- _ 6 Town,lounty, and VarietT. --The second class train on the D.& H.R.R. leaves Scranton for Carbondale at 8:80 a.-m. —The Pentennial anniversary of the Pittston Baptist church, 'celebrated next Thurs. day, December 215 t.., • t./.-—Rey. Dr. 'Taylor has resigned the pasta. sate of 'the Contregatlonal church, at Bingham- ton, on account of ill health. 1 shilling idly 'spent by a fool; may be picked up by a wise man, who knows better what to do with it ; so it is not lost. —The S. S. B. A. will hold their ;next Bo ilable at the house of air. Henry Turreil• on South. Main strpet, on ails (Wedneed4) even. —ln the Matter of raising buckwheat ; Mr. John J. McCormick, of Brackney,has heal in good luck. Prom one kernel of buckwheat a stalk iiiised'whieb actually 'produced 2,757 kernels, ' --Montrose Lodge No. 1128 Knights of Pythias, of Pennsylvania, will confer the first, ,I3pt011e; and -third- Rank at .a special meeting on 14.11rAft•T2 df —Messrs. B. R. Lyons & Co., , have estab. fished a' *are at Birchairdville, this' county, for the accommodation of people in that seetiOn.— IV , the' 'management' of J. Wesley .Bublistcl.:-; z The emnton. Times says some of the_ -4 , . kiiittliinliim , Yoiiiz - 4ttid northern Penthiyiva ma newspapers are urging theconstrudion of a new state from parts of the above named With the capitidat • , ---It is wrong to encourage falsehood hr de- rctpttgtf. : :l init• are . :,4eteeteci- - sinuggling thir.i.itunts,,lAindle into 0 the house, 1 , harassed iinAi ions, 6, lthhjvholeson4 previtri6,ticin • ' . --TheY.ll. tif-liOntroseiNVill . give an (,itt tertaininpie-at their roono, - Frici4y et,ening of thisweek. " All ore invited attend, ...4vd- .•, . • ..• • mission 25' cents. Proceeds to be applied ward a library tor their rooms, Tickets tor' sale, at - Deans' book store. . • ..,--Patriek Lan tuin - Son; of . ThbMits. of §urP101!!!:)P .wasru,o,over,by.the cars at' wtdsille, Pa:, on • Thansgiving, day, and: lost'a leg. He died from his injuries.ihe'fol- - , lowing Sunday„ . and the remains were taken . to *ifigilebtii'flaieiliiferineb't - , 1 ,116 - Was ernployed.' on the railroad at the tune of .tpelaceitlerit. ; • The annual children's service A• iff take 'place at St.Paill,s chnrch,. Mori trose, on . Monday (Christmas) evening, at half past sts :A.qhristinai Tree will also dispense its gener-' ons.ftivorsio thenhildren at the, Sunday. school.. This is a Day and.iCFestival in which children . as well as...parents should delight,. , in , :'wbote..,hopor it - is - eeleb . rated„ Ittd "Suffer little children to. crime unto .Me and forbid them, •nOt i '.:lol' of such is .he Kingdom tit • Heaven?' • —An exchangreTecommends the followIng: When a lady sitting - for a picture would corn. pose ter month to, a, bland and serene charac ter, she should, fust before entering the room Say,-Bosom,andleep the ; expression into - which the mouth,subsides until the desired effect in the .camera is evident. - If, on :the other hand; she - wishes to assume t distinguished and some what - noble bearing, not suggestive of sweet . . nemlshe slintila say Brush, ;; the result of which is h)'fallible. lf,lies wishes to make her mouth, 'look'sinall, 'sh ri e ist. say 'Flip, but. it the mouth . ~ besiready small and needs enlarging,She must say Cabbage:, If Slit wishes to look nfournfui, she must say Kerchunk, if resigned, she must forciblY ijaCulate S'cat. often hear it , said, by those ;who know nothing of what it is to earn their bread by the sweat of. their brow, alien speaking of those who are attempting to breast the waves of herd times and to meet the thousand ;and' one little, necessary wants of a large taMily, "Why, he is an able bodied man, what need is there of his being in want ri This seem to alleviate the consciences of many of the vilify. stone, brokiis and those, who, bke a SpOnge seem to live only to absorb everything_ that comes in contact with them.' and, to feed ton t10;40,1i9t 'otbersi difference does it make (except tpe,,,w(Arse) if a man is `,able bodied" ;if. he can only receive from fifty tet.:3CV ettty-ftve,COatePer:•day ,for ilia. labor, andnften be pui.ttpon:hal .time at-that , ';.With a family ot five mteu-.,bodies Ito: clothe and warm and the sainemuMber. Of : mouths tofeed,and more than, all thereat, theik . hitinan . :Shuts . :to care forand . - edUcatatlier l 'isii , si nitridrchant or banker initbe#tititikr.Wh`ci the "wolf from : thedoor',!icieitiiOntliAinder the same 4taticol i nadyetAhere is not one merchant or banker, who 'produces One cent_Of additional ,wealth -to .the country. :They, unlike these ,poor !'able bodied . men,' are merely agents, .telo Ohl their laige .griniling the griettehichithae . laboring men: bring to, their mill, and as able bnified . asjtiany`of 'them are, . - t t hey - coultf no suPptift.their families in' their .present for one month, by their own labor. .. ho p e. t W our friendi wi'll pardon as 'S a lfe,have a little pride in co pying the folioli , ini communication winch we received this Week; On account of its having been penned by one r , whom , We -Dever saw,: to our knowledge AbciretareF.deem i Pits: Ootardlinentary*fii4oli r ia " atitfrely T metiugus ; CitAPMAN's QtrAnitiss, . N r. orthampton Co, Pa.; Dec.l6, 1870. -DEMOCRAT 114 -.,041,1---Enelnefd find Two .Doliars *gm. which continue my subscription to , the Dam. 1:104T:, I have been uregnier 'subscriber to the , clitontrose Reptibliean- fOr 8 years bCt have dik'stopped that paper = and subscribed for „Yours. As a former resident Ot , the County ,Artsbed to havethe paper that would give me tho2tnost"local 'news, and until now have taken .-?, - -140 . -Itepublican on that account solely, as .1 AM - 4iapOrrative in my' politics. rireat improvement ;In paper ' h as induced ine s itait NI ill others, Ito make the change.' s ;;:1 - would'cpngratulate E. , Hawley upon his election to the'sf , enate. ',l have been a r clOse observer salient fights: and heartily re : Jaen In ins victory:' MEM .;•'-"' i ~' f, "F - - - 4. . , Yupoi,**e,tfullY. , .'. .;.: ; ,..r. , .. ~. ?.'', . .:.::'..:, ' .P. ;' , IC-D: - _,- ....,,,,....., , , , . NOTICE TO - OUR PATRONS. In view of the=, fie. that the senior editor of this paper will of necessity be absent some three or four, months after January first, it is very important that all of our subscribers should call at our office, or Send and settle their accounts before that time. We need the" money due us and we hope a cordial response will be given to this .notice. , If it is impossa for alto pay us, the account must be arranged and fully understood so' that no future contin gency will arise. Do not fail to attend to this duty.—tf L .LOOK OUT FOR . HER I—There's a .woman-go ing about the country. victimizing landlords and boarding houses keepers, and, by a very sharp practice, getting possession of trunks and other, baggage belonging to the guests. She, registers, as "Mtg . . Hiyiiland, Auburn, N. Y."-- She' is about forty, medium height,atoutly built, weighs about one hundred and fifty, has a short, neck, full, round face, sallow;dark hair worn. ittooo#l, broad forehead, grey oyeii,, good teeth and is very easy in her conversation. Her last eatituie is a Saratoga-trunk marked "Mrs. A. J. Young," and a red 'Russia -valise marked' the same. - AHEM Guernsey tenenis oteseneol this winter. W. L. Thorpe and J. 11. Weston exchanged, pulpits last SundaY. ' The fortner preached in the'schoot house ,at -the usual hour.. Quite ~.a Congregation and a very interesting discourse. , Mr.'ET R. Ketaharn lost it iralualtle - horse on . • the 12th inst., als.) Mr, Jerry Baldwin' loiVa •.• . • gooey iairse a 16.7.. weeks afto,.. aiiti on the , 9th 'be lutdlanother horse get hia leg broken . .. On the leith• inst. fir. and Mrs.. Griffin gave a party. quitea number of their relatives!and friends convened at the appointed hour, and and Ibund'everstinng, ready to receive Went. Bridaewater, Dec. 13,1876..'a5k. • To DISTINGULSII COTTON FROM WOOL.—Rate= ..ehont.lthe suspected cotton fiber from the wont and apply_ flame.. The cotton will burn with a flush, the *oot:' will curl up, carbonize, and .eMit a burnt diSagreeable jsmell: Even to the, 'naked eye'. the cotton noticeably different trom the filaments, ofwool; and under the . 'tag nifier this difference comes. out ,strongly. The -ecittoiris -a - flattened, , more or,iess twisted band,.. 'having a very strikinriesernblatee to. : which, in reality,jt is. T, since in the condition. of elongatedctells, it lines the inner surface ot ttte, pod.. .The. wool may . be recognized at once ;=by the zigzag transverse markings on its fibers - ,: The surface of wool covered with these fin...! rowed and twisted fine cross lines, of which there are 2,000 to 4,000 in au inch On .this structure depends its feeling property. , '4lifery.simple and -very striking chemiCal test may be applied. The Mixed goods.are unrav eled, a little of the Cotton .fiber 'put into one. dish and . .the woolen • in another, and a drop of, nitric acid added. The. cotton will be little or not at all affected ; the wool, on the coutiary, will be changed to a bright yellow. The color ,is due to the developempnt of a ,picrate. - A NEW SWIN 'DLE.—We do not know wheth: er any of our ! Susquehanna county tanners have been appreaclielaS yet on the butter queStion not, but to put them on their guard against of sharP practice now in vogue in different parts 'of the' State, we give the programme,in lull and they can gthemselvesei!n theselveS accordingly. It is ,as ‘ follows : • . . • • • ‘Seteral'strange 'mu, drive through an agr I .• crliiral district. They stop at all the farm hodses and make" a contract to take'all the hut-- ter the farm can furnish at 'fifty cents per period. . Further, it will:be, gathered .up hyfast,special tetkinSand the-cash paid for it at the doOr. The Pretepse 3e that during the fall and winter, the large cities will'be over crowded and that but ter will lie scarce. , way all thotariners in a district are contracted with, and arrange-. utentSi.are'tuade.,fOr.theirbutter on .certain days and:at 'Certain points ; the: contract to gb into ;effect in two' weeks. A •teW days atter the de parture of the _men. a,drovcor cows come along. They are fffie'looking milk cows. The furthers having a'goodthing in Viet think theY might use a feW more cows. They try to buy them and the drover_ doesn't sewn anxious to Finally, however, he is induced to sell two or three to each -- Earmerat 'Prices- - considerably higher than the real Market, value. He then _departs,- meets his partners, 'who put up. the hater job,:arid,theY ifiVide .- their profits. That is the last.the.tarmer hearaof it. ; . , •. • NEIGIJDOIMid COUNTIES, • •; 1 •" :411ZEIINg: eOUNTY, PA. [From The . Scranton City Journal] The Lacks:manna= avenue‘ bridge is again ,thrown op'"e`n ior public travel:. , Ilip.strept car - company nover.. employ-but one condne,ior instead- of two on the Providence itne. .ard times,and reduced patronage iS.the . cause. Activeldea/ores: are being .adopted by the .y. 3f. C. A., the churches and other organiza; lions to providefor the poor. in otir midst, dui . ; r ing the present - winter. -Ira bioneli ;. a. young; married:.:man at Hyde Perk, died on Tuesday morning from the effect of tithing Poison on Monday „evening. lit had been onto!' work for ome, time, and - the fuet that he was no able to, provide. his wile and baby with the neeesSaries of life so worked4ss his ! Mind as to lead him to' commitihis rasiact,—. Ms friends claim that the taking o - f: the poison, large dose Of morphine; was not tor the purr; poie or self destruction. • . Coal took ft filldd11t;1 . tilnabre s in price here on MOnday. For the past - two mouths an our re tail dealers have been charging $2.50 for a ton 6r . 2,000 poonds dilivernd. On 31ondity , morn inu John Jertnyn advertised 'that he would fur nish the full long ton of 2,240 liocuria at $2.50, a nd not to be outdone, several of the retail 'dialers immndietely reduced prices CO" 02.25 for 040poundS 0 _ thus enablingOticltizens to' keep Warm, st : l,‘ very lowprk:e. , TlTE . ''_lmfocßA. , r l . -- iy,Fc,..,g0.....157f1.. 1... , +{~ i ~ r , PROTECTING TREES AGAINST MlCE .— Whet - I t ever snow ,falls ,to any , considerable depth in 1, winter there is always more or less danger of mice knawing the bark from the stems of ill4t . and other trees diiiing the - cold weather. Ap ple orchards in' particular are frequently seri ously injured in this manner, and it is very Sit-' Jr Ocult to reined the evil, although its 'preven— tion is easy en Ugh. " ' As the mice, work Mainly under the snow and near the base of *the stem It is plain that it this part of the tree protected there', will be little danger of further injury. The best way to protect trees in an orchard is to wrap the lower part,of the stems' from the ground up ward a foot or two with some material which the mice either cannot - Ur will not gnaw of' eat. , Perhaps one of the cheapest materials for the purpose is tar paper, such as used for lining buildings; and which may be found in any vit : lage store. It can be cut up into strips of the size required to go around the trees, and then tied in place with strong SWIM'. Where this material Cannot be conveniently, obtained strong brown straw or Manila, paper may be .used by first coating one• side - with coal tef,and then applying It as in the first histaiicejceeping :the tar on Abe outside., . . • ,Bark pulled from Other 'kiptitit. of tree s,; old pieces of tin-and sheet iron' can also' be 'employ ed for, t his purp ose, but.tar paper is most reacli ly applied and removed, few: hours workin protecting the' trees against mice may be alp means of Saving _orchards have , taken yeais of 'waiting and mach money and labor to • - . 'produce. i, i DEATn .Eriwn.i Eripninev.;—'fire_novs, of the death 'of Dr. Edwin Eldridge wilt come with a shock tq, those or our citliens to.ithoin .thirty yeztr, ago he was kno'v a one ;ot: the . most energetic-and , successful business men i .of Binghamton 1 1a dio his sesidPiic in El .naira,,on Saturdify afternoon. He - had beat 111 but two or three - days. from an attack of pneu monia. He was a t4u-of strong individuality.. He . was perhaps most` remarkable for bialfaculti of Influencing men, seldom failing to carry a point. He Was eininently successful in all his undertakings. .Seetninitly the' embodiment of intelligent public spirit, liberal with his wealth and i ef a social disposition, his popularity was assured. • " . • .:11 the 'title .of "Doctor" would inaicaie, .he was'lL 'Although • Successinj his profession and • continuing - init.for, 'sever'al years after coming to thiS , is . practice was . gradually, 'dropped' when e(imblercial en terprises took .up his...time land attention. Be came to this city in 'the yearl.Bl7, catering into partnership with E 7 l4layor . 31cIlinney,in. the drug husiness• about. a year later. • Business.re latiOns.were also. formed with other prominent business men : and extensive operation in real estate was among the enterprises of the Doctor. Perhaps .the greatest of his undertakino . ,was the building of a portion of the' Erie Railway. He was instrumental In having the line of the road changed. from: the original circuitous route via. Susettehauna street, to the present direct route. . . • - . He erected a very pretty residence in, the oak grove hetween the railroad and thostreet bear-. in; his name,. Shortly titter ' r he ; settled here.— "Oa kwoOd-Cottagel l , Was one of the . rnoo, hos pitzkble mansions ii. the ofl3inginkniton i ',and the scene of many a social,gathering. The structure was torn. down a year sir'. so agb by & IL el Coinnany,i who inkie-Purchased Wean:wads rof their railroad. - About the year 1858, Dr.. , Eldridge retrioyed :from this city totake:up his residence 'Be was at the r timea Director of the New York & Erie i- - ailroaa. was one of . the,or 'guild proprietote,if -the :projector, of the rolling mills tit. that' dace and made a very profitrkble investment. .That, City owesionich to his enterpese,tip . jjb acralltv... To, tide, public generally, the beautiful pleasure grounds,. El-. Eldridue.Park, will':remain - as a. monument to him. One. of the latest :and most::preminent undertakings, in which the Doctor has been in terested is the newly:opened Elmira. and State Line Railroad, He has. seen the , project cessfullY carried out. _ _I • . ;-: . Edwin Eldiidge vas about:sixty : Ave yeass r:f age, and leaves a• wife and danglito—the mlfe of a leadincr Elnaira - -A4 mourn loss.—Binglulmton Times. MONTROSE RELIEF SOCIETY.—In presenting their first 'annnal report, members of the Montrose Relief Society tiiink it due to their patrons, not only to render an acnount,of the funds entrusted to their,bare,:bat:alio to give, some particulars concerning the origin andaim of the society.: • During tne, winter 01,874. tam attention ol some ladies was called to'severalcase:s of desti• Action and siCktiess in,the yalleyiand itfter con ferringtegether :decided - 10 solicit lielp and.if possihle make thise persons eamtortat)le, Several familles of span 'children s and ,women were reliived during tlle winters of '74 and '75. But ,;the members applying for assistance, creasing, it seemed .desirable_ to organize kind. systetriatizethe Work. Therefore on the :21.ak of January, 4870; fourteen, ladjeej,inei, at' th'e . , - residence of *rs. Win. L. cox and fdrmed a Society whose object-ishOuld be the - assistauce of the poor ourtoivn and vicinity. ' The I - fallowing officers -were ele - cted Pres'. dent, Mrs. Win.' L 4 Cox r Vice President, )Mrs : : Willis Deans geeretary, Mrs. i.littwas;* treaa ,tarer, Mrs. Miry Simmons ; Mang Couimit tee, Mrs. Susan Case, *A. D. §mith:t.Tisiting Committee, .Mrs. Alex McCollarn; Mrs. Theo dore Lypto. Tbe paytrient'of ten cents consW tuted any pers9n a member and,tims our first fu.nds were 'raised; • The soliciting Cumgilitte were 4indly recelY;- ed and met with it,PrOmpt response 'to their: call for help, receiving: $4BlO in money, and!, $7 in groceries_ and dri goods. This fUnd was augmented by th(i gift of $20 . 50 the proceois . of. a lecture ,:kindly given 11 , 1r..Iyarriner. for our benefit and' for which 'the An . etet,Tfeit graft.: ful;coming ae it : did . :at a , nionient when their 'arida:were nearly exhanated. - Th e SnclAy re ceived. besides, many yards - , of cabeo. and elOtb ing from various friends maitlng in . all VA GO received. '• • Twelve destitute. families have been provided with food and ,clothing; and those who have engaged in the Work have found it more blessed to give than to receive:.. This *kciety having been-. signally bletisied and prospered, during the past year earnestly appeals for continued help : in. carrying on its work during the year 187 q.. now numbers thirty-seven members. Thexfollowing officers have 'been elected to serve tor the year 1871 : kresident, Mrs. Wm. J. Mulford ; Vice. President, Mrs. Chas Smith ; Secretary, Mrs. Henry Turrelli Treasurer, Mrs. George Lathrop ; Visiting Committee, Mrs. J. Beeler, Mrs. E. Rogers, Mrs. A..lsichols ; So liciting Committee, Mrs. M. Simmons, Mrs. Corwin. 001.)a 1 GOODb! , ; ~.': t .lEXet,wcilerL -• • Sae Just , reeo;ved an- . . , • J . ? 'INTII* - ITEW' STOOIt OF MENS . BOYS'' AND, ' YOUTHS'• •, • y • •• .CLOTHING, • ' prices to snit thiiard times, ItifilS' SUITS, S6TOS2S BOIS' &YOUTHS' SSTOSIII Also a lire D'i:GOO'DSi - HA.TS CA.PS; BOOTS AND S' NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS; Cheap for cut. No' charge chargeer for ah6wing our gOods. \VAL= ItAYOKS..; Nets M.lll9rd. 3fay ; 3d; 1876.1.4 f. • TARBELLAIOUSE.•- qrposres rns.eouleTtlOD'SE. ALONTROBB,PENN!& • JOHN S.' TARBELL, Pao 'it. Nine Stitgus and Hacks leave thie lionpa,dally_eon nectinci with the Steyntrose Railway, the Lehigh .Valley and the D. 1.. &W. Railroad A pril 1 187:4 , . ASSIGN EE'S NOTICE: . • -. • . • ~ )- .' . . . . - Notice is hereby given that N. W. Eastmau,of Frank%. lin Forks, havin, made- a ,general Assignment to the undersigned for the benefit f his creditotic all persons indebted to said Eastufsn, are ; requested to make im 'mediate payrcent.and all persons having claimsagainst him to present the same duly verified to. •- , • -; - - A. LATIIROP Assigee.,. . NOV. 1876. , p EGISTER'S 1 4 4 - OTICE.-PuBiTO No tice is hereby ifiren to all persons COncereed. in the followiug estates, to wit : • : Estate of David S torisi, late of great dee'd, ' Pernula Kent. (late ltoo•ra) Administratrlx. , • Estate of-John Drinninx. late of New Milord' -ditod hollowly W Cobb, Eseentoi: • - • Estate of Edward Clark, late of Biv.q'a Depot; deed,' - Philip Brady, Adminitrator. . - Estate of - Edward S Wright, late of -,lli6Otlyn: di e'd, A Weston. Adxn'r. • -That the accountants have settled their aecolnits W. the Register's (Mice .111. and' 'for' the 'County of Siisilite.; hanna i and that the, nine will. be - r presonted to tlie . Jud_ges of the Orphans' Court on ThiirsdaY. thellAtt day; of Jaa nary, 1877, foreohflentation and allowance. • • H. B EARDSLEY. Migi titer: Register's Office, 3tontrotte, Dec:6, 1876, A rDITOR'S NOT.TUE.- 7 -'The 34- Ow:led an And itor appointed by the Jiidges of the Orphans' Court of Susquehatina County: - to 'hear ex: cepr.z i ons filed to the final Gnardian's account 'in the es tate of Clara Tineley (late Potter) Minor, B. D. Potter Guardian, will attend to the duties of said appointment at hitt otlieb In the Borough of Montro e, on Friday.the 29th day 'of December, at 2 &flock at which time and place nll person: , Interested will make ktowri their or tie forever debarred - from- coinitt in or s4lll. fund. .! • - • -• "•• WM..A : - CROSSNION Anditbr. „ Dec.. 8,1876. • 60w4 • A UDITOR'S NOTIOL—The uudersigned .1p Audit: .0.11-or aprlolated 'by theCoqrt Comnion Plead 'of. Surquehanlla Counts% on' exceptions flied to the final account of'A. ,Wells, tlonimittee cot the eslote df - Charles Powell. Mantle. to auditlald exceptonb and , accounts. will attend to the duties of hla i appointment at hikoffice in the Borough' or Montrpae, on Friday the 29th. day:of :December, at .1 o'clock uL,`, hr which &hue atd pinch all persOne Interested will attend ,andanakc known drhe towel. debarred of 4 nearhw thdieriftor. D..,- 1816. Ike • • .:* *,, P . LOTTAuditor:: e. . • -150u4 AL - `I:TDITOIi."B, - NO 'lrpder eigneit an toilitti appointed by ` the - ,Ottkiume ,eonrt ot , Mietiticbaxmo i ooupty=to djetrlbuteiturtaode• "remilottit ibith o bootie vtg. M.TeivittbuO, kaarreofi :be eslatt t• of, ! . D. will: attend tr the duties of his appointment at ,hie inlktoatrtigis .9443sturday. Dec. Saki" 4.1' Nbieb Uwe and plkce..all persons .intoreAted with-preeent their . ehimis or be forever' debirreil' froin cptiiing4n _ea said' • t '• ijec.ll; 18* 7-‘"1111-.1/1" FRABElBeAtfailot!,'• . , - • • : ":4150,4,;1;.- A UDITOIO MlloE.—`2llc , ttudep: 4 - x:si g n e d havinilieen,Lappeletml an auditor bytlity Cotittof ultra 'Co.. id distribute the funds remaining in' therbottdo or 8.1). Theinos,administrator the estate. Alvin lipringer. Omitted: will_attend'to'the duties of bis - appointment'at' the of fice's:o Hod. L. 1 0 . Viten in Montrose. Friday. Doe,r29.nt ceelo. k p. tn.; at .which time at:idyllic:a all persons in terested will present their claims or be forever debarr ed. from coming In en said lands. - - D. T.,IMEWSTER, Auditor Dee. 0, 18711. ' Ifilbv4. • • • `ATIDITOIVS-NOTIOE.—Tna usDEtt lagnei having ))ego appointed hy the Couriof CoMmon Pie e, of equiquehafina County, ou Auditor. t 9 distribute the.fUndiin cdurt mainfrom ilberifi sale of.poreonal property . of Geo Terwilliger, will mien() to the duties 'of his appciLatnient at hie on ce i n fttentrittee;on .the -2.3 th .day of. December et o , 4 i ne k-,p. at which time and ploce uli person* lineteetvd,- mutt present thllir claims or be' forever de-` btigedirfml c9Fdpg pa ~ c,: 13.,L t 111.&I,Dwit t Auditer, -lififitfoise NO; ASSIGNEE'S SALE' OF ItAt, ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that in' pursuance and by virtue of ariorder of the Court of COTTIMOIL Pleas 01 Susquehanna County to me directed I will e x pose, for _sale at public vendne at the mill on the premises in Franklin To,waship,sald coun4, - on . Tuesday, Dec. at 'll.- o'clock'; a, m., the following .described pieces of-land, the estate - of X' W:FAstmati, assigned to me in. trust 'for • the benefit of • the . creditors of said' Eastman,. viz' : The:first piece situate in .Franklin Twp., said county, begin ning on the.south line of highway leading from the turnpike to the salt works on the west lire. of .land viewed by Benj. Merritt, thence west, ahing said 'fiighWay 8‘ rods; thence south paral• :lel with said Merrit's west linolO rode ; thence east .parallel wi h said highway 8 rods to said Merritt's west line, thence north on said Mer ritt'a-meat to the place of beginning, COlL taining-one-holf. acre•ef land, mOre.or less The second, an equal _undivided' one-halt in terest in.' the foll Owing deieribed'piece or pared of land,beginning at the highway at the noith westcorner of the first. above described premi .thenee-knith rind along•the tine of said lands west line of lands of Benj Merritt, - thence, Ackiktl l op radii Aerritt's line to the, south bank of the milt race running to the saw mill formerly owned by David Fisk, thejice wester fir eking - Siff 4io' far 'that 'a Brie running north parallel 'to the, first , mentioned lines to the high Way ineltide three 'acres 'of land, thence east along said highway .to the place of beginning Ora:lining three acres of land more or less. • • „ ' ' i ll TERMSLOn'ttie fist piece f' . o ,e.- Of acre cash down'. 'on. , -day - OVsale..' Oa: the , second piece, $lOO down on . day of sale; 4 . 290 on final confirmation of stile and giving deed ! , and the balance' w ith - interest - from final confirmation, one-hall in §ix months e.nd. f the otho• half in rear, from tho da : te, amount unpnictop giving deed to be secured by first jiiiimentlien on the A: LATHROP, 'Assignee. Montrose, Dec. 6;1870. , A SSIGNEES' SALE. Notice . hereby glyeitlitat the'subscribera:tesignees . Sidney . Fitin,lot 114e - tiEkinietit of hia . cretittOrs. bror der of .the I.Voart . iof.Common .Pleas ofStisque.haitna County; wi I expose to - publ.t Fale..to . the highest 'and best,b,idtlee. at the. iusidetcu of Sidncy,Plua-tu Lenox:, • r A , , ;• I• Saturilay,,,Dqoenber 30, , 0;76,1 at In o'clock a. rn,,.tlu. three folitAving described plee.ea of land all situate in tenbx, in said county, to wit : FIRST- .I,!ke ttnoiwn as the Shish farm Aonnded vorthenily liy lantis of •Dr.: thin: Hinckley, 'Heel Hiuckiey and . H. P. Mlsteld. east 'br.tha public highWay.`sontli briands now or lati of t , !MN. and west by lauds of H: P. -Halstead and 8. L . Ti ff any, con taining 85 acres more or lees, 50 acres i mproved, with framerhoute'..baru and fruit tree thereon. " • SECOND---Bontided •ncirthernlf by lands of Philip iticKeen and Frank Shisk, easterly by lands of D r W. Clark, southerly by, public highway.and westerly by. lands of Solomon Ta)lor r , coot atnii:ki iO 'germ more or. less, 25 acres Impiaved, with frame !mute, barn, and fruit trees thereon. • . • THIRD-Bounded northernly by Dr. BRIT Ilinckley, castcriy by lands of S. Taylor, southernly by land of E. Hinckley and Q. W. Walker, And westerly by laud of Thomas McLean, William McLean andhe pnblic highway, excepting and reserving always th re it fforn about 100 acres off the south end of , the same,s, ld by Sidney Finn, December 2d, 1872, by contract in writ ing to Oscar 0. Finn, as follows : B%dnning. at the road in line of 'lands of Thomas McLean, Wm. lMicLean and the widow Stanton, and bounded on the south by their lands. on the east by lands of S. Taylor, on the north by other land of Sidney Finn and on the west by the public-road, leaving in the tract to be sold 10 acres more or less; on which is a dwel ing house, barns, etc. TERMS OF SALE—Upon the first and second p!rces MO. each down on day of sale ; $250 each , on final co;,firnistkon of sale and givingdeed and the blance on each ,piccd''..one-half in six months and oneLhaif in It mains with interest from final continuation of sale. Upon the third piece POO down ;*5OO on llnaf.con ur ination of sale and balance with interest from that date one half in 6 months and other half in lit months. The amount unpaid on each piece at final eonfirMation'ot sale and giving deed to be secured by first judgment or mortgage lien upon the premises with'interest:- • Dec 6,1876. ADMINISTRATORS 'SALE OF REAL ESTATE. , • • • •- •z • • .In purstalnce,of Amurof the . Orphan's Court of Susquehanna tunifty,- thd:undekt-igned Admil,i-trattrr 01 Ille..erlate of,John Connelly. - deceitEed, will•st.ll at Fa!ebli the ,r6il.lseS, in Choeinint Town.thip, on WpintisdAy JanuarylB77. sib o'clOcb; p.in.,•the following real estate, to wit : A certain lot of land situate in tlu Township f i t . % t • ,u o unu_, • County of Sutquelpoila, and State. of Pennsylvania. described, as tollowii,- to wit . : Beginning at the Comer of• n lot contracted to °llamas Flaherty in tne line of Wm. Gongin's land, thence running by the said Goggit's and .others east Ti anti two-ttntlis perches. thence intuit by laude of John V. 0' itkley 105 -perches. thence west by hinds of the 'late Caleb Car mai t and others Wand t.s*O-tentlii• Perches to another coiner of Thomas, Flaherty, thence north 105 perches to ,the place of beginit g." containing 56 acres, more or less. , ,eerin,in Jot of land situate in Forest Lake Township County, and - . State. aforesaid,' described- 41 fol loWto.to. to the center of the new road ; funning from. the, Milford and Owego. Turnpike road to tit. Joreph in Choconnt ,township at the line or Hiram Thather7a land * thence north along said road sk) !ampsnorth 3 degrees we•lt ,381 perches to the line of 'ttaraps Ittloutty's laud, thence south 53 degrees east .M perches - to the cOrner,of. lands surveyed to , s: Quin, thence south 20 degrees east 76 peached, thence sonth 87 degrees' vrest 28 and 111 x-tenths pr rehes, - thenee n ortk 63 dearees wtst. 31 perches to the place of .begtneleg, containing seventeen acres more or less. Tititfts—sloo on day of sale, WO' dhal:cantlrma- Ittm, and the balanee one Year thereafter with I uteresa, ' 1 " / ' -`• ' "1110XAS .D9W;Adininistrator: • 0 . 1 ./9,c° l ,”Ats,Rectrfi - 4836—: - - =buwB SSIGNEE'WSALE ' . .• • • Ete• • • • • 'Or fib • MO* • , • ~, • !•4 • tlt tgZ a r ° r l e r i° l7 2 3OlAt nyil nndeg Cdlvl: at Public sale, et the Court Donee in Itontrooe, on Saturday, llteernbei '3oth, 1876, ,; at 1' n c 'clock p. nr., the following described real estate, All . • • tbltt Ccitain' &Yin -pr lot Of land situate in the TotOnehip. of Dlino4,l •In the county .of Scisquehanna, and State of Penneylva- Ws, hounded on lho'lorth.by laza of Charlet Dif•lry. on the east by silk 1. 4 010, on the south by inad of Fred ric! Fargo hid John'Young, and on the wet , t by a pub highway. containing 107. acre* 4141102 perches, more or, lees.' TERUFp"--$5OO on , dad :et sale and the balance on linalconflrmation. „ • A. 11.1dcOOLLtif.. - • • • , Assignee of Win. Graves. "Dec. G. 181t1. • bOwB • , . 'A.LL .WROIVI IT MAY CON - Thellubserther kritipnmet to purchase *oto,givai by Jameifildsur or twobty IViol' dollars ditto about, ti()Y, 113,1810, dim in. tlerty .daysjus altbOut-ecinsidbititidn - obri - not be • - , thOeoh4t,11)0:3:5:18/10,' 80113 S. TAYLOR : ; EDWIN" STEPHENS, Assignees. . , pOw4