4411' , , -, a noxou~. A. PRINTER'S POEM. TO }UB CATILARINE: OP, 111 V. K. „tat S A now I mean to write, . P. 2 you, sweet:4.T 3, The girl without a 1, The , belle 14)dcryillyonlgot I wrote to, you' B 4, I sailed in the RX D A, & sent by L N.Dloore. ' f iry , m 20 . iee I calm I D A. bright; But S T miles. friihVYCii.ltrust this ChanceAC lst,:Should N E N V •,_ B mind it rAt, If any friendship Alew,•B sure They `Shall not be forgot: „ But friends and foei , alikti DC; As 1:1 may plainlyld', In every funeral =R: - Our uncle's N ” , • - • •! • From virtue never to 8, .1 Her influence B U Alike induce 19derness Or 40tude divnie. l . '.).";,,*it you cannot' cut Or cause an 1, hopf3 U'll put a 2'l P. .' R II1or•an Xation 2.5'.:: . :..• ) - .),. My cousin, heart and W . ? tie offers.in.a , • • "A bfoad helotrEt IT to XS, Irve .virtuous and t's, -In X 1411 - 0 ti All 'others in his , T4is §lt. until 11,1 C, pray you to X qtl do not,burn in F G - My 914,414.-N4nltynapiltme.. , ;::f . Now, fare U well, dear K T J, I trust that U R true, %\hen this e, 13 : then V can,s,a3ti afirlVAn S r . 4, 44: 4. HE'D SUFFERED ENOUGH. Cm) thin - 4;V r tiaf i tbe' ; ' to Mn 'for Congress. He had been in the wArs—he had fought and bled—and his • r(cord 41s .a soldier was of , the "ie . * 'hiilk; con thflA4o4Sla44lt thigh" stil f u Pi!J 4 3° ?; Col cm4h nt ipon occasion, f • ... 1 atti iFturing ,k)StiC.Peerlic ; And „ t ho indulged rather freeltio 's'iyle p : for bol,lcitpw iiiitt - iraCquill he did ,:HiSiopponeßt 001 35.1.111 e - 40 • Bob addressed ~ ikid4 : .*trnnt. Of. a croas-ratid grocery. , told: the stay Offlahardshipkin eloquent,' lyjurid touchingly. He told bow -he • bad led a Is . llorzi bope;.. how he. lAA been atrtekenf , dowri: limier the very muzzle of the'eriethrs'hattery liOi,he :bad lain , two nights and one da y i . 19?..,erote' P449 1 * case.— And othei 'things he fold equally as thrilling. • who be haci,lcoiio.lfided; One, 4 eigms4proached tam Ywith lympathy in "every look. '"Caiitttll4' #ot,), °,w,14 true you jut 4 told 'True &s gospel, Niriend." . "And you railly fit right up to the mouth of the ehenujertsfinotrB'in...-i'C-4 2.) seye ß. ll ; .‘ got blocked over? ',y ea: , come nigh dyin ?-two whole nights in misery ?" -4 *Yes, - my friend, it - is all - true as I have told you Ipudesoimes after that's Oil the interregator, with visible emotion.:.:. blamed, it you' hain't suffered endugh for. the country. I don't see why we should send ypu ot4 , „4huioug, them Congress fel lows. They're bard lot. T'other . man is younger i tkyou„laittalttl. of so pueli' account anyway. 44:4 bum' suffer ; so I guess .01440 tor'himit - . W IMPOOLED 13.114. • One day a strange customer came to an Eas 7 groOff *OO lame godfileAlld 'O4lO d ti.q*i•PFP.4 a y be 604004 1 41 pnrchise and paid cash down, Wand as the days went by hisfiKinhAtii4xit Atatjlikik-3)ne day he ; returned with the change given him and said : "I believe I am an honest man. You paid 111 417 11 fiYM 141;°° • nu rO!' " : ' '1 received i t and W*l3, pleased. TwO days after ilia.the- stratigeii franvthe curbstone to say': _ • "Another mistake on your „ part ; you A The grocer ;iiia'Atit iiiund an hon est man, end was Apzzled to know hovr he could have counted out of the Way.-- Me 4 l„ 4 11 9X.9,f4, 1 4. ,h o ,lVinggr- PISPKI)I } , donut bill the' "This is - not my dollar,, I found it; on the Boor, and you inusf take charge of it." • fmuce , clesztypielted, tu4d , 04adfired ietie world was not progressing, backward to old tlikplyffiitt.cit A. Trip 'cif one day, and then the libtest man bicirisrit;,dow a wheel intrrikw„,ordered eighteeri dollars' worth of-gro- Cedes, and would ,have ;Old cash; had h'elnot i forgotten his wallet: lie would hind it in tie noon as he w.ettttital;l(alAaid,l and it was all xislit.viith the gmeer. ItAcakthe last of,,the 'honest:non ; morning fades to noon, and noon dark- Aess, but he come% not. There are no mis takelibiFobtaiga..:;;",'*u,tilollate 4e:tit-door, and the groxre eYes wear a far oft expression, as if yearningto 4 , e some one Or about fi t t wo , , '.! . o;'-' ::', .:: , , i-t+l ,, : .. i - . = . 1 4 ,37 a 0-1 e'l ('), 1 . . Itiii i 1' " . ' aft; bilfilitielit ' lbt l . their . . . .. . . , g *Out ibehloll l t .4 4 ,o r , a , , , ~:, .t. 9 1 - , Vitt - .....04 . , EMEMEM M== ~{+ ~-~ HO W HE: GOT THE. KEY. , A few days,ago about dusk ,a stranger called' at-the resiilence of, a bank cashier in. St, Louis, . and introducing himself, said he desired sOme. private conversation ()pi ll ,husiness; impor-. taupe., The cashier „thereupon, led; him tO:.11 , private room, gave ortler4 that, they ,:were.„not, to i b.e dksturbed, .seated himset r i ,30100• hi s a rms and :,Oeslred ins mysterious acquaintande to communicateithe, object of his. visit; ' : The man coughed 'once or twieei,then said ; • the goshira of ithiii.tere . financial in st 411:0o,u, of conrse :you • keep , - the -key _of •the' :,;- . "And:.you know about the bank robbers that go round and tie and gags. their with pistols at their heads compel them 'to give up the keys V. "Yes." ;Brothers and tiin Spiritualists and things ?" - `f ‘ 11 said "o ) stfituger l :Rve been study . 3 fr ig up tii:e. , :wl ' AolejnisinFss f . and...llkalie found out how to . overOrae thew) "You don't say so ?" "Yes, sir ,For $5 I will impart to you a se cret which at some future time save your life alrhibefundfi intrusted' tp 4 .l9F : pirc.-. will 4 0 03* how : ;' to untie anyseries of knots hiiwevers:coniplibated ; 'W , reino•Ve 'a gigt from .;your mouth, and, fact .tos,et ,x ourself free.— ii : ete,h, WOO lnysell FOX, vioql4, kuttlo6l.'ll 40,4 Wr . ,betth . l-thap tll,r minutes. You see the advantage of my sys tem ? There is no need to'resist and get shot.; all you have to do is to let them' tie You up, and, as soon as they take key and are gone, why you just let yourself loose arid give the alarm." Tie cashier Aatil it was a. remarkable inven- `you het it is," said the inventor, "and as I never take-any money tot it2tilt my customers are satiSfied: of my `holiCsty in dealing 'with them, I'll tell you what,. do. Just let me gag and bind you, and then, r u give,you simple directiAni *hat to di>, and if you don't Unlimie yourselfili,fti/A bindles . 'and express your en tire satisfaction with theiprocess, Fit give you $lO. It you find that lam a man of my word, cashire said that.. nothing could he kir .; v, j(tr ~1 t ~v4Y ~e~ "AO:other thing;" continued the visitor ; "I am man, and this secret is my only stock in trade, B°,l'll ask you 'not to teach any one else how :to do it, for-tlitt would spoil my - - The cashier consented to the arangement': "Tike this $lO said the other. "If I 3;oulteep . it -; it you Are satisfied you Will return it to tne with another $5. And now . this is hOw owe. do it." So saying he took a Coil Of cord and a gag from . his pockets, and with great dexterity tied that cashier hand slid foot,and gagged him so that heicould not wink. "Nbw you are'tied 'pretty firmly, ain't you ? you . voUldn't think you could ever get lose, 'would you ?" The, cashier looked the' replies he:could pot speak, . - "I don't think yam could myself," .said the inventor ; "Arid now let me tell you my name is Jesaie H. James, the'notorious train robber, and iiyon dbreetoik over that . Wiii-ihiee sec onds ".'ll cut your.tfiroit from ear to ear. I beg your pardon;; yoti can't, take it *self ni:r trouble ''and, the easbier over on hikii;ack-likefa---tnitlE; he took;thkey:- "I won't take your pocket book;" be said, "tor , ;tbe $lO is yours, I don't ' think yinc*ill be able to get loose In live minutes, or five hours either. sonny-,", And, with a courteous bow, he quitted the apartment, and proceeded to the bt0. 11 %w410. 4e Idled .as:comPieelY 'tido asif bad:, been one of the directors.— The sad event has cast a srloom over the com- Munity. You should see a woman try to pass a mil lineryi,storo where an., advance, courier of lash 7 ton in the shape of new, styl bonnet has just been placed in the -, Window. She . knows her own , ViViikiless and looks 'reselutely aWay, until she is Milli Past. Then me eye lolls 4 little and it catches the tip of an ostrich feather. Oh such a lovely new'colar 1 end 'she steali just one - look and the - mischief* d(iiie yir4exi her husband goelihoriii . tit'sUpper he hast,his,favor ite muffins, and she hovers aroundd - him like a hurnming-bird, and presently' sheontea "OM' with that hat on—just tipped on one side enougN,36)(erpFlitAleatllerlqd tfaya act ,oax ingly,' isn ' t it too sweet, and So"efietip: Won't •Georef‘ wife pe. fit to die with envy," and be, Iniffisiesix t edlAtid tat outihi imzettrf.dtai, lam There's diplomacy for You ! • A man with a red tare, and looking rather nftilitijr ( 4 4 thillng A la fietiai!!_iii, ttife ihintrjrionel 'Sunday, asked for a drink of cider. The good lady of -the 4:fttashlinhiadent Ile. said that she had better doeo,-for some persons had elmti,e4 loge)! junoti.Ev.A psly 6)0,004 "I know that. But. anyals don't go about drinking cider on sundaes 7 Pat had Ifeei : e.iagaied tii tittle for a 'neighbor, and proceed e d immediately to cut off attention was called' to' •the' fact that the turtle still - criWleit•ahout;:theinih it had been des:.tgit,tfd, f and, pxplained the baste is . 441013 r, 44,.0 i r,i j u 10.1 :conscious of. it." • Il i+ batVi :dffferenee," a ted4i xntennial 'visitor; pointing to-Memorial-Hall, "what's the 'difference between Abat, btfilding and a vern in a'ichirig'lady i ti at tn . r. otioir an ; ;{gallery and the other ' s :t< gal.a..rAgY•:;z: , tleY, aid him off in an ambitaueei "! :!!, • sclentiflc paper. , sayselieep; your mirrors sway from tki)(0101 ggdaughters abwit you can," adds &family-Nol4r, ~; • *-11 4 1I t terogit - A b q, 4l ' ill ittPito-4 - 0: 6 „, kilo o e well•he q au i "nbewites Apaileia , p4rwv toglafela . :ta'4 , Jet ItviA ;L14,101 =MOE _ ;iTTIE '-22 1816. AN'IMFORTANT:WCAL REFORM !•', ' hereatter goOda:will be sold' at • • • , . E, •• 9 STORE, in Montrose, for, QAsti' . at: CASH 'PRIC*3, I. will I , keep'good',goods and Inike"the' piiees ., to suit: the closest buyers •' '1 • 3PLOU.R. ,h e .4,seyeir years ; expeyienee tn b.nyFing and, selling : FLounso.o4 i know NNifte re to : htfy .ati d , cfr h .to buy to, sof t 'the ...•eust.onf.ers of this vicitfitV.. • I. WILL. MAKE A SPECIALTI ckv WHITE , ; :,...,,,) 1 I.ErgA.-T FLOUR •• - • - ancl:'•warrant every : stick 'to suit:or refund The . TOISACCO! recently,'lnade arrangements by . whiCh can Self PHEWING Tqß4cao by, 'the pound, tiii.Cheap :ts you can buy of any 'holesale . 'l`obacco` Houk 'by the barrel. I also keep'Ohew'•,ne Tobac - co' in 10'lb„ ciad'gs for yetii...6 L' will 'niake, prices. • ses.A.x.er. 1, 1 keep on panit,a liiigecin41 - ctiq of SALT aifdlieitti, under cover, sell it as' lOw'a'slpoSsible foi this tharkei. , • Silgat;'Tea, Coffee; , FiUh, all' at the' nimble . six'.pence` prides. " I trust I' will receive suf66int-Pair!in 'age from' cash buyers to Make the'caSh: system a' success. R P. STAMP.. :Opposite 'the Banking -Refuse of , Win; H. Cooper , Sc Co., and the t Dry. • Goods House. of Guttenberg, Rosenbaum. & co., • , , Montrose;Oct 11 1876tt • • LwATs* UP TO THE - TrIBI,ES . I • .GREATEST : INDUCEMENTS EVER:OFFERED. FOR, • CASH. OR READY PAY t • . • 'Baying .jnet,:retniued.ifrom New :To k with ; a large - , and well • *elected stock, I Anil be able to pat-• rons the: .best bargams seen in this county.for Years,' as they will be fully convinced by giving us , a'call and ex,- 'ruining our Atock. ,Itead - the follO 11/g Itst. - DRY GOODS, :.. 5 to Se. Muslin& -•-; - " ' - 6 to 11c: .Detainee • • :.,•......20 to Mc: Brest Goods... • . • 2 0P? site. Alpacas - -• • ' • 1 " "25 `to 75C. , . .75 tb Ladies' Jackets • '• ' • ' *.• •-• " t .ss to po. • i • • GROCERIES.' •-• • Sugars-. .. 113ic, 10)0 Japan Tea... „•,-.-,35 to sl* yeon • .. ' 25 to *ll Rice 8 tolOc Ross Chev,vingTobacco .40c . Raiding ; 'pew- ' • "'• " " 15e. r. BOOTS AND 'SHOES: -• " ' • " r 116.14 • . . . 4po.ui a Boots • • • 850 ,4 50 Boya*Motits" - . " . . 10 3 ' oo Oag ! Shoes, , ,• 1.50-1,, 2 6.0 Lailteetliain Shoes.• ...... 125 . 2 40. Childran'tt ,4. '6o' . 1 . 50 . ,• ; ..8..p4p, , k-A• ttunt• GLOTHINCI. . : Suite 010110 +Oven X 0ate,..,, 00 toIPD. SattC'ait-iViclet. - .':. • 8 to' 'l5 r-Walkit,lA Coats 5.50 to ' 10 5ui,43,411,W,041 i fa1t- I 1 rants • - • 0Q "to 5 ),0 to 121 . - • • • Al4o, ate; and Cape„Croc ery, glees and ,Wood e ne Ware,';.Table; and eecker: _Outlet y, Itaidware:Stoves,' Tin ware, Ropes, Cordage, and in fact, er i erything near ally kept in"conntrr StureS. • •' gar motto isour customere interest tirtorit in tereatily theref'o're it is for our benefit to give.hem, all the ad % vantages ora4eTtbotight . stock. . • - We, are r till alixe,pn Poultry, antlwaot ltLooo.pouttditi dressed,' ininiediiktely 9 for which the hialteo. mar49tt , prlcewillbepald::, • . , • • • Bring .on-your rotary, -Butter; Eggs; and other pre.' dues. rend we gnarlintee you, will be well"pleand that you called, , , • - - • • : • , , Or .T. iV,I4IEATCAttOPT. Rash;'Pa. ; Oct. 25, 1870m3. 1X SE FACTS 1.. . Ili • stitnOtiy of theWfiole WOrld. .09 Lit) =l:* % sPILLS: • ,Extracts front Yarious Letters : had no Holloway'sappetite;e ille gave me a hearty "Your Pills are marvellous - ;"' , "1 spud for another WK. and keep them in the house " "Dr.liollowaybas,cared in headache that wss chren , "I gave one'of your Pills to m 3 babe for eholera mor bus. The:C.' ear little thir g,got well in a day," : • "My nausea or. a morning is now cared." -- "Your box of Holloway's Ointment mired me of noises in the head. ,I . rubbed , some of; your Ointment behind the eitre and the boils hasleft." "Send me two bates.' I• want one for a'poor 'I enclose a dollar ;lour price is 25,cts,.but the med icine to-me is worth a dollar." "Send me five boxes of your Pills." "Let me haie three boxes ofspur Pills by return mail• lor Chills and Fever:" • • .` I have over 200 , such testimonials as these, but want of space compels me to'conelnde. , . For ,Cu taneous Disorders , and, all eruptions of,the skin, this ointment is most in- valtilble. It does aot heal %Zany 'alone. but pene trates with the most search effects:to the very root of the evil.--A ) , 3 1 31C613Lcaw.ze.3r's0 LLB.` W'. invariably cure the following I rnflect,: , Djsorder of the Kidneys. , In R I , diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water; or whether they be afflicted with stone or grnvel,,o r e with aches; and pains settied In th e-loin:4 over the rt.gions of the kidneys; these: Pills should be taken according to the printed di. rectloncrand the Ointment should be well rubbed into the shiall Of Ihti back at bed time. , This treatment will give . almost immediate relief when all other means have failed . . ' , • ••• r' l For Stotnaehes out of Order. ' • No mcdicine*lll soeffeetnally improvethe tone of the s tomach its wits° Pills ; they retrieve 411 acidit y °evasion, ed either by Ititeptrance or improper diet. They reach the liver and re duce; . It to s healthy action ; ' they -are vonderfully,eMpinimutin cases,of Sperm—in , fact they' never tail it enfing'alt disorders oFthe liver and atom ize/147 .1 _, _ i _ , _,, _Ls t , i •je_ . are , the 11 ' beat HOLLOWAY'S PILLS , e . b , known in the *t World for the following eases : Ague,- A ettima.• BD; ions Complaints,Dlotchee, cm . the , akin. Dowels,Con aniiiirtion:lDeollity: Dreptsy.pyscntery.-ErysiPplaa.lre p24lo Irregularitlea,F,erverapcsil kindo.Pits.tiolltritiead.• a4he. Indigesiion, Inflammation, Jaundice. laver Com plaints. imiribligik.i Plies , Rhetutivtisth, -Detention of Urine, tic: oinVinr's,,,e.vil i Sore.Tiroat s :item+ and Gravel, _Tie-Do I Matta. Ttimors;lTlcere, Worms of all kinds ivY olskn .frotuant.catise, etct r., 1 1 - ~ • : IMPORTANVOAT.OIIOIf - . ••-..., 1 ;'l i . - ;11. , I 'None lire yieiiiiinetniess the signature.or J.llayacck. all sgfht - fOr , the DuKcici Stares. •,aurtmuide eatitt, box of Pills and Ointment. A handosme reward will he given to any one modeling 'Mitt lead to Iht leteCt.ort piqsoy pArty or parties counthtfeiting the m d mace 'or vending the - 4ame, knowing, them to be '14 : 11 /r 1 Otts. , • . ,: - I , ; t - ;,t iI ' '" . •.. f ' . l * * Soldolt the niatinfactory of Professor Holloway & Co., New York,lind VP ail respectable, druggists and dea'ers in medicine throughout the civilized world. in bates dt2s cts, d 2 cts, and $1 each. Per There is con il siderlibie saving;bytak nit the larger sizeB. N. 8.--Directions .fo the guidance of patients in ay= crY disorder are affixed to'each box. r, FRENCH, IHUHARDS,"& CO., Sole Agenta.' z ,, Philadelphia,paw , N, .TO,N ~... . , 1.- -.., ' •' :, (1,, 8.1Gg40. I ~ 1- . ! -''' --, . ~ ~,..,„_,..!.~ :..,..,13 - Ciaii.: I3INDERITI - , 1 ,, ~ .) 1 , - - P A*lA 10 A P 1... lsB 't 801 18 t ' P, 'f lioil: irr ' . „. •r,?.4,.t5c,,,1 i i c i.,,§fre,,, 241110 pr,, Btaglimaton,elt,y e - - , i'7 i -, ..-- 1 1-s- if, , t i l ' ' ' , ' ''. -• '' AND J' , BLANIOIOOK'-''' MANUFACTURING !-illi ° - ' 1 v -ii# iiiiksciiihiifirpaiditia.` _z.: '‘. /”' .? vhipinitoometlions,...44l l ., 'lO zli,i,i; ,111!),.;:.3:..., EiM s===ll : ; •.• ' ; • - ) 1 11 C " .(3 • 1 ' ....lt • 1;. ••• - • : 111 4 :1 . . . LIRGEST nth BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE NM I)RY:GOOD.S.CLOTIII I .N.O, the LENHEIM ; BLOCK,"., Great, Bend .!, Atl: goods bought with care - and for: ca*,,Only. ,Ah immerise, hue ef guide just received. Country Produce of Eill!kinds Marketedlik Philadelphia ' and grew'llOrk. "Welcome!' to both old, and , new eustomeiii: ~Gre!tt Bcna, • WHOLSSALB. DEALItIt IN BRONZE,, LAMPS, OPAL LAMPS, ALL GLASS--LAMPS, HAND LAMPS, BVI*ERS, WICKS, SHADES, SHADE HOLDERS,"c:, BYEItt:::STILt.: . ,,OF . :TUNI - ::-AA'PR).$, - P,N1:11111.MAlt UA:I 4 I3I,FACIIIIER OF' ' , '- • , *49 . 6,1%731:).-,•1'41,A.1T1g.1937 ; 17174L17..33. as -Low as any Sousa in &AU/ Prieea awwcwe 4 41411 "C5. 1 04 RIAU t4F.0.40WY. A t tended EST' JOB , t. , '7.. I . ',- , I ';',o 1:8ClIt'5:': .1.-1 )(1,91,.; , , , • _ I,^ We. ere ,dentinueOlf, Adding inewAuaterl"l 'to . rd our 'oce, and,with our , •;:;( : ~-•- to r , ') . r , $ • 41. , _ Ligge!Stpcx of ;.4nd, - FOUIV Printiog - Msietr, WeDefrOometietion , - it .' .tfrr F‘t 4'7 •,-, 4- .j.iiii::, ;if .I.V.r • ; A.)1! 4. 4. , , . • ;; ...; • .=•-•,. Both .iit',Pticn a and o,nahty, elthei"Plata -• or.Vofored WoilEJ tilitWittY - r • tj!il -!'.--. 1 ~L.:; , i!‘,?:t.c: • - • PLANING Alnt LUMBER YARD:! In order 40-better eicottnedatestltei community. the undersigned has established a depot for the title of Lumber ilannfactured at hit newirrereetedbeiklhigon the;Old Ktielcr tannery SitejnAhe where will be kept constantly on hand. A full stock o rrE i H .1) Y EL LOW PINS, HEMLOE. ASH, MAPLE AND BLACK; WALNUT LUMBER ~ . . which,with the aid .of the most Priprovedmachltiei a 441 colnpetent werkmen. is prepared to,vr . orit to meet the.ivanta of Ottitomert u t . .1; . ft: 1 • • '• !. WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INCLTIDING' SIDING. FLOORING, CEILING ' , SHINGLE AND -, LATE CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 1,- Planing, Matching, Mouldings. and Scroll Sawing tone to order. , • , WAGON,,cARRIA6ES , & ;$10414, Li/ It% it) in connection wits the above establiehMent. under the mansgement of Mr. E. H. Hogcrs. .114amine our,wor* before teasing your orders elsewhere. 'Repairing done PrPinlatir- ..t '‘ •t t- •-; .? / •, il ' :• - !k 6 l: 1 4 411 /1 . 1 40P.•, Montroseeptembes 29th, • , s L.‘ TARBELLAIOUSE; - • ,„ • . - ,`.11,f• • .•' tatrOnlrg laei 06ViliTsCitim ' l, l v 1 '; • 4 1 r •e, • 1 • :•: 1 ?-k":;a47 E• . -'I2Q .- J . $ 01110)1118 MENNtilo. ; ;L. , • JOIENt S:,rrAßßELL;Pilotoa: ,„! - litheyettlutek StbdinfleVi 'leaveMete-Bea a Cdte nectinv vei!,ll the Mantrap' Railwas t the Iteh!gh' ' alleyi Ramoiii nun the D. L. &V. 461,12.64 d - -; ' w HAT T 01010 CELEBRA.t 'Tin? ram:Tract ; • - mit;ittoo prerafation"; the chemical costiblui tigh sach ;alit to ntatraliaa UnnattiradtikP peril whan nppltc d„to,nian NIL. ,; Whittle it'fOk ?.• • t , '.. ,. I • • • FQT..tko aura of arty kind Of painMatinaeasor wosinda 'or for anything ioultifig - an outward application. Ia um goads hthotlinamenta for those iniztioals with and 41t mt. ter. , - • - • •• piartiitee do - you give - of this . l' it oep' prove ea. attatt,naing 411thel naV iindid return he empty: b0tti.) , 4 1 14013,4tt 10 4444 TOW mum* otz-, 4 ,tt.-1.,t 1.1 ArlidalifiltitforAtkaala ot otil it e 4r at, • Ittt4p and destining* axo m . *Lei • Arr Jay MIL 4 ,O..N, ' ,X I MN . X . I ! Zi,tI 7 ' 'i • BOOTS AND .SHOES, NOTIONS, WALT?; • STATIONERY, &C. . „ 4 , t : MI,NER; .. I,3IN,GH'AMt.ON, A. S. 9 ~LSQ, ,t•t . L 3 ;l .'J: .~1) t.. r t\,, .r? •,7 :: , 'I•7: kr . ../?.'„`4l l 1 . ' .ii a )},. 11BART OF TOWN in= newkipbl r I. g . L I7 - . . *CL:j . • .• • • , , I SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN if i. - f - :73 ~, t MEM •(-1:1 ii i!L . Fiqw . mll4. ::.,:??.,::.,,;:) !! At VVW4 - Staith & eon's L`f EitsigiverursittifeWsi,rtitim yeti willind theism,. st o acovi, 7: Mr-L171:1. 171:1353 - . • ' Tv be fotind in. this! section of the country of his owl lithhifiCttife; find at prices Oat cannot tail to give sa gs faction. They wake theyeu best : - ' i . pm - At:Ng:l MATRASSES, COM:3ON I MATBASSIP3 U . N D'E RTAK I'N`G ,The aubscaer wuwtreiAer make teu. aderuutiag a apecillty in Ma *maw. Elating _Pit completed * lOW and the elegant KRIM in the Mate, • naiding ionic.* be attended to promptly and a satisfactory charges.' ~~t ..?i;S EMI HATS AND GEO L. LENHEIM. (In , Ills New Store.) ik NOW. YO4 Starch 81 'lBlt. , . -AT MEW .LOWEST: ERATER .i •, , , i1 '-; ,; i -:?! ',.. .. , ,i4,1, ~,. t; ', ;;.; _:-,,, ~. !...!1, EMI !IL 71,` OLASS AND COMMON EXTENSIWU TABLES .',. ,an .."In the CountryAilltAtwTthcm., t:r 34. o3.ist s ry work Of ell hinds done in the neatest nisiiier' t . *kr 313 131 XII SIEIC •, , • I • OF, VARIOUS KINDS Wit W. SMITH IL 80N. Montrose.Pa.. Jai. at NlL—nob—if . pippyl`ANT AkITOIMICtMENT t 4*-1,1 • • 'r! . • * RTES ~i~ J i~~ . l r i3 { ~ . • arC,CPX:IIIII4 .. MERCHANT .'-:--TAILORING, ~1 Z , : • , ,•, , • AT ,9;i* i zotyr ;6r4;)4:44; lie. Al Court, 8 troset. : • • WaNilin l 4 PeßentainlLY announce to thEpublic that we ba'ssreitthveolo one • new and epacli.us store. Ne- RI Corner of Vourt mad Wateretreets. and are Mee it, with a new stock of goods that hairejnstarrived- unr" "stoek of Dress Goods. Shawls; are of the very lat est Spring patterns and, ,styles and porches/ tor Cash when, the matket was most depressed. , • in lbellallotirericiuGoodit. i Hosiery, Oreeeti, Hair GOada.ltilbons t etc.,:ont stock Is unsurpassed. Wie have abto apnea a De p artment of Merchant Tailoring, and have joist perehaved. a lame 'stock of the law styles in the line of ClOths.Cassimeres, etc„ and of the very beet qua ity. We ~lmes , . emplc_lyed to take charge Of this Departm t aA, D. „IMP& long 4 ns leading and motranetetaleil tatter in ttis city. and WhO always paranteetta perfect dt,- Mr. Teller Old. ibn an' leeilnifog We'Oloas. trltenthigs, Acta* this dePirtMentt Which eimuld satisfy A 11031414 have the lateettnd most' rash icitabte styles. We cOr m tilitild thank our_llatrOus ibr pest favors. and Preintee ta sod the generally Mg Nil irs bet sorpreparsa thin &r elottifr upp3r anyiblnirip ourlina. v0,14M 3SlUSViinfittro I “ . 1 r 4 t ii% ' :lll 91 41 44L ' A " Iiiir4 "' Bingbanten, April 111,111%. )1( ? • • : „ • CAPS, ~T i ' . t cl.Es; air/vale. r. i i .:.i ~>: H ..";sl'l •;,1 , • tCYI ,„‘ i_~~' . r