RETRIBUTION. SIGNIFICANT WORDS FROM A REPUBLI• CAN PAPER. New York Ration, Npv. 16. Gradually, the errors and short eom-' jugs of,the Republican party in7tbe treat went of the, Smith', are, in ono fordyni another, "thronging to the bar, and_cry ing, all guilty, guilty." We are learning, littleliflittle; that "troops"..canii4 Ettiv us, nor vituperation, nor the negro vote, nor the ` - narty record."' , •TtiOnis;-t0 considering the history of the iederal ad ministration in Louisiana, with its Pack; arils, and easeyti„ and Durells and Bib, lingies; something absolutely solemn in tne retribution; ichieh _makes .it possible for that wretche d returning board-:-so sternly condemned last year wits timid by Messrs. Wheeler, • Frye and Hoar--to elect Hayes, * makes Haves', best -friendatrembla'at,the thought . off his 0- tering the White Hodge by anoli'Meana. 'lle time for settling this matter by' the aid of old passions or memories is'elearli gone by. The situation is one which needs hard, manly- thinking, and manly facing of and disaPpointing facts. We trust most sincerely, :too, that the' crisis may not pass` , without' , fiiing th public attention on the point that the conduct ,:of the administra,tion since JaCkscin's tic and more,,particularly : ,of General Grant's administration, in eon / stituting itself a wing of the party in-pow er rather than the trustee of the nation , and in employing the whole ,body of of: fieeholders: from the president down, ev. en to the law-officers with their semi in-' dicial functions, as electioneering agents, deprives us v at a crisis- like this, of The presence of any power capable. Of arbi trating, between 'the - conflicting parties, or capable of preserving order without exciting suspicion of- sinister designs.— This 'really constitutes the most Bilious nspect in the presentsituation. The'presi dent and cabinet ought to be in a juncture like this, a body in whose fairness and impartiality the whole people would have implicit confidence, and whose use of the public force would be generally ascribed,. to a hearty desire for peace and fair play: But what are the facts ? The president has made himself for years past•the ac tive supporter or coadjutor of one of the Southern factions which has rossessed the machinery of state government, and has the counting of the votes in the states which now have the deeision of the presidential, contest' in their hands.— The attorney general, who advises him on the legality of his interference by troops or, otherwise in the South, and who'directs the marshals who represent the United States at the polls, is, fresh from the stump, on which he hits been denouncing opposition North and South as 'enemies and capable of any villainy The secretary Of the interior is actually the director of' the canvas of orae of : the two ,parties beside helot a man notorioiii *for the violenee of his language and temper 'and 'the thorough unscrupulousness of , bis-poliiicsi and has :been absent from his post for -three months superintending a series of: most inflanimatory addresies to the public` cal to destroy 'all 'spirit of concilia tion or compromise bet Ween the parties who are now. contending in hot , blood for the mastery. • The result is tilat,,when the president and his Usiaistants are called bj , the, decent, law-abiding ani peace-loging 'portion of the community preserve order and keep down the angry passionS of= the Pr); ?artisans, 'their appearance on the scene with the national point- only in tensiOes Ntternessafilinereisit.iiiipickin. Row is this bitterness or suspicion- aba; ted in the quarters in which it is tant .by theism/44g little ihetonical disapprovala of fraud and chicane, tigebTaft. , CAMA.s fronritkiscpresi dent's pen last week, and which, consid ering his official history t iiave had a r cur iously impmssive effect oa some Republi- Can& It does not speak welhforthfkpon, ditiou ;Of political- tliouiht 'Union 't when any portion of the people are re ' keyed and rejoiced it 'that the . President does not think his successor abould be "counted in" 14 fraud, and haie fqgotten that_ the phcases, ; "Le.*-tui: have peace" and Let *,no guiltY'inan es; cape," . bore such strange fruits in, prat rim But; in any event. these bits of gnomic wisdom, -- coming from a hot..o' tiesl partisan, are 'not what the orbit - calls for-. and how little the presiden t., has gained in discretion, or in-regard pr publiOopinion,: s shown - by• flowittenehti - Sheridan pacificator to a„,,state in witch ' this ofrtf i e!''4fftt!P::: lyiioc4tir to' . have wholeAlsoissi ot the peotila .ed by praclaimatlon, that he might after. wards bunt theta 'down Witli cailati.. 'ln short, this executive tinkering - and med.; With elect ,us and election returns, and sending troops hither and thither to -watch canvas sing boards, though it Might be tolerated froni a preSident and cabi net distinguished for their impartiality and abstinence from party strife, is ob jectionable on so many grounds of prin ciple-and precedent that itbas bad roue! to do with giving Tilden his popular ma jority. and its continuance is helping to drown the Republican party, already set ichsly disabled, beyond all hope of recov ery. , AleiSteithesse.ltitervieWed. - NURSING THE SPIRIT OF A, NEW'RERELLION. Washington, Nov. 24, Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, of Ceorgia,, arrived here today and has taketi:perniti= - nent,quartmfor :the winter at tae Na tional. He has beat on the road three days, 'btiVing ionaci 'tip easy ,Magee, but has made the lonTney with much less fa tigue than was to have been expected. He looks much emaciated, but his atten dant reports him heavier than he has been for , two years. Although,.wearied with his long journeY he welcomid your correspondent cordially and tilked freely 'of. the , political situation. Ris voice, though light, is clear, the tones firm, and as he 'talked of the country's crisis ,his eyes. flashed with the old flame, his words came with the old readiness, and ,the wan hand' would ocCastenallY'sween out with the old emphatic gesture. At first; when asked for his views on the sit uation for publication in the North, he said, with a nature of sadness-and af fected gaiety : don't think niropin ion 'would have much weight with them. They- would.not believe me." Then he adc:ed, with alight ; laugh, "They are in the condition of thoie peoOle mentioned in the Sctipture—qhough should arise from the dead, yet would they not believe." When assured - that . 'public opinion had changed a good deal in the last ten years he replied, ; "Yea, that is SO ; there is a wonderful change going on there, and. many 'men now be lieve what they hardly dare acknowledge, even to themselves." Of the outcome of the present election contest, he expressed . himself hopeful that justice would prevail, deprecated all extreme and belligerant talk, and said he 'did not think there would be any , con fliet, although he did feel that the crisis was one of the most serious which our government has had to pass through. In, answer to a direct question as,to wheth er there was any , danger that the South, or any faction in the South, were medi tating armed resistance, he replied warm ly and with crest emphasis "If there is any such feeling or intenticn any where 'in tne South,'l don't know it.. If there is a single man any where in the South who is really talking in earnest of any such thing, I have yet to learn of him or of uny one who knows of: him., I do 'not believe there one. know the peo ple of the Smith, as a people, have no such idea." %What is. the feeling there, especially in South Carolina and Mori da ?" "They are, of course, indignant at the outrage which is being attemnted ; they cannot believe that the people of the country will tolerate such an, infamous outrage on a free government and they are anxiously,-but quietly, awaiting the resale' He further said that he had time .north partly to get ideated in his .winter quarters before the cold weather set in t .but,also for the purpose of doing, what he could to counteract the impres sion that the South was nursing the spiv. it of new rebellion. That. idea h as beeti widely circulated .at the North,- lie said: and added, with indignant 'energy "It has been and s . their whole stock 'in trade." • ' The latest 'information. of the result in .Florida which 'he received • be fore,: he, left home was that the Retiii:ning' Board were sure tO retain the' Tilden electors elected: by about-seven hundred niajOiiti.'' -- The South Carol ins. Canvassing Boaid• had not stint up shop andynn,:aWaY,'„iljejtiiad, the reach of the, sheriff, *she , expressed it, when he left; end he:waa not:, ,conversant enough with' the fads tO.venln,re,a ,positive opin.ioner7. , He . could_not_quite..helieve.- that the-Saw &erne ,Court of that ;,Statechad allowed themselves to be outwitted - 13Y - suCh'i let_ of -tricksters as they knew the Canvass itig Board to be composed of, still he bad known many a.good case in court-to ;lie lost through Abe. blundering of the Managers. Of the real danger which did exist, that if the Returning Boards should count in Hayes, Congress,, get in-. itti a dead-lock, recourse .'be bad to force of F arris, he spoke - earnestly. -He could not belie7e _however, .that that ex . tremity could be reached.' ~ If a conifiet shotild , .;epsue, , : he said, it will be civil - Wailfai the succession. Such a.. war could have only one result. It vrouhl be,,thc - deathblOw to,' our free goy -eromen t, teMporarily,'at ;:The - spin. it ,of liberty, etrii - til Would. spring •up again in .the future, • but the immediate result: would; be 4iit empire governed: by. • satraps. . Such a War ; Would ruin our,home'atid.Oier . gridit abroad. Our bonds would be as worthlesi3,tia the. French ,aosigtiat& , It not: hetinOthr er . War between ,thelforth - fttid, - the'SOUth; that war the' ,people .of sboth , ieetiOUa 'Spent their Money':frea.y.--.':.iti , ,s -f o r Abe' - any- body. --tirilo;:bead. letrreclhO' epUht4cl::#loAlk . ; .ble. All confidence 'would be lost .and the bottom would drOP out of everything: The venerable "ptiblieiei was intensely earnest al id;, firOO etic in tone•and manner as belooked ahend and read the,to hiin,beriaiii'resnits cif u civil strife at ibiß time, but he - seemed 'eiceeding,li„confi dent in his 'awn 'Mind ttiat the people were too wise to take -81til a risk, and he held stiongly.thht no honest mail or pat riot would for a moment think of such a thing ifi t could he posiibly avoided. Louisiana is the "F'elban State," South Carolina the "Palinetto Eta te,"and Florida the "Alliestor State," qerefo're the New York Telegram sings: ; ' My pelican .Itia)Df thee, Palmetto, uncelfain tree,. , Alligator, ansvcr. me— ' • •; 'Who's the' man? ' The official vote'of' . • sylVaYia, for- hows an. aggre ! , gafe *Ote.Of • 758,957,. 0r86,488 more than, • cast for Governor last year, *heti' 'the heaviest vote,.pOled f in the ( Statc • thrown. The official :totals ,a c re,, as : 1fitye5,384,158;,•, 20 4, 0p0pe r,.7,2Q4 . i.Sinii l 4 l .3 3 l B can Alliance tieket;, ; - .lliVei! 17,944; Hayti' iniijOrity, The votq, of the:State, :without . Pinitdelpiaia,..gave liayes a plurality, Of .3.,43; .amount. Jess than the !:: Reptiblican !gain , . in Alle-• gheney coup ty: : -- The 'Pefititiicau vote in creased. ten• per cent. over !that of; 1.872: and twenty-six and a qtnirler • per' cent.- over the vote. of 1875: ThCf DetnaciatiO!: . vtte increased twenty-three t.. cite!! kwenty-five and -three!'quarters, per cent over last' vyear—a!!smaller pio pOrtiOnate variation than '6th er - S fate' will show, not cltiite onehalf !of one per cent. in favor of, the R•liublicittis.!-, The 'gain was really !With th D-inocrats-by about three per cell r..; tni:neArly the whole: Temperance vote of 13.214.! was swallow. eti itpliy the - Re,puhliatiis. Tye :siios: h pioportionate increAse in Florlile, have given Tilden ,the State ‘ , 4 1 , a, large majurity,7 sat - , 7,150.—P141,d, Times. . . . .GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. THOROUGHLY CURES DISEASES OF THE BEAUTIFIES THE COMPLEXION, PREVENTS AND REMEDIES RHEUMATISM AND GOUT, HEALS SORES AND ABRASIONS OF THE CUTICLE AND COUNTERACTS CONTAGION. This Standard External Remedy for tions, Sores and Injuries of the Min. not a 23; REMOVES PROM THE COMPLEXION. ALL BLED!. ISMS arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the ports, but also those produced by the stm and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE MARVELOUSLY. CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a WHOLESOME BEAUTIFIER is far preferable to any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF ,5177.0. PIiUR BATES are insured BY THE USE OF Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifYing effects, remedies and PRE VENTS 'RHEII2dATISAI and GOUT. It also DISINFECTS CLOIIIING and LINEN end PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED , BY CONTACT with the PERSON. IT DISSOLVES DANDRUFF; prevents bald. "ness;and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices-725 and 50 Con!: per Cake; per - Box (8 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. _ N. B.—The so cent cakes art lA* the site of those at --*5 cents. NELL'S HAIR AND WHISKER DYE," Black or Brown, 00 Cesto. C. I. Prop'r, 7 Sixth FOR 1876. -JOB PRINTING A. SPECIALTY. • • • 'With our four pre3ses, a bug& assortment of plain and fancy job type, butlers, inks, papers, cards, etc., and experienced workmen, we are prepared to do - Akt Viands or Job' WOrk at the LOWEbT PRICES. , 'Promptly', npon• .receipt of order, (by mail'ut,othetlyise,y, we can furnish, 1 Wedding Invitation, -• . ' Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Note He" Box,,Labels, Stiow .Cards, AdmWian Tiol, ets, Ball Tickets, Law Blinks. Auden ' Bills, Large Posters; small Posters, ' Bottle labels, Cirds, Addreis, Cards, Business • Cards, • Invitation Cards, :•• Pamphlets, Business' Circulafsi Wrappers - jags; Dancing - Programines,,, , etc., etc . • 'HAWLEY & CRUSBII, May 10.— -• • - Democrat• Office. ASSIGNEE'S _NOTICE. Notice ie hereby given that N. W3tastraan,of Frank lin Forks, having made a _potful assignment to the nderelfraed for the benefit ~f his cieditorsolli persons indebted to said Bastmaniare reutiegted to make Im. mediate payment.and all persons having claims against him to present the same duly , verified to • . A. LATElROPoissionee. Nov. 22.1676. 48w6 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. , Wm, Graves having assigned-all his _etate to the dersignee in trust for creditors. All persons indebted, by book -hccount or otherwise are requested to make' immediate settlement, and all having,claims against the estate will pleaiepresent them to 11 A. . MeCOLLUM: = Assignee of Win. Graves. tiBw4 Montrose, N0v..12, 1876. BACON, WILL IttREAkTER -4• furnish the citizens et 'Montrose and Vicinity, with iltratioa , Brisenit,• - • ItoiNkPier, Vakee and caohies, Tarts, itte—..ite., /Le Parties and Weddings sapplii4 and 1004111Itterantekit., Tilartiotsgißomoi where Goo. Califs will be Anna' Matt *osu the asirtags:offiii briar atiluU ; 3 7 , tress, ally 114,18111. „ • B t 8it0421. • . .;•-•• G001.?s - 1-. ; 99,01;00 , .-- =MIRE receivedr lfed o n " ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF MENS', .BOYS'; AND YOUTHS'. • ..„ CLOTERIG, _ .ett At prices to snit the bard times. MENS' SMIS, 36TOS/5 BOYS' & YOUTHS' , Also a fine of PRY GQ.9.1), BOOTS AND SHOES, r4,o* NOTIONS FANCY dOwors7 • 0 , r. • Cheap for cath,E 11)); chuges tor, allowing ,etir goodt.' .WI .IIAYDET§ T-- New liSlford. May ltd. ' MiErS= . . 1. „. ..., = - • - :'' - ii - ER - i3sPkif' - .'li r, - ' - '' - ''.:_ , _-"ft-- , - •-: , 0 - • , 1 t g b\ IN 1 nia- Q: f . % ~ Iji . l l l - 'tutrtiu ':. 3oAP :,:, .... „Cleansin g . Deodorizin!, Disinfecting, Sontbuig, . ..1 11ealin t ,. , and Purifying. , "6- , it:renders tit" coarsest situ 'rernarkaltly ii. soft and lassithful. It iawat.ta a Issaut4a. ~awkitliness tit the Sklti, and P a rms ati 'elastic' whiteness. It cures. burns. scalds.: elinting; .- ;, xci.rj:ti”na, rung-It:1(.5 N tan..intiburit. Treelt.- les. liver spivs : ool4ll4 hantl4.44oes, uleere. i' 1 tlw.tirtal„l.!i tens on the hatOls and feet. itch, ..,-, ri in fin itch, i tel ling het Ween the toeit.ltChing Of the biAly,piles, .ixtrus. .Also relieves the itching and irritation of tilting and stinging insects.- As it is especially adapted to the, !!..Totsztiv, and li.yrn taunt, you can . 4 . take a Sllphlie 11aih At Pleasure. For bath. ing Children. it is unequalled. Ladies who use it in their Toilet would never do without it. It neutralizes the odor of perspiration , •1 , and, as an - external remedy, tau scarcely be . u.stnd mints's. Full directions acCetniAtny each Intckinge. TBY IT. - - ' ,: ' Price 25-Cts. Tie Cgs. 3 Cabs for 60 Cts. 1 By wail :13Cta. .By mull 73 CUL . . • 1 ; , 14Arit. 'Piero,- AT . Dr. Van Dyke's Office, No, 1321 Green St., Philadelphia.. bold by all /lineal*. USE NO OTHER. 4 auk iti ails it aid call.the attention of the POlic wanting KNYTHING IN THE MARBLE LINE' to OVR WORKS •t SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT, PA., 11i'Being the only Marble Works lnthe Couti•Jio All Wirk:_Wiirrante4:, Al. aepriis4ffil . „„ _ ..... YOU CAN BA I',NONZIr Susies Depot, Pat-April 1 44 ins. TUNSHA.NNOCK . - MARBLE WORK S. .‘• •.•• BURNS- :Si, WHITE; • • Ntanufactnreni of and Donlon In • • „ ITALIAN & AMERI9AN,, I MAIME, 3 ". 14 4. 4 1.40 1 .! 11 447F,47PF 3 fy , ;1 , 0rq ,- , , .7177 4 .1 , ~ §OOTOII - 85 AMERICAN GRANITE A 'bota* , r. 2 sra par Cemetery Lots Naoloselttlr P. c. BURNS. - --• • Gan. wain MOUS:doe:. vinie=l7 " BUY :YOUR WAGON I?,, • -- CAR -104.9 103 _ •OR - • , • W. OUSTERROUTi - HABI'ORD, PA. Repairing done °Osbert- , notice, citeaper !lien tie cheapest,... : . z , - ~. -.t „•„. i4l First-elfsa PhetOns , - - 'i " . . p .. .' t Buates, - . - . . 'f;f , " " Luiliber waiion e, - , ~- ).; ~ G. . 4 Plrtforme frOM glati to •• - '' - 160 “ “ Befell body Sleighs; ",•e , - .' ..,!': VI BLACKSMITTUNG. - Po shoe per span new; • corkaud set , set per span - • : . c 9 AU iworkwarnitated. Calleist' Stitt befstellitaM/Pg e/IFlrbfr.94. ; QNIM4R9tfr UsagOrd, Alora 15,0114;44.4 J ;, TOW,WORsti.I. 047, , 'fart .fl ad) ILT ThiIikOrPOMIIIIIMPAP3 ittl.9qt) f • " , f: , ::, ty _ xy'i w:i. MOM OR NO ISAUi.. By adliztoP !I WULLIS ‘DeIANG. X.A..COLITLigant PRICE LIST. .I . 3murros INSURANCE - - Capital Represented. $100,000,0001 . _ j~a: lIEWIIiII tire Association - of Phil., Capital & Assets; 7i5600,0011 Insurance Co. of.N, A., PhlL, ' , • SOIS Yeansylvtnis Fire,: Phil., '* Aar ins. Co.of the State of Pennsyl- - • • vents, Phila. Pa. isnioxe Lycoming Manncy, Pa.." eologool. Lancaster . of Lancaster.: • - " ' 01 1 401* . Newton of Newton, ell mmo Home Ins. Co., N. 1 " " 6,000,001 . National'.... • " 11, ; . ", • •. - 41i10,0011` . Commercial Fire 4.• , A KA N ',airfield Fire Inc Co. South • • Norwalk, Conn.. 't, ;-. , . 1550006. Att u ; . '•. • ' Ile ' 610' 1- Nome ` Royal Canadian, of MOistrea4 .• • - . Canada. , „. • .i.lOO Literool. London' 4 1 01obii, • •' • ",-% •- • of Liverpool Brig. „ •• . ,11,900,0011 Providence Washington, Providence,• ',I S° 10 . • ? if Akkver ;0: Tradeins. Co. Caindes,V, J. PAtterpon 4 Piro's, Co. PUP ,4 991 4 11 k. • • • " LIFB. •, • • • • ,•i • 'l3 , ottp Mu.sual Life • tokookoop'. liteltrican Lite. PLl.ta. • 6 $5,000,0a • ... , 1••• • Traietierilnil Rim; Capital andsdipltie 10.000;04 Railway Passengers - 44 . .. :$ 500,000 Theandersignedbasbeenwe.lknowninthileotinty.fet thepast 20 years, as an Insurance Agent. Losses sus tained by his Conmainies have always been promptly , • • raid. •• :~,p'Omcenpatairs,td building cast from' Bankin g Wiles of Wm: pe Coor &Co.. TAIIIIPIke &Arad. . BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CHARLES SMITH. } (Ake Managers.AMOS NICHOLS. IdontroiC: .Tan. 6,1876. MEW AnkiNtiagniEN*2 The PooNs Drug an L N. BULLARD,- PROPRIETOR.. PATENT EMPOIOIOI The nude:Biped would rcepectfullyannounce to all the people everywhere. that to hie already eitensiv stock and variety ot Merchandiee in the Orpcerp, Pro. vision,and Hardwareline. • • He has added a vt ry choice assortment Of 'PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, PER FUMERY, km.. whlctrhe flatters hime, If be cap assure the public they will find it to their advantage to exam ine before purchasingelsewhere. ToallPhysicians in this section of the county he would respectfully an; flounce that he has secured the services of R. Kenyon. Is Druggist and Apothecary u hose long experience and acknowledged care and ability. entitle him to your en-, tire confidence in the line of compotinding medicinee or preparing prescriptions. and who would also sateen itan especial favor to receive calls from any (Ilan OKI "Womene ornew ones. Will make the Patent Medi. *bean specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral Waters—an extensive stock. Also fine Groceries— MEWS EXTRACT OF BEEF, FRESH SALMON PICKLED & CANNED CLAMS, LOBSTERS, PEAS. CORN, BEANS, OYSTERS, &c., &o; In fact, anythingand everythlngthat Is ordinarilyneed ed. Respectfully soliciting a call Ireinain • • -1.21. BULLARD. Blasting, 11,1119,an.d Shot Powder, Shot, Lo ad; Ttb6ll, Cats; Potidies, Flasks, Fate, ' L • &C., ditc... for sale by Moiktrose. Sept. 9,18141.' =I. sr. WAGONS, ditRIAGES I sleighs. BUGGY; CONCO RD, Pt:stor, • ,it Itwo:t • SIDE-BAR 4441/4, olf i,i i !(rt ef , !!vr, , 7 !fr 01 , g *ill C:r7=if EVENBRSi SIN{ LWAND 4301311blitA WiIIFFLETREES.O . . riODIREVOF THR-LATESVSTYLMS'J . , -. .• , .„.11 - ti..i . , - .71.i'ti1;7.' taf - , ,,,,,',.%4-: . . • JOPB/Nfirr-....40•Nr-DOXISF,D4O24:Pria COACH ic: CARRIAGE Theuuderslgned withes nfaivz thikpublic that lie prepared to do all kind sot :Or; •,10#11 Qii 4 1 14421 .n94C44. i ri t O , P e St iS t Vi e nFA I M, tat ROZONIbIit bAtteirbril 144 0 OWN, • k i t ' I A • is, , sown, - ORYBRA - ". • ,--- ' • ' 1 71118. LIM 11,11 D" ACOLDINT Mippizatarosser 31Par: FIRM .. o . r~ ~~•3s* ACCEDIiST.: iANOIX)I4t, tags:ROL 3. KZNYON ,Dryggist 1 Apothecary. Powder! Powider! Powder Manutactum of ; .t ';' , ,„i , ;7t U*. • • or • . 1 , liontri4e. .ionol,lBß6. -'; *- "", " " PAINTINO Cchto/1 4 'OABBIA2WaGICAI ALB/GB T • „ . AGENT, ..;T_)6l tf,i; r 1.2 Z. HULUASD; ;: _, ~'~.~,`~".a iti.~, =MEI ; r; 4 • )