t~;~.e`.~Sa~a~.~STE:ts,7s.Yxyo:a:.: nn ~. e,i ~ . • I f "He's had more y fan than enough. Ile was telling me about:a aanaligeltuffer his brother invented. It was a kinder machine that work ed with`Ore** t slottamsaid the &ay they did in the fall Was to fix it on the hog's back, and bag'd .wors the treadle and keep •n unlag 40: down until tte."tnacl ins ettethe dip 4,6 Aired W 0 )'1 the ski" .. Bill said hie biothei called it ;Ey rerythoghiS;Own-staffet,' and- , t worked spleci;•'' did .But ide kaqw-:;_! - ?# 3 1/ 1 13i to me's if there soulChei. bail() machiuqike that. Bat anyway Bill *le "And p1e0ne...Ae994, an uncle . nt Ata. Austous-4ii ivas4)trby a big 'iwatef aint 'wiuni*alicildefiarikiliii& ave . :lief:4la 'oyster. Then be split - the shell open and took 01 1 9,4 1 t t0r,64:4,11e- sailed 411 ans until ; rte6444es i dd e1f,:41;1443,a*r1014 ,141 710 6493ifi4-$914 - . it tutotkAtiNtiti, *Rimy forfi:1108e, torSio t ax) to poieioss - wit:W.:Blll.ult ,Aluic;wai obt, 1q tl 00, aemise_be could show me a man !•• - ' who usedito belong to th - e company. "I wish father'd let me go and get a sea ser , peut_like - that ; but lie don't let me have no f:C4M i ctW4bll4giiiish myselt. •• ' • "Bill . was saying :only yesterday that the In - , dians caught-him once and drove eleven Tail ,road. spikes throith his' stomach, and cut if liis..Bo4lp, and : it. never hurt' him a bit. He said. he got away by the daughter of a chief .siieak. lug him out of the wigwam 'and lending Win ,horse:. . . .says was In : love . with when I asked him to let me.see the holes where they-drove in them spikes, he said he daresn't take off liiscle•thesorrhe'd bleed to death. Lie said his own father didn't know lt,.because Bill waii-afraid it mightworry the old man. , • g "And Bill tole me they wasnit4Aing toet - .11,491 . 0 go Sunday-schOol. He • says his. tattier' has a brass idol_ that he keeps in the garret,and Bill says he has made up his mind to.lziela gan,t44dt,tO i hetwinr,to'go naked, and carry a tom= ahawk and a bow and, arrow as soon as the .warm weather comes. And to prove,it to me he says his father has this town • all underlaid 04,04"ktgolYeAr.kaiec,494;1;:gse soon as . he . gets ready he's going to blow the old thing out, and bust her up, let her rip and demolish her: He 5ad..)0.4 4 ,01a. ( 0. 00 11 4 4 tell anybody, but I thought they'd be no harm Inic.o4gAt Y?u , ;.' "lAtni belieVe I Must be going. I. hear Bill a whistling. ,got .sornetWng to boy, Nyqi (think/wilc be profitable to the Youth of thik coinnitmity. , • • . • - • ;- irtiE THAT Wittraiki A SPEEtitt *man:wearing passably good clothes and a look cf ' mental anxiety , enteied •a. produce house on Wood w ariViiieit-Yeiterday noon, and finding only . a clerk In possession, asked `Say, !are you : pretty well : . posted .on -big words?"-:. - .• :• "I know , quite a large number of .big.wordtt," replied : the clerk as be finished , footing up column of ffgures; , .t , "Weil, then, ,bere's the isituation t . •.k.live out here a piece and am • something of ,n,big gun around hoine. Wlval s anything 4 going _pn they call, me out for et:leech. I Made one on elee tini w day,'atiother that night, and litiother next and )aying the siepera icr a speech to eciipBe, - • "Xtuit sort of a speech ?" inquired the clerk "Politieal. of "courae, M other speeches were'politie'al; but were very This' time I want to get in sonie,old,apEk;ers—a few' regu lar pid . t)ii§ters. ,For one ; _thiiig thought. 1 would declare this_.country in a state 01--wkiat do you call „ • , ""Peal2el".. • • ' • "No, sir ; I mcansonfusion, .exciteipent,. tali] so on. ~ T here's a word to signily it, but I .cau'l spelik , • ' . 1 • "Abject terrorism"' suggested the clerk.; "NO—no. , aroliany,i or something of the - ! guen you wean' antirclly, don't you ?" "1 do—l. do ! 'Bleas me if been, try ing for a whole hour to , get that word ! That's the very thing. 'When called out I want to lead off with :' citizens, the tyrant has t i shown his hand, and arnica reigns supreme: I guess that will knock "You doret meanlinica—yoUntearvanitrchy" protested the - clerk. "That's what 1 mean, of course, but every time I think of anarchy I get it arnica, and I don't itnOw but I'll have to give up the speech. "Writeit down." The man took op the pen, scratched his none reflectively, and wrote, , Hold ing up the' paper he waved hie hand and began , ; "Peace has lied fend •arliany reigns in the land.'' "I told you lelilt9 ittatrohy,l' , called but the "That's so that's This'-stispense is tell lug on tr.y memory fit of , sickiwas, Now then - , a-i-kr-k-y, anarky,und don't you forget it. Yeti not'.Eitty anything abbot, my calling in here." "Oh,' thit'ir - all right." replied the clerk.— "ONCT:I I ? 4 *t 00 1 4 3 the best OPeikers in town come, to me for big words." . He halted at tUe door to examine the slip of paper and after repeating the• right } word over SeveraLtimeatie went; on. ._ "A gate of anarchy 18 upon, us, and where Will it end ;', lie seemed:sit - tisfiedwitli-that until he reach ed Wundiciard-'avenue. At that Point he ap peared to bicome inspired again, mid said ATalelpl and wbere•will it end.?"— Detroit , 411111 i: 170ATENTED . 'BUT EFFCIENT. • A roving agent stopped at Si's house on Fri -day "Si4t am 'introducing to the citizens a new ezecllent pntOnt fire kindier." He 91,t, downs. tin bucket- and pulled out one Ott his ttirpentineiwabs: • YOr call dat asked Old "Thla sir, is . ray patent fire , kindler, which largeltiacilitates the operation of—" "An , ,,,Yer wants ter sell me one ob dem isir , . . . "Yef, -- iir,,ksisonid to."; . "I'M,bletged =ter yer for de kindnesa, but ybu see 1121 44,t 9 1 9 . gal 1z 44, house Bat's got contraci4 an' dis. _yeah tight:han' ob mineJersilertatesde-oper iiihunckwhefiiliii„dar"is a ! tiitlin' Tke*int . decartiped; - and - 41 - 4 31 - tiirbed around to remark : g: , "Long as darts lighfood in. Georgia an' mfi., , rer in de,.9lit , ‘'. l -I)2evs 4 ; , won ter ter ftieeze ' ad r wisii?of a tbi*ltiliefire 'starter. . _ . 41,t -"t 41 1 . 1 4 4' • fituderit Itilarkiiiitivitelf his , tleliniten'lieittaitit kip put by his money for a:rainy day, In a few weeks his ladder Id4utred how -'ntech of bi ds 4 d ; "It nineflef4tAVY.ls4l& 44.11?/F!/:". - • - z • • - DEC 27- TZUrY YOUR WAGONS, CAU- L/ RLA.GES AND.ELETGiIs; W. ,OtTSTERH.OUT; HARFORD, Repairing (lone on short notice, cheaper than the cheapest, . _ ,„ • First-class Ptireions ' " Buggies, - " " Luniber wagons, • - " " 1' irtiorrnstfrora $l4O to " " Swell tiodyßielo er ini To shoe per span new, - .- '%. - ' '4 . ', **2',66 .' corkand set' , ,' . .- - . . ',- 1'.40 setoper span -' - ." • : ' i • .-- - 1200 All work warrat,tea. 'Call and eratrilnoiny :stock before pnrChai.4l:4 elsPwh.r e. . -,. ; , . .,• ~ . • . „ , , • , W.. OUSTERLIOUT. 114 . 104, April .0 . , . .• • OB WORli Lf .;.i; . Fa ner , Ca ids' .itylei With thaw . . laetti. 2%,t Post riaid.l4:l3.llnseti . ,NetElitp.ate'ns . .Co:4.Y,W: A 31 9, , g1 i n to Active. sellintr ur Aer Opying Book.. ?To prqes.or water tteledo Stttople copy worth $3 00 PRhE. Send stamp for chew , NC' ' EXCELSIO4 , ..:Q. l ll9.ll(a4ison vand , lai Dearaorn St.. r • ; 50- 1 • , .1 ~ FARMS with fruit and invrovemente nt *eifir *mil- 1- , FARMS area. , eataloghe; 'with maptcantt po tiottightp , FA,RMS Le illnetratianiilelling ell Akita Maryland hpd , FARMS Delaware, sent freei 50 > A FARMS"; . • Z. F:. MANOR la; Dover Dela w az .• • • - 1) AWbON'S 114proypi:: justable 1111 ED superiedes all dialers in price 'and .0g- Tabili.ty. Sent to any. address for $5. Ainsinesi at; sistant wanted . in this and adjacent counties. Circu lars free. .' • .- • : - 50 ( C. D..RAVMON•'& CO• 9 0 1 :Arch' St thila 'Pa •, G AGENTS WANTED FOR .THE GREAT ENTEN N lALHISTORY sells faster than any other hOok. OLIO agent sold 47 copies in one ay'. Send for our extra tetras to agent!. NATIONAL PUBLISUISO Co., Pniladelpitia. 50. CENTENNIAL CABINET. 24 ILLUMINATED VIEWS of Centennial and State buildint,rsh. as printed on the grounds dating the Exhi bition ; size of each. 63(x4X ; price 110 - cents, prepaid ; liberal reduFtton to dealera ; sent to any part of U. S. or Canada, post-paid. RO.GERS WUITE, Printers ann Engravers, 429 Walnut St., Phila. 50 • 5r IT A COLD' IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS.,,;,. - I . .1 WELL'S. CARBOLIC TABLETS . eare remedy Int COUGHS, and f all Deems °Ube - TFIROAT, LUNGS, CHEST, tincl MUCOUS 3ißM 7 r BRANE.' ' • PUT UP ONLY IN 'SLIIIE BOXES. I SoLlr) BY - ALL DRUGGISTS._ 50_ C. N.CRITUNT.AI, 7 Sixth „ avernie;RoltYarla, BANKRUPT - • • • • OF 3111:NOIsi GOLD-,sTEWELZY. • We will send you on receipt of - Fifty Cents, oue pair elegant epgraved Sleeve Buttoner one one Collar Button one lamitilful Srf Pin, mut Gents Watch Ch a in. h one= ben ify . Wedding 5 Ring..— .Aoove lot u;ed to' retail for $..50. ;Font lout aqlLbe Bent; post•paid,.on receipt of $1 50. :Jewelry,efrertlar. free. Address W W. BEL Agents watzte v t) zy v • d fir, til•; - bi —• 3Elx)stisiv Written hy Os father. A complete. account albaa moat•NlySteriQ:ll Abduction end ehciting search.' With Fae-Sitnile Letters and Illnstration4:7' Outsells all oth er 5)6115, One agent, took 5) orders in one day. 'Penns liberal. Address John E. Potter 4t..-Co.. Publishers, ladelphia. 'HEADACHE. • - • DR. C. BENSON'3 • CELERY AND CH A.MOMILE - PILLS are prepared expressly to cure . Sick rieaditch - q4 Xervont Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Neuralgia.' N'ervoini ness, Sleeples-nessi and will care any crqe.i Price 50 cents, postage free. Sold by all druggiSts' and conntiv stores. Oftice, - 106 North Eutaw Street. Baltimore:Md. Reference : G. J. LESTER, Cashier Howard Bank.Bal; , timore, Md. . 5O • Late Immense Discoveries by STANLEY and otttera are just added to the only complete - , • Life and Labors of Livingstone: - ' This veteran explorer ranks among the most neiorte: figureA of the cent!" , y. and tnis book is Otte of the - 1;41 attractive, fascinating. ric bly illustrated and tn§tra,c-. tive,yointr.es ever issued.-. Being the - oti.f.idiatt-itild authentic life, the millions are eager for it. and - wide- • awake agents are wanted gni ckly. For proof and tertne address HUBB..kRD BROS., Publishers, 733 Sansom St; Philadelphia. 49w6 MAX ADELER'S New Book. Just published. Will outsell any book in ti.e field. This, brightest of hum orous books, in profusely Illustrated with most laugha ble picture' by Arthur B. Frost. Will sell by reason of its beauty and .cheapness. No other hook published possessing such general fitness for the wants of the present times. Agents who wish to make big wages wanted In every town. Tempting . terms and circulars sent, on appllear •54 .• GREAT BANKRUPT SALE Os' JEWELRY. On receipt of .5%1 cents we will d end,pinit-paid, all of the following: pieces, viz : 2 pair: tiold: Plated - Engraved' Sleeve Buttons, one set. Gold Front Shirk Studs. I Col lar Stud, I Wedding Ring. 1 Roll Pate Watch Chain and 1 Gent's Rose Coral Scarf Pin. We offer great bargain merely to draw attention to our hasiners,as we have all kinds of watcher and jewelry at low prices.— • Send for Calelozne. 50 ga"Ready for Agents—The CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION Described and Illustrated. A graphic pen-picture Otiti history, grand buildings wonderful exhibits, curiosities, great days. &c. Pro fusely illustrated, thoroughly popular and very cheap.— selling immensely. 5 00U AGENTB WANTED.— Send for full particulars. This will be the chince of 100 years to coin "one' fast Get tmtonlrellable his tiWY. i Hubbard Broi l Pubs., 733 Sansom St., Phila. CAUTION Be not deceived by premature books, as stinking to be "official" and. telling what will happen in August and September. • 50 Have been unanimously assigned the Zilassrt in' the. SEilEß4lll::,ftwituisirrEs and are the only organs itissignedills rank. Their iii periority Is thus declared, not In onoor two respectn -only, but 'm allthe ItlipartaqqbelltlesjOtiati organ . . 2* Medal and Dlplothdhave also - been .awarded them, bat: Medals of equal value were awarded all articles deemed worthy of recognition. so that , many makertrcan advt r title - first medals" or "highest awards." Comparativ.l rank in ex . selleAss.,lii#4 been cletlrgiiti ed by titeZidirtrialidiotte alonnf lit Whlch4ho SEASON 'da HAMLIN ORGANS are unanimously assigned • 4 The it !Eta, HANK. in the, several 'requisiteer'of: kWh Itt-• stramepiek. and.arelhe • onlyrones 'mrsigned this rank,— • Beet*TuAgesl-Reports; This rusultwas not nnoxliectrat,' fortorranatave traltormlyi tairea higiterirsVirstin in mien competitions, there 'being less , than sir ekcep6 treats innuadreds of coiaparitions.l .They- were award *4 first medals, and honors. it: Parka 1867, Vienna 1673, , Sentiago lells, PLllndliptila'.lB76 ; tuivice thus been awarded highest honors - at Every World s Exhibition at which OW have compered,and being tlie.nttly : Amet. lean organs which ever obtained , any award lw Batupe; NEW STYLES, with improVeMints 'exhibited at the CENTENNIAL ;.elegant uew cases in great yariety.--, ices very lowest consleten with best . materi a l acid # ;irks:wield p. Organs- sold for cart or instal Ime= icedOltit,Telit'Pay,./Evkryptgatitieilribiltisit stairs sativiAttiOn to eitnry r b i purchimer °ran moues returned. attitilkid` sant free, AEON I . IIAMLIN- ORGAN 0.-151 Tremont Boston ; Vitt Mau aquae, New York. 50 1 'PRICE LIST, 13LA.CkS;IIITITING. . • ‘..i,%ri#o-4ii,1i..,rpir...C.14t4T,' Dau.ch,,v , g , :ELBOW-ROOM. J. 14 . , Stadaid Jo Co., 723 CheBtnnt St., Milli ATTENTION ALL ! ;COLES S op.,,7,pproadvirar; New * Yu rk :CHI; lla,gottle latimni Cabinet Organs Of such Instruments, at the XTR - Nl r lli t ill 1876, :''_ ''?: , ',r; _.. . ,- .1 . 4 . it, r 18 Ito.. . , ow§pre: i - .: 917. SALg. - • • $230 • -$l6O. Will Offer for sale on S4TVITAY,,,,INTOVEMBER . 26th, their entire stook of ' - I Weoffer OVER: - -:THOUSAND DO,ELARST VirORTH: tin' tess Prices regard'"of -Profit- or ` -Cost.;,We. Intend to dose out •-•;, dose the entire,' Steck- in SIXTY ,VQr mean wliat and' say just what we mean,— MINIM . . H . . ~.: ~ .„..,. • II C ll5 4! } . 7 T4 eO. , Qin Stock .18:,mitistiiiy,.i4rize , , go4. Attractive, en slating of all the modern style jt • • .; -,•,„ D EBSS,GOODS vumiabi ( , DOMESTICS, etc: . - • ‘ .•, , f.Yur•Stoek , of. OVer Coats_ ist,urusually large, . , ' A , * and . we-d0 , n06 iritend,ti) keep, , •,/- ' a "" .4,1./ Ahem. over. • • , =ME 1 NO '224 - AS76' . •.. • , BRONZE LAMPS, OPAL LAMPS, BURNERB, WICKS., SHADES, .ERRY,: -- -Slllt. -. OL - F-UNTAIkit'COMMON:IRIMABYL . Ya-eat5..426-IsTromaa, Prices Guaranteed as Low as-any House in SoittAerii - New York: addrere~~by- Sall Promptly A.stended To. BEST:lll.9l;:riti-NTI.N9," v.; inay oftice_. and with . . i ' ' -_—t-a.; .2 Large Steck of ',JOB TYril'ati'dFOUß PriaithigtPressei wetci l tempaitiou 1 , . • Moth. iri_ Price and eitherin Plii*4Taek or Colored Work. , ZIONTROS.V. PLANING '',:.,---L.V.IYIB E R-:.-.YARP:...!:•:;:.;,, In order to better accommodate' the community, the undersigned , . has, established n depot for the race of Lumber Maiinfactured at hit newly-ereetedbbilding on the:Oftl. Keeler tannery Site, in the: • TOWN use= OF where willbe !Kept constantly oil hand. .A jail stock el WRITA.,AND .YEILOW PINE, HEMLOK, • 0A&; , ASH ) , IU&LE AND BLACK , WALNUT LUMBER, • whichorlth the aid of the most improved machine , / and competent workinen.lB 'prepared to work intoany shape to meet the wants of Co atomere. WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INCLUDING SIDING..., FLOORING‘:':CEILMG.' - SIITNGLE' AND LATE CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Planing, Matching. liouldinga..and Scroll Sawing done to order. • - - -,i. - c.,,e.: ~' -.,: ,:..4 .1.:4, 1 , :I WAGON, CARRIAGES' do SLEIGH, MANUMOTORY in connection wlto the above , establiehment. ander the nutotitelneAt of Mr.-E: M. Rogers our NO& beforeteliiing lour orders elsewhere.- Repairing MAC promptly:- - • As- LATUROP, Montrose. September 29th. 1875. F OR 1.876. i t tj ts ' JOB PRINTING - A SPECIALI'Y. With our four presses, a large assortment of Plattt iiud i do jcili,lyike;::oOrders;-Inkit , oSpers, cards, etc., and experienbe d . workmen; we are prepared to do '." 4 8- 7- 1111114.1ndarof Job' Work • ' ' aOttitf!LOWEEMPRIOES. - Pro:aptly:upon 41pt" . 01 Ordef; by Mail or otherwise,) can furnish i Wedding InvltatiOnsi= EnveloPes;slll Ileadif, Statements, Note Heads, Box le s; Sarni Adinission Tlek4 ttig r itillt i rtekete,' Law -Blanksoluction : LargO PaStere, SmallTPsterit,' , ;''--Bottle Labels, ' , Calling Cards's, Address eard;-!ltusinciss' Cards, Invitation -Cart* Patophlets,"Businegi'Cittniars, ,Wrappers,Tags; ' ‘`.! paneing'PrograMmes, etc”. 114., I:FAWLEY-A CEIJSEE,I' Demoorst,cottleO: MEMO Mai 10. AV ,11: .I'n -• ' '. ra TS TAYONS,..Cgigi.`, ~,_ r ~,,TED JILECTIIIC:,Inic? • '', •It Is a medical preyaration .1 the Chemical combina4 ' tion of which is such , air to neutralise•unnatured pro!! , pertles when applied to Mao or his,rot , ft ., (i ' r t • What la it for ? _ % r _ • k -. •' t For the cure of any hintliftpititi3atitenessoim womb or for a 4 ,In • requirl _iltl outward application. .. Is at , .. ' sAalliti .. _, .4090,9 :L ee pfkiliooo '4 y,. :. -, , f: . :..,:' • •.:W '' - 7: ;,... .''l Ix 411 tri. t , wikt v “ferka- i.,_ `;':' .. •. z ' . '''' Intr. ;f-‘ . ottrpro l le i!,' ... .‘( .. i. a'' 1 n • ' ' eturn the empty bOttlotwatorsoollotikiind get your • ~ biter, _ Whet ggent4llo tbegilloNitittikeditdittoVlitt * til - Ali tho ;:ond desit4 , llo* .101 icialtthilliottitol r i ll sod through.. thatoulart., ' ' - - July st„ ISII. : = IS XBVir 31ILFORD PA, DRESS "poops AND CLOTHING.' :,,, A:t .: .:': . 014. E R; .B IN G RAMT:Q N:i'i WHOLESALE DEALER IN _ • ALI. 4 -GLASS 1,,,AM, §, AND ,:141413, SPEQIAL ,INDIJCEMENTB IN • ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF , $ -! MILL -\,..,,,'„' r; ',.: ~ -_,:, ' si 1 .- ..i *..1 4'.7'. ~...~.. —r'P... ~....-.ja.-15,.. 2,1 T:'_i• - '.'-'DICKEROI:AN. 1 : • .:!- 11,u;'W‘i:..;.;;;: y :} ~F: ~ ~,'l"~ .'-~'. t. SHADE HOLDERS, 4c., ffac., _ , ArriirmiE itArrEq' - i f',lz ,•.-,1,-i,,..1,..)!c1:C •7.'• •ei -. . _ ~.yy? ~. ya :r: c a t -I'. FURNITURE. :At W . A W 7 - .: SE‘ith & SQii . ' S ,iof 7 P:f , .? '(i' ',:,-t;'.?“. Ratorumekumitire War 3room you wilifind Melones -` aLA:ia:B AND CO3IItON WtINI.I sTitTPLE . Tofie found in this section' ti the cenntry,,of his ow* manufacture, and at prices that cannot tail to give sails faction. They make the rem best - • - - EXTENSIQN: TABLES • In the Canary, and Mallitth wT itma 41's cs 1 t zr‘ 10117 : 0(411 bads done in the neatest imunet. liMill • • d. , '4•A y 'OF VARI6IIS KINDS. .14s; m4trissmi• • OD, COMMON MAirRASSZB' U. 11 0 E. R' , T , k K itN.,q The subscriber wni hereafter make tut, • adertszing a upacialty , in his business. Having _ju jut completed a lEW and the MC st elegant RELINE in :he State, a needing hie services will be attended to promptiyand a satisfactory charges. . W. SMITH SON. Montroae.Pa.. Jan. 8 1 II Wit—nos—tf • pt P ORTA'Nt ANNOUN CEMENT e,..:-.&!'...A . .CORTeSY'i gAST ! I A t „ Ito N,e • • • ; t '; .;,;.i• •, t t, • , - t; :; St Leert 'street. .;.,'.•..,:- .• ...-.r. 1: -. ;.*! t,,(1!,-,,A. ~„:, ~,, : 7 ;.:.:.“,,••:..,.-., -- : • , wswotiidlapoottaly,Annstoic,o to:the, ,001_# , Ibit. We bite retterredid our .tieW ..afl4 liinKifiV EAm,.., "tv''' :21 corner ettlottrtled Water etreetscgritt:sre'uuthSß. ' twitb a a Worlittiok Of *OO4 tits; b,ftvejtist irmse4. '' ur stockofiltreisGootteillbsWlN Oto4. ere or.tbe Tor 7 /at' • eat Spring' patterns arid '' Styleis •an a purchased for cash ' f . when...thamarketwao - moet depressed: - ' /IA! MP/ 19rfrY:414Ortgoeds-.. gold gm Mimes; Ssir ; , 'goo a i ftitiboris • ef r oiottr• snook. b nusurpsoodi; We' h . ilit 1 1 3#0 (41,41 a rippratts out of ,MercbsetTallorbif , . ant h. 104 14 tr..,purchased * , large etockyot ,Ms liggst' „styles to - tb ijot of utotbl i Vagijmerei,etal and of the 1 :NO )40 . st 4..: , ,Ity,i- , Ille , b 4 14, .emPirld to iake eau r 'IL t c,.11,. ...ozit, Mike. T. ,D, , ,....ramiongt • I " 'itA , . , .., 4At suc co r ctitteriu this eityt sod who * 1 Y .. • Lies' m00r,re4.10. , -,,-14e. ToyiorAid now Isetinter. . iolotti c oeselmoree r trimtelegts . etc., fbi . this 404* .: . sieeilv I*.bould retisfy all that we have • the letelaritiif most ash lonAble styles, ' ,4 ; . .w ' !W It Ciitdtally thank our patrons for past favors. sag prattle - them and the publitgenergilly that we are b* I" rl 7 llm ir.flie l rf I t to , ill)PitAntkftag. to ties. ,"a so itit Oar pat Ope l 4 . — c ., . . ... 4..• - ..... I; -:. ..-:,-i: ri'...i::: t .- - -.pVi. hii , i:•-i ; ~f ':,..'•;- , Cli at, A4XOR S PIXT. atill,iiiiiiirl4o.lfrizli, ,'. , .:.., ... 11 t ...:•.-, : ' . • -:f !. 1 . ,, ,' 0 ' 1 ? '•It• 1 •. 7 . - ta01.0.0 , .e 4 2. j..i.F).:; , -,,-::: • .: ••'•• * . ~• • .* Llntlo•lintat' . ." 4 l l7 l:4 1 0 .1 3, 4C;r 1 1 e•-t'.•; , r. I riti. atial)S OF' 81.44,41118* . -'iloW .3: - - -.-- ~ ~.,-,'•,' ' : -' AT THIS . f OFFIOVA . • tir' Bc-..T.tDlOli - ' • fiRMAN .-; • INTAAFILELL . - e ..,: P I "1/, 1875: Ito& o I -I - ! --AND-- ':' ,l : l. ‘ " I'i '74 4 . • Iti 'Ol . l AT - 01;lt ,24111,7,'-140114; os , 111111 • . '!;,,~ e.. a,, :~;;• 'tU .. ~,: .1 1‘,1.0 • . t • •:1 c! li3- AE'. S. 11UJNI 8. . . 4 f-itk -.; (1 , 114) • . - HAWLEY -& CBUSEIL , •• =ME