.i f tk'`:.,..._...,.J.~:.i.i='t: b:...,...,,.. Sri ., , .. ~. . Itutiovotto. iIstEIATOR. • Years ago, when a certein Western State , • (which weeball not,neme) , was a leriltory, and withh frrir inhabitants, a yoiikelaWyer trom the old etates:emigreted thither, end, sel.- ,pid liefinin of E.. Be/ succeeded'.;acim it ably in his profession, and rose...4ldly in pop. filar favor."" lbere'ilearly two rwhgrae jnfincesl a.,prirter to, print,. a weekly paper, of which - be was editor and pro prietor. SquireS. was pleased for awhile with editing a paper. :was a man of very low etature,..but, hezused, the editorial ."we" a's fre tlinently as if there were a dozen 'of him, and. each as big as Daniel. Lambert. ;., '?,l3trapge to say, there were . _ at thatiiineMen yin fifEce who were uot a perticle • More, =honest 'Aiitin . they should be ; a thing which probably 04401. happened before, and never , will hapPett again. Shuire S. telt all •the patriotism of a son of ,16, And poured out grape' and canister -against public abuses. Thiq , , soon -stirred a hornet's atiOut his ears'; but as - .there wee no other *ape? in thcil . crritcv, therel was' no reply, and he enjoyed his warlike , propensities in semi!. {4i &Y, _ At length he published an article more ,se vere and cutting, against m alfeasance in office, than any that had preceded it. In fact. thopih !,poitite,Cat no one In particular,it was ' ay"aboich er.' Some three or four days afterwards he was sitting alcne in * oak% which -was about a quarter of a tihile from4he printing establish :pent; his pen was bUsy with .a paragraph, when his door opened without much ceremony, 'aid in stalked a man about six feet in his stockings. - He asked, "Are yOu 8., the proprietor of ,this paper i" Thinking he had found a new patron, the little man, with one of his ,blandest smiles, an swered in the affirmative. The stranger deliberately drew thelast num ber of the paper from his -pOek.et, and pointing to the article against rogues. in o ffi ce, told the affrighted editor it was intended forThim." It was in vain: l :that B. protested that he never heard of him before. The wrath of the visitor rose tci lever heat, and from heing..so long re.a, traii,"4 boiled over :with denblefury. He gave tte ''editor hiwchoine; either 7 tO publish a hum ble, a very humble recantation, or take a flog ging on the spot..F 4 ither alternative was wottn 7 . wood' - init — iihat could he do ? The 'enraged office-holder was twice his size,- and at one blow would qualify him for an obituary notice. He agreeno retract, and as the visitor insisted tipixt. , -Nit* the tetiaction himself ) , he sat to hidtaili. • - 4.Squire.S. made an, excuse to walk to the rinthit,ogtpo. ;with , ; a protioise tie . back in tithe to sign it when it was finished. - 8. had hardly gone fifty rods when he en countered a man who p )15.' inquired where 'Squire office and it he . was at hoine. Sus. peeting'that he, too, was on the 'same errand • Is the other visitor, he r pointed tly the office,und ',old him he would Lind the editor within, Writ:- log an. l abusive,article against` o:rice-holders.-- hie ` was. :4'heeyes of the new-comer tasbieg'9ol bq la;Q. the - eOlee , and.as tilled the stranger with the epithets. ti&iitic* - 'oWard ;" and teal him be 'woad teactrhinthowitO write. - The gentlnman, sup posing it was some bully dent, , there by the ed-. iprinito his feet and a fight enanea., The table wins - Upset and smashed, into firewood, the contents of a large Jog !of , .ink stood in pud- dies on the floor, the chairs bad their legs and tacks brokestlkyondi the.akill of r surgerY to cure them. Tbis seemed . only' to . inspire the iombiltintaaith still . greater fury. Blow fol lowed blow with the , rapidity of lightning.-- Pipit one was kicked 4u the floor, then the oth er, each taking lt iu turn pretty The. • ink on the - toot found its way to their' laces, tilfbbill'Of;them',cut the most ludicrous figure imaginable. The noise and uproar were tremenduous. The neighbors, ran to the dour, and exclaimed that two; negroes were fighting in Squire S's office. w , None dared seperate the At lengp, completely exhausted, they ceased fighting. The circumstances, of the case be came knoWn, and the nexi ,dak, hardly able to * sit on horaeback, their heads bound up, they . • started;homeward, convinced that they bad , , at tained very Attie satisfaction, from the attempt. WANTED A TESTIMONIAL. . .::, •.., . 4 . c: 'l .. _ '..:,: .. -• . 4e4'. iihiudi ley quarre, Jay evening. got mid and swore beo leave ..her..Then she got vexed sad-told-him becould do , 118 he pleas ed. ' He left. The next night he came around again. lie asked to see her alone. She read 7; ilrtomplied: ' She was. all of a' tremor. /ter heart went out tolum in a rids (),feyrapathet... is love. She itood ready to throw both - arms about his neck, and cry ont her joy. There WB4 WA Tie, bi;X4 o l' in lhja and his voice llue4l l /re said .1 I have 'been' with Yon six months, Matilda. and I tried in all that time to do • what was right." He paused in instant to recover ithe vokitelyhjch was ifaltering! rapidly, , while ;het trembling increased. "I snow that I have got considerable temper, aml -that I do not always control it as I ought. But I have tried ..tO "tried . to :.do everything that I thought - wouldtend to make you happy. And fee l 4 l ob:fiL frOori'called to see .if yOn would be kind enough to give mes sort of testinioniatto this effect, so - that I could show it to 'any other young lady I might wantto go r with. It might help me., He looked at bar All the color left her Ism in a flash. She mace agreat effort . to - swallosu , somethinc:3ollcll 4 , ttOtite*d tO Egtoke her. Then she spoke . ; "Yost out'of this house iisqulek es you can, 2419 z hither" will I lick you out." . . . . . :111'414i , i'k tc* ' . yi)t4 - :',,, , ,04e.„ . 2.-i;,F.ft..=,;%4,.:---.*A.1494.;,. Ilki7kiiiii6ol4 -..".'". -'.:..' ,:: .1. --. • , -. 2- .';- .- :.' '. -- • - ' '-:',.'-'-'-''l « I As the rain came drizzling down yesterdaY, half a dozen men were seated in a tobacco store on Jefferson avenue: While they talked about the Indian ,'war,`. . tiud , Susan B. Anthony, in came a stooP,,shonldered whip ; in band and a leather 'lien around, hitn, and he asked foria,plug of tobacen.. The *ink was Passed around and the clerk handed' out an old file used - to open boxes with and said : "There's a new brand of plug, and :I think you will • , • • , "Pink 1 . Why, that's an &Vide 1"` eitchtimed the man. "Anything ail your eyes ?" "No,sir ;my eyes, are all right." , "Then' why do you call this plug of. tobacco an old file.". ' "Because it is. You don't .think I'm :whom fool, do you ?" , • ' • The clerk took up the file, passed 'it from man to ian, and as each one took it [ hand he tetharked,i . , "That's - a plug of tobacco, of course, and a Yerifine,Plug .tOO."' • The PaPirnitY and grmilty, rather 'frighten ed tha'stranger, Who took np = thafile,looked it over, smelled it, and said "Neil, if that isn't a file I neversaw . ene?'.* He turned .around' as if 'hesitating wlkt Oo,,and the clerk ,retioved . 4,14 e file and laid , a plug of tehacen'in . 10 "All I this ii'What I wanted," said the man as' he caught sight 'of It:. • , "That's a file we use in the store,. and, we can't Sell IL" "File 1 Why this is .a plug of tobacco. .."You are becoming blind," answered thti clerk, and he passed it around the circle. The men looked. at it,drewit across their handstand each one Said : - "That's as nice a file as I ever saw." "Can I get a plug of tobacco here ?" asked the than lookinfg around in a half wild man, ner. ' :'Yea, sir," answered the clerk, and ,he laid the file on the counter. "Now, by thunder!" exclaimed the. man aa he took it up, "I am either _blind, a fool, or else the crowd here ought to go to a lunatic aay lum !" The man put'down the file and 'walked out. He was seen rnbbini, his eyes and looking around,•and as he approached his team s on the opposite side of the street, he walked very softly and reached out for the hitching post as it he expected it wonid turn out to be some thing else. A 'Raleigh lawyer was interviewed lately by an agriculturists \ living. a SCQrfc of miles from the city, who said he wanted to secure a ai vorce iromlts Wife; • • "You don't live happily with her s eh ?" tb,e a t oiney. - ."No we don't seem to hithb wut4A *V' Ner4 the quiet reply. Toes- she scold and fret, and make _your, home a hell ou so to speak ?" continued - the hivjrer. "That's . her exactly.". "And you are prepared to prove that you have a peadeful lispositi6n, and that you have done everything you could to make home pleas ant'?" "You bet I am ! anybody as knows me will Sweat i that I wouldn't' it'urt a 'flea, and that I I move around home like an angel l" "Nlitell, I guess ive can make out-a casersaid the lawyckab he took ;up his •pen and.began to .jot dovin the\points. After a moment he in quired : N "Do-you think you will cortest the case-- Has she any d‘iensel,", "Waal, now, I never-thought of that," slow ly\ replied farmer. "nlidn't know as she had anything to say about , "She may have. Has she any grounds for complaint against you ?" \ don't . know much about law,""tmswered . the client. in a hesitating way.. \ "I know I've got .a hankering after her sister Alariar, and her sister Millar has ahankering, after me, but whether them is good grciynds for complaint I don't know." The lawyer hasn't filed a bill yet. TOM COOKE, THE ACTOR. At a trial in England in 1813, between cer tain.music publishers, as Loan alleged piracy of arrangement of the song of "The Old English Gentleman;' Umke was subpoenaed as a wit narias, by one of the parties. On his cross-examination by Sir James Scar- JOU for the opposite side, that.learned counsel - d him thus • questione • I "No‘,, sir:. you-say that the two melodies are the s am e , but different ; now what do you mean by that, sir,?" . , . To this Tom promptly answered : "I Said that the notes in the two copies were but with different accent, the one being in common time, the other in sixty-eight time and consequently the position of tbe accented notes was different." • - .":„. 4 N . Ow, pray, sir, t On% beat about the bush; but explain to the jury, who are — supposed to know nothing of music, :the meanitig of what you call accent.", Cooke : - - "Accent in music is a certain stress _ laid, Upon- a particular note in, the same manner :as you ,would a stress upOn any given word, for the purpose, of . being . better ttuderatood.— Thus if. I werelo say : clod are art ass,' It rests -Cm ass ; but if I were, to say : You are an ass,' it rests' on yeti, $r James." _fitpute of laughter. by the w.hole court fol ioWev4Ais repartee. Skye° at' eugth having beeti Obtaiied, the. judge, - mithlinuth seeming gravity;'Occeted,quicouesel "Are you satitied, , Sir Ames e Biar=jiitues (who had; he,(!ptile•figArlat; hi** thEA 4414) *A:great bite, . witnesamay go down." MEM HE _WENT .A.W.AY A. KNOTTY 'QUESTION :r•v ti,44 MUM AN IMPORTANT LOW, REFORM ! ilereatter goods will be sold at E. F. STAM P'S ;STORE , In Montrose; for CASH at CASH PRIORS. .will keep good toads and - makes the prices : to‘ snit, the closest buyers.: trtiout I have had -seven years , experience in buying and selling FLOUR SO that I-know, 'where.tO buy .:and, what to buy .to suit the , customers of this vicinity. I WILL ISIAKE A SPECIALTY OF , WRITE - wiwar FLoult and .warrant every barrel 4 , ind saokHto suit or refund the moilev. CUE WING TOBACCO I have . recently made arrankeinentstY which I can sell CHEWING : ToiAcco by the pound` as cheap as yob can buy' of any wholesale Tobacco House by -the barrel I. keep s ghew:.iik" Tobacco 'in 10'lb caddlis.:for whi,n‘ I will make speciti I. keep on hand a large'quantity of SALT arid keep under 'OtiVei, and' Will' sell Wit's low as =possible fot this Market.. Sugar; Tea, -Coffee, ^ SyraP,` Pork, Fish; .B‘o4, all at - the nimble ,Six ,pence • rtiuit•l will yeceive stifficiat•Oatron= age-Wom 'cash buYeis . to disks" tlid•cash apitem a sucteso. 'Reapectfalty, -- •:' ‘'' •E. P.' STAitP. Opposite *the, thinking Rouse . of WM. Lit Cooper & Co., and the Dry , , Goode Houie.of Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co. ' Montrose, Oct. 11, 1876tt. LWAYS UP TO, THE ,TIMES GREATEST INDUCEMENTS EVER MITRED VOA CASH OR READY pAY. 1 , . . Having just returned from New York with a lirge. and well selected stock, I shall be. able to give my Nit rons the best bargains seen in this county . for years, as they will behilly convinced by giving us a call and hx atnining our stock. Read the folio sing list.' , • • Calicoes Mtislins• 6 'to 11c, , Delaines. , • - ' •20 to'Bsc, Dress Goocift,... -- ' 20 to 50c. Alpacas ' ' ' 25 to 75c, ti1ha,w15.,..,.. 15 - to $lO. Ladies' Jackets ' " ' $5 to $lO, Sugars- • 11.30 .103 c , . C • Japan Tea ' 8.5 to .1' gyfron Tee " !„.5 t 0 '*l Rice .8 to Mc' Boa Chewing Tobacco.. - 1506 . Raisins, IleW ..... ~15c: . • BOOTS AND SHOES, \ • Ktp Boots. - --'• -,\-s 2 7 5 $3 75 Calf Boots ` ........ 360 450 Boys' 'Boots - . • . - 1.00 '..1110 Ladies' Calf Shoes \ 160 , 250 Ladies' Elisio . Shoes " - ' - ' -', :1 26 ' °'2'4o;. Childien's Shoes ' •• • • .... . 60, IPO HEADY-MADE CLOTHING:.. ...E 6to $lO l Overcoats.....E 00 to4:0 Sults, all wool.. Bto 15 Walking Coats 5.50 to ¶lO Suits,all wool;fan-• I Pants. •• • •••: • 100 to „ 5 e y, .... io t . c. 18 J Also, Hats and Cape = Crockery; e Maas and "Wooden Ware. Table and rocket Cutlet y. Hardware. Stoyea,• Tin wpm Hopes, Cordage, and in fact, eicrythingban alfi-kept country stores.' • 'v I - 'par motto itt,our customera' lutereat are our Interests,. therefore it is for our' benefit to girethem all the ad vantages-of a . wcil bought stock: • We - are still alive on — Poultry. and want 10 090 pounds dressed, itumediately, for which the highest market price will be paid. ' , • Bring on your Poultry. Butter, Egg., and other pro duce, and we guarantee you will be well pleased that you caged. T. S. WHEATCROFT. Rush, Pa., Oct. 25,18781t18. GRAND OPENING ' FALL AND WINTER,. MILLINERY, HAIR 'AND VANCY-090D8,' FR ENtIHI 'MILLINER Y. .- , • Riving returned from New York with the finest and be et gtlectrd 1 tuck of goods) ever In ' this section of Co unity, includirty Feathers.` Sitio, Ribbons, Lace, Hosiery, Belts, and Kid Gloves of-all kinds and sizes with prices to snit ail. \ Also Frank I wile's Cut Paper Patterns in full variety. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 97 fflik.ii3lllAXTON,l 97' Court St. I , N. Y. I Court St. Binghamton, N. IL, April 19.1.87C.-Tly.-81 usic BopKs! MUSIC BOOKS! THE ENCORE! For SINGING SCHOOLS.— By L. 0. Emerson. Contains an excellent Singing School\Course. Contains a Suet collection of Psalm 'runes and Anthems. Bt Side the above there are near ly 100 pageillled with Duets, easy part songs and glees for practice and recreation. As will be seen. t Lere are abundant materials of the best chancier, fo r making Singing Classes interesting wide awake and poputar., use in ' The Encore is alse.an excellent book to - use in Con *en tons , Adademtee,' Colleges, Choirs, dbc. 'Price 75 cents, *7 ISO per 4ozen. THE SAI.II3TALTIOIII-1 CHURCH MitlC BOO( I ?or 187641. By L. O. Emerson. Contains 4 Sood collection of- secular music. - Contalco a thorough inging School Course,'witli abundant exercises. But the greater part of this new and,important musi cal, work is taken up with Metrical Tuner, Anthems. kentences, Chants, ' The whole constitutes a book quite equal• to those already published. which have ;anted the name of Mr. Bmer on to be widely known pe one of the most •successfol of modern composers of Sacred Mesic. Price $1 'Per dozen ' , . Any book or plecelient; post-rad, for retail price: 044vElit #rirspN Boqms. 8. Diteen t Co., J. E. Diteon k 71LBroadway. Successor to Lee & Walker, New. York. Pb la: July 41, 1876. _ , • 141w41 :BUY W yollit . AGON,S,, CA - itIAGES- Altb SrlineriSt - W. OUSTERROUT I 11411 FORD, _PA: . • PRICE LIST. - • - q . Repairing dime ,on abort notice,. cheaper than the cheapest, '. 1,2 4 1,3 First-class Pittston' , - '-'. - ,: t '...` .. ..` I - "•Buggies, 7, ' • ' • 180 " " Luititier wagon 0 1 _ ._ 7' - . ! Jl5 Ingo, _ • • ? tfOrmelrom $l4O to • a." Swell body Sleighs r BLACKSMITHING. To oboe perspannet y , - • :$2.50 corkend est - 4 7 716; - 1 1.40 set ser span 1 - • ' :- • -; 1.00 All work wamil.ted. RIX stockbetereptitehiusing,else—wltere,,, Hurford W. oumsunpuT. , te;fol6.tt JOB PRINTL I NG - • =l,' - 4.TINISWFV4BO),RitifTiIt 4 e ft 'I: A. t - - a:,.. ~ii7- . T . , - fi . .v?..11 ,f7015,ti.,i.!-....!„, MIMI go4Lxiw. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES.' MINIM" 'AT 'TIM • • si , a) •• :00 _ 4 , - - LARGEST Bar ASSORTSENT IN THE ENE!! DAT', 0091305,': CJAPTILINer; • • • • • • . . r•I • I 130 61 1 4§ JAN D SH OE S , N OTI O N S, WALT; 'PAPIIft, STA'IIONERY;°‘'&C. In the '` d IJENHEIIA BLOOD," ~ , KgrAil'imisibottght with oatiand.. 'for gip* gains just received. „ Oonntry Produce et all kinds marketed in Philadelph ia New York. ,sr .. 4 lVelootne ",, to both old and.gew,olot.omera.J , • '''a treat : Bepd l s May . ,10,t1i;106? S. MINER- 13 - INGHAMTON' . • ;. , WHOLEBA pices.Liß IN - 'BRONZE' LAMPS, OPAL LAMPS,, ALL GLASS LAMPS,IIAiID LAMPS, BURNERS, WICKS ; SHADES, SHADE . HOLDERS, &a., &c. - . . " ' SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN 111111 - STYLI' OP PUNT :AB-COMMON 1111MAIYi . . ALSO, MAN.UPACTUREB: •OP . 44* . .8 - I\l*l W.A.14311. 'Prim Ot;errYintoed -as Low at any Houwin,;Soi thern Yew York. - • ~ a ,• Addreurby, IMas,U , lpronptly' , 4l t itfttd,ld Fo., • fdarch 81.1875. A.lll. ' EITMLEL LLOSE , kr-;kiik BE skr JOB PRINTING , • ? -; ,•;" • tr, ; t •'',-•• ; ...;.; •-• • 2.,•( • T BATE ; sir! ' 1 12 • , , We Arc coninpally iind*dtkour,.. • • • •t • • •1,••1:, ;I' •, f' - :, , 1 - . 1,;)$ 4-4, ' " 44% a '" - Large, Stock of . 1 ,LIPE... an t (' roust fPxfnti4g Presses ‘'vie,P44 , Ooinspetioa • 1 ,Li • li `tt' • t s l' • tl L'''. •12., .4 1.04 Both In' Price lind Quality, tither in Plain Black ~ar Colored,Work. nAsykpiP CRUSXII. PLANING'. LUMBER - -YARD . . . In order to better aceorimodate the community, the 'undersigned has .established a, depot for the sale of Lumber. Manufactured it hit uovtly-erected building on the;Old ISeelcr tannery Site, in the • . , • where vrM be kept coisiantly on hind. A full stock o WHITE AND YELLOW PINE, REMLOK, OAK,A.SH; MAPLE AND BLACK . 4 WALNUT `LUMBER, whlch,with the aid ot the molt In2prcrvedmachiney sad competent workmen.% prepared to work Into any I.lutpe to meet the wants of Customers. • • - WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INCLITDING SIDING{; . FLOORING, CEILMG, .SHINGLIC.AND - , LATH CONSTANTLY ON , HAND. Planing, Matching, Mouldings. and Scroll Sawing one to order. ' WAGON, CARRIAGES in connection witn the above establishinent. tinder the management of Mr. LH. Rogers.: Examine our work before leaving your orders eisewitere. Repairing done promptly. • • •• • • . • LATHROP. Montrone. flcTtepabits 29th,, 1875. ; r TARBELL:IIOI3 4 BI4: • '• ' :" '-- ~. ~ ~, ,-. ,: ~, ~. . .: • otiveris VIM 4 1 01111111i0UllIt o , '1 . ..\ - ... .. - 7. !.,- . '-'', , - 1 .• .;i ,", , . ''': . , \ " = 1 ' ..". ' ~...'l - • ..'-- . , ~ , , ~ \‘, ' MONTAOSEIRSKN I . , ',- ' ; ; •:r 14; . ,• ' ,- 'l, \ N s z • .. - 4 1) - ''''„ .: .',.. 4 .' ' . l'; ( 1.•_ -1 :; ".;!sy - ' '. ' -; .\I ` `'.'' - . t , - - ;Ir .. • JOHN S.,TARBELL,",Paop'a.- .-. , - 1,7 = . , --,0, Nine abegos and, Racks leave \th edally is Rous c ony nectint , with the Monitor(' Railwai,tbe Lehigh Valley Itatlroa. 4intithe'lr.L:& W; Railr oad . ~, April 1 1873„, ' • ; •.• ~ ‘ , \ 3 ' ' - '.. .11: —,.........____ T A' tOn'S' 'AAr IS. TAY. *rsb..II,ICCTRIC OIL'? it is a inedliat pietaration ; the chemical tion of which le. fuck, aa -tc! neutralise unnatural pro. : perticemboo applied to man or beast. , ;What is it for • ' • • For the cure of any kind of , pain.lameneakor Wirinn‘. of for anything requiring an outivard application. is it aajaitni aek.OtUt /inliMeatt fcirthosevirposes r;. Yes. an 'better, • • • ,4 What. anintee iftv girel:d ' • If It 41048 :0 0 t , ="r9ve , after.; thO inediciais; retur e n the empty bottle, Viers you got it iRd gel year, motly hack. . Wh o are gavots ree.the gale otthia medicinal , thedruealata'and dealer" fa medicipaialitilitrati ind o rrelttAbctcoutars:lllu t - i =4l St • p. „ ``L) if . 1 .4,1 ,, fitrit , ,, t :1 1,* 41: , • , ffotoloticio to -art $l6O I titV `- *-4 031/24,Ti3praW.XAX0 , ~~~ ~ r f~; . ra 3)ZEO.OS:Ia , ,AND , BEAST OI _TOWN MIIMIrACTORT ---AT rim7.11:44.,i, MILL At-Wt . WJ. , Sittith &Soil's Ratans iveFurniture War 3rtionyyptklwilltlad thalami _stock of f yvvrtm artrram . „ To be found in this section of therticnintryoket his owe manufacture. and at prices thatcannot tail to give antis . faction., 'They make artily beet J ' • - .EXTENSION TABLES 13 . V V I Or a., Of all kinds done in the neatest elaaner.' PtrRE MA.TR4SOS, UNDE,RT-AKING; • Tho subscriber win nereafter make tin .. ndertating pecialty in his 'business. Having jlltst completed a KEW and the mcst elegant Tritaare ib ,he State ,a needing his services will be attended topromptlyend'a satisfactorr charge's. r• Vie W. SMITH lk SON. Maatrase.Pa.. Jan. 8 1 . 11M -410—,V. DIPORTANi7 ANNOUNCEMENT - pIE,ItcIiANT • TAILORING Et • We would reelpitfiali_annotitimto the public that we have removed to our new and ipacluus store. No. ill corner. of Court And Water ittreetc and are 13111ng it with - a Di* stoct' cf goods thatliavepst arrived. GM' stocker presikGoodit,Attawls,cte.. are of the veil lat est Sprliig patterns and styles and purchased for cash when the market was most depressed.~ , ' In the line of Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hair Goods.Hibbone. etc.'. our Block As' unsurpassed. We have alio opened a Departir mit of Merchant Tailoring. and have just. purchased it, large stock of the latest styles in the line df Cloths, CasSimeres, etc., and of the verybest quality; We have:employed to take charge of this' Department. ME. T. E. TAT+I 4 OR, long I'lle feeds tre eta:most successful cutter in this city, and who always guarantees a pdrfect it. Mr. Taylor 41d the.fe lecting Of the . clothe; caisliterei, till:timings, etc.. The this department, whlchohould satisfy - 0 that re be" the intestind moot fashionable styles. ' * We cord tatli Weak our patrons far pastfatere. and preemie them and the pablie ginetilly that wit are bato w rf "rated tkon over, to f!ippV fp,l44[ll4lllotirlillh IWO 111) telt year Oiltrentlgh. "" 0: a P 4. cojappiT, I : Bitiiiil446 l 4lprii29,lB7 . , '''' ' " -.. . • i ' Great Bend, Pa. 4,0 immense line et Bar. '...':0 , ..gp.: . , : 4 : :-: ( NA1 . 12- 11: ,,,. ) . ~ ~~~ , RIMS' CIASS:AND COMMON .. I;':ln'thciCOutarit,and . WAßlLS ll2l l7t hem. Fffingl 191 3P'airt..7.,319". 42k. Z 3 Z 1 El B 01P VABIODSKINDS. AND COMMON, MATRASSES g:;.:4 - _,'A,--;c9fterg:§y, 3:3?Eitir; - CiICPCP " 4-.'i 'IPOI.IIII. )~5 : -AND AT Owe NEW 81088, Ao; lit Court BiMat. }ll • MEMO ! ' CATS, (IT% L' , ). Si 't*l i :!:n't MEM