The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, November 01, 1876, Image 6

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    Town, County, .an.d Variety:
—Read the address of Abel Turrell on
eighth page.
-;----Regular meeting of the Y. M. C. -A. ,
next 'Monday evening. . '
—Littles & Blakeslee's law office is receiv
ing a new c'at of paint.
—Passengers on the Montrose Railway
were landed at the new depot on\ Monday \ eve
ning last, for the first time.
--;-The Tilden and Hendricks Heform meet
ing at Rophottom will be held on Saturday in.
stead - ol Friday as advertised last weelf. Turn
' —lmprovements still continue on Depot
street. Stone sidewalks . have_been 140 in flout
of the dwellings of Messrs. Sweet and Ilemp
stead and we trust the others will jbe done by
the time the depot is completed.
—Mr. Ellsha Mulford imade a very fair,.
speech on Saturday' night last: before the Re
publican club of Montrose, for a Minister who
sees. fit to drag hill ministerial . robes into poll•
tics: It was partizan but more - 7air than the
average this Year. . ' s
, •
. —Rev. I. T. Walker, P. E.,,wi1l hold Quar
terly Meeting services at the M. E. church next
Saturday and Sabbath. , Preaching. , Saturday
at 2 o'clock p. m., and Sabbath 'morning and
_Love Feast Sabbath morning at 9:30.
TLS public are invited. ' PASTOR.
Mr. Watson, who addressed a lodge of
the "Knights of the Goldea Circle" at the Red
School Rouse above Nevi Milford Borough,sets
himself up as a denouncer of 'the war record of
Democrats. He knows who were members of
that order and in his states evidence - apacity,
be would do, well 'to expose . them. Rise up
Senator Watson. . I I
—This is not only a very exciting buts a
very interesting political campaign. Women
as well as men have a duty to perform 'to their
country, and they should not shrink from it.—
They cannot vote or appear in procession, but
they can cut the wood and bring up 'the coal
and thus leave men more (time to talk up mat-
---Itemember' the l' l ttlen and Hendricks
Reform meeting at the court House, Thursday
evening, November 2d, Hon. H. H. Little and
/John A. Sittser, esq., of Tunkhannock; will
address the meeting. Bring out your _ wives
and daughters. All are interested in good gov
ernment. Come and beat discussion. Every
one, of whatever name o: party;. should feel in
terested at this crisis. \ 1 \
.. -
—"Hold ,the Fort"l i 'is the - watchword of the
office-holders, the bank smashers„the.naturali
zation paper forgers, the illegsl fee takers, the
ballot box sniffers and the return tinkers.—
"Take the Fort'.' is the people's answer. Take
it from the - ninety thouand office-holders.--
Take it from the Belknaps and Babcocks, the
Butlers and 'Shepherds Take 'it trent the de
faulting postmasters and the embezzling col
lectors of internal revenue.. Take it from the
fraudulent mail contractors and ' the navy de
partment thieves ! Tate it from the jobbers
in post traderships and oldiers' grave stones !
Take it from the whisk ring thieves and the
Pacific Railroad, ring plunderers I 4"ake the.
fort.? , • i
--The Commissioners of Wayne county
.31135 T receive extra pay for their serviees
while building a new Court. House, said Mr.
Watson in his speech. Why "must" they '—
Did they so inform Mr. Watson ? IT riot they,
who did ? _ Did their counsel or. any other
Democrat, prominent or obscure, in Wayne
county ever write Mr. Watson to that effect ?
What does this "must" mean? Would not the
- \
Commissionen go on Withmit extra pay ? If
so, how did-Mr. Watson kn i lw thii ? And if
he did know it, is not he, an those who con
trolled his action, entirely' respotsible, not only
for the $6,000 which his bill \is to cost us, but
-for the entire biirden which the building of a
new Court House is to fasten upon our shout.:
dera? Mr. Watson,yOu Vilat explairi ! Wayne'
('aunty Herald. .
—Mr. George G. Waller's Man Fri
"day, Watson, present 'State Senator frem this
district, seems to have played \ quite an 'impor
tant Part in saddling the new Court House up
on the people of Wayne county. 'Me not only
procUred the passage of the $6,000 Extra Pay
Bill, but it was thrOughi his influence that the
editor of the Citizen 'iva appointed by Govern
or Hartrarift one of the Associate Judges ot.
.Wayne county, and that, too, after the Goverr
or was understood to have positively promised
that he would not give Mr. Wilson the office.—
One of the first official acts of-Mr.: Watson's
favorite was to sign the order of Court requir
ing the Board ot Commissioners to proceed
iirith* the erection , of the 'new Court House. It
•_,looks as though the. Wailer-Watson scheme
WAS to bring the combined effect of pulling
and pushing to bear (in the Boare. • What won
der that it was - effectual t'F'ffraytif County Her-
—The Supreme Court of Illinois haps!
made an important decision, affecting the
fights of school committeeli, teachers and pu
pffs. A pupil in a common school Was expell
- td for refusing, by command of her parents,
purchase. books to study book keeping. An
`fiction for _ trespass was instituted against the
directors and principal of the school and a ver
'diet was given against them tor *135., The
sppreme court, ou appeal, affirmed the judg
ment of the loWer court. The Court held that
the lelgislature had invested school directors
with the power to compel the teaching in com
'inoil 'schools of . higher branches than those
enumerated baNthe statute, to those willing to
receive instruction therein, but had left it pure
ly optional With parents , and guardians wheth
er the children Under their charge shall study
such' brandies. In the case before', them the
directors had no 'power to 'expel ,- the pupil for
*ask% to study bookkeeping as book-keepiug
was not one of the enumerated studies,
".:was optional with her gisidian whether or
notshistlttrit..Orefr*?sume this is good Jaw
in Fenneybraubiai w,11" is Illinois. .
2liuraday Eve7ung, Nov . 24,
Friday Evening, Nov. 3d,
r IitILF`OIID. . '
Sat4rday .Afternoon, Nov. 4th,
- . .
Saturday Bvenrity, Nov.
• S?ili.NetvrLE. • •
' • a
Saturday Afternoon, Nov. 4th,
J. - B. IficCOLLIIM ' E B. IiA.W LE Y.
—blrs. J. G. Burnett will give one of her
popular readings in Montrose, under the aus
pices of the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion, at their rooms, on Friday evening, Nov.
SiL It Will be remembered that this lirdy gave
two readings in this place, a year ago, which
gave universal satisfaction, and it is . hoped
she will receive a lull house. Tickets 50 eta ,
to be obtirined at Deans' Book Store and at the
--What the Citizen may have to say, by way
of im effort to relieve its party from the damning
effect of this disclosure remains ;to be seen ;
but it may possibly be foreshadowed by the
street-talk in which the leaders of . tke Ring are
included. These leaders have the effrontery to
claim that the bill giving the commissioners of
this county between FIVE AND Six. THOU
ing a new Court Hduse, providing its erection
occupias only three years, was not a W i ayne
c' linty-move at all,; that its introduction and
passage were due to the tact that several Other
counties in the Mate were anxious to put up
new public buildings, and were desirous of en- ,
listing 'the favor of, their board !of Commis
sioners by issuing them extra pay ; and that
there was no pressure put upon ithe Radical
Legislative delegation from this district to
duce them to favor the passage of the act.—
Wayrie Cority -Herald. 1
—lt seems that, Mr. George G. Waller's
etrinity.with Hon. G. A. Grow is nO new thing.
When he prevented the - possibility of Mr.
, Grow's securing the vote of the Wayne county
delegation in the late Cong - ressiOnal Confer
ence, by circulating the story thatlJadwin was
to make $lO,OOO by the transfer, many people
imagined that he had taken a sudden-dislike to
Susquehanna's favorite. Not so. The feud is
a venerable one, dating back -many years, as
the following from. the Honesdale Democrat of
"October 23, 1862, bears witness :
"On Monday morning before the election Mr.
G. G. Waller made a visit to. the Herald office
While there he said in the presence of sundry
people that he had been over to Montrose on
the Fair Grounds helping his father in-law op
pose Galuslia A. Grow, the regular Republican
Union 'candidate for congress. He; talked large
ly of crushing the Radicals, and all that."
The Radicals of Susquehanna: county now
have'a chance to "crush" him, arid we guess
they mean to do it:— Wayne co. ,lierald.
- —I saw in last week's Repuliiica-n, a state
ment in regard to thf ie Tilden and Hendricks
club ot Nicholson, which is so very Unjust to
our friends in that place, that* I deem it but
right that .our friends in other places should
know the truth. I attended a , meeting of the
Tilden and Hendricks club,of NiCholson, Wy
oming county, last Thursday evening, and the
hall, twenty-five feet by sixty,' was filled to its
utmost capacity, and ,a - great Many were una
ble to gain. admittance.. There was at least
four hundred and fifty persons pi.esent. At 7
o'clock, as fine a band of music as there is in
Northern Pennsylvania, with , a beautiful uni
form, escorted the speaker, J. B. McCollum, of
Montrose, to the hall. After son e fine music
by the band, the President ot the club intro
duced Mr. McCollum to the audience. For an'
hour and a half, he talked to thoSe earnest
'and intelligent men ia his usual clear, forcible,
and eloquent style. When the meeting closed
-all were pleased with the 'meeting and several
men whom 1 have know]; personally for te
years, and have never voted the -Democratic
ticket in their lives, declared to me they "should
vote for Tilden and Hendrickathis time. The
club had fifty names on its , role at its first
meeting, and now numb: rs many more. Look
sharp, you may expect good news from Wyom
ing county. ' S.
—A couple
gentlemen from Bingham
ton were in Monday and criticised the
Soldier's Monument. They wee Democrats
of the reform school, and .we bel eve that the
average Democrat is opposed to soldier's mon
uments, as a general thing.—Mo troBe Republi
can.. *,
• Our faith in, the "fairness" of pi 1 itical discus
.sion that was boasted of by the o resent editor
'of the Republican, received a se • ere jog; week
before last, but the above tries our faith in his
fairness in any discussion. Th: t Tilden and
Hendrick's, Democrats or Hayes and Wheeler
Republicans of Binghamton ye had any
thing to do. with the erection k our worthy
county soldier's monument, would be news to
us. It is simply infamops and an imposition
upon decency, to make such a partiza.n turn in
the matter as is attempted in , the above squib,
and we that faith in the honor of the ma-:
jority of mankind to believe that it will be re
tented by honollit Republicans as well as Demo
crate. We . make no boast, in a partizan sense,
but we ask simple justice. We G are ready
lay down the files of the DEmOcitAT - on this
subject with • the files of the *publican, and
take the consequences. We are ready to see
the names of ail Haves and Wheeler Republi
cans and Hayes land Wheeler Democrats who
subscribed for Cltls monument, !placed beside
all Tildenand HendricksDeinocliats and Tilden
and Hendricks, Republicans. It) is merely the
basest partizan infaray i to fiatmtisupt an lain
uation before the people of this ;county at this
time. It w nild be no baser to attempt:to claim
sectarian church credit on - this monument than .
to credit exclusive political pastiiinahip and Mr.
'TOW will do Well to excuse this attempt, by
plying hie absehce at the Centennial.
—The citizens of Rush had a very tull and
enthusiastic meeting at IT. D. Einvder'a on
Thursday evening last. The meeting was ad-
dressed by R. B. Little and E. B. Hawley.
Speaking of rumors that are current in-polit
ical circles over. in Wayne "and . Susquehanna
counties, the most probable, and the one that
displays the Native characteristics of the big
end of the congressional ticket is told of one
of . the conferees from Wayne, and for. a short
time a candidate himself for congressional
honors. •
It seems that idler the.nomination was made
he went to one of the brothers of Mr. Grow,
and said to him : "Your -brother could have
had the nomination it he had only fed things
to suit me I" - •
He replied very + promptly : 4 "If you mean
by fixing things that my brother could have
received the nomination by , buying it s I wish
to say to you that he never pays Money to 2.0-
cure a nomination to office." ,
In his 'own county the Wayne conferee is ac•
cused of receiving $1,500 and the promise of
the next nomination, for voting for Overtpn.
LAPORTE'S DEFEAT.--The last issue Of the
Bradford Reporter charges the friends of Mr.
Powell in Susquehanna County with uttering
a "base slander" by circulating a report that
Mr. Overton opposed the election of Mr. La
porte - tiro years ago.
If no other evideete of the evidence of this
report could be. prodUcedi the position and ac
Lion of the intimate political friends and ad
visers of Mr. Overtop,the pubiished utterances
of'N. C.. Elsbree and others toward Mr. •La
porte,both below and after .his nomination.and
their evidentand manifest gratification at his
defeat, would 1 , :.-ad even a disinterested observ
er to the conclusion that there had been a se
cret arrangement among them to bring about
that result. Other' evidence, however, can be
adduced to substantiate the fact that both Mr.
Overton and N. C. Eisbree declared their in
tention to defeat Mr. Laporte for . the nomina
tion, and if not successful in the convention
then .to compass his defeat at the polls.—A
,When the Republican Congressicnal confer
ees- - Met at Tunkbannock, two. years. age,'N. C.
Elsbree and other delegates from Bradford
county, worked . kealously to secure the nomina
tion of
.E. Overton Jr„ of Towanda, a member
of the law firm of OVERTO* & EVEIBREE.—
Failing in their object, they agreed that if the
Convention would support Mr. Laporte, whom
they had already 'plotted to defeat at the polls,
as subsequent events plainly, proved, the 120111i
nation for Congress'should, in the future, go to
the other counties of the District; in rotation.
If Mr. Laporte had been elected, according to
ordinary-party usages lie :would. have been en
titled by courtesy, to a second term. -As long
as Mr. Overton so ardently .- desired: the office
forlimself, it was only Sharp practice (though
whether strictly- honorable or not, let all honest
Repuliicans_liay at the polls on 'TueF-day next,)
to secretly work'to defeat Mr. Laporte. Doubt
less it would hiive been more,polikje - had Over
ton's friends concealed their exultation at the
success of the plot: ' . •
In the Judgment of an unscrupulous Rang,
Mu.. PowELL's election was a sufficient excuse
for breaking the pledges they had made at
Tunkbannock. Overton was again thrust Air
ward as a candidate for Congressional honors,
by his friend Elsbree, in opposition to - the
plainly expressed wishes ot the majority of the
people ot the whole diStrict. Why else. was it
necessary to pay $1,500 to Mr. Jadwin of
Wayne county, to induce him to "step down
and out ?" Why else were the claims of Sus
quehanna and Wyoming ignored, and their
respective delegates tauntingly assured that, in
two years from that time, they would not be
noticed at all ? Let the people of the XV Dis
trict say whether their most sacred trust, the
office of Representative, shall thus lie made a
matter of bargain . and Let them, irrea
pective of party, show their indignation at such
corrupt traffic by going to the polls. on Nov.
7th, and voting, for "HONEST JOE POWELL."
The undersigned will offer for sale at public vendue,
In Forest Lake Township, on
Thursday, Nov. 2d, 1976,
at 10 o'clock a. m., the following property.:
25 tons of hay, 250 bushels of corn in the ear, 140 bush
els of oats, s quantity of buckwheat, bushels
of timothy seed. quantity of potatoes,
lot of oat straw and corn stalks,
I horse, 1 cow, lumber
, • wagon, buggy.set
bobs. set
double •
1 harness, 2 sets • •
' Whillietrees. neckyoke,
a full line of farming utensils, a '
lot of household furniture. and numer
t. • ous art cies not mentioned.
TERMS—AII snmsnender $5 cash j, $5 and over, sit
months' credit With interest and appved security..
rir):10 goods to be removed unt il ettled , for.
Oct. 11, 1876.
In Piess—Outfits Reatly--4he •
Described and Must ted.
wonderful exhibits, curiosities, gre t days, &c. Pro
fusely illustrated, thoroughly popular{ and very cheap.—
Must sell immensely. 5 000 AGENTS WANTED .I--
Send for inn particulars. This wilt] be the chance of
100 years to coin money fast Get the only reliable his
tory. . 1
Hubbard Bros., Pubs., 733 Sansom pt., Phila.
CAUTION Be not deceived by premature books, as
suming - to be "official" and telling wat will happen in'
August and September .43
--' - -
A. signed having beim vpointed an auditor by the
Court of Common Pleag" . .of. Stiso l a Co.. to distribute
the funds in court aris.l,pe• from s ale of real estate of
Henry Manzer.will atteriti to the duties of bis appoint-
Mem at hie office in Montrose,. Monday. Nov. tith,at one
o'clock p. m • at which time and place all persons In
terested will present their claims or be forever debarr
ed tram coming in on - Bald !undo. ,
J. E. CARMALT, Auditor.
Oct. 11; 18?6.
- 42w4
anionAwroN, x. T..
The latest improved Caine and Catioste on hand.—
Hearse to order. Shroud', etc. IIPTi1;l9.
write issued by the Court of Common Pleas of
Stiequehanna County and to me directed.l wil' eose
to sale by public vendue, at • the Court Rouse in Mont
rose, on
Friday, November i•, A. D.,,11.11711,
at 1 o'clock p. in., the following pieces or parcels of
land, to wit :
All that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate, lying and being in the township of Jackson. Sus
quehanna. county. Penssylvaniclounded and describ
ed ao follows to wit : Beginning at a beech in line of
land surveyed to Borne L. Potter, then(e east 95
perches to road; thence north 2 rode, thence west 15
rods. thence earth 113 rods, thence west Ell) rods thence
south 10 rods to the place of beginning, containing
58 acres and 92 rods of land more or lees. It being the
same piece of land conveyed by Wm. W. Cobb and
Mary M., his wife to James R. Truesdell.'Nov. 187i 1 ,
and recorded in deed book N 0.43. page CIR. Ste. About .
50 acres improved with the appurtenauces. [Seized
and taken in execution at the suit of WM. L. Chandler
vs Thomas Ba I.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or plot of land situate
in Auburn Township, Susquehanna county, Pennsylva
nia. ana described as follows : On the north by , land
of Wm. Green. on the west by :land of A. Waltman, on
the south by land of Ziba Laftance, audfon the east by
land of Nathan Green and land of Samuel Tewksbury,
Containing 118 acres. about 80 acres improved, with the
appurtenances 1 frame house, I frame barn and shed
and 2 orchards. [Seized and taken in execution at the
suit of 0. IC. Pickett assigned •to A. IL McCollum vs .
John Manumit z.
ALSO—AII that certain plot of land sitnate in tae
township, of Liberty, Susquehanna County, Penn/11-
'Bl4la, Bounded and described as follows to wit : On
the north by lands of A lan son Chalker. on the east by
lanes of "Platts lot" as it has been called, on the south
by land of P. P. Butts. and on the west by land form
erly owned by Katurah:Butts, costaining2s acres more
or less. For a more particular description reference
may be had to deed by Alanson Chalker and wife to
Daniel J. Murphy' recorded in the proper office in deed
book No .33, page 830 ttc. [Seized and taken in execu
tion at the suit of James' Murphy assigned to D. D.
Searle vs D. J. Murphy.
ALSO—AII that certain-piece or parcel of land situate
in Great Bend, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania,
Bounded on the north by lands of Dußois, on the
east by lands of 'Henry Warner, on the south by public
road. and on the west by lands of Dußois. con.:
taining about 1 acre with the appurtenances, 1 frame
house, 1 lrame.barn, and fruit trees. [Seized and taken
in execution at the suit of James . Bnlcereary use of
N. S. Lenheim. vs Thomas D. Corby.
ALSO--All that certain piece or parcel of land, situ
ate, and being in the township of Lenox, Susque
hanna county,Pennsylvanta, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake aad stones on
the west side of broikk in Fine of land sold to Allen W.
McDaniel. thence along Said line north 5.9 and one half
degrees east 146 perches to a stake and atones in line
of land solo to Merrit Carpecter. thence north .?; of a
degrep east 92 and eight tenths, perches to a stake and
stones corner of Thomas Payne's land, thence along
said Payne's line, youth 89 degrees east 157 and four
tenth perches to a stake and stones, thence south 16 de
grees west 56 perches to a stake and stones, thence
south 10 degrees east 48 perches to a stake and stones,
thence south' 22 degrees west 62 perches to the place of
beginning. containing 118 acres and 151 perches Oland
be the same more or less with the appurtenances, 1
frame 'dwelling linnet, frame !.barn and other out build
ings, an orchard, and other fruit trees. jSeized ' and
taken in execution at the suit of W. H. Osterhoat as;
signed to Grow Brother .assigned to P. N. Boyle vs
',pike Harding.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate, lying; and being in the Township of. ',knock, Sus
quehanna county, Pennsylvania, hounded and describ
ed as follow's, to wit : On the north by lands of Jonas
A, Gray, on the east by lands of Jonas A. Gray and Geo
Gates, on the south by highway and by loads of A. Bur
dick, on the `,west by lands ot , George Fowler and H. G.
Baker. containing 50 acre., more or less, with the ap
purtenances', two frame dwellings atd,one frame barn.
[Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jonas A.
Grey vs S, P. Gray.)
ALSO—AII that certain piece or plot of land situate,
lying, and being in Lenox township, County of Susque
hanna, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north
east and south by lands of James Conrad and. on the
west by public road lending from Tunkhannock creek
to Clifford. containing 3( of an acre, with th- appurte
nances, Iframe house and all improved. heized and
taken in execution at the suit of Joel Denny and James
Faller vs David Strong and R. Noise
ALSO-All that certain piece or parcel of land situate
In the Township of Oakland, Susquehanna Cotnty,
Pennsylvania,bounded and described as follows, to wit:
On the south by State Street, on the west by lot of W.
T. Morley, on the north by rands of Wm. M. Poet and,
on the east by lot of Charles Ogden being 60 feet on the
said State Street, and extending northward the same
width 120 feet more or less with the appurtenances, 1
frame dwelling house and all imotovetL [Seized Find
taken in execution at the suit of The Mutual Building
Loan and Saying Association of Susquehanna Depotys
A. N. Ogden:
ALSO—AII that certain piece or plot or lanctsitttate
in the Borough of Susquehanna Depot, 'Susquehanna
county, Pennsylvania. bounded on the north by lands
of. Washington Sheet, east by lands of F Barris, on
the south by Laurel street, and on the west by land of
John Mai - entry, with the appurtenances, 1 two story
dwellieg,house, and all improved. [Seized and taken
in execution at the snit of ihe Mutual. Building Loam
and Saving Association of Susquehanna Depot as J. N.
Seddon and James Seddon.
ALSOr-All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the Borough of Susquehanna Depot, Sus
quehanna counts. Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to wit : Beginning at the south tomer of
Presbyterian church lot. thence along the said church
lot north 35 degrees and 30 minutes west 8 - perches to a
corner in the east line of A. J. Seymour's lot, thence
south 311 minutes west along Seymour and Gaylord Cur
tis's lot 9 perches and 3X links to the northwest corner
of the Cole Lot, thence along the same south 39 degrees
30 minutes east 4 perc hes and 5 links to the line of
Barnes's lot, thence along the same north 85 degrees 30
minutes west one perch and 26X links and - north 54 de
grees and 30 minutes east, one perch and 26 linke to
the place of beginning, containing 25X perches of land
be the same more or less. excepting and reserving al
ways a small piece on the north corner heretofore deed
ed to A. J. Seymour, with -the appurtenances, 1 frame
dwelling house. and all improved [Seized and taken
in execution at the suit of C. B. Taylor administrator
of David Taylor dec'd, vs Jonathan A. Foot.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land, situ
ate in M iedletown, Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania.
bounded on the north by bends of Michael Shaffer. on
the east by lands of Putlick McCormick and Dana:
Coleman, on the south by land of Dana Coleman, end
on the west by lands id Dana Coleman and George
w Ole, containing 226 ,acres, about 100 acres improved
with the appurtenances. 1 frame house, 2 frame barns
at dan orchard. LSei zed and taken in etention at the
suituf D. G. Bail y & Brother assigned to D, G. Bailey
vs John Bigiand.
ALSO—AR those two certain tracts or parcels of land
situate in Oakland, Susquehanna County, Pennsylva
nia. The first piece is bounded on the north by laud
of Reuben Payne. on the east by land of Hein). Salver,
on the south by lands of Wens & Christy and David
Taylor, and on the west by land now qr late of the es
tate of David' Messereaux dec'd, containing about 900
acres. be, the same more or. less...-2d. Also, slot of
land adjoining the above mentioned tract, described as
folloWs. to wit: Beginning at a corner of a 540 acre
tract Bold by Caleb Carmalt to Selah Payne, mining
thence north les perches to a stake, thence west 92 7-1
perches to a etske, thence south 101 X perchei to a'slake
thence east -93 110 perehes to the pi ace of beginning.
containing 61 acres more or lea and the whole being
the lot of land which D. R. Squires by: article of agree
ment bearing date the 19th of November, 1870, eon.
tracted to eell to Moses Cooper. [Seized and taken in
execution at the suit of A. W. Tyler and A. 3, Lyon vs
Moses Coqper. •
ALSO—AII that piece or parcel of land situate in the
Township of Great Bend; Susquehanna county, de
ecribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a north west
corner of a- lot of land granted to William Skinner in
the lineir Robert Ogden's land, thence by said Ogden
lot, sout 56 degrees west. 100 perehes to a hemlock a
corner o Mayn's. land, thence south 85 degrees
east r 76 perches by land of William Dayton and others
to a corner, thence by the lame north 55 degrees east
100 perches to' the corner of said William Skinner's
land and thenee by said William Skitiner's hind north
35 degrees west 100 perches to the place of beginning,
containing 105 acres, more or less, excepting therefrom
always. nevertheless. about/85 acres heretafore sold by
order of Orphans' Court, and purchised by T. , D. Beta
brook, whose deed is recorded in theproper ()Mee in
said county , In deed book No. 53. page 168 &c, with the
appurtenances. 2 dwelling houses. 2 barn,* 1 small or
chard, and mostly improved. [Seized and. 'taken in ex
ecution at he suit of T. D. Retabrook vs Kezta Wor•
den administratrix.of James Worden dee'd.
ALSO—AIi •those two certain' pieces of land situate
lti Bridgewater. Susquehanna county. Pennsylvania,
bounden and described as follows. to wit: Beginning
In the center of the road leadingfrom Montrose to NeW
the not Unrest corner of Joseph Lewis now H.
S. Lewis's land. thence south 27 5-10 perches to stake
and stones, thence west 23 perches to stake and stOuea
Corner. thence in a north easterly direction to the said
road n perches from the pi ice of beginntng and thence
along said road east 37 perches to the place of begin
ning, containing 15 acres mo-e or less.... The second
piece is descrihed as. follows, to wit: Beginning at a
post at the south east corner of above described land
the lineLwie's lanct, then along the line of
the same south 20 e perctseb to a p os t ,
thence by !und of
Simeon Lewis, welst 17 perches to a corner, thence
north 20 &glees west 21 perches to a corner of the first
above detsei i bed land and east 24 perches to the corner,
the place of beginning, containing 2 acres and 90 perch•
ea, snblect to the encroachment of the water at the
present height frame dwelling
house,, with the and
.1 frame baru and
fruit trees. ISeized and taken in execution, at the suit
of E. C.Voot, use of. Daniel Brewstor assigned to S. A.
Pettis v 8 Alonzo Williams.
ALSO—AII that certain piece of land !situate and,,ly
lug in the Dorongh of Susquehanna Depot, dusonehan" I
as County, Pennsylvania, known and described as Vik
tags Lot No. 10. lying east of Drinker Creek, as laid
down on a In tp of * part Of said Village. MI rurreyed by
Wm. Wants, tot the late New York & Brie Thslirosd
~~~., ,
Company - and re-surreyed hy Timothy . Boyle except.
big therefrom a three corns ved piece of said lot hereto
fore deeded to Daniel Maltase Jr., it beim the same
lot conveyed by Job Mallpaee to George C. Sherman by
deed the nth of May, 18q1. with the appurtenauces,l
frame dwelling house and all_ imroved.: [Seized and
taken in execution at the sui*of the M .B. L. and Say.
be Anse.iation of Susquehanna Depot n S. 11. Sher
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Great' Bead Borough Vilbige, Susquehanna Cone.
ty, Pennsylvania. bounded on the north by a public
cemetery, on the east oy land of W. W. Simrell. on tie
south by Franklin street. and on the west by Pine
street, containing 180 i by 185 feet, with the appnrte
nances 1 frame dwelling house and all improved.,
Seized and taken la execution at the suit of W. W.
Simrell Use fJ. 11 DasenburY vs Julia A. naywocd.
N. 11.—A1 bids and costa must be arranged or paid on
the day of s le.
Virlit. WHITE, Sheri ff .
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Oct.lB, 1876.
To their now and cowituodiono Bank Building ea
— Public Avenue.
New York, First National Bank • Philadelphia, Phil&
dolphin National'Bank,
N. L. LENEIEIM, L'Asnran.
Montrose, March 25.481%.
R •
tice is hereby given to all 'petions concerned la
the following estates, to wit :
Estate of Robert M'cLormick. late of Ididdletown.dec'd
Patrick McCormick and James Purley, executors.
Eto ate of James- Bartley. late of tenor, • dec'd, James
P. Bartley, adminiatrator, D. B. N. •
, Estate of Aneon W. Pickett, late of Rush, dec'd, Sarah
Pickett and David D. Benrett adm'a.
That the accountants have settled, their accounts in
the Register's Office in and for the County of Susque
hanna, aud that the same will be presented to the
Judges.of the Orphans' Court on Thursday, the 230:1 day
of November,lB76, for confirmation and allowance.
P. BEARDSLEY, Register.
Register's Office, Montrose, Oct. 18, 1876.
- Fannie V. Simpson by her next friend Chae.N. Wart.
er, vs. Wm B. Simpson. In Court of Common Pleas of
Susquehanna County. No. 117, April, Term, 1576,
.To . Wat. B. Simpson,: Whereat a Subpoena in Di
vorce was issued to Mall Ttrm, which was du
ly returned 11611 ineinlus and thereon an slim tub
prena was Issued returnable to August Term,lB76,upon
the return of which proof was made that the said WA.
B. Simpson-could not be found in my hailwick.
This notice, therefore, is to require you to appear
before our Judges of the said Court on the second
Monday of November next to answer said complaint.
Wk. WHITE, Sheriff.
liontrcso, Oet. 111. 1878 - . •
Charles H. Stringham vs. Rosetta A. Stringham,—
In the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna Coun
ty. No. 195, April Term, 1876.
To Rosetta A. Stringham : Whereas a Subpcena in
Divorce was tssuea to April Term.lB76. which wee du
ly returned non eet invinitue. and thereon an alias ash
pceria was issued in said case. rettirnable to August
Term, 1876. upon the return of which, proot was .made
that the said Rosetta A, Stringham could not be found
in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to reunite you to appear be
fore the Judges of the laid Court, on the secourl Mon
day. of November next, to inswersmid complaint, &c.
WM. WHITE, Sheriff.
Montrose, Oct. 18, 1876.
Anna Haviland by her next. friend, James Thomas,
vs. Charles ilaviland. In the Court of Common Pleas
of Susquehanna County, No. 196, Apri Term. 1976.
To. Charles Haviland : Whereas a Subpoena in Di.
vorce was issued to August Term. 1876, which Was du
ly retutned non of invenfus. and thereon an alias sub
poena was issued In said case, returnable to November
Term, 1576, upon the return of which, proof was made
that the said Charles llaviland could not be found in
my bailiwick.
This notice therefore is to require you to appear be
lore the J Judges of said Court. on the second Monday of
November next, to answer said complaint. &c.
WM. 'WHITE, Sheriff.
Montrose Oct. 13,1876.
(Anna A. Grove, by her next friend. B. Beebe. vs,
Millard Grove.. In the Court of Common Pleas of Sus
qnebanna County. No. 465, .April Term 0876.
To Millard Grove : Whereas a.Subpcena in Divorce
was issued to ,April Term, 1876. which was duly re
turned non sat inunfus, and thereon an alias subpcena
was issued in said case, returnable to November Term
1876, upon the return of which proof was made that the
said Millard Grove could not be found in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear be
fore the Judges of the said .Court, on the second Mon ,
day of November next. to answer said complaint, ac.
WM;WHITE, Sheriff. ,
Montrose. Oct, 18.1876.
Grovenor Youngu vs.. Jutia Whittnarsh Young In
the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna Countf.
No. 472. April Term, 1876.
To Julim IVhitmarth Young • Whereas a Subpivna
in Divorce was issued ,to Aprl2 Term.lB76, which me
duly returned nen eat Inventus, and thereon an alias sub
pcena was issued in said case, returnable to August •
Term. 1876, upon the return of which proof was made
that the said Julia Whltmarsh Young could not bp,
found in my bailiwick.
This notice therefore is to require you to appear be
fore the Judges of the said Court, on the, second Mon
day of November next, to answer said complaint, itc.
WHITE, Sheriff.
Montrose, Oct.; 18, 1876.
Mae SOlita and —Racks leave this Route daily con-
Destiny vrich tin iliontrooo Railway, ttie Lehigh Valley
Railroad and the D. L, & W. Railroad
April I Ind, I
P A. HOP,N IwS & SONS, PRonni.7.o
no. 41 Vourt StreOt, 24 Floor, ifingtutmton,'N. Y.
Binamite*, Xay U. 18111.-140.
CP.!' ZWZDZl.traillio.
Transacts the business of
And °tura.