gliliXt ll4o ‘ l o o A RIVER AND :I3ARBOR APPRoPRIA: Darqa Free. .press. : --4. roan * from _the. north ern, . . tier of counties reached Detroit-p day or .•• , • . tivo ago to see.prQ high leg:4 ndvic.o as , to *Loth- Cr he could oblige' congress ip.iniikeitn apnro-,1 print ion of $5.,f0 to'Clear;the'tainiiii of a small' riven` which crosses his land . 11y14- ctuptitslot 1,31(C IlUlik1;:- • F . the mouth of the cloned and drkiged,, he -,Would zl i ild &mood dock, and was willing to •cail`rarl; of hi. 4 ti?d . "Idg,ll kits" if :cinigressT..Wasiwillia * to foot the bi 11.., • . • .; Ti:Olawycr advised bun to get tit) n petltio . “No gtiotl,” ,reiilied the ' 4 Tl;erciitte only two men . itroon,tl there who'ittn,writei-g,nd one, hasboils'orr him and time, nntl the other I've got to lick" as get home forihrowing club tit . m3 i nOoe! • Ile was then'advised to *Melo-the member of Coneress from his district. • No go - ot" Le repl:ei again. • "Be's proud- end stuck. up and stingy, and he's clown on:me because I eanjunip seventeen inches - *further than he ean." .„ . • • • ," You m ight „go to Washington and Jobby the improvement through CongrOs,"stiggettud the lawyer. . . . 'Cost too much,',' was the prompt reply.— "There's the river, and it's the,business of Con gress to run after me it it . wants to have part of it." "Well, I don't know bow you can fix it-Un less 5 - 'oat work through the customary channel" continued. the lawyer. "I' given, you:• the best advice' Lcan.' "1 can't wait. for Congress to tool around," protested. the Man. • "Then you will. have to make the impritiTe 113CIlt yourself:" "I am not able." The lawyersighed its . . he leaned bsek, and the man put on his hat as he rose up saying : "Would it, be best to a ppeal the case ?" "What case ? Why, you havent auy ease." "Haven't eh ? Perhaßs jig , i tt,lool WI,ICO tbitffl - awayunother 14 may call me a. -lunatie. . . • Five minutes later he was seen talking with a policeman on the corner;'aild'ioiai terArd •• l • to say ;"11 Congress saw you walkirig around there with your club, kinder- scdwlitig and looking sideways, she'd see that I was backed. I Would you $4O t month=: idfaund And the policeman w*.sleard-io rcpl7 l :" . "Seems like a clear ease' to die'; great on writs. of, repleN,in t •--I'd. go up to Ju g - . . • .. • • •. st, tiOszi Anvil I'Avere'youii NOTHING LOST /It ClilitS . TlkAtibitil ITT -01.1•074 Detroit Free Prees.--'.tine of tlitise toil-litirdeß edy-true-Irarted Oppf often read of in romance iiade his appearzknen r ,tn, ? .l.l4:4 ll 4o*opurUsniuig yesterday, and " Timpmhie,yenk at i pee aroused by the Ain 461 ihtee , tot* of ea standing around with their , buck-saiis and waiting for work. be hanged, if it ;Wt._ tough," Akreplied When they told him that they hadn't had any work =for d month. ."How would you like some oysters'?" They smselctd 'fbeir.llPsili3Ciriry:4 reply, and he gathered up a crowd of eight, marched them to ,a restaurant and ordered oyster stews for each 'one. "It just does my soul good to see them eat," he said to the owner of the place as the eight got to work. , - "Yes ; it's a beautiful eight to see," was the reply. "It makea me feel good in here," continued the stranger, laying his s hand on Als ,heart. - "A good deed bring its own reward," was the soft answer of the restauranter as he calcu lated his , profits. "I situ% rest here. I must do further good," said the big hearted • stranger, and he rushed out and Drought in three negroes, a chimney.: • sweep, two boys and an old woman, and order ed nnire.oysters. • , The fifteen people went for oyster , soup in a manner to amaze, and their guardian znidged the restauranter in the zits and said: "See. the gentle lambs I Oh, that I could 4 , feed the poor of all America I" "You are a good man, and - heaven will re ' warn you," replied the , proprietor, as he filled the dishes up again. The stranger said he wanted to bringlin just ,five more, so ns tei say that bad led-an ey ar er! scoro, and he rushed out after them, while the restuuranter sent after more oysters and crack-, ers. The stranger didn't return. He was last seen climbing into a farmer's sleigh on State street and ided his teftm too the *it: The fitteen in the restaurant licked their plates clean and departed in Joyful procession, and the last one had passed out before ,the 'man who furnished the soup, got through.wait-, ing fOr the retni4l - ot the ;big-hearted" stranger; There were oathii and slang phrasesned watch' words and expressions delivered in the purest English, but what mattered it to_ the fifteen soup devourers who drew . -up _in line opposite and ' "Resolved, That them oysters just touched tht spot.?'_. , . . :1 Burlington Hatak-Ike,—.A. few days. ago 'a Burliugton nianorho has long been s favorite, disciple of Olcott and Palm and :all the other crernationists, made his will, in which he stlp;' slated that after death hii body Should' be burned and the ashes preserved in a, classic urn: But yesterdaymorning he went out into the kitchen to btack, and - when he went to sit down °LIN) wood-box he sat down on a, stove plate that Bridget had juit taken off 'the roaring stove. And be tore up his will, and threw away all his books on cremation, and kicked the agent of apatept itiodoious perfori= ted casket and retort ; ..and says if anybodi comes to his Ameral with so much as a match n his pocket. he will .site up in his coffin. Oh; but he was mad and Oaethiug and another. TION. THE VICTORV OF ,tIIARD WAKE • Atlank. Contrtitutton.-41% sprightly-looking man. with sandy - whiskers and _buff-eolo'red satchel! enterea a hardware . store yesterAiy, where be ericon ered the ; 14ead clerk,: hose himor fr , ...qAtently takes a praetleak "good morning. sir," said the sprighqiook ing miin, as he began to upon his satchel, .. I. )3ad day °ill. • 7" , Don t want' any cutlery;' :reipondea the clerk, • ' • • - "But I assure you; T ' Watt want UnY s cilisels, nor carpet tacks." . • -1. • "13at, my dear sir— . 7." ~ : .: `l)on!V.waut.any hand - sawEi. stove; grddle bla e axes, norAtnything else.: • nottent .eeenat, t Kan.'''. 13y this tint . he sprightly-looking man had of his 'val r`ciippe4 Oovvii into it and bruit, 'to light shaped .• mae.bine, - *ht `i - , - he hol ' d`up to view with a proud smile. ' iir," said 'he,':"iiit . .MOdel of St'''';son's • 'celebrated `cookit*lstoi'e and - washiif You will perceive that the movement is rendered recipiocal by this ' :"Dly ,Irieta,". interrupted - the head 'clerk ) ,,"do: you know that you are liable to be conntetl'Out.. any moment ? The r returning board,is iii ses sion tight here." , . "But just do Me the kindness to examine this beautiful piece of mechanism. It- = " "See here, stranger," responded the , clerk, "did you ever know a -crippled man to become President ?" "No eir. I believe not. , "Well, it you've got any ambitiOn that way you better leave this store, 13eanse in &gen eral scuffle between you and' me yon m*li't' get your'leg broken over. some of tliese ovens and things."' - The sprightly man ti ole the hint, repacked hismddel, and left in a hurry, .while tl4 head clerk went to the drawer, selebted the cleins‘st- looking $lO bill, and put- it in his pocket: as a tokenlol , victory. A NEAT METAMORPHOSIS. From the Areactian.-=-Ariroprra of metainar pitons; here iss• little story : On Mouthy an elderly lady, with grily.bair. 1 4 , trim Jpik deercp,id tigUre.artdfikolear tga,txem olous voice, - asked at the box , pfilue of\.the Filth Avenue Theater, for, seats for Jobe bene'st.. &Ain the :ofilei 3 O in charge, .. politely OfSered. nth it lady the box tibi#:to`seleet ber "Oh'' I don't' care" ikboUt" 'll4 , eliq_ l ix T oU r 'llioW - 'iiiat' YOU turn - frail around in the evening. and put, the tront'tqW, iitolitrin die tick iseistil" : '.'y was apeetlll4es ;,Aiti f e;her! rUanggettrAto Om_ Auer (Mt Val l iii!difitiats2l4 6 , M u Zi9l:oll B lt,rtreplied ”L - kinfriv , all your tricks and.yithakma jgem r -, t ue l( l4 ll, -w i t b ediill an o l 4# l 4gP at tri4e. nd- z mg 1 90 1 T. .Lt -41 Ai: ! Pit .. _„ii,too; y0u ,,, 1i4t , . 7 ,, Kr:tote 'arrived, and to bim the oldltily reiterated her astonish i ng "Yon' are entirety,.#iistflien, madam , " — said Mr Fiske ; "but if I believed as you dOl,should buy rnyseata in the last roar." z , , "What 1 And be topay-turvied down to the very front f Not I indeed'!" Just then Mr. Daly drove up, and Mr. Fiske , explained to him the old lady's delusion. Mr. Daly looked at the old lady i and tapped his fore head significantly, • "Mad as a March hare," _he whispered. "You had better get rid of , her quietly." "Well Madame," said M;. Fiske, under the circumstances I should advibe you to buy one of the . top boxes: Then when we turn the theatre up side down at nigh, "yon will appear in one of, the loNier proscenium boxes the best in the house. What do you think of that idea ?" "Very good, indeed! Very clever!" cried the old lady. "Give me s top box." And John, wide-eyed with wonder, passed out the ticket and received the fifteen dellars. , "And now, Madame," mid Mr. Fisk j e, escort ing her to the carrage, "what shall I tell the coachman--" • "Here is the address," replied the old lady, pushing her wig aside, and handing out a card upon which was written '7llns Fanny Dayeoport."- CIRCUMSTANCES ALTERS CASES. "Mrs. Flyn," said 1413„ Honor . at' the Fifty : Seventh . Street relice COtirt, - "yott are chaited with being an inebriate.' " 1 ' . :•• "I am not; soy, rni a .widely..".,: "Weil, then, You are a *MOW who is accused of being drunk." ' • "AS fer that, Yer Honor, I inay have taken a dhrop too much of something sthronger thin • tay." "Welb Mrs. Flyn, I shall have "Now thin, Judge," interrupted the, prisoner "sure you wouldn't be - after sindin' me to the island just frr takin' a wee dbrop 07 the era cher, such a foine, han'serne, good-looktie smart Judge-as ye Is - • "Airs. Pip', .considering the fact that' you think metne —" "Yiss." "Yin?' '`Good-looking---" wine , • • "Aad smart —7, "And that you were *very drunk, I heTe con cluded io send you to the Wand for only ten flays:"' . "Oh Lord I bad saran to yes for an ugly, dia. agrayable, ignorant spalpeen. May the devil fly :may wid ye," Shouted the "widdy" , a *AkeMitt carried, her' down , stain like a sack of potatoes. CLERK. 1111111.111M1 BILLINS lll OUI) GENERAL NUM,. LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE AGENT, IVZC:b3CLt* C)1101 ea.:, • • ..., , •. ,• - pmfitaf 110teien4 ad' *loo'ooo 000 .1' Fire Association of Ml.:Capital & Attetil, 01;1500,000 lurtirance CO. of N. " ;5,000.000 Pootisylitiiitt Fire;. Phil., • --•-• • • • 1,r.00,000 las. Uo.of the State-cif.Pennsyl- ii! vaitia; - , " Lycinnifigrot 'ilanney, Pa:: ' : :‘` 4 Lancaster, of Lnneatter, . " .+ewton "di Newton,' , • Home ins. Co.t, N. Y., • National • , •t° " - Co•A mercial Fire " Fairfield- :ill no. Co.. South TNorwulk. Coun. Atlas 1• Royal naiad len, of Montreal, Canada. • . • Liverpool. London 4.t Globe,' •• ' of Liverpool,Nng., • " PrOvldence kv zishington, of . ' ,Providenee, " - \del " " - Idr N, J. " " Theunderaiguedhasbeen we.lknownin t.hiicoanty,fc z thepaet 20 years; as an Insurance Agent. Loss& sue taLnea by tau Compainies have always been promptly ,palcl. illr'Officenn rg. In' brtilding CRS frtoin Banking Office of Ww. 11. Cooper & Co.,,Turnpike street. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CHARLES ll:SMlTH, vflkeMangerts: AMOS NICHOLS, - • Montrose. Jan. 5.1.87 G, ms gr. 1=01:711.30"2", Manufacturer of ;w 4GONR .,.‘i ltR a tGE s 44 Pg . . 4 . • J.' Ili . , - '.--. •.:- ''i°,..., :.:,..,„ ~ --'o=-;.-- --i'l'.:l :,.1 •, .,,, ,,,; ' . .CI ~ 1. ~...•-' ..: -D.k?‘4Chill - P9.NPQ4D , P.a4E.TONiA.I4I: t 1 ::-.1 , ..1‘1 lii,DE-.8 . A.U5 tiEAßS,i' .l, ;'i'''' ! , .., , ,_ __ ..,iiaNGEIB:.-AliD,-DOUBlit 147 4 1, ! -:..i:-4::i.: 0 i 7 , 1- •'- .74 - vg, - • 4-- ~,,''-',`../.? -!: ...,. ~..: , . . , .„ ~ _ :::::„.i..:,..: . , uIFFIXTREEs , •, , ,,.r. ~„ ~. BODIES OF,Tar o . LATEST. STYLES JOBBING, &c., DONE PROMPTLY E. ,T.= PURDY. Montrose, Jane 7.1878. -vv-H i : Trza - E F I ' L I i .OWERS BLOOM IN • " Are you aware thit yon can obtain -`Rummer heat in January 1 That you can impart. balmy: air to' you families that you, can give spontaneous growth to plants and Flowers,' and that you can make home a ith! paradisorby purchasing one of B. C. Sayre's Hot. Air Furnaces ? These Furnaces are now constructed with VAPOR PAN by which the atmosphere is tem• pered to that resembling Summer heat. NO MORE CRACKING OF .FURNI• TUBE-NO MORE - DRY - HUSKY HEAT. HOT-AIR And the time has come when consumptives may re joke in coal Ares. These furnaces are sold entirely up on their own merits, aed are now the leading Furnace in this part of the country- All Furnaces are warrant ed to give entire satisfaction or no sale. . • • V' MT EL INZ "AL I keep competent men on the road who are welt ac quainted with the_Furnace business and theyare con stantly putting up these tenni:tees. Their work is War ranted to please. These Furnaces are now. scatternd in thefolluwing toWns and cities: - - ' " Binghsmten, Scranton; Providence, Wilkes' Barre. Kingston, .Pittotou, Elmira. Waverly, Wilhamsport, Great Bend, Suspnehrnne Depot. Hanco.k, Delhi, Doivtaville, Andes. lialgaretville, Franklin; trnadilla, Owego Northumberland, and many other townt4 Mktrasi:tara,otured.(337 Anyperson wishing a recowmendatton•from any one living in the above named places. I will gladly cot rea• pond with them, giving names of parties now using these Furnaces. , ' . • B. C. SAYRE, Montrnse P 4. Montrose. December 22d...1875 A Nic w „ STOCK 01P CiiecoolLels3r, jut received and for sale by STIPIRTIIIR • • FLOUR. 'or este by 11. J. visas, ALSO, ALL KINDS OF GROCER/ES, Atthe stereo!' 'Wren; libr oats bir - • • . • • . • Vl3lll. Montrose. Aprill. V 175. EMINEMI 700.000 101%000 150.000 6,01.1(4004 450,000' -,41)5(00.1. lIMMKU =po i soo.ouu .1.200 OUG /7,000,,,000 S. LANGDON, Solicitor. '$.,J. W3RI D. AT COST--:AND : BELOIv 'COST! 516, Our lirge Stock ot WINTER G99„up co_n,stit7inz , EMI 1-": ,,, , ' , l* -t -I 5. - .. - :! .. .r'fi-t -1 ,- : a i....i. , ,.:•.: , !- ii . , - ::: 's.lki r':' , ' , • , s . Bl'S , - - ' ---'lloY‘Sii- -. fi - YOUTHS P ..-' . ' - ;. ;::,Y.c.1..:,-, ._,..., s •$ , 11 , 4 I" • • UfligtriVirrf • ;, as", . - . IME . 8S:000 , 501)0, i'1..1... - :,7:-.' , liii.6',;; . '. ');,i'l . . ,u -. 2.f.'.",,,•,;- ? i „, i ,, 6 , 4 ,. ~ 40U.060 -----: - ; - -..,it: .., tipf w' CLOTH." ; = 1 stio,ooo Mom OUR WINTER STOCK: MUST BE SOLD OFF! M. S. DESSLUER, Mad T itEAUTIFIES THE COMPLEXION. PREVENTS AND REMEDIES RHEUMATISM AND ,GOUT,N si • . HEATS SORES - AND ABRASIONS OF THE CUTICLE AND COUNTERACTS CONTAGION. • • This: Standard External Remedy for Ernp. tions, Sores and Injtgies, of the Stan, not on REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL BLEM ISHES arising from"- .104!al impuridesii)f-the • WWI and 9holl'uctiou of . thp Part% but :also those, Pii;dacid: bye bysun.aad wind, such as tan and fiicideil. t''rcnders r tlie etrncut MARVELOUSLY' t/ MlO/4 'SMOOTH' -hid PLIANT , and ,tieing-;a.WHOLESO ieferal~le to: ally co ,MRALEA R VrtFIE 'REmkrIAT.:ADYAra49T-1- o , l co*-z 'i r VAR - ito rsz Setiyhfit , `goaig vrTtkle -10.9 iteingikliftllle.ctscregteditav athi UNA VENTS .HHEUMATOM Rad Cdßilly * f • "q••:. 'l3; tr.t 4", t It also DI S INFECTS CLOTHING and-,14 , 11EH . . v tistAdg's`9`4l;tliffiekrip#, g " • ' - e• -; ,4 IT russdt-Vni•!DARl5ll4ll•f 4.4 revenes- uous. , l 14, 1 44.1"PiAleittPinraYpcss•cLiketair; ) .Wl4:ls4:4Peillc (*it !ta'i Pridos" , •:42s iind:sotionis frei.tiaki; Box (3 Oakes), 60c. and N.' So cent cakes are *To 1114aise . Ot Mogi a; r • ; . "*:n.r:;:) - 7 # 4 III;LL'SIWB AND WIIISIEEIt DYE'," : •-; t APia,k Brimip,lo:. Cesar. • ; f'•• iDLCRITTENTON 7 . Bittlitrejl ' • • . - 4.• 1 hl4 brim s , • ~.l i ii se - ~ 8' SULPHUR SOAP If Clesniag. Dndorititz, Disideding, Soothing. • liniieg and Ponlying. ' 9 -It renders the coarsest *Rift remarkably soft..aull healthful. - It Imparts a beautiful 'C ' Pninix linen to the skin, an d forms an elastic '.. whiteness. It curt* burns, scalds, chafing, t.i exctiriations, roughness, tan, sunburn. frock , lee, liver spots, chapped. hands, sores, ulcers. dautlrulf. Misters tin the hands and feet. itch,. gnaind itch, itching between the toes, itching of the tasty, piles; corns. Alsci 'relieves the itching and irritation of biting and dinging inserts.- As It is especially adapted to the TOILET, NUILIVITi" : aIId ,131.TL1 stouts, you nn lake a Sulphur Bath at pleasure, For bath ing Children, it is unequidled; Ladies who use,it in, their Toilet would.never do Nithout it. It neutralises' the odor of perspiration, and, an an external remedy, can. scarcely be used amiss. Full directions accompany each • package. TRY IT: • ' • ' 2 .... i Pri es 23 Ctn. per Cake: , 3 Cake: for CO Cts. Ily.mail 35 CU. By mail 75 Cll. • - • , Mini ,Dteor AT , , •- • - Dr. IDi Van vke's Office, .. • • : • ' No. 1321 Green EL, Philadelphia. 14 . .: , Sold bi All Drtiogista. •.. •- • USE NO OTHER: T_:i OLIDAt MUSIC BOOKS I . • Two splendid volumes for presents. THE WORLD ,OF S.ONGI Price In Bde $2 50. ,Cloth $B. G 4 $4. • Rarely have we 'skied a book of songsincludisg,tuch a variety of really first dais and popular Vocal 3Wsi 20 pages, fall sheet Music size. bongaby nearly sixty, different composers, and among the compositions are . Paul such ems as Come to me quickly, Golden locks are bilver, My heort's 'best love; She's a rosy, she's a posy, and Millard!'" Whippoorwill. • " • We publish 19 valuable collections'• 11 ni form with the World and Gems. Bend for ea:slope of Home Mltsical Library, and select one or more of itik books for Christ mas. GEMS OF THE DANCE! A Companion to the. famous "Gems of Straub* t" $2 50 in Boards. $3 Cloth. $4 Gilt. 'lnc Geins of Strauss bad a •wocderful success, and this new work is fully its equal, and contains, the re cent Otrause pieces and many others by Gang", La =lithe, Faust, Coots. Zikoff, and other eminent com posers. MI pages, full sheet Music size, well nod with Waltzes, Galops, Polkas, quadrllles, etc. Any book or piece sent, postmpstd, for retail price. OLIVER DITSON /lc CO., Roston. n. Mum a *l4: J. IL Ditede a co:, 711 Broadway. , , " Baccessor to Lee t Walk er, New York. - Philo; .___ `-__ ' 0 1 7 5 e 2876. I:7xiCLEvrtiaxin.g. . „ Thituridenign Od llndnrtaking a 13 Pee= ; • j OHO - • bilillolllo. • :4,lli=tritsorricoo to. sa Wm " • r. a amairrazi -71161111e1111", rth..APlll f ie 1815. • 1 • RFAAY-MADE 'r_.. ii ..: 1 i ~ yoUli ' BgivEttipt ,y;; 1.2‘ t t t' • histiii=oiat 1; -- tii.11. and for.r - CABII Only: GU, ~,. . ~y~ =WI ~'~,~ ( t rr AND . CHILDNEWS ERCOATiv Pi.4O.L..WRTS,": :_, TENB•ERG, - ROSENBAUM & 00:-1 ging Partner. prices. :t: a 14 , ,trAUY.4lreflei‘44ll4. o 4ll4atir oll ° igyAr9l 3 A,sicfOoklAYP. t 4 iii Mg% ?t14;090 1 41 1 1 4 / 4 4 41 meat* q t*lretW.l.Ni w, Opposite the •Banki%r Hoese o IRIOplifo&; ) b.fififtY l theflrtlAideMtme'be Guttenbagtßusebbstuunt Ca< •7:q? - 0170:+1 1 1414 1! 1 , 4. 99.9vM0*-3 ,1 a 87 0 1 44`!:.-%:-7:7 c! (51w41 ' 3( t , SACKINGS''&C;S • 1 •• , • • r - N I.M.PORTANT LOCAL iIEPOR.I4 . • tipieatter goods,willbe sold P.,TAMP'S - STORE In Montrose, lorAtot at' ' Pi I will keep good goods ;arid lake the prices to soil the olosest :buyers:. = rzeouit • I have had seven''' . yearit -eark,ence sa - bily i and' is elling Ftatrit t 10'1 kiiow where to buy and what to brit-to inittltie . cnatomers'of I WILL MAXE - A . SPECIALTY of waft WI:1E A. r FLOUR 1 . '.' 0 - ,- ' , I and warrant every barrel and sack to Butt or refund the money.. .• i ' - CHEWING TOBACCO t — 4 Lave recently, made arrangements by which,l - can sell CHEWMG loßAcoG:by the_poul , atteheap - 41iyottinn , buy-i3ffaily . wholesaleAibbacoo illspOgfi by Abe barrel. I a4o;keep, t ,Olkewl;pg• a l phatr.o, in )10 lb. eadd'As for i , .074.4.. Iy,will ; will -, special prices. .. , , 04 #: .. :siii ._ d ~.„.,-,. _ ."- - .1. free ti iitibiiiidfa - laiWe '''t4.ttif of Skis 'hildrkeett ihMetl'esiver,ii r d'swill:iiilliCits lott acpbasibie for thirrnarketc:' l -..- ~ Sugir, Xiii- - toffec- , Syrup,LeastpeThsio Fish;. & c , .,, ,iifi, fi c etit:tinimblei.sizotente a A . LIVA - ItArri"vrOitif titif . - f ..i...... uktr ! JassT, oroustmH, gNT A zy.#l. 0,1 7 ,1 49R mg " -.. - c*§ll - olt Atßot p l Air i . . ~, ,-- ,: s -fr.- - i.'" i s hk Haiti* just retitied i fiori New Ydrk .vilth a, and well selected stetdr. I shall. be• able til'giveLiii . roue the best bargains seen in this connty,for riani,BB they will be hilly otinvincedly 'kiting tat Calmat ex aminlog our stock. Read the follosing ilst, i. ... .• . - i DRY GOODS . Calicoes ' • : s I litiAkb ~ Muslin ......-. 11. teill. 16. . Detainee 2016 , 855. Dress G00d5..... .. —.WA Me, Alpacas • 35 Witte.. Shawls . , • • -.MUM Ladies' Jackets , " $5, • - GROCERIES. . . Sugars-A:. . . • . 44 - . . :110# 14 - . .. 4 Japan Tea...... • . • 35' 1 1, Ily i son Tea I . ' .8 fto.op .. Rce . Boss Che,wiag Tobacco ... ...sidl e ' Raisins, new.. '....: . - ........ . ... .157: . - ' BOOTS AND SHOES. • . . . Kin '_Boots. • * ll5 4V. ' Calf Boots • • .. . 850 ts Ladles' Calf Shoes . , . 1 50 •. ..,, Ladies' Grain Shoes - 125 ~a Children's Sheet .: .'. •...:.... 40; 1 • - READY-MADR•CLOTHINe.. • Suits $ 8 to $lOl Overcoats 1r 00 to Suits, all w 00 1.... Bto 15 I Walking Coats 555 to Suits,all wool,fan- . ! f Puntit ' 1.80.30.. I ' - Cy" ' - - 10 to ititi '' •• '. . Also, Rite and Cap's,- Crockery, Glass and WoOd6is '''' Ware. Table and Pocket Cutlety. Hardware. Store% - Titiwate, Roties, Cordage, and In fact, everything 831. , ally kept in country stores. _-. ; ..: . ~..- it , ..4 Our motto itt,our c.ustomers' luteresi are our tat ureAllik therefore it is fot our benefit to - give them'illttie*/0 vantages of a well bought stock.- 4 We are still alive on Poultry. and want 10,000 p 47.41 dressed immediately, fot which the. highest market mite will be paid. . . • , ~ -Bring on your Ponitry. Batter ' Eggs; add i• other pm duce. and we guarantee you. .will be well pleosedthar you called. , ' - - ' ' ' . ' 7 . ' - ' • '• lr T. S. WIREATCROFIr. , . Riu§h,,Pa4.oct. 23, lEraing.. 1 - : ,-, . . - - C4.RAND OPENING or -- • FALL AND WINTER. • • : MILLINERX.I4AIR AND, FANCY, GOOD e • :.AT Till{ 1 ' • FRENCH fiiiiLlNEigi r s r • Haling Monied from New York with the debit but. selected stock of goods: ever lo this • fiT t s i g 17: L I . c a l • i tt l a Iri e l t t h ll l ;e:s l inil Silt* with prices to suit ail. Also Frunk Leslie's Cut 'Paper Patter*. In tun nik9g. REREMBEIR Z 97 r ,suiG4texroti, •T.. Conn St. I N. Y. Cotirt Ri o BlnithimtOn , Y., April 19 . 1879 —ly 41 IaINGEEAMTON • • jup r • • - " • . B O OK •AfN. P. A. HOP 'INS 6",301.113;114 No; 6otirt street, ea Floor,:ppiorait** MNWRG AND BLANK BOLK dANUFADTURINS AT REASORABLB l'lll4=o. DingamitasXl7 $41.1n1.6.94- '.. , .5: i:'«!!.1,+7;41:,,-,?,i',.t i!)..t : ' _aOBESi ). i• iIjtN,PEI;NY44 B , [Dem 13.1976.] i'• . ~ :~ ... •