tHE EMOCRAT. "--. • PUBLISHED EVEHr WEDNESDAY • Mon/ma,' AT 31011TB0s.E,"litnierro " . - , v. • , HAWLEY & CRUSER ' EDITom.:PROTIREETORS, At Two Dollars per Yetir in. Advance. TO ADVERTISERS:—Tun DEELOCRA I , as .Itrk adyer tising medium 4s tinsurpassea7in ,t)tio sectionl.• It reaches the Farmer, Mechanic. and business man. Its circulation is constantly inereasint..tind its advertising rat es reasonable. 'Bates will be , given at .our office or JOB.I.BINTING:—Onr Andel is printing presses, together witli a. large variety of type, borders, lanCY inks, ate., - l a - ltb *hick, *o atelprepa red to do work in the best style and at pricln lower than a ny competitors to any 'section',.'. ifami4,!_shown,iifid estimates cheerfully given at our Mike. INfork brderr ed by mail willrocciviaprompt attention.' • . El. 11. HAWItErYv 4 " W. C. CROWE: ATTORNEYS. 4 _ T ITTLES . Ara) torlier9 at Law, M6itrose; . othce `opiobiite the Tarbell • R. B. -1,12" rue, ., - • , . • Ozo. P. LITTLE', Montrose ,Oct. 15, 1.8'72. B.L.BLMISLEZ. V I. LOTT ) ATTOi*-El 7 Montrose, Pa. Collectierts proinPtly :Mended to. Special atmtion given .t.o 'Conveyancing and Or: pima' Court practice. Ofilee'on Public Ave'nue'over First National Bank, back. ' [march 29,''16.] . COVILL AND EWITT,. ATTOR- S DEWITT, nays at Law and Solicit Ors in Bankruptcy. °dice No. 49 Court Street, over City National Bank, Bing= namton. N. Y. Wx. June ISth, ISl'3. JE11031.3 DZWITT. EDGAR A. TURRELL, - • COUNBELLOU AT LAW, 'No. MI Broadway,New York City. May 12, "75.—(Feb .11, 1874.-1 y) • I 0. WARREN, ATTORNEY; AT 11. Law, Bounty, Back Pay Pension and Ex emu :on attended to. Office oor below Boyd's Store, XI ontrose.Pa. [Ang.l; , is9.)- F. FITCH,' ATTORNEY AND ][..4 • Couhcellor-at-iaw .Ifiontrose. Pa. _ Office as heretofore, blow and west of the Court House. Montrose, January 27,1876.—.1y. W M. A. cßossgoN, ATTORNEY at Law. - °Men over the First Nation Dank, Montrose.Pa. W. A. ,Cnossunon. Mont ,one, April i 9; It'll. LUSK, Attorney and Coon siiitai at Law, Montroee, Pa. Office ; over Flint • ',tonal flank. - Montri,•e, Dec..l3, 1876y1. J ' B. & A. H. 11.1cCOLLUM, AT • toreeyeat Law. Office over W. H. Cooper' & Co's Bank, Montrose, Pa. May 10, 1811.—tf O'NEILL, ATTORNEY, AT E. Law. Office over A.. B. Istiniifs Ding Store, Brick Block. Montrose, Pa. , [June 9, '4s. 7 tf]. W. SEARLE, ATTORVEY AT • Law 4 office over tke Store of M. Dessaner, in the Brick Block ,Ilontrge e Pa. Mtg. 1.'69.] PHYSICIANS. 11D. BALDWIN, M.' D.,. tiOlitEo- .• pithic Physician and - Surgeoir.i , has Located niseli at Montrose. where he will attend promptly to profgesional business entrusted is his care.— IM - 01113e in Carmaltlf building. seemed floor, front. "Boards It (r. E. Ba Montwise, Pa., March NI, 1875. R. W. L. RICHARDSON, P.HYSI -..q, On and Snrgeen, tenders hi Epr ofession alser ofiviceatothe citizens ad' Montroseandricinity. nmce att hiirrasidevce, on "the corner costa the IPonn •g.l. 1869. 's SN YDER, M. A, ItOMEO . • ;ethic Physidan and Surgeon, Newlitlfoad, fa. Mace at the Unfotrat Hotel. • - Aug 1876.-tf • DENTISTS. I S. PpTTE4R, -DENTIST, WISHES to in f. the people of Montsose and Vicinity, that heist perm:teat located, in the second atorrettfit P. Stamp's Sew-Minding; opposite Cooper's Bank. iS3I kinds of Dental Wong done in the best manner. N. B.—Nitrous Oxide, Latighing4nes, given fokithe ,painless extraction teeth. Montrose, April Set, 1876.—tf Di. W. W. SMIT]I, DENTIST, Halsey ß ' oopi at hie dwellin next. docir . nort4 of s, om e Old - For.ndry s t r eet t, where he w oo be happy fto see all those in want of Pental ork. leels con flden t that be can plesse alt.'both in qualilv of work and in price. Office hours freek - 9 A. lE. to 4 amt. Morthrose.Feb.ll,llB74—tf DILUGGISTS, A . LYON, SUCCESSOR TO , ••M• Abel Tarrell, dealer in Drags. Medicines, 't'hemicrls, Paints, Oils, Dye-staffs. Teas, :Spicies t -Fancy • Goods, Jewelry., Perfumery, ate. • . Montrose . May 18. 1 111:15. lEAGLE DRUG STORE, IS T/LE plate to.get Drugs and Medcknee, Cigars, 'Do bacco, Pipes, Pocket-looka, Bpectaies, Yankee No tions. &c. Bri ck • B look A. B. BURNS. Montrose, Pa., Mayfili, 18775. • HOTELS. VALLEY HOUSE, GREAT BEND .. Pa. Situated near the Erie Has Depot. Is a large atm commodiskos *house. Has undergone* thorough repair. Newly furnished rooms and- sleep ingapartments,splendid tabl mandallthings comprin inga Bietclaes hotel. HENRY ACXERT, Sept. i0th.1878.-tf. Proprietor. • EX.CHAINGE HOTEL. M. J. H4R rington wishes to inform thepnblic thathaving rented the Exchange Hotel in Montrose, he is now prepared to accommodate the traveling pnblie inC Aret-class style. Montrose, Aug. 2 84873. • MEAT MARKETS. M • ONTROSE MEAT MARKET, Public Avenue. First-class meats always on band at reasonable prices. Sausage, Poultry, &c., In season. The patronage of thenublic is respectfully WALLACE HEWITT. Montrose, Jan. I, UV. T UE PEOPLE'S, MARKET, PHIL lip Hahn, Proprietor. Fresh and Salted Meats,: Barre,,, Pork, Bologna Sauttage,etc., of the best qual- ILL constantly on band, at prices to suit. Montrose, Pa., Jan. 14. 1873.-1 Y SURVEYORS. j • C. WHEATON, CI VILENGINZTE MID LAND SLIM P.O. address,'Franklin Forks, Susquehanna Co., Pa. PRMTING. QUICK, Job Printinga 1 . CHEAP, ak, NICE. This" Office. eg OB PRINTING of all kinds:at :this Office at low prices. TRY..US.: MI ' - ..&.....‘,.... USTICES ANDLOTIrEkBLANKS AT THIS OFFOL , ' VOL. '34. CARDS.' W. COOLEY,- BUILDER,.-- • - • STILL ON THE TRACK! - '•-, Every style of .baildings. erected, and everything furnished, at GREATL Y ItEntrcso , PRIcES. Contracts cheerfully fdrnished. Stair building a Speclalty.,'NOne . bat experlenced•Workm en Worsted. jan.20,"75. ' Montrose, March 22, 1876.-41 ' ' . • 11. T BURIIITT - • DEALER 'STA pIe and •Fancy.Diy Goods, Croekery; Hird ware. Iron; Stoves, Drugs. Oils, and Paints;aro - ots . and Shoes, Hats and Caps , Furs Buffaloltobes; Gro ceries,Provisions, Now, Nov: 6, '72—tf. Iv. A. TAYLOR will hneefter tor' fsh ,to 'the :people • of. Montrose tind Vicinity, Oysters by the - pint; qtfart or gallon . Also oysters prepared in every style. , dieing. rooms, Over E. C. Bacons store, south Yain 'Street. 1 Jan.lo, W. A. itAYLGT,i.. ` • •,, B. DEANS, DEALER I N W• Books. Stationery', Wall Paper, Newspi.• pers. Pocket Cutlery, Stereoscopid Views, Yankee -Notions, etc.- • Nextdoor to'the Post Office, Montrose, W. B. DEANS. ,Sent. 80, 1874. .I),ItLING 3 S STROUD FIRE AND JI-P Life Insurance , Agent. - All business attended to promptly. on fair terms. Office first: door east of the bank of NVIn..II, Cooper ,b Co., Montroce. Pa. ' Jan.l, 1877. - BILLINGS STROUD. JOHN GROVES, FASHIONABLE Tailor, Montrose, Pa. Shop over Chandler's Store. -Ali orders filled In first-class style. Cutting done to order on short notice, and warranted to tit. Montrope, June 30,'75. FT. PURDY. MANUFACTURER a • of wagons of all kinds. Also makes a specialty of wood work. forsale. Res.irs promptly attended to. Uses only best stock, and aims to make only first-class _work. - = [april26, 1.876.] 'LOUIS KNOLL, SHAVING AND hair Dressing. Shop in Searle's new building, below Express Office, where he will be found ready to attend all who may want anything i n hisline. Montrose Pa. Oct. 18, 1869. NEW MILFORD MACHINE SHOP. All kinds of machinery midi, or furnished to or. 'der. Repairing promptly-attended to. JULIUS SHULTZ. New '3lllford,Mav 17,1876.-Iy, a.RIFFIS & SAYRE, : DEALERS IN NJ+ Hardwire, Iron, Nails, Housefurnishing Goods, Groonries and Provistons, Vie ood; Stone. Jappaned and Pt ed Tin Ware, Asc., dtc. march 15, '7O. , SMITH, CABINET AND v Chat r Mannfac.t men. _root ..1 litainstreet. BEentrose, Pa. Lang. 1 . 1869.] r...I.LBERT S. JOHNSON, ' k.. 11 AUV TIONE War Address,. March 29, 1876. Mon_ trove; Pa A MI ELY AUMOSltislt, • Address 'Untie, 14 1874. - BrOOKIY I I/ PS. BANKING. BANKLNG HOUSE ZUE. f; 0 a Et 2 BC,I e MONTROSE, FA. GENEEML BANKING lititinCtol'ESS DONE COLLECTION'S MADE ;ON ALL POINTS AND PROMPTLY AOCOUN TED FOR AS HERETCPBORE. Domestic and Ferign Exchange for sale. United States and other llondsisought and sold. Ceupons and City , and County Bank Checks ,cashed. OCEAN STEAMER PAisSA:Gt TICK— 'ETS TO AND FROM IFATROPE. INTTREST ALLOWED.on e special time . Deposits, as per agreement.' In the future, assn the past, we shall endeav or to tratiumet all money business to the satis factiondof our patrons and corresponfients. ' WM. IL COOPER & CO., Montzose, March 10 '75. 7 tf. Bankers. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. O! .11~cw tz' owe. CAM CAPITAL $lOO,lOO. SURPLUS PVND, $94000. 'FL ZI BC CI NME7CI , To their slew 'and commodious Bank Balding on Putiic Avenue. Transacts the business of MERCHANTS; FARMERS, . "CORRESPONDENTS." New York, Fiat National Bank ;• rhtlndelphin; Flinn! delphia, Natkmal Bank, WM. J. TURRELL. Pnastorarr. N. L. LENRIUM, Osman. Montrose, 2darch 25,1876. PRINTING. NOTE THIS ! We are dolEg all kinds of JOB PRINTING In as GOOD STYLE, and at LOWER PRICES THAN .ELSEWHERE, N. --, A-.7.-BlipkB ,an. band or - prir.)o4 to-:orler._-' . '- 5r.41.1•112, 3372 - T RIG H T ANY COST , .Aa . tl Others. AT THIS OFFICE, MONTROSE, : PA:;: JIM fl. 24. E -1877 figs,C.QN.i l ß . P:i.504 . 41.4 4 4' :!''... We devote a large amount of onk'spacc: this' virk. - to - the report the`Joinfeoplii: mittee of - bo'th Houiee Niho'haVe 'Sh6ceeii= ed in, p rOO'ucing a bill for. the -action,of • Congress of such a character:aito gain: the hearty and active' suppOrt one member of. the committees.,.That a report'and coulk be framed mbich : would .:be signed by lo out of , It of the prominent men of both parties is unprec edented in . the history of committees. • 'The repert . itself .is 7 One: or st . and .m.ost suceiriet ,papers which:this age, , has produced. Every word'-is:full•Of; meaning. • There are .. uos oraissioriS,•oo superflubus wards.. sentence every there.are clear indications of the sense of relief experienced by the reornmittee'af thethought that •• the danger:' which threatened to : overthrew .Out cherished form of government. had 'been averted ; that a peaceful remedy for existing evils bad- been found upon which* all who prefer country to party. could 'Unite and by Methdds , iff accord with both the law and the facts; - assist in placing in,the Presidental cuair , him , of whom -the peo:. ple have plainly said "We willihave Erman to rule over us.", • - The bill, which the committee has re ported is carefully drawn and 'bears marks of great care. - Having had the assistance of the ablest legal minds of the country it is not to be:supposed that the bill (though seeming at first glance to trench upon and , evade the direct com mand 6f the constitution, that Congress shall examine and count the electoral vote) h4is been so lloose4 constructed,that action. under an by virtue: of_ it can st any Future time be claimed to'have been unoeastitutional, and therefore of no ef fect Crider any , other circumstances than the present we could not, support t bilChnt believing as we honestly do, that the hour ie.° Ire of peculiar danger toaur notional Itte,:and knowing..friikiex perience of the past the desperate expedi• arts to which men like Morton, Chan .dler and. Cameron have cesorted 'to retain a political power t weliail with ple4sure any ihonorable path leading the .county out •of its presezit unhealthy condition.ef fe tverish linnet and excitement. The N. 7,, Sun *calls attention o ihe fact that the last few days, a new line of .military telegraph bite been laid connect ring the War Department especial! with , the eapite;l, and, that a large force of zartillery , has been connentrated in Wash , angton bring the past winter. Cora -1 =meeting upon this,the editor says: - "Now. ifi useless to disguise the meaning of these various movements, which have sbeen directed by Don Cameron, They Arm a peat of the conspiracy to make Hager Preeiden cby force sustaining fraud 'The pacific assurance and the prumises .of agreement by those who are acting fundeithe orders of :Chandler, Morton, :Shervian,;and their confederatesowe only glevices contrived to Awithdraw alkeentiorr erom the plot, and toczable the conspira tors to perfect their !plans, whilethe de ceived people are trustfully looking for- , ward to an honorable solution of the; present problem: Let late country notbe deceived by the . conspinsitors, or iit may wake up 'sone morning, as Pariedid in' 1.651,,and find the revaution a fad sue was at the cripital." We take pleasure in codling attention to the conduct of Attorney General Batley, of Florida who declined to set as one of the Board who made the new eanvearin that State, on account of this having pre vioualy actied in a professional Capacity before the old Board. Iti these days of "high moral ideas" and " ."Christian states men" such instances of political honesty are rareindeed. Three United States Senators were re elected. last week;--Messrs. James G. Blaine, of Maine. (chosen for both the short and the long term); T. W. Ferry, of Michigan, President pro tem. of the body, 'and William Windom, -of Minnesota.— On Friday Geo . . Z Hoar was elected to succeed Bontwell from Massachusetts. ,Gold is, lower than hint been ..for six years, closing in, bTow, York on Monday ist 1061. _ , • • :I ?h-:1w Tl 4,4104 YIVEL.4O , 2IIEiLOU4 181ANA2:4fiURNING - NO RD, "I In O e i44ot:! s t/I9 l, ,tng4rng t. 2 .P , •• , • 'Pemouraay , p on ,the Bthotr Janigtryolthe -N. TpWorkl' says -`the addris of OeeigelAlT.liiliati . kli r 's' 431;4 ) t 'J tentie„itici it dealt conspiracy.:tof CiverthroW the result.of the , l s residentiakelectiou was . Chataote'riefiC . 4 toe tti c anc'itnit'iitit' #nl, aloiithy'ef *the "Cledadipl:':'4l3,lA-a*sio - ' r e, the.old original AVolitiOniptsofihe cOun): try, and.. was. lcandidate !for theVice-Yiesidenty. , r H 1 !on • the war a leading' but . tras a theh , othey, founders of the Republican partylo make . way for renegade peinCerais•like'Xiirtdri, - $4lO aisurned control neptibliCan organization : in , Indian 'power', with :doifax a4d t re,ro4,nding , Jolian, to Priliiate life as a danger.ouirival.- Julian Hia in all things. the apposite 'at the tiiati who - triumphed„Oier .arts. Ile is tall and graceftillY built, itlt a clear, pure face' ,bearing, :the :marks' of thought and study hut no . trace,pf an evil 'propensity indulged era latteipassion gratified: He hai .grown .ieiry of the corruption of Republicanism, its false pretensee,and the iniqUities`tviiich it cdn tinUCE3 to commit` . the attempt ti?"iirii . vent th#' "restoration tho;. &outliers], States of the Unipn, and. now attacks lt , with the same 'aggressive 'boldness which characterized his conduct years . ago - iii its' .1 defense. Sulian_hegan itescrihiug the anomalous government.ol LOuiluatia and the monstrosity :which is called a re. turning board. in a. few sentences which Constitute a fair Specimen' of bis 'style; combining ail' they do strong, passion with concise and, ,well*neiderel . . utatemeat, Ilie . description - of the , personnel of she board is, however, 41 MaSterpieeCi of .vective, and. withal there is an air ofcool• nese about -it. that .adds telite'dea4ly effeet. After quoting Sktfiridatige character- of Welts, I,lr, Julian .says: : "fievernor Wells is• not only a journey.: man expert in cascaliv. through long years of training and ;experience, but he is a -scoundrel .aboriginally; saying thie I believe 143141 y give expression to., the general Gen tement 4:if the State.: An, detrson, the other white Man on the board, is not quite so vicious. The element of humanity is not - so 'fatally left out of .his composition. Ile istnot so cold4looded: If . placed in , command of a •pirate -ship he might falter in some ein.ergews,Which Ws more intsvid and. Satanic companion on the board would enjoy as aluxnal. Lut he is not wantirtg; in the . qualities which have made the Returning Bo and famous, for he is a :thoroughly .accom.. knave.and swindler. counts lwell,'•andLis, in a word, the fit conipanion .and associate:in office.of the President of the body. Casanave, -one of the 'colored members of the board, is an undertaker by occupation, and was a slaveholder ,be fore the war. Ile is, a man of Limited and 'intelligence, and not stall • -qualified by•capacity or training Air the ; position he oconpies. He is a very etro,ug -partisan, but is a kindly , dispused sort .of man, : Winks 'worst mis 'fortune Is that the. thoroughly Unprinci pled men on the board use him as their tool. This must be reganied as certain, in the absence of any proof that he has ,ever" opposed the confessed illegality and fraud of his associates. Kenner, the other :colored map and junior member of the board, is a very small, light mulatto,quick and sprightly in his movemenikVut alto gether unfitted by talents, education or experience for so responsible a position. He isP gambler and grog-seller, a very low fellow. and a few years ago Wee kicked. outof-,a satoon in New Orleans for steal ing the money of his employer." As the Conference. Bill, which we pub lish this week, will undoubtedly pass both Houses, and become a law, our read" era will do ,well to preserve .this Th'e most violent of its opponents are those who , aie ignorant of its provisions. . Anderson and Wells of Louisiana Re. turning Board notoriety are enjo in - the` hos - pitalities of the trailed Stites in the, Waihington Jail, where they have =beep: sent for'oontoinpt of too How: M=En BEIM ~, ~,„, ::.!f.: ,r(: 1 IfiR(E)Y7 MYSTAFRIA .. S , It haibetiti a dlifiCnif rnatier4o adenuilt f r itie,sudden change -which . took Place 1 h the "Wednesday and Thursday succeed.. - *i g the elievion; iligailding'r 'the' reiulte of ' t e vote.,,cast, .until, gm - clay lastTeeki e House committee - discovered the' tele _ apbio . dispstobeir ,-. sent'l by 'the !Izni,..,;'i andlet;tBeothary.'ot ' the - I'6l.'6'lhr; - liiui ihairrnan a tbe' ,, Repitblicanit National' ommittefoPtir fiaftYin'Oaksta in 'eeVeial the Siates;'frllo "there:4as reitiiin;',_to lilieve the 'vntsiiiniiiiihe Clio ie : • ' . ' i ' t It9Vill'hi - tipoll'epted Ailiii 'the 114: utlernan ' vias at, the Fifth ven ok otei, in blew , X:orii. ci4-, and -the ' news hich - Igne, froro, f all parts-of.. the Iru,icn i !oh ti(e . '#)&hk . ..4r..thft ~ 7, 4( ..of . Novernber i ,wrouglAtri'bini -in to, a- s tate bordering. Os frenq , o'rritemenL. 1 4 1 the - oudonbtid 0 idenee that, Tiklen , was.tertain lot 184., e ectoral voted soffagitated "the:l6 - fi_. - See., :. tliat he lost ebrittet - Oth l iiiiielfYiniehill dispatches weri'idiiiivilitit'reiiiiirkaiite l :;- - - - l'o:-Gov. - Steariel . ef-Florida: be telegraph=' - ed, "Grave ilfripiirtaiVe'attObes'to' , the eectoral s4.;tenr. l 3rp - Ur, ,51 : 14 .". Up* Gen -0 - - 1 . al Martin:,, the command to be wary end,: active was •laid:;, : ,'"‘All: may .depend en yber vigilance.„. ge,en your guard every. , -- .Where." :• To , lieegb ,in ,North Carolina' `this ad monition was , sent . t, "Don'tgli,e, iip 'your ; State until. -.remotest returns" 'ltitelear thatythe.resolution eerytaken p fir cliiiiii..l3Very thirig inoitake eVery Means,' fait ti 9 :feel; to` make, good the claim. The' r prempt lesp,onse that came back froiriall'inerters showed that that the 'orders-from , headquarters were i underStood, , tand the prompt action of President Grant in 'ordering troops into' tbe dOubtful States proved that the plan -, of the, supfilementary campaign was thor-/ . . °uglily f.!irranged before the I.oth . ot,No- veinber; , The revelation "of the whole': :conekracy however, is contained in one 'message ient.oh the day after' election to, General-Martin in Tallahassee, Packard in. New Orleans, -Onamberlain nfOolum- , , ,life, Senator Mitchell in Portland, Ore- ,gon g and Gorham in San Francisco.--,_ . Eiteh one of these statesmen was inform-. *I. that Tilden lad 184 'votes, that n'oth. 1 ing''but thee vote of his State was in doubt, and that it was needed :for : the .success of Rayee. If anything could, , hurt the character of Chandler: and the -elique which managed `the . Republican canvass, the diacx;vevy of.this riidcalous , ought to d lie telegraphed to five different .Si . Suits, .o. . it ,a* Yvonic, NCI/ember. 5,1876 4 4 1 .0 eftentira/ Arrilin, Tallaluwee .-: . - "We are a*lutely certain of aSS votes for Hayes, if your State: is safe—and 'AI , den as sure of thereat. . Can pillbertitin 13r .d efeat ,al Pemocratic . attempts by fraud, false • counting or bniesery to cap , tare it ? ,answer ,when' sure. • 4, .Z.GliANDinn: Row every patilot thus ay?pealed to . S 8 the last 'hope .of the party must . have 'thrilled voith the thought that,.the des tiny .of tike nation depended upon his skill as , e'connter I And. ni w all of them will learn with dismay th' at the solenin adjuration was used to inf lame the hearts of the iPetriots 'of five SfLates, and that . Hayes vas net sure of an ;ything wheal* was said -, to be sure of everything 'bid them. Serhaps some of ~ ftbeee gentlemen might have shrunk from the task before., them, if 'they had known fthat the scheme was to :bulldoze several bastes beside theit own, and the wily Charidlei did Well to deceive them with the ales tbatthey hid been dereliot: mein Lively., each one leaped to ithe .. conelusiiin that he would • make up an post-eleetion fraud what had been lacking in ante-election zeal. This five , sided4ispatch is the strangest thing thus far Tesealed in the 'correspondence ; bat the inetnictions 'of W. E. Chandler to the Republican manager in North Car olina are nearly as remarkable. After in- dulging in the vain hope that North Car "aline had gone for Hayes, this model statesman, said: , . • "If, however, it has not, and the State is close, and there has been intimidation • or fraud on 'the part of the Democrats, we trust -that - your Republican govern ment will not give any certificate to the electors. The Governor of Oregon is a Democrat, while .North Carolina le the only State necessary to the Deinocrats where we have a, Republican Governor.' They must not be allowed fairer jolay in' North Carolina' than we get in Oregon. - This is important and confidental." i When we recollect that;t4e writer of : this•precions general order went to Flori- '... da and had the managenient of, the can ,Yll4s of votes in that State, we, need not wonder at the frauds which Kaye siii4 - been 'unearthed. The CiovernOt Qi )2 1 : - or tk a . . Carolina, however, appears. te. have been too 411 to , take the hint given, or too Honest to make a prepotterous claim for • victory when he knew that he was fairly beaten. ,Repnb4pana in, that State Lick tt‘e *tieing lalgadence and untsatie rag- *- t panel whiCh - .'dinthignish„.their ~b rethren, ~ an Milani; '