The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, January 31, 1877, Image 5

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    News Jottings.
,The deatltof George W. McClellan, ex-,
sticond isistant postmaster general, :is
announced in Washington. He was 73
Ariangament of Main . r
:fears of 'age.
&vita a morals are improving.' Un-'
i'rankhanuock,(liaila la 1215 m
iy one thousand pocket-booki have been
600 . pm 620 a 'stolen during. the present religious ren-
Mont rose D e pot,(Daily,).
1000 am 180 pm ,val. A year ago, the number would have
New Milford, (DatlY.) •
wyalusing. ( Daily ,) ) •••. 945 ain "MP in been ten thousand.
soopm JBCHloam
Prieudsville,(tri we t
ve )
. 700 am 700 am
o,onkl S t t e a u ti v on,(t . r e ,
iaS La l ke,(triweekly):. 600 p m. 700 p m_ A dispatch from: Rome pays the,.Pope
i s V e ta l p in pen,(triveekiy,) • 1000 a m 800 pm had a fainting tit on S unday and was
The t Now York, (via Montrose Depot,) New Milford, confined to his private apartments on
unkhannock,and Wyalusing are datly.
r Th eConklin Station mail runs Tuesdays, Thursdays, Monday. On .Tiiesday tie gave audiences
• •
a v h s e t i li n r g a
=ten mall,(via Silver Lalrea rens Tues. to visitors and had afresh fainting fit.--
Jaye, Thursdays, and Saturdays. He neverthelesSpersisted in the perform
Friendsville mail rano Tuesdays,Tharsdays,and Sat
• Ellice of his-ordinary duties. • •
The Meshoppen runaMondays,Wednesdays, and
Fridays. 1" Professor Richard Somers Smith, chief
of the department of drawing in the Na
val Academy,died suddenly in Annapolis,
''on Taesday aged sixty-three years. He
was-a- graduate of West Point, served it
the Union army at the beginning. of the
civil war, and was president of Girard
college frcim 1863 to 1867.
• . Ayer, the e patent medicine man, has
been sludge(' insane. His property which ,
is supposed -to be worth three million dol
lars, will probably pass into the control
of his wife and son. This large estate
shows that he,has puked and purged the
people who have bought -his nostrums to
some purpose: •
John D. Lee, the Mormon biishop *who
was to have been shot last 'Friday for his
complicity an' the ^ - terrible' Mountain -
Meadow massacre twenty years ago, has
been granted a stay of iexecution by the
Supreme Court . of Utah, and may possi-,
bly still further prolong his miserable ex
istence by an appeal of his case to the
Supreme Court of the United States;
The suit of Hallet Kilborne against
the late Speaker Kerb Sergeant-at-Arms
Thompson and others, for $150,000 dam
'ages, for 'assault .and battery ;altd fa:se
ImpriSOnment,•Was argued in the'district
court at Washington, Wednesday last. It
will be remembered that Kilbourne-was
imprisoned for 'contempt of the honk in
refusing to answer certain questions of
its committee investigating the real es
tate pool transactions at, the late session
of congress.
Hampton's gov,ernment is now nearly
complete. The appointees - thrOughout the
state are in the main exercising the func
tions of their respeCtive offices, and he is
daily receiving the best assurances of loy
alty from the masses"of the people. Al
ready under the call for ten per cent. of
last year's tax levy, Hampton's treasurer
has.: received t 35,000, nearly.: half. of the
whole amount, from, nine, counties only.
I echaritable institutions and peniten
tiary have been'&Uncle(' for, the judges
have been paid their salaries, and the en
tire, machinery 'of government is in
'thorough working order. Chamberlain's
officials are unable to collect • taxes, and
if the - company of United States troops
now in the Sate wars' withdrawn'
the farce of a' dual - government would 'be
A Stage leaves daily for Montrose Depot at 1 m.,and.
returns at 6 p, m
A.Stage leaves daily for New Milford &till() a. m.
and returnsat 8 30P. m.
--- .
.1,, Montrose Medway Time Table.
Arrange:tent of Trains. To take effect on Monday,
April 17; 1876.
Down ;Trains.
NORTUWA 'lElp Train
r. 31. 1 A. x• A. X. P. X. -1
545 10.15. . ....Montrose ......9,00 4.52 ,
555 t 025 Allen's...—. .....845 ' 5451
558 1028• ....COol's • 840 448
605 1032 Hunters _835 444
608 1036 ..Woodbotarne 830 440
612 1040... .... Dimcick 825 4Si
617 1047 Tyler's....,.. ...8151. 40 '
825 1057.... ..... 5pringvipe..........805 CO •
630 11 05 Lynn. , ' • 755 , 4.2
6 45 11 18 Avery's 745
653 1128—. 0 , ....Lemon 735 100
705 1135.....`.... ' L0beek....... ..7 25 545
715 11 45 . Marcy's..., 715 -337
72U 12 00.. ...... .. Tunkhannock - 700 --:- 322
Tt Mos will run on Lehigh Valley time as kepfin the
(Mice of P. dr, N. Y. RR at Tunkhaunock. _
._ _
All trains connect at Tunkhannock with P. 4 N Y.
H. li.going north and south. ~
JAMES. 1. BL MOLE% Res' t.
Mauch Chunk, April 17,1826. , .
List of New Advertisements. •
Taylor's Cough Syrup.
Divorce Proclamations.
Triennial Court of Appeal.
Public Sale—Hawley & Cruser.
Administrator's4:Sale.—Estate 01 A.llett M.
Howard. ,
ButprtEsS LOC..kta: - " •
Taylor's Celebrated Oil.
Harford Agricultural Society. :
Insurance Notice—Billings Stroud.
Neighboring•Couniles: •
It costs three hundred dollars a C4y to
run the Luzerue 7 county courts. );
A wild cat was killed near La9orte,
Sullivan county, week before •last:
Tt costs Si4,ooo_ , per annum to ti-ain
tain the public schools:. .CarboAlale,
$B,OOO being paid for salayies to teadors.
Owing to the prevalence of scark fe'
ver and measles, at Waymart, the INayne
County Normal School in that borough,
has been dlosed:'
The tax coiled& 'of Atchibald;
zerne county, has absconded, - with .the,
funds, leaving his bond holders: in. the,
lurch. The bonds are for 1510.000. •
A Scranton thief entered the house of
a man named Lavelle in that city about
2 o'clock ork.Wednetdky nioriking, in'the
.absence of the proprkor, and after se
verely beating Mrs. lavelle, robbed the
nnfortfinate woman -)1 $3OO. - .
Seven hundred pe(ple of Providence,
Scranton,' have, vetititned the legislature
to set them-apart Iron:the city, in which
they were included Ntien the latter,mui
incorporated, and rettore - their old' rela
tions as a borough. ); ~‘ ,
A tramp, in attempting to boaid , a - pas.;
sing freight train at Athens, BragoTtl
cot, on the 15th, missed his footing and
fell under the car. Hewas dragged some
distance and his skull Vas broken and,he
was otherwise badly mmgled. • .11e lived
about an hour after b9g extricate d; and
gave his name: 3 aiii• Donnis Conolly, of
Pembroke, Maine.
A wheel on one of tin ears of a train
on the Lehigh Valley , tallioad 'recently
became loose, and the tat on , yunning
over a frog jumped thelieacile,throking
it and six other loaded cars from.
track, two of which fell into the creek;
destroying them and then contents, con
sisting Of grain, butter, eggs and mer
chandise. The accident occurred near
Jack Conway, workiig in the Erie .
shaft, near Carbondale, *descending iin
the.l6th, without hi: , light ; the, car. : stap,'
ped aliout - ifty feet Troni the bottom of
the shaft. Conway though that, the car
had reached the bottom, aid while fum
bling around in the dark tae - ,car left hini
and he was obliged to ding to a hot
steam pipe to keep-from Wing. One of
his arms was badly burnid thereby, but
he was rescued:from his p...rilous position
without furtherin i jury,
Mr & Mrs; Chas. Shipman, of Leßoy,
started with their little 'child, a sou about
four months old,: ott..;Friday the 19th, Co
to go to Canton. When at or near East
Canton, the pareittsdiscovered that their
child was . 'apparently: - in a convulsion,'
when they stopped at the first house they
could reach and called a physician, but
all efforts to restore the little sufferer fail
ed, and the child expired within a few
moments after reaching the house.—Arad
ford Reporter
Alonday'hight f of las' week a man
named John D. Thomas,. the keeper - of a
,bad house in the upper part of Plymouth ,
wt's shot and killed- instantly by a' party
who bad broken open his back door. lie'
was around by the noise, and ongoing
down stairs to ascertain the trouble, the
pait)i . demanded thitt he should give up a
wa 1h and chain, which • i would. twin
ht.lll been stolen fromthe pa'rty. Ile said
helnew hothing about it, arid.ordered
thon to leave his- house., ; when ono of
them fired w 0 the result stated.. Thom
as' body warleft to await t - txiiiiiinationd
by the coroner
_._'.: of:? the ineh,.it
said, is aCdr . nishinar, nuned - Striker, - -=-
Luzetne' '
w -:~~_ : -
Over 600 persons haye S*ned the pledge
at'lleKeesport. '
r •
• - Rioiti 'the anthracite coal regions
coat the..Stlite .$.85,331 last year.'
,Orkauizett gangs of barn-burners have
been,,discovered in various sections of the
Blair 'and - - Huntingdon counties paid
out an aggregate of - $5,500 in the way of
scalp orders laat.year. - =
'An observing correspondent-says that
the present members of the Legislature
are not hard drinkers.
The troubles between . the Pittsburg
and Allegheny :'dioceses have
'Culminated in an appeal to Rome.
• .
mechanics of Wilkes-Barre have
made a Concerted dediandlipori hindlords
for a . reduction of 20 per cent.. in rates.
A negro recently rode. crosswise over
the trueks'of a'car on i tlie Northern Cen
tral yailroad from Harrisburg to York,
indin extremely%old t_ve4ther;',: He Com
plained of. his feet' feeling; chill = y when he
L nrrivedlit his destination.
,James P. Vincent, .of Erie, who has
noted ttie weather minutely ~for many
years. informs tl a edifor orthe - Frie Ob
server that the snow. fail this winter has
averaged three and a-half inches per day,
or fifteen feet nine 'lichee in all! '
*Auditor General Triple estimate's that
the State. has lost over $lOO,OOO the past
five or six yeats through dishonest coun
tyofficials and conniving citrks in the
departmeLte, Much of this money is
being collected.
Reading' has a - square-toed- preache4
whotecently said in the course of a ser
mon : "I want a holiness that puts a
basket on the arm and
,puts something ui
the hasket and goes to the home of kn.
poverishment.and siys, not in. words 'put
in. works; 'Here is the evide,nce ~
."The Sunbury. Gazette says two Nort h,
timberland county farmers, had 'a dis-
Ott' about a . ten dollar coal house which,
with the ply of attorneys they, hired tGi
aisisttheni, - Cost them . Slo4'apiece:'-'lt is
lticky .that litigation is - - Costly, othep:.•
Wise there : would prohably.. , be-more . of.,ip
Several atterupts.,havingbeen . ,recently
made to rob the, Jhouse of ex,S.lieriff
dle, of LAigli cu tity, lOur ~ of his Eons
agreed to keep watch the in
trtiderd. Hearing a: mite ',they all left
,thehouse,-and ! . lAecomity; separated firq4:
fifion each other. :One son .waS : wounded
iaa .. the.. breast nil:fit - 060f leg,.
- : t
r . .
= State ItOm's.-
.V.'''7.'..f i4. - .,• t-t - ,i, .t-4;.':',1,-
Fstshion -Chats.
Thread-lace ties are in demand.
White-lace jabot continues In favor.
Artificial flower decorations are' in
vogue: „ - ,
Collars and , cuffs are bcirdered"wit.b
or ;or, etntproidered.- - • -•
Seventy-five is the required number of
buttons !or
.one dress:
The umbrella of the period_hai'an' es
quisit:ely wrought handle. -
Berthas of Hamburg gauze and . f014e4
Crepe lfsse are esteemed very Stylish.
Daisy cornet with leaves embossed with;
frost are. very stylish. • • • - .
A necklace, of droopink lowers is a
novelty in demand with the : elite.
Tnn ANNUAL MEET - m(l'o . f -the 'Harfora Ak
ricaltural Society for the election of officers and
for other business will be held at the Village
School Hoose, on Monday evening:Feb. 5,1877,
at 7 o'clock.
Hartord, Jan. 31,18'77,-swl
Mth PERSONS during the winter season are
severely afflicted from the effects ot Freezes or
chilblains.. They can be readily ;and perma
nently cured in a few days merely by using
Taylors Celebrated Oil once or twice a day.-- ,
The same medicine is saidi by many. to be a
sure cure for corns— It can lie obtained of any
Druggist or dealer in Medicines.
In order to contradict the talsi3 statement
circulated by my competitors in the Insurance'
business, to the effect that they have got away
some of my agencies, I again give notice, that
I publicly resigned the Hartford, and other
companies represented to haveheen secured by
them, as I have other corporations of larger
capital and more honorable to fill their places.
OLD Newspapers for sale at this Office at ten
cents per dozen.
Go To DOOLITTLE'S for your new style pi&
Montrose, Dec. 27, 1876t1.
. No husiness man need complain that he
is "too poor to advertise" when he can get the
latest style business cards printed at the'DEM
OCRAT,OffiCIi for .three dollars per•thousand,and
other work in proportion.
Having bought Louis Knoll's stock of Cigars,
Tobacco and Confectionery, I can'
first-class articles for Ithe least money. Fine
summer drinks for the:thirsty.
Monyose, july, 26,1876.
Persons visiting. Binghamton wishing to
purchase dry goods would do , well to call - oti
HINE & SHOtES. They keep it, first-claas 1414
of dry goods and ready-made clothing on hand
all the time. Alpams,Merinos,and Cashmeres,
the finest line in the city.,NOtrotible to show
goods Or send samples. •
Nov. 1,1876 a. -
Jonrra ANDlplacrms Stiff and painful
theuinatiiin and gcut, are promptly relieved by.
Glen's Snlphur ,Boap. Lccal diseases of the
skin and detects'ot the complexion are:
remodiptby this standard article. Depot, tit
tenton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York.. Hill's
Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50c.4w
EVERYTHING in the line of Pu - re Drugs. and
Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Pocket
books, Pocket knives, Tooth brushes, Flesh :
brushes, Clothes and Hair brUshes, Toilet soaps,
Fine toilet articles, Fancy goods, and a full line
of all the new and Popular Remedies tan be
found at M. A. Lyon's Drug Store. Physicians
will find cihrf stock 'complete and tompo - se&of
the best articlis that can be found in the market.
Montrose, Pa.. Jan. 17th, 1877.—tf
That I have on hand a stockof BUggY and
Plattorm.Spring -Wagons, which must be.sold
immediately, without regard: to price. ,They
are respect,and any one who
has anY idea of ever' buying a wagon of any
kind should give me a call.
Montrose Nov. 1,1876t1
been positiyely received that yon can lel::
good a Stew of Oysters at the Eeptone
as you can in New York, Florida, Louisiana,
or any of the disputed States. This is posi
tively official and :if you do not feel satisfied
ca;l and see foi yourself , ; the records are open
Nov. 21, 1876. •
Tbe Turkkhanwiek. Marble Works of Burns
& White are doing a• good ::business and are
!getting out some very, tasty - jobs of Head
'Stones and Monuments. A. B. Burns, of the
Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized agent for
- Montrose and - vicinity. He has :designs of
Head Stones and Monuments. . Any orders left
with him be promptly -filled' by Burns &
Tunkhannock, Feb. 1876tf. .!`"
take this method of Informing the public
of Montrose and vicinity that 1 have opened a
new harness shop, one door beldw Searle's ex
-Press'office, second floor, Public Aveime.
I will build new work of the best quality,
and repair with 'neatness : and dispatch and at
lowest rates. The patronage of the public is
respectfully solicited. - • '
Montrose, Oct. 18, 18760.• Isvuh CRAP3IAN.
There IS ifO subject that requires so much
study and experience as.the treatment of chron
ic diseaies. The astonishing success` and re
markable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield,•
are due to the gift of clairvoyance, to the life
long study of the constitution , of ban, arid - thC'
caring of diseases from natural remedies. Cures
the worst forms of ticrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe
male Weakness, Diseases of the Heart, Lungs.
or Kidneys. Will be at the Spaulding
Binghamton, Thursday, - and Friday,fr
and 2d. .
Jana 10, 1877.
. .
WE wcitriin : tid - advise -- a tho
ir se . 'Attending to
make any purchases otßlack SilkOthis fall to
make them now, as there hastlieenn great ad- -
van - en ,in which :must. make
material. advance in annfactured goods, C.F:
SisSotft C'o:,'Bingliatutori, - intortnua' that they.
have tui untisually.,fine line of Black Silks pur
chased at'very low prices, whichtitcy offer, for
the present at old price, which'''are
per Cent less than the gocidp,:cap. be - I - Mr - cha r ged
They have a large . stock :- of Black and,
'Colored - Ousinneres, together 'vittli - an- - . - exallOa
variety - of 'cyerYdOc,t,i p t ion tlf,ralt Dress:Gods
yvb tlteyetrer upon the Incist - fivorabluterms•
SatOples 'salt *Ov..pkio.3*:ttitoii.,i.tddi7eo;,.
V tt. .
By OuD oss Br. Gixt.
February-Election•°Blanes''tbr ►t' this
HANDIIIIIB for Auction - Sales, t tc.,' p rin tedi
at the Dzisounsir office 111 and
at reasonableprices, . -,
/ • 1
..t . . .
Hoveia .almf lawn - -,
ln Montrose ; for sale 9r rent. -, I Apply tit: this
. 319ntroie Jan. 10 18t7tf. , ~: ~,-
To • RENT.
House and. Lot to rentin-Montrose,` Enquire
May ; 31,1.876.—tf.
A. LARGE 'assortment of " j the latest .ind
neatest styles - Of visiting and 'business earth;
bust received at this office.- Call and see them
efore ordering elsewhere. -
, The - sale - of , Taylor's Family. Medicines is
steadily on the `increase. The 'sales of the past.
year being more- than double of - any prevlons
year. The reason of this is on'account of the
genuine merits. of the goods themselves, and
the fair and impartial
_manner in which, they
are sold. • -
July g 6, 1876. , •
•We have just received - a very, large,rstoelt of
plain and fancy envelopes, letter and :note pa
per, plain and fancy bill head papere, cards of
all s izes and colors, colored poster papers, etc.
all of which we can afford to print cheap&
than any office in this or neighboring counties,
and in as good style. Work done inblack and
colored inks: If you think there -is' any that
can beat' us, give us_ it: trial, and we will show•
you what we can do. All kinds of blanks , on
hind or printed to order. -.
No Crum, No PAY.
'MI - Ws Cough Balsarn,a 'very palatab!e corn;
pOund, for the Various affections , of the throat
and lungs. Used with - great success in case of
Asthma and Bronchitis. 'lt is priScribed by the
physicians and endorsed by the people. War
ranted to give entire satisfaction or money re
funded. . ,
Kirby's Magic Relief for -the, instant cure, of
severe and acute pains.
Kirby's Tasteless Worth Lozenges. Ibre,
safe and effectual. • "
Kirby's Condition Powders for qualaty, quan
tity and puilly are superior to any Powder for
stock manufactured. ,
Kirby's Camphor Ice foi -chtiped hands - or
sunburn. ; .
Per sale by all Druggists in 3troutrasei and
Dealers in Medicines thr.oughoctt the conntry.,
: June'2B, 1876y1. ' • • .
. •
animation Merchants,
No. 7,25, WASHINGTON 5T112./CT., :NEW YOBS..
NEW YORK, Saturday Jan..l3 1377.
. • --,'.,:ntiTTEß- • -
Pails, choicest—.
44 -2 ' good "to ' • 30 g 32
conimon ' • ' '2O @ 26
5e1ecti0n5:....:::..... 29 la; 81'
" - good to fine, 26 et. 28
' k
44 common , to ,g00d...... 20- e• .24.,
TUbs, - : 'selections.. 32 @ 35
goodrto' fine * • - •25 -27
4f common good.:: - :: . ''ld '
• • onzisz. - ;:
Factory, fancy:. 14y 1 .0%: , 15 • ;
. 135 iVi .14
'Farm, Dairy, 1434
? 46 fair to: good. .• 12 (gi 14
EggEi t freSh •• • • • •!•• ••• ' B B - 4 0
Apples (green) fine...: . ~1. 5 0, Of_ 90
• r.dried per lb qrs... ' - 5346
;," • - 5 ig 5,‘
Potatoes, per • 3 0003' 50-,
Lard ......, . .11 ,(4i 1134
Talk)* ,tf
.Turkeys dreeted:,l% • -• . •'l3 (14 - 'l5
Chickens,-, -.11- fie l -13 •
'Ducks, _ ,;" . ..• •• • . 114:
Beeswax . . ,39
- : : o4iioo l ..B,iiiiie.' a..‘:o:4fiataiY.;:::-.,,i;,
- ,
TwO lined In this 'Directory, one *ear, $1.50 ; eacli ad
dltioaal 1 . 1 ne t 1* coals. , ;
. • ' MCiNTROSE.
- 11AGELWOUf, Stateti Reisi
dealer in all, kinds of slate, roofing, , elate paints etc..,
Roofs repaired with slate paint to order. .Alsp, slate
paint for sale. by , the galionot barrel: Montrote. •
Genentl; -Fire_ and Life Instiv.
mace - Agents, also , sell Railroad and Accidental
Tickets to New York and • Wilde one
door east of Win. H,Cooper Co's bank. - ,
AVM. BOYD & CO, Dealeti in Stoves, hardware,
andlifanuf cturers of Tin and Sheet-hon ware, cor
ner of Main and Turnpike _street.
A. N. - Bullard, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Books;
Stationer3r and Yankee Notions; at the head of Pub- -
lie Avenue. • -
WH.II. COOPER & CO., Bankers. Sell. Foreign rile
sage Tickets and Drafts on' England, Ireland, and
Scotland. -
WM. L. COX, Harness maker and dealei in ail all:l
-ees usually kept by the trade, opposite the bank.
JAMES E. OARMALT, Attorney•athLaw. Office one
door below Tarbell iiolll3e, Public Avenue.
H. itoSENTHAIs; Auctioneer. Care S,Pillman I CO.,
Montrose, Pa. - •
't AVM' G S BANK, NEW MILFORD.' Six per sent. :
interest on all Deposits. Doet a general Banking
baeiness., S. B. CHASE & CO.
H. GARRET & SON, Dealer in Flour, Feed, Meal,
Salt, Lime. 'Cement, Groceries and Provisions; of
Main Street, opposite the Depot. '•
N. F. KIMBER, Carriage ; Maker: ,Picture ilraminazd
Undertaker; a few• rods from Phinney's Hotel, near ,
M. E. 'Church • .
H. P. DORAN. Merchant Tailor and dealer .in R ea dye
Madc'elothing, Dry. Goods, GroCeries add Provisions,
Main Street.
A. S - Filtlgs, OF.
15:ill be held on Thorsday evening of'each week at the
=commencing on Thursday evening,, ISTL.
# , hie boys and girls will be on hand, . •
With Peck& Ada ms' Q441(16110 Baud.
Tickets for dincing, 50 cents; Good 'Supper (titian
ed for 25 cents catch. • • •
• • - raititiOtnAnciw, Pop.
Jan,-10.1877. • .2w4
. ._ . ... -
STOLEN, . • -.••,..
, :--!. -..,',:.....,-.•..‘ ;
,- ; -- . ...
Frem the titablei Of i'he*lihticiihertntifinOck'on'Tn'ci;
day night, Dee. 26, 18764 a.,,fiNtliz.tplkt:k.lnare,..tatiOnt 15,
years old. Said mare b.ts tome White on rt , ththir.d
foot, haa .4.. large 'boo( on. )rgnt leg ki,artle titide,ko44.4"
,scar ofihtp.' fA. enitattle reiqtrd 'wilt he WO for herrp
t urn' nr, Irworip4tion., dist ;vl,ll lond:to- her- rorieVetY or
the deriist of thg thicf. ; :. ,-, pwr f N. po4Autar t . , --
Dinitfels . .laii.lo, inn ' - ' ' --- ' "-: : iitit ''`
11 • :.c..4„.."-, , ...,i-1 , ... ri.ii . :t ititlee,OßilleS:- f.-- , \_`".'', - 4 ..J.:,:i.,
- • . .., i ,. ..
1 - 14 WR Y gporiazu
The DBMOCRAT is a.-hirge,B Pate PaPert Printed
on an improved cylinder' °press. it contains the LOCIII
and General News,titories, Poctry. Farm Matters, Lt
'l4.3t Reports, etc., with a reliable chits of advertise
Every Democrat siOuld Have it. .
'The interest which every Democrat has in the final
settlement of the Presidential question according to
, the principles of right and justice, runders a
a necessity in every Democratic fa.mily. Such, power
we intend the DEMOCRAT shall be. Subscribe for it
yourself, and call the attention of. your neighbors to it.
TERMS—One year, ; 6 months, t; 8 months, MI
cents ; Sample Coples,Terees
• The DEBtOCUT circulates largelythrongh thirds/
adjoining counties: and is increasing wonderiWil., •
is acknowledged by all to be a drst-class advertising
inediw. Rates reasonable, considering the number
of residers reached. • • • '
We are constantly .mahing ; sddLFioas , to, our,alrea47
And with our POUR PRINTING PRESSES, we are
prepared to. compete with all, both In prices and work. •
We keep,ou. band .4 very larze !took of
alt of which wo,,can afford. to print cheaper than any
°Ma . = thisni "neighboring counties, and . in as good
Work clone in...either Black 0). C'Otored Inkt
If yon think that anybody can beat us, glire ae a
trial, and l we=will "bow you what:we can do. All kinds ,
of blanki3 on band or pentad to order. Orders /g Mail .
promptly attended to. ' '
Montt:l)B% - Pa. .PErsuainuta.
•!: •
13-. ,14 VON IL& CO.
!‘ - • ,';
• ' GROCERIES, - •
- .
TRU:NKS - -'/C SAsitiEEELS:!i'
=}34411 . 411NG5,
FiOUR . .4A11.1";
BOOTS &J. 41.0481
' .1) . , _
RUBBERS, and; „ n2oet,,,kinds or. goods
that are-wanted.
Dr. Jayne's Family - Medicines, itc.
All are-invited-to and - see'hCi; well
they can : de•bibuYing of
Bir,thardville, Pa:, Dec. 20,1876 V.
~ CCOC ' 000 A ' L , '
/Ali 1: ..,
0 C ;5:0....0 As& 4
A . L •
C C 00AA L'
From the Black Diamond Vein, Wilkes-Barre. 13est
Anthracite mined. Celebritted Prospect Colliery.
Yard near Ili B. B. Depot.
fez elCio fr ill
. , •
- MB G G
LS ° GOO wet::
um n Hintz fa ss a TTTT NN N u urn?
V CR 8 B - s ' T--NN NU U T
0 ORTI___B 8 ..
a ll 8 T 00V V lit.. ,
"s T * 0 0 Ir V BR '
s 138 s T T
0, 0 V V B , 1 1 1 '
888 RIM * 00 X X BEE NN N .
33 B R - It 001 Ki B NN
888 lifill 0 0 XX BB NN AI
888 R R 00 IC — IK S SE N N O N
Mt Coal thorough!" screened.
_ Orders le lit , CeatralLß:cpress Oilcan/mutiny filled.
IlArclay Co ! for sr/tithing .put_pmes tottptanny ou
hand ~ J. R. RAINSTORM
Montrose Dea l . 24,101614, ; . ~ , . t
u • artagtkin GUN - srairtiv. •
hes locetld Avetitei (beigamenCel B. 0.
ayre) , 000 beildine)-,where _be ia. VrelAted tq do all
kinds of Oat Salida rig; Bewitig Mhceine relisirlpg,S4w
pili ng . Lodi r.lisilripg.eildell.ligbt. mccluittieeljehtt
dbor notict. And an as Otteppable,tcypas„to *nc 4 4 ,
dope elsewhere. ; A l t l A trk''werrentesi.r. Orders by Weil
promptly --Attende 4 L Xollr patrol:al* ,101 Wielted.
end eatgliet:ttn gia.drti Welt. J. W. CLARK,
1 iitosq4Aus.o4lBl6W,-.l ri
Vitt a;
_sit) tii t 4 ,4t -r
-4-04.4 4 , • •
(..;,.t ..- :,d it r .*.j . - .i 7.
••••• 'e 14; 7 ' s- j
'lrate opened a store in
, 'll
~:... `,
• 1
, .
.. ,;.
,Asr. '