tam and gonooda. The Wife 4 0 the Period. A blushing couPle--latilywed- : BitOionsht their 'ivesternfilisme, i .tias said if. W1i036 young , with his dear, likiesiefi , to act tbliitioneer. He hired no helphimself.to aid, Anttlphe, einploy'd no kitchen maid— Thus in a careful Prildent way PreParint for a rainy day, The bride, with health and beauty bleated, Was; Peited, idolized; caromed ; The honey-mOon so sweetly sped, hardly'eould be sung; or said i. Ilukthings'grew,inix'd on table, shelf, , The bodge segm'd not to. "keep" itself—. No yitace for this or that, was found .. Thingswere promiscuous--pitchl 'round, As in old bachelor's halls, where Cain, Oksps h and ditty dishes reign ; W here house, .unmended, misery breeds; ``'o button buist secedes ; Wirre elbows. like ragged rhYme, • FoOotn!y,milis the."stitelf,ln tulle';" . Where beds are, nadeWith' many ',a hill, Clenvuts'd as by a threshing-mill ; Whtre,eobwebs dust! ind'iiiinber Defeitible RS printei's . : Where specks. and flies, and bugs abound, And creeping things invade the ground I Well--:when the fond, bewildeied mail, • With Whom our story just began , Awoke to see-low th , is7,s appear'd,- • Or lyor„-11io'nle, s . hk43 engineet'd-L' Hqd,: t reekby week, his linen drawn, ,Till irelpicleanly•Aud was gOne ; Whih he taral garment• Hood bath sunk, The very last was on him hung— He thouilit-t4 keilfly:hintilesire . . ' To be supplied with fresh , attire'.; - So.briAt and early' out he creeps, oAtzthorri; Wide,let; hddailing Builds7higklbe Pr,9isedai t!IP 3 Ps Tort the pots and kettles,,on, , rifra with soft water to the brim. Thlsfione, just Hien, smoking him,- , His angel, with , her , nightcap raised, Alooking-earnest and -amazes}, Etolaimed, (as soniething were amisi)-r "Why 1 husband 1 husband hoW is this ?. Vgiteil me, pteciOus I tell me why • This' strange. perfOrmance meets my eye ?" "Donit.be alarmed: ), says he,,,"dearAlose, Butt must somehow , have some CIOICEI 1 T4usee. by Jove there is a lackl= 11(ellast clean thing is on my back 1" • .4 "Oh.! then,l".:-with ecestasy said she,- "lash lbw; while'at it one for me 1" Thus Woman's -rights wives dO begin T*break their naughty husbands` in. . . • fat* oess _ . °relent ._ . .. . Ati 'article in' the Revue Harlicoltians. -.4. 'acid and pu.blished in - the - Farmer (Eng.) _contains. some points *eithsr'et attention by, our American larnierionYthe earns principlea : which govern the ,growth 1 of this tuber, in T Etirope are also potent herq:.•,',lNitien. Wt , :' W ant to regenerate.any particular kiiid of potato,. or still more, to Otiverit its degeneration; it is of...th& first importanee to make a judicious selec tion. Another :,plan is 'to' choose- the seed, when digging _up.. the crop, from •the well furbished roots, and select.the tube' ..ithicliTia6 inostAtyOldal otlbe special variety under treatment. The shape of the -tuber need not be toot much considered. . some _people imagine that ,tubers' Whitihillifei from the usdal shape of 'the kind to which they belong, are of necessity.degenerate speci mens, but ; this is an : error.. Knberippay. be VIA exactly Of' the shape :error..,. of the variety, and yet product-,,will shaPed potatoes in thc following year. ..As a rule the. shape of variant, kinds ; of 'potatoes differ' ado'cirdiligto the ii atiire cif* She ,E92i-titi, Mil l i? . h they, are . cultivated. For `example , it is generally supposed that the. .:,ltiar,jOuliri!, ought ,_to be long and narro w M ; UeVertheless, 'some " light . ettll& scAls pro,duced it in a .sifollen, . and sordetithes even rouiided forth though it. turn4;otit long„ and _narrow if, grown in .. Stiff s6ll. It ii - ii generallY physicial fact sommou to almost all plants, and special ly marked - in"the calico -- of the potato;that if they *repla,4o. early every year, .tbeii precocity 'increases, whilSt 'by reversing thlkiiiess ofAictipr ? ; the, - ccrnArpry effect: }s producedoind they-tend `4 . 9_,:hficoio f a lltr . In attaining full "growth: 'The Sadie re• suitoppar's-if,rEptantupcessively in a eol4.,soii. In Pile case the become later iniiiriiini 'it ' natiturity.. *bileid* co i trayy.happens if we select! Warm grotind. A gt 4tt 10;141100 P e rlidA, gist, if ,we take the kit buds `that ire A deieloped! t iin it potato for planting, the crop will 'be earlier than, Iv we r ,plapted -with-the see. *rid buds, or still more with those of a • third germination,''lVresults from . all thi4o,tiliarongat . the 01arious„.,miku l tions4o I Ikti, 041 , ii „ in' iitpipttiig :td maiataitrot exety, - )niPpiivi - , life , ViirlOty*Of • potato; i Itilitioi i iii' . cli'oitie.., - tl'tubielifor -planting)* too espillial ftliortatice,' , ' . The empe#loo., pf ;s9oo..properly so called, might:also, perbSPii be resorted to, sotnetimesAidVantigkeotisly so. But bow often must`ire‘ not' `sow before we gettigid tape, and good: ,varieties _as a to alt ? fitill,., : , notwithstanding its un- Certainty, thisi! method . slionld not be nekles o ted...,, it is generally ' believei that tieifamilkindis of potatoes, Ana _ as. the slfarjoulin," neither flower -nor run to ' ' seed. This is again' an efrror` =All= i 041., will 1101 1 1 gr and, yield ;geed' wil they . Aire very" strongly itnanured and- are in a 441)tiditior. of exuberant 'veigatiozi . :; but it is none the less true that there are some varieties whose natural . strength . . leaas 1 . il:c ' .. 7-7 , em" to dower snd seed ntere:fted,f,tban t '. Don't-preach : charibr ,a4aleive , Boo2 - 0, i as. ~ w r,., , ,.. - , ,i-.., : ,: ~, __ . body else toi iloit.., . . - ' - .„., Milk Instead of Soap. 4 -Alady, writing to the Now York Tri kite, says : "Without giving any receipt for Soap, I wish to tell all the hard wOrk- ingfarmers' wives , how much labor they: may! sloe by not using such vast quanti , ties ipf this article. For nearly five years I hav e used soap 'only foi 'washing clothes. h all that time I have not used one pound of soap for washing dishes and other kitchen purpose& My family has ranged from three, to twenty 7 five. T. have used Cistern water, limestone water; as hard as posaible, and - hard water composed of other ingiedients besides lime, and I find with all these my plan works equallyas well, kis this : Have your water quite hot and add a verrlittle milk to it. This softens the water, gives the dishes a fine "gloSi,and-preserves the hands; it removes the grease, even that from beef, and yet' no grease is found, floating on the 'water, as when soap i's used. The stove vessOs I.alWays set on the stove with a little wa ter in them, when the victuals' are taken from them ; *ins they are hot when I am, ready to wash them, and the, grease is easily removed. Just"try my plan, you who toil daraf-, terdayevery spring to-make that barrel Of soap - and' let Us hearhOW it succeds' With you*, . :I like ,the great barrel Of, soap on washing days, but am glad to dispense' its aid on all other occasions. I find that my tinware keepa brighter longer ',When cleaned in , this way than by, using , soap, iir,by scouridg. The habit so many have acquired of -scouring tins is wasteful policy ; the preseut style of tinware will not stand it r The,: -is soon; scrubbed awaY and a Vessel that is tit for nothink is left on our hands. Burns and „Scalds. Burns and scalds are among the most common accidents, and perhaps there are none for which more remedies have been suggested And employed.___ With. some of these remedies is the citYof all of .ue to become familiar, that we may know, What to -do in un - emergency: It is a thousand pities to have the chance, once in a lifc'titue, of: playing' ,t-he part of the good samaritan and lack the skill The first thing to be noticed is, that - ill mov ing injtired people great care - should be taken not to add to- the effect 'of the shock which the system has already ex- . perienced._‘ In removing the cloths there must be no - tearing off of the burnt or blistered skin, which anords a us4ful pro. tection for the injured surface, • The next thing is to cover the burnt or scalded .parts with material that will, exclude the air--Flour answers and should be freely applied. Or common whiting, 'reduced by cold water to' the consistence of thick,crom, may he-spread on a. light linen rag, and applied to cover the injur ed surface,: .The ease it affords ,is instan eons, and it only.. requires to be kept moist .by occasional sprinkling of cold 'water. • Cotton, wool, if at hand,,may.be wrapped around the. injuries, , orlint, or linen rage steeped in .water inuy be used. Tiler may' be covered with Oiled:en.' A mixture of linseed oil and lime water; in equal;; propOrtiong may be applied with rag's — laid - over theburns.' The more exteln= sive the sat face involved in the accident .p.he greater care shOtild be taken not to expose it, to atmospheric,influence, which ingresses the path, and also adds consti tutional depression. Should, the sufferer -he greatly eihansted, give _brandy' or oth -4stßulants. lithe pain be ,excessive and irritating to the nervous. syitetii,' ten drops of laudnum should be given Intl' professional aid can be obtained. Sluntbering Plants. It IS well' known that plants - . sleep, at ight ; but their hodis of Sleep are • a ,Taatter of habit, and may be_ disturbed `artificially, just a: a cock maybe waked up to crow at untimely hours by the light . of, a. lantern. , A French chemist subjece, 7 ed. a sensitive; plant to an exceedingly try'E ug-course of discipline, by -completely :innangingits hours- exposing - it to a . brighelight at night, ad. as to prevent alep, and putting it in dirk room by 44.- The plant appeared to be much puzzled and disturbed at first. It open ed and closed its leaves' irregularly; some , Ones nodding, in spite of the' artificial sun 4liat shed its beams at midnigbt,And' sometimes, waking Up, from ; the foFck,.of, habit,:tO find the chamber dark in,spite of thelime of day. Such are the tram niels'of-use and wont. But after an ob-' victkk'Orruggl: the', plant„iUbmitted, to. , tbe turned day into night, -withOut.an y apparent ill effect. y,- I .A.To , Cook !Pork Tenderlotric 1 - I : d • t 6 roa t i ay, eman 'a., ripping.p.an. lat, - roast slowly, and baste often. - Season when nearly done, and serve with , their own- gravf th,icketied with s our. If, f(sl4..:etit tenderloin _" across, into pieces split lengthivise,;ntifr , 1 through ; lay open , flat; and cook on One vide nicely,:: thin "turn. Serve with butter,cpepper and salt, to season. Put in aa stew-pan - a cup of cream; the Same of bread cruttbs, a little salt, a dust of Lpepper. a little nutmeg.-.. Set oveAa,t4 fire, and when the bread has'soak f ed by all die cream, remove,frow the etove,cool, /then beat a dozen eggs; thoroughly mix with _the -,eream and crumbs` ahol 'fry: Serve as an omelette. Bread on:lWe-it°. =ISE BILLING -S STROUD. GENERAL EIRE LIPS AND ' ACCIDENT. INSURANCE AGENT, ildCaiitze co as op 3Pa. CoplMl RePresented, inoolpool000: Flie Asecciation.of Phil., Capi tal & Assets, $ 3 1 500 1 00 f Insurance Co. of N. A., Phil., '• " • 5,000.000 Pennsylvania Fire,. Phil., , • • " . 1 Ioo t 000 t , Ins. Co.of the State of Pennsyl vania, Phila. Pa. " " 700,000 Lycoming of Mammy, Pa. " " 6,000,000 Lane:aster of Lancatiter. •01 • " 400,000 Newton of Newton, ° • " . ' " 150,000 Rome Ins. Co., N. Y., 611 ‘ 1 6,000,000 National " 4' IS 6S 950,000 Co--, , merclal Fire " SS " 450,000 Fairfield Fire ine. Co. South ' Norwalk, Conn. " " Atlas ..• . .. 44 Royal Canadian, of Montreal, Canada. .. Liverpool. London - & Globe, is of Liverpool Eng., i • Providence - Washington, of Providence, R. 1., 'trade Ins, Co. Camden N, J. " ' " Patterson Fire Ins Co. 'Patter ., - son, N. J. • ' Conn.Matcal Life Its .C 0. ,, Aseette • $40,000,000 American Life. $0,000.040 Travelers Ins. Co., Hart., Capital and Sorplai $8,000,000 Railway Pasongera r 't •,• '.5500,000 Vheanderaignedhasbeen.wClinovirti In iligeduntYifor the past 20 years, tristuraneb Agent. Loosen sue nen by his Co nuntinle e have ,always been. p romptly felrOffieempstalis.inibnildlnq east frora•Banking °Mecca Wtty., 11; toper 4toa;.'Tnitniike street.' tifitiNd4tlitotall Agent, CHARLES 11. SMITH, Office Manners. AMOS NICHOLS. Montrose. Jan. 5,18113. E:. -ita:l lEt)*.T.l±{.l3-7'!, Manufacturer of WAGONS tIARRIAGES BUGGY, CONCORD, PELETON, ANB • SIDE-BAR GEARS. • . EVENERS, iSINGLE AND, DOUBLE WIIIFFLETREES. BODIES OF THE LATEST S.'lltrLES JOBBING, .&e., DONE PitO4PTLY Ellontrose, Jane 7.1876. WHY FLOWERS -BLOOM: IN WINTER 1 t i re you aware that you can Obtsin Buttoner treat In via wiry I That you can , impart balm,y , airs to, you families" - that you cat! give - ,Spotitatiarma g. ro*M. to plants and Flowers, and. that' yon can • make home a Mtle paradise by purchasing one of B. C. BaYres.Hot- Air Furnaces Y These Furnaces are now constructed With VAPOR' PAN .by Which - the atmosphere is tem pered to that resembling Summer heat. • NO MORE CRACKING 'OF FURNI. ITURE-NO MORE DRY HUSKY HEAT:: • • ;LI • " • ' - • . • And the tfrauhas come when consumptives mar, re joice in Coal fires. These fuiliaces are eold entirely np on their own merits, aed are now the leading Furnace in this part of rh u conntry• 'All Furnaces ors warrant ed to give entire satisfaction or no sale. • , - WVIV; CaM keep competent men On the road, who are well ac quainted with th6llitrnac'e bustness and they are con stant-1Y putting op theseifurnlteer.J "Their /work bilvar rinted to please. These Furnaces are now scattered in the following towns And . „ 'Bhiglifunfort, 'Scranton, Providence, Wilkes Barre. 'Kingston, Pittston, Eimitirf Waverly, Williamsport', Great Bend, Su,spnehruna Depot Hancock, , DowrisvilleiAndes, Mat garetville; Owego; Northumberland, and many Other toWns; . ,INE - Exztu.faotiuLtiOci *IF Ank s p : ersop wishing a reeommendatiaufrat,m7 Orin the abirre named "pilkeda.' I "*"lifeh,4ly Cofrea.: rpontt s iththem,-givlng names • of -iirtlel nbleizeing ttheaklstirqfteet.- , z, ; ) 8. 0 -- SAYRE , ". ...... M.031 - Vpso. 34 , likintro*Diiimber.9lllB.- Iffrf!- A, I I EW,k Imps 9p. 4i;POlX;lo**7".' *it iiiceilted arid for sale iii -,:.,,i',, =ll ) • , STYPERV:I;qII For sale by uso, - ALL K nips oi ) I • F t GROCERIES, _ rores. A 4 "ry r - • INT sale bY „ . - 11. Mont r*. 135,000 • isoo,oou 37,000,000 • • 600,000 -270,000 _ . . 34%000 ACCIDENT. S. LANGDON, Solicit9r. -0- E. r;PURDY: I~V~I ~111~~ 1.• 0 U R. " )!.:I;. , '.'', ,1'0f.4,i HD. BALDWIN,. M. D.,. 11.0MCE . listhic „Physician and Surgeon. has ,located himself at Montresc. where he, will attend promptly to altiorofeseional business entrusted to • his care.— omee in CarmalVe - building, second floor, front. , Boards at idr. B. Baldwin's. , Montrose. Pa.. March 10,1875. S. POTTER, DENTIST, WISHES • - .*o infortarthz people of Montrose and Vicinity, thathe to parmsnentlr located, in the record story. ol E. P. 3tautp's new building; opposite Cooper's Bank. All kinds orbental Work done in the beet manner. N. B.—Nitrous Oxide, Laughing Gass, given for the painless seissaaleon of teeth. Montrose, Apr/1110).1 .103.-7:tf , DR. W. W. SMITH; • DENTIST.= Rooms at his dwelling, next door north of Dr. Halsey's, on Old Foundry street, where he would be happy to see all those in want of Dental Vvork. 'He feels confldentthat he can pletse all. both in quality of work and in price. Mice hours from 9A. x.to 4 r.3t. Montrose.Feb. 11.1874—1 f VALLEY HOUSE, GREAT BEND, Pa. Situated near the Erie Railway Depot.— Is a large anti commodious house. Has undergone a thoroughlekair. Newly furnished rooms and sleep ingapartments.splendid tables.andall thinge compris ing a Susi class hotel. . HENRY ACKERT, Sept.loth.lB73.-if.- Proprietor. STROUD,' FIRE AND Lifo:Lueurtnice Agent, All business #tiended to promptly, on fair terms 083.ceilret 'door eae tof the bank of. Wm. H. Cooper & Ce.,Publie Avennejdont,; rose. Pa.. [Ang.l,lBB9.] . J.l ly 17.'1872. : • •• ••••• ~..i ;,~. .. , rrHE PEOPLE'S . MARKET; }SM .& liPtiabn, Proprietor. Orgill acrd Sanest Meats, llama, Pork. Bologna Sanfage.ete;, of the beet qual ity, constantly on hand.at oricef to snit.' • Montrose, :Pa., Jan. 1.4., .1.8711.-Ay ; ,3 - • FIDGAR A, 1314REL4...,- COUNSCLLOR AT LAW, • • ; N0..1714 Broadway,Neyr Yor4Qity. Ittayl2,'ls.--'(reb 1874.-lp . - LANI) torneys nt Law,Montr9,,... ibe:Taybell ••• • • . 14(iiktr0pe.49t.15,1811:.: . • • • • W:COOLEI . STILL, ON TIIVTRACKI .Eyer.t'lit3qe of • and everything farni§bcd o at (11tEATLY ,Coul.racta che'erli~ lc r,nrhisted, Stair' - bUilding a but workinini Montropi.....Nlarch 13. - ..DESN',„_ DEA'.LIIR , • IN . - W . i Books; Vt'Utioucry, *all ~ Paiier, Diewspa- - Psis; ' PoCket : Cutlery; - StereoicoPic V I els, Yankee Notions; etc. Next doer to the Post Office,. Montruie, iiit. . • .• ..-' _ :W. B.;DEANS. '24..mt. 80, 18T4. ......_, ._..... .__ .._ . E.N,C,II.A . NGE , . , . rington wishe,to inform thepublic that having rented the 'Exchange - Itotel in - ;Montrose, he is now prepared. to acconimodate the traveling ritthllc in Bret-class style.. . ' .iitontrose,..Ang.2B, 1873. _DEALER IN STA-- xx• ple and Fancy Dry Goode, Crockery. Hard ware. Iron, Stoves. Drags. Oils; and Paints, Boats and Shoes. Hate and Caps, FarS, Buffalo Robes: Gro ceries. Provisions, &c. Now Millord.l a.,Nov 6. '72—tf. - JOHN GROVES FASHIONABLE . . Tailor, Montrose, Pa. Shop over Chandier's Rene. Alf orders filled In firet-claes .style. Cutting done to•grder on Short notice, and warranted to fit. Montrope, June 30,'75. • G C ENTEN NIAL BARBER SHOP I .6a31 and see your old Citizen and barber—over H. J. Webb's store, where you' can get shaving and hair. cutting done in the most apProved mannerand on short, notice. PnoF, L: B: WILLIAMS. • Montrose,'Sept. 6,1878m6.: • • - - Ti _,NAtIS 'KNOLL ; , SHAVING. AND hairTireseing. Shop iu Searle's , Leis building, below Itxprel , s Office, where he will be found ready to 'attend all who may want anything t ehiS line. 'Montrose Pa, ,Oct.. 186,9.. • A •1 El T. `PIM D ..` kt ANUVACTURER _ of wagons of kinds . " Also makes* fpeciatty orwood work for sale. Repairs .promptly attended to. Urea only best stock, and aims: to make only first laes work: , - . [apri126,4876.) R.• 'W. L. RICILkiiDSON •PIEtYSI-: clan and Surgeon',Unders hi F p rofess i oti slier vices to theeltizens ot klontrosennd vicinity. Offic e rssideree ,on the corner east of the:Fault; dr, . - - I Ant.,l, 3869. Lc OVILL , ,DEW IT T, 'Ala OR neje at Law and Solicitors inßankraptcy. N4..49 Court Street.. over City National Bank, Bing •aa;mtpii , N. Y: ' Wit.,ECl9covtu.; ' .I'und'lBth,lB72 . -, 1 .-RUG ,,, A G L E -D ':STORE, : IS ',THE , place.toget Drugs :and Medcines, Clears, To: baeco, Pipes. Pocket-1300kp., pectales.,.Y iikee No-: tiOnS.44c. Brick Block. - . .. •A. ...13UKIE . , Montrose: I'4i, - May 8th,:1875. ' ' . ' '• . ._-........ -...... ...'... ', • • . ~,I . •?''-' •• - , ,% ''' '' : '' • Ct • j • ' •1 1 .-• Frroyt , ,,t,ioToß -EY .?•'AND . • • cirdnikeell'Of-at=iiiv 'llontrOsie, Pa :' , ofllre- 'tie heretofore, below and west of the Court HOnse. -' ... Montrose, January 27, 1875.—1 y.. ..LYON„ SUCCESSOR .TO LTA.. Abel 'Farrell, dealer ,in• Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, 'Paints, oils, Dye-stuffs, ,_Tell, Spices, Piney Goods.leirelry.Nrtutnery, &. liontrose,Mayl9;lB7s. • — I). 'LIJSK, Attornev• - attd• Court; eellor :Lit*,-; roFe: hi. • 'Office / 'Mier First National Bank:. ; , ,'; lilontroaq, Dec, - • RA ft-- ' p - 71 7-4 7 . • TON • • • AND JJAND - 819ITXT04. : •P.O. iddtess. Franklin 'racks, ..i ;''s IS usquebatinaVO., Ps. ''l"titrkt I.• , _liontroAe; PAlrtl'Collectiongprnmtitli at tended tit Skeepattritlop given :to convoy:mem and p_b Or:, ant C practiee. ()Mee on pnblic Akenne over Firistlitit 601 - pink; back. 'Dania 29, , 10.1 • ILSON4. - TURREL,.SIIRVEYOR: V,kionittirueo ahead infha l 20 ye to rp 11 yeaerperlenoe.o. brialnesi;: 454 1 / 8 1n my P;000 1 04. - kontrose, Pa. , .13ept.115, Q f'r i}l.fis~ W. , .. W• sgrt ' 4 I —o4l3,4lsigT- b' r lifauptict tire o ain' strc Montrose; Pa; 4' " tang t 1869 1 ,W..BENVIJE; ATTORNEY -AT •1481v;`tstIleti“ifviii the ti . tore . etifilLbeiteatiev; In the Brick Block."M eitrOi e: Pa - . 1.444gv,11; ri r RIPFIS.4 gAYRE .DEA , LEttB riorftws re, /1 . 944, , Ne,114. inouseibrntsbing Goode, Groceries and Proyislous,,S i ond, Stone, Jappitrked4nd Pressed Vitt Ware,'Oe., acc. ' mirth 15,*'76. .T.'• 8. , & 7 41 1 , 4 !Alt torbeyett Law. ''Of)lea over • W. 7 IC 00;Otief Ca s a Haak. ikoatnane: 11'a. May 10; S. ,T;Wliflß, E . 0 AAP A.TTORNBY • Law. 3ton4 q Be, Pa., OratCover Wiepli•CeoPOr & Co.'. Bank. , Montrose, Pa., Jan.sth;lB76--130P A WARREN% i ATTORNEY, - AT •,-* :144; Bcinnty, 'Beet 1 1'4 Peniddi afdd etroeit:.ol% .attended unt , i Once 661 oor below Boyd' S tiiTe, nyrooe,Ps H: J. win* igit4TAtToot-vi,:, ;AT •• LA I!. o f ilci, over-. it: , Matlock. licontroee, Pa . rJu .0 770.'—tfr A' ELY ikinis,.l . 4 1874, , ..; , .)- 7 , f•!, -., Business Cards. .. >, ~ .:11,060 1 ,4 *. tt 0 t,ft E . BACON,WILL HEREAFTER furnish the citizen, of , ..Montrose and Vicinity,, with first-class Bread, Butscuit, Rolla Pies, Cakes aa4 Cookies, Tarte, &c., &c. Parties and Weddthg, supplied, and quality guaranteed. Fir Dining Bombs np stairs, Where Geo. Catlin will be fauna ready to sat. - lay the aravings of the inner man. Montriae, May 8d.1876. B. BACON. NEW,MILFORD MACHINE SHOP. All kinds of machinery made, or fur*shed to or der. Repairing prompily attended to. It: • New MilfordCULlUS #HULTZ. Blur 11.1678.—1 y• I [l7 A. CROSSMON,-ATTORNEr-- T at Law.. Office over the First Natiot Bank, Mentrose.Pa. W. A. Caosszex. Montrose, April 1876.—tf. 4;1,• PILL MAN & CO. FIRST NA kJ • tional Bank Building, mantra s° , p a., Dicta it Dry Goode, Clothing,MlaineryKis, Boots 411 Shook am., (April le. '711.—t1.1 K S.NYDER, M.- D., HOM(Et- Fi pathie Pktysielan and Surgeon, iiewlitlford, Pa. Clic* at the Union Hotel. Aug 1.16T6.-tf (.11LBERT'S. JOHNSON, AU CTIONMSE • Icarian; Mardi ' WO, 18'T6 Montrore, Pa GENERAL RANKING i3L , SticEllg DONE. v, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL . , POINTS AND PROM PTL - V A C.COVW TED FOR AS HEIZETOFOiIE. 4' • D a OMESTre AND :FOREIII .EX 011A.N GE .'"nt LE . , UNITED STATES"&,OTITEII 1301IDIE BOUGHT AND • COUPONS AND CITY AND COUNTY .'f BANK CHECKS . CASHED AS , - ~ , . . . , , ... ' USUAL , . OCEAN STEAMER, PASSAGE TICK ,ETS TO ANDTROM EUROPE, . , INTEREST ALLOWED ON SP ECIAL TIME DEPOSITS; AS PER AGRICS : lIENT WHEN" THE DEPOS IT IS MADE. 1 3Entrwic DaWl•rr. !EMI ,5 , Easiness Cards. Baaking; ke. BA.N:1:1:NO, ; -1:10.1j, SE' MONTROS4 - PA.- In the future, as in the past, we shall endeav or to txtinsact all money business to the satio. faction of our patrons and correspondents. CO.. Mobtrome, iierch 10; '76. , -tf. • Bask ere. rrit . SUSQUEHANNA. 'COUNTY AGRI= CULTURAL WORKS, Hering been reorgsnized',under tbir arm. niMis. ant - - style of Sesqueliatins, County Agricultoral Winks. limited li:JAwierr,Pres , W. H. Coorint, - • • • De SATRE Secretary - Are now prepared to furnish, on short noble. ,stationart' 6ngitles, C!ROULAR SAW- TTREINB WA r,rmt wH.EELsI Aid dO' 41115inds of *II and job work prOiapte aid eatiefactcirily: at'low rate ' s. We man afistare aid haw on.hand'a Jaw assortment Of • L S "r PATTERNS ATTERNS. • • , CAULDRON KETTLES of different t styles, .ADJUSTABLE BARN.Dti3OR HANGINGS, MEADOW ROLLERS, BLACKSMITHff FORGES POTS'and GRATES, DOG POW— 'ERS for churning, One and Two Horse POW— ERS anc: THRESHERS, of the latest and best . • patterns, &c., &c. Montroge,. livid 1, 1876. NEW ARRANGIEJOIENT: Illf. , .,.P:iiiil6l';:::Driit : ": .-- 8-0. I‘s'',:l.:UtitiAt.).;;;Pß(iPßlTOit. , • -KEN PA"MIT • mpugprE; EDRORIUN Thelindersigrind'iviin d respecifull)annotlice Lo gig the people everywhere, that to his already extolls* Stock antvariety bi.Merth'andlie lit -the Grocery, Pr?:. vieionJ,Dardware:lineu t 1 '; He hanti_ddedr 14,Vvy. choice , Assortment of `DRUGS,' . .PATRNT - MEDIqUsTES, .3310,1611E5, PER &c.. which he flatters himsi 11 he can assure ,tbe public they will Mutts to thei r advantage to exam 4ne before purchasipgelsewhere. 1 1, allphyalc.lans is this- section eif the toothily-lie' respectfully ltP'. nouncellzathe hassecured the services of R. ICSnyon. ;as Drugs ist and Apothecary. aboselongexnerlence and atknowiedgeet care am] abklity. entitle, him to your en ltrtiontifitien'ee the' liner oreothiloundlng mediciaas torpreparinitprescriptions, and who wotild also esteem it an especial favor to-receive calls from any of his oil ^nstomets or new ones. .Will make , the-Patent Me& Anita SpectaltY. ' Also bomestie and Foreign ltinettlA, Witteo4-satifixtensive stock. Also tine Groceries— - LICIIIiO'S -EXTRA' CT OP IVERP, iititg SALitoN PWALARD.I,&. CANNED CL.ANS.4‘LOBSTERS, rBAS,iCORN. BEANS. OYSTERS. &c.. Act.. In fact; anythineand Ovcrythi ng that le ordinarflyneo - ". • • ..„„:.! 1. i• = • i rfeWa° l l Powdor,t, Powder : - Blasting, Ititio.and Shot Powder, t. Lead, Ow 7 44 1 1,i 9 11 PkiOnthesab e ikih R0801 , 403', die., rot pa try ' if'. DTILLARIt. Noutroitt; PA7V4 I:I: -.. 1 4114 0 4.! 1 : • 1 , I.arm orroPE . ~=. . ~.,