' ' THE WEEIT. Darin. the paskAttt?k committee on cgtilting the ele.ctoral vote have had aeliAith*isitiiiibut the uullabers °halve the iitjatiction of, secrecy so strictly that xery little of a . positive. nature can be learned in regard,to their proceediligs.-7-- The syssion,of eirlikifa, ol L get: tlement which. has beenlinggested, eitherin Congress or elsewhere, was die- cussed. No vote.,silatt., , taken. The con sideration of 'these various propositions has . now proceeded so far in joint , sessioe thatliki* it 'would not be surprisiling if the corn- mittees come int'd3h4W-respective houses on Wednesday, and, report either that they were ready to itibniit a plan for the - alitistmeet of aJcontroversieohat may. arise or that Oiivitibeers been in „ vai:Ki. L * great diversity of Opinion , ex 'isttiniong the,menlbers of the two .oin mittees in regard to the --prospect of an agreement.. Those who take strongly partisanr'yiews are not hopetul, while those who are conservative aced are most willing to concede something for the sske of harmony think, that some plan that will only be accepted by the twoomi mitfees. but 'also •by both branehei of Congress, will be devised. • . In toniSiana, IlivZiiincor,NiChnk.has taken butwsingledvireek:to establish not onlristilonger claim' than Paekard` tO recognition, but a stronger claim than Kellogg gained during ; the ifour years in which, he was bolstered „tip by, ,F 00,61 -0.11 4- 0 r . • s autority. Ch o sen to his high' offidety a majority of over MOO -in a popular vote of 100,000;his atithorttir acknowl edgeit.byAll of Ahose who •voted l forthim: and by thousand's; Yicliicliug Many lead eraof the opposition, who voted , against him. Re S'ipreini Court Composed,of five of thetpurestand ablest me4fin,;:the State. He is backed by a maittritrof the Aegally=eleeted members of the lAgislature, wholie- numbers- are daily re-enforced by-desertions from the Returning Board Legislature. . He. has organized a force of militia, which is numerous, well armed, well equipped :mid eager to do his bidding. He' has put his own 'metropolitan police in possession. of the Capital, and it is , admitted that to him alone is the city indebted :for the preservation of the peace during this troublons period. He has deinonsatiated his hold upon the property-holding class by the tender of an advance payment of taxes sufficient to keep the government in good - rnnning order for any reasonable tune_ which may'elapse beforehis author ity is fully established. And by coolness. moderation and. firmness under most ing Circumstances he'has, won -the ooin mendation of. all non-partisan observers in terNorth as' Well as in the South. - A dispatch,dated New Orleans Jan. - 14, says ,the. Republicans are much depressed *alter a week in which the tide' has been steadily :against them. The event of Saturday was the secession of. three col- ored'llepublican Senators from Packard's State House logislatire and the addition al defection of two.. These five came in to, the Democratic Senate, breaking the •• • %norm in thcßepublican body and giv ing the Democrats a quorum of Senators holding Returning Bo a rd certificates. The seceders are 'Breaux, Wheeler, Demos, Hamlet and Weber. The transfer was effected byez-Lieutertant Governor Pinch ba&P, through negotiations,witit-Theilten sat Governor Wiltz; and upon the written assurance of Governor Nicholls; that his administration particularly •in its course towardt he colOred race, will be in Strict accordance. with his speech 'accepting the talon Rouge nomination: • Geo. WOlatnl Curtis; of 4larpeeB wh9'acted ut ;one of, the, sponsors for "thertielnrin 7 witnin•the'Lparty" bantling, whioi4ati produced at the WO Avenue conference list spring, , has come to the conotAinn that : "The bee that party -chieftaiiis 'should get out of their bonnets' as soon, as possible is the idea that.the intelligence .and, independence of the Repql4iciin party will approve -and sus-, tain anything if it only ,:prothises to elect Mr. Hayes. No Republican chief or, fol lower can be more aincerely.anxionsthan We are to see him President. But it is up,- on the4ov l ition - tilat his *le Shall 14 as olear acid reputati3n as spotless as they. have alsitys- *err."' The defection of such men as David . Dudley.' Field, of N. Y.; lion: A D. Pratt, of Inca:, and hundreds of other Ball over the , country, will have the effect of wakilllVTlore , than Mr. Curtis. Western Pennsylvanig still leads Mezi- co. The latt4chskr one,!exile. Preiideit 'while the fovmer has seyeral hundred ex- Nile' king: N j.: ...y :I• S ~. OUR LA IV ..MAKERS. After a recess of one week which was consniere'd necessary to appoint corns mitieus - and ,0011i,lett; orgai k ization, , „, ioth Houses met on the 10th. In the Senate l various bills were presented among which, we notice one to supplement the a4t to property -- tof-the 'value' of spo9 fronakyy,anA3B,lp an Execution and iA dietrelesFfo n , approve c pri 7 . , and,the supplements -thetetorfor the:pnyd p'S'lof' preventing .the niiitiiiiiiialiiitidq uie4 t,p4.999 t: . eineAt t of the waiyer„o„ . t . Alip bolit.plit..iiiidaais.. ;Tire SpeAker pro torn announced- the standing co,mnuttees, -- on which wc fi4d, , , oar estee Chief , d . Chie assigned and associa ted _as follows Messrs.,lioebuckAt. Butterfield, Wright, Clarke, Nagle and Hawley. Public Printing:—Mesirs.-lieefer;tl - 'Chestnut, H.pvley. and Engleman. • ReArenclonent and JiefornirMessrs. St. Mir, Seymour, Fisher, Wright, Peale;'- Hawley.and Burnett. New Counties arid. County. Seats—Mess. Stone, Limon, Davies, Seamans, Allen, Fertig and Hawley. Froth his`position on these commitees, we shall not expect great things of the member front Oietriot; but we are none the less certain that he .will repre- sent his constitu e nts as faithfully in :a hopeless pit wcould,wereth'e: ease different, and our party was in the ascendant. On Fridily Mr. Lawrence, Rep, of the 4 t sth,dist, offered- thejollowing resolu . .3 WEi-ABA s sThe_trauquillity,of, the .coin? try ana prosperity imperiled by the extraordinary difficulty of ascertaining, in,. the .nearly balanced vote what'ha's been the result o the late election for the electors of Presi dent and Vice President; And whereas, To ally au excitement that May endang4r the , public "peace.and , precipitate upon the'peopb. the_ettlamities of a civil war,, from which they have been lately - delivered, it • seems fit and proper that the legislatures of the states whose prerogatives and vital interests are involved in the issue should declare and emphasize these principles embodied in the national constitution by which the decision of the pending question can alone be safely and lawfully reached. Resolved, by the &hate (the House of Representatives concurring, That tho will of the people in 4.lectine a President and Vice President of the United Scates can only be expressed in the manner pre scribed by the constitution, and the per sons,having a majority of the votes of the electors appointed by 'the, states of the Union in the manner prescribed by the legislatures thereof must be by force of the constitution and laws declared President and' Vice President respectively and must be on the 4th of March inaug urated and thereafterward duly respect ed as such.. 2. That all factious oPpositioaid'all threats of violence designed or , intended to prevent or imperil the declaration and confirmation of the constitutional elect ion of .the President and Vice President are unpatriotic in spirit, dangerous and revolutionary in - tendenet and merit, and should receive the condemnation of an outraged and indignant people. • 3. That the lists which the duly ap poicted electors of the states respectively are required by the constitution of the United states to make of the per aons voted for as President and Vice President' and the number of votes for eaeh and which are to be by the electors certified and transmitted by them sealed to the president of the Senate; and which certificates are to. be opened by him in the presende of the two houses of Congress and counted, are the - constitutional evi dense Of - the votes cast. for President and - Vice President. 4. That under the constitution the-per -80118 baying the majority of all the' votes actuallY cast by - fhe nppoin ted oraof the states:respictively are by force of the' constitution -and „laws.the P.resi ,dent and Vice President from-and after the , begi,quing of their term of office, and any attempt to defeat the election of a PrPaident or- f •a_Vice Presido oy:either Houseaof 'Congresii upon the pretext that itertaii4ers.ens 41.a1y,. certified to be the 4 electorsrany sfate . were not such elect = ors, or by throwing out or refusing to Count the, legally certified votes of any state, or by impeding the counting of the , electoral .vote to ascertain the result-;, or for any other cause than that provided' for in the constitution; 'when no person hasla majority of votes of the electors atilY appointed, will be a proceeding fraught,with danger to the public peace, perilous to the stability of our govern ment and exposing oar nation to con itemin in the general opinion of mankind. Resolved, That every Senator in Con gress be, instructed and - Ourßepresent• atives requested to let their action on this question conform to the spirit of this de claration.. _ . Resolved; That the' Governor be request ed to have a copy of this preamble_ and resolutions forwarded to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress as early as convenient. • All efforts to pospone 'were resisted by the republicans, and the preamble - and . resolutions were passed by a strict party tol6. - ' • -- - - - 77, ••.: In the House., there ha been 'nothing ' tint routine bustness„transmed. t e, vir . El OF J'All'Ulitl? Y. There. vas, ii• vcry gen cril'asseniblasiti of Democrats on Monday Jan., Bth in dif ferent rarts br the country "to feetiff to their faith in .the Ilentli•Ai,aiid prOr.ounce their pur `.oose to. insist upon all cmistittitinnal; Ino - ties of securing. the establishment_ of that result. 2 - In Louisiana, 'the,: intinguration - of Nicholl,4, was the: MOst.griking deotna .. ..• stration which could haie been suggested, of the true, sentiment: the conserva tive element that State, — Twenty'thou sanil of the best people in' the state,w,ere present.. Governor Nicholls'', inaugural address , was short and conservative. He declared his intention to be,.Governor of the state,and'"Gen. Longstreet announced his determination to stand by him: He belives that Nicholls was fairly elected. In Indiana the Deinocratio state con vention was mmonster affair, all counties being represented. The chief features of the meeting were 'speeches of Hon-Geo. W. Julian, Hon. B.:W. Hanna, and Hop. Daniel W. Voorhees.' The resolutions call upon Congress to provide a plan for counting the electoral vote; that the two houses atone have the power to count, and not the president 'of the. Senate. .... The convention at Columbus, Ohio,was attended by fillip 6,000 persons. The convention was' called to order by Hon. Juhu G. Thompson, who announced that the . object•of the assemblage - was:, to de clare the belief of the Ohio Democracy in the election of Tilden 'and! Hendricks. Ge. A. J. Warner was then appointed temporary chairman,: and addressed the meeting 'at somi:. leagth; his belief that Tilden and Hendricks were eleeted. Gen. .Durbin Wiid was made permanent chairman and .made a stirring,address. Speeches were also made by Gen. Ewink and George H. Pendleton, and resolutions , supporting Tilden, a count.by Conkress; and a tnaiii meeting at Washingion.on February. 14*, Were'pass. ed. A mass meeting of the citizens of Richmond and all citizens _of Virginia in the city was held in the gouge of Dele gates to consider the issue involved in the . solution of the presidential controversy. Ex-U. S. Senator R. M. T. Hunter pre sided, and the' meeting was participated in by. a large number of leading and' rep resentative men 'from all rialto of the state. In Washington, the Democratic mass convention at Ford's opera house was fully attended, being crowded .to its ut most limits. Mr. Richard H. Merrick, of that city, presided over the meeting, with a long list of prominent Democratic citizens as vice-presidents. Speeches were made by. Mr. Merrick,lion. Henry Wafter son, Kentucky, and Mr. Joseph Pulitzer, of St. LOuis, - and others, and the meet ing continued it: progress until a late hour. HURRIED. LEGISLATION. In 'commenting upon the undue haste which our Republican 'Senate made, to obey the will of their master, the younger Cameron, in passing the resolutions en dorsing the programme . of the "conspire tors Washington, the Harrisburg correspondent of the Philadelphia Times, uses the following language.: "It was in vain that or. , the Democratic side Allen urged that 847 iniportant. a proposition should be first printed and understood by the Senate before action ; that Yerkes declared that it is by free discusiion that the liberties of the people are preserved, anC. that silencl and peace are always the pretexts of the-tyrant. Ermentrout offer ed a substitute postponing judgment and action until the truth could be known. Hawley,. of Susquehanna, protested in . the namerof a . Republican constituency. Ainong the new senators, Peale, from the Clearfield and Clinton districts, the able successor. to Senator Wallace, andiCot :beta, a real representative of the Reform convention, "desired to he heard in behalf of their . people against' this conspiracy.--L But all, alike were denied a voice, and' under the whip and: spur,,applied by Lawrence and,Herr, the resolutions were rushed througt4 A division - Of the que's . ' was,calledt for byYerkes,that the res olutions might be voted on intelligently, but by another extraordinary ruling this was denied also,' and the whole dose was . administered-Aogether and swallowed eri tire by the-majority,and Minister Gamer on has now the indorsement of the high er branch of the Legislature of his own State. Now many of the younger Re publicans are regretting the record so hastily made ; but Lawrence consoles thein by the assurance that he has mere ly showed . them "one of the Woks of the trade." They are still reporting at the head quarters of . honesty. Hon. D. D. Pratt, late United StatetSenator from Indiana, and, more recently commissioner 'of In ternal Revenue, thinks Tilden was elect _ ed, and We an honest enough Republi can to sat so. lIEN PD LIMN SYRUP. St.x : AV BED TOnie,and....blundrake Ptlla.—These deservedly Celebrated ancl„populai),inodislues, iutite.N.itcted revokutio'n tat The healing ~art, and proved. the Of several tnaxinis ,w hick haw forAnany years obst ruCtetf..,the „progrt*S .. !go luittlical science. The 44tip - .'supp osit7o a . ; t bak,Colisu p Lion is Weill - it:bre de..tet•re4„physiehttul t . e.urn at tempting to firttl reinedies for that diseas e , and patients afilietedi•erithciireenticiled7iheinhelies to.death without I tm.king nn ellortlirefscape from' a doom Which!!ithey , ; :enpiloeedlsi Voidable. ItAitio*..:Ptiotied, however,:thaiPOn nutnption can fiev:'ettred, , iitid: that it' haeheen curedju ,a, z vea.great., l ,nuttli?er 9,1-.,cuses."(sOme of them tipparepAly deciperate,,unes . ),hy Schtmck's Pulmonic Syrup,alOn",;i ap p .in other ,naeettly ',the same mediemu in: coh,tu;e4jou with .Achenrk's :-Spit Weed Tofite - hild Mandrake Pills, one ,9r ,both, according to the J requirements -O;f : 'the ~,,; • Dr. SchenekTilittiselr tlijki4:l '3i4tkier .rupted good health tor' more '11341,46 . 0Y Years, , was supposed •at one - tittle fel be nt the very , gat.: of death,.- , hit•pitysiciantizhaiing his, case taupe as( and:abandoned him to his fate. Hd . v:Pae 'eure'd by the afore Said since his recovery, ihouilanda-.''airailtirly: • 'attOted hitye . used Dr. Schenck's: oreparatiOne . -:itrith =the' sable rein able. success...- •!: 1 • • FUll directions ; accepipany each, making .it not absolutely itecesshry I to personally see. Dr. Schenck 'unless pattentswish their lungi t mined, and for this purpose he profes sionally at his principal ioffice, Corner Sixth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia; ,every Mon (Ivy. where all letters for , advice must be ad dressed. Schenck's medieinei are sold by all druggists. Advertisemeots New This Week. A •• VALUABLE FARM F OR SALE., • : : ' , '.. ', ' .• - - : • .... •,' .7 . . . ~ The-Pubecriber offers 1110141ln for' sale, located in 811- - . ver. Lake, containin g NO acres. and' as One's:dairy:or stock farraitS there is' in thes - eottittjr—nosuipaosed la tent' itiand,prodnctivetiess of 'soil, either lor•grain or grass. „ Good, buildihge.",andr fine -fruit.. .Ca 4 on, or'l.o. dress • • •.,• • • ' - SAC SKINNE it, 'or . . - FW. rt. COOPE4OdontrOie, Pa'.: . .' .. _ , 1 . • Jan. 17, 3-3ra • -• • - - t... . • ~• - • -..,••• •.„•11 , : •.. 'V ,"; '4. t;';,!., ..:: ,: , f,, ' ; , I\,tOTICE:I* iignature'liivring be'en' L 1 .1 abtainett.to Lucite (for‘mtient'righi•Chtirri aid' the right to. make and sell the, same In certain, town - thins) while I was intoxicated; 'I hereby give notice that Lwillnot pay.saidnote„as Itio not rerileinher sign ing it. Said note was given Jantutly .8t1;t1STI. :051165, to --- - Barr i And' iiigntl , by IC B. ' 'tnitth ' knd •F:EI Smith-- •. • -- „ •- , •• • : - •-: r . .. ,, i•:!.4 i SusiatiztkirtNA"Ccitiirr. a's. • , ~, e . . •it'arsonitikt %Ppeared betdrei me, * JurtlCeor theTeace in said county, and being sworn according to iayt,, says the itticive statement is, trnc and 1 corre_ct. -,• • ~ Sworn andpihserthed before me' -1 - I,l* i!. - I ~ • January Sth, A . D. 1877. tr. U , sxyra. L. tr. uNcoLli, J. P. '' ' ' • .Jan 15.-4-1* ,• • . • • i' T HE:GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN . - • -'2dISERY. Just Published, in Biala Envelope. Trice six cents. A. Lecture on the Nature,- Treatmoutpaed ryn Radical moot Beminal Weakness, or spec gintorrhoes, induced by! Self-Abase, untary Emissions. lmp,tency, Nervous. and impediments to Marriage generally ; COll sumption, Epilepsy. and Fits • Mental and - Physical In capacity, &c.—by ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M.D.. author of the "Green Book." &c. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Tiec tare. clearly proves from his own experience Um. the awful consequences of Self-Abase may be effectually re moved- without medicine. and without dangerous surgi cal operations. bongies, thetruments,tings or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effete- teal, by which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be; may care himself cheaply, privately and radically. Or This Lecture will preys a boon to thousands and thoneanus. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. • Address THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Office Box, 4688, Oct. 11, 1816. - STOLEN, . - From the stable of the subscriber in DimOck on Tues day night, Dec. 26, 1878, a small black mare, about 15 years old. Said mare has some white on right Iliad foot, has a large hoof on front leg same side, has a scar on hip. A suitable reward will be Paid for her re turn or information that will lead to her? recovery or the arrest of the thief. s OWEN DONAHOE% , Dimock, Jan'. 10,-1877. • ' 2wB • ERRORS: OF YOUTH. • AGENTLEMAN-Vika suffered for years from Nerv ous Debility. premature Decay. and all the effects : of youthful Indiscretion will; for the sake of suffering humanity, send tree to all who need it. the reclptiand irection for making the simple remedy by which he was cared. Sufferers ' , noising to profit hy the advertis er's experience can do so by:addressing in perfeetton ddence. 2w26 •' JOHN B. OGDEN, .52 Cedar St., New 'fork. TO CONSITAPTIVES. The advertiser, Miring been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consurriptfon,by a simpie remedy. . is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who 'desire it, he , will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same. which they will find a sure cure for Contmmption, Asthma, Bronchitis, ac. Parties wishing the prestription will please address Rev. B. rt. WILSON, 104 Penn Street, Williamsburgh, N. Y. . ' •I 9vv.% _ . VALUABLE • REAL ESTATE 'FOR BALE. ,The undersigned' offers, upon reasonable 'terms,* tine tarm m • . • . AUBURN TOWNSII.iP,, about 13 miles from the 4 Cerneje. colitataing acres, withlood buildngs: and orchard upon it and all Improved. For particulars' enquire of ' , LT-MAN BLAKESLEE, ~ . Poster. Susquehanna County, Pa. WM, B. LI/kIABEERY. Auburn 4 Corners, Susquebanna"County, Pe; • Assignees of Geo. D : Linebery. Jan.lo, 1877tf. A SERIFS OF . • • . SOCIAL DANCE*, will be held on:Thursday evening of eict Itieek 'tithe ' . OCCIDENTAL ,HOiat3E t , • -, FlARrotio, commencing on Thnriday evening, Jannary 11th, 18Th The bo_ ye and girls will be on bend, With Peck& Adams'Anadrille Band. Tickets fOr dancing, do cents ; Good ilappe!furnign ed foe cents each. DIMXICSBABLOW Prop. dan so, isrr. 2w4 . .DIW LOT OF CALLINGVARDS, IT TW.B OMOZ. 11 1. 4t8 888 % TriTIM TITMTT 2 1 gs - F 8 IT 11 8 $ iff 1 88138 77 77 viz •as ssoo.- 77 • Tx .: • I" • PAPERFOE 77q? tABORINGIOLAB22.B ' : J , '.• , The DAMOCRAT ls. a, largo 8. ,P 4141 11 Pa p er, Printed, on 'artimhroved cylinder' prorN. it ontat as the Local and General Now.*torteikotitwtryi Farm Matters. Mar ket Itepottii,ic., wit,ti` a .rtliable Oats ildvertise meuta.3 A • A. , • • - °••,, •• A • A" ' Every , DemOrrat , should have IL The interort which' eery Demnerat , haa In the final tettlement of, the- Presklentliti 4ttestion' according to thOprtnclples of 'right and jueticefttndero a a necessity in every Denuieratle flucla a paper we iati.nd 60 - DEIOI:RAT shall be. Bnbscribe for It yourself; atid call 'the attention of youtuolghbors to it. ERMg--0 e yea, $2 ; 6 ==tile, sl.;' 8 mouths, 80 cents; Sample Copies, Free,• The DEMOCRAT circulates largely throigh this find adjoi mug eountlep. and is Increasing wonderfully. It is acknowledged by all to be, a dm-class advertising medlars. Rates reasonable. considering the number of readers reached. i• , JOB . PRINTINO DEPARTMENT We are constantly liking addittons to our already LARGE' ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, re _ • • :,•. f ; DADEnts, TNEA, ETC. • And with; ontlibiTit PRINTING PRESSES, we are Prepuce to r Agm,Pel kelvith PlUt both In, prices and work. riArN. AND FANCY 'ENVELOPES, LETTER AND :NOTE P.APERS.. PLAIN AND FANCY BILL HAAB. PA PEN% CARDECD,F EVERY SIZE ' • AND COLOR. rOLOWED NSTER. I * • ;PAPER; EVI; • .1 an of 'which:wo can afford' to print: dumper than' any dike in th,la or. neighborin g. counties , and, in as good e w e. . • .. ._ .ci: -ia " if jou think that anybody . asn beat' us, give as a I trial, inctwe Will show you what we eando. All kinds of blanks on hind or.pented to order.- Orders 37 Mail iniimptly'attended to. • • , • HAWLEY & CRUSER, MontrOse, Pa. PUBLISHETW. NEW . STORE. DRY GOODS, . 1 • GROOERLES . . HARDWARE, TRUNKS & SATCHELS, :PAPER ,HANGINGS, FLOUR. SALT, RUBBERS, and most kinds of goods that arevatited. All are invited to call and see bow well - J. WESLEY 111313 BARD. Bircbardvilie, Pa., Dec, 20, 1876tf.. From the Black Diamond ' Veln,.Wilkee-Barre. Best Anthracite mined.; Celebrated Prosper,: Colliery, , ,ccq EEE . SSS s . TTTTIAN It n TTTT 0- -CR ICE " NN 1• I15 U tj" m ir C ÜBE EE • ...7'siS c , T N U f ; 4 1 . C ,ca, RE , T N, N U CCC.II , 11 ERE E BS, T NN UU T - ss irrrT oo . v v EBB • 8 a T f 0•0 ;V V IC '• • '''B'S a T 0 0 V V EE • 8 g r 0 0 ' V V E SS ,T 00 • V ERE a 888 RRR 00K K ; ERE NN N 00ACK , E NNN 888 ERR 0 0 KK BE NN N B .R 0.0 K K E N NN BBB• R R 00 K K ERE N NN , ~ Orders left at'Central Express Ofitcs promptly Mad. Barclay Coal for amithlng purposes constantly on hand ' J. R. RAYNSFORD. Montrose, Dec. SO. Unit& - WHAT IS TAYLOR'S CELEBRA TED ELECTRIC OIL Iti_ia a medical preparation ; the chemical combina tion of which is such nes to neutralize nonntured Pro parties when applied to man or bust. What la it for • • For the cure of any kind of pain.lameness,or wounds or for anything requiring an outtrard application. • is as good as other Unaments for those purposes ? sodbetter. , What . getrentee do you give of this ? If n deem opt prove so, after • Using all the medicine, return' he empty bottle, where you, sot it and sat your money beck. Wfto are agents for the 'aloof this medicine? £ll the druggists and dealers in MedicLus liteairoe uly and J boat the country. fili s 111111. IN .& e tiiin B 2:44 SOUND DBM4H3ASATIC - PAPER ' , TO ADVERTISERS :. QIIR IS COMPLETE. We keep on hand a. very larZe stock of it r erk 4Pqfit ;ether Black or Cotored ink*. B. R..LY01115 & CO. Isve opened s store in BIRCHAaDVILLE. Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines, ttc. they can do by bOying of CCCC • 000 A L • C C 0 0 AA • L C • O` - 0 AAL C 0 0 A , AA L C 0 '0 A A L C' • C 0 . O 'A A .. L CCCC coo co A A LLLLL J. - R. RAYNSFORD. Yard near M. 11,11. Depot. EEE 'GGG = i . ..GGO E - G BE '0 G G EXE . .Gel) , 000 AU Coal Oily screened. BOOTS & SHOES,