whentie gave his order one day for a wi.of..modk turtle .soup., - "So it's you, is it ?" said he. "Yes, sir, it is I," iittid • "I think you might have gone iiitii some more creditable • business,” said he. 4 .‘Any blisii4o . oWcreditatfle — Which hob esAy„supporika retorted Erminia, Tra rid can ,suggest,..and ~ *prove anenfl'arn, re07,,i0 listp6.P *la little' Insol6-has grown in see.— • MiciOlaY:mtittered something about "distorted rdeasf!- - und then burned his tongue with his --hot soup,. ,while the young. banker's eleric;, ho' Came to lunch every day, ,and,sat oppusite,. laughed in bits elPeve. ."That's the prettiest girl I ever saw,' - 'Thought - Rudolph Penfield. "If fcCuld Ocid to marry, and she were willing—=! 4WO rather essential `ire,' by' the way —I Srauld make her my Wife. I don't think *at'l 'very disagreeable to her,.,fox Icutle and 'modest acsbe is, I can see the !color.rise to her cheek ~ come' in . ; 4iid I believe she' 'w ould be a -jewel of ,reat price to shine on the 'breast of the Ineky'man who wint3 her." 2. Three weeks after; young Penfield, had -waled more pOsiti*e on the subject. "I „must•haveler," Paid he. "Little•as the half, of my,salary is, it must be more `,t,lian she earns-here. And if My, uncle 400 ks favorably' son the matter of my ,Marriage, tie - 11 be sure to dO something liiindsome for us. bring hith here to •-see her. 'That-will melt • And the next day Rudolph Penfield,or "'tiered cold roast lamb for two=—himself and a portly old gentleman with grizzled hair and beard,,and keen blue eyes like January sky. • , "Hailo P said the old gentleman. daughter I" • "It's,Major Allies," thought Erminia. ,",,come here, my dear," said thellajor, 'you're a girl of pluck. I like you. • So does my nephew here: A' girl who isn't afraid to work is the girl for my money." And when, a fPiv months later, lin .aolph Penfield and Ernainia Ball were 'Married, the. Major took them home to his brown stone house on Madison liven- • ue, "Rudolph_rhust.keep on. wQrking - ,just , the Same," said the , major. can't af ford to support him in idleness. Bnt I .want Erminia in the house with . me. She's pretty, and I like to look at bet.; she's smart and.l like to talk .to •her." , • • The Bellairs Belton left their cards when they heard the ,young couple had 'been 'adopted by the wealthy Major Miles but Ermium never returned. their call. , "I have 'worked Out 'the probleni of my destiny wittiOut_ any help from them," -sbe said quietly.' .•• And :so she had. • . - - A woman once went home from church i praiiing the Sermon, and some oue said to her "Where was the,te,st ?" She had . forgotten. "Well, what! do you remem bei?" "Oh," said she. "I remember„to Vuni up, Any half-bushel l'• She kept store, awl bad used a false measure. She bad, heard' a good sermon. And elderly darkey was inquiring:of a pciliceman if he knew anything of his eon Pete. The policeman ;replied that there was a young darkey in the lock-up tor breaking kip k a prayer meeting with an wire' handle.' "Dar's , him " elxclitimed the overjoyed parent. "He told me he was gwine to 'muse himself." The census takers of-the Young Men's Christian Association of Jersey City report that there are "thirty. five saloons to each church in 'that city." ' Why a church should have so many saloons is something , can't : understand. - We should think ten would suffice the largest church in the city. • Neyer except upon one occasion; was a prominent _editor ,of a newspaper of lailitrankee r known to refuse to take a joke and that was the other day at tnon, when the - boys inked- hie epectacles and sent hini home with a lantern to apologize to his landlady for being out $ll midnight. is related that during a recent pub lic welcome given _to General Butler at Bangor, Maine, there was stretched Across a street, a flag, bearing-the motto : "Wel come to General Butler. the 'Hero of Five Forlit,"! , and ,God knows , ' ho* 'many spoons." Said a woman speaker . in a New Ha ven,4ogeolneOingi. tWoman in every respect is equal to man. Her reputation forberOlor-bricvery---" At, that momenta mouse ran into„sight,, and theleeturer jumped on the table. apd:iereairied; - A little girl four yeitts' ereated4 ripple by remarking to the teacher oflit• Bundy seh,rl:4 - elass : "Ourllog dead. I bet the' `angers was 'scared when they Saw. kikta epruing up , tne walk., He is arkwa: to strangers." . Presence of mind is, a great thing. A Flovd avenue man. whose wife was at. tacied by a mad dug, prompyferawled of a cooper's -shop, find did not get - hurt at all.- A man in Jersey City was urged to marry, but he replied-: ".I don't see it. My father was a . single man, and he al. its got along' well enough." . nqnsttive School Board Officer to Hibernian Parent : :tc : : Was: your boy horn Giason ?", "No, sor ;, an' I hope be never will be.' • 4 Sickness had impared his health," said a Wisconsin edit* which led a fi lial to remark : 's"Yer it often has that .6E141* hit 44 . 1liason 4 AD Sorts. *MMME .. 0 9p4,..4.10 ,gt000*0it..1::.,..t. THE. FARMEWS. SONG. , • We envy not the princely man, . .. in pity or in town, Who wonders whether pumpkin vines Run up hill or down • ' We care not . for the marille halls, • We. I IMor yet his heips of' gold— We wouldnot own his sor did ear •• . For all his wealth twice told. We are the . taVored ones of earth,' We' breath pure air each,rnorn ; We sow ; we reap the golden grain ; • We gather in ,the corn; We toil'; we`live on wluq, we earn t - And more than his we:do— We hear ni starving' millions round, And gladly teed then( The lawyer lives on prmeely lees, ' Yet drags a weary , life*; to'never knows a.peaceful hour-- . His atmosphere is Strite, The 'Merchant thumbs his yard-stick o'er, Grows rekged'at his .toll; He's not the man Godn meant him for— . Why don't yon'till the soil ? . The doctor plods through storm and cold Plods attis Patient? will When dead 'and gone he piodaAgain, _Taget: his lengthy bill. The printer, (bless his noble `soul I) • - He grasps the mighty, earth, ,And stamps it , in our daily sheet, • „To cheer the fa' mer's hearth. We sing the honor to the plow— • And honor to the press— .. Two noble: mstrume.nts:of toil, • With eath s poWer to bless, The pone,,the nerve, of this test age, - True wealth of human kind, One tills the ever generous earth, • 'The other tills the mind. A circular has just been published by the "Agricultural Experiment Station," of Conn., in which. 'is adliiitted the .n.& certainty of. resnits - in . applying commer cial.fertiliierS to lands ; yet farmers are interested in such fertilizers, because. they cannot make upon' their farnis all I the manure, they need, and may . have to' buy phasphates, guano, etc.; - but often without. much apparent benefit. The entire gist of the circular shows thatlar-, mers are entirely in . .the dark, -. (but-not plainly admitted) in. using any cOmmer cud fertilizer—that A. may . .apply kind to land with good results, whi,le 8., hiS neighbor, may apply the same to-sitn liar crop, and deriye no benefit at - all; owing to the fact, that the lacking con stituents in. soils vary -so much, - even . in- Adjoining - fields, that it 'is impossible to tell what particular fertilizer to apply, While stable manure is sure to be all is needed. ' The following extract from be circular contains the pith of all that s in it ofinterest. "Some time ago, an intelligent farmer asked the writer which 'as the better fertilizers, phosphate or potash salts.— The ,reply was, and I know no better one, `potash salts ,wherc potash is needed, phosphates. where phosphates . acid is needed, and nitrogenous manures where nitorogen is needed. But if you &lift, know what your lands lackg; and. . want to make sure of : a crop, and enrich your land at the same -time r use your nitro genous super phates and German potash salts together. The former will furnish nitrogene,,: phuephoric . acid, sulp hu ric acid and limes; :the latter potash and magnesia.- -Thus you will have a fertiliz er; with all that the plant ,need _a coin-, plete Manure. At the same, time it is well to remember that you may-feed your crops,. not only flirectly by giving'them these ingredients in guanos, phosphoric, potash salts, and .so.on, but indirectly by rendering stores of plant, food, present in the soil Or atmosphere, available through.tillage and the use of cheaper fertilizers, A little lime or plaster may be: thus . more valuable than an - amount of 'phosphate or potash salts that would cost several times as =eh." Feeding Stock In Winter . There are many men in the United States,: who .have _ purchased an extensive. steam apparatus to steam hay, stalks and' grbinefor cattle, and feed them.on sitea*- ed footl; but not think, thataciy faimer,''no matter, bow extensive Ibis steam arrangements may be; or how no merous his cattle, can save any expense in wiotering - stock in; thatmantief. Rot as a matter of interest to those who steam fodder, or contemplate so dOing, J annex what the . N.' Ei Fctriner- siyi in regard 'to this subject.:. "At, Mr. Stone's barn,, we saw the thirty. Ayrshires , of 411:' grades, from ten years or more down to, as many weeks; take' their evening meal of steam ed feed, which has been cooking several hours in a large .wooden box, mounted' on,-*heeli,for convenience in traffsprt ing-the. cOntents . lrotn the boiler to all, parts of the barn", floor. The: box' is the largest . we have ever seen used • for this purpose. It is about eight 'feet long by fotir feet wine -and three feet high and holds sixty bushels. 'Boil two otnces of hops .orie hour in nine quarts of water take, seven pounde of mashed potatoes, when the liquor is milk warm ; and add,one priund of sugar; two ouncesLof carbonate of soda;'hilf an ounce of spirits, of - wine, one pound of flour, and half ,a , pint,' 'of brewer's yeast to work it, , , , Fertilizers. Baker's Yeast. ' • 0#6.4.111iT THis NEWS TO MARY ANWAVORTB9DMIANNI FOB.. OOD p Ova is illiAtTliT REPRES . MN* VILLMAN HAVE MOVED TO THEIR NNW STORE THE 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK, (Setrle'e New Brlek,) . • Where they will keep on hand the bastes sorted stock of Men's and Boys' Ready-Made .#,4,o:3('w:s# : - 0. 9 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, 49,KERY, HATS, MILLINERY - GOODS, &C., , . of all descriptions and latest styles. Given A CALL and we will AT roc iitexay.— Terms. each or good paper_ Respec!fully. 7 1 1 S. PILIAIIAN dr, Co., -' NATION.IIII 4 • DUT GOODS & CLOTMNO EXTHORMS. BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, newest shades, • . 25 cents pvr yard, at S. P. & CO.'S- First National. • - _ BL'ACK AND COLORED CASHMERES, all shades cents per yard, at S. P. CO.'S First National. BEST CALICOES,Enew styles and fast co2ors, 6X cents per yard. at S. P. & CO.'S First National. HANDSOME HAMBURG EDGING AND INSULTING from 10 t ent peryard tip, at \ S. P. & CO.'S First National.. YARD WIDE BLEACHED COTTONS, from 8 cents per and at'S. P. u te 4'3 First National. YARD WIDE FACTORY, from 7 cents per yard BEST SBIRTINGS, new styles. 15 ets. per yard, at S. P. & CO.'SFirstNational. BOYS' INAOY-MADE SUITS, from $5 up. at•S. P. & .Co.'B FlrstNatianal. • YOUTHS' BIiADY-MADE SUITS, from $6.60 op, at S. P. & Cu.'S First National. MEN'S READY-MADE SUITS, frem $R np, • at S. P. & CO.'S First National. BOYS' C i.SSEZERE PANTS, from ;LBO up, at B.P. is 00.'S First National. MEN'S CASSIM BRE PANTS, from $2.50 up. at S. P. .t CO.'S FiratNatioaal. We nhallalsa keep on hand Gents' and Ladies' Un derwear of all styles; ladies' and misses' Ready-made Suite. As assistance to our experieneed and artistic tnilliner. we have engaged the services of one of the loading trimmers in New York city, and we guarantee our millinery department to contain the leading styles and trimmed in beet city styles, and our prices lower than elseishere Remember we will keep a full assort . ent of all classes of good. generally kept in first-class stores, and sour prices we warrant will be the lowest in Susquehanna County. Our epeciai buyer will be in the market at all Duns, and procure loins the latest noveltiow— Our motto will be. *4.l'uslice to Bear in mind we have ' a NEW STORE, NEW GOODE, and the LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE COUNTY. As an inducement to make large purchase. we will deduct, (on demand) on all cash bills of $lO or more, aye per coat. Come one and all Both greit and small - And buy your goods At S. P. & Co.'s First Ns tien-all. Respectfully, . S. PILLMAN & CO., First National Dry Goods and Clothing Store. 'Montrose. March sa, 1878. A NEW STOCK OF Crcooler3r, net received and for sale by. Q lIPERVINE For sale by A . LSO, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES; At the store of • gash C:o2 6 aa:iseabeee, For eale by Montres,e.,ADrili.lB7s. J.H.BARise. 1' H G. BLANDING I J. A. CONGDON Barnes, Blandimg & Co., j; able and Granite Work 0, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL iINDS OF MARBLE,; AND , , GRANITE .MONUMENTS. IMPORTERS : OF. SCOTCH GRANITE, 0 - Chen:lig° St., Near Depot, March - BI'NGILLNLTON. N. Y REMOVED AN -D . ENLARdED. GROCERY STORE to the building tour doore above the First Nttlo4 Bank. Public Avenue, (formerly occupied to/ B. P. Stampj where I have enlarged my stock of • Groceries, Provisions, ace. Pinvite cotitpetlthin both In quality end price. ; Please give ine'a cell and be convinced thet Ice n do you good. 'WILSON J. TUMULT,. lioitroie; , APill'id . :4676. 7 4 . 1.1 • W. CLARK. PRACTICAL - o CHINIST AND : 4IIIUN 8811T11. bus ocited on PublicAvellnit ( basement of 8,, C. Sayre's store building} where he Is twrepared to do ell kinds of Gun Bowin Kathine T e rhing• BIM Biting. Lock a repairing sod tight:neck= aljoos on shed notice, end on se rinisonabin terms 110 0114 done als•where. Antra* wantntAd. Order* bytudi promptly attended to. Tonto patroutee 111 solicited, all4=tstersaised.' '. W,,7!Xiditit.- 11111.1,18701 f. EMM up wards. at S. P. & CO.'S Pirstriaticial. FLOUR. [ZiexstntxD IX 1840.1 ' MANTLES, Sit ALSO. Lkari removed my w4LEN E. MITCHELL, ,PHY-, sictan and Surgeon,,graduate: of ithe Woman a Medical College of - the N. , Y. Infirmary, thee rear = dent physician for &year in the Woman's tloopital •irf X. Y.; after fonr yeartlractice in lon du Lac. Wia- COrtairt, has located' , in ontrose'. •Special attention given to diseases of women a nd children. Wilco at the font of Yalu Street.' in the old David Post home- Mostrole.Dec.ls,lB7s.—lim * nso • • HD. BALDWIN, M. D., HOME • pathic Physician , and Surgeon. has located himself at Montrose. where he will attend promptly to all proferelonal business entrusted to lila care.— : leM - Ollce in Carrnalt's•bnildmg, second floor, front. Boa* at Mr. E. Baldwin's. • Mdtitrose, Pa.; March 10,1875: R. w. W. SMITH, DENTIST.- Rooms at his dwelling, next door north of Dr. Halaey , t4 on Old Foundry- street, where he would be happy to see all those, in want of Dental W ork. .11e feelsconfident that he can pletee all. both in quality of work and in price. Office hours from 9 A. X.to 4 P. X. hiontrose.Yeb.ll,lB74—tf VALLEY HOUSE, GREAT BEND , Pa. Situated near the Brie, Railiay - Depot.— Is alarge an conimodions house. : Has Has undergone a thorough repair. Newly furnished rooms and sleep tugapartments,splendid tables.andall things eoinprfa lug a ilistclase hotel. . HENRY ACKERT, Sept.loth.lB7B.-tt. ' - 'Pronrietdr. • RILLINGS STROUD, FIR,E AND Life Insurance Agent. All bnelnese attended to promptly.on fair terms ..0111ea first door east of the bank of Wm. 11. Copper & Cp., PublicAvenne.liont roae.-,Pa. • - [Ang.l,lB6B.] • Jll7 17, 1872. I3ILiIXOu STROUD. THE PEOPLE'S MAIIIiET, PHIL - Hahn, Proprietor. Fresh and Salted Meats, Hams, Pork. Bologna Bansage.etc.,of thsibbet Anal ity, constantly on hand.at prices to snit. Montrose, Pa., Jan. 14.1878.-1 r DGAR A. TURRELL. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 170 Broadway, New York City. May 12,'76.--(Feb.ll, 1874.-1 y) L . ITTLES AND BLAKESLEE, AT- A-4 toreeys at Law,Nontrose, Pa. ()Mee opposite the Tarbell House. "H.S. LITTLE, CEO. P.LiTTLE, Montrose ,0et.15,1878. L.BLAILELEE A. W. COOLEY, BUILDER, STILL ON THE TRACK! - Every. style of buildings. erected, and everything furnished. at GREATLY REDUCED Parcae.' Contracts cheerfully furnished. Stair building a specialty_ None but caper' cinced worknien tolerated. . Montrose. March 22, 1876.-Byl Be DEANS, DEALER IN W., Books, Books, Ftationery; Wall • Paper, Newspa oers, Potket Cutlery,`Stereoscopic Views, Yankee Notions, etc. Neztdoor to the Post Office, liontruse, ea. W. B. BEAN& Bept.so, 1874. EXCHANGE 110 TEL. M. J. HAR iington wishes to inform thepublic that baying rented the Exchange Hotel in - Montrose, he Is now prepared to accommodate the r traveling public in Montrose, Ang.28,1878. T 4 BURRITT, DEALER IN STA ple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery, Hard ware. Iron, Stoves. Drugs. ova, and Paiute, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fare, Buffalo Robes. Gro cerieesProvisions, &e. New Minor& I a., NOT 6, '7l--ti. .O IHN GROVES, FASHIONABLE UTailor, Montrose, Pa. Shop over Chandler's Store. All orders 'filled In first-class style. Cutting, done to order on short notice, and warranted to At. Montrose, June 30,'75. fIENTE,ITNIAL BARBER 'SHOP %._./ 0.11 and lee your old citilen sad barber.— ter U. T. Webb'e store, where yen can get shaving cutting dame in the most approved maaneraid es' notice.- Paoli.. L. B. WILLIAMS. Montrose, Sept. 4,1876 mi: LEWIS KNOLL, SHAVING AND -hair Dressing% Shop in Searle!e new building, below ExpreFe Office, where he will we found ready to attend . all who may want anything In hie line. Montrose Pa'. (et. 18, 1889. T. PURDY. MANUFACTURER IF.`l• of wagons ofall kinds. Also makes*, specialty of wood work for sale. Repairs promptly attended t3o. Uses only best stock, and aims to make only drat-ties work. , 1876.1 R. W. L. RICHARDSON, PHYSl eisn and Surgeon, tenders hi epaofessionsie er yicesto the citizens of Montrose andlicinity. Office at his r‘sideree,bo , the corner stet of the. Foun dry. ' [Aug.l, 1869. COVILL AND DEWITT,: 'ATTOR .. nays at Law and Solicitors inßankruptcy. 011ie No. 49 Court Street ova? City National' Bank, fling no mton ,N. Y., s • lirst.ll.Bcormy, June lath, 1878 JsZOY= DZWITT. 11. J. WEAR. VAGLE DRUG- STORE, IS THE -12.1 place toget Druge and Itedcints, To. bacco,PiPtly. Pocket-Books. Speetales., Yankee No tOns..te. Brick Block ' " "A. B. BURNS . Montrose, ?a., May sth, 1875. H. J. WEBB. ,F. EITOH, ATTORNEY AND • Conneellor-st-law Montrose, °Mee as heretofore, below and west of the Court Hone. Montrose,Jennary 27,1875.--ly. ' B. J. W 31313. A. LYON, SUCCESSOR, TO ANA. • Abel 'Duren, dealer in -Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, •Paints, - Oils.' Dye-stnirs, Teas, Spiced, Watley Good•,lewelr7', • .P•rtnmery, La. Montrose. May 19.1875. Ha. WEBB. .T C. WH.BA,TOS, ' ti • . _ LaanStravirroa, r.O. address Franklin Forks. • - Susquehanna Co, Pa. cO.. WARREN , ATTORNEY, AT . , Law.. BellintYi Beek Par, Pension andilt enut:on Claims attended to.. .ofder Art , •Oor below Boyd'e Store. Montrose.P*. (414. Well , . . . , I. LOTT, ATTORNEY AT L Aw F• %control's. Pa. CollectrostOrOmpily attended to. Opediel. attention ever:to Conveyancing oudT,Or: thane Court preitlie. 01110 los' Publi a 'Avenue eve" met, tietiorsai -Bank, back. - - - 'irearcti SO, 316:1- IVILSOI‘T, Ttrit ~SURVEYOR; Having had 20 years ',fp dense lathe bse l ness , will walnuts to attend,te preheetes. t Xottittele, Pa.,Pot. li t `lll.-11* , • . r • stirril, • CA.I3INET AND Y 4 Mar Nenufactnrers; -Iroi)t , st Main street,. Montrose. re. •x tans. .1(!69-1.--; W. - SEARLE, `: ATTORNEVAT J., a Lim:office- over the Slott 'of Villeaner, inltio Brick Block ,ktiontros e Ps. L4uie. 1; 'BL ri,.RIFFISSATRE,-DEALERS IN • Hardware, Iron, Nails. Houselarsisbiag Gods, Grocerles - ami Provlolons.,* ood, Jappaue4 sad Pressed Tin Ware; iSe. • itisreh 15,16, B. & .A.. H. MoOOLLIIM, • torneristu r . °into over W. 11. Coopotai Cos Bank ; Ifoatioee..Pa.. May 10, 10.71.—tf • a Cards 0.. CAMP; ATTORNEY AT JO • Law, Montrose, Pa. Mee ovir 000iier If CO. Bank. - Montrose, Ps., JIM* Diret--tys GILBERT • II 0 T,19 N ri • Addregs, Mirth, 59, IWI6. Youttote; Pa , AT`. OE,NEY. AT E. Law, Office ()ler N. B. Buis' `Bsng Blare, Brick Molntrole, P a r.- r [ Mine 9, "11S.-=tfl. •, • A MI ELY,. 3. •4. Yriu NEM Ad Brookiri 410%14 Mai Business Cards. 1 1 BACON, WILL lIVREAFTER, • furnish the citizen rof ontrose and Vicinity with lirtiVcialis Dread. Buseuit, Rolla Plea, Cakes and 'Cookies; Tarts . kn.. Dc.vac Parties and 'Wddings supplied, and quality roaranteeti. llllrDinisg Rooms np stairs, whirs Goo. Calli a will be Anna reedy kr ala i the "ITV: of Rye mut, • autross. y 3d. ISIS. 41. -BACON. I . S:POTTER, DENTIST, WISHES 1.., is 1 0 i ma nform the people of Montrose and Vicinits that he ispermentqated; in the second story'ol R. P. Slump% new boll ; oppoeite Cooper's Bank. ;Alf kind, of Dental Work one in the best manner. , L '-•Si B:-LN Wogs Oxide, Laughing Gam, given for Ns patnleasetriesetion of tee*. . • Itootroile, April illth.lellt--tf 'MEW, MILFORD MACHINE SHOP. 1.1 All kinds of machinery made, or furnished to otr der. Repairin g promptly attended to. JULIUS tiRULTZ. New If ilford,Ro i r 11f.16,711.—1y, , • • • I VV-M. A. CROSSMON, ATTORNEI T. 7 at: -Isaw. o.olce over the First Nadia Bina, MOntrose,Ps. • 19-1871 tf. W"."11°"3"31. Bfontrose.okpril PILL MAN C 0. ,, FIRST NA • tional Bank Building, Montrose, Pa:, la Dry, Goods, Clothing, 10;11nery Goods, Booki '& Shoos. (April It '7 5 . 1- 11] " - I. 6.N YDER, M. D.;* HOMICE •jiiithic Pkysician and :Burgeon. Newltllfotd. CIRCO - salt* union Hotel,' -Aug 11k1876.-t1 • - t • . Basking, BA.NK_ING HOUSE WM. e, COOPER & CO, MONTROS,E, PA. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONK COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS AND PROMPTLY ACCOUN TED FOR AS HERETOFORE. • DOMESTIC 'AND FOREIGN EL CHANGE FOR SALE: UNITED STATES & OTHER BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. • COUPONS AND CITY ANDiCOUNTY BANK CHECKS CAS4D AS USUAL. WEAN STEOER PASSAGE TICK ETS TO AND 'FROM EUROPE. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SPECIAL TIMRDEPOSITS, AS PER AGREE MENT. WHEN THE DEPOS IT IS MADE. In the future, as in the put, we shall endeav or to transact all money business to the satis fsftion of onr patrons and correspondents. WM. 'IL COWIN* a CO.. Moran:le, March 14 '75..--t£ Bankers. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY AGRI CULTURAL WORKS, Having been reorganlied ender the Arm, name, set style of Susquehanna County Agricultural Works, limited, R.JEwarr; Pres., W. 111 Cooran, Trees, • D. Sams Secretary. Are now preparetto Aral eh, of short noels*, gotationarg 6ngints, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, TURBINE Ji A. TER WHEELS., And do all kinds•of mill and Job work promptly aid satisfactorily.'at low rates: Ills manafaettra and have On hand a largo assortment of • • PLOWS' .taritovso PATTEIIIIII6. CAULDRON KETTLES of different eVles, ADJUSTABLE BARN DOOR IUiNGIICGIk MEADOW- ROLLERS, ALAcKsintinr PURGES POTS and GRATES, DOG POW ERS for churning One and Two Horse POW ERS and TNRESHERS, of the latest and but 'patterns, 11Fe., Montrose, March 1, 1876. (1110 ICE PILUITS AND VEGETA BLES All • THE:IIiAD OF NAVIGATION, PAC tigs, ORANGES. LEMONS, APPLES, (,WINCES, ONIONS, 'IOMA TOES, APPLES. CAB-. - BAGS, BANANAS, OANTELOP.ES, G4APES, SLEET, POTATOES, WHORTLFr BERRIES, to; all at tatoth isrjees,*by • A.N. BULLARD. it 0 .100110,, 4.12,K. - 1876. , CORRECTIObI Homolhat it that having been elected County Treas urer for the ensuing three years. I am to dAwntione my Insurance buldnes. r Raid. RUMOR is UNTRUE, and without foundation, and while , thanking you for kind nese; and bppreelation of good Insurance in the past, ask a continuance of youT patronage, promising that AB badness entrusted to me shall be promptly attended to. My Companies are all sound and reliable. as all can taw tlfy who have met,with losses during the past ten years at my Agency. 'Read the Litt North Britilib and Mercantile. esplia), • $10,000, m0 0011 arena of London. Filinklln. Philadelphia, Assets, g , ,,,,„"vv , a • Old Continental, " Y., • . : neatly ~ OldPtitenlx 'ofHartford, " • • r w "amr — nns Old Hanover. N., T.. • : " " Old Farmers, Ycirk. 1.00%00a I also represent the 'Kew York Mutual Lire Ins TOO! Of oyer 80 years standing. and , asset* over $80.000,000. Also ,thb Masonic Mutual Benefit Association of Penn sylvania. • arGet anAnsidantsl Policy severing all accidents, !nibs liartioa Accident It Co. Policies *mitten from c u e dayto , one prat.' Only .15 cents for a VLOOC Polity. Please tall or sendirord, !Flom you take trip Very ter . isPet .1 i fiiiktiolifiji44liii . .11'187.6'; ' ' I;!I*4T'C'TY4I9I. Stich as 6 1- 11