_ 111 E - I)ENFOUItA.T, NOV'. 15,'Tglb. WimlomelMok• ............ , r Official Election Returns of Susquehanna County': EHE ' giEMOCRATI -: PIT/I=IMM EVRRY WIIDNEIMAT MORNING. ' ---- ,_, ' • .., AT MONTROSE, SINIQ t A CCi., PA., BY ' ' lisePublicans I Roman Democra • ts In italic.] \ " ' ` ' Pi .A.WIJE - V" az 0 MLI : 7 SFAR --77-, Presidential Presidential CougressiState Sena- ~ , Ptothouo Jury Conli , ~, ', • :_y ~ „ ___o te 1872. ____ ._A 'Vote,4B76. i_..._._..) nian. ____t_ A_ or. Representatiyes. r_.._............, tary. ,__..,4t.: lnlealotterf , A;u . ,diier . . ~,,' EDITORS & PROPRIETORS, At two Dollars per Year in Advance. \ i ct ,q:l `g.:r 6 ' v:. , , t 4 c 4. 1 0 tt .— li e t , V,. t,13, t r# l , I :°' ,T , '''.HP* , rl. c. n eD TO ADVERTISBRS:—TnE Dskocuse as IM adver- ... 1 • ..71 f .- 4 Er . g i.. ii ' Li .g [ . 4 I ..,.. k•-• tieing medium is unsurpasse n il In this section. It i oi R 4 , , K . • .., 1 0 ..., •tC g ::, \ 2 41 reaches the Farmer, Mechanic. an business man.. Its FA • circulation Is constantly incre sin and its advertising rx 5. 7 S 0 .1 1 P § e' 4 . . 1 ' ' '—'- ttl - -I- - - rubs reasonable. Rates will be given at our office or 1 • a 1 •Ze by mall.- DISTRICTS. JOB PRINTING :— Our office is supplied with four ' e e 7 '' IX' i l (4 r ; i l. r 2'. r , " ; Ali N 4, g• P gtipe ,ic peintisg presses, together with i n large variety of type, ..P • S . 8 :4 , - 7 - • • k h i , ,' •••••,,, i W 5 4 6, r., *scams, fancy Inks, et ~ vrith which we are prepared ;, I:0 p . 7, 4.- z , . ti , to do 'work In the Leaf e styk and at pricAs lower than 1 = ; ; :I , - f ii - * y o , : 12 V . • it .. 4 : I - ' g • II • , • • 1%, : V 24 = . • 1 • , • rel:=Ve r rlitily al *el e i ct a i r o t in t O & li r VOlr°kw:r and, 1 p ... i : : t : : 1 , . : ii ... , : : ~, . ; id by mail will receive prompt attention. , _ • ' ' 7 • - ' • - L • • • • B. B. HAWLEY. LI ' ' W. C. CRIMER ' Apolacon 18 76 24 'llO 24 110 22 112 24 35 105 104 24 110 , 24. ,11,0 .24 110,. : :, . Ararat .. 87: 16 75 , 52 77 51 76 t 52 78 77 . 50 50 7'? .50 1. 77 51 77 51 On the popular vote the majority for Auburn ' 204 144 305 180 296 187 300 183 300 298. 188 .188 300 z 183',',1 „ 800 183 300 188 Brooklyn B ridge w a t er . .. .. 1 ''' ' 162 174 161 - 208 . 160 209 157 212 161 10 :::208.: 207 158 211: -+ : 459 2% '' 160 .208 Gov. Tilden appears to be nearly or quitelBB 71 196 86 196 88 200 86 201 193 , 87 89 197 89 -,. . 200 2 01. 85 300,000. This demonstrates the -' real Choconut 12 6 10 104 8 106 10 104 10 36 100 81 1 10 104 10 ' 3,04 10 104 ti ) l i i m ffo o r e d k .... ... .. :::: 167. '''' 7 64 1 176 81 173 83 174 , 84 175 174 88 88 175' 'B3 175 83 175 ~ 63 choice of the country very clearly and 136 • 103 144 .134 142 134 139 136 142 c 135 135 186 144 • 184 144 "Is 4 140 137 eMphatically and shows 'what party 18 A.LNlLidaff .. 24 12 23 17 • , 128 , 17 • ,24 . 17, 23 23 17 17 28 . 17' 28 , . ;:17' 2.8. 'l7 Forest Lake:::::: 116 94 131 113. , 180 , 112 129 I_l2 128 116 112 125 ,129 . , 118 r 180 111 180 , -1,12 dominent in the Coiintry when its ulafei. r Franklin.. .... .. . . 106 83 112 110 112 110 111 111 112 110 110 410 111 110 1120 107, , ,112,., , 110 tared yoice is made known. Friendeville ...... 'lO 47 '8 39 - 8 89 5 42 8 24 24 36 , 8, 39 ~ s 8 39 8 39 238 53 239 . 68 236 '7l 227 77 242 237 69 67 ' 227' 1 69 - 238 69 237 - - 70 Great Bend . Twp... 176 74 145 92 144 94 1.42 97 145 :.. 144 94 F' 95 , 159' -76 , t 145 i "94 145 184 . A:few days below his death, the , late Grea t Bend Boro.. 59 87 91 l3O • 60 110 89 111 92 90 110 109 f 183 66 .-'` .;,91.,; 110 92 ' X IO9 Speaker Kerr had a conversation with . Gt'dviltageßoro (New l6 Vat.) a 165 g 165 5 t 3 173 I'll 190 165 46 , 11 6 3 4 7 6 2 0% 130 2 ~ 1 1 1! 1 1 5 i t AI his son, in Which he iaisi \ :-- ,, 1 have noth- Harmony . • • ',l 165 1 2 7 , 1168 • 138 168 138 168 138 169 168 136, ' 138"' 165 140 , 'l4 l 'l4 '-- 1 138 ing, to have you my SOD ) except my good7l 188 '7l 188' 71 1 71 Renick l 'a , 2 6: * ' l2 71 8. i .18 . 7 81 1 112 7 94 1 j it 1 12 72 85 .83 178. .91 .1.82= '' 87 ' 11l sr name. ianar4 it and your mothers' hon. ~Jj a e ssb l . 'u s p o n •• • •:::::: 'l l9 49 '124 77 123 77 125 77 /25 117, 78 179, 123 '‘'/Z .121 "77 . 125 1,77 or and live as { I haw lived. Pay all my La th rop ....•..... 91 104 103 138 103 140 104 1.41. 105 , 100 140 145 95 147 IA ) 140 105:= ,. 140, Lenox . 201 182 196 162 188 175 192 168 191 191 167 . ~ f6B 193 166 192./0 ! 9 ? 1, 167 , debts if ray estate willi warrant it with ) . ki Liberty... .. ... .. 122 98 . 120 167 121 156 121 136 121 121 136 136 124 183 121 1 136 121 136 Out leaving your mother penniless ; otu - Little Meadows... 28 .4 • 34 7 34 7 34 '7 se -86 ' 6 4,.. 34, • i• I 7, ,84' f fr 84; 7' 56 100 64 128 85 127 63 129 65 69 127 123 65 127 `64'.127 65 126 erwise pay what you• can, and then tell N o id n d t l r e o t s o e wn ... 267 85 312 89 297 95 293 105 305 303 90 92, 306 91 303 91 306 , 91 them the truth, and ',ledge your honor N. Milford Twp.. 192 134 157 162 158 163 152 166 154 149 167 166 148 172 . 157 - , , : 164 157 164 ~ to wipe out the indebtedness'?' N. Miltord 8er0.... 75 63 89 79 88 80 89 77 88 88 80 80 87, 8087 79 87 80 Oakland ~. ...1 157 54 147 78 150 '76 149 77 153 149 '74 ' ' '74 146 `' Bo , 1 0 17 149 77 We can , Rush . 191 80 228 114 228 114 227 114 228 228 113 118 227 118" 227 113 227 113 ' give no ` cer t ain result of the Silver Lake 66 11980 166 80 166 79 167 80 86 166 166 80 166 80 166 88 181 Presidential election, as it will hot be o Springville 207 74 227 114 224 115 .224 116 223 221 116 117 224 117., ; 224 ,117 223 118 Susqu'a, E.Ward .. 275 9 . 11 } 179 129 \ 180 131 162 128 216 182 117 112 164 148, , 184 127 184 128 , Susgif W.a, War .. 99 273 101 272 99 ps 116 101 263 262 89 281 100 273 101 273 , ThOnnion . . ... .... 93 46 118 91 119 91 s 118 92 132 118 68 91 113 •96 119 91 119 91 Total 4539 2907 1 4823 3885 4779 3926 4766 3968 4921 4804 3834 3881 4808 3913 48.18 3902 4829 8916 . ficially announced until Friday next in the States where Republibans are l now presenting their "Southern i Claims,"' which we are certain ske bogus and . won't be allowed by "Uncle Sam.' The Phila delphia Times sums our opinion all up in the, following terse language. are fully majoritieS' in the South, are fully explained, and the doubts l as to Louisiana and Florida are set at rest in all candid minds. As the returntstand now, and as they-will stand for 811 tiine. Tilden has 308,400 majority of the pop ular - vote, 23 majority of the - Electoral` Ciiliege l and the Presideut-elect of the United. States." NEW YORK, 'Nov. special to_ the Heraid .from ,Spriugfield, 111 tells following sinaular story : Arrest clan ing attempt 'Jai, made last eveningi_ by - ; laeveral4countirels,to break intolhe vault r of• the Lincoln monument`' at this place aid steal . ifierefrain ,the,'rs4nains of the dead President. . • / Some weeks ago it wash suspected - that , designs of this kind w.ere - preme - ditated,: and a-constant watch has beep kepi : „ It Was theught most likely that last',night, : .heing election: night and every body , busy,; over electinn'matters, would be selcted. for the, job, 'Elmer . WaShingtoci;' late Chief -of the 'secret service, and trritted States detketiye 'Tirrel, with several as- Si tarns, were accordingly secreted n the ree,eptioii \ room of the Monument during thf . afternoon. and evening. o'clock last night the attempt was made. : : 'The vault was - entered, the ocrophagtis •svas,.openeti;l and case drawn ont,when the detectives sprang out and by theeaccidental discharge Of a 'revolver ,the: -monsters' were" frightened and fled into the shrubbery. They -are :now being pursued, and although there is but:a slight clue,to their identity their will 9ubtless he taken. ~ The design was a deeplylaid plan by „ sharp _men to 'at:- range for a ransom. I Wilinake'our. bow , of thanks, to the people'of thii senatorial district, and es ; pecially to those of Waynp i cnunty; for the, result • which they achieved in ,tht ,• eleotion of E. B. Hawley to represent the , Twenty Sixth district the 'State: senate. fio say that 'we are 1. not eupeqatively gratified, would be assuming an unbe exiMini. modesty, which would be'falie_ eatheist:edit and in entire discord with. out idea of frankness'. We' have - but a word farther to , say . (aal.he is . now to be indied by acts ins that is thii. 'That we know ° that` e= Mende who have labor . ed-fOi this object, havi -done so of their own.free will and ac6rdi without g tingle peitimiil appeal lo tivit from . thi senator elect. 'llnowing E: B, Hawley se suites the very grave resPonsibilities of .a , servant of the people of this senatorial district, with the fullest assurance; that a good Majority have so. elveted; He has no .wordy pioinise's to mike, bit will, Eitn= say, that he hopes all who =have la bOred* todefeat hfin have done ,so honed,- ly and 'candidly and, arel minified with thetneelvea for so' d6ing, and that He Flo r inlee the - de4tiniei of Men as welt,; as nationit-inay 80 guide ` . ,and 'direct b* .. iri'llbs acts hereafter; : thatlthoie who havaleAtaintereatedly and manfully coUi paised his amiss, will not be called upon' to Mash i ith: battle for doitg. OUR BQIiV. 23 votes NI ere polled tor . the T,emperance ticket , ; 31 votes for Peter Cooper, and :6 votes for Anti- Seattering—For Congress, 5 ; Senator, 3 : ; Representative, 4. • • Majorities-- Hayes over Tilden, 938 ; Hayes over all, 878 ; Overton over Powell, 853 ; Waller, driek, 1040.; Larrabee over Tyler, 1087 ; 'Hines. over Handridk, 923 ; Hines over Tyler, 9 over Carpenter, 916 ; Meeker over Mills, 913. .„ , ,- • , ~ t I /WEL L 60.2VE WA. YLVE ! iir a office will ,not only prove. Of. great Iservice to him now, but insure the pub: P r ~/ ..[From Wayne County Herald:l • WO done Wayne ! - .11 , r voters have 1 I lie a prompt and earnest discharge of the demonstrated that, duties ot that responsible positien. when r. : q uires q The defeat of _Michael . Brown ,for.: the; they can be depended upon to go 0 - the 1 ' 1 hifiee: -ofl . Associate Judge. wasi: at ' the polls.; and wheh there to cast their bal lots. for the best interests of themselves same time • a-great error on Abe parColjt _our party, an markedd a. apt of injustice; add. their conntry. - who. - The, Crowning glory .of the campaign i i t9ward. him,: ; 4e. is A gentlethan given i `could-have adorned the Bench of Wayne, is the overvihelming majority oar candiJate for .State Senator. So far- nontith'aPd 1118.. services• in behalf otthe. orga!:!zatioiOn''years past entitled hith to as ouirecolledtion serves, it is the largest any ' n oi l i. Its contidenCe and . : hearty . .'support; now. that.hie ever beeir.rolled up for inee, who had even a • . p ret en se o f ( i v ii, s i,. , : Tl;at - miserable - spirit of intnlerenCe and tion, Since the ,con l vy was elected. To Ploscri tion which the Citizqu'socceOtis say that in awakening toward such. of, onr ranch` we do not take some . personal.' dates as are of Irish birth or par.:Ow:4'kt pride in .this result would be to do the 1 . electiOn, iaas discreditable ,to those, hundreds - of - friends who have seconded 1 every who act under its• influence r as it is un- our efforts to achieve it, a great injustice.j Mrritli no personal ill 7 will . toward Mr: , ins.t to those , an iabler, purer or •. more whO!iiffer froth its power,. Mawley's opponent., .we nevertheless felt There was 'net deserving nominee` l on. our ticket', than that his election would be a stcal Mis- Mr. Brown, and there is no excuse whiCh fortune -to the , jaxpayers of the comity,liovver to :will bear thetnt of reason - whY he should and W e ' determined if in our not have shared iii' the _victory which he prevent ,it.. This consummation. ,was labored'har:d 'to - .achieve for 'his: fellow - made . at first Fiossible, and then certain Candidates._ : by the pivotal which the It:litibli 'e,..ins themselves - forced into the local - Owing kethe'fact that party lines were . campaign. Eirly in the canvass it he- drawn . exceedingly clese in Bradfold came .apparent that the enemy . . were county, the splendid majority given Hon. adroitly - seeking to fOmect the latent dis- Joseph POiveli in Wayne fails to insure content , of a' majority . of voters on the his re.election to Congress. This is great . - ly to be . regretted. .He is a man every Court'House 'questiOni and to so give it, direction that it ~should should o , the i way worthy-. of.the place lies_ onaht to •MI disadvantage.of all and probable defeat; l and his usefulness. in the next House, of some of the Dernecratic candidates. would, have been'greatly increased .by his To detect this 'scheme 'in time was not I experience in the last. He writes us con. i c only to render it harmless, so far as. the his defeat, coupled With the assur enemy was concerned, but to make it a i ante that his only regrets arise froth the \ powerful weapon of aggressive warfare Idisapointmentof his friends. iii our own bands. It was not a two-edg- The handsome - majoriLy of 920 given ed sword.' It waaa sword with the keen to Gov. Tilden, in the zotinty also entitles - : edge on its back, and its reverse struke us to the commendation Welldone, wits more effective than in our most san- Wayne I Whatever the result in other parts of the State; whether the present guiiii moments we had daredi to. hope. promise of the triumph of the Democrat- It has completsly cut the repub can or l ic National ticket is or is fulfiled,ihe ganlzation of Wayne . county' in two; and.,if the parts are every reunited a pO• the emphatic protest ort.he - voters of l Mica' miracle , will have been accrplish- this county has .been platted Upon record ed the like of which has never before. .against, a further continuance of Repub. been se e n , . , • :, , . lieu' ascendency and its attendent eviler The majorities ; for Hon. Wm. , M..Nel „ )n, and A. R. Howe, for Representatives, are almost equally creditable to the good sense of the . vOtersOf the county. The first-named of these gentlemen . has bad, large experience;in the. , Legislature, and was once the nominee of .his party for Speaker of the House. It cannnt be 'doubted that' hi - will' take a leading posi-, tion in, that body when 'he again takes . Ilia Seat. Mr. liores,. was entitled to the hearty support he - ,receivet.l in view of his admitted'ability, and the pluck and ener gy wltlywhich - he contested the batik, . after -his unexptcted defeat - two years The election of our-candidate-for Sher iff,'Perrjt 'l?y a majority > twice as large as the 'state ticket received last year is a victory of which he:may melt. be , p'roud. As we said before the election, large , experience ih=the ' Shur S school for-ladies has been' opened" in perlin on a plan deciledly' novelbut very practical. - The building cont4iFis ing, rooms for forty girls, school .roomi, working rooms, au immense kitchen, and a permanent bazaar. Inthe school rooms , , eVerrbrarich. that ill "fit the girls tot situations in banking, commercial 4., niercantile establishments; - is taught. Various trades that ladies an follow. ar exotnplified' by skilled Operatives: , The kitchen fs,'Perhips, the'chief school romi, for all the work there is done:by the girls under the-supervision of one of the,:the beot cooks tit the city. This feattirehas berCome so popular, - - from the lgrge; num= her of betrothed - Maidens 'who flock hitbtr 'Cihtain .good: domestic _edam that,,the managers have begun'to ;charge for instruction in tookery, "and the receipts generally: pay ',pie, expdnOs of 'ether • '''" ecret .• • • •f • over 11p1v10y,,79§ Letrabee over Han ; criv 'Rowlo;o9s ; Robbins BROO.ME COUNTY. Probably. the moat 'desperate fight Made* in the whole Conntry , was made by the Republicans' of Broome count They spent !thOusinda of .doljars, worked :ate detrietatclfaS though ,fhe:;,thinei.of death,"and 4ed :as though:: that. was the; cbief.yirtne'ilajd'.,dosyn the:eatechism,i Their Agotwiing her eon tide! ought to reMernber the Refinhli_eaha this Conn t.V fro , ey 6;i4'tiliv"t; a chance. ,to give an ofioe. to :.ny .one, we infin!,t, 111 t. such trik.n -.as, B. fYre Ilopkins tl. his 'yopp.y ci , nv; rt ,landee•tv-SloSson,. Millard' Fil . l . l4 . .`ort , ''Arostit,'Bw,4t, fioediiel Mi (lard, ilito 3hormeThOrn,2 MoOdy, Jonei; Ciirver,flon. 'Reuben , alf4t l l_4(Ap.,f) cteke44..rei?ren title& to Ixecognitidmi ,They a . qiesiieratb fight . infl .- stioct , citedl , .kee:f•i't the Re public* lifijOrity - toitt.,tiS: 1872. The,4otihjiC4nll, of.no ?the r con n, .-ty . ,C3ll , tpqli,e.as!grpcl a alwyjug., !There ia4io doubt. hot. .w h t this , result= Wit Et. brohtug About -by th e` free' use :=of ;money. and' 'any one 'could be easily convinced of this who stood, at the and; ,savf TOtera bought .up ,by ,:itepublitKod h i ke ..cUttle. White voters speared to,be, obeyer tiiiin,hlackp. ; •The hitter; wanted .ss;ti 'piece and: many; of them recieived,it bum-vim:Republican office-holders. , A white man sold out•at much lower figure..: Shame upon such persons.! ; • The . `oce in Ithe,.epunty'exteeds that.of any - former ; year. , :, The ::D e mocracy did well in holding their own under the' eir _ _ curastance,ki.--Binglaamktn Leader: '3 F 1 E LEGRA KILLED BY A. FALL. - TRot, Nov. 13-:-Kenned,y o,'Brien.nC Cohoef, white 'attempting to, cross the railroad bridge here yesterda,y,:, fell through fo . the - ground, a distance of thirty fact; and was , SUICIDE OP A CRIMINAL WATiniowii, N. Y. Nov. 1 . 3 , T he. . .prisoner, Francis Orappolle, who was yesterday:found , guilty of ,murder in the second degree, aficd who. has .XP. have sentenCed'forlife ,this intoning,. commit.: led suicide last *night, 'by'. hanging him self- Val a•tOwel • and han i dlcercniei to- a scan Cling . which.aeross t.h . e. top ~of his cell., He Walit faund dead on the floor this ttic%;gl - 19 - i,fiallOg.:Pulled out PERTH 4MI,3OY,,IN`FP,StESi, NEW: . EW: XORK, Nov. tlre' broke onti I,lt Purth 'Amboy, .N.:4„ at 4.o'c'ilook yeattlikaY', aftternoon,,and.sptead so rap= idly that, irwas feared 'the whole .town would.,he,4estro.vecl, At 30 P. At. the' fire mas.still. raging,..; The: entire bloek on Smitii!!Atre.et,,lfiom-High to' lector. street,. , v.`it's burned lo„ the :ground. The fire origi!ilited Jo'AleVoriniek &Cohnery's grocery shop; from on& sit the:employees carrying-_alatnp,among..the coal ,: , The, party who ; ,oaused, the 'fire was 'burned.: seriously; .total, loos is about $30,. ; • t --; •,, TPR,I) 3 I4F , Y 01 44 11 4N • ' DIA • • Lo * K , ov:- & "dispatch -lb* „. Oalot)qa Oithe-,;-Tiniere.saya,itad4eportii * .P. Oat:20,000 persons perished in the cy ,clone.of October 31, and some estimates place the loss of lives as high as 40,000. Id thelotin of Burriskol, 'capital of the Batikergunpe district, 3,000 houses were leveleit with theearth: Lqters from sur `..rii,',Oriieport that a great waver nine feet iteei;liwept over the large island of Dak liti Setthobszpore. The wtole of east Bengal appears to have suffered severely from the;cyclone and Calcutta narrowly escatied - . - _ The report& of famine from' Bombay are ..worse l `, . A water famine• is fiared , in some' districits. - The Centennial Hotels. A Tirdere: retiresen fat' ve -recently Called upon the pro.prietOrs — and„managers of the leading Centennial bottle'. in: West Philadelphia—those .built expressly for , the aceomnnodation of visitors- to the Exhibition—td 'ascertain Whet pr not their season .- bad• been iiiieceisful.: The following table , :exhibits . the, :number of guests f at all .ttip,Ariteniiiill . ,liotels ;in West . Philatielphla. : since . . th'i • ,open of 'the txhibition: t , • - ; 7-.•*??' i -, ''.'‘'...i..'":::: . :`... ' ;.: 7. .. i .: 117 1, 67: 100 ai11& ' -' 2W 244 000 ' Globe. 'Grand Expoaitiod, •.., • ....... ._.-. -' ' . . ~..,..!".', '11 2 50 . . J2OOOO Atlas...- - .,.. !Transcontinental. ' ‘••','•••,.‘ .•'. •• .1,100 ''' • 200 175 , M 060 ~.,.,,,,.:•, . ! .7. 4 . ej.200 .., c ~ 'United. States Congiesa Hag ' ''." " `i, •••• t f2ni ..:,..125,000 , :,! • ...• • ••••• .WU - 180 . ,000 Aubry 7 , ~, Chinning:. • !11 '.." 71 '''' 7 ',.-'.' , § OO ~ - 50,000 , , Westininate.. - .., .! .. [7 l •** ":''+•?,•,.275:._ - 50,0 pp • Belmont -' - .'.';'''. '.'„.,' :. - . ! ‘' ll .-^ " " : 20,000 Grand Villa;.;' .. : *- ( ','!"''' ' i d), AP- •• ', 00,000 All others': -"'-' '. - .. • ' . .. . 24,000 . ...,, ... • Grand total. .; Adverthieniepts New Tbk Week. COAL OF ALL SIZES, A'rRY . COAL YARD Near the New Depot—second - sea)elfouse from tirOidni, promptly ,filled. Montrose. ; N0y:15.1876: 11376 HOT FOR THE HOLIDAYS THE.. y iTo,r.v.:';.::4,* Z':4i::,4-4.1 f......, ..: ...„... ...; EVERYTIIINIIin - Ahe -i Toy line , . ....:„.. j • i • ,- •-, • .•-•,,=• ' . cv.FA,nct,, satleers,..l l oys :and V Vase's. -- • B AZCKB ' LS: 0; . •• , Bul ber Nile; • • .O U RG A,§; Etarp S;knimiets; and Vifes ; •N OW is the time to buy and secure 1. bargains; MUCH .Ba!gitinn.should;not be lost: • You will find'a good assortment of s CANNED . 'GOODS; NITA . - • , AND CONFECTIONERY', South Main Street, Montrose, Pa. _J5900,1.87641, -• GLENN'S SULPHUR S(AP. THOROUGHLY CURES D ISEASES , OF THE . SKIN, ' ' BEMITIFIF.s THE CODiPLEXION, PaEvENTS AND' REMP.DIES RHEUMATISM AND GOUT, IiEK 'SoRES AND ABRASIONS OF TIM CUTICLE. AND . COUNTERACTS CONTAGION. This Standard External - Remedy for. Erup. tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skm, not only REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL BLEM ISHES :arising from lead impurities 'of the blood and obstruction . of the pores, but: also those produced . by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles.. It reniders the CUTICLE MARVELOUSLY, CLEAR, swum - and PLIANT, and being ' witoixsosti• BEAUTIFIER iS Ear preferable to any cosmetic. I - . ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES' OF SOL* FHUR 'BATHS are insured BY THE UsE OF GlenWs Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion iti_pariljaing . effects remedies and PRE VENTS RHEUMATISM aid GOUT. It alsO DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN and 'PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNIcATED BY CONTACT with the .vnaioN. • lT rassoLvt4." DANDRUFF, prevents iaess, and retards. grayness otthe hair. Physicians speak of it' in high terms. Prices:: 25 and '5O Cents - per Coke; tiff Box (3 Cakes), 60c. end $1.20. • • 140...740.50cgait cakes are uipkt the si= of those,* 2 5 4 : 1111 . 64, HILItS RUB AND WHISKER DYE ) " Black or Brow7s, 00 Cents. C. L OMB TA hop'r, 7 Stith ALAI. t r. - ATTO RNE y, AT Dvi g sioni. 114; Lai.' Offiie 'ove,t A. D. Barn , 6 , Brick Block. Montrola. ' , a. I Jute V , 19*-14i* the road'. , ..E. R. STEMIIINS. LI- A.l' ffM(lgl at E.c.', pacoraA iS77I