PIIIIIOTOWI. iLIVE AND LEY LIVE." A FAUDX,I:BALLAD. Weill Fanner .13mitIP'has, 11::ist. his wheat,, his seEd and mammoth Van ; • Ilia little boy with one small match binned up the whole concern ; 1:tell 'you wife, he'll leei it sore; a man on raon- Can't stand up under stick a load when noon eared a cent. I don't know as I pity him-; I call it a great sin .'! tn hoard the harvest of, three years in spacious barn and bin _; tem% feeLpity for a man who doubly locks his door, And stops his ears to all the cries that come up from Ithefiool% I like to see economy ; I like to see'men save And lay up something .for their kin when they are• in the Ire Vel i-• • ; ,; .But you and I know very well, froth what we ,--.botkhaveneen, , • . , There - isii‘ Ifni which 'ishen crossedi man. geta.to be mean.. • , . • Whin wheat was sixteen shillings--a price that I paid us well— ' 'Smith said : "rll wait for twenty, 1 vow, before , • sell e , Then, when it reached - that figure, he said to' me one nom ; "I gimes hold it longer, 'twill be three dol ' -lars soon." He held it, and ran in debt for things to wear ;:and eat • When merchants dunned him he would say : “Wait till I sell my wheat." Boon that old tune got Addled but, and the men began to sue, And he began to borrow to pay accounts past due. When Smith goes off to buy a thing he spies . around the town, And tries with all his .might and main the price to banter down, • When he has anything to sell . 'tis priceless in his eyes, And he must have the highest price—the low est when be buys. • "Live and let live" are golden words ; the other motto t,oo , • "Do unto others as you'd wish teat they would e.o to you." . If Smith had done as they command, he would not have to-day „ The ashes of three harvests to load and drag away. Wife, if you take a berry and dry it in the sun, 'Twill shrivel up till it takes two to make the size of one. bo many a man, in grasping gain, so shriveles up his soul -, , That never expand again while life's years o'er him roll. God bless the fanners of the land 1 They are all not like him. . . Who walks around the smould'ring pile,now in the twilight dim,- \ Liiing on God's broad acres, their souls expand and grow, Their ears are ever open. to tales of want and 4304 bless the men, where'er they be, in country or in town, Whollo not think it life's great work to .crowd their neighbors down l This, world it , would be better, this life would • pleasure give, If every man who toils to live would let his • brother live. .IkNIIINS' ALARM. BY PATCHIVB BOY. "Zech !do you hear I Oh I dear there's rob 'bens in the house as sure. as I'm alive," cried Mrs. Jenkins, in a low, timid voice. , "Wake • up, will you ? Oh, Lord I all the new silver is down stairs ; there's all the orna ments' on the mantle, and the new lace cur tains—they'll be sure to take those . ; they'll spit on the: new carpet; and we'll be ruined," groaned Mrs. j. ' i She struck her handil against J.'s back, but there was no sign of awakeilog. She struck again --harder this time. -, - mWaszer matter with you ? Lay still, will you ? er-er," drowslly . muttered J. , . "Zech, Zech, there's robbers in the house I" "Ifey I her waz zat you, say ?" exclaimed lath; as he raised himself on his elbow. •Burglars—" "Yes, but what' do you want me to do 17 J. asked, now fully awake. °Why, go down and hunt them out.` Yer - abet afraid, are yer f" "No, Amanda, I'm not afraid, but there is no sense' in going down. 'Suppose one of them Should,be laying behind the. door at the.head of the kitchen stairs, and, as I attempted . to • pass, should brain me t Pleasant to think of Ain't it r shivered Zech. "There's no need of : any going down now, 'imanda, they must lave gone, I don't hear them." ; “Tbereethat, noise , again '; 'now. Zech Jelik. Ins; I watt•you to go dein, or if you don't I will, and tell all - the neighbors what a - nice toward , you , are. Will you go r almost yelled 144 41. "rn go but I'll say farewell. Let me kiss _UM haby, : for I :will nom, never sec it In ten minutes I shall be a corpse." ; "Istow,'„Old man, you jist get out of tied:and 49Wiiitp you hear, you ahlyeriug wise; 4. 9-00414 . 1ficofild." exclaitned J., as he put tregibling foOnut: nr, bed: "Where are the sr4teheil" 4 1i-1 teke that xocking:thalr. altiraiS" ,iaene's - ' cried 447 0 1405..-Around in the Oil dark. "I Aid them—deuce tali.) that Pim" "Now, if you want to find them, they are on the left hand side. I think you are afraid to." "rve-golrthem," was the surly reply. "Well, light the gas here and go down, and don't stand there shaking like a leaf.!! "Amanda, we've been married nearly ,five years. Haven't I always been a good 41341 true husband to You, bought you new bats that cost ten dollars each, and striped stockings at two dollars a pair, and pin back dresses; and' high heeled boots-? And now you would -have me go down there and get inurdered-- , - nay, don't interrupt me—murdered, I say,, most foully ; yea, slain in the most horrible manner, struck on the head with the furnace crank and knock ed senseless, throat cut from - canto ear, eyes blinded with cayenne'pepper,,and then stabbed to death. Farewell, I forgive you. ' Tell the baby boy when he grows up that his father lov ed him and that he died bravely ; knowing that a gang of murderers were in the home, hei,ot out of bed, went down stairs, and defiantly faced them, but was over-powered and killed. I don't owe---" "Here,2seit Jenkins, I don't want any more of your elOquenee. Yer got to go down any way and find out what's the matter." "Well, l'lt go," said the almost tainting mart, as he moved slowly toward the stairs,shivering, shaking, and quaking with fear. "Go, go,". :exclaimed Mrs. J., as she followed him to the head of the stairs. J 'now slowly descended ‘..to the hall and. lit .the gas therein, and being urged on by Mrs. J. moved toward the basement stairs, but hearing a noise, jumped, turned, and ran quickly np stairs again, opened thu window, and screech ed, "Police Murder ! Thief!. Watch l'" etc. I A policeman passing by heard the cry, and was promptly on the spot (note this some oi.e,) J; ) threw out - the key and bade him enter. He Met him in the ball and explained that some robbers were in the house. The policeman led the way down stairs, J. tremulously following. Policemen cautiously opened the door, and lo I what did he behold but the cat tossipg a ball up and down the room. Policeman looked at J. and smiled. J. look ed at poli‘zeman and grinned—a _pale, sickly ghastlytrin, mote like in idiot: a Emile min gled with pleasure and fright. Policeman de parted after taking a "nip," and J. went lo bed again. Who has , not been frightened by a cat ? But Jenkins swears his wife shan't hive a Christmas present this year. - A BROKEN-HEARTED ORPHAN. About 10 o'clock yesterday a stranger was seen eliding into an alley off Limed street west, near Third, and those watch ipg i him presently saw him remove his hat, ana gash it with a knife, and then cut hie cloth,' in several places. He tore off part of . his coat 'collar, ripped two buttons off his vest, and,gashing his hat once er twice more, left the alley as . if he had just come out of a hand-to-hand fight. Walking around to a blacksmith st.op, his hand on his stomach and his body bent over, he plaintively asked "Am I in Detroit V' The blacksmith said he was. "Thank Heaven I- I was not sure. I have heard a great deal about Petroit and its good ° people, and 1—" He paused there and leaned against the wall as if suffering great Pain. "What is the matter ?"asked the blacksmith. "Oh ! It's everything 1 , It's the loss of my filthily by a steamboat explosion—it's the death of my uncleit'sthe way I was abused in Chi cago—it's owing ' o grief and anxiety; and bun ger"and woe and poverty I Mr. Blacksmith, and my days are counted. I am a doomed man.. Could you let this broken-hearted or phan have a shilling or so to buy the last , meal he will probably ever eat on earth ?" "Well, I don't know," Mused die blacksmith. "Oh ? this heart r exclaimed the stranger, pressing his hand over his right lung. "I hope you'll never be left an orphan—never come up and marry—never lose your family—never be attacked . by fifteen Chicago roughs, and get stabbed all up this way. I'm= dead broke— heart broke, and feel like sitting down here and dying." The smith was feeling for change, when a party came in and said to the stranger: • `•Hera, you light out. I was watching you in the alley." "This heart—this poor heart 1" sighed the man. "I tell you to git up'n climb, you base swin dler." "Give me pack my five dear children—my noble wife—niy bounding stAp—my—" "I'll give you some bounding step 1" inter fered the enraged blacksmith. "Here—there— this—that—now you trot off I" "Stabbed by Chicago ruffians--shot at in To. ledo—kicked in Detroit—and now let nurdie l" exclaimed the abused orphan as ho crossed the street. - • But he didn't expire. He made his way to a carpenter shop two blocks up, secured 10 cents, and then went to see the soldiers monument and eat apples and crackers. A CROSS-EYED WITNESS. "Do I nnderstand you to Say, that you were on the-counter-with; your back to thedefend ant and saw him slip=s bundle , under his coat asked an *attorney ora witness in court the oth er day, ' "Yee." "Well then, hoW could you see what the de fendant did e • • - - . "Why you see, I'm crom-eyed, and -thateh &ales Me to see over My shoulder and ses wlist Is gOmi on behind'my !mei," replied th'e Y wit ness. - _ n . "So ' y our pretty daughter 'hai married a rich husband," said a lady to an Aberdeen merchant. "Well,' slowly replied merchant, be has married; a rich mau, but I UndCr staud'hu a very poor husband." „ . . so.t.yo._,Cain."-i'iiiii"ilB::',..`:.:-_'".'-'-'z' •: . .., :,....:. .! :: ' ; i • ~-, ~ .::: , • •• , ~,.., ,:, .; , ,i , - , '=.." :t: , '- -.:,.:- -, - - -. 4 1 - 7 . e . ' , THE - -. - DEMOCRAT - ' DEC. -- '-:20 - 1876 .. 9 - ft BulusErtLYDßE,Lifr°Nss cAR— VP OUSTERHOUT, HA.IIFOR,D, PA. Repairing done on short notice, cheaper than the, cheapest, . .. First-class Pbtetons - - . 1010 Buggies $l3O " "' Lninber w agon s. - - $ll5 Plr tforms from $l4O to - - $lOO 4 • 46 Swell body Sleighs, - $ 'l5 • BLA.CKSMITHING: • - To shoe per span new, - - - ig,so corkand set • _ ~ : - $1.40 set per span. - : ' - $l.OO All work Warratited. -Ctia and examine my' stock before pnrchasing elsewhere. - • W. OUSTERHOUT. Itnitord, April 26, 'lre.—tr JOB WORd. . AT THIS OVIPICH,CHEAP sF4l2nrlileles with name i e ts. 2io i. .laslislesißens.Co.NX.so. . $5 00 A 'MONTH to Active Men sellini oni Let ter, copying Book. No presS or water used, Sample copy worth 113 00 FREE. S4md stamp for circti lar. EXCELSIOR M'F'o. -CO., 99 Madison and 13'2 Dearborn St.. Chicago. ' 50 FARMS, with trait and improvements at xonr own fig - FARM tires. Catalogue. with maps and Photograph- PARKS le l illustratione. telling all about Maryland and FARMS Delaware. eent tree. c 50 , FARMS; J. P. MAN CH Dover', Delaware. ' DAWSON'S Improved Adjustable SPRING JIABED supersedes all others in price and du , rabillty. Sent to any address for $6. A business as sistant wanted in this and adjacent counties. Circa lami free. 60 C. D. RAWSON CO., 921 Arch St., Phila., Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT CENTENNIAL HISTORY '7; It sells faster than any other book. One' agent cold 47 copies in one • ay. Send limner extra terms to agents. NATION/d o PUBLISHING CO., Pailadelphia. - 60 CENTENNIAL CABINET. 24 41-LIIMINATED VIEWS of Centennial and State buildings. as printed on thel'grounds during the Exhi bition ; size of each, 63ix434 ; price 50 cents, prepaid ; liberal reduction to dealers ; sent to any part of U. 8. or Canada, post-paid. ROGERS tt. warn, Printers ann Engravers, 429 Walnut St., Phila. 50 TRIFLING ' WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. —Use _ WELL'S CARBOLIC ThBLETS. A sure remedy far, COUGHS. and all diseases of the I'IIROAT, LL'NGS, CHEST, and MUCOUS Mad- BRANS. PUT UP ONLY IN . BLUE BOXES: SOLD EY ALL . DRUGGISTS. 50 C. N CRITTENTON, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. BANKRUPT SALE OF MILTON GOLD JEWELRY. We will send you on receipt of Fifty Cents, one pair elegant engraved Sleeve Buttons, one set Spiral Studs, one Collar Button, one beautiful Coral Scarf Pin, one Gents' Watch Chain, and one heavy Wedding Ri ng. Above lot used to retail for $5 50. Four lots will be sent, post-paid, on receipt. of $1 50. Jewelry circular , free. ..tddress W. W. BELL Co., Phila., Pa. 50 Agepts wanted for the Story of 3131.aielesr FLOSS, Written by his father. A complete account of this most Mysterious Abduction and eAciting search. Wn h Bac-Simile Letters and Illustrations. Outsells all Eith er Pooks. One agent took 50 orders in one day: Terms liberal. Address 50 John E. Potter it Co., Publishers, Philadelphia. • HEADACHE.. ' • ••• DR. C. W. BENSON'S CELHRY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS are prepared expressly to cure Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Neuralgia, :Nervous ness, Sleepleaoriess, and will care any case: Price 50 cehts, pootage free. .Sold by all druggists and country stores. Office, 106 North Eutaw Street. Baltimore.3ld. Reference : U. J. MISTER, Cashier Howard Bartk.Bal timorc, Md. 50 Late Immense Discoveries by STANLEY and others arejast added to the only complete Life and Labors of Livingstone. This veteran explorer ranks among the moat heroric figures of the cent - a, y, and thitsbook is one of the mort sttractive. fascinating, rienly illustrated and instruc tive volumes ever issued. Being the °nip - entire and authentic life, the millions are eager for it, and wide awake agents are wanted quickly. For proof and terms address HUBBARD - BROS., Publishers, 7713 Sansom St, Philadelphia. ELBOW-ROOM. MAX AMER'S New Book. Just 'published. Will outsell any book in tLe field. This, brightest of hum orous books. is profusely illustrated with most laugha ble pictures by Arthur B. Frost. Will sell by reason of its beauty and cheapness. No other book published possessing such general fitness for the wants of the present times. Agents who wish to make big wages wanted In every town. Tempting terms and circulars sent, on application to 50 J. hi, Stoddard &Co., VS Chestnut St., Phila. GREAT BANKRUPT SALE. OF JEWELRY. On receipt of 56 cents we will seno,post-paid, nil of the following pieces, viz :, 2 pair aold Pitted Engraved Sleeve Buttons, one Set Gold Front Shirt Studs. I Col lar Stud, 1 Wedding Ring. 1 Roll late Watch Chain and 1 Gent's Ro'e Coral Scarf Pin. We offer great bargain merely to draw attention to oar business as we have all kinds of watches and jewreiry at low prices.— Send for Catalogue. :COLES & C0.,'135 Broadway, Now Yo rk City. Ready for Agents—The CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION Described and Illustrated? A graphic pen-picture of its history, grand buildings wonderful exhibits, curiosities, greet days, au. Pro. fuselyillustrated, thoroughly popular and very cheap.— Is. selling immensely. 6OOU AGENTS WANTED.— Send for lull particulars. This will be the chance of 100 years to Coin men ey fast Got the only reliable his tory. Hubbard Bros., Pubs., 783 Sansom St., Phila. . CAUTION Be not deceived by premature books, as suming to be "official" and telling what will happenln August and September. - 50 Ma ct o bi ti ne & t Hamlin Hari been unanimously assigned the ~111,4Etaalch. In the' SEVERAL REQUISITES Cif such Instru7kents, at the . • .tr. S. - CENTENNIAL 1876 , I and are the only organs assigned this rank.. Their su periority is thus deciarair, net in one or two respects only, bar in ali.the important qualities eau organ. A Medal and Diploma have Also been awarded them, but medals of equal valve were awarded all articles deemed worthy of recognition. so that many makers can advt.!' tine "first medals" or "highest awards," . Comparative rank inexcellence. has been determin ed by the Judg,es' Reports alone, in which the MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS are unanimously. assigned "The • bIittiT . RANK In -the sevens' requiAtes" of such in struments, and are the' only ones aseignedthis rank.— Eee Judges' Itiiports. This result was not unexvveted, for these or,gans have Uniformly. taken ,bigliest awards in such competitiona, there being less than six excep tions intundreds of comparisons. They were award ed firstmedats, and honors at Paris 15117. Viennalbag,' :Santiago leos, Philadelphia 1876; having thus been awarded highest 'tenors at Every- World a , Exhibition at which they have competed,and being the only Amer ican organs which ever obtained any award in gum)°, NEW STYLES, With improvements exhibited at the CENTENNIAL ; elegant, new cases In great v»riety,—. Pricer very lowest tonsisten , with best material and workmanship. Organs sold for cash or Installments or 'rented until rent pays' ;Every organ warettated to giro entire satisfaction to every reasonable purchaser or the MOM returned- Illustrated Catalogues sent free. MASON & HAMLIN' ORGAN CO.-151 Tremont St., Dostou; 25 Union Square, New York. 50 0" PRIOR 'UST. Duchy & Co. ATTENTION ALL! CLOSING OIIT SALE . Will, offer for . sale on SATURDAY , I,TOV!lifitER their entire 'stook of We will 'Offer OVER ii - IFTEEN THOUSAND, DOLLARS' WORTH. at Panic Prices regardless . or of Profit Cost, We intend to close - out, the entire Stock in SIXTY DAYg.' We mean • what we say and say : just ast' Oar• Stock unuenally large and attractive, Consisting - of all ,nc ! dern styles of:DRESS. GOODS 'AND TRIMMING, DOMESTICS, etc. Our' Stock 'Of oYer °patois unusually large, 2 ' and we do not 'intend to .keep . , Nov. 22d„ 1.876!--11n. A. S. MINER, BINGHAMTON, , wuomsmaa IMAM IN . - BRONZE LAMPS, OPAL LAMPS, ALL GLASS LAMPS, HAND LAMPS, BURNERS, WICKS, SHADES, SHADE HOLDERS, &c., &c. IBNICIAL INDUOJIMBNTB IN EVERY STYLI{ Of FLINT AND COMMON . CIIIMNEYi AALSO,NANIIYACTITESB 01 iirmar r.geor.esaysza, - vcr..aastio. Prism Ghsarantsod at Low as any Hausa in iiknalsorn Row York. Addresalq Mall promptly Attends& To. Nardi 81,1375. ,A. MINIM. BEST JOB PRINTING •r THE LOWEST RATES , • • • , We are continually adding new ;Material to our Office, and with our Large Stock of JOB TYPE and FOUR 'Printisig Presses. we Defy Ceintetition • Both in, Price and Quality, either in- Pills Black or Colored Work. HAWLEY ,43b OBINUEL : 1144X0.NTTIR.06:1E1 PLANING 'MILL LUMBER YARD! In order to better accommodate the community. the undersigned has established a depot for the rale of Lumber Manufactured at hit newly-erected building on the:old Keeler tannery 131te,in the 1 HEART OF . TOWN where winks kept constantly on hand. A full stock of WHITE AND YELLOW PINE, HERLOK OAK, ASH, MAPLE AND BLACK • - WALNUT LUMBER, : • which;with the aid of the most improved machiney and competent workmen.is preparedto work Into any shape to meet the wants of Customers. WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INCL7DING SIDING S FLOORING, CEILING. _SHINGLE AND ' LA.TR CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Planing, Matching, Mouldings. and Scroll Sawing done to order.. WAGON, CARRIAGES & SLEIGH, k v ti f , i +'Llii lii:-Ttii ILO :4•4 in eenneetlon with the above establielikient. tinder the management of Mr. LH. Rogers. Zernmine our work before leaving our orders elsewhere. 'Repaidng done Proins l 7- ' - , 1 A. -LATEIRuP: Montrose. September 19th. 18115. OR 1876. F 'JOB' PRINTING A. SPECIALTY. With -our four pressei, aJarge assortment of plain and fancy job type, hoiden, inks papers, : cards, etc., and experienced workmen, we are prepared to do . ' Ali Kinds of Job Work • • at the LOWEbT PRICES. PremptlY upon Icelpt orde4 (by mall or otherwise,) , • we can furnish • Weddiutlnvitatlons; • Envelopes, Bill Reads, Statements, Nate Heads, Box' Labeli, Show - Cards, Admhssion Tick . ets, Ball Tickets, Law Blanks, A.ubtion Bills, Large Posters, Small Posters, Bottle Label's, Calling Carcis, , Address Cards, Business Cards, Invitation Cards, Pamphlets, Business Circulars, Wrappers, Tags, - Dancing, Pro/Mumma, etc., etc. JIA.WLEY BvORUSER, Kay 10. f Democrat Mee. WHAT Is TAyronts CELEBRA.: TED KLEOTIIIe ? It is a medical prey arition - ; the chemical combine* tion of. which lesuch -as to ; neutralize unautered pro— perties when applied toman or beset. • . What tett for I! • • • For, the cure of any kind of vein. israeness,or wounds or for anythhur requiring an outward application. ) telt as good as other lthaments for.theme purr:leis ? Yes, and better. , .What guarantee do you give of tots 1 1 1, fi It,deei Dot prove so, after using alltbe return the empty bottle idler. you got it and got your meney back. — • ; :Mgt arnagento ter tho fate of this medicine t the,ikonorte end dealere,bl reedtuhtuttoteikt re 4 `and throughout *a country. - July 811, L.I:,N,P4w milavitD, Pk; DRESS: - GOODS AND CLOTIiiNG; them iner. H.. & W.' T. DICKERMAN. FURNITURE. At W. W. Smith & Son's ExtanitieFurnitur' o War:root: you willind thelarges _ • stock o f FIRST CLASS AND COMM.OIi Ft? ].l 1rei:711.13; To be fotpid in Able section of the countryoof hie crim manufacture, and at prime that mulct lail to give Ball fiketion. They make the very best "ir *:441 DIMMAS 01 D;;1 1,11 In the Country t and WARlL§lrrtheii. T 7 32. co IL is tory 'CV c 6 z• Of all lends done in the neatest makner. 119 1:°;Elt. 'X MT Or 3B El 'MI a OP VARIOUS KINDS. PURE, NO.I MATRASSES, AND COMMON MATRASSEEI U, N R,TA K I Na The subscriber win hereafter make t ot. ridertazing s specialty in his businessl 'laving Snit completed a lEW and the mcst elegant HEARSE in :he State, a needing his services wi ll beattended to promptiyand satisfactory charges. !• WM. . SMITH k SON. Montrose.Pa.. Jan. 81 1772.—na--tf. IM P,ORTANT , '''ANNOITN CEMENT - • C. &' ` A COR-TESY ;333ntrir; , NERCHAIit . -TAILORING; .112 0 1 / 1 1, -NEW STORM, .•• • . • • - . , . NO. $1 Court ! Street. ••••• ; • - - ' We would reapeetfully annottnee the public that • wettaveremoVed to our new and spacious store, No. 31 tenter of Court and Water streets. and are filing it "with new atocic:rf goods that have just arrived. Oa stockof Dress Goods‘ Shawls, etc.. are of the very lat est- Spring patterns and styles and purclosed for cash. when the market was most depressed./ In the line of Fancy. Goods. !foolery, Oloves,Hair Ooode.Ribbono, etc., our stock is unsurpassed. We have also opened a Departtr cut of Merchant Tailoring, 'ttd beve just purchased a large stock of the latest ptyles is the line Of (nOthS, CILBSi mores, etc., end of the *err best. qualty. We have employed to' take charge of this Department. MR. T. 1). TAVT,OR., long the )eading and most successful cutter in ttis city. and who guarantees tt Perfect tit.. Mr. Taylor did the-se meting of the cloths.•caAsimeres, trimmings, ote,. fbr 'this dep trtmentovbieh ellould - satisfy ‘all that we have ,the lilted and most fasb ton..ble styles• We coldielli thank-burpatrons for pastfavore, and fro4lllo th eta and public generally that we are bet ter prepared than ever to, ;supply anything in our Hue. Wa omit lourpitromi g es O. & A. CORTIINT. inollountisit. April 1k131(1. KINDS AT THIS OFFIu A- •