit of earning his dai• ly bread.—Lekure Hours .E Child's Faith. ..- "God's been here to:day, He's been down our lane," said• a sweei little boy we call Bert. "What makeayOu think so, dear ?" asked mamma. "Because yesterday there was not a single pussy willow and now ther4 , ' are lots of them ! Nobody could: do thai so quick but, God, mamma." "No, Bertie; all the great men in the 'world could not make a branch of pusiy willow in a liretime—nOt; make a branch if they lived a hundred years.-- And yet the great God in heaven brings the dead branch to life with His rain and sunshine in a few, hours. While We are sleeping He brings out these loirely fuz zy, little buds, and covers the I ground with violets and May flowers. You are right, my dear; God has been here, mak ing the world beautiful with Spring. rHe is here, too, when the wind blows, and the snow falls, and When the 'thunder roars, and the lightning flashes. He is always here, 'doing His mighty works, and teaching us His greatness and good miss. . Children have intuitions well as grown people; and• when kyOungster is told that . he can . have two . crtillers, die .waits till his mother'S back is.tubiedond then. his-intuitions ,teach, bitn. to antici• patA the tune when he will . wo.nt -ttro more. . . 'Hold my horse," said , a young! upstart, as he reined up at a bar-room, to a coun try fellow. "Dues he kick ?" no !" tboes. he bite?" "Bite--no!" pifold the bridle;" . .!poes - it take two to hold bun 1" ".No, yOu fool! Hold the bridle, T say l" "Well, if ha don't bite or kicl4, and it don't take two to hold Juni; oupPose you hold =him yourself," and the countryman 'walked away.- ARRANGEMENT The Poolois Mu Stores I. N.-BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. R. KENYON ,Draggist & Apothecary. PATENT MEDICINE EMPORIUM ! The undersigned would respectfullyannottnce to all the people everywhere, that to his already cxtensiv stock and variety of Merchandise in the Grocery, Pro vision.and Hardware:line. - , Ile has. added a_vc ry choice assortment of PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, PER-. FIIMERY, Soc.. which he flatters himsvll he can assure the public they wiltlind it to their advantage to exam ine bofore parchasingelsewhere. To allPhysiciaris in this section of the county he would respectfully an nounce that he hat*cared the services of R. Kenyon. as Druggist and Apothecary, w hose long experience and acknowledged care and ability. entitle him to your en tire confidence in the line of compounding medicines or preparing prescriptions, and who won.d also esteem Ran especial favor to , receive palls from "a qv of his old ^ustomers ornew ones.. Will make the Prtent Medi eines a specialty. Also Domestic and Fordo! Mineral Waters—an extensive stock. Also fine Grocei les— ' LEIBIG'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, FRESH SALMON PICKLED it CANNED CLAMS, LOBSTERS, PEAS. CORN, BEANS, OYSTERS, &c., &c. in tact , anythng and everything that is• ordinarily need ed, Respectfolly soliciting a call, I remain BULLARD. Powder! Powder! Powder! Blasting, Rifle and Shot Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun 4 Tubes, Caps, Pouches, Flasks, Fuse, accw &e. &c.. for sale by , _ I. N. BULLARD. Montrose. Sept. 9,1874--tf. FOR 1877. JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. With our four pre3ses,'a large assortment of plain and fancy job type, borders, inks, papers, cards, etc., and experienced wprkmen, we are prepared to do All Kinds of Job -Work at the LOWEST PRICES. Promptly upon receipt of order, (by mail or otherwise,) we can furnish' Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Note Heads, Box Labels, Show Cards, Admission Tick ets, Ball Tickets, Law Blanks, Auction Bills, Large Posters, Small Posters, Bottle Labels, Calling Cards, Address Cards, Business Cards, Invitation . Cards, Pamphlets, Business Circulars, Wrappers, Tags, Dancing Programmes, etc., etc. . HAWLEY & CRUSER, May 10. Democrat OfElce. 3131:73ELEtirrii" Would call attention to his New Stack of - FALL AND MINTER GOODS ! Now on sale, in new D SOODZ LADIES' , DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN. NELS, BALMORA-L, AND HOOP SKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, OD CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS.BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS • AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARRIRON,NAILS, • STEEL, STOVES AND • GROCERIES, ETC. In greatvariety, and will be sold : on the most favorable terms, and lowest prices. • H. BURRITT. New Milford', May Ist, 1.875. Dauchy Er. Co. Fancy Cards l 5 styles with name 10 eta 4C.14.i Post paid. J.B.Husted,Nassia.Rene.Co.N.Y.7. TRIFLING WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. 117193311' WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. a sure retnedy for COUGHS, and all diseases of the Throat, Lungs Chestand Mucous Membrane. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. SOLD BY ALL DRUGOISTS. N. C. CRITTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Rw4 A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS. 111E7We want 500 more first-class Sewing • Machine Agents, and 500 men of energy and ability to learn the business of selling Sewing Machines. Compensation Liberal, but vary according to ability, character and qualifications of the Agent. Per particulars, Address WILSON SEWING M &cHISE CO., CHICAGO §27 & 729 Brosdway, N. Y., or New Orleans, La. Ew4. HEADACHE. DR. C. W. BENSON'S , CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS are prepared expressly to cure Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Neuralgia, Nervous ness, Sleeplesrness, and will cure any case. Price 50 cents, portage free. Sold by all druggists and country stores. Office, lOU North Eutaw Sireet, Baltimore,Md. Reference : O. J.. LESTER, Cashier Howard Bank. Ba ltimore, Md. 8 INSURANCEMEN TARR NOTIq. AGENTS WANTED —FOR • - New England . Mutual Lite Ins. Co. The oldest mutual in the country. Chartered 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. DIAUS'ION & WAKELIN General Agents, 138 south Fourth Street. Philadelphisi, 7 B t Milton Gold Jewelry Combination out, Coi:sisting of elegant watch cbain, handsome brooch,and ear drops.pair elegant gold stone sleeve buttons, set spiral studs, collar button. heavy plain wedding ring, and gents' Parisian diamond-pin.— The above articles sent. post-paid. for 50 cts., bave been retailed for sfi. Bankrupt stock and must be'sold. Solid Milton Gold Watches, $lO each,far speculative purposes gOod timers, equal in appearance to. a $2OO genuite gold. Ma reputation for honesty, fair dealing and lib erality is unequaled by any advertiser in this city.-14.. Y. Day Book; Dec. 16, 1876. PuSTAGE ETAMPS TAKEN AS CAM. F. STOCKMAN,,-27 Bond St., New York. NEW FIRM, • NEW poops, NEW PRICES , WM. H. BOYD & Go., (SUCIMBOR . 70 pOTD & • COUWINJ DEALERS IN Cook Stoves, Ranges, Heat- .ing Stoves; ON TIME, Is the name of a new ook Stove. just out, containing a new principle in eking, and is destined to make a revolution in the onstruction of Cook Stoves. Come in and see I t. ' THE ARGAND, As a heating stove stands without a rtvai, in beauty, durability and economy. ,Come and • satisfy yourself, and get names iof parties now using them. • TINWARE. We take ispeCial pleasure; in offerinp to the Wholesale and Retail Trade, our desirable suppi yof Tinware. We see none but the best of charcoal plates. OUR WORKMEN ;ARE EXPERIENCED' OUR STYLES ARE FAULTLESS ! GOODS ASE WARRANTED ! And we dely ant to prance better goods for lees money. 'LAMPS. • A fall line of Lamps of •beautifal design. Also Chim neys of every description; , • • STONE: WARE. Plower Jars, Hanging Pots, Churns, Butter Jars, Preserve Jars, Jugs, Stove Tubes, ac. BUILDERS 'HARDWARE. Butts and Screws, Locks and Knobs. Latches. Catches, Doors. Sash, Blinds. Glass, Building Paper, White Lead, Zinc, Oils, Varnishes, Paint' Brushes, Spirits of Turpentine, Paint cf any shade desired. Also colors for mixing paint. . • A full assortment of Philadelphia Carriage Bolts. und a fall line of Iron Axles, Bar 'mu. Horse Shoes, Rods, Sc. • , We purchase in Car-load leas, therefore can sell to tit( trade in less quantities as cheap as any house in the. city. Wit. R. BOYD, I J. H. CORWIN, I J. R. COOLBY Montrose, March 15, 1876. MARK THESE - FACTS I • Testimony of the Whole World. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Extracts from Various Letters : "I had no appetite; Holloway's Pills gave me a hearty one." _ "Your Pills are marvellous." "J send for another box. arid keep them in the house." • "Dr. Holloway has cared my headache that was chron ic . it 1 "I gave one of your Pills to tii3 babe for cholera mar lins. The dear little thirg got well in a day." - "My nausea of a morning is now cured." "Your box of Holloway's; Ointment cured me of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your Ointment behind the errs and the noise has left." "Send me two boxes. I s i tant one fora poor family." enclose . a dollar; you . price is 25 cts, but the med icine to me is worth a dollar." "Send me five boxes of your Pills.". "Let me have three boxes of'your Pills by return mail for Chills and Fever." I have over 200 such testimonials as these, but want' of space compels me to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, and all eruptions of the skin, this ointment is most in valuable. It does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil. ' ..1131Ccalcrimeives PILLS' invariably cure the followtng diseases : • • M , Disorder of the oneys. , a.I diseases affectin g these organs , whether they secrete too much or too little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or wijh aches and pains settled In'the loins over the regions Of. the kidneys; these. Pills should be taken according to the printed di rections. and the Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. For Stomaches out of Order. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity occasion ed either by intemperance:or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it to a healthy action; they are wonderfully efficacious in cases of Spasm—in fact they never fail in curing all diisorders of the liver and stom ach. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are the best known in the World for the following diseases : Ague, Asthma, Bil ious Complaints. Blotches on the Skin, Bowels,Con sumption Debility. Dropsy, Dysentery. Erysipelas, Fe male Irregularities,Fevers of all kinds,Fits, Gout,Head ache, Indigestion, Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Com plaints, Lumbago. Piles, Rheumatism,Detention of Urine, Scrofula or Kink's Ilvil,Sore Thoats, Stone and Graveh_Tic-Douloureaux;Tumore,Ulcers, Worms dell kinds, Weakness from any coupe, etc* IMPORTANT CAUTION. None are genuine unleis the signature of J.llaydock, as agent for the United States. surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment. A handosme reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same. knowing them to be amnions. !os*Soldat the manufsetory of Professor Holloway & Co., New York, and b,y all respectable druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the civilized world, in boxes stab cts, 62 cts, and $1 each. EifThere is con siderable Baring by taking the larger sixes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in ev ery disorder aro affixed to each box. . FRENCH, IttCHARDS, & Cb.. Sole Agents. Philadelphia, Pa. TUNKEIA . •MARBLE WORKS. BURNS & WHITE, lianufactureits of and Dealers in 'TAMAN . & MAR,BLE, MARBLE AND' SLATE MANTLES. SCOTCItI & AMERICAN GRANITE, A ,Speclalti. rarCemeteryl Lots Itnelosed.Vir • P. 0. ISUBNH,- • Giro. WIIITA TunktuitulOck. Pa. S. 7 BOLTS: NAILS. GOODS i. GOODS! Xlievxrclexi. ate lust received an ENTIRE NEW STOCIt OF MENS', BOYS' AND YOVTB.S' • 'CLOTHING, At prices to snit the hard times', MFRS' SUITS, SO TOs2s BUS' &YOUTHS' SSTOSIO Also a flee line of PitY GOODS, . 11A.TS Sz.CA.PS, BOOTS AND SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, ' FANCY GOODS, OhCap for cash. No .charges. for' showing our goods. Wlit t HATDEN. New Milford. May 8d.1876.—tf. lii PORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT C. .84.** A. ~OORTE.SY;.,4\ x:ii=u3r (3bACTIPO=OI MERCHANT TAILORING, AT OUR NEW STORE, No, 21 .COurt Street. We would respectfully, announce to the public that we have removed to our new and spacious store. No. 21 corner of Court and Water street e. and are 'filing tt with a new stoci• goods that havelust arrived. Our stock of Dress Goods. Shawls, etc.. are of the very lat est Spring patterns and styles and purchased for cash when the market was most depressed. , In the line of Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves,Hair Goode. Ribbons, etc.. our stock is unsurpassed. We have also opened a Department of Merchant Tailoring. and have just purchased a large stock of the latest styles in the Hue of Cloths, Cass I meres, etc.. and of the very best qua:ity.i We have employed to take charge of this Department. MR. T. D. TAYLOR, long the leading and most successful cutter in this city. and who always guarantees a perfect fit. Mr. Taylor did the se lecting of the cloths, cassimeres, trimmings, etc., for t his depirtment, which should satisfy all that we have, the latest and most fashionlble styles. We cordially thank our patrons for past favors, and promise them and the public generally that we are bet ter prepared than ever to supply anything in ourline. We solicit your patronage. Binghamton, April 19, 1876. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY.' just Published, In Sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment ' s:id 7 / 1 14 , Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spar . matorrhoea, induced by • Self-Abuse, Invot nntury Emissions. Impltency, Nervous De and impediments to Marnage generally ; Con sumption, Epilepsy. and Fits ; Mental and Physical In capacity, &c.—by ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D.. author of the "Green Book." &c. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Uwe, clearly proves from his own experience tha. the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually re moved without medicine, and Without dangerous surgi cal operations. boogies. instrnments.rings, or cordials; pointing out a'mode of cure at once certain and effec tual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his con •. ditiou may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. riir This Lecture will provs a boon to thousands and thoustutt.s, Sent under seal. in a plain' envelope, to-any address on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address I THE CULVER WEtL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Office Box, 4580. Oct. 11.1 NM. BUY YOUR WAGONS,' CAR- Afi RIAGES AND SLEIGHS, W. OUSTERHOUT, HARFORDI,TIA. PRICE LIST. Repairing done on short notice,, cheaper than the cheapest, , \ First-class Phretone- , - I , - 225 " " Buggies, - - - -.- 130 t " `• • Lumber wagons, - - - , 115 • 1 ! ". ' Isirtforms from $l4O to - - - - 160 "" • Swell body Sleighs,. - - 75 • BLACKSMITH:ENG. , To shoe per span new, • - - - .50 corkand set - , 1 • , $1.40 set per span . . : r • ' - 1.00 All work warrauted. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. . • Hurtord, Aga 20, "16.—tf J,H.114.1114118,. J H G. BLANDINS I J. 2. COMMON Barns, 11landing & Co., patilt and ehastitt at:4U, EESTABLIIIIIND nt 1810.1 'MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS. MANTLES : &C. IM 'ORTERS OF. SCOTC/163RiNITE, 26 ChenangoSt Near Depot J March 8, 18111. 111 Na HAMTOr,N. Y ALU4BLE FARM FOR SALE NEW MILF9RD-ToWNSILIIP• . iThe tinder-igned executor of the istate of Simeon Van Fleet des d, nfirre for fate tbf.'hirra of aaki deeed. f.nt. one-fourth mile north of the .Moxle.ythrtreh*• NeW_ Milford townphtp,. Pa. • It eetitelve about 112 Strat i : well watered. fe...eed.and urdef• a good state of cultlvao , " tion. I mart diapotw of mid num, end wlfl cell on , TORIIB.. For Father particulars iimintizot tiesubhvibet nilone s rettle. Pa. _ F. 0. midross f New 11.11roti Pc • - Jul? ID, *tett' -AND--• C. & A. CORTSBY. .W. OIIETERBOUT. ALSO.