The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, November 29, 1876, Image 7

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    Arrangement of Mail..
4 privet. Deparas
Tonkhanuock , (Daily,) . . ...•790 I, m 1215 ,m
VIA &ragas • • •
Km:tiros° Dep0t i (Da11y,).........„,„.. 600 p m , 4204 .n
New.' M Mora, (Daily,)... ... „ . .1000 m 30p m
,Wyalusing, (Daily.) ........
,94641 M ./0 00 pin.
Priendsville, (tri weekly,) .. 4v- 600 p .800 a m•
Conklin Station,(tri weekly,) . 700 am 700 am,
Binghamtonvia S. Lake t (triweeklyi,. 600 p in. 700 pm ,
weenoppen,(tri - 1000 am 800 p
The New. York, (via' Montrose 'Depbt,)-Ne* 21.11foid;
roil kb a unock,and Wyalusing r • •
Thu . 00E11:141 Station mail runs TuesdayseThuradays,
sad. Saturdays: ,
Tboi . ainghtuntorfmail, (via Silver Lalre g yrnns Taes-;
lays, Thuredays. and Saturdays. .
Priendaville mail rune Tuesdays;ThuradaYe,and Sat
The Meehoppen mail rues Stondaye,Weitnesdaysi and'
Ana STAeas : • •
A St.sgeleavesdaily forliontioite Deimt at 1 in.,and
rethrits at 6 m
A Stage leaves daily- 'foiNew • Milford at. i'do ra.
aadveturne at 30p.m. -
- , ' • R. C. FORDMAM.P. lit'
Montrose Railway Time Table.
arrangreent of Trains.' 'To ta'te effect tialionday,
1076. • • • • . •
DoDownTra ne. J
T ne
awn , 0/ITII W.A.11)
' 1..12. .2. X.,
545 10.15.;... .. Montrose 9OW '4.52
555 1025 . 845 545•
-558 4028. .. ... . ... 840 448
1505' 21032 ....Huggers - 85 '444
1308 1088 ..Woodbourne..:l .. 80: `440
1611 1040... 2L 486
617 1047... ..
...815 428
625. 1057.... ....16pringrri1le..,. 805 420
630 1105 755 412
845 1118 " Averi's 745 405
658 - 111Y3... .. . .4; .. Lemon„.73s - 4UO
705 1135: ' 4... ' L0bepk....... ...7,25 345
715 -; 11 45 .. . .1... .. Tl 5 ' 837
720 1200:- ...... ..Tankbaanock TOO 322
Tinine will run on Lehigh Valley time as kept in the
Write of P. & N. Y. RR at 'Patkhahno*
All trainoconneetat Tunithannock Orlth P. Br. NY.
R.'R.going north itpdoonth. • ,
Mauch Chunk. April' 14.1876.
List of New Advertisements• -
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, 40.—Geo
L. Lenheim.
Harper's Magazine. ,
Peterson's Magazine.
Sale - ot Personal Property--D. D. Searle.
Quarterly Meeting.
Lecture by Rev. F. A. Dotty.
Clairvoyant Examinations.
Beyond doubt a Fact—A. N. Bullard.
—We can endorse the from an
exchange: "A gentleman met us yestarday
with a bitter complaint that the clergymen of
our city refuse to read notices of various enter
tainments, charitable and otherwise, in their
pulPits. We presume it is with clergymen, as
with ne!spapers. The grumbler has nn knowl
edge otw the immense number of this kind of
calls on our pastors or our pape'rs, and; whata
eltur,ch service would becoine it prefaced with
ball !an , hour's *reading of benevoleni candy
pulls and pious'pop-cornflistivals. It is only a
dodge for stealing advertisements and the pul
pit is wise to be free from the infliction. Pas-
tors:and ,papets'are liberal in these. particulars =
but obit.decidedly.',to being imposed upon."
. _
large per ectitage of the trumps now
roam : log.9,T the tounty are unprincipled and
wicked, ...and many pi-them' are professional
thieves. -A day or two since Officers lkingler
and Weiss, of Lebanon, caught two stilicious
characters hi the house of Charles' Smith, on,
Tenth street,rteai tile:Union canal. ,
Tnek gave
their names. as Conrad: Myers 'and Frederick
Stumberger, and they bad in their possession
two large bundles of, clothing. Upon being
examined, one.hnniale Was found to - contain five
ovei shirts, two running, three aprons, fourteen
pairs ladies' drawers, seven chemises, a-towel,
girl's"dress body, two quilts, four pairs cuffs,
and two ladies' collars. The other bundle pan
ned oat .a man's , linen coat, a. - quilt, a - woolen
blanket, three pairs ladies' drawers, two under
shirts, i pple.rabirt - triminipgs t five ladies' over
skirts; Aress hoay, six chemises, one
bed sheet and. five aprons.. Squire Houck com
mitted them to prison after-al:tearing, Saturday
—As, day . comes
row,the,sfolli4ing article on carving a turkey
will be 'appreciable : There - is riothiiig a young
unmarried man likes better than to go, to a
dinner at the house of a friend Old to^ be asked
to•cirve the turkey. lie never carved a tur his life, and with an old. maid .on one
side O,f him watching him closely ; and:on the
• ;
oill'er,side n : fair , girl for whom - he has a tende r ne4s, he . feels embarassed When he begins.--,
First he pushes "the knife down toward one of
the thigh joints. fie can't find,the joint, and
be plunges the knife around in search of; it Un
til he makes mince Meat of the whole qqarter
of the.fOWL - Tberi he sharpens the - knife an&
tackles it again. At last, while making a ter
rible dig, he hits the joint , suddenly, and the
leg flies into he Maiden lady's lap, while her
dress front is covered with a shower. of stuffing.
Then he goes for th ; other ,leg, and :when; the•
young ladY tells hiti:lie looks warin,tbe Weath
er seems ihddenly to heCome four` hundred de
grees warineit -.- This !eh 4:1'4 ) fiiiitliy 'pas - loose
with his fingers. He laWiiiin thii:neignof the
plate, and wbile,he is:hacking aV the wing . he
gradually piisliesihe leg- over on, the eleaula
bleeloth, and wilio be picas it up it slips from
his hand into the gilivy" ttiiiii' and splashes ; the.
gravy arOund_for sixlifiunte Yard& Just as he
makes up his mind ,=tbat'l be turkey has no
joints to its wings, the host asks him: if be ,
thinks, the . dings can - really be civilized.- 7
I ,
Thesgiil lie i to him laughi; , and he says he'
will'explain. his views on, the.aubject'after_din
nen Then e sops his row with his hamikar- -
chief and p Sel3 the t key So bard ; ,with the
fork that it a ides'off the dish and u psets a - gob. 7
let of ' water ii the girl next to .bim.. , Nearly
, , .,
' frantic; he go pa' away egaiu,.at thcwings,.gets
them off:in Mutilated eondition, and digs in
to the breas . Before' be-Can
off, the host
asks him wh. he don% help . ; out - thOurkey.—:-
Bewildered, e puts both legs on _a k plate = and
hands , them. the maiden lady. and then helps:
the young g rl to a ‘platefal Of :stuffing,: and;
_taking her plate 11-returne Itneeksl over .Iv.
gravy , diah.- . ben- he eits citvty - tvithAhe calm ::
ness of destia r and - fans bimielf with a- nap ,
kin; while : t , e_t servant „clew;
_the ~ ,iahle. , Re
604'4 iiitie the 'lndian
,vestion, t iiat'Ma . Y ! 7
Regalia twine 'right 'after dinner:and:Amends
the night trying:t6-ilepide wbet4er
suicide or to .ake lesions in carving..
TirE,Unztv Exposrnox.---We'lllive received
from the Puhlighets, Messrs. Hubbard Bros., of
Philadelphia, advance sheet; of a forthcoming
volufne,which will greatly interest every Amer=
lean, It is entitled "The Centennial Exposi
lioniPeicribed and - Illustrated," "and is a cimn
plete history and pictorial repre ; apflt,4o
this grandest world's lair the world has ever
known. ; I
Every intelligent and thoughtful'Orion who
has Visited -the Exposition and, co_mpre4eFided
•not only its' 'vast props:inking' but its wide sie•
raficance,will be , glad to , find "it, photographed
aiuj . preserved in permanent form in this bean
tiful and carefully' prepared volume.
The -great , ,ExpoSition is really a represonation
:Of, ail -Pint the; : kinutn race
,Las: accouiplislied
.durlng.its career of: six` thousand . years.. 'The
nations of the esrtli of every clime selected
their:; highest, tachievements in every depart
,lnent of human effort, and bringing them to
gether,inY4ted • the' world to behold- the last
and most ; periearesult of all that mambas a 97
,compliihedin every field of :thought,J industry
and skill.
Or the• Millions of, Or eitizenifito - have:mt•
l'PeOded ;troth $5O , POO " eaeh' in viewing and
-studying this 'Wonderful display,-we havaneirer
hqard of bne who did not feel amply repaid for
the expense of time and money involved.--r
Thetie'millions dellie;to study more at leisure
*hat they could ' : then examine but hurriedly,
and many millions who could not Visit and see
it,-desire to possess a work which shall give
them a lull and adequate representation, of: this
grand and wonderful exhibition. To supply
this urgent demand is the object of this work.
It has been prepared from material gathered
on the grounds, by the most careful, patient
and laburious research, and from official sourc
es, and though it does not claim, as some do,
to bd by official authority, it commands confi
dence thereby, Gen. Hawley having announc
ed that no book has any right to such a claim.
It describes briefly the inception and growth
of this grand enterprise, but mainly the won
derful exhibits of the Nations of the New and
Old World, showing their. different peculiari
ties, values, curiosities of mechanism, itc., and
contrasting them ono with the other.
But the interest "
and and value 'ot, the book lie
largely in its profuse and brilliant illustrations,
In 'this Multitude- of finely executed engrav
ings, the main features of the Exhibition are
Vividly impressed on 'the mind of the reader in
a way that words:cannot do. It is next thing
to seeing the great World's Fair itself. We
advise our readers to examine the book care
fully should they have an opportunity. We
presume the publishers WSW agents in this vi
cinity, :and we .tiope some of . oUr 'euergetic
young men will improve what - seems to hs an
extraordinary opportunity to serve our citizeno
and do aihancLsOme paying husineis
LIIZETNE couimr, PA.,
The body
. 0 'a.little boy named Orant, about
tWelve yeati , old,: was found buried- in - -a sand
tiank at §cranton .an Sunday morning ot last
week. He.had been missed- from horite'sinee
the preceeding.l4bursday, when he started for
school. It i ,sOptiosed he bad taken shelter
from . a storm order the overhanging bank. The
little fellow, •s'ays the- ,Repubtican, , was found
gathered 'up heap, the agony of his last
great struggle for. life depicted on his childish
A successful: series of revival meetings are
being held at the parish street,. E church of
Scranton unsier ilie . ,pastouite of Rev. 0. L
Severson. over - one hundred souls have ex
pressed their: deterinination to lead a new life.
The .very singlilar, death in the allies front,
the rebounding of a 'pick, which struck its
wielder inthe_ teMple,ls kOing the rOunds.. It
would belt' good thing if it were true, but there
isn't, the slight ground for the story ,it's a
pure fabrication ;,-the man was , killed from a
fall of wliat is kr:own as "bony coal." The Re !
publican has been bamboozled by some invent
or, of a novel . Mears -of an- exit. from
Scranton Times..
It may seem scarcely . oredible. that. Vwo young
women of this city should so far forget the res
pect due to themselveS as to imbibe: so TFICit
qtto . T, that their arrest' became a necessity, but
inch was the fact, and they were yesterday ar
raigned before Alderman Roesler upon a charge
of drunkenness upon the PUbik streets. 1:lif
fact waa.tM deo!CO..flud the 4sual fille was Im
posed „and paid:—'nmes, Nov. 24th.
- Scranton with 'a population of.nearly fifty
thOtisandi-cantiotiiOast of'a'tONOl clock.
',Rev. Thomas P. Hunt lies 'dangeronaly., ill iO.l
the reSiderde of hiti daughter in Phifa eiptiia.
IlisicOnditloti 'is: so'. critical thatt
have been gumnioned , to-is bedside;
. ,
The question . of candidates tot Jtidke'inplaae•!,
of Judie tianii; . 'whose term ot office expires in
aabatisaiready'dirgfoishigthe'atteniiipii ,
of the Wilkes-Mote bar; _; ; piuorig ,; he`-Demo
crate_ the names 6rJohn , Lynch.tilid D. L.O'Neill
are prominent,' while - ; upon,.the Republican side
W' seems, to lead.
TeSterday ni2rnitlg, between alike and ten
o'clock,_, when 'a' trip of loaded r.Qai cars had;
nearly_ reached the summit of
,Tsl"6, 6 , plane of:
the CO
Pennsylvanla Coal .'s it "R.44-Dun more,.
a coupling broke, and four cars came dOWn the
steep incline : with a xelOcity of
Three then were standing .upon or' near-the
track, at the foot, when the coupling parted;
and although , the alarm was., given in timatO
allow these men to rich a safe distance, yef
one of them,Johd , Purkin, a :man, some sixty:
years of age,and-who - had worked on-and about:
;that plane for twenty years, pecame:lewilder ,
:ed, and Instead of getting out of the, way, rap .
directly upon the track 'id: trout gf:the flying
ears: Ile,Wit:iiiterally torn 'to Shreds; and the
bits . ' `liii - body were scattered, everywhere ,'
about andilthriadaihiCl the debriti of- the tniug•
!led 'coal and 430titeis .thetr'Osillted fifo :this
awful wreck.: The Other men , werp . ,Ptitro4 .
;Duffy and John Arlpk,,but 4 they'rbaded 8444
dietanceltein 'i the- font; before the crash eatee i ,
and' vy''''ef 3 es A nt'')llgli . ,ily inpred by the flying coal.
Tll4 - _ -- :DR - .)I9CRAT,:A• - ,,i:.`4%„_ - ,i,i870:: - ., -
The deceasedleaves- a wife but no children- 7 .
• e
The tour cars, - strtmg . to'say; kept the trick lxll
the way down, coming into colliiion at the
foot with a train on a curbed siding, cuffing ;
their -way through. it .and then ‘ piling together .
onein ViSt of splintered wood and crush
e4 coal. We underStandthat it was not the
main track upon which the accident occurred,
and this accounts for „the.aliKnce of "latc4s,"
ingeniataly'arrange d: ittairs, which ate
Opposed to thtow cars Oft ale track a few feet
from the starting point in cases like this. As
it was used for running the coal of a single
mine,. the 4 "latches", hail not been applied.-Dal
ly Imes.
,TuF. r(A . quarterly , Meeting "zon: Springville
Charge for this Conferente - year will6e held at
Lymanville M.- 'E.' en:trek Dec. 2d, and 3d.—
Rev. A. W. Hood is to conduct all the services.
All are invited.
Nov. 29, 1876.
THAT Poiiii; $a isi.iiii ti.;'.
Rev. F. A.Dony will lecture in.the Rush Cen
tre.lM. Ep-Chureh, on YritlnE.evnuing,Dee..Btli.
0045 centiv"forthe 'benefif - bf 'the
church. • „.
.•. • • .
There is no snbject that requires ,so much
study and experience sidle treatment of chron
ic diseases. The astonishing success and re•
markable urea performed by Dr.. Butterfield,
are due to the gift of clairvoyance', to thelife
!ong study of the constitution of man, and the
'Curing of diseases from natural remedies. Cures
the worst forms of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Pe
tit* Weakness, Asthma, Kidney's or Bladder
Will be at the Spaulding-House, Binghamton,
Thursday, and Friday, D.e. 24th and MO. _
Nov. 29, 1876.
That the Return
ing Election Board, of. South Carolina, are in
Jail (or have been) and it is also true that the
scamps that broke into the store of A. N. Bul
lard, last Saturday night, shOuld be in jail—but
for all that the quality and price of those choice
Peals, Sweet Potatoes, Grapes and Cranberries
are just right to suit these hard times.
At the Head of Navigation you will find the
lest one dollar Tea for fifty cents per pound, a
fine variety of the best Roasted Coffees and the
Enterprise. Mill to grind it'in, and a large and
desirable stock ot, family Groceries and Provis
ions, extremely, low for cash or ready pay.—
Cash paid•for-eggs. •
Montrose, _Nev. 29,1870. 49 w 3
F. H. STEVENS has . Holiday Goods to sui
everybody. Presents for. Christmas. Trees a
reduced rates. • ,1 : 413w6
11. STEVENS has a )arge stock 'of Children's
Books,' in piper, board, and 'cloth llinding. Al
so, a handsome 'lot of DiarieF.
Montrose,:Nov. 22, 1g70.' 4E46
VrA. pew tut of summons ,
.ard subpoenas
us . t. office,y, Otlier-:xlanks iapro
u t• •-„
TuomgEn's Celebrate , ' :11xtradt 5f Malt, Wit
Massey & , ,Co.'a Pl4lad,elpiiia:Ale A. 14
on's. Drug %ore.
Montrose, Aug. 7., "1876.
Pon PURE Drugs and Medieinti f Fine Tone,
Artieles i -J.eelry and Pe . riginew t, ,g9 !,cz M. A
Lyon's Drug - Store ,`, -' "
~. ,
lilontrose, :Aug. 9,1876.
AT PuRDY's Wagon Shop a flue lot of Plat
orm Wagons and Buggies lull trimmed. • Com,
plete and first-clasS in' every rektieCt 'for sale
cheap for cash. n. •• • n •
• Montrose, June 7, 1876tt.
• A. . LAItGE amortment of "thd, hitest and
,neatest styles of visiting and 'hilliness cards
just received at this office. Call, atd see them.
'before ()tiering elsewhere.
Having bOught Louis Knoll's stock of eigars,
Tobacco and Confectionery, I tan furnish
first-class articles for the least pigmy. Fine
'summer drinks for the thirsty.
Montrose, July 26, 1876.
The friends of the Rev Luther Yolcott, are
invited to meet at his residence, Friday after
nocn•and evening„Dee. Ist, with Inch tokens
Of regard as each may feel disposedto bring.—
An, oyster supper will be furnished by the la
dies of his Parish. - ' tom.
Nov. 22,- _ 1876w2. • 1 -
OFFICIAL itammrs have
been positiyely received that you can ..get as
good a Ste* of Oysters 'at 'tha - Keytone &dam
as you can in New York, Florida,Louisiana,
'or any
Lively cdfcial and if you do not fief satisfied
ca . .l and senfor yourself ; the recoris arc open
to , all:;;• 'KEilifoNi4,l3aooS.
'Nov. 21,,1876. ,
, ,
THE MONT,R 08E Railway Coatavkappointed
an agent at this place,theliaVeling public will,
In future, find light and warmth atthis. Dep9t.,
Merchtuits; und - sbiptiOs;PCill
With assistance when forwarding a receiving
goods, as a man• will tie-at 'the Dept to attend
to business. at all hours of the day. The busi
ness public are earnestly invited b patronize
theli home road. Rates as !Ow as by %-iiy„:,ith
er t I. ; MottntoSitißß.-
Montroie, Nov. 22,1876w2. ,
Scrmitek'S'lliiiiDßAlCll PILLS will le f and
to UUSSOSS'thimitl'ipialities necessary'follie''Otal
eradication - cif,all : billigtp attlicks, ! AntoP; to
start the i n arbilons iif the' liverotri&tive 'A ;
healthy tone to the entire system. Lilted, itid
no ordinary discovery - in medical• sciince to
have invented a remedy, ! for these subborn
complaints, which develop all the - resets pro=
duced by a heretofore _free .asp of canel, a
mineral' justly dreaded :-ibiimankind,-*d 'ac- ,
knowledged to be destriletive In the externe to
the human system. That the propertiei of cer
tain vegetables, comprise. all: the , Virtues 'if calo- .
mel without . its Injurious tendencies; is low an
admitted,fact,rendered indisputablejovveutif;
is resecittetiosi - Oind theile'who use theMtdralte
Pills,will befully satisfied ,thati thebes mill %
tines are those provided by . natuteis Up cam
,nion ;herbs and roots of the field.
These Pills open the bowels androiecrall
billious-derangements without salivation on any
of. theinj erica' effects Of 'caloniel ' - oi 4thiii, pole-„:
ons. The secretion -ot , - bile' .18=.0mboled , by`
tliese . pilLs n s twill 41o:seen by the 'Lien?: color
of the stools, _and 'dis'appearing 611*, ialloW
complex.* :f 4 sd bleassing of Pie.toooo; .:: . '
i A.,olo4,:dli*Oloos ter, usivaecormanyiiiiiii
box of , pilist.,i . Prepared? only by 1 1. F. Aelfesek
4 800, atlbeir principal P oAcPi , POIA' - ,OrittlAnk ,
abd Aral Street . Pidladelpiblat ask; rumor .
all druggists and dealers.
Price 25 coots per box.
Business, Locals.
H.- G.. Heaismoil'astiaTi
'Wawa wanted at this, office on submit)
OLD Newapiipers for JadeAtpji,PifiCe at ten
cents per dcizen.
, • .
A.tictiori , tortitlxid
at thaDzitoe an office.-t$ fitatiteltiAltzetylelatid
at pqtyNntibje,Orices,l .; • • i
: , :'1:1' . , 4,- i ..,, _ - '
To Ittick. , , - . ,
.. ,
•- Howie and lAit id i reni t in iiiiiit ''''' -i i r '' ; '' .l
rose, . rINIF9
of J. B. McCollum.
May _B4 1876.--itlJ
rite4,c9Tplalp ilkat, , be
is "too te) hdyertiee . ".'ivhen,ler,ean get:the
latesystyle DESC
ocRAT" ()Ince for. three &ilium per=thotisanaiatid
other 'ltirerh. in liropOrtion. ,
Nitiliti'Leiid, gall Bradley
Co's.'Lead, White Zinc, :Remly Vied
Colored Patna in Oil aSid Fine: Graining 'Col:
ors, for s,ale,at Al. At,. Lyon's : Drug Store,'
".M.ontiose, Aug 9 -1876... v- , •
Tun lama atvz NOTICE.. ' • • -
That I have on hand a , stook of Buggy , ,and
Platform Spring Wagons, mrhich ,mgst: he Sold
in:media tely, without, regard ,to : ~ p )ity
are every l'espect . ,lfifil pike . Who
has any idetior ever btiying a' wagbn . ot
kind should give me a , eall. ' .; • •
- • • PURDY.'
ioptrosc4 Nov. 1,1878tf. •
. , ..
The sale ;Taylor's 'Faintly Medicinal- is
steadily ou ,tlAer increase., Thd sales of , the past
year - being more than donhle er , anyprevio s ils
year. ..The reason this " on account oi the
genuine - merits of the goods themselyes and
the fair and impartial - manner in , ivhibli:they
are sold. , ,
July 26,1876. ,
.• *A
BOUNTIFUL NATURE affords no fi ner specific diseases than Sulphur, a tact that is
clearly proven by the at:thin _upon the cuticle.
afflicted with eruptions or ulcerous .sores,, 0
that, supreme purifier, Glenn's, b'ulphur
Depot Crittentqn's No. 7 Sixth :'Aye., N. Y.—
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black' or brown,
50 omits. 47w4
hold Its regular session at Patrons' Hall,Mont
rose, Tuesday Dec. 5, 1870, at 10 o'clockis.:in.
Election of officers and other important MR
nese to transact. It. is. hoped that every
grange in the county will be : represented., -
• . SA:st EL SMYTH, Master.
:Montrose, Nov. 15, 1.876. , .
PEll,Bolip visiting Binghamton wishing ::to•
purchase, dry gods Would. do well to call on
kirsu & SIEOLES:• They keep a )11.k-class line
or dry goods end rea,iyluade clothing on hand
;411 tile time. Alpacas, Merinos,and Cashrneres,
the lines! line in the city. Ni) trouble to show
goods or send saMples.
Nov. 1, 1876t1.
take this method_ 'of infortnin !.be public
or Moil ty: 011.4 'Fliave'o r periedit l
new harnessi3hop; one -dOoi.behrk:Searle's
press second flour, •
will build new, work of the
find'reDair with 'neatness'
'.diSpatch and at;
fewest- eates.. The: pattOiiiige l df the pUbN is
Montrose, Oct.-18, 18743t1.,
The Tunkhannock Marble Works : of Titans
& White - are doing a 'go - od business and are
getting out some very tasty jots of Bead
Stones and M.)nunients. A:B. 'Burns, Of the
Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized agent fbr
illontrose and vicinity. • -, He • has designs of
Head Stones and Monuments. Any, ordeth left
with bite' will bepromptly, , filled by. Burns it
White. ' - • _ .• • • •
Tun khannock Feb. 4878t1.' ' '
i; . e ..
We have just received
. a very large stock of
plain and fahcy envelopes, letter' and 'note pa
per, plain and fancy bill head . paPers, cards of
all sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc.
all of which we can afford to
_print cheaper
than any office in this or neighboring counties,
and in as, good style. Work done in)3lack and
colored inks. It ;yeti think tifere is any that
can beat us; gib e -us 'a, trial; and we will show
yoU what we can do. Ali'llsinds othlanks
ha4d,"or printed to order,
Tn AND MONEY • saVed by going to M. A:
Lyon's druirstore, for ,your Drugs antilMedi
eines, Paints, Oils,.Varnishes, Dye stuffs, Fan
cy goods; Jewelry,: Perfumery, Comes, Brushes,
Pocket 'Woks: . • Tobacco and Cigars.... Our
troods' are of :the 'best quality' and sold at pri
ces that defy competition; and no one halfe
to lot* farther, Some Chinese . and Japanese
goods anti other ; Fancy'ArticleN purchased at
"The L'entenitial,',
Moutrose, 1870.44
Tiitz 4uirD
• Lead and Oil 'cheaper 'than ,tttey have ,teen
known =for
. years. Burn's ItiagZe Drug 86re is
the place to buy anything in the 'PArtyr and-
DRUG line at the very lowest figures. A large
assortment of Brushea and -Varnishes constant
ly in stock. ...Thn,pelehrated Ilalj t itradley, &
Co.'s Pure Wliiteifead constantly on hand, for
which BORES is thoBoLE, Apioty for Montrose
and iicinity. , "' • ' '
Montrose, April 19; 1876tf.
- .
, ,
Wi WOULD advise 'all' those Intending to
make, MAP - pritchaSeA or Back 'Silks this, fallst to.
inake , tlitin now, as inere'bailreetia ;great ad
vance In. °Raw Silk, Which'- most. make
materia l , •inanlithottired
Sisson •itoq., 4ingliainton, inlorra us-, that: they
have ari , ainistraLy fine line,ofßiack S il k; par-.
chased at'verywhich
that' offer ,fcir
the 'present at old' prices, are at 25
per cent leas.thati the goods can r.Ourebased
now. , They have: a large .s,tockLoi- Black. and
.Crishweres,together. with - endlekt
variety 'of every description or rail Dress Goods
which they offer upOn the mast favorable terFns
*Sarnpleri sent: % , v ith pleasnre to hay: address.` `
" •NCO PAY. . z", )7 !. ,
Kilbre Gough Balsah),ft vpry..Ra1,44 113 : 11 0 9girt
puend, tor, ithe various,. affections of, the throat
and lungs: " tried 'viithsuccess is*age Of
tisthtna.and Bronchitis. It lb 'preScribed by' the
physicians and endorsed by the - pcople.• War , '
ranted to give .ritire oatisAtOipia or.
funded. . .
Kirby's:At:oC - Relief for the instant Clare oi
'severe and acute paitis. r;
. Tasteless Wolin Lozenges.
safe and effqctpltl. - • -
Kir'by's Qontlition Powders, for quality, qu a rt. .
tittatiO pu'rity e,re supOlor to any Powdegff. )r
stook tnanufnetitred.-
Kirby's Ctunpbor obatied r-batidsOr
sutiburn“ ,.
F,or.snie by all, Drugg4lAnini Montrose, and
Dealers in Ifedielhes t4rotg4Pll.'itbe country
Jtitte 28,11176y1. fr;..
.., , iiii
,saiii.fitiliißititilhe - opliti:if lloittriitalindirlifilti,
Oaths invareionentl located, in the elsofk.efAT •01 IN
I", Matt" tseii build '. ; opposite doper`Alleni., An
nada of Dental Work one in the besta ' x ""'
ne =<, •
tr. B.—Nltrors Oxtde, Laughing Gam, gives, for the
pattfiessostreetion at tsetk. .
Mentrose, April Oth, 10T6.—tf
;4. ♦'-
NEw.T9K,K 01TY
couasorzb Wftiu 2 Sy
• \.. , ..,,cotnplissicos Merck / finis, :„
No! A l . l .sYAlumeToNSlnger,lixii T.
0- • 1,,'".77,• , :;;-: oilLV)"
azw 'foal St}turdfty , Ng!. 28,1871.
; , • - r•-,A
Pails, choicest fi fths •
" good to •finei: .4... -88 8$
" • 24 01124
Firttins„spleptipna„,., t r t7r . :„; 20 is 81 I\,
good tolne.. .. , 27 29
. to gOoq- - - • 23 - 4 20
Tubs; t*ietinnoi.: @ 85
" good to fine.... . . 30!,(111,.. 83
" coninion'tb gOod:". 22 . '6" 27
Factory I fancy: 1 - .
• '•
*.. ,„ 14 1 ' ;
” ;good to:fine. .....:,': 12K
Farm DalfYiOmel.`c.., .....,.:. :f , 11 , . ..4 13
" " ;f air 1,0 good. , i .... .. 9 QlO
; , ' , • . , , . - - '' , '
Eggs, fresh: ;.2
... " ..... . 0 r ,
. CA
..... g 8 9_
Apples (green ) : fine. '. .i.-.• ...'. ::.' ~T - 2 5©, 1 30
:tried : per it qrs. ~Ji .%: . J. , • i 5344:§kA 5 •
" , .: - §1iceck..!... , ;•;11 %As 6
Potatqes, 'per ,bb). .. : , .... .. . .. 2..62.3ta 12
Lard "' ' 1). 611
Talk , L- • •: --'. " ' ' " --- i
-83440 8;
Turkeys dressed
.11 14
Chickens, "' . . , 13
"'' 15 't 1?
Beeswax. -. • • , • 80)541011
These are prices
-TH A T.,H ;1
•. • • . (not the castastior e )
but other dealers who find fault because:it spoils their
profits. They'gtwert that I cannot sell gepdspat prim
mimed. these prices are not for a bait i , p are ow
One and will,be fulfilled iu everrparticuia.. Call OW
see for',yourseives.
For FALL & WINTER 16764.
Good heavy business suits: ' .. $ 7.00
Diagonal silk inbred suits 8.50
.- 4 •
Heavy cassimere sults. 2. : •• • ' ' 5.00
Basket worsted surs •• .• :.. 10.00
Fancy plaid cassimere' emits 11.00
English. Diagonal suite..:.. ' 'J.: . ' , 17.00
French basket suits . 17A0
All wool Brod cloth coats ' 7.50
Heavy sheeps gray overcoats.... 4.50
Chinchilla overcoats' 7.00
Fur Beaver overcoats ..... 10,50
Fine diaatinal overcoats
onion Beaver overcoat 7.06
French Beaver overcoats (all moo
Boys' Clotimfg,--3' to 1D years,,
Heavy inured school Silts.
Diazonal and hasket anita ... ... . 6.54
Stoat; overcoats • • ' • ' . ' 4.50
Cape and ttitte; overcoats • 6.06
Clothing—. 9 .to 15 ye4rs.
Heavy -mixed 5.00
Heavy catssitaere rails '
Diagonal and basket spits . - . 1.50
Heavy every-day overcoats . " • 815
Chinchilla overcoats.. . . • "L . !. . 5.00
Beaver and Fur Beaver Overcoats,. , 5 •,41 • 5.06
Cape and Uh , tef ovdrcoata • ' • • 1.54
YouttiW- Clothing 1. 6 leiirs- !then s sizes.
.Good nndert;hlrt or diprere .. ~. .....J.I. .24
Good knit jackite • • . . •
Good .. •-; •• • •J;.• . • .. 1
Good cotton socki....• •••• • •(' •
Cloth covered folded end'collart...: • • • ... .10
And an other goods InTroport1•111. ' • ;
Or - Th() • highest : price paid, Or prime ;butter K.
Btpt. 2b:184.6.
::7 # V.: D
.4 'ZIA '4-'::
. .
is ctr
Ves,• • ..-.?:
- • • ..:.: s. !
Isolle r ßells, ••••=;.. , 1 ,
: , 1014. •-..-prt
- A 1.45c0, a full assortmen t- of - Tin
t ' aye
-•4 . r .
(' a al,NAt, Wax,,and Rubber Dolls ;
. ), ;;
nRGANB.• Jews Harps, Trumoeta;
W,) is: the time ,to buy .itttO de'cdre )
C bmwAins,:' ,
SlGH:.l3.argains shbnlit no:' be inst. • ;•
• v
I , i „I
;17:(111'174111 fild'*gOOd'aisortirkeilvoi 1;1
~ 1 104 4%7 tivrf .! vstl
FR:U . IIS r .CA XNED, 60 0 DSz r - NUTS
4W). ,COIiFEOTIO.NERY, , !; n••••
• in\tor ,rr ,-;„ •,
Sou th Elditin- Street l •
N0v:16,-48761f. •-• • • •1.
ti.,..ino, prildlelniti, in, a scaled envelope Ihtleir 10'.
cienre• I '* • '' .. , .... ~,, ,;--, i / I .
gatnre oil thd Nature, l't aunt
fiddles' co,ro,ot Seminal Wealigus, or , I:
~) , Matorthoor,ltidneed by Solt-Abuselu
_ , -, entArr 114itieetoos:•Imp3tenc) , ,litierithioi , '
bitity. and impediments to. Marriage genelaily.;•Ctir" .•
suoiptioti.-Bellipsyand•Vits ; •Biental and Physical ,
capacity, ase,—by ROBERT d. CRTLYERWELL,IO.3II4; : •
authorol the'"Oieen Bail'," at.• .., ~, , .il
Tiw world-renowned' Author, in tide admii.' num "-Mi.'
; tole, clearly ,proves .from, hie • own experience timid*:
i i .
awniteithseqnehees ofSeliabuse maybe'eirectuelly
moved wittemt medicine. dud without dangewue fra
- cat onerationa. bons. les t instruments.rin or ounit
' notating ont'aaiode id cure 'at once ' certai gs, n
and o
teal, by which gym ,. ,duEorokno Andttcf" what bid ear ,
dititramajr be, may cure himself eheaplyor t lyatelranlt ,
'radially, , ; . t :- . i ,1 -." • ' ;.a. '. •
PrThid,Leiture will ptove T ,di boon.o thou'eaudd OM i
thoesanes, '., :.. : •,, '', , Al ;. - . 4 1 ." •ti
Sent tinder 'seal, i ll's ' plain ow/elope, to anyAni, . iteddh-.
post- on receipt of sixtentior two poste umps.- , i '
Address, ,
._ ~, ~" , ' -," , - , t.: i :' , ...;.1.1,..t.i"
ctria*EitvrEtt, .jitElit l 4 l ii po •
41'Aiin St, NeWlro/:k;
,roi s t °M, FiG1i.11461., 1. '
" ' Wltt.4 lis ',AC' • , ••• '. ' 4 .:..
Notteektle•berobj even that Jacob rnau,of ,
I.Twp. Aortae AU VS t for .; t htt bean
„creditors; tp the,tuderslirued, and all persons tpd
ea to lad estate are requested to make illtautdiste par'
meut i stwit those haviegtekittl i es Ul 'PrcPent , lbgl 0#1.7
tetatia tprAittledleAt• .
- t
, LlMARamiTtv 4
1 iftsnii littay'";:l-`);1#45,41114701tg1ie.4: ;
-- nt' •-• • •: f .1 4 ' A
jihr.V.ELY •
uzrzolisan, .Adirese .
Jane. 14 1514.
• -82 and 04 Court Streel:
piNhamton, N.Y.
c ;
.:: t
, .ti:
`. %trt%~j