Joseph Powell. _AN .4tPiEA.iIT9 THE _FARMERS, MECHANICS, LABORERS, AND USINESS MEN. OF THE IVTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. We 'wish to make no appeal to partizan prejudice or passion. We Would simply invite the laboring people,fariners, me- , ebanies, laboreri_and business men, who make up the great Mass :if voters in this county—yes, this coun try—to take a calm and dispassionate view of the situation, at thisi present_ time, irrespec tive of party bias. tet us; candidly \ aik ourselves who! can . best represent our in terests in . Congress. I . • Many of you are . practical:farmers. If you were taken sick, or obliged to leaVe borne, just when the plowing, needed to be done, or the crops harvested, ;vould you hire a laborer ol take-your place on t ip the : farm who did • of know i plough from a pruning -hook, and could not tfll one kind of grain from another ? Would it be auy repommendation to you 'that he could mount the first stump and , talk beautifully of the "tiObility of 14bor ?" Many of you are skillful mechanics. WOuld you send a workman to select the Materials for . a building who p did not know an oak from - a pine, or - a basswood from a blabk walnut,? Would. you trust him any the sooner beeauselie was• in the habit of climbing dry goods boies, and .delivering long\ winded harangues upon the prosperity the laboring classes ? • . Many or you are _engaged in various kinds of business operations, - ;' reqiiiring experience' and judgement to itonduct your. affairs .successfully. Would you confide your most important interestit to one who had piactical knowledge of the specialties of YOur calling ? • Would`, it enhance hi,s merits in Aie slightest, de-, gree because he could orafe fluently upon questions of finance ? • • •Voters of the XV District, 'whether farmers or, busines's men, :we ask you to exercise the wile practical good ' the pens, in l'o#mber, as you do in the , daily' avocations': pf life: The . question before you is one of the, gravest import. Can any flaunting campaign. falsehoods blind . you to the fact I that your i most vi tal interests are at iltake ? Fellow workmen, remember ,that Jos. eph Powell was not reared in luxury. His early life. nig devoted to the labors of the farm upon Which he was born. Since then he has been engaged in mer cantile and tither business phisuits.\ He is one of • yog .clasz, and Ikvows your wants, through! 'a long and practical ex perience. He has La a dollar in the world that has not been eared. by hon est and unremitting industry; you re spect him because instead of , hoarding wealth wrung froth the poor'by extortion and usury, he has l proved - .himself your generous and 1 : 191pful friend. Did the story of your needs eve]. meet from him a cold indifference r brutal.contempt ? Ask your elyes whether you, need as a Representative in Congress, a .capable, loyal and efficient worker \ or a glib 7 tongued talker. Mr. Powell is not a pub= lie sp aker. The unassuming modesty of his characte4 is only, equaled by its sterling merits, Jeffersou• never. Made a speech in his life.' Kossuth was gifted with marvelous powers of oratory.-r- Which did the most fOr hisl country ? We leave you to' draw' your own itifer .., ences. We wish to make no unfavorable corn ,parisons. NYe only ask you to consider this question fairly add deliberately.— Which of the two 4ndidates is,tnnst like ly to serveyou faithfully .and efficiently, the one whose' nterests now Pare, and al . ways have been identified with yours ; or the one who.both Ityy precept and practice is placed in aired antagonism with the laboring classes ? Can you doubt the man who has had th,f, courage and inde penthnce to work and vote , for your in terests.;:and whose stainle;l4 integiity of character not the 'vilest jartiian dem ' gigue dare openly to 'question. can you fully trust the agent of th , Towanda Ring, who will be compelled , t o serve the selfish purposes of i the men who s made him a candidate, hOvever much the4U terests of the people! may suffer Choose whether yon , 's'ill - re-elect: your !rue and r 4ried. filerid, whose honesfyi and fidflty - in:your service have : been proven by a life Spent ,in, working _with,,and'for you, or .whether you.: will .elea.aa Ll4e real representatiVe of your :interesta, one 4 ta wiw by birth, habits , profenif" Can have no understand( ' i . of,' . or -01401.41 With; the wants of th e people of this d(s• &W. THE EXTRA PAY OUTRAGE. The Court House Ring Republicans are,.aa might be expected, filled with die our.exposure of their responsibil ity for the Extra Puy Bill, whereby an extra' burden of thousands, of dollars will be placed on the backs of the tax payers of this County. 1. That the bill to 'increase the. pay of County Commissioners, while building a new Court House, was READ IN PLACE by Senator Watson of this' die. trict., • 2. That Senator WATSON RE- PORTED THE BILL FROM THE MIIMIT.TEE, on the 'first; day of March 1816: 3. That the bill came up .for final paimagein the Senate on the 16th day of March following, when the,' followt ng proceedingq_: were had. (See page 1124 'f the Legi!dative Record): "roil 'or COMMISSIONERS. "Afire4tbty to order, the Senate pro ceeded to the third reading and consider ation of Senate Bill, No. 198, entitled , ‘An'act to further regulate tne pay. of County Commiseionere. - "Said bill was read at length the third time. ; . . . "On the question. "Will the senate agree,tO the bill ? "Mr. Watson —Mr. .President, I don't wish tohtake up a moment's time about this bill, but, if there .is to be' any-tnis 7 understanding about it that it is . to in Crease the. pay of Commissioners where they are already paid, a certain rate per `dAY , foi all their . services, I would like •to Say some4hing about it. I 'don't wish any misunderstanding. There are cer tain counties. whe're they are allowed three dollars peg day for a certain num ber of days and 'one dollar and fifty cents after that. NOw-, IT OCCURS THAT 'ONE .COUNTY IN. MY • DISTRICT where their salary regulated in this' way that ' THEY DESIRE. • VERY MUCH . TO . BUILD COUNTY BUILD INGS, and ter do that the Commissioners MUST be allowed to =draw pay for•that time. This bill does not interfere with, Any of, the regutatedsalaries of the Coin monwealth with regard to County Com . missioners. "The bill passed fivally. As there are only two counties in Sen ator Watsou's district—Wayne-and Sus! qtiehanna=-.and the 'Jail Ring of ',,the latter, \ .had already misappropriated about $90,000 of mohey extorted froth the tax payers,to put up their new county build ings, we presume there will be no. longer any denial of the. fact that . our Republi- - can -Senator had his mind's eye on the new Court libuse. of Wayne county 'when urging the pas Sage of the aboie.act. * This is a question which cannot. be shirked. ` . One of two things is sure. Ei ther Senator. Watson introduced and pro curedthe passage of an act taking thou sands of dollars from the pockets of our taxpayers without consultation with them as to whether it was or' was not wanted ; mile took the 'course her did upon the stlioitatlon . of certain .citizens of Wayne county. Tne first propOsition iS "so that - it is 'needless tq dwell upon it. It may 'be regarded, - as absolutely certain then, that some one in this county drew up the bill in questiou, forwarded it to Mr. Watson, assured him 'that its passage was necessary to the new Court. House project, and urged him to bring it to a final vote at the earliest possible date ? What we want to know, Mr. Watson, is- this: Was' that active. officious personage iiny other than George G. Wal ler, who is now sacking to , be your suc cessor as Senator from this district ? 'Was loot the Extra Pay Bill drawn up in his office, either by himself or one of his l +esti-partners ? Did not. George C. Wal-. ler write you while the bill was pending urging you to hasten its •passage ? Did any Democrat in Wayne or write you in relation to the bill, or petition for its passage ? These are plain questions, Mr. Watson, and questions to which your constituency in Wayne county are entitled to plain an sWers. 'Let us hear from you.-- Warge County -Herald. s PHOICE • FRUITS AND VEGETA BLES. A.T I • THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION, • . Such as • • PEACHES, ORANGES, !LEMONS, ..PEARS, PINE APPLES, PLUMS, QUINCES, ONIONS, TOMA- - TOES, APPLES, CAB BAGES, BANANA'S, - • CANTELOPES, GRAPES,' SYVEET POTATOES ; WHORTLE • BERRIES, &e., all at bottom prices, by • A. N. BULLARD. ' Voitrose, Aug. 16, 1876. YEW LOT Or CALLING CARDS, AT THIS onnom THE DEMOCRAT, NOV. 1, 1876. KIDNEY COMPLAINT. Probably there is no complaint that afficts the human system. which is so little understood at the present time, as some of the varied forms of Kidney Com plaints. There is no disease which- causes inch acute pain or more alarming in its results than when the kidneys' fail to secrete from the blood , the uric acid, and other pois onous substances, which the blood accumulates in its circulation through the system. Iffrom any cause the kidneys fail to perform the functions devolving upon them, the accumulations are taken up by the absorbents and the whoie system thrown into iS state of disease, causing great pain and suffering, and very Often immediate death. Hence the importance of keeping the kidneys and blood in a healthy condition, through which all the Impurities of the blood must pass. There is no remedy known to Medical Science which has proved itself more valuable in cases of Kidney Complaints than the Vegetine. It acts directly upon he secretions, cleanses and purifies the blood, and re stores the whole system to healthy action. The following extraordinary cure of great sufferers, who had been given up by the best physicians as hope less cases will speak for themselves, and should chal lenge the most profound attention of the'medical fac ulty, as well as of those who are suffering from Kidney Complaint. East Marshfield, Aug, 22,1870. Mr. Stevens:'.Dear sir—l am seventy-one yeara of age : have suffered many years with kidney complaint, weakness in my back and stomach, I was induced by frier.ds to try your Vegetine, and 1 think it the best medicine for weakness of the kidneys I ever n aed. I have tried manyremec.ies for this complaint, and never found so much relief as from the Vegetine. It strength ens and ir.vigorates the whole system. Many of my sew quaintances have taken it, and I believe it to be good for all the complaints for whicUit is recommended. Yours truly, JOSIAH H. SHERMAN. PRONOUNCED INCURABLE, Boston, May 80,1871. H. R, Stevens, esq.-: Dear Sir—l have been badly af flicted with Kidney Complaint for ten years; have suf fered great pain in my back, hips and side, with great difficulty in passing urine, which was often, and in very small quantities, frequently accompanied with blood and , exerutiating pain. I have faithfully tried most, of the popular remedies recommended for my complaint : I have been under the treatment of some of the most. skillful physicians in 80-ton, all of whom pronounced my case incurable.— This was my condition when I was advised by a friend to try Vegetine. and I coula see the good effects from the first close I took, and from that moment I kept on improving until I was entire y cared, taking in all, I should think, aliout six bottles. It is indeed Avalna ble medicine and it I should be afflicted again , in the same way, I would give a dollar a dose, if I could not ,get, it without. Respectfully, • NEARLY BLIND. 4 H. R. Stevens : Dear Sir—ln expressing my thanks to you for benefit de ived from the use of Vegetine,and to benefit fathers, I will s.tite— When eight or ulna years' old I was afflicted with Scrofula, which made its appearance in my eyes,face and head,and I was very near blind for two years. All kinds of operations were performed on my eyes, and all to no good result. "Finally the disease principally settled in my body, limbs and feet, and at times in an aggravated way. Last Summer. I was from some cause :weak in my spine and kidneys, and it was - at times.sery hard to re tain the urine. Seeing your advertisement in-the Corn mercial, I bought a bottle of Vegetine, and commenced usii g according' to directions. In two or three days I obtained great relief.. After using four or five bottles I noticed it had a wonderful effect on the rough, scaly blotches on my body a d legs.. I still used- Vegetine and the humorous , sores one after another disappeared until- they were all gone, and "attribute the cure of the. two diseasts to Vegetine and nibthing else. If I am ever affected with any thing cf the kind again I shall try Vegetine as the only reliable remedy. Once more accept my thanks, and believe me to be, Very respectfully, AUSTIN PARROTT. Dec. 1, 1872. - No. 35 Gano St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Disca . ses of the Kidneys, Bladder, &c., are always unpleasant, and at times they become the most dis tressing and dangerous diseases that can affect the ha man stern. Most diseases of the I idneys arise from Impurities in the bloodeauslug humors which settle on these parts. Vegetine excels any known. remedy in the whole world for el eansing and purifying the blood, thereby causing, a heaithy action to all the organs of.tho body. • 45. VEG ETINE is sold :by. :all .Druggistsl A NEW STOCK OF. 4 03r0a1r..-ezwyry net received and for sale by . . . H. J. WEPA. Q TIPERFINE L. For eale by ALSO. ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, At the store of Fresh Ciliraiagems, For sale by Montrose. Anrill. 1875: J.H. Bemis . HG. BLANDING IJ. H. Cosrouo x Barnes; Blanding dig. Co., :Antal* and Otattite aforito, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, MANTLES/AC. IMPORTERS OF SCOTCHGRANITE, 26 Chenan go St., Near Depot, 8.1876. 131N611.1ATON. N. Y REMOVED A D ENLARGED. GROCERY STORE • • to the building tour doors above the Pint Nationa Rank, Public Avenue, (formerly occupied by B. P. Stamp,) where I have enlarged my htock of Groceries, Provisions, &c. tinvite competition both in quality and price. Please give me a call and be convinced that Ican do you good. Montrose, April M. 1876.--yi. -*-vir. CLARK. PRACTICAL - 11 A U. • CHINIST AND GIIN 'SIIIITII. • • Bas located on Public Avenue, (basement of EL C. Sayre's store building) where he is prepared to do all kinds of Gun Smithing, Sewing Machine repairing. Saw Filing. Lock repairing and alt light mechanical jobs on short notice, and on as. reasonable terms as can be done elsewhere. All work warranted. Order% by mail promptly attended to. Your patrena le is solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. 3. W. CLARK. Montrose. Aug. 0, 18/61f. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- In. the, estate of Thomas R. White; late of Auburn, Letters of Administration to the said estate having been granted to the undersigned.all persons ow ing said estate are requested to make immediate.. Pay ment, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them without delay. G. R. WHITE. Admiaiittstor. Owe. 04t: 4. 1.8T6., . JOB PRINTING I AT THIS OFFICE, CHEA PAIN 1N THE BACK. THE BEST MEDICINE: J. M. GiLE. 361 Third Street, South B,oe ton. FLOUR. (ESTABLIEWED IN 18400 ALSO. I have removed my ILf3ON J. TURRELL MARS 'THESE FACTS ! - Di. Testfmony of the Whole World. HOLLOWAY'SIF't ILLS. Extracts from Various ietters "I had no appetitegßollowara Pine cave me a hearty one." ' • "Tour Pills are marvellous." ' I "I send for another box. and keep them in the holm " "Dr.Holloway'has cured my headache that was chron ic." "I gave one of your Pills to in 3 babe for cholera mor bus. "he dear little thirg got well in a day." "My nausea of a morning is now cared." • "Your box of Holloway's Ointment cured me of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your Ointment behind' the earn and the noise has left." • • "Send me two boxes. I want one for a poor family." "I enclose a dollar; your price i 5,25 cts, but the med icine to me is worth a dollar." - "Send me live boxes of your Pills." "Let me have three boxes of your Pills by return - mail . for Chills and Fever." I have over 200 such testimonials as these, but want' of space compels me to conclude. For Cutaneoui Disordera, and all emotions of the skin, this ointment is most in valuable., It does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil. 33•DILlcrecraar•mos 3P1T...2.a1191 invariably cure the following diseases: • - Disorder of the Kianey& In a 1 diseases affecting these organs. whether they secrete too much or too little water; owhether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the regions of the kidneys, these Pills should be taken according to the printed di. sections. and the -Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. • For Stomachee out of Orier. No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity occasion ed either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach • the liver and 'reduce it to a healthy action ; they -are wonderfully efficacious in cases of tipagm--in fact they never fail in caring all disorders of the liver end stom ach. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are the best known in the World for the following diseases : Ague, Asthma. Bil ious Complaints, Blotches on the :Ain, Bowt.l9,Con gumption, Debility. Dropsy. Dysentery, Erysipelas, Fe male Irregularities,Fevers of all kinds,Fits, Gont,llead ache, Indogesiion, Inflammation, Jaundice. Liver Com plaints. Lumbago. Piles, Rheumstism, Detention of Urine, Scrofula or Ring's Rvii,Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Tic-Douloareaux.Tumors,Ulcers, Wormg of all kinds, Weakness from any cause, etc. - • _ IMPORTANT CAUTION. as are genuine unless the signature of .J.Haydock. as agent for the United States. surrounds! each box of 'Pills and Ointment. A handoeme reward will be given to any one rendering such Information as may lead to the detection of any part yor parties counterfeiting the medicines• or vending the same. knowing them to be sottrious., * *l3oldat the manufactory of Professor Holloway & Co., Neve York and by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cis, 62 eta, and $1 each. Or There is con:; siderable gazing by taking the larger sixes, , • N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in ev ery disorder are affixed to eac h - box. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO., Sole Agenta. Philadelphla,Pa. GOODS I GOODS W 332.6 X-Xist3rcleri. ENTIRE: NEW STOCK OF MENS BOYS' AND ,YOUTHS' CLOTHIN G, SUITS, 1115 BOYS' &TOMS' SSTO 10 DRY. GOODS 1 , - HATS &. CAPS, BOOTS SHOES,. YANKEE NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, R. J. WEBB H. ii. WEBB. Cheap for cash. No charges for showing our goods. WM. HAYDEN,. New Milford, Map Bd. 187(1.—tf. , • H. J. WEBB. FOR 1876. JOB PRINTING A, SPECIALTY. With our four presses, a large assortment of plain and fancy job type, borders, inks, papers, cards, etc., and experienced workmen, we are prepared to do AU Kinds of Job Work' at the LOWEbT PRICES. Promptly upon receipt of order, (by mail or otherwise& we can furnish - • - Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Note Heads, Box: Labels, Show Cards, Admission Tick ets, Ball Tickets, Law Blanks, Auction Bills,"Lazge Posters, Small Posters, Bottle Labels, Calling Cards, Address - Cards, Business Cards, Invitation Cards, Pamphlet.; Business . Circulars, Wrappers; Tags, Dancing Programmes., ' - etc., et,C. HAWLEY & ORUSER, • Democrat mice. Eke-just received an{` At prices to suit the hard times, Also a fine line of • -i-if:tfu pt.. • . ~- ...,,.. .4y ~..k...e,,,,. ; .5,,..) • . ~,!,,,,,..,_ -. .1 rt,), -1"" •. 4 1 a -", : '... . - h tij f i ria . SOAP .4,,,,,,,, 11. d• D N i I. Clftan:4inir. Pei4orititr. Pitinl4l int:Soothing.' a .Bratty and Puriffir.g. .?1 • it tottsioni thp eOarso:d.' skin remarkal•ly „t 4 pf.;ft mid healthful. It imparts aloptattrni •71 1ai.4.1)111..,..4 ter the *iiilt, mid forms alir ele'tic 1: a hiteotlei. it cures Lams. • scalds. chafing. . excoriathels, naighni;as, tan, sinibuni. fret*. I Ito, titpe spats, clmppedt Itands ' sores, ulcers. 1i1..t Aral. 14-tors on the ilivalsand feet. itch, 4roi;:litel:, itching beta ern the toes. itching f the. Im.dy, pile4 ' exkrias Also relieves the :telling and irritith..: of biting and stinging r-. ineyets. As it is especially' , adapted to the $ ' Toitrr, Nynscuir, and Baru 00011, you can 4 take a Salpht i tr Bath at pleasuie. For bath lug Children, it is unequalled. Ladies who .‘ use it in their Tofset would never do a ithout it: It neutralizes the odor of perspiration, and, as an 'external remedy, can scarcely be 3 used amiss.' Full tlirectioneaccompsuy each . ipackage. TUN IT. . Price 25 Cts.per Cake. $ eget for CO CU. i :117 mail 3 3 ets. .- By mail 73 Cu. - . ~- , MAIM 'DZPOT AT Pr. Van 133rice 9 s, 40111oe, Ba 1321 Green Bt., Philadelphia. Dolt by an Draingtax TISE NO OTHER. Itity 10. rMft3MrM!!SYH§SM N EW 1 0 1 RM,, NEW GOODS, NVx4: : - Y)a . ...., '.: 97FD, - & Co:, (Summon , to & POVIVIX,) DZSISRS IN Cook Stoves, Ranges, Host,- iing Stoves. ON TIME, Is the name of a new Cook Stove, Just out s _ containing a new principle in baking, and is destined to makers revolution in the construction of Cook Stoves. Voas in and,see it. THE ARGAND, Asa heating stove stands without a rival, in boas*, durability and economy: Come and satisfy yoari, and get names of parties now using them. TIN WARE. We take specit4 pleasure in offering to the Wholesale and Retail Trade, oar desirable supply of Tinware. We use none but the best , of charcoal plate*. OUR-WORkMEN ARIEXPERIENCED OUR STYLES ARE FAULTLESS! GOODS ARE WARRANTED! And we defy any to , proanee • better goods for lee money. • • LAMPS. A full fine of Lamps of beautiful design. Also Chin neys of every description. STONE WARE. Flower Jan, Banging Pots., Cbtutt Butter Jan, Preserve Jan, Jugs, Stove Tubes, ie. BUILDERS HARDWARE. Batts and Screws Locks and Snobs. Latches, Catches, Doors. Sash, Blinds. ;Glass. Building Paper, White Lead, Zinc. Oils. Varnishes. Paint Brushes, Spirits of Turpentine; Paint r f any shade desired. Ala* oaten for mixing paint. • • . A tall assortment at Philaiell,llla Carriage Bolts. and a full line of,lron A x!e' Bur Iron, Iforre Shoes, Nallo. Rods, tte. We purchase in Car-load lots, therefore can sell to tke trade In less quantities as cheap as any house in the city. WY. H. BOYD, H. , ,CORWIN,I J. It. COOLZY. Montrose. March 16, 1876. BILLINGS STROUD. PIRA LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE AGENT, 111Coz1tr01lse•s Capital Represented, $100,000,000! . ' FIRE Fire AsSociation of Phil., Capital t Adseta, , $ 000,000 Insurance Co. of N. A., Phil., , " , " 0,000,000 Pennsylvania Fire,. Phil., ' , " - 1,700,000 Ins. Co.of the State of Pennsyl- . vania, Phila. Pa. 64 , II 700,000 Lycoming of Manncy, Pa. , •' " 0,000,000 Lancaster, of Lancaster, • " • 6 400,001 Newton of Newton, . •46 ``• 1150,000 Home Ins. Co., N. Y., " ' " 1.000,000 National ', " " 4 44 460,000 Co omerclal Fire!" ' MI •li 400,001 Fairfield Fire Ina. Co. South - Norwalk, Conn: " " Atlas 6 64 41/1 Royal Canadian, of Montreal, . Canada, . .. ~ 1.100,009 Liverpool London 4 Globe, _ of Liverpool Eng., - " • 17,000,000 Providence Washington, of . Providence, 1?,. 1., " 600,000 Trade Ins. Co. Camden, N. J. " " MAO Patterson Fire Ins Co. Patter son, N. J. Conti. Mutual Life Tcs ' 'Assett s $40,000,000 Ameriein Life, PL.' a. `` 6 $5,000,001 Trimslertlns. Co., Bart., Capital and Surplus $8,000,001 Railway Passengers " 000400 Theandertignedhasbeen we.lknOWllln fo r thepast 20 years, as an Insurance gent. Losses sus tained by his Co moainies have ways been promptly paid. Eir "'Office upstairs, in buil g cast from Banking Office of Wm. IL Cooper &Co., Turnpike street. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CHARLES U. SMITH ' t offi ce ffie cat , ecs. AMOS NICHOLS. "" S. tANGDON, Solicitor. • Montrose. Jan. tt. 101. BUSINESS CHANGE., The Arm of R. Bacon & Co, basing been dimmed, I will continue the - - Confectionery Business, At the old stand.* lam prepared to (tarnish • • altkitide of Vit 41118 ' AIRS NUTS * At wholesale ind Retail Prices. FRES.II. SUPPLY; CANNED GOODS, LARGE-. ASSORTMENT OF TOYS. &C. 4C. Montrose;Xiy id, 181& AIMITOR'S NOTICE.—TicE UNDER signed' haling 'been appointedby.the Court o Common Floss i ot Susquehanna Count*, an. Additos to distributatharands remaining in *lw hands oUtt P Little, Assign's:4ot D. A. Titswortb. wilt attend to the duties of his app_oiatment at his once in the Borough. ofliontrose,on Wednesday the Bth d otlfovinstossa 1 o'cloticar. ra4 at which ti me and p lace all: persons interested; moil% present their claims or be forever do. barred from coming in on said fon& _ A. W. aiLIiTHOLIF l Anditot. Montrose, 001,11,18 TC art, NEW PRICES, BOLTS. NAILS. GENERAL LIFB. ACCIDENT. Constantly on hand. I C~ }~ .. ~yl , ~ li~l y~ f )~ i~' ~ 895 ,INS 500,009 340,000 BACON.