MMMEEM THE "MIER." Onde upon an evening bleary, While I sat my dreamy, - dreary,,_. In the sunshinerthinklitenver: ,.-. V Things that passed in days of yore ; While I 'nodded, nearly sleeping, Gently came a something creeping Up my back. like water leaping—. Leaping upward from the floor ; ins a cooling breeze," I muttered,„ "Proui thalegions ' neath the '-` Only this and nothing morel" • • Alt 1 distinctly I remember— It was in that wet September, -- When the earth and every member Of creation that it bore Had_lor days and Feeks„bedo soaking .lii the 'mallet; lima loggy rains that, without joking, We hid ever seen before ; 150 I knew it must be very Cold and damp beneath the floor— r Very,cold beneath the floor! • So I Sat me nearly napping,_ In the sunshine, stre tch ing , gaping, Craving water, but delighted With the breeze from 'neath the fiber; . Till I found me waiting colder, •;:Amt the Saddling' grOwilig holderi And : friyself,a feeling ol4er- 71 - , •,,c; Older than DI f‘ltlaore :v Feeling that my joints were stiffer Than they were in days of yore— . Stiller than they'd been before I • Alt : along' my back the creeping Soon gave plitfie 1& Waiting, leaping, f' As if countless frozen demons ilad \ concluded, to explore All`the eavities—"the varmints I" 'Twist me and my nether garments, Up into my hair and downward hrough my boots into the floor ; Then I found myself a-shaking, Gently first, but more and more—. . Every-moment more and more. 'Twos the "ager I" And it shook me my very clothes, and took me Shaking . to the kitehenevery , Place. where there was warmth in i3tore; , Shaking till the dishes clattered, , Shaking till the tea was spattered. Shaking and with , all my warning . Feeling colder than before ; Shaking till it had esbgusted All the powers to shake no more— Till it could not shake me more I Then it rested till the morrow. Then resumed with all the horror That it had the face to borrow, Shaking, shaking as before ; • • And from that day in September— Day that I shall, long remeinher— It has made diurnal visits, 3-1 Shaking, shaking on so sore I . • Shaking off my boots, and shaking Me to bed, it nothing more— • . , Fully this and nothing more '! And to-day the swallows flitting Round my .cottage see me sitting Moodily within the sunshine 'lust inside my silent door— • . , Waiting lot the "ager" seeming -• ,Like a man forever dreaming • 'And the sunshine on .me streaming Throws the shadow on the floor— For lam too thin and shallow To make shadows on the floor -- Nary 'shadow any more 1 ' LILI,A!S TOIII.ORRO W. Mrs. Rubens sat by the open window of her little sitting-room, with -an unfinished piece of work in. her hands ; but her hands had, drop ped idly in her lap, the white weary little 'fin gers refused to take up•the shining little needle. Tell-tale tears atood in her soft b]ue eyes ; but she wiped -them quickly away, as she, beard Lilia open the door and come up stairs with light, quick steps. Ulla—xi:tit the summer sunshine -inlet. hair like wavesof zold—with her Soft ,eyes shining like the tender blossoms half hidden under the green lees of, the .iriolets--with 'the pink . blushes klssed;'hiii cheeks into 'loveliness, and laughter waiting en her red lip. What won der that the z mother's tired eyes grew ,bright again as she watches her darling's bright young face. "What )las happened to you, my love? Your face is as klad as a rose." - lt ought to be glad since such good fOrtune 'hits come she said , smiling. "Poor mamma, you've grOwn tired waiting for it, I know." "Tell ma ail about it, or I shall fear you have dreamed it," Mrs. Rubens replied softly. - Lilia quie.kly divested herself of bonnet -and shawl, and drawing's low stool to her mother's side;sat down and leaned her head against her knee. . "I, shouldn't' wonder if you had f orgotten that it is the first of May to-day," she began, • looking hex mother's f4ce; "but 1: never `!forget it wiiren it comes, for I th ink it is -the sweetest 41,1 . , of the year, l So when lessons were over,l; took my boxlof colors and those bits of pinir;board that painted white _last week, and went up the bill to gairier's hollow?' • And LiliiWoipedlto take one ten& breath-of deligh%3o4lo-bermother_ntooped -- -tci'lliii her glowing cheek. • • "Everything was beginning to brighten, mamma. The softest of south winds crept through the grad :With iooiutrm r rig caresses ; the flowers were coming up in beautiful des tern all the hollow and. overheid---liiilie elm trees—l . do belieye a hundred . happy birds were singing. I shall paialr some day m a in. ma." • "And LabsiflOokittitrand Aid mother, "only you mu3t paint yourself in it, Late * "Ye4,7ol4soBelsor- c 'sald doubtfully , ; "but I tNhiliit would ti p , pleer;- But lam coming to the best part of all now so listeginainnia. Tha , l 'Onistie.d a hazy, tine iky, had sketched ,k,dlatany -Softly against it, and a little lake in, the foreground, half-bordepd ; ),lrltk willows,, ;When a shadow tell upon my picture, and : 19oking up, I Sawn tunny little eld man- leaning 9rt , 43,Lick: anit looking at my work. He latighe4, then sighed and said, just as if he had been talking to bimsel4 'lAqi - 1419 C,4* - young and to. irk% you.ii," 4 3trow you know, mamma, (3 .eFr 1 4 0 4 4 .Y.. and I faupSsai did, ).pok • 3 4010 c1:980).;for he sighed again;lidd inilksdimourpfully, •I won't hurt your tender heart, fur4he,w4rl4, But don't you eee_YoOliiri left put t , the ,shadri ow: O A e sev it ' ittitdoWil aid. It's Alay-day;:iterithlitliht* don't I,:a EMI= ixiy r siorld,on Maiday.' 'That's just it,' he isaid sighing again, as if he saw , nothing but shad ows. 'That's just it, my child. You are young and' gay hearted, aid Ulf the world looks bright to yon ; but the brightness faded to me before you were bork' * When came to look at him he-didn't-look so very old,either, not more than forty years old ; but he did look as if he had htid. soma yery,great sorrow to ,bes,r.7 : , "But who is he, Lelia? I.bOrle you don't:of ten have such.adventures, or I. shall be afraid to let you ramble about alone. He may have been crazy." Lilia laughed joyously.. ' "-No, no','Mailinatt I, Re is as 'sane asTain- He is the gentleman who has bought the beautiful house on the hill, and he is an artist : and, when ham.not giving lessons to those tiresome , little Dolly,s, and Miriam% and Christables y 11e is to give me lessons'; and' says that be ean:SPll. My pi tunes for me—all that lean paint." "But, Lilia, lessons from a great artist will cost something ; and how much can you pay him?" •-. - "0, that is the best of it. Hp don't want any pay nitilhe has sold 'thy- , pictures", and he 'says 'I shall be rich." Mrs. Rubella hesitated a little while, but could Aot,resist the pret.t,y, 'pleading: face' lifted , ~to her own i. and set the, next, l week found Lilia ' taking lessons of the strangeit artist, and mak ing a rapid progress. ,Even' ; : er, muther !who knew her enthnsiastic* tempe, ament, was Sur prised to see what she accomplished. ' ' ... '..The weeks went by more rapidly than they :had ever gone >p. before ; andliha" had finish ed four pictures—charming little landscapes in summer and autumn colors. She had been at home a week, helping her mother, who liad'not been as well as usual, and had not touched her pencils, though she did look longingly up the , hrighi hill-path almost every day—when one day a servant from the house'on the bill CRIB? to the cottage with a letter for Miss Lila Ru bens. Letters with Lilia Were not every day occur ances ; and she pulled open the envelope with sparkliqg eye and glowing cheek. Tlie color did not .fade in her beilutiful cheek when four rustling bank-notes dropped out from . the folds of thick satiny paper, - Her mother - picked them up. in silent aston i3hment, while Lilia read the letter. • When she had finished the, last line she tos sed. it into her mother's lap, with a little cry o delight.. "Twenty. pounds, mamma, tor my pietures . ! What happy to-morrows we Avill have some day ! •We will have a home of our own sweet dignity andfneierllle tired' and careworn . sny more..' And we •will make: little summer:. ex cursion out into the world and see the beauti ful placelliat I hare; dreamed oE To-morrow won't be a dream then, mother, but a happy reality." . She did not tire yet of talking of her to-mor row, wlich already , glimmered in the barmen with a rosy light •until her mother kissed her and told her she must not sit up to see it. • "It wilt come all the same, darling, whether 'you wake* or sleep ; and you must be up early; so as to go'and thank your, artist friend. See, he does. not; sir.n hts name," she continued,, smoothing out the cream-hued paper ;'"and it is strange that nobody seems to know it." ask to-morrow," said Lilia, laughing, "and your curiosity shall,be satisfied" But when Lilia, after thanking him in her -own sweet fashion, for ,taking so much trouble to find a purchaser for her pictures, did ask him, he was mute, and a vexed :frown crossed his' features. Her own face was ..:overed with crimson blushes in a moment, and at-that eight he smiled again. - • "I have been your friend more for your moth er's sake than for your own, child ; and'you may tell her that I will call to-morrow, and see if she remembers Hugh Murray." Lilia • could scarcely wait till she reached home to find out the mystery, but she did*not discover it then. . • Perhaps , Mrs. 4aben's dreams had been 'hannted by a pair of brown eyes that used to look lovingly into her own ; perhaps she re membered a musical voice that used to ring in her ears in the careless days of her own girl hood. Be that as it may, when. his name drop ped fromplis's lips she 'turned away without *a word, and shut herself into her own room, where Liha dared not follow. - • She was 'away. giVing a lesson in drawing to. Christable - Golding, when Hugh Murray called at their little cottage ; and so did not see the pink blush on her. mother's face as the_oldlov ffr took her hand ; she missed seeing the tear that stole down 'the pink cheek as he told her over again the story he thought he had' told so. mpuy,years befOre. "Ma you really , wrotame-that, Elngli f `And you thought me 'heartless—when< I your letter _ Lilia heard that ranch-. as she Tassedander Ahe:sitting-room window . ` and she rtiehed i liack just in tkoe.tO,see HuitiMurray kiss her moth er's cheek.' And the mystery was explained!' It teemed kpfeer at first, of ,course ;:but Lilia maks seri sihle child, and made the best of "it.; ,and.tbllaY ehe Is queen of Hurray Hill. Spoiltd, as her Ad queen ui 63 , ,mother constantly „asserts c hy her axtistfriendi Lilia laughs and Wages her head and runs out info the gaiden,to, wander Ap z andl' down the loge borders, , and, wonders :when her ro 'mince' ' But her to=morrow will surely 4' certain physician hart large-card' hung up Irrhis Office with _these , worsts w ititottrtierson "04k agents an4:l peddlers Charged $5 an hour foiconverstiOn." The other day tbciekagent :tame and was jest beginning a rigmaiiile about "the latest and hest -work on—" when the phy sician Pointed to the card{ Alp (read the-IW.orda ;over bqt once, when he banded 'the physician a $5 bAl i and , wo to. Comineueo "otiers tions agalti:NiTheii.Atiej *Min-ot. medicine )304 irgi 'obikiri' 000iiita keep - irettri money, - n -me your subfrm puo4 POO& has Ow, !might, 4ttried of Derringers. ••••• 0 ' . DEC. Y: , . . ESIOCRA.T • - .1 4 3 - , ---1876. BUY YOUR WAG G ONS,, CAR-=' RIAGES 'AND SLEIGHS, PA. Repairing done on short notice, cheaper than the cheapest, • First-class Pliteic;ni . • 44 44 Buggies, _ " `` , Lumber wagons., - • Pfr,tforms from $l4O to Sisell body Sleighs, - BLACKSMITHING.' c. fig it. To 'olloe per span new,- , - $2.50 enikand'aet - - , „ • - $1.40 se t tper - . ' : - $l.OO , , ' All work warrauted..,. Call and examine:stock before putebaslog eleerrhere. Markt : ll, April 26, '76,4-ti . , TORIWORIK•,, • THIS OIPTICE,CHEAk sso o: ttrtp-Ny Ing ro A orc t,i t i z l ' .6 7ti p e r n e s i s so o l r l i w ni t b e t r i ti r t l i t Sample copy worth 000 FR Ell. Send Wimp for circu lar. EXCELSIOR WIrCl. , 99,Madkon and 182 Dealiotml At., Chicago: ' • • 50' . . . FARMS vitli . frult and Iprovement.s at your own sg-; FARMS , urea. Catalogue:, with maps andphotograph• FARMS is illistrations, telling all about Maryland and FARMS Delaware. sent free. _ , , 50 FARMS' ' • , J. F. MAN CR t i , Dover, Delaware. T) AWbON'S Improved Adjustable SPRING JIBED supersedes all atners in price and du rability. Sent to any address for $5. A business as sistant wanted in this and adjacent counties. Circa MEM C. D. RAWSON & CO., 921 Arch St., Phila., Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT kIENTENNIAL HISTORY ' It tellsfaster than any other book: One agent told 47 copies in one 'ay. Send for our extra terms to agents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING Co., Pniladelphia. '5O CENTENNIAL CABINET. 24 ILLUMINATED VIEWS of Centennial and State buildings, as printed on the grounds during the Exhi bition • size of each, 63‘x43g ; price l 0 cents, prepaid ; liberal reduction to dealers ; sent to any part of XL S. or Canada. post-paid. ROGERS & WRITE, Printers ann Engravers, 429 Walnut St., Phila. 50 TRIFLING_ " ' ITII A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. A sure remedy for COUGHS. and all diseases of the THROAT, LCNQS, CILEST, and MUCOUS MEM BRANE. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. SOLD BY . ALL DRUGGISTS. 50 C. N CRITTENTUN, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. -BANKRUPT SALE. OF MILTON GOLD JEWELRY. We will send you on receipt of Fifty rents, one pair elegant engraved Sleeve Buttons, one set Spiral Studs; one Collar Button, one beautiedl Coral Scarf Piu, one Gents` Watch Chain. and one heavy Wedding Rine.— Above lot used to retail for $5 50. Four lots will be sent, post-paid, oa receipt of O. Jewelry circular free.. Address W. W 4 BELL it,Co., Phila., Pa. 60 Agents wanted for the Story or • - . • I=4.c•gss, Written by his father. A, complete account of this moat Mysterioni diodaction and writing. search. , Wit h ac-simil.. Letters and Illustrationl. OutseN ail ea.- & B',oks. One agent 'took 50 orders in one day. Terms liberal. Agidress st) John E. Potter Co., Publishers, Vhiladelphia. , , , . H HEADACHE. • ' DR. C. W. BENSON'S CELERY AND ( - PaLS are prepared expressly to•enre Sick fie:adaehe, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Neuralgia; Nervous ness, Sleepier-ness, and will cure any case, Price 50 cents, postage free. Sqld by all druggists and country stores. Office, 106 North Eutaw Street, Reference : G. J. LESTER r Cashier Howard Bank. Ba ltimore, Md. • • Go'. Late Imhiense Discoveries by STANLEY and others are just added to the 4tMly complete This veteran explorer ranks among the most heroric figures of the ceutut y, and this book is one of,the most attractive; fascinating, ric bly illnitrated arid instrdc tive volumes ever issued. Being the onty entire and authentic life; the millions, are eager for it, and wine. awake agents are wanted quickly.. For proof and terms address lIVB BARD BROS., Publishers, 733 Sansout St, Philadelphia. 49w6 MAX , ADELER'S New Book. Just ..priblished. Wtll outsell any book in tLe field. This, brightest of hum orous books. is profusely illustrated with most laugha ble pietureg by Arthur B. Frost. , Will sell by reason of He beauty and cheapness. No other hook published possessing such general fitness for the wants of the present times. Agents who wish to make big wages wanted in every town. Tempting terms and circulars sent, on application to 50 3. M, Stoddard At Co., 78 Chestnut St., Phila. • GREAT BANKRUPT SALE Ole JEWELRY. On receipt of 50 cents we will send,post-paid, all of the following:pieces, : 2 pair Gold Plated Engraved Sleeve Buttons, one Set Gold Front Shirt Studs. I Col lar Sind, 1 Wedding Ring, 1 Roll I late Watch Chain atidA Gent's Rose Coral Scarf Pin. We offer great bargain merely to draw attention to oar business,as we tave all.kinds of watches and jewelry at low prices:- 841 d for Citalinne.. 50 ICOLES C0.,'733 Broadway, New Yi,) rk City. CENTENNIAL ' • Deicribed and I.llnOtrated - : A graphic pen-picture of its history, grand buildings wondeiful exhibits, callosities, great days, &c. Pro fusely Illustrated, thoroughly popular and very cheap.— Is selling immensely. IS 000 AGENTS WANTED.— Send for full particulars. This will be the chance of 100 years to coin money fast Get the only reliable his tory. Hubbard Bros., Pubs., 733 Sansom St., Phila. • CAUTION Be not deceived by premature books, as suming to be "official" sud . teill . ng happen in August and Septsznbei: 50 .... -- ---, • . ason ,& H. e• lin ,-, -i,_ , .- • -•:.--,•- Cabinet Organs .. bliiiii - Unanimously assigned the 'Have' ' • , ~.-• JE'first 1--t.a.33.16Th. In ~ Ihe SEVERAL REQVISIVPS, f 'Ewell - Igstruments _4t.the: • - • ) , ... .. , II S . CENTENNIAIIiz: •. _ . . . 1 8 7 61 • • . and are.the only organs assigned this rank. Theirsn ,perlOrity is thus-4641414 4 4 in ,0116:f or .tiro respects /onlyy , m , but all-the iinpo int qualities bran:organ. -A Mediland Diploma have also been awarded them;. bin'. .triedals of equiil:Value were awarded all Articles deemed _•trotthy of recognition, so that many. niiikers.ctn afly‘r , -, pod liirst medals" or "highiiit AiVariiii. , .... .. :.: . - .1.-. .-, ,•, Oopaparativi rank in excellence, bag been determin ed bY tbeJudges' Repot 4_, Alone, in whien.the MASON - &-'IIA IRIAN ORGAN - Rani,unaninninSly„assigned ."The ..IRST RANK In the. several" relintsites':' of:such: in :strutnEntsiltildnr.).tbe" .'only.nneS,asSigned this rank 4.7 %, See Judgce epo ri s. ~.:Th le rnSa I t Was:net unexpectott. forrthesuotans hitild:Uialformly 'taken highest awards in such competitions,. there. being less than six excep ..timui in hundreds of, Omparisens, ..,Tlioy were award 'ed Orel medais;ittillionors at Pails 18-67, Vlennsll37B,• .Santiago .-IM, Ptiladelphia 1876; .having thus been avi'ar, gl highest . 'honors at Ryery.:World s gxhibition lif.w • len they have competedoind 'being the only Ainer••:- Ica organs which ever obtained any award in' Europe,: —NEW STYLEti, with improveinents!. exhibited at the • CENTENNIAI,'I,oIegant new :eases in igrent Variety..•-- . '-Priceivirery -I,meg:consistent% with, beat misterhiFand - r wOr.kin a n ehlir., Orono wild forcaSh or instalimenta.or rented until rent pay!. .EVerrorgAn - warranted toltin • ~,entlirlisitisfsetion tweverireastinsbinfpurchaser or the Money M return 7, Jilitstruted.eatalognes sent free. '„ .40 & - 100 N• ALIN -ORGAN . 010.--4 Si - ;TrOmtint 2f3. Bt., Boston ; nion Squarei New, York. - '5O PRICE LIST. Dauchy , k Uo. Fancy Curdle 11 itylee with name 10 eta. 'oat paid: J.B.HustedsNassan.Rena.Co.N.Y.lso. Life and Labors of Livingstone. ELBO W-ROOM. ATTENTION ALL ! M'Ready for Agents—The $230 $l3ll 8115 $l6O $ 75 W. ME TERHOUT. EXPOSITION ``,9l:ol' ) .SATA H.: - -.,:,--,., Will offer loi , sale,oil SATURDAY; NO VENtB:E_R,_ 25t their. entire stock of i .t 777= We ~'will; Paoid!.it, Prices regardless of . PrOfit or! WA. ; ^. 'W.e .i4te44 in er ;mead tive - say; and 'sas '•jost lwhat we mean . . MEM - • - Our, , Stock ie Unusually 'large and attractive - &insiating of 'ail tried _ styl es' of D R ESS GOODS AND I r TRIMMING, DOM E STICS; eta, :Coate:. is unusually large, • . and. vfe.' - dii,tint in tend to' keep . - • t over. . . Nov. 24d, MINER, 13,INGHAMTON, liiriIOLBSALS MIAMI IN • ' - _ BRONZE LAMPS, OPAL LAMPS, ALL GLASS LAMPS; HAND ,LAMPS, EURN L ERS, WICKS, SB ADES, SHADE HOLDERS, &c., &v. EVERY MU: Or. fillNft: - .,:AN11 COPIOL:TRINgt, srxw a - JELVDAL..waviroa w4Li:txs. .Pijoes Guaraitioeil ma' tow 44 any House 74 &mewl% Hew York. Address7 l lby Nall Promptly Attepdad Tos BEST JOB PIEIIINTING 4 • IYe are continually addiag. new. irtaterial to iour office, - aid - with our • v . • . Large Stock of JOB TYPE and 'FOUR Printing Fiesieiie Defy dOmepetion • Both In Price . fii;(l Quality; either 'ln Platt Black Colored Work., . . wrcr. - T'llosEt PLAMNO:::,'MILL LUMBER. YARD ! In order to better accommodate the community, the undersigned has established a depot for the sale of Lumber Manufactured at h 1 newly-erected building on the:Old Keeler tannery Elite, in the • • HEART , OF TOWN where willbe kept conStantly 'on hand. stock of WHITE AND. YELLOW T'INE, HEMLOK, • " OAK, ASH, MAPLE AND BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, which.with the aid of the moat improved machiney and competent preparedto workintosu:ky rtkape to meet the wants of Customers. ' WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INCLUDING SIDING, FLOORING, CEILING, SHINGLE AND LATH CONSTANTLY ON HIND. ' • • Planing, Matching, Mouldings. and Scroll Sawing done to order. h ; WAGON, CARRLAGES 51a10:11, DIAMIM I 4C II 9" • , , in connection wit n. the above eetabliehment. under the management of Mr. B. H. Rogere., Eseutine our work before leaving your orders elsewhere. " •Xtepairing done promptly. • • • - • • t AL , LATIIIII00: 1.1 ma/tiros°, Beptembei lath. la7s; .` ' TABANLT'i; I 9UsB. , ' .'t • ,• f ;: •. , : ',I", • • 'cy a :t einearts atilisn; • NON I I I ROBasP1INIrk• - IC, •!' . . , ; 1". '•rf 5 ; • ' • : p .; JOYIN'S.fei VA.Ii lIEL L; Pictß t - -Iliad Stag,* ant-Hacks leave ' tkiln-Mcinse dalltpo necttntr with tho Montrose Railway, the - Lehigh - Talto n ; Ititiltotin slut the D. L. & Vor.ltallroad • ' April 1 . - • • WILIAT IS TAYLOR'S CELEBRA-. TED ELECTRIC OIL ? ;' t; 7- , It is a 'medical preyaration ,• the chemical combina- Men of which iv such A . e to , neutralise hilhatured Pr o +, portico when hpplled to hum or . 'east. - What is it for _ •Fot the cure of any kind of pain.lanieneis,or wounds or for anything requirinsan outward application... 4 1 Is ft as Rood as other I &meats for those pn rpm** t. Yes. and better. What'guarantee do you giro of tab If it`does not prove so, after using . 011 the Die t uele s ; MATO the empty. bottloosharelnu 00.4) And get y our money back. Who are o thil ttAl s or,4dW44l 4 ,titlirniadlefna 4411 the liad datlertfii medicinal)/ ilfentioiie and throughos the conut37 , July , .IS NEW MILPORD' PA . 1 ' (i . ; • , inpEss GOODS, ;AND . CLOTHING.; SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN MANUFACTURES OF i t 4' t ~ i S'a ..'~"iliiS+~ i~~ .: .:t -0101f,ERMAY 11. ..864.• T. .DIOK*O44N. ;.+~ mirth $1,1875. AT, THE LOWEST SATES 1.7 1..1" :7, !„ • '1..; , t ; FURN MEM A.t.W.WSmithk, Son's /4tensivelitrnittre d th'elarges , , " • stock o :..: -RIESt QLASS AND COMMON vIET.IFLIV .1E "1"11:Trt.331 - • - To be found 41 this section of the country,pf his own 'manufacture, and at prices that cannot tail to give Batts Iketion. They make the very best . EXIEN . SION TABLES In 'the Countxy, and 1:7 ip h o 1 id t cor 3s. Cif All kinde One in the nestaat mat.ner., 10 ' 's 3 39 Ti OF VARIOIISKENDS. PURE NO;I:MATRASSES; ‘AgD:.O) 7 MAI.O,, JK.iTI.4.SSES. • N. - D -E R T A ICI N . G ~; The subscriber will hereafter make t ndertaiting specuilty 'in hia bueineee. Having just completed NEW and the zee st. elegant HEARSE in the "State, a needing hie eervices will be attended to promptlyand • satisfactory charges . Wit, W SMITH lc BON. Montroset.Pa.; 13 1 :012.--no15—tf. • I M POICIIAX(1 1 AXNOUNCEMENT ~{ a ~. . 0 ay A. CO R T ESYs 7:P3itir iiai•coco7:4o.l • f >~g ,_,. flat - ~.~ •~h , .~.?<. ~~C cr''l=~ ~ iiiiii~g~ .11 , :1 1 1* .NEERCHANT: J., '0R,1N0..-' ,; AT Otrit 3914 W 8Z4)841 ' • •- court Ofrait•:.. „plc - Ws would reapectle4 atiaotnite to the Obit's that We have remirred to tit_ new 'add spacious , it tore. No. St conker ofAlourt'and Witteriitreels.and are all it With a new etoci et goods that have Just arms& OW stock or Praiiiiaoods, Shawls, Otc. are of. the very let ' est §Prl n g Pait4ivi agd , styles Oh pureed ler tea When the market-vra,s most depressed. _ • - la the line Of •Pinry Goode, 'Nosier Uloves, near , ,q , Ribbpubole.,. 9ur stock , is neourpaSsed. We had alpo opened a Deps'iteent - •14 3fOrchstit Tailoring, and Aft • purchased • a :large stock. of the latest styledin the line of Cloths, Cam si pierce,- etc., elide; the very best Ivo' ity. ' lrirrn employed to take iluirge of *Ale Department, *L • 'Ai .D. TATUM, long the leading and most successful cutter in this city. and wbO always guarantees•ii perfeet fit. ?dr:Taylor did the se 'Whig of the .clpths,..oassimerep, , triennia" etc., kw thle department, which should satiety, all that we have the latest and ninettiebloCable styles. ; ; We - cordially, tkank ,eur i vatrque for pelt, taTerlheau promise there Audit .pablitlea entity that, wo are bilk Set rtePan4 Illatrgr t to i:sappir anythineinar flak • lie solicit paronage. Iliposaios, April 9,111171. 1 iI 1 i =ME ESNS] , i' -, ;, • r ~ ~ r ' ,' A. S. MINER. HAW LEY & CRUSE& :~.~ ; ; ~ o C. As A l OCIRTBIT,